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Consumer Behavior & Online Trends Research Paper

Background of the Study
Consumer behavior is “the study of how individuals, groups and organizations
select, buy, use and dispose of goods and services, ideas or experiences to satisfy their
needs and wants.” (Prof. Philip Kotler )
With the reference to the above cite; Every individual's consumer behavior is
unique, based on their purchasing preferences, which are influenced by purchasing
habits and preferences, which are in turn influenced by psychological and social factors
that influence the purchase decision process. (Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S., 20000)
A trend is a general direction into which something is changing, developing, or
veering toward. The term may also mean a fashion or craze, i.e., a fad. The verb ‘to
trend’ means to develop or change in a general direction. In the world of social media, if
something trends it is the topic of many posts.
In the world of business, a trend is a pattern of gradual change in a process, output, or
condition. It is an average or general tendency. (Marketbusinessnews.com)
Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service.
Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to
inform or influence people who receive them. (Advertising Association of the UK)
As quoted above, consumer behavior about decision making is difficult to define
and is a system of shortcuts and rules of thumb which is unpredictable. The shortcuts in
decision making vary from person to person and focusing on the past experience of
consumers; we can predict the future trends by bringing profitable products and
services into the market. In this modern world, the popularity of interactive media like
the World Wide Web is increasing day by day at a rapid pace. With reference to
marketing it is continuously realized that the main two factors observed due to WWW
are 1)Most of the companies are doing their 9 business online and make their website
as a showroom of their product and services. 2)Fast increment of consumer segments
due to i
Theoretical Framework
Expectation confirmation theory, innovative diffusion theory, and
theory of reasoned action are only a few of the theories on online consumer
behavior. (Christy M. K. Cheung, 2003, p. 198)
When it comes to offline and online elements, consumer behavior
Online consumers, according to SubhasishDasgupta, are classified based
on their personalities. Have two distinct characteristics: a) an expression of
offline consumer behavior; and b) a one-of-a-kind product. mode of
behavior On the internet, virtual communities play an essential role as well.
Consumer behavior is important. "Venuses for virtual communities" is
another name for virtual communities. consumables" (Dasgupta, 2006, p.
There are numerous aspects that influence online customer behavior.
In a nutshell, his behavior while shopping is complicated.
social, cultural, educational, racial, personality, environment, and resource
availability are all factors.
The Expectation-Confirmation Theory (ECT) (Figure 2) asserts that consumers’
intention to
repurchase a product or service is significantly influenced by their prior experience with
product or service (Anderson and Sullican, 1993; Oliver, 1980). Satisfactory experience is
key enabler for building and retaining long-term consumer relationships.