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Hydropower Engineering Exam Questions

Chapter: 1
Q1. What are the sources of energy? write in brief.
Q2. Why hydropower development is important in context of Nepal?
Q3. What do you Mean by Gross, technical and Economical potential of hydropower?
Q.4 What are the challenges of hydropower development in Nepal? Answer all given Question
Chapter 2
Q 1. What are the major classification of hydropower plant in Nepal?
Q 2. Differentia between RoR plant and Storage plant ?
Q 3. What are the major step during pre feasibility study of hydropower plant?
Q 4. Write about major component of RoR Hydropower plant ?
Q 5. write short notes
a) Dam
b) PRoR Plant
c) Mean Monthly flow
d) Advantages of Sedimentation
Chapter: 3
1. what is the Flow duration curve and state its significance?
2. Derive the power calculation formula.
3. Define load mass curve and explain load factor.
4. Differentiate between
a) Firm and secondary energy
b) Installed and dependable capacity of powerhoues
5. short notes
a) Design head b) net head
c) gross head
d) operating head
Chapter: 4
Q 1) Define dam? What are the difference between dam and weir?
Q 2) Describe the classification of dam based on its function.
e) Rated head
Q 3) What are the criteria of selection of dam?
Q 4) Describe briefly failure modes of dam
Q 5) Define intake in hydropower plant, Explain about wet intake and dry intake.
Q 6) What is mean by energy dissipating structure? why stilling basin are construct in
hydropower project.
Q 7) Write short notes
Gravity dams
what types of loads acting on dam
write about spillway used in hydropower project.
what is mean by under sluice.
Chapter: 5
Q.1 Describe the types of intakes usually provided in RoR plant.
Q.2 Why weir is prefer used instead Dam in RoR plant.
Q.3 What are the design consideration of weir?
Q.4 What do you mean by settling basin ? Explain the function of settling basin.
Q.5 What are the main purpose of settling basin? Explain design principle and criteria of settling
basin design?
Q.6 Explain about continuous and Discontinuous settling basin type.
Q.7 Write short notes
a) Component of settling basin
b) Gravel trap
c) what is mean by sedimentation and sediment load?
d) Neat sketch of lateral intake
Chapter: 6
Q.1 What are the geometrical properties of channel section?
Q.2 What do you mean by most efficient canal section? write the expression for different most
efficient section.
Q.3 Explain different type of tunnel according to their shaper?
Q.4 Explain different types of losses in hydro tunnel.
Q.5 What are the design consideration of forebay?
Q.6 Define water hammer and its causes.
Q.7 Explain the design criteria of surge tank also draw neat sketch of surge tank.
Q.8 What is mean by economical diameter of penstock? How can it be found out?
Q.9 Write short notes
consideration when selecting the penstock material
Types of surge tank according to its function.
Advantages and disadvantages of tunnel
Define forebay and its functions.