Vacuum 177 (2020) 109391 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Vacuum journal homepage: Numerical investigation on the effect of process parameters on arc and metal transfer in magnetically controlled gas metal arc welding Lin Wang, Ji Chen *, ChuanSong Wu MOE Key Lab for Liquid-Solid Structure Evolution and Materials Processing, Institute of Materials Joining, Shandong University, Jinan, China A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: Gas metal arc welding Arc behavior Metal transfer Excitation current Numerical simulation Gas metal arc welding assisted by an external compound magnetic field was proved to effectively suppress the weld bead defects in high speed welding. A three dimensional numerical model including the interactions among the arc plasma, filler metal and the external magnetic field was developed. The distributions of some physical quantities including temperature, velocity, current density, arc plasma force and electromagnetic force were calculated. Then the influence of the process parameters on the arc and droplet behaviors was investigated. With the increase of the excitation current, the inclination angles of the arc and droplet along both x-axis and y-axis were increased and the metal transfer frequency was increased. The excitation frequency had little influence on the arc inclination, and metal transfer frequency but affected the droplet inclination angle along y-axis. The action mechanism of the external magnetic field parameters on the arc and droplet behaviors were analyzed. 1. Introduction External magnetic field assisted arc welding process is an advanced welding technology by introducing an external magnetic field to control and improve the welding process [1,2]. The external magnetic field can improve weld bead quality and stabilize the welding process by regu­ lating the arc, droplet and weld pool behaviors [3–6]. For example, Nomura et al. [7] applied a cusp-type magnetic field to change the cross-section of the arc from a circular to an elliptical shape in tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding. The results showed that the welding speed can be increased without welding bead defects. Chang et al. [8] introduced a synchronous magnetic field including a low-frequency magnetic field in the arc-burning phase and a high-frequency magnetic field in the short-circuit phase to improve the frequency of metal transfer and diminish the spatter for short-circuit gas metal arc welding (GMAW). Wang et al. [9] found that the distribution of arc pressure and arc energy was reasonably allocated by the synergistic effect of an alternating magnetic field and low frequency pulsed welding current during narrow gap TIG welding, which protected sidewalls from lack-of-fusion defect. Chen et al. [10] proposed the steady magnetic field assisted laser-MIG hybrid welding method. The external steady magnetic field was bene­ ficial to the low-temperature impact toughness of weld metal as its microstructural refinement, ferrite reduction and randomness was improved. Curiel et al. [11] found that the low-intensity axial magnetic field increased the resistance to pitting and intergranular corrosion for cold deformed AISI 304 stainless steel during GMAW. Sharma et al. [12] used the transverse magnetic field to improve the mechanical properties of weld (magnesium alloy-AZ31B) by decreasing the weld cracks and porosities. Sun et al. [13] achieved the effective joining of Al/Ti dis­ similar metals by coupling CMT welding process and external magnetic field. The flowability and wettability of the Al/Ti dissimilar metal joint was improved, and the microhardness of HAZ zone was increased as well as the lap tensile shear strength. Chen et al. [14] developed the com­ pound external magnetic field (EMF) assisted GMAW process to suppress the undercutting defects in high speed GMAW. A compound magnetic field comprised by a steady transverse magnetic field and an alternating parallel magnetic field was generated to control the arc and droplet behaviors. It was observed that the arc and droplet not only inclined forward along the welding direction but also swung perpendicular to the welding direction under the action of the compound magnetic field by experiments. However, the influence of the EMF on the thermodynamic characteristics of the arc and droplet needs to be further explored. During the GMAW process, a thermal plasma arc is generated be­ tween the wire and workpiece. Under the action of thermal plasma, the wire is melted and a droplet transfers into the weld pool periodically. It is a very complicated physical phenomenon and there are very complex * Corresponding author. Key Laboratory for Liquid-Solid Structural Evolution & Processing of Materials, Ministry of Education, Institute of Materials Joining, Shandong University, 17923# Jingshi Road, Jinan, 250061, PR China. E-mail address: (J. Chen). Received 20 January 2020; Received in revised form 9 April 2020; Accepted 10 April 2020 Available online 18 April 2020 0042-207X/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. L. Wang et al. Vacuum 177 (2020) 109391 pool which pushed the molten metal to move to the edge of the pool, so the uniformity and smoothness of the overlapping beads were opti­ mized. The effect of the external magnetic field on the arc and droplet behaviors was not considered in this model. Xiao et al. [18] proposed a two-dimensional model for axial magnetic field controlled GMAW pro­ cess to study the interactions among arc plasma, droplet and the metal vapor. Compared to the traditional GMAW, the axial magnetic field decreased metal transfer frequency and increased droplet volume. However, the arc and droplet were assumed to be always axisymmetric to the wire axis though they should rotate around the wire axis under the action of the axial magnetic field. In this study, a comprehensive three-dimensional numerical model was proposed to investigate the arc and droplet behaviors coupling with compound EMF during GMAW process. Compared to traditional GMAW, the self-induced and additional electromagnetic forces acted on the arc and droplet were analyzed and the effect of EMF parameters (including the excitation current level and frequency) on arc behavior and metal transfer was revealed. The varied welding currents were utilized to explore the relationships among current density, arc deflection and arc stiffness. The simulation results lay a foundation for the further welding process optimization. 2. Numerical model 2.1. Generator of compound EMF Fig. 1 shows the self-designed magnetic field generator and the waveforms of the excitation current. The magnetic generator is composed of an irregular iron core with three poles and two coils. The two coils are energized periodically based on the waveforms of the excitation current, as shown in Fig. 1b. During Δt1, the coli 1 is energized so the direction of the magnetic field directs from pole 1 to pole 2 and pole 3. During Δt2, the coli 2 is energized so the direction of the mag­ netic field is from pole 1 to pole 2 and from pole3 to pole 2. As indicated in Fig. 1a, the direction of the magnetic field along the welding direction is alternative in each cycle of the excitation current while the direction of the magnetic field is constantly perpendicular to the welding direc­ tion. The more detailed information about the experiment setup was discussed in the reference [14]. Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of compound EMF. interactions among the arc, droplet, weld pool and the EMF especially when the magnetic field is introduced into the welding process. It is very necessary to reveal the physical mechanism of external magnetic field assisted GAMW process for deeply understanding the effect of the magnetic field on the welding process. But it is difficult to quantitatively analyze the distributions of physical quantity including pressure, tem­ perature, velocity and forces etc. only by experiments. Therefore, the numerical simulation assisted with little experimental study becomes preferable to study the arc and droplet behaviors under the action of the EMF. Recently, the researchers developed the numerical simulation models to investigate the influence of external magnetic field on the arc, droplet and the weld pool behaviors. Yin et al. [15] established a three-dimensional model of arc and weld pool for TIG welding with uniform axial magnetic field. The results showed that the arc was radi­ ally spread and the temperature, current density and the arc pressure on the workpiece became double-peaked. Chen et al. [16] numerically investigated the arc behavior under an axial magnetic field during TIG welding. The rotating arc and Magneto-Hydro Dynamics pumping effect for arc pressure were induced by the above magnetic field, which was responsible for the shrinkage of cathode arc attachment. However, the magnetic flux density was assumed to be uniform without the calcula­ tion and the filler metal was not included in this study. Zhou et al. [17] studied the effect of external longitudinal static magnetic field on the molten pool behavior for the arc based additive manufacturing process. They found that the tangential stirring force was produced in the molten 2.2. Physical considerations The model in this study focused on the investigation of the arc and the droplet behavior in GMAW process. Therefore, the description of the workpiece and weld pool was omitted. The interactions between the liquid metal and the arc plasma were described by a multiphase formulation. The filler metal and shielding gas were treated as incom­ pressible and immiscible phases. And the fluid flow of the gaseous and liquid phase were assumed to be laminar flow. The energy exchange between arc and droplet was considered but the melting process of the wire was not considered. The temperature of filler metal flowing into the computational domain was assumed to be melting point of the wire (1800K [19]), and then it was heated and driven by the arc plasma. The metal vapor can cause the temperature reduction at the edges of the plasma column [20]. This study mainly aims to investigate the effect of the EMF on the arc and droplet behaviors, so the metal vapor and the weld pool was not considered [21,22]. 2.3. Governing equations and source terms The mass continuity equation, momentum conservation equation, energy conservation equation, potential continuity equation and other equations were used as follows. Mass continuity: 2 L. Wang et al. Vacuum 177 (2020) 109391 ! electric potential, A is the magnetic vector potential and μ0 represents the magnetic permeability. The continuum surface force (CSF) [23] model was used to calculate the surface tension force by transferring the surface tension force into a volume force in the surface region: � � ⇀ rFm rFm FST ¼ γr⋅ (8) jrFm j jrFm j where γ is the surface tension coefficient of the molten metal, Fm is the volume fraction of the metal phase. In addition to thermal conduction, convective flow and Ohmic heating, the heat transfer associated with the thermionic heating by the electrons and the radiation loss was considered in the arc region, so the third term S of Eq. (3) was calculated as follows: S¼ Table 1 Thermo-physical properties of the wire. Symbol Value (Unit) Density Melting temperature Electrical conductivity Thermal conductivity Dynamic viscosity Specific heat ρ 7860 (kg m 3) [32] 1800 (K) 7.7 � 105 (Ω 1 m 1) [33] 26-52 (W m 1 K 1) [33] 0.006 (Pa s) [32] 695-800 (J kg 1 K 1) [33] Tm σ k ε Cp ∂ρ ν Þ¼0 þ r ⋅ ðρ! ∂t ! S ¼ j j⋅ rFm j ⋅ ϕAnode ∂t ν ⋅! ν Þ¼ þ r ⋅ ðρ! ! ! ! ! g þ j A � ð B S þ B E Þ þ F ST rp þ rτ þ ρ! (2) dF ∂F ¼ þ ð! v ⋅ rFÞ ¼ 0 dt ∂t Energy conservation: ! ∂ρh jj j2 ν ⋅ hÞ ¼ r ⋅ ðkrTÞ þ A þ S þ r ⋅ ðρ! ∂t σ (4) ! μ0 j A (5) Ohm’s law: ! j A¼ σ ⋅rφ (6) Magnetic field: ! ! BS ¼r� A (11) Fig. 2 shows the calculation domain and boundary conditions of the numerical model. Area 1 was defined as the inlet of the shielding gas and Area 2 was defined as an inlet of the filler metal. Area 3, ADHE, DCGH, CGFB and BAFE were the gas outlet boundaries and their temperature was set to 1000K [20,27]. For the inflow of the shielding gas from the nozzle, the horizontal velocity component (vx and vy) was not considered and the vertical velocity component (vz) was calculated from the for­ mula of pipe flow as following [28]: ( pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi � �) � ln x2 þy2 Rn R2n ðx2 þ y2 Þ þ R2n R2w lnðRn =RW Þ ln pffiRffi2ffinffiffiffiffi2ffi 2Q x þy ( ) vz ðx; yÞ ¼ þ vw Rn π ln 2 R2 2 R ð Þ Rw R4n R4W þ lnðRn n =RwW Þ Magnetic vector potential: ! r2 A ¼ (10) 2.4. Computational domain and boundary conditions (3) Electric potential: r ⋅ ðσrφÞ ¼ 0 εαT 4 jrFm j ! where j j⋅ rFm j is the current density normal to the electrode surface, ϕAnode is the work function of the electrode wire, ε is the emissivity of the wire surface and α is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. The filler metal transfer involves the deformation of a free surface, which was tracked in this model by the volume-of-fluid method [19,23]. (1) Momentum: ∂ρ! ν (9) SR where KB is the Boltzmann constant, e is electron charge, SR is the ra­ diation loss. In the molten metal region, only the thermal conduction, convective flow and Ohmic heating was considered, so the third term S of Eq. (3) was regarded as zero. At the plasma-electrode interface, there exists a sheath layer, which departs from the thermo-dynamic equilibrium state. Since the thickness of the sheath layer is less than 2 μm, it is not physically constructed in the model. In this study, the ’LTE-diffusion approximation’ method [24–26] was used and the heating effect at the sheath region was taken into consideration by adding energy fluxes at the sheath region near the anode. The energy flux is given by the following equation: Fig. 2. Computational domain of arc and droplet for GMAW. Nomenclature 5KB j⋅rT 2e (7) In Eqs. (1)–(7), ρ represents the density, t is the time, ! v is the ve­ locity vector, p represents the pressure, τ represents the stress tensor, ! g ! is the acceleration due to gravity, j A is the current density in the ! ! welding arc column, B S is self-induced magnetic field and B E is the ! external magnetic field, F ST is the momentum source terms of the sur­ face tension force, σ represents the electrical conductivity, h represents the enthalpy, k represents the thermal conductivity, T represents the temperature, S represents the energy source term, φ represents the (12) where Q is the inflow rate of the shielding gas, Rw is the radius of the wire, Rn is the radius of the gas nozzle and vw is the wire feeding rate. The metal phase flowed into the computational domain through boundary Area 2 at the wire melting rate, which was estimated by the empirical equation [29]: vwire ¼ aI þ bEx I 2 3 (13) L. Wang et al. Vacuum 177 (2020) 109391 Table 2 Welding parameters and magnetic field parameters. Process parameters Value (Unit) Welding current I Flow rate of shielding gas Diameter of wire Diameter of the gas nozzle Excitation current Ie Excitation frequency f 200 -250 (A) 20 (L/min) (Pure Ar) 1.2 (mm) 15 (mm) 0-6 (A) 15-30 (Hz) where a and b are constants depended on the radius and properties of the wire, Ex is the wire extension. Uniform current density was applied to Area 2. The voltage of EFGH was set to zero. 2.5. Material properties The welding wire was assumed to be mild steel and a detailed thermo-physical properties of the wire are listed in Table 1. In this study, pure argon was used as the shielding gas and temperature-dependent physical properties of the gas were used according to the datasets of Fig. 3. Simulated arc temperature and flow velocity at different times without EMF (I ¼ 250A). Fig. 4. Simulated arc and droplet with EMF at xoz plane (I ¼ 250 A, Ie ¼ 4A, f ¼ 15Hz). 4 L. Wang et al. Vacuum 177 (2020) 109391 Fig. 5. Simulated arc and droplet with EMF at yoz plane (I ¼ 250 A, Ie ¼ 4A, f ¼ 15Hz). Fig. 7. Change of temperature with time under different excitation currents. Fig. 6. The inclination angles of droplet at different times (Ie ¼ 4A, f ¼ 15 Hz). 2.7. Numerical solution method and procedure Boulos et al. [30] and Murphy et al. [31]. Firstly, the calculation of external magnetic field distribution was carried out using ANSYS electromagnetic module [34]. The steady magnetic fields (BE1) excited by coil 1 and the steady magnetic fields (BE2) excited by coil 2 were calculated, respectively. Then, the arc and droplet behaviors were calculated using the commercial software of ANSYS Fluent 14.5. User defined scalars (UDSs) equations were used to solve Maxwell’s equations, and user defined functions (UDFs) were applied to add the energy and momentum term sources or boundary 2.6. Process parameters In order to investigate the effect of the magnetic field parameters on the arc and droplet behaviors, the numerical simulation cases with different magnetic field parameters and welding parameters were car­ ried out, respectively. The main welding parameters in this study are listed in Table 2. 5 L. Wang et al. Vacuum 177 (2020) 109391 Fig. 8. Effect of excitation current on arc and droplet inclination. Fig. 9. Effect of excitation current on frequency and volume of droplet. conditions. In this study, the time step size was set as 2✕10 6 s. A pressure-based solver and PISO algorithm were used for the pressure-velocity coupling. Meanwhile, the calculated data of the external magnetic field was imported by the User-defined function (UDF). As shown in Fig. 1, the excitation current cycle can be divided into Δt1 and Δt2. If the calculation time belongs to Δt1, BE1 was imported into the model. Otherwise, BE2 was imported into the model. Therefore, an external alternating magnetic field was applied to the model to calculate the effect of the external magnetic field on the arc and droplet. Fig. 10. Additional electromagnetic force of the arc under different excita­ tion currents. limited in the area between the wire tip and the detached droplet, and the maximum velocity was about 200 m/s. Near the workpiece, the arc plasma flow became outward and upward. Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 display the arc profile and flow velocity when the EMF was applied (welding current 250 A, excitation current 4A, exci­ tation frequency 15Hz). The arc and droplet was inclined invariably along the x-axis (welding direction) within a cycle under the effect of magnetic field, as shown in Fig. 4. The maximum temperature was still about 21000K and distributed around the filler metal. The arc and droplet was also be inclined along the positive y-axis (perpendicular to the welding direction) at the first half cycle (Δt1 ¼ 0.0333 s) and then inclined along the negative y-axis at the rear half cycle (Δt2 ¼ 0.0333 s), as shown in Fig. 5. Meanwhile, the region of the arc plasma with high 3. Result and discussion 3.1. Effect of excitation current level Fig. 3 shows the temperature profile and velocity distribution of the simulated arc plasma when no EMF was applied (welding current 250A). The maximum temperature was about 21000K and distributed around the filler metal. The filler metal was transferred into the weld pool vertically and the trajectory of the filler metal was along the wire axis. The velocity distribution of the arc plasma was symmetrical along the welding wire. The arc plasma flowed downward and inward toward the workpiece with very high velocities. The high velocity arc plasma was 6 L. Wang et al. Vacuum 177 (2020) 109391 Fig. 11. Distributions of forces acted on the filler metal when EMF is applied. velocity (more than 200 m/s) was increased compared with that in normal case without EMF (Fig. 3). In order to investigate the effect of the EMF on arc and droplet inclination, the inclination angle of the arc was defined as the angle between the wire axis and centerline of arc temperature isotherm with 14000K, as shown in Fig. 4a. The inclination angle of droplet was schematically shown in Fig. 4c. Fig. 6 shows the inclination angles of the arc and all droplets within three cycles based on the simulation results. Both the inclination angles of the arc and droplet along x-axis kept stable. The average inclination angles of the arc and droplet along x-axis were 21.6� and 13.7� , respectively. However, the inclination angles of the arc and droplet along y-axis fluctuated periodically due to the swing of the arc and droplet. The positive value of angle represented that the arc and droplet inclined along positive y-axis and the negative value meant they inclined along negative y-axis. The maximum inclination angles of the arc and droplet along y-axis are 11.9 � and 6.0� , respec­ tively. The density of the arc plasma is extremely small so it is very prone to interference of the additional forces. The density of the filler metal is much larger than the arc plasma, the droplet is not so sensitive to the additional forces. Therefore, the inclination angle of the arc is larger than the droplet when the additional electromagnetic force is applied on the arc and droplet. The detailed reason for the inclination of the arc and droplet will be analyzed in the latter part. The periodic swing of the arc influenced the temperature distribution of the workpiece. Fig. 7 shows the temperature of point P (0, 4, 0.5) near the workpiece (0.5 mm above, as shown in Fig. 2) at different levels of excitation current within two cycles of the excitation current. Because of the swing of the arc, the temperature of point P was very high when the arc was inclined to the side of the point during Δt1 in each cycle (such as Fig. 5a and b). And then the temperature decreased lower than 8000K when the arc was inclined to other side (Fig. 5c and d) during Δt2. Besdies, the temperature of point P fluctuated periodically during Δt1 or Δt2. This is because the periodical growth, detachment and flight of the droplet also infulenced the temperature distribution of the arc and workpiece. With the increase of the excitation current, the temperature of the point was increased during Δt1 but decreased during Δt2. It demonstrated that the incliantion angle of the arc was increased with the increase of the excitation current. Therefore, when the arc was inclined to the side of the point P (Δt1), the high temperature was closer to the point due to the increase of the inclination angle. On the contrary, when 7 L. Wang et al. Vacuum 177 (2020) 109391 Fig. 10 shows the distribution of the additional electromagnetic force in the arc region at xoz plane under different excitation current. The arc inclination is related to both the self-induced and additional electro­ magnetic forces. The self-induced electromagnetic force can make the arc constricted and protect the arc from inclination. The additional electromagnetic force is the drivinhg force for the arc inclination. When the welding current was constant, the current density and the selfinduced magnetic field were unchanged. With the increase of the exci­ tation current, the external magnetic field was increased. The selfinduced electromagnetic force was unchanged while the additional electromagnetic force was increased so the inclination angle of the arc was increased. For the droplet incliantion, not only an additional elec­ tromagnetic force was extered on the droplet but also the inclination of the arc changed the level and direction of the arc plasma force of the droplet. Consequently, both the additional electromagnetic force and arc plsma force should be responsible for the inclination of the droplet. According to Xu et al. [35], the magnitude of the arc plasma force can be estimated by the empirical formula as follows: � 2� 1 πDd (14) Fpla ¼ Cds ρg v2g 2 4 Fig. 12. Effect of excitation current on average arc plasma force on the filler metal. where Cds is the drag coefficient for a sphere; ρg is the plasma gas den­ sity; vg is the plasma gas velocity; and Dd is the diameter of droplet. Fig. 11 shows the distribution of the additional electromagnetic force and arc plasma force of the droplet. Because the arc plasma force acts on the droplet surface and it is a surface force, the arc plasma force was transferred into the volume force in Fig. 11. It shows that the magnitude of the additional electromagnetic force was much smaller than the arc plasma force. So the change of the arc plasma force had greater effect on the droplet inclination and its transfer. Fig. 12 shows the mean arc plasma force at different level of the excitation current along three di­ rection (x, y and z). With the increase of the excitation current, both the components of arc plasma force along x-axis and y-axis were increased. So both the inclination angles along x-axis and y-axis were increased. Meanwhile, the average arc plasma force along x-axis was higher than that along y-axis, so the inclination angle of the droplet along x-axis (welding direction) was higher than that along y-axis (perpendicular to the welding direction). In addition, the components of arc plasma force along z-axis was also increased with the increasing excitation current, which was helpful to promote the metal transfer. Consequently, the metal transfer frequency was increased when the excitation current was the arc was inclined to the opposite side of the point P (Δt2), the high temperature of arc is far away from this point, so its temperature was decreasd when the excitation current is increased. It can be inferred that the external magnetic field increased the heating area along y-axis, which can lead to the increase of the width of the weld pool. The effect of the inclined arc on the weld pool behavior will be numerically investi­ gated in our future work. In order to investigate the effect of the EMF on arc and droplet be­ haviors, the inclination angles of the arc and droplet, the droplet transfer frequency and droplet volume under different excitation current were calculated. Fig. 8 shows the inclination angles of the arc and detached droplets at different levels of excitation current. With the increase of the excitation current from 0 to 6A, both the forward inclination angle (along x-axis) and the left-to-right swinging angle (along y-axis) of the arc and droplet were increased, respectively. Fig. 9 shows the effect of excitation current on frequency and volume of droplet. With the increase of the excitation current from 0 to 6A, the metal transfer frequency was increased from 140 Hz to 160 Hz and the volume of the droplet was decreased from 0.975 mm3 to 0.794 mm3. Fig. 13. Effect of excitation frequency on arc shape. 8 L. Wang et al. Vacuum 177 (2020) 109391 Fig. 16. Effect of excitation frequency on arc and droplet inclination. Fig. 14. Arc profiles and velocity distributions of arc plasma with 30 Hz excitation current. Fig. 17. Effect of excitation frequency on frequency and volume of droplet. compound magnetic field to swing the arc and droplet to the edge of the weld pool, so it is difficult to suppress the undercutting defect. So the used excitation current frequency in this study is 15–30 Hz. Fig. 13 displays the projections of the arc temperature isothermal with 10000K on the xoz and yoz sections at different levels of excitation frequency. The arc shape barely changed although the frequency of the excitation current was increased from 15 Hz to 30Hz. Fig. 14 displays the arc plasma velocity distribution when the excitation frequency was 30 Hz. The simulated results were much similar to the data that was calculated when the excitation current was 15 Hz (Figs. 4d and 5d). It indicates that the frequency of the excitation current has little effect on the arc shape. Fig. 15 shows the temperature of the point P at different levels of excitation frequency. Although the frequency of the temperature fluc­ tuation was increased with the increase of the excitation frequency, the maximum and minimum temperature within each cycle was kept con­ stant. In this study, the difference between the used maximum and minimum excitation frequency was only 15Hz, so the excitation fre­ quency had little effect on the arc shape and temperature. The effect of higher excitation frequency on arc behaviors should be investigated in the future work. Fig. 16 shows the inclination angles at different levels of excitation frequency. With the increase of the excitation frequency from 15 Hz to Fig. 15. Change of temperature with time under different excitation frequencies. increased. 3.2. Effect of excitation frequency For the designated experiments in this study, the experiment shows that optimal excitation current frequency is less than 30Hz [14]. When the excitation current was very higher, there was no enough time for the 9 L. Wang et al. Vacuum 177 (2020) 109391 would be redirected due to the change of direction in the force com­ ponents along y-axis. So the inclination angle along y-axis was reduced when the excitation frequency was increased. Fig. 17 shows the effect of excitation frequency on metal transfer frequency and volume of droplet. With the increase of the excitation frequency, both the metal transfer frequency and the volume of the droplet changed little. The difference of the volume and transfer fre­ quency were only 0.014 mm3 and 3.2 Hz. On one hand, the constant excitation current produced unchanged value of additional electro­ magnetic force. On other hand, the arc shape was almost the same at different excitation frequency (as shown in Fig. 13), so the arc plasma force was unchanged. As a consequence, the metal transfer frequency was almost constant with different excitation frequency. 3.3. Effect of welding current Fig. 18 displays the projections of the arc temperature isothermal with 10000K on the xoz section at different levels of welding current when the excitation current level and frequency were constant (Ie ¼ 2 A, f ¼ 15 Hz). Fig. 19 shows the inclination angles of the ac and droplet at different levels of welding current. When the welding current increased from 200A to 250A, the inclination angles of the arc and droplet was decreased. With the increase of welding current, the self-induced elec­ tromagnetic force was increased due to the increase of the current density. Meanwhile, the increase of self-induced electromagnetic force also increased the stiffness of the arc so it was more difficult for the arc to be inclined by the additional force. As a result, though the additional electromagnetic force was increased with increasing welding current, the inclination amplitude of the arc might be decreased. However, when the welding current increased from 250A to 300A, the inclination angle of the arc and droplet along x-axis were increased but the inclination angles along y-axis were decreased. The increase of the welding current will cause the increase of both self-induced electromagnetic force and additional electromagnetic force. The additional electromagnetic force can cause the inclination but the self-induced electromagnetic force can prevent the arc and droplet from inclination. Which one has more effect on the arc and droplet inclination is closely related to the level of the welding current. The underlying relationship among the welding cur­ rent, excitation current and arc and droplet inclination needs to be further explored. Fig. 18. Effect of welding current on arc shape. 3.4. Effect on weld pool behavior As mentioned above, the arc and droplet was inclined along the welding direction continuously and swung along the direction perpen­ dicular to the welding direction periodically. Within each cycle of excitation current, the arc and droplet was inclined to the left front along the welding direction during Δt1, as indicated in Fig. 20a. So the molten metal in the weld pool was pushed to flow to the left boundary and the fore part of the weld pool, which was beneficial to fill the left weld toe and increase the thickness of the molten metal layer in the front of the weld pool. Similarly, during Δt2, the arc and droplet was inclined to the right front along the welding direction, as indicated in Fig. 20b. The molten metal in the weld pool was pushed to flow to the right boundary and the fore part of the weld pool. As a result, the right weld toe could be filled by the molten metal, and the thickness of the molten metal layer in the front of the weld pool can also be increased. Such arc and droplet behaviors were changed periodically by the EMF, which improved the weld pool behaviors to suppress the weld bead defects. It should be noted that the droplet inclination can change the velocity of the droplet including the magnitude and direction, which will also affect the weld pool behavior. However, the quantitative analysis on the influence of droplet on the weld pool cannot be conducted in the present model. Besides, the calculated temperature of the droplet by the present model is higher than the experiment due to the ignorance of the metal vapor. It is necessary to establish a more comprehensive and accurate model Fig. 19. Effect of welding current on arc and droplet inclination. 30 Hz, both the forward inclination angles (along x-axis) of arc and droplet under different excitation frequency were almost constant. Along y-axis, inclination angle of the droplet was decreased from 7.0� to 5.0� while the inclination angle of the arc kept constant. Although the excitation frequency was changed, the additional electromagnetic force was always along the forward welding direction. So the forward incli­ nation angles at different levels of excitation frequency were almost unchanged. Due to the periodic change of the direction for the addi­ tional electromagnetic force component along y-axis, the increase of the excitation current reduced the action time of the additional electro­ magnetic force component on the droplet along y-axis. The inclined droplet could not reach its maximum inclination angle, and then it 10 L. Wang et al. Vacuum 177 (2020) 109391 Fig. 20. Schematic of the arc, droplet and weld pool with EMF. Fig. 21. Comparison between the experiment measurement and simulated result for temperature distribution. containing the arc, droplet and weld pool for GMAW to investigate the influence of the EMF on the weld pool behavior in the future work. 3.5. Experiment validation To examine the validity of the model, the temperature contours for a free burning argon arc was calculated and compared with the mea­ surement results by Hsu et al. [36] (welding current 300 A, arc length 10 mm). Fig. 21 shows that the calculated temperature contours and the measured results are in good agreements. The welding experiment with the EMF was conducted (welding current 250A, excitation current 4A, excitation frequency 15 Hz). Fig. 22 displays the weld bead appearance and cross sections with and without EMF in high-speed GMAW (welding speed 1.7 m/min). It indicates that the EMF can suppress the undercutting defect by choosing appropriate excitation current and frequency. The droplet images were captured by high-speed cameras during the welding process. Fig. 23 shows the captured images and calculated re­ sults of the metal transfer process during one excitation current cycle. The simulated droplet size basically exhibited good agreements with the Fig. 22. Suppression of undercutting in high-speed GMAW with EMF. 11 L. Wang et al. Vacuum 177 (2020) 109391 Fig. 23. Comparison of the calculated and measured metal transfer process. Fig. 24. Comparison of the inclination angles between captured and calculated droplets. experimental data. Fig. 24 shows the comparison of the inclination angles between the observed images and calculated results. Along x-axis, the measured inclination angle of the droplet was 13.4� and the simulated result was 14.6� . Along y-axis, the measured inclination angle of the droplet was 7.4� and the simulated result was 6.8� . The simulated inclination angles of the droplet were also in good agreements with the experiment results. high-velocity region of the arc plasma flow (more than 200 m/s) was increased. (2) For every 1A increase in excitation current, the arc inclination angles along x-axis and y-axis would increase by about 1.20� and 0.85� , respectively. The droplet inclination angles along x-axis and y-axis would increase by 0.75� and 0.51� , respectively. The component of arc plasma force along z-axis was increased with the increase of the excitation current, which caused the increase of metal transfer frequency. (3) With the increase of the excitation frequency, there was no obvious change for arc shape and arc temperature. The left-toright inclination angle (along y-axis) was decreased and the for­ ward inclination angles of arc and droplet (along x-axis) were almost the same. Both the metal transfer frequency and the vol­ ume of the droplet also had little change. 4. Conclusions (1) A comprehensive 3D model including the interactions among the arc plasma, droplet and the external magnetic field was estab­ lished. When the compound external magnetic field was applied, the maximum temperature of the arc was still constant but the 12 L. Wang et al. Vacuum 177 (2020) 109391 (4) The forward inclination of the arc and droplet could pushed more molten metal to flow towards the fore part of the weld pool and the swing of the arc and droplet could push molten metal to flow towards the two sides of the weld pool. Consequently, the un­ dercutting defect in high-speed GAMW can be suppressed. [14] [15] [16] Declaration of competing interest [17] The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. 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