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Canadian Government & Politics: Liberal Democracy & Systems

POL214 Y1Y Summer 2020
Professor David Pond - david.pond@utoronto.ca
Lecture 1 and 2 - May 4 & 6th
Textbook Chapter 1
Liberal + Democracy
Small “l” liberal democracy -> refers to regime
Liberalism = colonial British export
Values of Liberalism
○ Trial by jury
○ Independent judiciary
○ Right of the accused to face their accusers in an open court
○ Free elections
○ Freedom of speech and of assembly
○ The rule of law
○ Legal equality
○ Popular sovereignty
○ Religious tolerance
National Di erences in Liberal Democracy
CAD = British-style parliamentary democracy
How democratic is Canada really?
Liberal democracies = representative democracies
Limited, indirect form of democracy
Other representative and indirect democracies -> eg. US republican system
Liberal Representative democracy -> Elect politicians who govern
Elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to the House -> vote on policies
Also has aspects of direct democracy at times (referendums), but
rare - 3 CAD Referendums:
1898 - on controlling liquor sales
1942: drafting soldiers to fight WW2
1992: to amend the constitutions
Can be contrasted with Direct or Plebiscitary Democracy
People directly make political decisions -> Referendum (yes/no question)
Features of Our System of Government
Legislative Branch
Domain of legislature - Where elected representatives debate and pass laws
Federally = Parliament of Canada
Provincially = provinces’ Legislature or Legislative Assembly
Executive Branch
Domain of the Executive - initially proposes decisions that legislature approves
Prime Minister and cabinet
Nonpartisan bureaucracy
Provincial level works the same way
Executives administer programs approved by legislature
The elected prime minister and cabinet direct the
Non elected and nonpartisan bureaucracy
Judicial Branch
Domain of the Independent Judiciary
Resolves disputes about the legality of government decisions
Whether they are following the law or violating citizens’ rights
Parliamentary regime at the federal level in Canada:
Winning Power - Majority and Minority
Parties win elections and form government by winning seats in the House of
Voters pick local Member of Parliament (MP) for their
Constituency = seat, MPs hold seats in House of Commons
When a party wins 50% + 1 of the seats, they form a majority government
When one party does not win over 50% of seats, they form a minority
One party in power with less than majority
PM has more power in Majority
Coalition Governments
CAD elect few few (compared to NZ and Australia, for example)
Theoretically possible under parliamentary regime, but not so much
in practice
Parliamentary Government = Partisan
PM and ministers must be MPS
PM appoints cabinet ministers to run the government departments
PM = leader of party in power
Aka ministries
Elected government in Canada = partisan
Eg. Liberal PM selects cabinet ministers from other Liberal MPs elected to
House of Commons
Parliamentary democracy -> politics = competition between organized
Government is run by part that wins most recent election
All losing parties = opposition to government
Sit opposite House of Commons to government party
MPs that lost election = opposition
All MPs in party that forms government who are not ministers =
“government backbenchers”
Parliamentary System has fused executive and legislative branches
Members of executive (PM and cabinet) sit in the elected legislature, the
House of Commons
PM and cabinet ministers must be MPs
Government Departments
Staffed by non-elected, non-partisan, career civil servants
Administer policies and programs chosen by cabinet
Aka public servants, bureaucrats
Debated and approved by parliament
Hallmark of Parliamentary system = Constitutional convention of ministerial
Ministers are accountable to parliament for all decisions made by the
executive, not the non-elected civil servants
Textbook Notes - Chapter 1
Political Regimes
Aristotle’s Six Regimes:
Who Rules
Common Good
Own Interest
Tyranny of the Majority
Majority mistreats minorities (hence Democracy in bad)
Polity does not exist in real life, just in theory
Canadian Regime
Based on equality and liberty = regime principles
Fundamental principle of democracy
Democracy grants political power to all citizens equally
No one has a special title to rule
Democratic principle of equality = political principle
NOT social or economic, only share political power
Direct Democracies vs Parliamentary Democracies
Directly involved in political process
Vs parliamentary = representative democracy with elected reps
United States’ Republical Regime
Full and final authority given to elected officials
Crown still has influence in parliamentary system
Liberal democracy
Combines liberty and democracy
Liberty = private sphere should be free for all
Theory of liberalism = free as long as we don’t break the law
Contemporary liberal democracies -> 2 schools
Natural Rights
Innate rights of every human aka human rights
Inalienable even if not recognized
Importance of liberty derives from its usefulness of promoting human
Rights are created within each regime as a response to
Harm principle - John Stuart Mill
Gov. cannot interfere if actions don’t harm others
2 Main Political Implications of the Harm Principle:
Onus of proof on government to show why law limits on individual
liberty is necessary
Law only valid if it is preventing harm of others
Three Essential Principles of Rights:
Protection of the private sphere
Respect for Minority Rights
The Rule of Law, no one is above the law