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Hispanic History Milestones Timeline

Hispanic History Milestones
Click on each time period to learn more about the milestones that occurred.
1513 - 1718
Early Spanish Explorers
Reach America
1917 - 1924
Puerto Ricans Granted
US Citizenship
1836 - 1898
Battle of the Alamo,
Mexican-American War
1821 - 1822
Los Angeles Founded,
First Hispanic
Congressman Elected
1910 - 1917
Mexican Revolution Drives
Immigration to US
1964 - 1965
Civil Rights Act
Of 1964
1980 - 1986
Mariel Boatlift
1941 – 1943
Contributions During
World War II
First Hispanic
Senator Sworn In
2016 - 2020
DAPA, DACA Rulings
1994 - 2003
NAFTA & Prop 187
1966 - 1975
Cesar Chavez Leads
Delano Grape Strike
1947 – 1961
Supreme Court Prohibits
Segregation for
Mexican-American Students
2009 - 2011
Sonia Sotomayor Joins
US Supreme Court
1988 - 1993
Multiple Firsts in White
House Cabinets