Alise'n' Celanil Power Level 4, 60 PP; Abilities 0 + Powers 46 + Advantages 13 + Skills 1 (1 ranks) + Defenses 0 Abilities Strength Stamina 0 0 0 0 Agility Dexterity Fighting Intellect 0 0 Awareness Presence Offense Attack Name 0 3 Initiative: +4 Attack Bonus & Resistance DC Defenses Dodge Notes +0, DC 15 . . . . . . Bludgeon, Crit 20 Parry Unarmed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +0, DC 15 . . . . . . Bludgeon, Crit 20 Fortitude Throw .................... Powers Toughness Will Glamour: Variable 3 (16) Positive, Magical; Check Required: DC 10 - Spellcraft, Limited: Energia Positiva "Dourada", Noticeable: Energia Dourada Tel-quessir Quasi-deity (30) Imortalidade Divina: Immortality 1 (3) Divine, Magical, Return after 2 weeks; Innate Tel-quessir Myst: Teleport 1 (5) Biological, Magical, 60 feet in a move action, carrying 50 lbs.; 0 0 0 0 0 Hero Points: 1 Knockback: +0 Change Direction, Change Velocity, Turnabout Tel-quessir Thaumaturgy: Illusion 1 (5) Magical, Affects: Four Sense Types, Area: 2 cft., DC 11; Subtle: subtle Tel-quessir: Beauty: Enhanced Presence 3 (7) Biological, Magical, +3 PRE; Innate; Permanent Tel-quessir: Immunity 2 (3) Biological, Aging, Sleep; Innate Tel-quessir: Senses 6 (7) Biological, Accurate: Audição, Acute: Visão, Extended: Visão, Audição 2: x100, Low-light Vision; Innate Advantages Accurate Attack Trade effect DC for attack bonus. Attractive 2 Circumstance bonus to interaction based on your looks. Cool: Expertise (PRE): Seduction +5 circumstance bonus to selected Presence-related skill involving teens. Defensive Attack Trade attack bonus for active defense bonus. Fascinate (Expertise: Seduction) Use an interaction skill to entrance others. Fighting Style: Fencing Holding Back "Fencing" is used here to describe western sword-fighting styles in general. Traditional fencing uses a slim, slight sword like a foil, but characters in Mutants & Masterminds can fence with whatever sort of Holding Back means you possess a lot more power than you’re letting on, but you won’t use it out of a legitimate fear. Can you shatter buildings with a thoughtless word? Can you tap into an endless pit of darkness to fuel yourself? Can Improved Defense +2 bonus to active defense when you take the defend action. Skills Athletics +0, Close Combat: Blades +0, Deception +3, Expertise (PRE): Seduction +4, Insight +0, Intimidation +3, Perception +0, Persuasion +3, Ranged Combat: Throw +0, Stealth +0 Damage Bruises Dazed Staggered Incapacitated Fatigue Improved Disarm No penalty for the disarm action. Fatigued Improved Initiative +4 bonus to initiative checks per rank. Exhausted Power Attack Trade attack bonus for effect bonus. Taunt Use Deception to demoralize in combat. Ultimate Effort: Seduction Spend a hero point to get an effective 20 on a specific check. Equipment Wealth: +8 Movement Base Movement Speed - 2 miles/hour, 30 feet/round (run 4 miles/hour, 60 feet/round; swim 0.5 miles/hour, 6 feet/round) Routine Jump Distance - Running jump: 10 ft.; standing: 5 ft.; vertical: 2 ft.; standing vert.: 1 ft. Tel-quessir Myst: Teleport 1 - 60 feet in a move action, carrying 50 lbs. Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2017 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. Movement Throwing Distance - Throw 200 lbs. 6 feet; throw 50 lbs. 30 feet; throw 12 lbs. 120 feet Complications Enemy Deuses e Semideuses são caçados por Cyric e muitos outros. Mythic Weakness Compulsão por Romance (herdado da Mãe) Quirk Subversiva, busca sempre decepcionar a expectativa de Tel'Quessir, Problema com Autoridades e Leviana. Rivalry Odeia a Drow Shadoweaver. Secret Semideusa filha de Hanali Celanil Background Information Languages: Native Language Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at Mutants & Masterminds, Third Edition is ©2010-2017 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.