(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS NAME : J.Poongodi COURSE HANDLING FACULTY DEGN. & DEPT. : AP & CSE COURSE TITLE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT COURSE CODE – (AU & NBA) BA4106 & C106 REGULATION R2021 BATCH & DEPARMENT 2023 – 2025 & MBA YEAR & SEM / SEC I/I/A ACADEMIC YEAR 2023-2024 Prepared By Verified By Approved By Course Handling Faculty Course Coordinator HOD RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS SYLLABUS BA4106 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT LTPC 3003 COURSE OBJECTIVE: To understand the importance of information in business To know about the recent information systems and technologies. UNIT I INTRODUCTION 9 Data, Information, Information System, evolution, types based on functions and hierarchy, Enterprise and functional information systems. UNIT II SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 10 System development methodologies, Systems Analysis and Design, Data flow Diagram (DFD), Decision table, Entity Relationship (ER), Object Oriented Analysis and Design(OOAD), UML diagram. UNIT III DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 8 DBMS – types and evolution, RDBMS, OODBMS, RODBMS, Data warehousing, Data Mart, Data mining. UNIT IV INTEGRATED SYSTEMS, SECURITY AND CONTROL 9 Knowledge based decision support systems, Integrating social media and mobile technologies in Information system, Security, IS Vulnerability, Disaster Management, Computer Crimes, Securing the Web. UNIT V NEW IT INITIATIVES 9 Introduction to Deep learning, Big data, Pervasive Computing, Cloud computing, Advancements in AI, IoT, Block chain, Crypto currency, Quantum computing TOTAL: 45 PERIODS COURSE OUTCOMES: CO1: Explain the fundamentals of enterprise and functional information systems CO2: Compare the processes of developing and implementing information systems CO3: Apply the knowledge of how various database management systems work together to accomplish the information objectives of an organization CO4: Describe the security issues of integrated systems used in business and its control CO5: Apply the latest developments of information technologies in the business REFERENCES : 1. Robert Schultheis and Mary Sumner, Management Information Systems – The Manager’ s View, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008. 2. Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P Laudon, Management Information Systems – Managing the Digital Firm, 15 th edition, 2018. RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 UNIT I - INTRODUCTION PART A 1. Define Management Information System. (April/May 2022) Def 1: Information system at the management level of an organization that serves the functions of planning, controlling, and decision making by providing routine summary and exception reports. Def 2: MIS provide information in the form of pre-specified reports and displays to support business decision making. Examples: sales analysis, production performance and cost trend reporting systems. Objectives: Routine information for routine decisions Operational efficiency Use transaction data as main input Databases integrate MIS in different functional areas. 2. Define Information System with an example. (April/May 2017) An information system (IS) is typically considered to be a set of interrelated elements or components that collect (input), manipulate (processes), and disseminate (output) data and information and provide a feedback mechanism to meet an objective. Examples of Information Systems Transaction Processing System. ... Management Information System. ... Customer Relationship Systems. 3. What are the roles of information system specialist? (April/May 2022) An Information Systems Specialist is responsible for supporting and developing the database system of an organization. They are responsible for designing and implementing information systems, developing prototypes, and maintaining hardware and software operations. 4. Differentiate Data and Information?(Nov/Dec 2022, Jan 2022) S.No DATA INFORMATION 1 2 3 4 5 5. Data is the raw facts Data is input Data is unorganized Data can’t add anything to knowledge Data doesn’t contain an element of surprise Information is the processed data Information is output information is organized Information enhances the knowledge Information contain an element of surprise What is DSS?(Nov/Dec 2022) DSS are interactive computer-based systems, which help decision makersutilize data and models to solve unstructured problems (Scott Morton, 1971). Decision support systems couple the intellectual resources of individuals with the capabilities of the computer to improve the quality of decisions. It isa computer-based support system for management decision makers who dealwith semi-structured problems (Keen and Scott Morton, 1978). RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 Decision support system (DSS) is an organized collection of people, procedures, software, databases, and devices working to support managerialdecision making. 6. How does functional information system assist in management decision making? (Jan 2022) With a functional management information system, managers can get the necessary data that will help them in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of an organization. This will consequently help to achieve a higher level of efficiency within the company. 7. What do you mean by internal information system?(April/May 2019) Thus, the internal information system will be the channel provided by companies and the public administration as the first level of management of alerts or communications. This system will be managed internally by the members of the organization or the management may be outsourced to a third party 8. What are the components and application of information technology management? (April/May 2019) The components of information technology management People, Hardware- Computer systems, Computer peripherals Software - System Software, Application, Software, Procedures Data, and Networks Application of information technology management Healthcare. With a simple definition, healthcare is a massive and complex industry. ... Education. ... Communications. ... Employment. ... Security. ... Governance. ... 9. What is GIS? (April/May 2022) A geographic information system (GIS), or geographical information system, is any system that captures, stores, analyzes, manages, and presents data that are linked to location. A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer-based tool for mapping and analyzing things that exist and events that happen on Earth. 10. List the components of GIS.(Nov/Dec 2016) A working GIS integrates five key components: hardware, software, data, people, and methods. Hardware is the computer on which a GIS operates. 11. Bring out various types of Information System. (Nov/Dec 2016) Transaction Processing System. Management Information System. Decision Support Systems. Expert System. Office Automation System. Knowledge Management Systems. 12. How do you differentiate between data, information and knowledge? (April/May 2015) Data are the raw alphanumeric values obtained through different acquisition methods. Data in their simplest RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 form consist of raw alphanumeric values. Information is created when data are processed, organized, or structured to provide context and meaning. Information is essentially processed data. Knowledge is what we know. Knowledge is unique to each individual and is the accumulation of past experience and insight that shapes the lens by which we interpret, and assign meaning to, information. For knowledge to result in action, an individual must have the authority and capacity to make and implement a decision. Knowledge (and authority) are needed to produce actionable information that can lead to impact. 13.What is the role of information system in an organization? Focuses on competitive priorities Support business processes and operations Provide access to information Enhance communication Provide decision assistance Supports strategies for competitive advantage. 14.Functions of System Analyst Identifying Problems, Opportunities, and Objectives. Determining Human Information Requirements. Analyzing System Needs. Designing the Recommended System. Developing and Documenting Software. Testing and Maintaining the System. Implementing and Evaluating the System. 15.Who is System Analyst? A systems analyst researches problems, plans solutions, recommends software and systems, at least at the functional level, and coordinates developmentto meet business or other requirements. The systems analysts are the liaisons between vendors and information technology professionals. They may be responsible for developing cost analysis,design considerations, staff impact amelioration, and implementation time-lines. 16. List out the different Activities of Information System a. Input of data resource b. Processing of data into information c. Output of information products d. Storage of data resource e. Control of system performance 17. Explain any two types of Information Formal Vs. Informal: Information generated through is known as formal information. For example, the financial reports, balance sheets, production plans etc. Similarly any information which not generated formally, like office gossip is informal information. Action vs. Non Action: Any information on receiving it if one has to take certain action is known as action information. For example, if one receives information that something is wrong in the production line then immediate action has to be taken to rectify the matter. RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 UNIT II - SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN PART A 1. List the various structured analysis tools.(April/May 2022)(or) Which tools are available for system study and analysis? (April/May 2019) Data Flow Diagrams. Data Dictionary. Decision Trees. Decision Tables. Structured English. Pseudocode. 2. State the uses of entity relationship diagrams. (April/May 2022) Database design: ER diagrams are used to model and design relational databases, in terms of logic and business rules (in a logical data model) and in terms of the specific technology to be implemented (in a physical data model.) 3. Write the significance of decision tree. (Nov/Dec 2022) Decision trees are extremely useful for data analytics and machine learning because they break down complex data into more manageable parts. They're often used in these fields for prediction analysis, data classification, and regression. 4. What is prototyping? (Nov/Dec 2022) A prototype is a draft version of a product that allows you to explore your ideas and show the intention behind a feature or the overall design concept to users before investing time and money into development. A prototype can be anything from paper drawings (low-fidelity) to something that allows click-through of a few pieces of content to a fully functioning site (high-fidelity). 5. Explain system analysis. (Jan 2022) It is a process of collecting and interpreting facts, identifying the problems, and decomposition of a system into its components. System analysis is conducted for the purpose of studying a system or its parts in order to identify its objectives. It is a problem solving technique that improves the system and ensures that all the components of the system work efficiently to accomplish their purpose. 6. Explain two applications of Data Flow Diagram. (Jan 2022) ata flow diagrams are most often used to visually represent data flow in a business information system. As shown in the data flow diagram example below, these diagrams illustrate how data is processed within a system using a set of inputs and outputs. 7. What is Data mapping? (April/May 2019) Data mapping is the process of connecting a data field from one source to a data field in another source. This reduces the potential for errors, helps standardize your data and makes it easier to understand your data. RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS 8. Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 Distinguish between decision table and data flow diagram. (April/May 2017) Parameters of Comparison DFD Flow Chart Definition Data Flow Graph stands for Data Flow Diagram. The major goal is to depict the processes as well as the data flow between them. A flowchart is a graphic that may be used to solve calculations. The basic goal is to depict the control flow in a program. Used It is employed in the creation of complicated frameworks. Complex frameworks are exempt from this rule. Representation Five symbols are used to symbolize it. Three symbols are used to symbolize it. Level It's a big picture view of the structure. It's a lower-level take on the framework. Primary Goal The key goal is to deal with the cycles and information flow that exist between them. The main purpose is to solve the program's regulated procedure. 9. What is context diagram? Given an example. (April/May 2017) Context Diagram is the highest level DFD.It defines the boundaries of a system by showing a single major process and the data inputs and output & entities involved. A common way to begin is to model the whole system by one process. The DFD that is involved in this is known as the Context Diagram. RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 10. Categorize the classification of UML diagrams used in system design. (Nov/Dec 2016) The UML diagrams are categorized into structural diagrams, behavioral diagrams, 11. List the symbols used to represent entity and relationship in DFD. (Nov/Dec 2016) Symbols used in DFD are: rectangles (represent the data entity), circles (represent the process), arrows (represent the flow of data), ovals or parallel lines (represent data storing). 12. What is an UML Diagram? (April/May 2015) UML, which stands for Unified Modeling Language, is a way to visually represent the architecture, design, and implementation of complex software systems. When you’re writing code, there are thousands of lines in an application, and it’s difficult to keep track of the relationships and hierarchies within a software system. UML diagrams divide that software system into components and subcomponents 13. What is SDLC-System Development Life Cycle? The Systems development life cycle (SDLC), or Software developmentprocess : ⚫ It is a process of creating or altering information systems. ⚫ It involves models and methodologies that people use to develop thesesystems. ⚫ In software engineering the SDLC concept underpins many kinds of software development methodologies. These methodologies form the framework for planning and controlling the creation of an information system: the software development process. "The Systems Development LifeCycle" is the waterfall model: a sequence of stages in which the output of each stage becomes the input for the next. Initiation System Development Concept Planning Requirement analysis Design RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 Development Integration &Test Implementation Operations &maintenance Disposition. 14.What are the advantages of SDLC? Focus on tradeoffs Focus on goals Controls: milestones, checklist, accountability Tools, models, CASE Hierarchical decomposition Designed for user & manager involvement 15. Depict waterfall diagram. 16. Write any two merits and demerits of waterfall model Merits Simple and easy to use. Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model – each phase has specific deliverables and a review process. Demerits Adjusting scope during the life cycle can kill a project No working software is produced until late during the life cycle. 17. What are the merits and demerits of incremental model? Merits Generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle. More flexible – less costly to change scope and requirements. Easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration. Demerits Each phase of an iteration is rigid and do not overlap each other. Problems may arise pertaining to system architecture because not all requirements are gathered up front for the entire software life cycle. RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 UNIT III - DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS PART A 1. What are the elements of database? (April/May 2022) The following are the basic elements of the database: Field Record Column Row Entity Attribute File Relationship Table Database Systems 2. Identify the characteristics features of data in database. (April/May 2022) The data in the database possess several characteristics data in the database are consistent, integral, non-redundant, secured, centrally managed and shared among multiple applications. 3. What are the characteristics of Data Warehousing? (Nov/Dec 2022) The four characteristics of a data warehouse, also called features of a data warehouse, include SUBJECT ORIENTED, TIME VARIANT, INTEGRATED and NON-VOLATILE. The three prominent ones among these are. INTEGRATED, TIME VARIANT, NON VOLATILE. 4. Differentiate DBMS and RDBMS(Nov/Dec 2022) Relationship among tables is maintained in a RDBMS whereas this not thecase DBMS as it is used to manage the database. DBMS accepts the ‘flat file' data that means there is no relation among different data whereas RDBMS does not accepts this type of design. DBMS is used for simpler business applications whereas RDBMS is usedfor more complex applications. Although the foreign key concept is supported by both DBMS and RDBMSbut its only RDBMS that enforces the rules. RDBMS solution is required by large sets of data whereas small sets of datacan be managed by DBMS. 5. What is Database Management System? (Jan 2022) A database management system is a set of software programs that allows users to create, edit and update data in database files, and store and retrieve data from those database files. Data in a database can be added, deleted, changed, sorted or searched all using a DBMS. RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 6. Explain primary key and foreign key with examples. (Jan 2022) A primary key, also called a primary keyword, is a column in a relational database table that's distinctive for each record. It's a unique identifier, such as a driver's license number, telephone number with area code or vehicle identification number (VIN). A relational database must have only one primary key. a foreign key is a set of attributes that references a candidate key. For example, a table called TEAM may have an attribute, MEMBER_NAME, which is a foreign key referencing a candidate key, PERSON_NAME, in the PERSON table. 7. What type of computation can a DBMS perform? (April/May 2019) Generally, most DBMS packages allow users to create databases, store data and update data through SQL queries. Over the years, new database management systems have arrived with different architectures and applications. 8. How are databases used in e-business? (April/May 2019) Databases are integral to the success of an e-business. They enable you to store, analyze and manage essential information about your products, your sales and your customers so you can quickly and easily respond to changing market conditions. You can also share information in the database with suppliers and logistics partners to improve the efficiency of your e-business operations. 9. What is association? List its types .(April/May 2017) An association defines a relationship between two entity objects based on common attributes. The relationship can be one-to-one or one-to-many; you can use two one-to-many associations to implement a many-to-many relationship. The association allows entity objects to access the data of other entity objects through a persistent reference. Three types of relationships can exist between two entities, which are given below and also discussed in this article with examples. One-to-One relationship. One-to-Many relationship or Many-to-One relationship. Many-to-Many relationship. 10. What is data warehousing? (April/May 2017) (April/May 2015) A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant and non-volatile collection of data in support of management's decision making process. Data warehousing implements the process to access heterogeneous data sources; clean, filter, and transform the data; and store the data in a structure that is easy to access, understand, and use. The data is then used for query, reporting, and data analysis. 11. Give any two DDL commands in SQL.(Nov/Dec 2016) Data Definition Language (DDL) commands: CREATE to create a new table or database. ALTER for alteration. Truncate to delete data from the table. DROP to drop a table. RENAME to rename a table. RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 12. Elucidate the advantages of data warehouse. (Nov/Dec 2016) Benefits of a Data Warehouse Delivers enhanced business intelligence. ... Saves times. ... Enhances data quality and consistency. ... Generates a high Return on Investment (ROI) ... Provides competitive advantage. ... Improves the decision-making process. ... Enables organizations to forecast with confidence. ... Streamlines the flow of information. 13.What is Data Mining? DData mining is the extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases. It is a powerful new technology to help companies focus on the most important information in their data warehouses. Data mining tools predict future trends and behaviors, allowing businesses to make proactive, knowledge-driven decisions. 14. Advantages of DBMS No Data Redundancy Centralized control Data Consistency Data can be shared Standards can be enforced Security can be enforced Integrity can be maintained Data independence. 15.What are the functions of Business Intelligence Technologies? Common functions of Business Intelligence technologies are reporting, online analytical processing, analytics, data mining, business performance management, benchmarking, text mining, and predictive analytics. RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 UNIT IV - INTEGRATED SYSTEMS, SECURITY AND CONTROL PART A 1. Define Knowledge based decision support systems. (April/May 2022) A knowledge-based system (KBS) is a program that captures and uses knowledge from a variety of sources. A KBS assists with solving problems, particularly complex issues, by artificial intelligence. These systems are primarily used to support human decision making, learning, and other activities. These systems refer to decision-making based on relevant knowledge, which is based on artificial intelligence, and on the application of information and communication technologies. 2. What are the ways of making sure that you keep a website secure? (April/May 2022) Keep Your Website Up-To-Date. ... Scan Your Site With a Website Scanner. ... Use a Web Application Firewall. ... Update Your Security Plugins. ... Secure Your Passwords. ... Install an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Certificate. ... Run Regular Backups. ... Work with a Reliable Hosting Provider. 3. What is denial of service? (Nov/Dec 2022) Denial-of-service (DoS) attack is a security threat that occurs when an attacker makes it impossible for legitimate users to access computer systems, network, services or other information technology (IT) resources. Attackers in these types of attacks typically flood web servers, systems or networks with traffic that overwhelms the victim's resources and makes it difficult or impossible for anyone else to access them. 4. Provide any two examples for computer crime. (Nov/Dec 2022) • Hacking and Cracking • Cyber-Theft • Cyber terrorism • Unauthorized Use at Work • Software Piracy • Theft of Intellectual Property • Computer Viruses and Worms 5. Explain cybercrimes? (Jan 2022) Cybercrime is criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a computer network or a networked device. Most cybercrime is committed by cybercriminals or hackers who want to make money. However, occasionally cybercrime aims to damage computers or networks for reasons other than profit. 6. How does information system help in disaster management? (Jan 2022) Identification of the processes responsible for the hazards and the natural resources and socioeconomic parameters associated with the process, Planning appropriate preventive measures/preparedness, and. Assessing damage caused by hazards and to plan appropriate mitigation measures RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 7. What specific security problems does the internet create in information management? (April/May 2019) Hijack your usernames and passwords; Gain access to the personal information (credit card numbers, bank account, Social Insurance Number, etc.); Steal, change, exploit, sell, or destroy data; Damage or bring down the system; Hold the system hostage to collect ransom; 8. What control exists to protect the systems? (April/May 2019) Security controls exist to reduce or mitigate the risk to those assets. They include any type of policy, procedure, technique, method, solution, plan, action, or device designed to help accomplish that goal. Recognizable examples include firewalls, surveillance systems, and antivirus software. 9. Define disaster management. (April/May 2017) Disaster Management can be defined as the organization and management of resources and responsibilities for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular, preparedness, response and recovery in order to lessen the impact of disasters. It means that all such measures should be taken so that hazard cannot take the form of disaster. Since we cannot prevent the coming of many natural hazards but can reduce their harmful effects through proper management, so that the loss of life and property can be minimized. As we know, the present danger is not from the natural disasters, but are the human disasters. Disasters are the consequences of natural or human hazards. Therefore, through disaster management, we can prevent hazards from being turned into a disaster. Disaster management broadly encompasses the management before, during and after a disaster. It simply means planning of various steps to reduce the aftermath of a disaster, planning effective response system, planning rehabilitation and also preparing disaster resilient communities in our very own layman language. 10. Define intranet. (April/May 2017) Private computer network Secure sharing organization's information or operational systems withits employees. The same architecture as in Internet private version of the Internet possible access to the Internet, then gateway with firewall is applied Intranet delivers o Tools and applications, o Collaboration (to facilitate working in groups and teleconferencing) o Sophisticated corporate directories o Sales and Customer relationship management tools o Project management etc. In large intranets, traffic is often similar to public website traffic RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 11. Explain the role of security in business. (Nov/Dec 2016) Security in the workplace keeps your employees and physical offices safe from harm. Your workplace security strategy should defend your business's critical data and information from hackers and other cyber security threats. 12. Why should not be an information system vulnerable? (Nov/Dec 2016) Critical data can also fall into the wrong hands, which can cause grave harm to the organization. Common threats against information systems include: In the corporate servers, some of the common threats are hacking, planting of viruses, and vandalism. 13. What are the different types of controls? a. Administrative b. Logical c. Physical d. Access control 14. What is Cryptography? Cryptography is used in information security to protect information from unauthorized or accidental disclosure while the information is in transit (either electronically or physically) and while information is in storage. Information security uses cryptography to transform usable information into a form that renders it unusable by anyone other than an authorized user; this process is called encryption. Information that has been encrypted (rendered unusable) can be transformed back into its original usable form by an authorized user, who possesses the cryptographic key, through the process of decryption. 15. Define Computer Crime. Computer crime is defined by the Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) as including (1) the unauthorized use, access, modification, and destruction of hardware, software, data, or network resources; (2) the unauthorized release of information; (3) the unauthorized copying of software; (4) denying an end user access to his or her own hardware, software, data, or network resources; and (5) using or conspiring to use computer or network resources to obtain information or tangible property illegally. 16. Mention the basic security requriments for web, intranets and wireless networks. Basic security requirements consist of: Verification of user credentials and services to define user access. Client integrity checks that consists of endpoint security verification and of redirecting users o t predefined subnets to download compliant anti-virus software, firewalls, operating systems updates, and patches. Firewall rules such as granular access control and packet filtering based on protocol, port, anddestination. RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 17. State the objectives of security audit. A security audit has the main objectives to: o Check the existence security policy, standards, guidelines and procedures; o Identify the inadequacies and examine the effectiveness of the existing policy, standards, guidelines and procedures; o Identify and understand the existing vulner-abilities and risks; o Review existing security controls on opera-tional, administrative and managerial issues, and ensure compliance to minimum security standards; o Provide recommendations and corrective ac-tions for improvements. 18. Define Computer ethics. Computer ethics is defined as the analysis of the nature and social impact of computer technology and the corresponding formulation and justification of policies for the ethical use of such a technology. 19.What is meant by Extranet? Uses Internet protocols, network connectivity Share information as intranet The number of clients is extended to people outside the company interconnections are over a shared network rather than through dedicated physical lines as in intranet 20.What is IS Vulnerability? In computer security, vulnerability is a weakness which allows an attackerto reduce a system's information assurance. Vulnerability is the intersection of three elements: a system susceptibility orflaw, attacker access to the flaw, and attacker capability to exploit the flaw. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker must have at least one applicable tool or technique that can connect to a system weakness. In this frame, vulnerability is also known as the attack surface. 21.What are the types of Computer Viruses? Trojans and Worms Spyware and Adware Internet related viruses Denial of service Brand abuse Cybersquatting Cyber-stalking Cyber-terrorism Online stock fraud Phishing RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS 1. Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 UNIT V - NEW IT INITIATIVES PART A Differentiate between deep learning and machine learning (April/May 2022) Parameter Machine Learning Deep Learning Data Dependency Although machine learning depends on the huge amount of data, it can work with a smaller amount of data. Deep Learning algorithms highly depend on a large amount of data, so we need to feed a large amount of data for good performance. Execution time Machine learning algorithm takes less time to train the model than deep learning, but it takes a long-time duration to test the model. Deep Learning takes a long execution time to train the model, but less time to test the model. Hardware Dependencies Since machine learning models do not need much amount of data, so they can work on low-end machines. The deep learning model needs a huge amount of data to work efficiently, so they need GPU's and hence the high-end machine. Feature Engineering Machine learning models need a step of feature extraction by the expert, and then it proceeds further. Deep learning is the enhanced version of machine learning, so it does not need to develop the feature extractor for each problem; instead, it tries to learn high-level features from the data on its own. Problemsolving approach To solve a given problem, the traditional ML model breaks the problem in sub-parts, and after solving each part, produces the final result. The problem-solving approach of a deep learning model is different from the traditional ML model, as it takes input for a given problem, and produce the end result. Hence it follows the end-to-end approach. Interpretation of result The interpretation of the result for a given problem is easy. As when we work with machine learning, we can interpret the result easily, it means why this result occur, what was the process. The interpretation of the result for a given problem is very difficult. As when we work with the deep learning model, we may get a better result for a given problem than the machine learning model, but we cannot find why this particular outcome occurred, and the reasoning. Type of data Machine learning models mostly require data in a structured form. Deep Learning models can work with structured and unstructured data both as they rely on the layers of the Artificial neural network. Suitable for Machine learning models are suitable for solving simple or bit-complex problems. Deep learning models are suitable for solving complex problems. RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 2. What is IoT and how does it work? (April/May 2022) The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects—“things”—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems over the internet. An IoT system consists of sensors/devices which “talk” to the cloud through some kind of connectivity. Once the data gets to the cloud, software processes it and then might decide to perform an action, such as sending an alert or automatically adjusting the sensors/devices without the need for the user. 3. Specify any two advantages of quantum computing. (Nov/Dec 2022) Quantum computers excel at complex problem solving. The unique properties of qubits let them solve certain classes of problems faster and more efficiently than traditional computers. Quantum technology is advantageous for materials science, pharmaceutical research, subatomic physics, and logistics. Look out for quantum computing to have a large effect on AI in the coming decades. 4. State the 5 V’s of Big data. (Nov/Dec 2022) The 5 V's of big data (velocity, volume, value, variety and veracity) are the five main and innate characteristics of big data. 5. Explain big data. (Jan 2022) Big data is a combination of structured, semistructured and unstructured data collected by organizations that can be mined for information and used in machine learning projects, predictive modeling and other advanced analytics applications. 6. Is machine learning and Deep learning the same? (Jan 2022) Machine learning uses algorithms to parse data, learn from that data, and make informed decisions based on what it has learned. Deep learning structures algorithms in layers to create an “artificial neural network” that can learn and make intelligent decisions on its own. Deep learning is a subset of machine learning. 7. What do you mean by cloud computing? (April/May 2019) (April/May 2015) Cloud Computing is defined as storing and accessing of data and computing services over the internet. It doesn’t store any data on your personal computer. It is the on-demand availability of computer services like servers, data storage, networking, databases, etc. The main purpose of cloud computing is to give access to data centers to many users. Users can also access data from a remote server. 8. What are the benefits to mobile commerce? (April/May 2019) Improved customer experience. ... Increased product discovery. ... Reach a wider audience. ... Capitalise on impulse purchases. ... Better pull of data and analytics. ... Greater engagement and communication with customers. ... Optimised UX design. ... Quicker checkout process. RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0 (Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai) Recognized by UGC, Accredited by NBA (IT) 365, KGiSL Campus, Thudiyalur Road, Saravanampatti, Coimbatore – 641035. TWO MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Doc Ref: KITE/IQAC/CW/14 9. Comment on pervasive computing. (Nov/Dec 2016) Ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) is a post-desktop model of human-computer interaction in which information processing has been thoroughly integrated into everyday objects and activities. In the course of ordinary activities, someone "using" ubiquitous computing engages many computational devices and systems simultaneously, and may not necessarily even be aware that they are doing so. This model is usually considered advancement from the desktop paradigm. RELEASED DATE: 15-05-2023 VER: 1.0