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Value Education Quiz: Understanding Human Values

It is the first level of living. [Individual
Means applicable to all the human beings irrespective of caste, creed, nationalities, religion, etc for all times and regions.
[ Leading to harmony
The fourth dimension of human being is _______[Thought Work
To fulfill human aspirations _______ are necessary[both Values and Skills
None of the above]
Which statement is not correct about value education?
[It is in the form of
Do's & Don'ts.
It is universal.
It is naturally acceptable.
It can be verified.]
Which of the following is not a dimension of a human being?[Behavior
Society Thought]
Values are the outcome of Realization and ______, which are always definite.[Understanding
_______ is only a means to achieve what is considered valuable for a human being in an effective and efficient manner.
All of the above
Values form the basis for all our _______.[thoughts
Behavior and Actions
Confusion and Contradiction
Both 1st and 2nd options]
Our participation at different levels in the larger order is known as ______[Behavior
None of the above]
The value of entity is decided on the basis of _______.[MRP,Participation in larger order,Physical properties,Cost]
When we participate in the larger order, this participation at different levels is called _______[Values,Behavior,Work,None of the above]
means applicable to all the human beings irrespective of caste, creed, nationalities, religion, etc for all times and regions.
Universal,Leading to harmony,Consciousness,Rational]
It is the third level of living. [Individual,Family,Nature,Society]
Basic unit of human interaction is _______.[Family,Society,Group,None of the above]
It is the second level of living.[Family,Nature,Individual,Society]
Values are the outcome of realization and understanding, which are always _______. [Definite,Indefinite,Equilibrium,Constant]
Which of the following is a dimension of a human being? [Society,Thought,Behavior,Realization]
Which is not a guideline of value education.[Universal,Belief based,Rational,Natural
When we set our goal in right direction with the help of right understanding, it is called _____[Skill Domain,Development,Prosperity,Value Domain]
There are _______ elements of justice.[ recognition of values, fulfillment, evaluation and mutual happiness ensured.][2,5,9,4]
Respect is _______[ Right Evaluation,Wrong Evaluation,Influence,All of the above]
Feeling for those who have made effort for excellence is _______[Excellence,Reverence,Glory,None of the above]
Feeling for those who have made effort for my excellence is _______.[Glory,Worship,Gratitude,None of the above]
Which of the following is complete value?[Respect,Love,Care,Trust]
If you have trust on intention of the other, then you will feel ---_[Opposed to other,Related to other,Sometimes opposed and sometimes related,None]
The feeling of being related to other is called _______[Affection,Guidance,Care,Respect]
There are _______ in relationship – in one Self (I) for other Self (I).[Desires,Thoughts,Expectations,Feelings
Evaluation of others on the basis of post/designation is a kind of _______.
[Differentiation on the basis of "sects",Differentiation on the basis of "info",Differentiation on the basis "physical facilities",Differentiation on the basis of
Intention is guided by _______[Pre-conditioning,Sensation,Natural acceptance,All of the above]
Human-Rest of nature interaction is called _______[Behavior,Work,Production,All of the above]
Self exploration uses two mechanisms – natural acceptance and _______[Reason,Theoretical concepts,Logical thinking,Experiential validation,]
To live according to our natural acceptance is _______[Svatva,Swatantrata,Swarajya,None of the above]
Which of the following is not true about self exploration?
[It is a process of knowing human conduct, human character and living accordingly.
It is a process of self evolution through self investigation.
It is a process of building up new belief systems.
It is a process of knowing oneself and through that knowing entire existence.]
In this course, whatever is being said is a _______ for an individual.[Request,Decision,Conclusion,Proposal]
live in harmony with other human beings is _______[Svatva,Swatantrata,Swarajya,None of the above]
Mechanisms of self exploration are _______.[Natural Acceptance and Experiential Validation,Natural Acceptance and Sensations,Preconditioning and
Sensations,Experiential Validation and Preconditioning]
Self exploration establish a dialogue between _______.["What I am" and "How others look at me","What I am" and "What I really want to be","What others
are" and "What I am What I really want to be" and "What others think of me"]
Self exploration is a process of dialogue between ‘What you are’ and _______[What you want to be,What other wants to be,What society wants to be,All ]
The content of self exploration includes _______.[Desires,Program,Both 1st and 2nd,None of the above]
It is natural for _______ to slowly deteriorate.[Relationship,Happiness,Feelings,Physical things/physical facilities]
Harmony within myself is known as _______
Excitement,Happiness,Both,None of the above
Every human being wants to be happy and _______[Powerful,Prosperous,Popular,Rich]
Being happy _______ good luck and lot of external circumstances.
[Depends on,Means,Does not depends on,None of the above]
For prosperity, which of the following is not required?[Knowing the need for physical facilities as limited
[Appropriate assessment of the physical needs,Giving first priority to physical facilities in life,Ensuring availability/production of more than required
physical facilities]
Which of the following is true? [I need to be unhappy to recognize that I am happy.,Happiness is definite and it can be understood.
I will grow only if I am unhappy. If I become happy my growth will stop. One will be bored of happiness if one is always happy.
_______ means harmony within myself.[Happiness,Pleasure,Excitement,All]
To be in the state of _______ is unhappiness. [Liking,Disliking,Prosperity,None of the above]
Basic human aspirations are _______.[Happiness,Prosperity,Education,Both 1st and 2nd]
Prosperity can be achieved by _______. [Relationship,Physical facility only,Right understanding with physical facilities,None of the above]
Samridhi means _______.College Degree,Awareness,Knowledge,Prosperity
Our natural acceptance is to be in which category of people _______[
Suvidha Viheen Dukhi Daridra (SVDD),Suvidha Sampann Dukhi Daridra (SSDD), Suvidha Sampann Sukhi Samridh (SSSS),All of the above
Human consciousness is _______. [Giving weightage to physical facilities, to the maximization of sensory pleasures, to accumulation of wealth
Giving weightage to relationships, to the inherent feelings and right understanding,Both,None of the above
Which among the following is based on our natural acceptance?[SSDD,SSSS,SVDD,None of the above]
Which provides mutual prosperity to human being?
[Physical Facilities with Right Understanding,Relationship,Relationship with Right Understanding,Physical Facilities]
Living with physical comforts only is considered as _______[Animal consciousness,Human Consciousness,Real Consciousness,God Consciousness]
Largely physical facilities are _______ for animals[Incomplete,Necessary but not complete,Necessary as well as complete,Unnecessary,
Giving weightage to relationships, to the inherent feelings and right understanding is _______[Animal Consciousness,Human Consciousness,Both,None
Which of the following is true?
If a human being has abundant (plentiful) physical facilities his prosperity is ensured.
A human being needs both, relationship as well as physical facilities. One cannot replace the other.
If a human being has abundant (plentiful) physical facilities, his happiness is ensured.
If a human being is happy in continuity he or she does not need physical facilities any more.
66. To which category a deprived person belong?[SSDD and SSSS,SSSS and SVDD,SVDD and SSDDAll of the above]
Right understanding of relationships and physical facilities are considered as essential requirements to ensure _______.
Happiness,Prosperity,Philanthrophy,Both 1st and 2nd,
67. Right understanding with physical facilities brings _______[Deprivation,Mutual Prosperity,Mutual Fulfilment,None of the above]
68. Living with physical comforts only is considered as _______[Real Consciousness,Animal consciousness,God Consciousness,Human Consciousness]
69. The role of education sanskar is _______.To transform human being from animal consciousness to human consciousness
[To ensure right understanding in every individual,To ensure right feeling in every individual
70. To ensure availability of required physical facilities,All of the above]
71. Which of the following is true?[If a human being has abundant (plentiful) physical facilities, his happiness is ensured.
72. A human being needs both, relationship as well as physical facilities. One cannot replace the other.
73. If a human being is happy in continuity he or she does not need physical facilities any more.
74. If a human being has abundant (plentiful) physical facilities his prosperity is ensured.]
75. Giving weightage to relationships, to the inherent feelings and right understanding is _______.
[Animal Consciousness,Human Consciousness,Both,None of the above]
76. Giving weightage to relationships, to the inherent feelings and right understanding is _______.
[Animal Consciousness,Human Consciousness,Both,None of the above]
77. The needs of Self (I) are _______ in nature and we want them continuously.[Quantitative,Temporary,Qualitative,None of the above]
78. Need of Self (I) is _______.[Quantitative,Temporary,Qualitative,None of the above]
79. verify the proposal or assumption through self exploration leads to _______.[Knowing,Recognizing,Preconditioning,Assuming]
80. With the help of the Body, _______ explores and interact with rest of the nature.[Relationship,Physical Facilities,Money,Self (I)]
81. By _______ we become responsible to ourselves.[Preconditioning,Physical Facilities,Sensation,Right Understanding,]
82. Needs of Self (I) are fulfilled through _______.[Right Understanding and Right Feelings,Relationship,Physical Facilities,All the above]
83. Recognition and fulfillment in _______ entities is always definite.[Material,Physical,Both 1st and 2nd,None of the above]
84. Needs of the body with reference to time are _______[Continuous,Temporary,Both 1st and 2nd,None of the above]
85. Right feeling within Self (I) is _______.Definite,Continuous,Unconditional,All of the above]
86. Enjoyer means the one that _______.[Understands,Does something,Experience,All of the above]
87. Imaging is _______ with time.[Variable,Uncertain,Continuous,All of the above]
88. When selection leads to thoughts, thoughts lead to desire, this kind of information exchange is _______.
89. From outside to inside,From inside to inside,From outside to outside,From inside to outside
90. The power/force for activity imaging is _______.[Expectation,Desire,Comparing,Thoughts]
91. Selection/tasting depends upon _______.[Understanding,Desire,ExpectationsThoughts]
92. If our imagination is based on Pre-conditioning and Sensation, we are in the state of _______.[Partantrata,Swatantrata,Natural Acceptance,None ]
93. If our imagination is based on Natural Acceptance, we are in the state of _______.Swatantrata,Partantrata,Pre-conditioning,State of Resignation
94. What we analyze may keep changing, the activity of analyzing is _______.[Variable,Uncertain,Continuous,All of the above]
95. The power/force for the activity of analyzing is _______[Expectation,Desire,Thought,Realisation]
96. Behavior and work are an outcome of _______.Desire,Thoughts,Expectation,All of the above]
97. The flow of activity of selecting/tasting can leads to _______[Imaging,Analyzing,Imagination,None of the above]
98. For being healthy, what area we need to work on _______. [Intake and Daily Routine (Lifestyle),Labor and Exercise,Posture of Body and Regulated
Breathing,All of the above]
99. Employing the body physically for production and maintenance of physical facilities is called _______.[Thought,Intension,ExerciseLabor]
100. _______ helps in balancing/regulating the breathing of the body.[Medicine,Pranayam,Asan,Labor]
101. The feeling of responsibility for nurturing, protection and right utilizing the body is _______.[Sanyam,Swasthya,Both 1st and 2nd,None of the above]
102. ______ ensures Swasthya.[Patience,Popularity,Sanyam,Money]
103. Health problems such as Diabetes, Migraine, Digestive Disorders, etc. are caused by _______.
[Lack of the feeling of Sanyam,Tendency to take medicine to suppress the ailment,Intake of improper food, water and air,All of the above]
104. Harmony should be maintained in _______.[Between Body and Life.,Between Self and Society,Between Life and Environment,All of the above]
105. The amount of physical facilities required for nurturing, protection, and right utilization of body is _______.[Unlimited,Limited,Insignificant,Uncertain]
106. Proper upkeep means _______.[Vihar,Daily Routine,Proper Rest,All of the above]
107. ______ is done with the help of proper food, water and air.[Nourishment of the body,Exploitation of the body,Right Utilization of the body,Protection of the
108. If I have doubt on intention of other then _______[I evaluate myself on the basis of my intention,I evaluate others on the basis of competence,I assume the
competence of others to be his/her intention, All of the above]
109. The fulfillment and evaluation of feelings lead to mutual _______ in family.
110. Happiness,Prosperity,Both 1st and 2nd,Neither 1st nor 2nd
111. Evaluation of others on the basis of "info" is a kind of _______. [Differentiation on the basis of "beliefs",Differentiation on the basis of "physical facility",
Differentiation on the basis of "post",Differentiation on the basis of "body"]
112. The intention of every human being is to make the other _______.[Rich and Resourceful,Happy and Divine,Happy and Prosperous.,All]
113. The feeling of responsibility and commitment for ensuring right understanding and right feeling in the self of my relative is called _______.
114. _______ is the feeling for someone who has made efforts for excellence.Love,Reverence,Gratitude,Glory
115. Which of the following is complete value?[Care,Trust,Respect,Love]
116. Feeling for those who have made effort for my excellence is _______.[Glory,Worship,Gratitude,None of the above]
117. _____ means to be assured that the other wants my happiness and prosperity.[Affection,Respect,Reverence,Trust]
118. Evaluation of others on the basis of post/designation is a kind of _______.[ [Differentiation on the basis of “ism”,Differentiation on the basis "physical
facilities",Differentiation on the basis of "info", Differentiation on the basis of "sects"]
119. Ensuring justice in relationship, on the basis of values leads to _______ in society.
120. Coexistence,Right Understanding,Prosperity,Fearlessness, When group of individuals living in relationship of mutual fulfillment, ensuring right
understanding & prosperity for all, it is considered as _______.[Crowed,Battlefield,Society,None of the above]
121. _____ on intention is a major reason for problems in relationships. [Trust,Belief,Doubt,None of the above]
122. Production and work for physical facilities leads to _______ in family and _______ with nature.
[Coexistence, Prosperity,Fearlessness, Prosperity,Prosperity, FearlessnessProsperity, Coexistence]
123. Which of the following is the criteria to decide how to produce? [Mutually enriching, cyclic process of nature and it's resources,Rate of production and
consumption of produced facility, Cyclic process of by-products,All of the above]
124. Society is an extension of _______.[Individual,Family,Nature,All of the above]
125. Suraksha of nature through enrichment, protection and right utilization leads to _______ in nature.[Prosperity.Coexistence,Right Understanding,Fearlessness]
126. ______ on intention is the starting point for mutual development. Trust,Belief,Doubt,None of the above
127. The outcome of labour must be _______.[People Friendly and Ecofriendly,Sustainable,Cyclic and Mutual Enriching,All of the above
128. The human goal at the level of family is _______.[Co-existence,Fearlessness,Prosperity,Right Understanding