Uploaded by Dr. Belal

Time Zones Lesson Plan: English & Geography CLIL

Lesson Plan Super minds 2 CLIL integrated English and Geography lesson:"my
day", "time zones"
handouts, templates for the
clocks, the globe,
technologies: media: YouTube
video "why do we have different
time zones?"(1 minute), images
for the previous topic, SB audio,
- games and activities
Lesson Objectives
students will identify time zones, vocabulary,
and will be able to apply their knowledge
students will use known vocabulary to speak
about Geography in English.
review previous vocabulary,
extend Ss understanding of time zones,
make a project: "clock"
Warm-up and Objective Discussion 5
To stimulate background information, asking questions in an interactive way and
motivate students, fill them with energy, start the lesson with a song, a game or
activity on the site: https://wordwall.net/myactivities.
Show Ss the YouTube video: "why do we have different time zones?"(1 minute),
Show student a globe, ask students to show our country on the globe.
Read and repeat the countries names.
Come to the board show us what other countries do you know.
Today we are going to learn time zones, we will make a clock, and find out what is
the difference in time in different countries and cities.
q R
q W
q L
q S
Instruct and Model
SB p.18 ex.1 Listen, read and look at the map.
T. shows the globe and takes a yellow ball, (or any ball, covered with yellow
paper, or printed picture of the sun) says it is the sun. The sun moves all the time,
and the time in different countries is different.
T. draws the clock on the board and expl
T. reads the instruction and draws the difference of the time in the time zones.
SB p.18 ex.2
q R
q W
q L
q S
Guided Practice
T. gives Ss the clock templates: we will make the clocks, then continew to practise
with time zones. Ss make clock: color, then write down the time.
WB p.18 write the names of the cities and countries.
q R
q W
q L
Independent Practice
Pair work: Play games with your clock. using example from SB p.19 ex. 2
S1 says: In New York it is 3 oclock in the afternoon. What's the time in the
q S
S2 answers, moves his/her clock and add the question about another city or
additional Games: Game 2
S1 set the time, doesn't show , S2 tries to guess the time zone and the country.
Game3 "call my bluff"
There is a time on the clock, 3 Ss can see it, 2 Ss say correct time, other tells a lie.
Other Ss guess.
q R
q W
q L
q S
Students could peer check each other, they can share their results of the quezzes
and other activities, sending links to classmates and teacher. (Students like
competitions, they like to be the best, the first, the fastest. :)