Uploaded by Aditya Sareen


Veed.io - Text to speech and subtitles
Thumbnail - canva
Vid.iq/tubebuddy - youtube search optimisation 1. Find a niche for your faceless channel
2. Create video ideas and scripts using ChatGPT: https://chat.openai.com/
3. Use Veed.io to convert the script to audio using AI voiceover and then use stock footage and generate text using Veed itself and hit export: https://veed.io/
4. Make the thumbnail using Canva: https://canva.com/
5. Use VidIQ and TubeBuddy to find long tail keywords and optimise the videos for search: https://vidiq.com/
Read this thread on making faceless channels and generating revenue: https://twitter.com/adam_delduca/stat...
You can do it all for free and monetise with:
1. Adsense
2. Referral Link
3. Brand Deals
and more...
Here are all the ways to make money with ChatGPT:
- offer content writing services on Fiverr for cheap and get it done super quick with ChatGPT
- Handle email marketing as an assistant and get all your replies from ChatGPT
- Write and publish books with ChatGPT
- eCommerce product descriptions with ChatGPT
- Help content creators with scripting, titling, ideas
- ChatGPT + DALL-E + midjourney for graphic design tasks
- Social media post ideas
- Make a faceless YouTube channel
- Create tools like chrome extensions and calculators
- Solve doubts of students on websites using ChatGPT
Mike Vestil
Ishan Sharma