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Islamic Education Grade 8 QAns SOLVED

Question Unit-6
a)What happened on his first trip with his uncle?
Ans. On the way they met a Christian monk named Bahira who inquired Abu Talib
about his nephew. Bahira predicted Muhammad would be a Prophet and advised Abu
Talib to take proper care and protect him from the Jews.
b) How did Muhammad settle the dispute among the Quraish?
Ans. He asked them for a cloak. He took the cloak and spread it on the ground. He
placed the Black stone on cloak and ordered for the elders of each tribe to hold an
edge of cloak. They lifted the cloak along with the Black stone and He pushed it
into the corner of Ka’bah.
c) How did the first revelation come to Muhammad?
Ans. Jibril (RZ) pressed Muhammad (PBUH) body against his and said again and
again: “Recite”. Muhammad (PBUH) repeated the verses after Jibril (RZ). These
are the first revealed verses of the Quran.
d) Who was the first person that accepted Islam?
Ans. Khadijah (RZ) was the first person to accept Islam.
e) How was Rasulullah treated in taif?
Ans. They were treated very badly.
f) What is the meaning of Issara and Miraj?
Ans. It happened in a remarkable night journey to Baitul – Maqdis in Jerusalem
(Al- Israa) and the ascent to the heaven in the same night.
g) Who did Rasulullah encounter during the journey of migration?
Ans. They encountered Suraqah bin Malik.
h) What is the importance of the hijrah in Islamic history?
Ans. The Islamic calendar starts from the Hijrah of Rasulullah (PBUH) from
Makkah to Madinah. The Hijrah also marks the beginning of the new role of
Rasulullah as a statemen and ruler.
i) What did Prophet Muhammad first do in Quba?
Ans. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) built the first masjid in the history of Islam.
j) Where did Prophet Muhammad built his masjid in Madinah?
Ans. On a vacant land owned by two orphans, near the house of Abu Ayyub alAnsari (RZ).
k) How did the ansar accept the Muhajirin?
Ans. Rasulullah (PBUH) gathered all the Muslims together and announced that the
two parties would be joined in a bond of brotherhood. He asked every one of Ansar
to adopt a Muhajir as a brother and share his wealth and possessions with him. The
Ansar readily responded to His call. Every Muhajir was accepted as a brother of an
Ansari and was given a share of the latter’s property and the means to earn a living.
l) What was the policy of prophet in Madinah in relation to the Jews
Ans. Rasulullah (PBUH) directed the Muslims to respect other religions and to live
in peace with them. He allowed the non-Muslims to practice their own beliefs and
laws. They, like Muslims had political rights and duties during both war and peace.
Rasulullah showed the world that Muslims are fair and just to everyone. Muslims
must not fight unless non-Muslims attack or persecute Muslims or obstruct the
spread of truth.
m) What was the significance of the battle of Badr in Islamic history?
Ans. They realized that victory and defeat were not due to their numbers but by
Allah’s will.
q)What was the Hijjatul-Wadaa? What did the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) do
during it?
Ans. Hijjatul-Wadaa was the last hajj performed by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave his last sermon during it.
(a)What sins does Allah forgive?
Ans. Allah forgives all other sins when He wills as long as one does not commit
(b) Does He forgive shirk?
Ans. No, Allah does not forgive shirk.
( a ) What is the characteristic of Islam mentioned in this hadith ?
Ans. The characteristic mentioned is: Islam is easy.
( b ) What is the best course in all affairs ?
Ans. Middle course is the best course.
( a ) What is the main theme of the hadith ?
Ans. The main theme is Cooperation among Muslims.
( b ) What is the importance of cooperation ?
Ans. Cooperation is a desirable virtue. Muslims are urged to help each so that the
cooperative spirit may grow among them.
( c ) What does Allah do when we help each other ?
Ans. Allah helps us in the Hereafter.
(a) Who is the truly bankrupt person?
Ans. It is he who will come on the Day of Judgement with salah, siyam and zakah,
but he has abused someone, slandered someone, usurped the property of someone
and beaten someone.
(b) What is injustice?
Ans. Injustice is a terrible sin and the oppressor will be in a very disastrous
situation at the time of Judgement.
(c) How will Allah judge the oppressor on the Day of Judgment?
Ans. The rights of the oppressed are preserved by Allah, so wrongdoers will have
to compensate what they owe to those they oppressed using their good deeds on
the Judgement Day. If good deeds run out before he fulfills the amount he owes,
then sins of the oppressed will be transferred to the oppressor.
(d) How should we deal with people in this life?
Ans. We must maintain justice for all people in every sphere of worldly life.
m ) What is the advice given in this hadith ?
Ans. Remember Allah in every circumstance.
n ) How did Rasulullah teach his companion ?
Ans. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to teach his Sahabah in every circumstance,
even when moving from one place to another riding on animals.
o ) Can anyone change Allah's decree ?
Ans. No one can change Allah’s decree.
( a ) What are the four things mentioned in this surah that are to be
Ans. Sky, mountains, camels, Earth.
( b ) Why was Rasulullah send to mankind ?
Ans. Rasulullah was sent to remind.
( c ) What happens to those who reject Islam ?
Ans. Then Allah will punish them with the greatest punishment.
( a ) What does our Rabb do for His creation ?
Ans. Allah the Almighty, sustains and provides, determines its destiny, provide us
with body and faculties, and gives us the proper instinct and inclination.
( b ) What is this life compared to ?
Ans. It is compared to pasture land.
( c ) What did Allah guarantee the Prophet ?
Ans. Allah guaranteed that Prophet would not forget the Quran.
( a ) Why were death and life created ?
Ans. Allah has given us life in order to make our lives noble and beneficial. And
death is not a negative state. It is a transaction to the eternal life.
( b ) How many heavens were created by Allah ?
Ans. 7 Seven heavens were created by Allah.
( c ) What are the lamps mentioned in this surah ?
Ans. Stars are the lamps mentioned in this surah. E.g Sun.