Ref No. 002/EXAM-SJC/BBS-PIK/II/2022-2023 17 February 2023 Re : AS/A Level and IGCSE 2023 Examinations Schedule Dear Parents, Yang terhormat Orangtua Murid, Please find the attached schedule for AS/A Level and IGCSE examinations this coming May – June 2023. Bersama dengan surat ini, kami sertakan jadwal Ujian AS/A Level dan IGCSE yang akan berlangsung pada bulan Mei – Juni 2023. The schedule for their speaking test will be conducted from March to April. The schedule will be distributed later to the students. Jadwal untuk ujian speaking akan diadakan dari bulan Maret sampai April. Jadwal akan segera kami bagikan ke murid. Please note the following: Mohon perhatikan hal-hal dibawah ini: a. Students must not be late for any of examinations. Students are to be in the exam venue at least 30 minutes before the schedule exam. Cambridge Assessment reserves the right not to accept the script. Murid-murid tidak boleh terlambat pada setiap ujian. Murid-murid harus berada di lokasi ujian paling lambat 30 menit sebelum jadwal ujian. Cambridge Assessment memiliki hak untuk tidak menerima kertas ujian. b. Students should be prepared for the examinations. They should wear their school provided ID from Cambridge, bring their, materials and be aware of the examination schedule. The school will not be held responsible for any negligence on the part of the student. Murid-murid harus siap untuk menghadapi ujian. Mereka harus menggunakan tanda pengenal ujian dari Cambridge yang disediakan oleh pihak sekolah, membawa peralatan yang diperlukan dan memperhatian jadwal ujian yang ada. Sekolah tidak akan bertanggung jawab terhadap kelalaian yang dilakukan oleh murid-murid. c. If any candidate is sick, he/she should inform the school as soon as possible. Note however that there are no special tests whether the student is excused or not. If the candidate is absent due to ailments, he/she should present a doctor's certificate with a complete diagnosis. Cambridge Assessment holds the right to consider giving overall results to the candidate. Jika ada peserta ujian yang sakit, maka murid tersebut harus sesegera mungkin menginformasikan sekolah. Mohon diperhatikan bahwa tidak ada tes khusus bagi murid yang diizinkan atau tidak. Jika ada murid yang tidak hadir karena sakit, maka murid tersebut wajib (tanpa alasan) untuk menyertakan surat dokter lengkap dengan diagnosa lengkap tentang penyakit yang diderita. Cambridge Assessment adalah pihak yang berhak untuk menentukan hasil keseluruhan dari murid tersebut. d. Students must follow all the grooming and discipline rules of the school. Semua murid harus mengikuti semua peraturan disiplin dan peraturan cara berpakaian. e. The school has the responsibility to uphold and enforce Cambridge Assessment regulations. Candidates who violate such regulations are subject to sanctions or procedures under the Handbook for Centres and the school's policies. Sekolah memiliki tanggung jawab untuk mengikuti dan menerapkan peraturan Cambridge Assessment. Bagi peserta ujian yang melanggar peraturan akan dikenakan sanksi sesuai prosedur yang tertulis di 'Handbook for Centres' dan kebijakan sekolah. Please read and fill the Google Form with the link below. Please fill the Google Form latest on Monday, 27 February 2023. Silakan Bapak/Ibu baca dan isi Google Form dengan tautan di bawah ini. Harap Bapak/Ibu mengisi Google Form paling lambat pada Senin, 28 Februari 2023. Thank you very much for your kind consideration and cooperation. Terimakasih atas perhatian dan kerjasama Bapak/Ibu. Sincerely yours, Acknowledged by Hormat kami, Mengetahui, ____________________ John Irving Arias Head of Exam Committee Secondary & Junior College ____________________ Samuel D. Effendy Principal Secondary & Junior College CAMBRIDGE ASSESSMENT INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION MAY/JUNE 2023 SESSION Cambridge International Centre - ID072 Bina Bangsa School - Pantai Indah Kapuk Page 1 of 1 Morning Afternoon Remarks 13 April 2023 (THU) 0730-1630 ART AND DESIGN IGCSE 1000-1200 CHINESE AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 01 IGCSE 0830-0915 1015-1200 CHINESE AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 02 BAHASA INDONESIA 01 IGCSE IGCSE 1045-1200 BIOLOGY 42 First Break: 1000 to 1030 Second Break: 1230 to 1300 26 April 2023 (WED) 28 April 2023 (FRI) 1000-1200 1000-1200 1000-1200 1045-1200 1000-1200 1000-1200 1000-1200 1100-1200 1045-1200 1045-1200 1045-1200 1100-1200 1015-1200 1000-1200 1030-1200 1100-1200 1045-1200 1015-1200 1015-1200 0800-0930 1035-1120 1150-1230 1000-1200 1045-1200 1045-1200 1015-1200 1000-1200 1100-1200 1115-1200 1115-1200 1115-1200 1045-1200 2 May 2023 (TUE) 1430-1600 1445-1600 3 May 2023 (WED) BIOLOGY 42 AS/A Level 1410-1600 FIRST LANGUAGE ENGLISH 12 IGCSE 4 May 2023 (THU) CHEMISTRY 42 AS/A Level 1330-1600 CHEMISTRY 42 IGCSE 1430-1600 5 May 2023 (FRI) ECONOMICS 22 AS/A Level 1300-1445 FIRST LANGUAGE ENGLISH 22 IGCSE 1515-1630 8 May 2023 (MON) 1430-1600 9 May 2023 (TUE) PHYSICS 42 AS/A Level 1245-1430 BIOLOGY 62 IGCSE 1445-1630 10 May 2023 (WED) BIOLOGY 52 AS/A Level 1445-1600 PHYSICS 42 IGCSE 11 May 2023 (THU) CHEMISTRY 52 AS/A Level 1445-1600 CHEMISTRY 62 IGCSE 12 May 2023 (FRI) COMPUTER SCIENCE 12 IGCSE 1410-1600 15 May 2023 (MON) ECONOMICS 42 AS/A Level 1500-1600 BUSINESS STUDIES 12 IGCSE 16 May 2023 (TUE) PHYSICS 62 IGCSE 17 May 2023 (WED) PHYSICS 52 AS/A Level 18 May 2023 (THU) COMPUTER SCIENCE 22 IGCSE 1400-1600 19 May 2023 (FRI) ACCOUNTING 22 IGCSE 1400-1600 22 May 2023 (MON) BUSINESS STUDIES 22 IGCSE 1400-1600 FOREIGN LANGUAGE MANDARIN CHINESE 42 IGCSE 1430-1600 FOREIGN LANGUAGE MANDARIN CHINESE 12 IGCSE 23 May 2023 (TUE) ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS 12 IGCSE 1400-1600 24 May 2023 (WED) FOREIGN LANGUAGE MANDARIN CHINESE 22 IGCSE 1330-1600 1415-1600 26 May 2023 (FRI) ACCOUNTING 12 IGCSE 1430-1600 29 May 2023 (MON) BAHASA INDONESIA 02 IGCSE 30 May 2023 (TUE) ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS 22 IGCSE 1430-1600 5 June 2023 (MON) ECONOMICS 12 AS/A Level 6 June 2023 (TUE) PHYSICS 22 IGCSE 7 June 2023 (WED) CHEMISTRY 22 IGCSE 1500-1600 8 June 2023 (THU) BIOLOGY 22 IGCSE 9 June 2023 (FRI) ECONOMICS 32 AS/A Level IGCSE CL 02 students taking BI 01 under FCS from 0915 to 1015 CL 02 students not taking BI 01 under FCS from 0915 to 1200 MATHEMATICS 22 BUSINESS 12 IGCSE AS/A Level MATHEMATICS 12 AS/A Level MATHEMATICS 42 BUSINESS 22 IGCSE AS/A Level ACCOUNTING 22 MATHEMATICS 42 AS/A Level AS/A Level ACCOUNTING 32 AS/A Level COMPUTER SCIENCE 12 BUSINESS 32 AS/A Level AS/A Level MATHEMATICS 52 AS/A Level BUSINESS 42 AS/A Level MATHEMATICS 32 AS/A Level ACCOUNTING 42 AS/A Level FURTHER MATHEMATICS 12 AS/A Level COMPUTER SCIENCE 22 AS/A Level SOCIOLOGY 12 COMPUTER SCIENCE 32 IGCSE AS/A Level FURTHER MATHEMATICS 22 AS/A Level COMPUTER SCIENCE 42 SOCIOLOGY 22 AS/A Level IGCSE FURTHER MATHEMATICS 32 AS/A Level FURTHER MATHEMATICS 42 AS/A Level ACCOUNTING 12 AS/A Level ACC 22 students taking MATH 42 under FCS from 1445 to 1515 ACC 22 students not taking MATH 42 under FCS from 1445 to 1600 CS 12 students taking BUS 32 under FCS from 1430 to 1445 CS 12 students not taking BUS 32 under FCS from 1430 to 1600 BUS 22 students taking CL 42 under FCS from 0935 to 1035 BUS 22 students not taking CL 42 under FCS from 0935 to 1200