So now I’m going to talk about Petroleum Trap Petroleum trap is A configuration of rocks suitable for containing hydrocarbons and sealed by a relatively impermeable formation through which hydrocarbons will not migrate [2]. So basically, there are Three main trapping elements that comprise every subsurface hydrocarbon accumulation [1]: which is Trap reservoir is like a storage for accumulating hydrocarbons and it can transmit the hydrocarbons. Then Trap seal—an impediment or barrier that interferes with hydrocarbon migration from the reservoir. And lastly Trap fluids is physical and chemical contrasts-especially differences in miscibility, solubility, and density-between the common reservoir fluids (primarily water, gas, and oil) that allow hydrocarbons to migrate, segregate, and concentrate in the sealed reservoir Principal types of petroleum traps [2] . Many systems have been proposed for the classification of traps [3].So, there are Two types of petroleum traps are; structural and stratigraphic. Structural traps are formed by deformation of reservoir rock, such as by folding or faulting. Stratigraphic traps are formed by deposition of reservoir rock, such as river channel or reef, or by erosion of reservoir rock, such as an angular unconformity For structural trap. Basically, there are three basic forms of structural traps are the anticline trap, the fault trap and the salt dome trap. But we only talked about 2 of them which are anticline trap n the fault trap. structural trap anticline a structure with a concave (as viewed from below) roof caused by the local deformation of the reservoir rock and the impermeable cap rock Specifically, a sandstone bed covered with low permeability shale is folded into a trap that contains petroleum products. Hydrocarbons are trapped in the peak of this fold. Most anticline traps are created as a result of sideways pressure, folding the layers of rock, but can also occur from sediments being compacted fault trap A fault trap occurs when formations on either side of the fault move and lie in such a way that, when petroleum migrates into one of the formations, it becomes trapped there. The fracture and slippage of rock along a fault line may bring an impermeable stratum in contact with a layer of permeable reservoir rock and thus forms a barrier to petroleum migration. And the other type of trap is stratigraphic trap stratigraphic trap a natural reservoir in which oil or gas may be confined within the rock strata itself like (a change in the local porosity and permeability of the reservoir rock, a change in the kinds of rocks laid down, or a termination of the reservoir rock) Stratigraphic trap has 2 types which are primary stratigraphic and secondary stratigraphic. Primary stratigraphic traps result from changes that develop during the sedimentation process. These are generally structural changes that arise as a result of discontinuous deposition of sediment. And then Secondary stratigraphic traps result from changes that develop after sedimentation has occurred. These changes can involve changes in porosity of the rock that lead to formation of a cap-like rock. AAAAND that’s it.