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Needs of Plants and Animals Textbook

Needs of Plants
and Animals
plant needs
animal needs
people and food
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Needs of Plants
and Animals
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ISBN: 978-1-68380-561-8
Copyright © 2020 Core Knowledge Foundation
Needs of Plants
and Animals
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
What to Do with an Old School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Chapter 2
Plants and Their Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Chapter 3
Animals and Their Needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Chapter 4
People and What They Need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Chapter 5
Science in Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
What to Do with an Old School
It is the first day of Kindergarten! Students wave
goodbye to their families. They are excited to go
to school.
Greenville School is all new. The building is new. The
playground is new. The parking lot is new, too.
“What will happen to the old school?” one child asks.
Mrs. Patel answers, “Our city will tear down the old school
building. They will take away the playground. They will dig up
the old parking lot.”
“What will go in that big empty place?” another student asks.
Everyone has ideas.
“All interesting ideas,” Mrs. Patel says, “Keep thinking.”
“Build the tallest
building in the
“Put a swimming
pool there!”
“Open a toy
The next day, the class talks again. “Let’s make it a place for
wild things to live,” one child says. “Then people can go there
to see flowers, butterflies, and birds.”
Everyone agrees this is the best idea. Mrs. Patel says, “You
can bring your idea to our city leaders. But, first, you will
need to find out what living things need. Are you ready?”
Plants and Their Needs
Mrs. Patel’s class takes a field trip! They walk to a city
garden. There are many kinds of plants there.
People planned this garden. They found a sunny place. They
prepared the soil. They planted seeds. They watered the
plants. Why does the garden need so much care?
Plants are living things. Living things need certain things to
live and grow. Plants need light. They get light from the sun.
Plants also need water to live and grow. They get water from
rain. They cannot live if there is no water.
Plants need air and soil, too. Their leaves take in air. Their roots
take in water from soil.
Many kinds of plants live in nature.
Huge trees are plants. Many of
them live where there is plenty
of rain.
These round cacti are plants.
They can live where there is
little rain.
Tiny duckweeds are plants.
They need to live ON water!
They float on the surface of
the water.
Mrs. Patel asks, “What kinds of plants can meet their needs in
our old school lot?” The children think about patterns in their
weather. How much sunshine is there? How often does it rain?
The class searches online. They look at books. They find out
what kinds of plants can live and grow in the old school lot.
Animals and Their Needs
Now Mrs. Patel’s class wants to learn about what
animals need. They take another field trip. This time,
they ride a bus to the city zoo. The animals at the
zoo came from many places.
The children watch the zookeepers work. The animals get
food, but different kinds. The animals get water, but some get
more than others. Why is this so?
Animals are living things.
They need certain things
to live and grow. Animals
need to eat food.
At a zoo, zookeepers give
animals the kinds of foods
they need.
In nature, animals get food from the places where they live.
Some kinds of animals
eat plants for food.
Some eat other animals.
Some eat both plants
and animals.
Animals also need water to live and grow. At a zoo,
zookeepers give them water. This camel drinks from a hose.
In nature, animals
live where
they can find
the water they
need. This lion
drinks from a
rain puddle.
Animals need air, too. They get air from the places they live.
Fish get air that is in the water. Worms get air that is in the soil.
Birds get air above the land.
Animals also need shelter. They find or make shelters in the
places where they live.
A mother bear dug this
underground den.
This mother bird used tall
grasses to make a nest.
This crab found a shell on
the beach and moved in!
This cheetah finds shelter from
the hot sun under a tree.
Mrs. Patel asks, “What kinds of animals can meet their needs
in our old school lot?” The children think about the place and
its parts. How much water is nearby? What plants or animals
must they eat? How can animals make shelters?
People and What They Need
Mrs. Patel says, “Today we are taking a field trip to City
Hall!” The students and some parents ride a big bus.
They get off at a building with a flag in front.
“We will investigate the needs of one more kind of animal
here,” says Mrs. Patel. The children try to guess. “A bug?”
“A bird?” “A lizard?” “No,” says Mrs. Patel. “It’s us! We are going
to learn about the needs that people have.”
Another word for “people” is “humans.” Humans are a kind of
animal. Humans need water, food, air, and shelter to live and
grow. Workers at City Hall help meet human needs in a city.
First, the children visit the water office.
Water comes from
nearby lakes.
Water moves through
pipes to the city.
The city makes sure
the water is clean.
Next, the children visit the food office. In a city, humans get
food at markets. The food comes from farms. The food office
makes sure the food in markets is safe to eat.
Humans eat foods from plants and other animals. Tomatoes,
rice, and beans are parts of plants. Chili peppers are parts of
plants, too.
Cheese, eggs, and fish come from animals. Milk also comes
from animals.
Humans build shelters using things in nature. Many homes
are made from wood. Wood comes from trees that grow
in forests. Some schools are made of brick. Bricks are made
from bits of rock and clay. A city’s building office makes sure
shelters for humans are safe.
Mrs. Patel’s students are almost ready to present their ideas
about what to do with the old school property. She asks,
“How could we also make the old school lot a nice place for
people to visit?” People enjoy places to be in nature. The
class thinks of ways to welcome humans. Finally, they talk
to the city’s parks office.
Mrs. Patel’s students have learned a lot about what plants,
animals, and people need. They have a lot of information to
share. They now know that making the old school lot into a
nature area will take some work.
If animals are to live there, the natural area must have new
plants so that animals can get what they need. The plants
must be kinds that can get enough of the water and light they
need to grow in the place where the school used to be. Mrs.
Patel’s students are ready to go to the city leaders and present
their idea. They will be able to share how to make it happen!
Science in Action
Meeting an Ecologist
Mrs. Patel is proud of her class. The students worked
hard on their presentation for the Greenville City
Council. They planned a new natural home for plants
and animals.
Mrs. Patel’s students have learned a lot about what
plants and animals need to survive. The students
know that plants and animals get what they need
from the places where they live.
How do people find out about what living things need? Mrs.
Patel knows someone who can help explain. She invites her
friend Mr. Hissong to visit the class at school.
“I am an ecologist,” Mr. Hissong says. “An ecologist is a type of
scientist. We ecologists study living things. We learn how living
things relate to each other and to the places where they live.”
Mr. Hissong explains that one important thing he does is
collect data. He tells the class that he counts the types of living
things in an area. He organizes groups of volunteers to help.
It isn’t possible to count every living thing in a whole forest. But
the volunteers list and count what they find in a small space.
The small space is a sample of the bigger area. Ecologists can
use samples to form ideas about the bigger area.
Ecologists sometimes count the living things in one area at
different times. This lets them see how the numbers and types
of living things are changing. For example, if a place once had
a lot of rabbits but later had no rabbits, something must have
changed. Scientists can investigate further to find out what
caused the change.
Places can change. When a place changes, the plants and
animals that live there might not be able to get what they
need anymore. That makes it important to protect the places
from unwanted changes.
Mr. Hissong tells the students that he became an ecologist
to learn about wildlife areas so he can help protect them.
He learned this was important because of another scientist
named Rachel Carson.
A wildlife area in Maine was named after Rachel Carson.
Rachel Carson
Rachel Carson was a scientist who studied how
certain chemicals affect plants and animals.
She observed certain areas for a long time.
She collected data about the living things.
She wrote a book called Silent Spring. She
wondered, what would spring be like if no
birds were singing? Rachel Carson’s data
provided evidence that the chemicals
were harmful to living things. She
explained the evidence to lawmakers.
Because of Rachel Carson’s work, some
dangerous chemicals were banned.
Living things and their environments
were protected from future harm.
CK Sci™
Core Knowledge SCIENCE™
Series Editor-in-Chief
E.D. Hirsch Jr.
Editorial Directors
Daniel H. Franck and Richard B. Talbot
Subject Matter Expert
Joyce Lattimer, PhD
School of Plant and Environmental Sciences
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia
Illustration and Photo Credits
Andrey Kryuchkov/Alamy Stock Photo: Cover B, 12
Anton Petrus/Alamy Stock Photo: 10
Betty LaRue/Alamy Stock Photo: 30a
BIOSPHOTO/Alamy Stock Photo: 19b, 34d
blickwinkel/Alamy Stock Photo: Cover D, 13b, 20b, 22b
CHROMORANGE/Bruno Kaegi/Alamy Stock Photo: 34c
Citizen of the Planet/Alamy Stock Photo: 31
Clint Farlinger/Alamy Stock Photo: 13c
Cynthia Farmer/Alamy Stock Photo: 30c
David Gowans/Alamy Stock Photo: 22d
David Kilpatrick/Alamy Stock Photo: 20a
David Kleyn/Alamy Stock Photo: 13a
Eileen Tan/Alamy Stock Photo: 27a
ephotocorp/Alamy Stock Photo: 36b
Everett Collection Inc/Alamy Stock Photo: 39b
Helmut Corneli/Alamy Stock Photo: Cover A, 22c
imagebroker/imageBROKER/SuperStock: 17, 18b
Ira Mark Rappaport/Alamy Stock Photo: 19c
Jason Pulley/Alamy Stock Photo: i, iii, 11
Juniors Bildarchiv GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo: 22a
Kathy deWitt/Alamy Stock Photo: 30b
Lesia Chuprynska/Alamy Stock Photo: 34a
Marina Troshenkova/Alamy Stock Photo: 35, 36a
Martin Shields/Alamy Stock Photo: 36c
MBI/Alamy Stock Photo: Cover C, 28
Mint Images/Mint Images/SuperStock: 26
National Geographic Image Collection/Alamy Stock Photo: 21a
Petro Perutskyi/Alamy Stock Photo: 21b
Piotr Malczyk/Alamy Stock Photo: 29b
Randy Duchaine/Alamy Stock Photo: 38
rdonar/Alamy Stock Photo: 27b
RooM the Agency/Alamy Stock Photo: 21c
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stephen chatterton/Alamy Stock Photo: 30d
Svetlana Lazarenka/Alamy Stock Photo: 27c
The Book Worm/Alamy Stock Photo: 39a
Vince Burton/Pantheon/SuperStock: 18a
William Leaman/Alamy Stock Photo: 34b
Zoonar GmbH/Alamy Stock Photo: 29a
CK Sci™
Core Knowledge SCIENCE
A comprehensive program in science, integrating topics
from Earth and Space, Life, and Physical Sciences with
concepts specified in the Core Knowledge Sequence
(content and skill guidelines for Grades K–8).
Core Knowledge SCIENCE™
units at this level include:
Pushes and Pulls
Needs of Plants and Animals
Changing Environments
Weather Patterns
ISBN: 978-1-68380-561-8
Core Knowledge Curriculum Series™
Series Editor-in-Chief
E.D. Hirsch Jr.