Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region II – Cagayan Valley SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NUEVA VIZCAYA I. PROJECT TITLE: LETS READ PM (Let Every Teacher and Student Read, Enjoy, Appreciate, and Discern Printed Materials) II. TARGET DATE: October 2022 to August 2023 III. BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE When the proponent of this project was still in-charge of the Learning Resource Management Section (LRMS), she observed that many contextualized learning resources were displayed in the classroom reading corners or displayed in the school Little Free Libraries. Furthermore, she observed that learners and even teachers seldom read or borrow those books or Supplementary Reading Materials as seen in the libraries’ logbooks wherein very few learners and teachers utilized or read available reading materials especially during the years when Covid-19 pandemic occurred. It was noted and observed too that learners’ interest in reading printed materials or books have lessened as books have been replaced with cell phones, computers, laptops, i-pods, and tablets. It appeared that rapid changes occurred in reading behavior due to the technological development under the digital paradigm. The time spent on reading book was being spent on surfing the internet. Although there are advantages of this technological advancement when it comes to reading, still reading printed materials should not be replaced for the following reasons as cited in the 1 1. Readers of print books absorb and remember more Readers of print books absorb and remember more of the plot than readers of ebooks do, according to a study that was presented in Italy in 2014. In an earlier study, print readers also scored higher in other areas, such as empathy, immersion in the book, and understanding of the narrative. Scientists believe this effect is related to the tactile sensation of holding a book in your hands. In other words, seeing and feeling how much progress you’ve made in the story, by virtue of the waxing and waning pages on either side of the book, can help readers feel like they’re unfolding the story—both literally and figuratively. Plus, with a print book, it’s easier to go back and confirm information you may be unsure of without losing your place and having to scroll or click back on your mobile device or tablet. 2. They help children become better readers, too. Another study of young children between the ages of three and five revealed that kids had lower comprehension of the story when their parents read to them from an ebook as opposed to a print book. Researchers theorize this arises because children get distracted by the electronic device and have a harder time focusing on the story itself. In another study, students who had read a short story on a e-reader were less engaged and had a harder time remembering the exact order of events. 3. They are easier on the eyes. Considering that many jobs require you to stare at a computer screen all day, it’s wise to give your eyes a break whenever you can. One survey of 429 university students revealed that nearly half had complained of strained eyes after reading digitally. Electronic books can cause screen fatigue, which may lead to blurred vision, redness, dryness, and irritation. With print books, you don’t have to worry about any of that. 2 4. You're less likely to get distracted. Perhaps unsurprisingly, people who read e-books tend to get sidetracked more easily, but not just because the internet is right at their fingertips. Digital readers tend to spend more time scanning for keywords than actually processing what they’re reading. And with a print book, there’s no chance of getting distracted by links. According to one survey, 67% of university students were able to multitask while reading digitally, compared to 41% of print readers. But if your goal is to fully grasp and comprehend the text in front of you, that isn’t necessarily a good thing. 5. They can help you sleep better. When you’re winding down for the night, reading from a screen or scrolling through a social media app on your phone are bad ideas. Study after study has shown that the blue light from your screen can toy with your melatonin levels and circadian cycles, making it harder for you to fall asleep and making you feel groggier when you wake up. In general, though, the engagement and brain activity that come with reading can help you drift off to sleep when you’re having trouble. So if you’re hoping to get a good night’s rest, stick with print. 6. Having a library at home is linked to higher academic achievement. Students who have books at home are more likely to score higher on tests, according to a study of readers from 42 countries. It doesn’t matter how many books you have, but each additional book helps children perform better in school. This is especially true for children from disadvantaged families. Researchers believe this is because having books at home encourages children to read for fun and talk to their parents about what they’ve learned, which only stands to benefit them in the classroom. 3 7. They amplify the joy of reading. One recent study of college students in the U.S., Slovakia, Japan, and Germany showed that 92% of participants preferred actual books that they can hold and touch and leaf through whenever they please. Students cited fewer distractions and less eye strain as a couple of the reasons why they prefer printed materials, but other explanations were related to how books make them feel. Slovakian students in particular said they enjoy the smell of books. Indeed, scientists who have analyzed the chemical composition of old books found that the pages contain hints of vanilla (from lignin, a similar-smelling component in paper) as well as grassy notes. In this sense, taking a whiff of an old book is a little like the enjoyment one gets from smelling perfume or flowers. Studies have also shown that books can make us happier, inspire us to travel, and encourage us to make life-changing decisions. So don’t feel guilty the next time you spend a little more than you’d planned at the bookstore: Science says it’s good for you. It is for the above benefits of reading printed materials that the proponent of this project thought of conducting a development project dubbed as LETS READ PM which means Let Every Teacher and Student Read, Enjoy, Appreciate, and Discern Printed Materials. 4 IV. OBJECTIVES This development project aims to instill the love of reading among students and teachers. Specifically, this intends to: 1. encourage 100% participation rate of all the learners and English teachers of Grades 4 to 10 in utilizing printed materials or books found in their Learning Resource Centers ( Library, Little Free Library, Reading Corners/Reading Nooks); 2. sustain the functionality of the school’s Learning Resource Centers (LRCs) The expected outcomes are as follows: 1. 100% participation on the utilization of the school Learning Resource Centers 2. Functional School Learning Resource Center V. TARGET BENEFICIARIES The target beneficiaries of this Development Project are the Grades 4 to 10 learners and teachers of the following public schools of the Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya for School Year 2022-2023: School districts 1. Alfonso Castaneda 2. Ambaguio 3. Aritao 1 4. Aritao 2 5. Bagabag 1 6. Bagabag 2 7. Bambang 1 8. Bambang 2 5 9. Bayombong 1 10. Bayombong 2 11. Diadi 12. Dupax del Norte 1 13. Dupax del Norte 2 14. Dupax del Sur 15. Kasibu West 16. Kasibu East 17. Kayapa West 18. Kayapa East 19. Quezon 20. Solano 1 21. Solano 2 22. Sta Fe 23. Villaverde Secondary schools 1. Alfonso Castaneda NHS 2. Abuyo NHS 3. Ambaguio High School 4. Aritao HS 5. Bagabag NHS 6. Bambang National High School 7. Bascaran National High School 8. Belance High School 9. Bintawan National High School 10. Bonfal NHS 6 11. Bugkalot HS 12. Canabuan National High School 13. Carolotan High School 14. Casat NHS 15. Casecnan NHS 16. Diadi NHS 17. Dippog NHS 18. Dupax del Norte NHS 19. Dupax Del Sur NHS 20. Eastern Nueva Vizcaya NHS 21. Ganao National High School 22. Kakiduguen National High School 23. Kasibu NAS 24. Kayapa High School 25. Kongkong Valley National High School 26. Lamo NHS 27. Malabing Valley NHS 28. Martinez Cuyangan NHS 29. Munguia National High School 30. Murong National High School 31. Nansiakan National High School 32. Napo-Tuyak National High School 33. Nueva Vizcaya General Comprehensive High School 34. PAIMA National High School 35. Paniki High School 36. Pinayag National High School 37. Quezon National High School 38. Runruno National High School 39. Salinas High School 40. Solano HS 41. Sta. Clara High School 42. Sta. Cruz Pingkian High School 43. Sta. Fe NHS 7 44. Tiblac National High School 45. Tuao HS 46. Uddiawan NHS 47. Bone North IS 48. Alimit IS 49. Balong IS 50. Binalian IS 51. Binogawan IS 52. Bua IS 53. Cabayo IS 54. Dulli IS 55. Luclucos IS 56. Mapayao IS 57. Sto. Domingo IV. PROJECT DESCRIPTION/INTERVENTION/METHODS AND STRATEGIES Project LETS READ PM is an intervention designed to address the diminishing interest of the learners as well as teachers in reading Printed Materials as books have been replaced with cell phones, computers, laptops, i-pods, and tablets. It appeared that rapid changes are occurring in reading behavior due to the technological development under the digital paradigm. The time to be spent in reading book is now being spent on surfing that is why most of the constructed learning resource centers were now seldomly visited by learners and teachers. With the above reasons, the proponent of this project wishes to recommend activities under LETS READ PM in order for the respondents read books or printed materials as a way of instilling in them the love for reading thereby ensuring a 100% participation rate, hence functionality of their Learning Resource Centers will be ensured. 8 The recommended activities under LETS READ PM are as follows: 1. English teachers of Grades 4 to 10 shall orient their classes on the Project LETS READ PM giving emphasis on the following activities: a. There will be a preliminary activity before their English class proper; that is a 3-5 minute Q and A activities be conducted at least once a week. b. The answers of the questions to be asked either by the student or by the teacher (depending on the strategy of the teacher) shall come from the reading materials assigned to the learners to read at least one week before the Q and A activity. Samples are as follows: The moral lesson learned from the selection read Name of the main character. His/her virtue worthy of emulation. The hero or the villain in the story. What made him/her so. The latest update in the news magazine read (if that was assigned earlier as one of the reading materials) The teacher may ask the meaning of an unfamiliar word/vocabulary encountered The teacher may ask a learner to use the unfamiliar word in a sentence Ask a learner to recite a line he/she likes best from what was read The title of the story/selection being described or identified NOTE: It’s the option of the teacher what question should be asked based on the available reading materials assigned to the learners purposely to check whether students have read and utilize the materials assigned to them earlier. 9 2. Whoever got the correct answer first shall be awarded with a prize or any nonmonetary rewards. (This will encourage/motivate more active participation because the proponent believes that rewards and recognition systems are important tools that can be used to motivate in improving performance). 3. The teacher shall provide a class chart for her/him to readily record/display the winners for the activity. (Cut outs to be pasted opposite the names of the winners like star, thumbs up, smileys etc maybe okey) 4. The school head or the department head shall monitor the conduct of this project and submit the project monthly accomplishment report (please see enclosure) to the proponent at the end of the month. The proponent believes that students will surely give time to browse or read the printed materials found in their Learning Resource Centers so that they could participate in the questions and answer activity to be done at the start of their English classes at least once a week. Furthermore the rewards or recognition system will surely motivate them to participate because the proponent believes that rewards and recognition systems are important tools that can be used to motivate in improving performance Moreover, English teachers will surely give time reading or browsing the available reading materials too because they will base their questions from what they have read. 10 V. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION (GANTT CHART) The following timeline shall be observed: Activities October 2022 November 2022 December 2022 January 2023 Week Week Week Week Week Week Week Week 1-2 3-4 1-2 3-4 1-2 3-4 1-2 3-4 Conceptualize the project Craft the write up Initial Meeting for Information Dissemination and Planning Seek for the approval of the proposal through proper channel Insert suggestions for the improvement of the project Conduct of orientation among English teachers as soon as the project was approved Initial/Official implementation Initial monitoring and evaluation of the project Prepare the acceptance report Report the result of the development project Seek for the acceptance and validation of 11 February 2023 onwards the development project by the Division Committee Institutionalize the project 2nd Monitoring VI. BUDGETARY REQUIREMENT AND SOURCE OF FUNDING No fund is needed in the implementation of the Project LETS READ PM because the Printed Materials to be used are the available supplementary reading materials found in the school Learning Resource Centers. In terms of non-monetary awards to be given to those who could get the correct answer, appreciations or acknowledgement could do. Prizes could be acceptable thru the initiative of the English teacher (Ex. cut-outs of stars, thumbs up or smileys be pasted beside the name/s of learners which was posted on the classroom bulletin board) VII. MONITORING AND EVALUATION For the monitoring and the sustainability of the implementation of this project, the secondary school heads and district heads are requested to monitor the conduct of the recommended activities of the LETS READ PM and submit to the proponent the following monitoring tool at the end of the month which will serve as basis for improvement or modification when necessary: 12 PROJECT LETS READ PM MONTHLY ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT SY 2022-2023 Month:___________ Secondary School/District School:_____________________ Total No. of English Teachers Total No. of English teachers who implemented the project for the month Total No. of Learners (Grades 4-6 or Grades 710) as target clients of the project Findings/Recommendations on the Project Implementation Prepared and submitted by: ______________________________________ Secondary School Head/District Head VIII. STRATEGIES AND PROJECT SUSTAINABILITY To sustain the implementation of this project, it shall be institutionalized in the Schools Division of Nueva Vizcaya upon acceptance. After which, it shall be launched this year as a working project which may be subjected to revisions and/or modifications when necessary and timely. The crafted template which shall be used in monitoring the implementation of the project shall be accomplished at the end of the month and to be submitted to the proponent. 13 Recognition shall be accorded to the secondary school heads and district heads as a way of acknowledging their support to the Programs, Activities and Projects (PAPs) of SDO Nueva Vizcaya as well as on their active participation and compliance to the Project BIDA (Best Implementing District Award) of the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID). . Prepared by: BERMELITA E. GUILLERMO Proponent 14 (Enclosure to Project LETS READ PM) PROJECT LETS READ PM MONTHLY ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT SY 2022-2023 Month:__________ Secondary School/District School:_____________________ Total Total No. of Total No. Findings/Recommendations No. of English of Learners on the Project English teachers (Grades 4-6 Implementation Teachers who or Grades implemented 7-10) as the project target for the clients of month the project Prepared and submitted by: ______________________________________ Secondary School Head/District Head 15