i MINISTÈRE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT SUPÉRIEUR ******************** UNIVERSITE DE DOUALA ******************** FACULTE DE MEDECINE ET DES SCIENCES PHARMACEUTQUES ****************** INSTITUTE SUPERIEUR UNIVERSITE SAINT MONICA BUEA MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION **************** UNIVERSITY OF DOUALA ************* FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES *************** SAINT MONICA UNIVERSITY HIGHER INSTITUTE BUEA EVALUATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE OF NURSES TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON NURSING CARE DELIVERY AT THE REGIONAL HOSPITAL, BUEA A Research Report Submitted to the Department of Nursing and Clinical Psychology, School of Health and Human Services of Saint Monica University Higher Institute Buea in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of a Bachelor Degree in Nursing Science (BNS) By OGUNSIJI, PRAISE JESUFEMI (SHHS22NR002) Committee Members: Dr. Divine Nsobineyui, Ph.D., (Chair) Mrs. Agbor Catherine, MNE., (Member) November, 2022 ii EVALUATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE OF NURSES TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON NURSING CARE DELIVERY AT THE REGIONAL HOSPITAL BUEA OCTOBER, 2022 OGUNSIJI, PRAISE JESUFEMI ALL RIGTHS RESERVED iii EVALUATION OF KNOWLEDGE AND ATTITUDE OF NURSES TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON NURSING CARE DELIVERY AT THE REGIONAL HOSPITAL, BUEA A Research Report Submitted to the Department of Nursing and Clinical Psychology, School of Health and Human Services of Saint Monica University Higher Institute Buea in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of a Bachelor Degree in Nursing Science (BNS) BY OGUNSIJI, PRAISE JESUFEMI (SHHS22NR002) Project Approval Committee Members Signature:……………………….. Date:…………………………… Divine Nsobinenyui, PhD (Chair) Signature: ……………………………. Date:………………………..…... Mrs. Agbor Catherine. (Member) Signature:………………………. Prof. Ndeso A. Sylvester (Dean) Date:……………………………. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisors, Dr. Divine & Mrs. Agbor Catherine, whose professional, time and physical support were vital in the completion of this work. Special thanks go to all staff of Saint Monica University Higher Institute of Buea, for their professionalism and critics which have played a great deal to my present achievement, especially my Head of department Mrs. Agbor Catherine. To my beloved parents Mr. & Mrs. Ogunsiji Sunday Olatunji, who gave me their full support I needed in my academic achievement. I am glad to use this medium to express my appreciation to Mr. Agbonyin Micheal and my siblings for their support and encouragement, which inspired me to work harder. Also, to a friend like a Blood Brother, Ige Blessing, and my Sweet Sister, Titilayo Rokeebat, I really appreciate your presence in my life. Not failing to remember my friends, Oladosu Taiwo Janet, Popoola Jerimiah (Excellent Sax), Mrs. Salau blessing (Mummy praise), Oderinde Stephen, Gbadegesin job and Ojedokun twins (Ibeji) who assisted me with prayers and financial support throughout period of my studies. Above all, to Almighty God who guided and protected me throughout my period of my studies. v ABSTRACT Information technology is defined as an information system that provides procedures to record and make available information concerning part of an organization to assist organization related activities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and attitude of nurses to information technology on nursing care delivery in RHB. This research studied knowledge of computer facilities, the level of knowledge of these computer facilities, whether the mentioned computer facilities are used in the hospital. The relevance of information technology in nursing care delivery and factors hindering the use of ICT in nursing care delivery in RHB were studied too. Sources of data for this study include library and questionnaire responses. A descriptive research design was utilized in this study and A Convenient sample of all nurses working in Regional Hospital, Buea. One hundred and eight (108) nurses were given questionnaire for this study through the two shifts (morning and night shifts) for one month who were willing to participate in the study. The results showed that the majority of the studied subjects answered (Agree) about knowledge questions. The current study concluded that, nurses are responsible for a substantial part of the patient record and hence are particularly affected by the computerization. I hereby recommend continuing education for nurses in the area of ICT. This should be included in the curriculum for training nurses. Nurses should also make personal efforts to acquire ICT knowledge. All nurses should, therefore, be computer literate in order to embrace the information revolution that is going on now in the world. vi TABLE OF CONTENT COVER PAGE.................................................................................................................................i RESERVATION PAGE..................................................................................................................ii CERTIFICATION PAGE...............................................................................................................iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iv LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................... x DEDICATION ................................................................................................................................ x CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study ................................................................................................................ 1 Statement of problem ...................................................................................................................... 2 Research Objective ......................................................................................................................... 2 General objective ............................................................................................................................ 2 Specific objectives .......................................................................................................................... 2 Research Questions ......................................................................................................................... 3 Significance of the Study ................................................................................................................ 3 Scope of the study ........................................................................................................................... 4 Definition of terms .......................................................................................................................... 4 Research hypothesis ........................................................................................................................ 5 vii CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 6 Conceptual Review ......................................................................................................................... 7 Concept of Knowledge ................................................................................................................... 7 Concept of Attitude ......................................................................................................................... 8 Concept of Practice ......................................................................................................................... 9 Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Patient Teaching: ............................................................... 10 Information and communication technology (ICT) in Nursing .................................................... 10 Definitions and uses of the term in literature ................................................................................ 11 Attributes of health care ICT ........................................................................................................ 11 Competence in nursing ................................................................................................................. 12 Theoretical Review ....................................................................................................................... 15 Empirical Review ......................................................................................................................... 16 Summary of the chapter ................................................................................................................ 18 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 19 Area of the study ........................................................................................................................... 19 viii Research Design ........................................................................................................................... 20 Population, Sample and Sampling technique ............................................................................... 20 Research Instrument ..................................................................................................................... 21 Validity of Instrument ................................................................................................................... 21 Data collection .............................................................................................................................. 21 Data Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 22 Inclusion Criteria .......................................................................................................................... 22 Exclusion criteria .......................................................................................................................... 22 Ethical Considerations .................................................................................................................. 22 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS Table (1): Frequency distribution of the study sample according to their socio-demographic characteristics . .............................................................................................................................. 23 Table (2): Frequency distribution of knowledge and understanding of the relevant of ICT to nursing care delivery among Nurses. ........................................................................................... 26 5. Ability to learn and improve patient care data which is been recorded for future use. ............ 26 Table (3): Frequency distribution of attitude of nurses to the usage of information communication technology. : .................................................................................................................................. 27 Table (4): Frequency distribution of factors that are hindering the use of ICT among nurses : ... 28 CHAPTER FIVE ix DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Discussion ..................................................................................................................................... 29 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 32 Recommendation .......................................................................................................................... 32 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 33 Research Questionnaire ................................................................................................................ 38 x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS RHB: Regional Hospital, Buea. ICT: Information Communication Technology. IOM: The International Organization for Migration. OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. NCSBN: The National Council for State Board of Nursing. ANMC: Australia Nursing and Midwifery Council. NMC: Nursing and Midwifery Council. UCH: University College Hospital. xi LIST OF TABLES Table (1): Frequency distribution of the study sample according to their socio-demographic characteristics . .............................................................................................................................. 23 Table (2): Frequency distribution of knowledge and understanding of the relevant of ICT to nursing care delivery among Nurses. ........................................................................................... 26 5. Ability to learn and improve patient care data which is been recorded for future use. ............ 26 Table (3): Frequency distribution of attitude of nurses to the usage of information communication technology. : .................................................................................................................................. 27 Table (4): Frequency distribution of factors that are hindering the use of ICT among nurses : ... 28 x DEDICATION I dedicate this research work to my parent (Mr. & Mrs. Ogunsiji Sunday Olatunji). 1 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Information technology is defined as an information system that provides procedures to record and make available information concerning part of an organization to assist organization related activities (Flynn, 1998). According to Davis (1999), information technology refers to sending, processing and receiving information through electronic means or computer. It is a flow of some sort of information carrying commodity in some network. Healthcare delivers largely depend on information for effective decision making. Health information technology is use in prevention of medical records, improving health care qualities, increasing administration efficiency and healthcare works process and expanding access to affordable care (IOM, 2002). Many new technologies are becoming available within nursing care, such as home dialysis equipment or new infusion pumps that changes the nursing staff's daily routine (Billings et al., 1993). In addition, all kinds of technologies that support distant care, such as telecare technology, have consequences for nursing professional do not automatically use them as intended by the developers (Bates et al., 1998, 2001; Schiff et al., 2000). This means that a substantial proportion of patience/client will not receive the intended care in such a way that they benefit from this innovation. This article focuses on the determinants of successful introduction of new technology in nursing care. There are no age limit or position limit in studying information technology. In October, 1999, the Guardian newspaper reported that the British Prime Minister Tony Blair took his first tentative step into Information technology. He admitted his incompetence in computer usage. He then 2 attended a two-hour computer training session in a shopping center to be instructed in wordprocessing, e-mail and the internet (Guardian 25 October, 1999). There is need for everybody to become computer literate. This is important because the world has now entered the information age. Statement of problem Science has since reduced the world to a global village. This is the part and function of information technology. It is a common knowledge that information and communication technology (ICT) has come to facilitate and ease interactivity in health care delivery, nursing diagnoses and treatment of ailments and disease, precision and accuracy in laboratory experiments, medical records keeping and drug preparation, monitoring of patient’s condition among others. Information and communication technology (ICT) is, therefore, vital for efficient discharge of duties in contemporary health institutions. What this means is that nurses in the contemporary health and health related sectors must be ICT literate and compliance. Nurses should be familiar with relevant ICT applications in health care delivery. Research Objective General objective The general objective of this study is to evaluate the knowledge of nurses and their attitude towards the use of information technology on nursing care delivery Specific objectives i. To determine the current levels of knowledge and understanding of the relevant of ICT to nursing care delivery among Nurses in Regional Hospital Buea. 3 ii. To determine the attitude of nurses to the usage of information communication technologies in Regional Hospital Buea. iii. To find out the factors that are hindering the use of ICT among nurses in regional hospital Buea. Research Questions The following research questions will guide this study. i. What is the level of knowledge and understanding of the relevant of ICT to nursing care delivery among Nurses in Regional Hospital Buea? ii. What are the attitude of nurses to the usage of ICT among Nurses in Regional Hospital Buea? iii. What are the factors that are hindering the use of ICT among nurses in regional hospital Buea? Significance of the Study The world has witnessed an information revolution, a combination of massive increase in the world’s inventory of information and technical development and means to cope with it. Information technology is the name given to the means of processing and transmitting information. Information technology is a subject that is very wide. There is hardly no sector of the economy that information technology is not being applied. For example, in manufacturing, computers are used to do product design, product packaging. In engineering, computers are used to do different types of designs. In remote sensing and earth observation, satellite is a computer-based technology in orbit for data transmission to the ground for interpretation. The world of commerce is far more 4 automated than the actual production of goods. Banking, transportation and distribution of goods are being more transformed by electronics. The world of commerce is information intensive. It is required that information be made available on goods, their prices, their utility and the modern means for paying for those goods. Microcomputers are now widely used in hospitals and medical practice, medical research and medical decision-making. The new technology offers new hope to the deaf, blind and the disabled. Diagnostic tests and laboratory analysis are quicker and easier. Scope of the study This research work mainly focuses on the evaluation of knowledge and attitude of nurses to information technology on nursing care delivery among nurses in Regional Hospital Buea, Cameroon in other to obtain a broader prevalence data from the nurses working at the hospital. Definition of terms Evaluation: Evaluation is a systematic determination of a subject merit, with a significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards. Knowledge: Knowledge is an awareness of familiarity gained by experience of a fact of a situation. Attitude: Attitude is a settle way of thinking or feeling about something. Information: Facts provided or learned about something or someone. Technology: Technology is the set of knowledge, skills, experience and techniques through which humans change, transform and use our environment in order to create tools, machines, products and services that meet our needs and desires. 5 Nursing: Nursing is a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. Care: Care is the provision of what is necessary for the health, welfare, maintenance, and protection of someone or something. Delivery: Delivery is the part of a health system where patients receive the treatment and supplies they are entitled to. Research hypothesis Null hypothesis Nurses working in regional hospital, Buea do not have appropriate knowledge and good attitude towards the use of information technology on nursing care delivery. 6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW Introduction The purpose of this literature review is to explore the scope of competence necessary for the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in nursing care. The study question of what competence is required from nurses for the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in nursing care is its main reference point. The usage of ICT has steadily increased in all life spheres, including economic, social, political and cultural (OECD, 2009), as well as health care, caring science and nursing. The gradual introduction and further extensive utilization of such technological inventions as personal computer, cell phone and Internet has impacted every aspect of life (OECD 2009), making it unimaginable to provide services or even function without them. In the health care sector, especially with the recent general shift to outpatient care, ICT usage has become essential in decentralized health care provision (Thomassen and Jansen, 2013). However, since the introduction of digital technology into health care, nurses have been often in opposition, claiming that use of computerized systems prevents them from capturing “the real nursing” (Darbyshire, 2004), distances nurses from patients and disrupts the rapport (Adams et al., 2007). How do we provide high quality nursing care in the digital world? How do we assure our patients that they interact with another human being, not with a machine? How do we retain that human element? 7 Conceptual Review Concept of Knowledge According to the New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of English Language (2013), knowledge is a result or product of knowing, information or understanding acquired through experience, practical ability or skill. Knowledge can be acquired in three different domains namely: cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning. Craven & Hirnle (2006) stated that cognitive knowledge is the rational thought and involves learning about facts, arriving at a conclusion, making decisions or drawing inferences. Affective learning result in changed beliefs, attitudes or values while psychomotor refers to muscular movements that form some sort of knowledge. Knowledge of patient teaching: As documented by Berman et al., (2012) knowledge alone is not enough to motivate a person to change behavior. There is need to learn what needs to be done to change behaviors and acting on the knowledge. Therefore, knowledge must appeal to the emotion for it to affect behavior. This is because emotion works hand-in-hand with cognitive process or the way we think about an issue or situation. Patient teaching involves means whereby attitudes counter- productive to health and wellbeing might have to be altered. For patient teaching to be effective it must meet the needs expressed by the individual clients themselves. Knowledge of patient teaching therefore involves the nurses’ ability to have adequate knowledge of different patient’s disease conditions, the nurses’ ability to identify clients requiring teaching, assessing and diagnosing their learning needs, planning, implementing, evaluating as well as documenting patients teaching. Nurses are in a position to promote healthy lifestyles through the application of health knowledge, the change process, learning theories, and nursing and teaching process, when teaching patients and their families. Nurses on their own part, should have emotional appeal for 8 patient teaching as an integral function of the nurse. It is only then that their knowledge of patient teaching will affect their behavior. Concept of Attitude Attitude as documented in the New International Websters Comprehensive Dictionary of English language (2013) is defined as a state of mind, behaviour or conduct regarding some matter as indicating opinion or purpose. Plotnik & Kouyoumdjian (2008) defined attitude as any belief or opinion that includes an evaluation on some object, person or event along a continuum from negative to positive that predisposes us to act in a certain way toward that object, person or event. Altschul & Sinclair (2005) defined attitude as an orientation towards an object or situation, a readiness to respond in a predetermined manner. From the above definitions of attitude, one can deduce that attitude is a state of mind about a matter and it includes evaluation of the matter from negative to positive and taking a stand for either negative or positive. Attitude is acquired during the periods of development. Brandt & Witherel (2012) stated that learning accounts for the most of the attitudes we hold. Passer & Smith (2007) argued that hereditary variables may affect attitude but believes that they do so indirectly. Plotnik (2008) opined that our beliefs and values contribute to the attitude formation. He further suggested that individuals must be consistent in their beliefs and values in order to develop a good attitude, in other words to stand up for those beliefs and values that we consider very important. Attitude can have a significant impact on behavior, hence it is used to predict behavior. Passer and Smith (2007) supported the above view by stating that there are three factors which explain attitude behavior relationship. First attitude influence behavior more strongly when situational factors that contradict our attitude are weak. In other words, our intentions to engage in a behavior is strongest 9 when we have a positive attitude toward that behavior, when subjective norms (our perceptions of what other people think we should do) support our attitudes and when we believe that it is under our control. Second reason for attitude relationship is that attitude has a greater influence on behavior when we are aware of them and when they are strongly held. That is attitude behavior consistency increases when people consciously think about them or are reminded of their attitudes before acting. Passer and Smith concluded that general attitude best predict general behavior and specific attitude best predict specific behavior. Attitude of nurses towards patient teaching similarly can be influenced when situational factors that counteract patient teaching are weak. Patient’s conditions and expectations may influence nurses’ behavior towards patient teaching. Also, when nurses are aware of their attitude towards patient teaching, it will have greater influence on their behavior. When nurses think consciously about their attitude toward patient teaching or are reminded of their attitude before acting. Concept of Practice The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary of English Language (2013) defined practice as; to make use of habitually or often to apply in action, the act of or process of executing or accomplishing, doing or performance. The definition implies that nurses should practice or carry out patient teaching as a professional habit because practice is the behavior outcome of knowledge and attitude. 10 Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Patient Teaching: Knowledge of patient teaching alone is not enough to motivate nurses to change their behavior towards patient teaching. Nurses require to know what needs to be done to achieve effective patient teaching. Knowledge and attitude will only affect practice when the information is relevant and a positive attitude is shown toward imparting the knowledge. Information and communication technology (ICT) in Nursing Information and communication technology (ICT) is a fairly new concept and even though numerous researches have been contributed to examining the usage of ICT in nursing, the concept itself has not been thoroughly analyzed and defined in literature. There is also no clear differentiation between ICT and related terms such as e-health or telemedcine. In order to examine the nurses’ competence required for ICT use, health care ICT as a concept is analyzed. Concept analysis is an examination and description of the basic elements of a word or term that helps defining the concept and differentiating it from similar concepts (Walker & Avant 2011). It is necessary particularly in the case of vague or overused terms such as ICT. The aim of this analysis is to develop an operational definition for the purposes of this final project and distinguish the term ICT from related terms such as Health. This analysis follows the steps suggested by Walker and Avant (2011) and starts with the definitions and uses of the term in literature of different fields and professions, not limited to nursing. Subsequently, the defining attributes are determined and a model case is identified. Moreover, other exemplars from nursing profession are provided to describe the relation between ICT and related terms. Finally, health care ICT empirical references are presented. 11 Definitions and uses of the term in literature Information and communication technology (ICT) is a term developed in the context of information technology, informatics and computers field. However, its use is not limited to those fields, as ICT has been widely adopted in other spheres of life. Cambridge Dictionary of Business English (2013) defines ICT as “the use of computers and other electronic equipment and systems to collect, store, use, and send data electronically”. In the context of education, Blurton (1999) defines ICT as “a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information.” According to The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) “ICT products must primarily be intended to fulfil or enable the function of information processing and communication by electronic means, including transmission and display” (OECD 2009). Moreover, OECD determines that “ICT has three components: information technology equipment (computers and related hardware); communications equipment; and software” (OECD 2011). Attributes of health care ICT In concept analysis, attributes are listed in order to demonstrate the characteristics most frequently connected to the particular concept and to enable differentiating the concept from other related terms (Walker & Avant., 2011). The following defining attributes of health care ICT used in clinical practice were identified: enabling digital data and information management including accumulating, retrieving, controlling, accepting, manipulating and sharing of data; as well as enabling communication (Bembridge et al., 2011) of health care professional with patient/client (Andersen & Jansen, 2013) or other health care professional (Lewis et al., 2012; Varpio et al., 2009). 12 Various authors list devices that do not fulfill these criteria into the group of ICT. For the purpose of this final project both characteristics mentioned above have to be present in order to include the device, technology or infrastructure to the ICT category. Competence in nursing Competence as generally defined in Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary (2000) is “the ability to do something well” or together with its less frequent version competency “a skill that you need in a particular job or for a particular task”. Those definitions stress the importance of skills in the process of gaining competence. However, competence in nursing is hardly limited to skills. Many nurse researchers and theorists, with Peplau (1988) at the frontline, underline the humanistic side to nursing and the need to find balance between science and art as a core of nursing practice. Peplum states clearly that “the most useful nursing services for people can only be achieved if both the art and the science of nursing are retained, fully developed, and used in nursing practice” (1988). The artistic aspect encompasses skills, personal ideals, values and attitudes while the science is synonymous with nursing knowledge. Therefore, the humanistic aspect of nursing plays a considerable role in the construct of nursing competence, even though it is easier to measure and value the technical aspects of professional performance (Cowan et al.,2007:). This combination of art and science as well as the wide scope of nursing contributes to the notion that competence has become an “elusive term” for various researchers (Axley 2008; Cowan et al., 2007; Garside & Nhemachena 2013; Scott Tilley 2008). Nevertheless, nursing organizations and researchers try to define competence in order to develop a certain standard for the delivery of nursing care. In the United States, The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) in 1996 defined competence as” the application of knowledge and the interpersonal, decision making and psychomotor skills expected for the practice role, within the context of public health” (2005). 13 Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) state that competence is “the combination of skills, knowledge, attitudes, values and abilities that underpin effective and/ or superior performance in a profession/occupational area”. According to Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) based in United Kingdom, competence comprises of “the knowledge, skills and attitudes”. Royal College of nursing (2011) states that competency is “the ability to demonstrate the application of knowledge, understanding, practical and thinking skills to achieve effective performance in a professional or occupational role”. The above-mentioned sources stress the importance of the combination of skills, knowledge and attitudes, while paying less attention to the humanistic aspect of nursing practice. Moreover, a closer review of the cited sources reveals another issue that make the concept of “competence” so elusive. The use of the words “competence” and “competency” is neither consistent nor clearly defined in nursing literature. Even though some sources distinguish between those two terms, the nursing literature uses both interchangeably even in the same text, as seen in Axley (2008), Lenburg (1999) or Scott Tilley (2008), regardless of British or American English variety. Moreover, some authors assign those words different meanings. Nolan defines competency as “an individual’s actual performance in a particular situation” while competence is “an individual’s capacity to perform his or her job functions whether in fact he or she has the knowledge, skills, behaviors and personal characteristics necessary to function well in a particular situation” (1998). Another approach in distinguishing between competence and competency is presented by McMullan et al., (2003) where competence is “job-related, being a description of an action, behavior or outcome that a person should demonstrate in their performance” and competency is “person-orientated, referring to the person’s underlying characteristics and qualities that lead to an effective and/or superior 14 performance in a job”. Those definitions address both art and science aspect of nursing, though not in a consistent way. Correspondingly, Axley (2008) notes that competence attributes include “attitude, motives, personal insightfulness, interpretive ability, receptivity, maturity, and selfassessment” and Cowan et al., (2007) list additionally personal interests, perceptiveness, and aspects of personal identity. Those various descriptions present how multifaceted, complex and elusive the concept of nursing competence might seem. However, the development of a working definition of competence is necessary to create a standard for improving education and assessing nurses’ abilities to provide safe quality care. In the quest for holistic, standardized definition Cowan et al., (2007: 26) reviewed the literature and concluded that competence can be described as “a complex combination of knowledge, performance, skills, values and attitudes”. This summarizes well the attributes mentioned in the definitions above as well as overlaps with RCN’s definition of nursing as “intellectual, physical, emotional and moral process” (2003). Based on that, the competence in this final project is defined as application of knowledge, skills, attitude and personal predispositions in nurse’s professional performance. It is important to remember, that nursing competence is context and time specific (Garside & Nhemachena, 2011). As the technology evolves, new competence is necessary to fulfill the nursing mission. Competence in general information and communication technology (ICT) usage are routinely required from nurses (Lenburg et al., 2011; NMC 2010) as part of communication competence. The report developed by The Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform (TIGER 2009) Initiative describes the minimum set of competence regarding the use of health information technology in nursing. It clearly details the technical skills and knowledge with respect to basic computer competency, information literacy and information management. However, the 15 attitudes or personal characteristics that are the components of competence are omitted in this report, as in many other studies regarding technology use in caring. Locsin and Purnell (2009) underline that in the context of utilization of ICT competence must involve such aspects as intentionality, confidence and compassion. Therefore, this project mainly focuses on exploring the attitudes and personal predispositions required in the utilization of ICT in nursing care, even though it also includes the description of skills and knowledge. Theoretical Review Ibrahim Badran’s knowledge, Attitude and practice (KAP) Model Badran (1995) stated that knowledge, Attitude and practice constitute a triad of interactive factors characterized by dynamism and unique interdependence. According to Badran, Knowledge is the capacity to acquire, retain and use information and education is prerequisite for knowledge. He defined attitude as the inclinations to react in a certain way to certain situations to see and interpret events according to certain disposition or to organize opinions to inherent and interrelated structures. By practice, he meant the application of knowledge that leads to action. Good practice is an art that is linked to the progress of knowledge and technology and is executed in an ethical manner. He also identified several important factors that could influence or control the course of practice which include conglomerate of information, education, communication and human resources development, modern technologies, environmental factors etc. Badran stated that triad of knowledge; attitude and practice in combination govern all aspects of life in human societies and all the three pillars that make up the dynamic system of life. 16 Application of Theory to the Study; Nurses acquire knowledge about patient conditions; physical, emotional, physiological, cultural as well principles of teaching during nursing, midwifery, post basic nursing training as well as master’s programs in nursing. To retain the knowledge acquired, nurses engage in personal readings, workshops and conferences in order to refresh their memory. Attitude: The knowledge that nurses acquired and retained on patient teaching will incline them to react in a certain way positive or negative way towards patient teaching. Practice: When nurses apply the rules and knowledge of patient teaching, they will be moved to action of teaching patients no matter how tight their schedules may appear to be. As nurses to increase their knowledge and their techniques of patient teaching, they will become perfect in teaching patients and invariable enhance their practice of patient teaching. Empirical Review There is a dearth of literature on knowledge, attitude and practice of patient teaching among nurses working in the tertiary institutions. However, some of the studies carried out in related area were reviewed. Oyetunde and Akinmeye (2015) conducted a study on factors influencing practice of patient education among nurses at the University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan Nigeria published in the open journal of nursing. A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was employed, using 200 nurses. These nurses were selected through stratified and simple random sampling techniques. The researchers used a self-designed questionnaire in their method and data was analyze using statistical package for social sciences version 15 (SPSS 15). The study revealed that the knowledge and practice of patient education among the nurses in UCH Ibadan was high and the knowledge 17 was found to be significantly associated with its practice. The working experience of nurses does not determine whether they practice patient education or not. Almost all the respondents (70% 90%) in their study affirmed that the nurses’ experience, cultural barriers, workplace, insufficient staffing, and the complexity of patient’s condition were important factors that influenced the practice of patient education. The researchers concluded that nurses at the University College Hospital have good knowledge and positive attitudes towards patient education but could not practice effectively. The researchers advocated a more critical approach in addressing heavy workload insufficient staffing, among others needed to improve patient education. Further studies should be carried out on developing nurses’ roles as patient educators. In another study by Kemppainen, Tossavainen and Turunen (2013) on Nurses roles in Health promotion practice; an integrative review. The paper presented an integrative review aimed at examining the findings of existing research studies (1998-2011) of health promotion practice by nurses. Systemic computer searches were conducted of the Cochrane data bases, cinahl, pubmed, and web of science, PSYCLNFO and Scopus databases, covering the period January 1998 to December 2011). Data were analyzed and the results were presented using the concept map method of Novak and Gowin. The review found information on the theoretical basis of health promotion practice by nurses, the range of expertise, health promotion competencies and the organizational culture associated with health promotion practice. The researcher concluded that nurses consider health promotion which is an aspect of patient teaching) important but a number of obstacles associated with organizational culture prevent effective delivery. In yet another study by Lin Chang, Chang and Lou (2011) on critical care nurses, knowledge, attitudes and practice of oral care for patients with oral and endotracheal intubation published in the journal of clinical nursing, twelve (12) adult intensive care units in northern Taiwan were 18 purposively chosen. Two hundred and five nurses (205) were recruited for the study. Data were collected by structured questionnaire. Findings showed the average percentage indicating the intensive care unit nurses oral care knowledge, attitude and practices were 58.8%, 79.4% and 49.8% respectively. Researchers discovered that higher scores on oral care knowledge were associated with nurses performing oral care more frequently. The nurse’s age and the type of intensive care unit they work in were significant factors related to the frequency of performing oral care. The researchers concluded that nurses who have more resources for learning about oral care have greater knowledge about it and provide oral care to intubated patients more frequently. Summary of the chapter Information and communication technologies (ICTs) used in the health sector have well-known advantages. They can promote patient-centered healthcare, improve quality of care, and educate health professionals and patients. However, implementation of ICTs remains difficult and involves changes at different levels: patients, healthcare providers, and healthcare organizations. Nurses constitute the largest health provider group of the healthcare workforce. The use of ICTs by nurses can have impacts in their practice. The main objective of this review of systematic reviews is to systematically summarize the best evidence regarding the effects of ICTs on nursing care. 19 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY Introduction This chapter show how the research was conducted. This includes research design, target population, sample and sampling technique, research instrument, validity of the instrument, sources of data collection, method of data analysis, ethical consideration. Area of the study The Regional Hospital Buea is found in Buea in the Fako Division of the South West Cameroon on the foot of the mount Cameroon. Regional hospital, Buea, falls under secondary level of hospital and it serves the people in the south west region of Cameroon. It is about 3km away from the mile 17 motor park. It is situated precisely between the delegations of education and the army barracks, along the highway to the Bokwango neighborhood. The hospital is made up of many units/departments/centers including the following unit (male and female), the surgical unit, the pediatrics unit, the maternity unit, the Laboratory unit, the X-ray unit, the hemodialysis center, the Tuberculosis center, the theatre department and the Outpatient department (OPD). Each of the Unit/Department/Centre is headed by a specialist doctor (Surgeons, Gynecologists, Pediatrician). But control of the wards is done by the ward charges like senior midwives also present in the hospital are nurses of all categories ranging from Nursing Assistant (NAS) State Registered Nurses (SRN). Higher National Diploma Nurses (HND), Degree (BNS) and even master degree holder Nurses (MNE). 20 Research Design A descriptive research design was utilized in this study. This design is concerned with description of phenomena of interest and focuses on a single group or population characteristics, attributes, and or experiences. Population, Sample and Sampling technique The study population for this study covered all nurses who work at Buea Regional Hospital, South West Region Cameroon A Convenient sample among all the nurses working in Regional Hospital Buea. Total number of 108 nurses will be selected randomly. Calculation n=p (100-p) z2/E2 Where: n=p (0.3) 100-p (100-0.3) z2/E2 952/0.52 n= 0.3(99.7) 0.9025/0.25 n= 29.91× 0.9025 / 0.25 n= 29.91×3.61 n=108. 21 Therefore, sample size was 108 Research Instrument To achieve the purpose of the study, data was collected using a well-constructed questionnaire developed by investigator. The questionnaire consisted of four main sections: 1. Socio-demographic data: It includes data related to: gender, age, marital status, level of education, department of working and years of experience in and out hospital. 2. Questions related to the level of knowledge and understanding of the relevant of ICT to nursing care delivery. 3. Questions related to the attitude of nurses to the usage of ICT among Nurses. 4. Questions related to the factors that are hindering the use of ICT among nurses. Validity of Instrument The validity of the instrument was established by face and content validity. Ambiguous and nonappropriate questions will be avoided as much as possible. The project was given to the project supervisor to review for its effectiveness. Necessary corrections were made, and the final questionnaire was done base on the amendment made by the supervisor. Data collection Data was collected according to specific objectives. Data was collected once a week for a period of 1 months with about 8 to 9 samples collects due to the convenience sampling technique. 22 Data Analysis Data was analyzed with a descriptive technique using tables, pie chat and bar chat, which make a report of the findings of the study. Inclusion Criteria The inclusion criteria are nurses that are currently working at Regional Hospital Buea. Exclusion criteria The Exclusion criteria are nurses that are not currently working at Regional Hospital Buea. Ethical Considerations An authorization letter was collected from the administration of St Monica University Higher Institute and was attached with hand written application to the Southwest Regional Delegation of public health. After which the letter of permission was taken to the Director of Regional Hospital Buea, who granted a letter of permission to carry out research. This authorization letter was attached to another written application to the ward charges. 23 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS Table 1: showed that the majority of the studied sample have experience inside hospital (22.2%), (41.6%) and (36.1%) respectively, and are General nurses (62.9), Many of the nurses are working in the maternity unit of the hospital (21.2%), Paediatric unit (9.2%), theatre unit (15.7%), medical unit (16.1%), surgical unit (13.3%), neonatal unit (12%) and another unit which was (10.1%)) respectively. Table 1: Frequency distribution showing years of experience, Nurses job and the departments/unit in the hospital (n=108). Variables Years of experience in the hospital: <1 year 1≤ 3 years 3-5 years Nurse job: Specialist nurse N Percentage (%) 24 45 39 22.9 41.6 36.1 25 Nurse supervisor General nurse Department/unit: Pediatrics Maternity Theater Medical Surgical Neonatal Others 15 68 23.1 13.8 62.9 10 23 17 18 15 13 11 9.2 21.2 15.7 16.1 13.3 12 10.1 24 Sex Male Female Figure 1: Sex of respondent Education 80 60 40 20 0 Nursing diploma B.sc in nursing Education 1 Education 2 Post graduate Education 3 Figure: Educational level of respondents Age 80 60 40 20 0 20-30 years 31-40 years Age 1 Age 2 >40 years Age 3 25 Figure 3: Age of respondents Table 2: showed that the majority of the studied subjects answered (Agreed) knowledge and understanding questions especially Ability to learn and improve patient care data which is been recorded for future use question (45.5%) and majority choose (strongly agreed) to Enable nurses to share important information with patient family with (37.9%) and the ability to implement research findings into patient care practices question (37.9%). Many people disagreed to the Adequately involve patient and family in the care planning to prefer better decision making on question with (29.6%) also to other question and like consistency with which patient care data been recorded (39.8 %) also a huge number of people disagreed the question on (44.4%). A quite number of people choose (strongly Disagreed) that ICT Help decision-making in-patient care (29.6%). 26 Table 2: Frequency distribution of knowledge and understanding of the relevant of ICT to nursing care delivery among Nurses. (n=108). Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly agree disagree Variables (knowledge and understanding) No N % No % No % % o 1. Access to information improve the 41.6 16 14.8 29 ability to allow the patient to 45 26.0 18 16.6 make better care decision. 2. Help decision-making in-patient 16.6 27 25 32 29.6 31 28.7 18 care 3. Enable nurses to share important 34.2 41 37.9 19 information with patient family 37 17.5 11 10.1 4. Adequately involve patient and family in the care planning to prefer better decision making on. 31 28.7 32 29.6 16 14.8 47 43.5 11 10.1 3 2.7 29 26.8 5. Ability to learn and improve patient care data which is been 49 recorded for future use. 6. The consistency with which patient 21 care data been recorded. 19.4 19 17.5 43 39.8 25 23.1 7. The accuracy and validity of the patient care data being recorded 41 37.9 22 20.3 19 17.5 26 24 16 14.8 23 21.2 26 24.0 24 22.2 48 44.4 41 37.9 26 24 8. Appropriately discharge their 43 duties at the right time 9. The overall safety of parent care 13 10. The ability to implement research 23 findings into patient care practices 45.5 39.8 12.0 21.2 23 18 21.2 9 27 Table 3: showed that the majority of the studied sample was agreed that they did not like working with computers with (63.8%) while some agreed that working with computers takes too much of time (66.6%) and many agreed that the use of ICT is not necessary in patients care (56.4%) as well as some also disagreed that ICT creates distractions during working hours (69.4%) and also disagreed that the use of computers complicates patients care during documentation (55.5) respectively. Table 3: Frequency distribution of attitude of nurses to the usage of information communication technology. (n=108): Attitude Aspects N % I did not like working with computers (n= 108): Agree Disagree Working with computers takes too much of time (n= 108): 69 39 63.8 36.1 Agree Disagree The use of ICT is not necessary in patients care (n= 108): Agree Disagree ICT creates distractions during working hours (n= 108): Agree Disagree The use of computers complicates patients care during documentation (n= 108): Agree Disagree 72 36 66.6 33.3 61 47 56.4 43.5 33 75 30.5 69.4 48 60 44.4 55.5 28 Table 4: showed that the majority of nurses answered agree to factors that are hindering the use of ICT among nurses. Many of them said that they did not have access to computer easily (66.6%) and majority of studied sample also disagreed that they do not have basic skills of operating computer (75%). And also disagreed to due to unreliability of the electricity supply in the hospital with (69.4%) and agreed that the computers are not functioning at optimal level (63.8%) while majority agreed that the network coverage of the network provider in the hospital is bad (67.5%). Table 4: Frequency distribution of factors that are hindering the use of ICT among nurses (n=108): Factor Aspects N % Does not have access to computer easily (n= 108): Agree Disagree Does not have basic skills of operating computer (n= 108): 72 36 66.6 33.3 Agree Disagree Due to unreliability of the electricity supply in the hospital (n= 108): Agree Disagree The computers are not functioning at optimal level (n= 108): Agree Disagree The network coverage of the network provider in the hospital is bad (n= 108): Agree Disagree 27 81 25 75 33 75 30.5 69.4 69 39 63.8 36.1 73 35 67.5 32.4 29 CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Discussion Current research can be considered as giving some insight, but an incomplete picture of how nurses use information technology. Nevertheless, evolution both in nursing technological system theoretical approaches and evaluation research has opened a new road for a more comprehensive analysis of nursing technologies system implementation (Roger Watson, 2012). The total number of the studied sample was (108) nurses, majority of them were females where their ages ranged between 20-30 years. Thus, half or more of them had Bachelor nursing science degree lead to less than half of them are having ≤ 3 years of working experiences inside the hospital. In researcher point of view a lot of bachelor nurses prefer to work at private hospitals and travel abroad they have better chances than diploma nurses. Therefore, bedside nurses in governmental hospitals were diploma nurses and when the bachelor nurses work in the governmental hospitals they are working as a head nurse not a bedside nurse. The results showed that the majority of the studied subjects answered (Agreed) about knowledge and understanding questions. Raja, Mahal and Masih (2014), agreed with study that the majority of the studied sample had good communication knowledge through nursing technological system. In researcher point of view education department in hospital supported nurses with program training about nursing technological system and other courses helped in nursing work. On the other side most of nurses were bachelor which mean nursing curriculum contains nursing technologies, 30 English, and computer courses. However, nursing technologies respect to nurse’s responsibilities and accountability any time in work place through nursing technological system. majority of the studied sample was agreed that they did not like working with computers with (63.8%) while some agreed that working with computers takes too much of time (66.6%) and many agreed that the use of ICT is not necessary in patients care (56.4%) as well as some also disagreed that ICT creates distractions during working hours (69.4%) and also disagreed that the use of computers complicates patients care during documentation (55.5) respectively Raja ,Mahal and Masih (2014),agreed with study that the majority of nurses' access to computer on your unit easily, while nurses considered they to be an experienced computer as user.. In addition to, they enter data into the electronic medical record, and do you feel confident about what you are doing. In researcher point view the hospital supported nurses’ program training about nursing technological system before they used it. Furthermore, frequency seminar to nurses had problem in implementation. The current study findings are similar to those of several studies reported that the majority of the studied subjects answered agree in attitude questions (normal good attitude). (Mahal and Alhashem et al., 2007 Raja, Masih, Shah, lindia, Donaa and Moody, 2014). In nurses’ view point that system positively effect of them knowledge and practices toward children education and system helped of them near of children brain by uses technology in education or other uses. Majority of nurses answered agree to factors that are hindering the use of ICT among nurses. Many of them said that they did not have access to computer easily (66.6%) and majority of studied sample also disagreed that they do not have basic skills of operating computer (75%) Similar findings were reported in recent study conducted by Lee et al., (2005), handwriting takes more 31 time than a point-and-click procedure, when the system has slow response time or no available computers, it may take longer complete a task. And also disagreed to due to unreliability of the electricity supply in the hospital with (69.4%) and agreed that the computers are not functioning at optimal level (63.8%) while majority agreed that the network coverage of the network provider in the hospital is bad (67.5%) This is in line with Raja, Mahal and mashil (2014) who also found the similar results. Finally, from point of view, these results showed that even though nurses had good nursing knowledge and positive attitude they may be motivated to use computers in the hospital. These findings were in accordance with the study conducted by Rajia et al., (2014), revealed that nurse’s knowledge toward nursing informatics system were good score levels of nurses had positive attitude and of them satisfactory practice. Grigg, Stephens, Abubakar, Abbas and Browne (2014), also revealed similar findings. The findings of the present study revealed that the relationship between total knowledge according to total attitude and total practice of nursing informatics system was highly statistically significant. In this regards Gijare, (2012), revealed that providing feedback is necessary to improve knowledge, attitude, practices and so compliance to nursing informatics system standard in the world. 32 Conclusion The current study concluded that, nurses are responsible for a substantial part of the patient record and hence are particularly affected by the computerization. The appliance of Information Systems into nursing provides important advantages in the administration of the nursing personnel’s data, contributing to the improvement of the operating effectiveness of the Nursing Service (Malliarou et al., 2008). The use of nursing technological system (NTS) has increased completeness of some nursing documentation elements. Recommendations The current study recommended that there is great variability among nursing schools and curricula. Professional skills learned and opportunities for employment are dependent on the quality and level of the educational programs. Proficiency in decision making and acquisition of technical competence to face new challenges are the major areas that must be improved in the nursing education curricula. Also, there is a need for continuing education for nurses in the area of ICT. This should be included in the curriculum for training nurses. Nurses should also make personal efforts to acquire ICT knowledge. 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Department/unit Pediatrics [ ] Maternity [ ] Theater [ ] Medical [ ] Surgical [ ] Neonatal [ ] Others [ ] ≤ 3 years [ ] 3-5 years [ ] 39 SECTION B The following questions are to assess the knowledge and understanding of the relevant of ICT to nursing care delivery among Nurses. Indicate your agreement or disagreement by ticking your answers in the appropriate space: S/N QUESTIONS 1 Access to information improve the ability to allow the patient to make better care decision 2 Help decision-making inpatient care 3 Enable nurses to share important information with patient family 4 Adequately involve patient and family in the care planning to prefer better decision making on 5 Ability to learn and improve patient care data which is been recorded for future use 6 The consistency with which patient care data been recorded 7 The accuracy and validity of the patient care data being recorded 8 Appropriately discharge their duties at the right time 9 The overall safety of parent care 10 The ability to implement research findings into patient care practices AGREE STRONGLY AGREE DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE 40 SECTION C The following questions talks about the attitude of nurses to the usage of information communication technology. Indicate your agreement or disagreement by ticking your response in the appropriate space: S/N QUESTIONS 11 I did not like working with computers. 12 Working with computers takes too much of time. 13 The use of ICT is not necessary in patients care 14 ICT creates distractions during working hours. 15 The use of computers complicates patients care AGREED DISAGREE during documentation. SECTION D The following questions talks about the factors that are hindering the use of ICT among nurses. Indicate your agreement or disagreement by ticking your response in the appropriate space: S/N QUESTIONS 16 Does not have access to computer easily. 17 Does not have basic skills of operating computer. 18 Due to unreliability of the electricity supply in the hospital. 19 The computers are not functioning at optimal level. 20 The network coverage of the network provider in the hospital is bad. AGREED DISAGREE