AFROTC DETACHMENT 165 ACADEMIC PLAN I. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA II. INITIAL REVIEW 1. NAME (Last, First, MI) 1. INSTITUTION OFFICIALS SIGNATURE & DATE I certify that if the stated individual completes all coursework as outlined in this form, he/she will graduate during the date in Block I.5 in the academic major in Block I.4. 2. AFROTC DETACHMENT 2. AFROTC REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE & DATE 3. ACADEMIC INSTITUTION 4. ACADEMIC MAJOR 3. STUDENT’S SIGNATURE & DATE 5. COMPLETION OF THIS EDUCATION PLAN WILL RESULT IN MY OBTAINING A BACHELOR OF _________ DEGREE IN THE ABOVE ACADEMIC MAJOR DURING _________ MONTH 4. STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I will not change my academic major nor my graduation date without prior approval. ___________ ___________ CALENDAR YR FISCAL YEAR ______________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF CADET & DATE Graduation Date . III. CADRE ORGINIAL STAMP, SIGNATURE, AND DATE IV. SIGNATURE REQUIRED AFTER GRADUATION I certify that I have successfully completed all degree requirements and will graduate as stated in Block I. CHANGE # ______________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF CADET & DATE NAME: MAJOR: TERM: Course Number GRAD DATE: YEAR: TERM: Credit Hrs Attempt Course Title Credit Hrs Comp Course Number YEAR: Credit Hrs Attempt Course Title Credit Hrs Comp REMARKS REMARKS TERM REEVALUATION - I certify that the listed student is currently enrolled in the above courses and that he/she is still on track to graduate during the listed date with a degree in the listed academic major. TERM REEVALUATION - I certify that the listed student is currently enrolled in the above courses and that he/she is still on track to graduate during the listed date with a degree in the listed academic major. INSTITUTION OFFICIALS SIGNATURE & DATE AFROTC REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE & DATE STUDENT’S SIGNATURE & DATE TERM: Course Number YEAR: Course Title INSTITUTION OFFICIALS SIGNATURE & DATE TERM: Credit Hrs Attempt Credit Hrs Comp AFROTC REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE & DATE STUDENT’S SIGNATURE & DATE Course Number YEAR: Course Title Credit Hrs Attempt Credit Hrs Comp REMARKS REMARKS TERM REEVALUATION - I certify that the listed student is currently enrolled in the above courses and that he/she is still on track to graduate during the listed date with a degree in the listed academic major. TERM REEVALUATION - I certify that the listed student is currently enrolled in the above courses and that he/she is still on track to graduate during the listed date with a degree in the listed academic major. INSTITUTION OFFICIALS SIGNATURE & DATE STUDENT’S SIGNATURE & DATE AFROTC REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE & DATE INSTITUTION OFFICIALS SIGNATURE & DATE STUDENT’S SIGNATURE & DATE AFROTC REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE & DATE PAGE ___ OF ___ PAGES NAME: MAJOR: TERM: Course Number GRAD DATE: YEAR: TERM: Credit Hrs Attempt Course Title Credit Hrs Comp Course Number YEAR: Credit Hrs Attempt Course Title Credit Hrs Comp REMARKS REMARKS TERM REEVALUATION - I certify that the listed student is currently enrolled in the above courses and that he/she is still on track to graduate during the listed date with a degree in the listed academic major. TERM REEVALUATION - I certify that the listed student is currently enrolled in the above courses and that he/she is still on track to graduate during the listed date with a degree in the listed academic major. INSTITUTION OFFICIALS SIGNATURE & DATE AFROTC REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE & DATE STUDENT’S SIGNATURE & DATE TERM: Course Number YEAR: Course Title INSTITUTION OFFICIALS SIGNATURE & DATE TERM: Credit Hrs Attempt Credit Hrs Comp AFROTC REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE & DATE STUDENT’S SIGNATURE & DATE Course Number YEAR: Course Title Credit Hrs Attempt Credit Hrs Comp REMARKS REMARKS TERM REEVALUATION - I certify that the listed student is currently enrolled in the above courses and that he/she is still on track to graduate during the listed date with a degree in the listed academic major. TERM REEVALUATION - I certify that the listed student is currently enrolled in the above courses and that he/she is still on track to graduate during the listed date with a degree in the listed academic major. INSTITUTION OFFICIALS SIGNATURE & DATE STUDENT’S SIGNATURE & DATE AFROTC REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE & DATE INSTITUTION OFFICIALS SIGNATURE & DATE STUDENT’S SIGNATURE & DATE AFROTC REVIEWER’S SIGNATURE & DATE PAGE ___ OF ___ PAGES