INDUSTRIAL TRAINING WEEKLY REPORT Weekly DiaryFor Industrial Training Name of the Industry: Sahu tech From: To: Name of the Supervisor: Prerana Jalgaonkar Designationof the Supervisor: Name of the Student: Suraj Suresh Saini Branch of Engineering: Information TechnologyName of Polytechnic: Vidyalankar Polytechnic (Special instructions to students: 1) Write down the daily activity on the same day 2) Make note of the important actual activity/IES only. 3) Summarize at the weekend. 4) Add extra sheets if needed for daily or weekly activity report.) MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION INDUSTRIAL TRAINING WEEKLY REPORT Week 4: From: 3/7/2023 to 8/7/2023 Expected Work: i. Study of organization chart of industry / plant with responsibilities of thedifferent post. ii. General Study of Industry, its location, its history and its product range, its size,number of employees, Its turnover etc. Day 1 2 3 4 5 Activities Carried Out 03-07-23 UOM – Units of Measures Media Queries 04-07-23 Intro to JS Benefits Overview 05-07-23 Basics of JavaScript programming Alert, console.log () Declaration, Initialization variable (let, var, const) 06-07-23 Arrays basics Loops Functions String template 07-07-23 Switch case Date Variable scope 6 Weekly summarization of the above activities: We discovered how to interact with HTML elements by accessing them using their unique IDs. This knowledge empowered us to modify variousproperties, such as changing the background color dynamically. We also studied the switch case statement as an alternative to if-else statements, providing a concise way to evaluate multiple conditions and alerts our exploration of JavaScript covered functions and variables MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Signature of the Student: Signature of the IndustrialSupervisor: MAHARASHTRA STATE BOARD OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION WEEKLY REPORT