Physical Properties Iodine Thiosulfate Titrations WHY: F Cl Br I F Cl Br I Size, Melting/ Boiling Point INCREASES Increase size increase V.d.W therefore more heat energy required to overcome WHY: Solubility, Electronegativity DECREASES (I soluble in KIaq) Polarity decreases down group 2MX(S) Disproportionation Reactions X2 +2OH X +XO- + H2O Definition: MXO MX + MXO3 A species is oxidised and reduced at Metal halate(I) Metal Halide the same time Metal Halate (V) F Cl Br I Displacement Reactions X2 will displace X- if they are more reactive. Hydrogen Halides with NH3 NH3(g)+HX NH4X(s) Oxidation Reactions with Non Metals (Hydrogen) F Cl Br I As Reactivity with Hydrogen DECREASES Reaction with Phosphorous and Cl2 makes Phosphorous(III)Chloride Excess Cl2 makes Phosphorous(V)Chloride Example H2(g)+ X2 (g) 2P(S)+ 3Cl2 (g) 2PCl3(l) 2P(S)+ 5Cl2 (g) 2PCl5(l) Testing for Silver Halides Use HNO3 to remove impurities Cl White sol in NH3 (aq) Dilute Br Cream Sol in NH3(aq) Conc I Yellow insol in NH3(aq) Conc MX +H2SO4 Cl 2HX(g) 2I-(aq) + S4O62-(aq) - Example 2M(s)+ X2 (g) Overall Reaction I2(aq) + 2S2O32-(aq) 2I-(aq) Reducing Agent 2S2O32-(aq) S4O62-(aq) + 2e- Oxidation Reactions with Metals (M = Metal, X = Halogen) Halogens react vigorously with group 1 metals Form ionic Bond Oxidising Agent I2(aq) + 2e- OXIDISING AGENTS Br I REDUCING AGENTS All will produce Hydrogen Halide NaCl + H2SO4 NaHSO4 + HCl Br and I will react further HBr + H2SO4 Br2 + H2O +SO2 H2SO4 8H+ 8I- H2S 4H2O 4I2