Links 1. h ps:// 2. h ps:// 3. wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: ERROR: (5513): CVE database could not be updated. wazuh-modulesd:vulnerability-detector: ERROR: (5553): The allowed number of failed pages (5) has been exhausted. The feed will not be updated. error in wazuh 1. Network connec vity issues: The server where the Wazuh vulnerability-detector module is running might be experiencing connec vity problems, preven ng it from accessing the CVE database server to perform updates. 2. Firewall or proxy restric ons: The server might be behind a restric ve firewall or a proxy that is blocking access to the CVE database server. 3. CVE database server issues: The CVE database server itself might be experiencing problems or down me, making it unreachable for updates. 4. Permissions or configura on issues: There might be permission or configura on problems on the server running the vulnerability-detector module, preven ng it from accessing or upda ng the necessary files. To troubleshoot and resolve this issue, you can try the following steps: 1. Check network connec vity: Ensure that the server has proper internet access and can reach the CVE database server. You can test this by performing a basic ping or using tools like curl to see if you can connect to the CVE database server. 2. Verify firewall and proxy se ngs: If the server is behind a firewall or a proxy, ensure that the necessary ports and domains are allowed for the vulnerability-detector module to communicate with the CVE database server. 3. Update the Wazuh components: Make sure that you are using the latest version of Wazuh and its modules. Some mes, upda ng to the latest version can resolve known issues. 4. Check file permissions and configura ons: Review the configura on of the vulnerability-detector module and verify that it has the required permissions to access and update the CVE database files. 5. Check for CVE database server status: If the issue persists, check the status of the CVE database server or look for any announcements of known issues or maintenance windows. 6. Check for relevant logs: Inves gate the logs of the vulnerability-detector module and any other related logs to get more detailed informa on about the cause of the error. wazuh-analysisd: ERROR: The new permissions could not be added to the JSON alert. 1. Permissions conflict: There might be a conflict between the exis ng permissions and the new permissions being applied to the alert. For example, if there are conflic ng read/write permissions, it can lead to this error. 2. JSON format issue: There could be a problem with the JSON format of the alert, making it unable to accept the new permissions. 3. File permissions: The analysis component might not have sufficient permissions to modify the JSON alert file. 4. Data corrup on: The JSON alert file could be corrupted or inaccessible, leading to the error. To troubleshoot and resolve this issue, you can try the following steps: 1. Check permissions and ownership: Ensure that the analysisd process has appropriate read/write permissions to access and modify the JSON alert file. Also, verify that the file is owned by the correct user or group. 2. Review the JSON alert format: Examine the JSON alert format to ensure it is valid and doesn't contain any syntax errors or unexpected data that could be causing the issue. 3. Inspect log files: Check the log files of the analysisd component for more detailed error messages or stack traces that might provide addi onal clues about the root cause of the problem. 4. Monitor system resources: Ensure that the system has sufficient resources (CPU, memory, disk space) to process alerts and make changes to JSON files. 5. Test with a new alert: Try genera ng a new test alert and see if the same error occurs. If the error is specific to a par cular alert, it might help narrow down the issue. 6. Update Wazuh: Ensure that you are using the latest version of Wazuh and its components. Bugs and issues are o en fixed in newer releases, so upda ng might resolve the problem