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General English Model Questions & Answers - Part 3

Winmeen VAO Mission 100 2018
General English Model Questions With Answers – Part 3
1. Match the correct suffix with root words
(a) Popular
1. let
(b) Sensible
2. ling
(c) Book
3. ity
(d) Duck
4. Ise
Answer: 4 3 1 2
2. Match the following
(a) Autumn
1. Faucet
(b) Nappy
2. Fall
(c) Tap
3. Diaper
(d) Pavement
4. Side walk
Answer: 2 3 1 4
3. Match the following
(a) Antania
1. Lady of Belmont
(b) Portia
2. Money Lender
(c) Shylock
3. Antonio’s friend
(d) Bassania
4. Merchant of Venice
Answer: 4 1 2 3
4. Match the following
(a) Kari
1. Nine years old
(b)The boy
2. Weighed forty pounds
(c)The author
3. From writer’s village
(d) Kari’s food
4. Five months old
Answer: 4 3 1 2
5. Match the following
(a) Coarse
1. Push roughly in a crowd
(b) Invidious
2. Unjust
(c) Exodus
3. Rough
(d) Jostle
4. Mass movement from one place
Answer: 3 2 4 1
6. Match the following
(a) Announce
1. ance
(b) Exception
2. ment
(c) Wash
3. nal
(d) Clear
4. Able
Answer: 2 3 4 1
7. Match the sentences with their pattern
(a) They elected him leader
1. SVA
(b) He wore his new uniform
2. SVO
(c) He was excited
3. SVC
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(d) She went to Chennai
Answer: 4 2 3 1
8. Match the phrases with their suitable clauses
(a) Despite his sickness
1. Kalam became a great scientist
(b) On seeing the snake
2. The teacher appreciated me
(c) By working hard
3. She ran away
(d) Observing my skill
4. He attended school
Answer: 4 3 1 2
9. Match the following
(a) We got interrupted power supply _______ ?
1. Can she?
(b) Shreya draws well, ________?
2. Didn’t we?
(c) Swarna cannot run fast, ___________?
3. Isn’t it?
(d) The bus is early today, ______?
4. Doesn’t she?
1 3
10. Match the poets with their periods
(a) Wordsworth
1. 1819 - 1892
(b) Shakespeare
2. 1770 – 1850
(c) Walt Whitman
3. 1885 - 1930
(d) D.H. Lawrence
4. 1564 – 1616
Answer: 2 4 1 3
11. Match the following
(a) Petrol
1. Elevator
(b) Lorry
2. Apartment
(c) Flat
3. Gasoline
(d) Lift
4. Truck
Answer: 3 4 2 1
12. Match the following
(a) Walt Whitman
1. Chemmeen
(b) Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillari
2. The merchant of Venice
(c) William Shakespeare
3. O captain My captain
(d) Oscar Wilde
4. The selfish Giant
Answer: 3 1 2 4
13. Match the characters with the title
(a) The Little boy
1. The last leaf
(b) Ivan
2. two friends
(c) Monsieur Sauvage
3. The Lottery ticket
(d) Johnsy
4. The selfish Giant
Answer: 4 3 2 1
14. Match the poem with their poets
(a) Punishment in kinder garden
1. David Roth
Answer: 2 4
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(b) Nine gold medals
2. Rabindranath Tagore
(c) Where the mind is without fear
3. Stephen Wincent Benet
(d) Flying wonder
4. Kamala Das
Answer: 4 1 2 3
15. Match correct suffix with the root words
(a) Love
1. Ness
(b) Kind
2. Ful
(c) Beauty
3. Tion
(d) Demonstrate
4. Ly
Answer: 4 1 2 3
16. Match the following
(a) Migratory birds
1. A little boy of fourteen
(b) Hubert
2. Celine’s Husband
(c) Serge
3. Goldy
(d) Sam
4. Changed Kumar’s heart
Answer: 4 1 2 3
17. Match the words with their meanings
(a) Sacred
1. Spend wastefully
(b) Dignity
2. Tempting
(c) Enticing
3. Pride
(d) Squander
4. Divine
Answer: 1 3 2 4
18. Match poem with poets
(a) The Apology
1. Audrey Heller
(b) Hopes and Dreams
2. Ralph Waldo Emerson
(c) Prayer of a sportsman
3. Kamala Surayya
(d) My Grandmother’s house
4. Berton
Answer: 2 1 4 3
19. Match poem with poets
(a) A Psalm of life
1. Rabindranath Tagore
(b) The Solitary Reaper
2. D.H. Lawrence
(c) Piano
3. H.W. Longfellow
(d) Where the world is without fear
4. William Wordsworth
Answer: 3 4 2 1
20. Match the characters with the story titles
(a) Celine
1. Sam
(b) Kumar
2. Caught sneezing
(c) Hubert
3. The summer flight
(d) Shelly
4. Swept away
Answer: 4 3 2 1
21. Match the words with their meanings
(a) Mutiny
1. Disobey
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(b) Onslaught
2. Weapons
(c) Defy
3. Useless
(d) Futile
4. Violent attack
Answer: 2 4 1 3
22. Match the phrases with their meaning
(a) On account of
1. In the middle of
(b) In the midst of
2. To put up with
(c) To bear with
3. To get used to
(d) To be accustomed to
4. Owing to
Answer: 4 1 2 3
23. Match the poem with poets
(a) Nine Gold Medals
1. Elizabeth Barret Browning
(b) Prayer of a sports man
2. Rabindranath Tagore
(c) Where the mind is without fear
3. Berton Braely
(d) Out in field with God
4. David Roth
Answer: 4 3 2 1
24. Match the following with the author and title:
(a) Elizabeth Barret Browing
1. A Psalm of life
(b) Oscar Wilder
2. The Solitary Reaper
(c) William Wordsworth
3. The cry of the children
(d) H.W. Longfellow
4. The model millionare
Answer: 3 4 2 1
25. Match the poem with poets
(a) The Nation United
1. Lewis Carroll
(b) Is life but a dream
2. Thomas Hardy
(c) The Man he killed
3. Normal Nicholson
(d) Off to Outer space tomorrow morning 4. Walt Whitman
Answer: 4 1 2 3
26. Match the characters with the stories
(a) Matilda
1. Reflowering
(b) Della
2. The Lottery ticket
(c) Appa
3. The Necklace
(d) Masha
4. The Gift of Magi
Answer: 3 4 2 1
27. Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings
(a) Get on
1.keep for future use
(b) Give in
2. Continue to resist
(c) Stand out
3. Yield
(d) Lay by
4. Cope with
Answer: 4 3 2 1
28. Blend the following words with their codes
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1. Broadcast
2. Music
3. Wizard
4. Demonstration
Answer: 4 3 1 2
29. Match the correct suffix with the root words
(a) Colour
1. Al
(b) Hero
2. Ful
(c) Impress
3. Able
(d) Credit
4. Ic
(e) Nation
5. Ive
Answer: 2 4 5 3 1
30. Match the British English words with American English words
(a) Fellow
1. Pitcher
(b) Interval
2. Guy
(c) Jug
3. Intermission
(d) Shop assistant
4. Trunk
(e) Book
5. Sales clerk
Answer: 2 3 1 5 4
31. Match the words with their meanings
(a) Alms
1. Untidy
(b) Popular
2. Splendid
(c) Ragged
3. Offerings
(d) Amazing
4. Well known
Answer: 3 4 1 2
32. Match the name of the authors with short stories
(a) O’Henry
1. The Selfish Giant
(b) Pearl S Buck
2. The open window
(c) Saki
3. The Last Leaf
(d) Oscar Wilde
4. The Refugee
Answer: 3 4 2 1
33. Match the poem with poets
(a) Sonnet No. 116
1. Walt Whitman
(b) The Solitary Reaper
2. Douglas Mallock
(c) Be the Best
3. William Shakespeare
(d) O Captain My Captain
4. William Wordsworth
Answer: 3 4 2 1
34. Match the poem titles with the poem lines
(a) Manliness
1. With speed of wings I hasten
(b) Going for water
2. And sometime we could pray
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(c) The cry of the children
3. But once within the wood we paused
(d) Migrant Bird
4. If you can fill the unforgiving minute
3 2 1
35. Match the characters with the stories titles
(a) Johnsy
1. The Lottery Ticket
(b) Masha
2. Two Friends
(c) Morrissot
3. Open Window
(d) Mrs. Sappleton
4. The Last Leaf
Answer: 4 1 2 3
36. Match the short stories with the name of the authors
(a) William Wordsworth
1. The Earth
(b) Khalil Gibran
2. Is Life but a dream?
(c) Lewis Carroll
3. Snake
(d) D.H. Lawrence
4. The Solitary Reaper
Answer: 4 1 2 3
Answer: 4
37. Match the places with the cities they are situated in
(a) Prahadeeswarar Temple
1. Darjeeling
(b) Elephant Hills
2. Tanjore
(c) Mountain Railways
3. Italy
(d) Empoli
4. Madurai
Answer: 2 4 1 3
38. Match sentences with their patterns
(a) Ram went to school
1. S+V+O
(b) My father me a pen
2. S+V+C
(c) He was excited
3. S+V+IO+DO
(d) She bought vegetables
4. S+V+A
Answer: 4 3 2 1
39. Match the phrasal verbs with their meanings
(a) To take a new turn
1. Deprived of
(b) Bereft of
2. To begin a new course
(c) Due to
3. Irrespective of
(d) In spite of
4. Reason
Answer: 2 1 4 3
40. Match the words with their meanings
(a) Mutiny
1. Violent attack
(b) Onslaught
2. Useless
(c) Defy
3. Rebel
(d) Ammunition
4. Disobey
(e) Futile
5. Weapon
Answer: 3 1 4 5 2
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41. Match the correct prefix with the root words
(a) Em1. Mission
(b) Ultra2. Tension
(c) Hyper
3. Violet
(d) Over
4. Power
(e) Inter
5. Lock
Answer: 3 4 2 5 1
42. Match the characters with the story titles
Story title
(a) Vera
1. Lottery Ticket
(b) Morrisot
2. The Last Leaf
(c) Masha
3. Two friends
(d) Johnsy
4. Open Window
Answer: 4 3 2 1
43. Match the poem with poets
(a) Snake
1. Ralph Waldo Emerson
(b) Flying Wonder
2. V.K. Gokak
(c) English Words
3. Stephen Vincent Benet
(d) The Apology
4. L.H. Lawrence
Answer: 4 3 2 1
44. Match the words and phrases with their meanings
(a) Call for
1. To take care of
(b) Break for
2. Improve
(c) Pick up
3. To start suddenly
(d) Look after
4. Demand
Answer: 4 3
45. Match the name of the authors with their works
(a) Charles Dickens
1. vision for the nation
(b) A.P.J Abdul kalam
2. Oliver Twist
(c) R.K Narayan
3. Jungle book
(d) Rudyard kipling
4. Waiting for the Mahatha
Answer: 2 1 4 3
46. Match the words with their meanings
(a) Breeding Haunts
1. Travellers
(b) Well-defined
2. Chirping
(c) Twittering
3. Clearly defined
(d) Voyagers
4. Nesting places
Answer: 4 3 2 1
47. Match the poem with poets
(a) English Words
1. D.H. Lawrence
(b) Snake
2. V.K. Gokak
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(c) The Man he killed
3. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
(d) The cry of the children
4. Thomas Hardy
Answer: 2 1 4 3
Match the poem with poets
(a) A Noiseless patient spider
1. Annie Lousia Walker
(b) A Tiger in the zoo
2. James Kirkup
(c) No men are foreign
3. Leslie Norris
(d) Women’s Right
4. Walt Whitman
Answer: 4 3 2 1
Match the poem with poets
(a) With a Friend
1. Paul Holmes
(b) Migrant Bird
2. Vivian Gould
(c) The cry of the children
3. Famida Y. Basheer
(d) Beautiful inside
4. Elizabeth Barret Browning
Answer: 2 3 4 1
Select correct answer from the code
(a) International + Police
1. Moped
(b) Education + Entertainment
2. Electrocute
(c) Motor + Pedal cycle
3. Interpol
(d) Electro + Execute
4. Edutainment
Answer: 3 4 1 2
Match the correct prefix with the root words and select the correct words
1. Appearance
2. Alignment
3. Independence
4. Reparable
Answer: 3 4 1 2
52. Match the words in column A with the meanings in column B and choose the correct option
Column A
Column B
(a) Bonnet
1. Jelly
(b) Dustbin
2. Pitcher
(c) Jam
3. Trash can
(d) Jug
4. Hood
Answer: 4 3 1 2
53. Match the poets with their nationality
(a) Thomas Hardy
1. Indian
(b) Ralph Waldo Emerson
2. Lebanese
(c) V.K. Gokak
3. British
(d) Khalil Gibran
4. American
Answer: 3 4 1 2
54. Match the characters with the story titles
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1. Two friends
2. The Open window
3. The Last Leaf
4. Lottery Ticket
Answer: 4 3 1 2
55. Match the words in column A with the meanings in column B and choose the correct option
Column A
Column B
(a) On account of
1. To get used to
(b) In the midst of
2. To tolerate
(c) To be accustomed to
3. In the middle of
(d) To bear with
4. Owing to
Answer: 4 3 1 2
56. Match the words in column A with the meanings in column B and choose the correct option
Column A
Column B
(a) Squashed
1. Encouraged
(b) Deterred
2. Pleasure
(c) Agony
3. Inhabited
(d) Abandoned
4. Roused
Answer: 4 1 2 3
57. Match the following
(a) D.H. Lawrence
1. Goodmen perform just deeds
(b) Lampman
2. Manliness
(c) Kipling
3. Piano
(d) Famida Y. Basheer
4. Migrant Bird
Answer: 3 1 2 4
58. Match the stories with the authors
(a) Swept Away
1. Leo Tolstoy
(b) A Close Encounter
2. Oscar Wilde
(c) Caught Sneezing
3. Susannah Hickling
(d) The Wooden Bowl
4. Hex Coker
Answer: 3 4 2 1
59. Match the following
(a) Etna
1. A volcanic mountain
(b) Russia
2. Patient spider
(c) Whitman
3. The ghost village
(d) Bilju
4. Stalin
Answer: 1 4 2 3
60. Match the following
(a) Shakespeare
1. The lonely reaper
(b) Wordsworth
2. Shylock
(c) Douglas Malloch
3. Vision
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(d) Abdul Kalam
4. Be the best
Answer: 2 1 4 3
Match the characters with the stories
(a) Djinn
1. The Lottery Ticket
(b) Ivan Dimitrich
2. The open window
(c) Sue
3. How the camel got its hump
(d) Mrs. Sappleton
4. The last leaf
Answer: 3 1 4 2
Match the column A with suffixes in column B
Column A
Column B
(a) Attain
1. Ity
(b) Eager
2. Ful
(c) Success
3. Ment
(d) Mortal
4. Ness
Answer: 3 4 2 1
Match the synonym with their meanings
(a) Futile
1. Formal religious function
(b) Perils
2. Useless
(c) Lapsed into
3. Dangers
(d) Ceremony
4. Passed gradually
Answer: 2 3 4 1
Match the folk arts with the Indian states
(a) Kuchipudi
1. Tamilnadu
(b) Bharanatyam
2. Kerala
(c) Kathakali
3. Punjab
(d) Bhangra
4. Andhra
Answer: 4 1 2 3
65. Match the characters with relevant title
(a) Little boy, children
1. The Last Leaf
(b) Ivan Dmitrictch, Masha
2. Two friends
(c) Monseiur Morrisot, Monseiur Savage
3. The Selfish Giant
(d) Sue, Johnsy, Behrman, Doctor
4. The Lottery Ticket
Answer: 3 4 2 1
66. Match the singular in column A with plural in column B
Column A
Column B
(a) Acquarium
1. Daughters-in-law
(b) Focus
2. Crises
(c) Crisis
3. Acquaria
(d) Daughter-in-law
4. Foci
Answer: 3 4 2 1
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67. Match the name of the works under column A with their authors in column B and select the correct
Column A
Column B
(a) The Necklace
1. O’Henry
(b) The selfish giant
2. Pearl S. Buck
(c) The gift of the magi
3. Guy de mauppasant
(d) The refugee
4. Oscar Wilde
Answer: 3 4 1 2
68. Match the characters with relevant title
(a) Phatik Chakrabarti
1. Reflowering
(b) Rowther
2. The Last Leaf
(c) Della
3. Holiday
(d) Mr. Behrman
4. The gift of magi
Answer: 3 1 4 2
69. Match the poem with poets
(a) The Piano
1. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
(b) Manliness
2. F. Joanna
(c) The cry of the children
3. Rudyard Kipling
(d) A sonnet for my incomparable mother
4. D.H. Lawrence
Answer: 4 3 1 2
70. Blend the following words with their phrases
(a) Put on
1. Demolish
(b) Take up
2. Leave
(c) Pull down
3. Study
(d) Check out
4. Wear
Answer: 4 3 1 2
71. Match the words with their meanings
(a) Stooping
1. Expressing pain or regret
(b) Drooping
2. Bending forward
(c) Droning
3. Closing due to tiredness
(d) Moaning
4. Making a continuous low sound
Answer: 2 3 4 1
72. Match the British English words with American English words
(a) Dust bin
1. Freight train
(b) Jam
2. French fries
(c) Goods train
3. Jelly
(d) Chips
4. Garbage can
Answer: 4 3 1 2
73. Match the characters with their identification
(a) Thirumalpad
1. Big farmer
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(b) Outha kutty
2. Small farmer
(c) Kesavan nair
3. Kesavan nair’s friend
(d) Kutty mappila
4. The Landlord
Answer: 4 1 2 3
Match the poem with poets
(a) The flying wonder
1. Lewis Carrol
(b) Is life but a dream?
2. D.H. Lawrence
(c) O captain! My captain!
3. Stephen Vincent Benet
(d) Snake
4. Walt Whitman
Answer: 3 1 4 2
Match the poem with poets
(a) Going for water
1. Khalil Gibran
(b) Earth
2. Ralph Waldo Emerson
(c) The apology
3. Jack Prelutsky
(d) Be glad your nose is in your face 4. Robert Frost
Answer: 4 1 2 3
Match the name of the poet with their place
(a) Walt Whitman
1. Lebanon
(b) Jack Prelutsky
2. Cockermouth
(c) Khalil Gibran
3. Brooklyn
(d) William Wordsworth
4. Long Island
Answer: 4 3 1 2
Match the name of the poets with their nations
H.W. Long fellow
1. Britain
Annie Lousia Walker
2. India
Leslie Norris
3. America
Rabindranath Tagore
4. Welsh
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Answer: 3 1 4 2
Match the words with the correct suffix
(a) Astonish
1. –ful
(b) Potential
2. –ment
(c) Ferious
3. –ness
(d) Success
4. –ity
Answer: 2 4 3 1
79. Match the British English words with American English words
(a) Jam
1. Fall
(b) Nappy
2. Antenna
(c) Aerial
3. Jelly
(d) Autumn
4. Diaper
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Answer: 3 4 2 1
80. Match column A with column B and select the correct code
Column A
Column B
(a) The Ant and the Grasshopper
1. Oscar Wilde
(b) The Cop and the Anthem
2. Somerset Maugham
(c) The Happy Prince
3. Bonnie Chamberlain
(d) The Face of Iscariot
4. O’Henry
Answer: 2 4 1 3
81. Match column A with column B and select the correct code
Column A
Column B
(a) My country my life
1. Sachin
(b) My story
2. Nehru
(c) Play it my way
3. Kamala Das
(d) Toward Freedom
4. L.K. Advani
Answer: 4 3 1 2
82. Match the following
(a) Takazhi Sivasankaran Pillai
1. Sonnet 116
(b) William Shakespeare
2. Kuttichovan
(c) Douglas Malloch
3. Is Life But a dream?
(d) Lewis Carroll
4. Be the Best
Answer: 2 1 4 3
83. Match the following
(a) Norman Nicholson
1. The road to success
(b) Dale Carnegie
2. O captain! My captain!
(c) Walt Whitman
3. The Solitary Reaper
(d) William Wordsworth
4. Off to outer space tomorrow morning
2 3
84. Match the poem with poets
(a) The Apology
1. Jack Prelutsky
(b) Be glad your nose is in your face
2. Emerson
(c) Where the mind is without fear
3. David Roth
(d) Nine Gold Medals
4. Tagore
Answer: 2 1 4 3
85. Match the following idiomatic expressions with their meanings
(a) I can ride a motor cycle
1. Asking for permission
(b) No one can be right all the time
2. Theoretical possibility
(c) Can I use your mobile phone, please? 3. Ability
(d) Anyone can make mistakes
4. Possibility
Answer: 3 4 1 2
86. Match the British English words with American English words
(a) Trash
1. Faucet
Answer: 4 1
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(b) Cookie
2. Candy
(c) Sweets
3. Rubbish
(d) Tap
4. Biscuit
Answer: 3 4 2 1
87. Match the poem with the poets
(a) A Psalm of Life
1. Lewis Carroll
(b) Is Life but a dream?
2. H.W. Long fellow
(c) Going for water
3. Kamala Das
(d) Punishment in kindergarten
4. Robert Frost
Answer: 2 1 4 3
88. Match the following
(a) Randell Jarell
1. The Neem Tree
(b) Indira Anandakrishnan
2. Nobel Prize
(c) Tagore
3. Bombay
(d) Rudyard Kipling
4. Bat
Answer: 4 1 2 3
89. Match the following
(a) ‘I was born a farmer’
1. Kamala Surayya
(b) ‘Nations are built by the imagination and untiring
2. Kesavan Nair
Enthusiastic efforts of the young generations’
(c) …You cannot believe darling, can you that I lived in such
3. A.P.J Abdul Kalam
A house
(d) “Into that heaven of freedom, My father let my country awake” 4. Rabindranath Tagore
Answer: 2 3 1 4
90. Match the words with the suitable infinitives
(a) The parcel was heavy
1. To wear
(b) The clothes are comfortable 2. To learn
(c) English is easy
3. To follow
(d) Her speech was difficult
4. To carry
Answer: 4 1 2 3
91. Match column A with column B
Column A
Column B
(a) Be the best
1. Thomas Hardy
(b) Manliness
2. D.H. Lawrence
(c) The Piano
3. Rudyard Kipling
(d) The man he killed
4. Douglas Malloch
Answer: 4 3 2 1
92. Match the characters with story titles
(a) Morrisot
1. The selfish giant
(b) Noodle vendor
2. Two friends
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(c) Djinn
3. The refugee
(d) Cornish Orge
4. How the camel got his hump
Answer: 2 3
93. Match following pattern with the compound words
(a) Verb + Noun
1. Dining Table
(b) Gerund + Noun
2. Newspaper
(c) Noun + Noun
3. Sunrise
(d) Noun + Verb
4. Playmate
Answer: 4 1 2 3
94. Match the prefixed with words
(a) mal
1. Claim
(b) un
(c) mis
3. Aware
(d) pro
4. Spell
Answer: 2 3 4 1
95. Match the words with suffix
(a) Hero
1. Less
(b) Hope
2. Ist
(c) Art
3. Cracy
(d) Demo
4. Ism
Answer: 4 1 2 3
96. Match the following homophones with their meaning
(a) Counsel
1. Route
(b) Council
2. Rough
(c) Course
3. Advice
(d) Coarse
4. Administrative body
Answer: 3 4 1 2
97. Match the characters with the stories
(a) Makhan lal
1. Reflowering
(b) Matilda
2. Holiday
(c) Rowther
3. The open window
(d) Vera
4. The Necklace
Answer: 2 4 1 3
98. Match the patterns with their sentences
(a) S V C A
1. She sent me a parcel
(b) S V IO DO
2. He gave prizes to the winners
(c) S V C
3. The weather is hot in Chennai
(d) S V DO IO
4. She is a teacher
Answer: 3 1 4 2
99. Match the poem titles with their works
(a) Robert Frost
1. Let us, then, be up and doing
(b) H.W. Long fellow
2. It isn’t by size that you win or fail
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(c) William Shakespeare 3. Like gnomes that hid us from the moon
(d) Douglas Malloch
4. Love alters not with his brief hours and week
Answer: 3 1 4 2
Match the characters with their utterences
(a) Brutus
1. Most learned judge! A sentence! Come, prepare
(b) Portia
2. For Brutus, as you know, was Ceaser’s angel!
(c) Antony
3. It blessth him gives and him that takes
(d) Shylock
4. Not that I loved Ceaser less, but I loved Rome more
Answer: 4 3 2 1
Match the following words with the blended words
(a) Motor + Pedal + Cycle
1. Medicare
(b) Medical + Care
2. Mobike
(c) Motor + bike
3. Motel
(d) Motor + Hotel
4. Moped
Answer: 4 1 2 3
Match the phrasal verbs with their meaning
(a) Call on
1. Cancel
(b) Call in
2. Require
(c) Call upon
3. Summon
(d) Call off
4. Visit
Answer: 4 3 2 1
Match the words with their synonyms
(a) Profund
1. Buzzing
(b) Massacre
2. Deep and strong
(c) Humming
3. Walking slowly
(d) Limping
4. Mass murder
Answer: 2 4 1 3
Match the words with their opposites
1. Dispersed
2. Winter
3. Remember
4. Common
Answer: 2 4 1 3
Match the title of the novels with the authors
(a) The Guide
1. Manohar Malgonkar
(b) Two Leaves and a bud
2. R.K. Narayan
(c) A Train to Pakistan
3. Mulkraj Anand
(d) A Bend in the Ganges
4. Kushwant Singh
Answer: 2 3 4 1
Match the poetic lines with the authors
Speech that came like leech-craft
1. Rudyard Kipling
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
2. Annie Louisa Walker
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(c) ‘O ye wheels’, stop! Be silent for today!
3. V.K. Gokak
(d) You cannot rob us rights we cherish
4. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Answer: 3 1 4 2
Match the poets with their poems
(a) Paul Homes
1. Snake
(b) D.H. Lawrence
2. Psalm of Life
(c) Wordsworth
3. Beautiful Inside
(d) H.W. Longfellow
4. Solitary Reaper
Answer: 3 1 4 2
Match the sentence in column A with column B
Column A
Column B
(a) We must eat to live
1.Complex sentence
(b) He wrote a letter
2.Passive voice
(c) The letter was written by me
3.Active voice
(d) Though I like tea, I prefer coffee
4.Simple sentence
Answer : 4 3 2 1
Match the sentence with their pattern
(a) The white rose looks beautiful
(b) They elected her the class leader
(c) Kumar gives Janani a rose
(d) Gold glitters
Answer : 4 1 2 3
Match the synonyms with their meanings
(a) Stagger
1.Species that has died out
(b) Dyslexia
2.Unsteady movement
(c) Extinct
3.Difficulty with reading and spelling
(d) Incredible
Answer : 2 3 1 4
Match the phrases with their meaning
(a) get on
1.keep for future use
(b) give up
(c) give in
3.abandon an attempt to do something
(d) lay by
Answer : 4 3 2 1
Match the British English(A) with American English(B)
(a) Torch
(b) Wash basin
(c) Jam
(d) Cot
4.Flash light
Answer : 4 3 2 1
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Match the column A with column B
(a) Kesavan Nair
1.Arch diplomat
(b) Outhak Kutty
2.500 coconuts
(c) Kutty Mappila
3.Four sons
(d) Kutty Chovan
4.Fifty para
Answer : 4 1 2 3
Match the following character with their respective ideas
(a) Antonio
1.Lover of Portia
2.Merchant of venice
(c) Shylock
4.Money lender
Answer : 2 1 4 3
Match the Authors with their Titles
(a) O.Henry
(b) Pudhumai pithan
2.The gift of the magi
(c) Guy de Maupassant
3.The Necklace
(d) Sundhara Ramasamy
Answer :
2 1 3 4
Match the poems with poets
(a) Beautiful inside
1.Kamala Das
(b) A sonnet for my uncomparable mother
(c) No men are foriegn
(d) Punishment in kinder karten
Answer :
3.Paul holmes
4.James kirkup
3 2 4 1
Match the poems with poets
(a) Prayer of a sportsman
(b) Where the mind is without fear
(c) A tiger in the zoo
1.Leslie Norris
2.Berton Braley
3.David Roth
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(d) Nine gold metals
Answer : 2
1.William Shakespeare
(b) A Psalm of life
2.William wordsworth
(c) Sonnet no.116
3.Robert fros
(d) The solitary reaper
Match the column A with column
Column ‘A’
Column ‘B’
(a) index
(b) datum
(c) radius
(d) erratum
1 4 2
Match the prefixes with the root words
Root words
(a) contra
(b) dia
(c) fore
(d) pan
Answer : 3 1
Match the correct prefixes with the root words
Root words
(a) mis
(b) semi
(c) under
(d) dis
Answer : 3
(a) Going for water
Answer : 2
1 3
Match the following
Answer : 3
4.Rabindranath tagore
4 2
Match the following and find the correct code
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(a) Cornish ogre
(b) Linnet
2.seven years
(c) Giants stay
3.Asmall bird
(d) The little bird
4.Giants friend
Answer : 4
1.Jesus Christ
3 2 1
Match the following
(a) Alan trevor
1.Rich man
(b) Baron hausberg
2.Colonels daughter
(c) Laura Merton
(d) Hughie
4.Young lover
Answer : 3
1 2
Match the British English(A) with American English(B)
(a) Happy
(b) Tin
(c) Post
3.Potato chips
(d) Crisps
Answer : 2 4 1 3
Match column A with Column B
(a) Netaji
1.My experiments with truth
(b) Rani of Jhansi
(c) Kalpana chawla
3.Indian National Army
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
4.sepoy mutiny
Answer : 3
2 1
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Match the following characters with their titles
(a) Noodle vendor
1.The necklace
(b) Rowther
(c) Matilda
(d) Phatik
4.The Refuge
Answer : 4 3 1 2
126. Match the poems with poets
(a) A Psalm of life
1.Thomas Hardy
(b) Snake
(c) The man he killed
(d) English words
Answer : 2 4 1 3
127.Match the antonyms under column A with colun B
Column ‘A’
Column ‘B’
(a) Wisdom
(b) Generosity
(c) Tolerance
(d) Refused
Answer : 4 3 2 1
128. Match the compound words
(a) Noun + Noun
1.duty free
(b) Noun + Verb
2.pen friend
(c) Noun + Gerund
3.water fall
(d) Noun + Adjective
Answer : 2 3 4 1
129. Match the poetic lines with the poet
Poetic lines
(a) Walk the deck my captain dies
1.Douglas malloch
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(b) Be a scrub in the valley
2.Lewis carol
(c) Is all our life,than but a dream
3.William wordsworth
(d) Familiar matter of to-day
4.Walt Whitman
Answer : 4 1
2 3
130. Match the column ‘A’ with column ‘B’
Column A
Column B
(a) A chipko movement
(b) Tamilnadu community banking
2.Amirta devi
(c) Anita khuswaha
(d) Mother Teresa
4.Girl star
Answer : 2 3 4 1
131. Match the following words with their meanings
(a) Stew
1.Driving or chasing away
(b) Shooing
2.A dish of meat cooked slowly
(c) Hauls back
3.A small seed
(d) Lentil
Answer : 2
4.Pulls back
1 4 3
132. Match the prefix with the root word to form a new word
Root word
(a) un
(b) in
(c) non
(d) post
Answer : 2 3
4 1
133. Match column ‘A’ with Column ‘B’
Column A
Column B
(a) The elephant is bigger than any other animal
(b) No other pen is so costly as parker
(c) Akbar was the greatest mughal king
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(d) Silk is not as rough as cotton
Answer : 2 4 1 3
134. Match the phrases with their meanings
(a) Come back to
1.to lead to a final result
(b) Come down to
2.to climb
(c) Come along
3.to return to
(d) Come up
4.to go with someone
Answer : 3
4 2
135. Match the following words with the suitable meaning
(a) Stooping
1.making continuous low sound
2.Expression of pain
(c) Droning
3.closing due to tiredness
(d) Moaning
4.Bending forward
Answer : 4 3 1 2
136. Match the British English words with American English words
British English
American English
(a) tap
(b) petrol
(c) autumn
(d) taxi
Answer : 4
2 3
137. Match the poetic lines with the poet
Poetic lines
(a) Exult, O shores ! and ring, O bells
1.William wordsworth
(b) Be the best of whatever you are!
2.Lewis carol
(c) Echoes fade and memories die
3.Douglas malloch
(d) I saw her singing at her work
4.Walt Whitman
Answer : 4 3
2 1
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138. Match the story title with the characters
(a) Antonio
(b) Kesavan nair
2.Mercy and justice
(c) Phatik chakravarthy
(d) Metilda
Answer : 2
4 3
139. Match the short stories with their authors
(a) Swept away
(b) The last leaf
2.Oscar wilde
(c) Caught sneezing
(d) The open window
4.Susannah Hickling
Answer : 4
1 2 3
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