Abbigail Davis Behavior Tracking: 07/17-07-22 My goal for tracking my emotions and behaviors for this assignment was to figure out if anything specific helps me to feel better and helps my mental health symptoms. I struggle with depression and anxiety and am medicated for this. Recently however, my psychiatrist put me on a mood stabilizer so I actually brought this up to my therapist and we worked on tracking my mood throughout the week together and went over it. Honestly I think the thing that made the most difference was just paying attention to how I was feeling and what I was doing when I felt the best. Even though I wasn’t doing it with the goal of changing any behaviors, I noticed that kind of naturally as I started picking up on patterns, I began to do that behavior more the next day. An example of this would be 07/18 (which was my birthday). I normally have a lot of depression surrounding my birthday and prefer to not do anything. However I went to a yoga class the morning of my birthday and it really pulled me out of my slump. When I was feeling low again on Thursday, I signed up for another yoga class (not necessarily to make myself feel better) but because I genuinely wanted to. I think tracking behavior without attaching judgements or “good” or “bad” labels can naturally help people pay more attention to how they're feeling and what they are spending their time doing.