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IGCSE ICT Applications Past Paper Questions 2019

IGCSE Ch6 ICT Applications past
paper questions 2019
Computer science
19 pag.
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Q1. 0417-M 2019-Paper 1/2-Q10-ICT Applications
both are used for transactions.
- No physical cash in card so safer
- Faster reading with smart card
- More likely to have cash in pocket
- User may not know if card has balance or not.
- Card can be blocked if stolen.
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the microprocessor has a stored value
the values are compared when data is recieved
If reading is higher than value then it will proceed.
If reading is lower than value nothing will happen.
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Q2. 0417-M 2019-Paper 1/2-Q12-ICT Applications
-costs are reduce as there is only one
system needed to maintain
- less bugs as system has already been tested
- benefits are immediate
- If the system fails there is no backup
- Staff has to be trained
direct changeover:
data would be duplicated
the system would be fully implemented faster
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Q3. 0417-M 2019-Paper 1/2-Q15-ICT Applications
allows user to analyse data according to location
- works with GPS
- Can edit map data
- Combines maps graphics and database
Q4. 0417-S 2019-Paper 1/1-Q7-ICT Applications
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more portable
system may give other information
system can calculate accurute route
more up to date maps
Q5. 0417-S 2019-Paper 1/1-Q13-ICT Applications
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if number plate is dirty or damage, readings are not accurate
Q6. 0417-S 2019-Paper 1/1-Q14-ICT Applications
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Q7. 0417-S 2019-Paper 1/2-Q8-ICT Applications
banking can be made 24/7
less chance of getting robbed
reduces time travelling to bank
health risks with computers
user needs stable internet
easy to make errors
Q8. 0417-S 2019-Paper 1/2-Q9-ICT Applications
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Q9. 0417-S 2019-Paper 1/2-Q14-ICT Applications
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Q10. 0417-S 2019-Paper 1/3-Q8-ICT Applications
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system generates questions
inference engine compares data with data held in knowledge base
uses rules base
matches with symptoms found
system lists out possible diagnosis
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Q11. 0417-S 2019-Paper 1/3-Q9-ICT Applications
microprocessor has a stored preset value
microprocessor reads data from sensor
microprocessor compares readings with preset
if the data is a car, the barrier will open
if data shows no car, microprocessor sends signal to
actuator and lowers barrier.
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Q12. 0417-S 2019-Paper 1/3-Q14-ICT Applications
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Q13. 0417-W 2019-Paper 1/1-Q13-ICT Applications
robots can work 24/7
humans can do other tasks that requires more skill.
robots are more consistent
Q14. 0417-W 2019-Paper 1/1-Q15-ICT Applications
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Q15. 0417-W 2019-Paper 1/1-Q16-ICT Applications
they give more consistent answers
system doesn’t forget to answer question
reduces costs of needing to find expert
they give numbers of possibilities
expensive to maintain
system lacks common sense
system needs training
cost for training for operators.
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Q16. 0417-W 2019-Paper 1/3-Q9-ICT Applications
microprocessor has stored preset value
microprocessor takes data from sensor
the data is compared with preset value
if reading is lower than preset value, the oven is turned on
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Q17. 0417-W 2019-Paper 1/3-Q10-ICT Applications
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