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CSEP-PATH Welcome Letter: Assessment Prep & Forms

Welcome to ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thank you for booking an appointment for the CSEP Physical Activity Training for Health (CSEP-PATH® )
Assessment with: ________________________________________at________________________________________________________
Several forms have been included in this package. Please review the materials provided and complete any
forms in advance of your appointment.
£ Get Active Questionnaire: While physical activity has many benefits, and is very safe for most people, it is
important to identify individuals who require further screening before becoming much more physically
active. If you answer ‘yes’ to one or more questions on page 1 of the Get Active Questionnaire, please
contact us at your earliest convenience. Physical activity may still be appropriate, but we may need to
obtain some further information first.
£ Informed Consent: This must be signed and witnessed prior to your appointment. Those under 19 years
of age require a signature of a parent or guardian.
£ Abilities for Active Living Questionnaire (AAL-Q): If you have a disability that may require some
accommodation on our part to make your first meeting with us a success, please complete this form.
£ Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Questionnaire (PASB-Q): This tool helps us to understand your
types and levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Consider a typical week as you complete
the PASB-Q. If you have a wearable device or smartphone that tracks the time you spend being
physically active or sedentary, use it to help with recall.
£ Fitness Assessment (optional): If you wish to participate in a fitness assessment (e.g., anthropometry,
aerobic and musculoskeletal fitness tests), please follow the instructions below:
• Wear clothes appropriate for exercise (e.g., shorts, t-shirt and running shoes)
• Do not smoke, eat, or drink caffeinated liquids (e.g., coffee, tea, cola, or chocolate) within
2 hours of your appointment
• Do not drink alcohol (e.g., beer, wine, or liquor) within 6 hours of your appointment
• Do not engage in strenuous exercise within 6 hours of your appointment
£ If you are pregnant or there is a chance you may be pregnant, please let us know. Completion of the Get
Active Questionnaire for Pregnancy form is advised.
We look forward to seeing you and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions
or concerns.
Welcome Letter – Tool #1
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Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology