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Smart Ticketing System: RFID for Campus Shuttle

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Smart Ticketing for Academic Campus Shuttle Transportation System Based
Chapter · January 2020
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-0372-6_18
7 authors, including:
Olusola Oluwakemi Abayomi-Alli
Modupe Odusami
Kaunas University of Technology
Kaunas University of Technology
Sanjay Misra
Ravin Ahuja
Institute for Energy Technology
Sri Vishwakarma Skill University Gurugram India
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Smart Ticketing for Academic Campus
Shuttle Transportation System Based
Olusola Abayomi-Alli, Modupe Odusami, Richard Chima, Sanjay Misra,
Ravin Ahuja, Robertas Damasevicius and Rytis Maskeliunas
Abstract Monitoring campus shuttling system in any university is a serious issue
when considering the numerous challenges faced by the public transportation system
in Nigeria such as bus ticketing, route monitoring, and scheduling. In this study, a
smart ticketing system was designed for Covenant University student as a means of
paying for the shuttle T-fare charges. The prototype was done on the student identity
card using a RFID technology, Bluetooth, and a microcontroller. In conclusion, the
proposed system was simple and cheap in implementation with the goal of eradicating
mismanagement of ticket funds, paper loitering in bus stations, etc.
Keywords Public transportation · RFID · Bus ticket
O. Abayomi-Alli · M. Odusami · R. Chima · S. Misra (B)
Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria
e-mail: sanjay.misra@covenantuniversity.edu.ng
O. Abayomi-Alli
e-mail: olusola.abayomi-alli@covenantuniversity.edu.ng
M. Odusami
e-mail: modupe.odusami@covenantuniversity.edu.ng
R. Chima
e-mail: richard.chima@covenantuniversity.edu.ng
R. Ahuja
Vishwakarma Skill University Gurugram, Haryana, India
e-mail: ravinahujadce@gmail.com
R. Damasevicius · R. Maskeliunas
Kanus University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania
e-mail: robertas.damasevicius@ktu.lt
R. Maskeliunas
e-mail: rytis.maskeliunas@ktu.lt
© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020
V. Jain et al. (eds.), Advances in Data Sciences, Security and Applications,
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 612,
O. Abayomi-Alli et al.
1 Introduction
Public transportation sector serves as the major pivotal area in today’s society, and it
can be classified as an essential mode of transportation within any nation [1]. In the
past, traveling from one location to another could take several months due to lack of
technology and communication tools. However, modern transportation medium has
been revolutionized over the years with additional features making mobility among
the society more convenient, accommodating and sophisticated through the use of
vehicles such as cars, busses, boats, and aircraft with the focus to aid various means
of transportation [2]. Continuous improvement of the transportation system will not
only satisfy mobility needs but also contribute to economic development and lead
to an advanced economic growth [3]. Most African countries have not fully enjoyed
the increased revenue factor based on improper management structures for ticketing,
routing management, etc. Bus ticketing system which is a major factor in public
transportation has been given little or no attention; thus, maintenance of schedule,
fare, and routing details of public buses have not been effectively managed and
monitored. Challenges with account management for generated revenue, routing
details, etc., still remain a prevailing issue associated with public transportation
agencies [1]. In Nigeria, prevailing issues with transportation system include poor
road networks, traffic congestion, poor traffic management, and lack of availability
of alternative and effective public transportation systems such as trains. However,
contrary to all the highlighted issues relating to transportation, public transportation
is still the most widely and crucial means of transportation among Nigerians [4].
This study is based on improving ticketing in public transport system using a university campus shuttling as a case study. The aim of the study is based on reducing
unaccountability of revenue generated via ticketing and also eradicating malicious
argument among passengers and ticket vendors. In addition, the study focuses on
improving pressing issues in public transportation systems such as the wastage of a
ticketing paper, littering of unused ticketing at bus stations, avoidable human intervention, fraudulent intentions among passengers or ticket vendors, tediousness with
ticket distributions mostly during rush hours, and conflict among passengers regarding over or undercharged fares. Since mismanagement of funds due to human error
or fraudulent acts has made government participation in funding this sector rather
difficult, therefore, this study develops a smart bus ticketing system using a university campus shuttle system as a case study. The rest of the paper is divided into
Sect. 2 which gave a detailed literature review while Sect. 3 describes the complete
methodology. The implementation and result of the proposed system are discussed
in Sect. 4, and the conclusion and future recommendation are explained in Sect. 5.
Smart Ticketing for Academic Campus Shuttle Transportation …
2 Literature Review
Transportation means have been revolutionized over time, and our society has moved
from horseback to more convenient, accommodating and sophisticated means of
travel using vehicles such as cars, busses, boats, and aircraft which allow us to travel
through different means of space on earth. Most recent technologies are all subject of
an unavoidable change which aims at improving existing transportation technology.
Advancements are made every day to further the convenience as well as the speed
of the currently existing vehicles and new ones are being developed especially in the
public transportation sector which serves as one of the pivotal areas of the overall
transportation means in today’s society.
2.1 E-Ticketing System
E-tickets or card demonstrates that its holder has ideal to a predefined benefit, right, or
thought. Electronic tickets (E-tickets) give proof that their holders have consented to
enter a position of stimulation, utilize a method for transportation, or approach some
web administrations. Quite a number of issues must be considered when developing
an E-ticketing system, and this could influence the scope and possibilities of the
system capabilities. The issues to be considered when developing the e-ticketing
system include ticketing structure, integration, the smart card technology, and
exploitation of data.
Ticketing Structure
Existing transport networks differ from system to system thus for some developed
countries such as Paris, Madrid, and Barcelona, the cost of fares for all modes of
transportation operations is determined by a unique public transport authority. While,
in some other developing countries, the cost of fare is determined among several
authorities such as the central city authority or national authority. Furthermore, in
some regions, the responsibility for setting fares is held mainly by public transport
Considering the rigor transportation structure in Covenant University, where there
is a need to first purchase a bus ticket from designated ticket vendors in order to
have access to the campus shuttle. Purchasing this ticket can be quite difficult for
passengers since there is limited ticket vending stand within the university campus,
therefore making it extremely difficult for passengers to access the bus facilities
from any location. Covenant University Campus shuttle system adopts the flat rate
fare billing method for all bus stops either from the main campus gate to the halls
of residence. The implemented ticketing system for this study will be adopting the
current fare price.
O. Abayomi-Alli et al.
For toll accumulation, it is important to separate between the levy joining and ticket
combination. However, incorporating ticketing increases the likelihood of utilizing a
similar ticket (with conceivable restriction in time) to the existing goal administered
by an administrator or a mode with full exchange rights. It is important to take
note of incorporated (multi-mode, multi-administrator) toll plans. E-ticketing makes
ticketing combination simpler to execute on the grounds that it can deal with a
more perplexing toll framework without fundamentally fitting among charges of
various administrators or modes. Every administrator or mode keeps its own single
charges, and the brilliant card goes about as a one of the kind methods for installment.
Moreover, the framework can incorporate principles for move rights with a specific
end goal to be more alluring.
Smart Card Technology
The smart card technology is basically associated with three kinds of chips such as
microcontroller-based, memory-based only, and the wired logic which is related to
the functionality that the chip provides [5].
1. Memory only integrated circuit chip cards: These are electronic attractive stripes
that give more security than the conventional card. The read/compose gadget
is substantially less costly. The memory-just chip cards do not contain logic or
perform counts; they basically store information.
2. Wired logic integrated circuit chip cards: A wired rationale chip card contains a
logic-based state machine that gives encryption and verified access to the memory
and its substance. Wired rationale cards give a static document framework supporting numerous applications, with discretionary scrambled access to memory
substance. Their record frameworks and order set must be changed by overhauling the rationale of the incorporated circuits.
3. Secure microcontroller integrated circuit chip cards: Microcontroller cards contain a microcontroller, a working framework, and read or compose memory that
can be refreshed ordinarily. The safe microcontroller chip card contains and
executes rationale and computations and stores information as per its working
framework. The microcontroller card is a smaller wallet size, and all it needs to
work is a control and correspondence terminal.
Exploitation of E-Ticketing Data
There is a tendency of user information falling into malicious user’s hands from mining the RFID-based ticketing-related information. Some of this information includes
transport ridership by tallying all transport loading up, frequencies, or head-routes by
investigating the time interim among transports, and transport entry time at transport
Smart Ticketing for Academic Campus Shuttle Transportation …
stops by searching for the main individual who taps the savvy card at a transport
stop, etc. Mining on people in general transport information gives profitable data
on transport, rail, cards utilization, and travel designs, which at any point could be
used for approach, arranging and promoting uses. This data will be more entire in a
registration/registration framework.
2.2 Review of Related Work
This section gives a detailed overview of related works an automated ticketing system
for public transport systems. It is divided into the following categories: RFID-based
ticketing system, embedded system-based ticketing system, and online-based ticketing system.
RFID-Based Ticketing System
Ichake et al. [6] introduced a transport framework utilizing RFID. The aim of the
study is to show the utilization of remote sensor systems to screen transport activities. The qualities of the study demonstrated its ability to tackle the issue of transport
entry time and status of the transport framework, dispense with the requirement
for drivers and troll experts to physically perform the following transport and send
SMS of transport status. The restrictions of the study showed that the many-sided
quality of the proposed framework makes it hard to execute. Shiriam et al. [7] presented a mechanized ticket distributing framework utilizing RFID labels. The aim
of the study is to give an achievable answer for this issue of manual ticketing by the
utilization of radio recurrence recognizable proof labels. The quality of the study
demonstrates that the RFID labels decrease the issue the worker faces in a major
way. The confinements of the study express that labels must be perused each one, in
turn, time spans are required to convey complex innovative items especially when
outsider providers were included and mechanical deferrals pushed back full usage.
Khedkar et al. [8] conducted a review on smart bus pass using RFID card system
for regular bus passengers. The aim of the study is the authentication of information
of the bus passengers. The strengths of the proposed system allow users to renew
the bus pass validity through the android application using online transaction wallet
from any place thereby saving time. The limitation of the study states that the complexity of the module makes it hard to implement. Das [9] presented a GPS-based
computerized open transport passage gathering frameworks in light of separation
went by traveler utilizing smart card. The aim of the study is to give a solace pressure
free and simple method for setting out on journeys and furthermore to decrease the
dependence primary power. The strength of the work shows that the time taken for
computation will only be a few microseconds so time consumption is reduced. The
limitation of the study states that the device sensor cannot read more than one card
at a time.
O. Abayomi-Alli et al.
Aggrawal [10] proposed an RFID-based transport administration and observing
framework. The aim of the study is the outline and usage of a RFID-based framework
for following the area of transports accommodated open transportation. The strength
of the work shows that the proposed system allows for buses to be monitored and
for passengers to effectively get the bus schedule and save time. The limitation of
the study states that it is difficult to get the passengers accustomed to the technology
because it is not user-friendly. Nagalakshmi and Darsini [11] presented an RFIDbased railroad ticket booking framework with versatile-based engineering. The aim
of the study is implementing the idea of programmed ticket vending machine by
utilizing RFID and Zigbee system. The strength of the work shows that the proposed
system provides a financially perceptive framework which will give continuous correspondence in our system even in awful climate conditions. The limitation of the
study states that attempting to read several tags at a time may result in signal collision and ultimately to data loss. Vairavel et al. [12] presented a smart following
framework for school transports based on detached RFID innovation to improve
youngster well-being. The aim of the study is to show the possibility of radio frequency identification (RFID) innovation in observing pupils movement to and fro
on school transports. The strength of the work shows that the proposed system is
reliable but, however, finding pupils who entered the wrong transport or left behind
was not considered. Rajeshinde et al. [13] proposed a bus management system using
RFID in WSN. The study designed a continuous calendar tracker framework which
can advise management on the status of the transport system whether on schedule or
otherwise. The incorporation of RFID and WSN module into the proposed system
was able to aid the reduction of underutilized buses and monitor buses waiting time at
the bus stations. The limitation of the study is based on the ability to attract malicious
attack such as virus attacks. Guo et al. [14] introduced a cost-effective online bus
information system using RFID and Zigbee. The aim of the study is implementing
a radio frequency identification (RFID) with Zigbee to monitor driver information
and bus travel time. The strength of the work shows the ability of authors to design a
successful programmed transport and driver online data framework using RFID and
Zigbee technology. The limitations include the high cost of implementation and cost
of system expansion.
Shaaban et al. [15] presented an RFID-based smart bus tracking system using
Li-Fi technology. The aim of the study according to the paper is to develop a Li-Fibased system and analyze its performance with respect to the existing technology.
The strength of the work shows that in the proposed system using RFID card, only
authenticated passenger can enter into the bus, the message will be displayed on
the LCD (as passenger in and out), accidental condition, status, location of the bus
will be notified to the nearby public service center like police stations and hospitals
through GSM and GPS for their service, whenever multiple paths are available for
the same destination using RFID easiest path can be identified o that driver can reach
the destination as early as possible. The limitation of the study states that the public
transport system lags in adapting to the use of new technology.
Hatem and Habib [16] presented a RFID-based ticket collecting system. The aim
of the study is to automate the ticketing system in the public transport system (PTS)
Smart Ticketing for Academic Campus Shuttle Transportation …
based on passenger identification. The major strength of the study is its easy integration into a vehicle on highways, toll payment, and in the railway ticketing system
with little or no modifications. In addition, the cards are reusable and can, therefore,
be utilized in various travel pass card. The limitations include high-security measures and computational complexity based on implementation and its configuration.
Divakar et al. [17], Oudah [18] presented an RFID-based bus ticketing system. Latter
aims to create an automated system for ticketing in the public transport system. The
strength of the work shows that the proposed ticketing system is fully automated
and reliable, the ticketing system is transparent, and it creates a convenient means
for ticketing in the public transport sector. However, its limitation is the problem of
mobility of the device being designed. Chandra et al. [19] presented RFID-based
ticketing for public transport system: perspective megacity. The study aimed at providing a public friendly and automatic ticketing and credit transaction system using
RFID. The study concludes that using a programmed ticket framework empowers
administrators, and thus, reduces maintenance costs and losses based on fraudulent
attitudes. Authors stated that few transportation companies are employing this technology today. Bhuvaneswari et al. [20] presented a smart automated E-ticket system
for Indian public transportation system. This study was able to provide a means of
accessing passenger’s details in tackling investigations in thefts and attacks. The
proposed system saves the time of the conductor and allows the ability to identify
passengers in the transport in case of any unforeseen eventuality. In addition, the
proposed system helps to reduce extortion by conductor and recognizing features for
identifying dead bodies. Limitations of the system are the constant usage of additional number for voyage purposes, and problem of system issue can delay the arrival
of traveler versatile number on time.
Embedded Systems
Johnson [21] presented an embedded system automatic ticket vending machine for
modern transportation system using the combination of an RFID reader and Zigbee technology. The study showed that the proposed system enable passengers to
predetermine the transport details and the bus scheduling thus ensuring a more convenient trips for passengers. However, the major challenges of the study was based
on the overall complexity of information reach to the public considering the distance
limitation with Zigbee technology. Sukhumar et al. [22] presented a serial transport
interfaces with universally useful advanced instrumentation. The study gives a substantial advantage in time, cost, adaptability, and viability in the use of assets. The
shortfall of the study is the high cost of implementation and maintenance.
Online-Based Ticketing System
Nandhini et al. [23] presented a survey on the online bus pass generation system using
Aztec code. The system was able to effectively provide a solution for maintaining bus
O. Abayomi-Alli et al.
pass information. The system allows a 24-hour bus issuance pass with facilitates for
real-time payment thus eliminating long queues and time wastage at vendor stands.
The limitation includes the problem of scalability in Aztec decoder for large codes.
Baraki et al. [24] developed an effective online bus pass generation and renewal
system. The system was to provide an effective facility of supplying bus passes to
passengers and the ability to send message or mail to customers on the validity of
bus pass. Famitha et al. [25] proposed an online bus pass renewal system using web
application. The proposed system is a simple, fast and reduces the paperwork and time
consumption. Ibrahim and Ta’a [1] presented a mobile-based bus ticketing system
in Iraq. The authors identified the limitations of the proposed system as requiring
lots of specific technical requirements both for passenger and transport operators.
Sharmila et al. [26] designed a bus pass and ticket automation system. The study was
able to provide a facility to take bus tickets and bus passes using the android mobile
application while Krishna [27] presented a design and development of automated
public transportation system and traffic guidance system. The study was able to solve
problems associated with the high number of vehicles such as traffic especially in
public transport using intelligent public transportation management system (IPTMS)
to integrate existing technologies with underlying infrastructure. The study shows
that the proposed system gives an efficient structure of IPTM system that dynamically
tracks the location of the bus and updates the positions to the users.
3 Design Methodology
This section describes the E-ticketing system framework using RFID technology.
The proposed system architecture is depicted in Fig. 1, and the circuit diagram of
the system is shown in Fig. 2. The proposed system flow diagram is represented in
Fig. 3, and the design specification involves two major phases which are as follows:
1. Hardware Specification
2. Software Specification.
Fig. 1 E-ticketing system architecture
Smart Ticketing for Academic Campus Shuttle Transportation …
Fig. 2 Circuit diagram of the proposed system
Hardware Phase
This phase comprises some physical component such as power supply unit, microcontroller, liquid crystal display, smart card, RFID reader, RFID tag or transponder,
Bluetooth, and antenna.
1. Reader: This is capable of identifying the RFID transducer that would be attached
to the bus pass card, and it also allows data from passengers card to be stored in
the database of the ticketing system.
2. Desktop: To store the data of the ticketing system so as to allow the reader to
verify the tickets that would be scanned.
Software Phase
This consists of the operating system used for the project, and it includes the following:
1. OS Installed on the desktop: Windows 7.
2. Middleware to allow communication between the software and reader components.
Figure 2 shows the circuit connection of the proposed system and its various
components: main controller, Bluetooth module, RFID module, and LCD.
3.1 Modeling the Proposed System
To completely get a handle on the usefulness of a system, we create a system which
interfaces the different parts and its condition is actualized by investigators in other
O. Abayomi-Alli et al.
Read Card, Ci, Balance
BCi, Fare FT
Is Balance
B Ci >= F T
Deduct Fare from Card
Store and transmit credit
information to Server
End and Eject Card
Wait for next card to read
Fig. 3 Flow diagram of the proposed E-ticketing system
Display Card declined
and eject card
Smart Ticketing for Academic Campus Shuttle Transportation …
Fig. 4 Use case diagram of RFID-based ticketing system
to have a decent comprehension of the system conduct. A use case diagram is demonstrated in Fig. 4 to show the relationship and connections between the various segments of a system.
3.2 Functional Requirements
In this section, the practical necessities of the proposed system are characterized
including the functional element of the system. A portion of the useful prerequisites
of the system include:
1. The administrative users should be able to access the database in order to record
passenger details and update details as well;
2. The system must be able to successfully deduct the exact fare from users bus
pass card;
3. The system should be able to send the passengers details of travel as well as fare
deduction to the database;
4. The system should be able to check the balance of credit BCi on the user’s bus
pass and determine if it is sufficient enough to accommodate fare deduction.
O. Abayomi-Alli et al.
3.3 Non-Functional Requirements
This refers to the non-practical necessities of the proposed system allude to the
criteria which can be used to judge the task of the system, which is not the particular
practices. The non-practical necessities of the framework include:
1. Efficiency: The power consumed by the reader and other components is expected
to be relatively low.
2. Reliability: The system is expected to not encounter too many glitches concerning
calculations in the fare system allowing it to be reliable in ticket processing.
3. Security: The system is expected to present a solution concerning exploitation
of fares by ticket vendors which may occur from inflation of ticket prices or
overestimation of fare cost.
4 Implementation and Result
This section gives a study report depicting the usage, testing process, and furthermore
the outcomes of the tests.
The system was implemented on a Vero board, and the connection of the components was well soldered to avoid bridges and was completed according to the circuit
diagram thus to ensure that all the units of the system are functioning properly.
4.1 Packaging
In order to ensure a well presentable system, it was packaged in a plastic casing for
simplicity and easy mobility as shown in Fig. 5. While, the internal structure of the
system is depicted in Fig. 6.
Smart Ticketing for Academic Campus Shuttle Transportation …
Fig. 5 RFID reader case
Fig. 6 Internal structure of the RFID reader
O. Abayomi-Alli et al.
Fig. 7 Screenshot of the admin view
4.2 System Implementation and Testing
The implementation of the software aspect of the system involves the programming of
the Bluetooth module, the RFID Mifare module, and the microcontroller which were
used in achieving the implemented system using microprocessor assembly language
Testing was carried out to ensure the system meets the stated system specifications, requirements, and design. The various component of the system was procured
and tested individually in relativity to the functional and non-functional requirements
before being assembled as a single unit. During the process of component combination, continuity tests were performed at intervals to ensure system functionality upon
completion. Tests were carried out on the individual hardware components and as a
unit after combination to ensure system functionality. The RFID reader was tested
to ensure it was compatible with the Mifare cards used for student ID cards. Figure 7
represents a screenshot of the proposed admin side.
5 Conclusion
The role of a smart and intelligent ticketing system cannot be overemphasized as this
plays a crucial role in determining the development of any nation. In Nigeria, as a
case study suffers from various issues relating to public transportation, some of which
include a lack of accountability in ticketing distribution, managing transportation
schedules, etc. This study, however, designed a prototype E-ticketing system for
Covenant University shuttle service using RFID technology. The system novelty
involves the real-time monitoring and management of transportation system remotely
which is an intervention in Nigerian transportation system. The system was able to
incorporate the ticketing structure for both recharging and making payment into the
Smart Ticketing for Academic Campus Shuttle Transportation …
card. Further recommendation will be to evaluate the performance of the proposed
system based on TAM and accuracy when compared with the existing systems. In
addition, we intend to expand this system for route scheduling and exploring the
ways how it can be incorporated into the major mass transit transport systems in the
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