Uploaded by Rebecca Annette McCardle

Biology I Syllabus Autumn 2023

Biology I – Syllabus
Autumn 2023
Instructor: Rebecca McCardle
Room 111
Email – rmccardle@chesterfieldschools.org
Office Hours –11:15 - 12:15, M-F
- 1530 to 1430, by appointment
Course Description
Biology is the study of life. It includes an introduction to the scientific method, cytology, genetics, botany, zoology, ecology,
taxonomy, evolution, chemistry, and microbiology. Course work, lab work, and examinations will prepare students for the EOC and
future science courses. This course meets daily for 90 minutes. It is one of the required laboratory sciences for graduation.
The five core areas of the Biology I course standards include:
 Cells as a System
 Energy Transfer
 Heredity – Inheritance and Variation of Traits
 Biological Evolution – Unity and Diversity
 Ecosystem Dynamics
Each of these core areas will be addressed; however, the amount of time dedicated to each will vary. In addition to these standards,
students will continue to practice inquiry skills learned in earlier science courses. A tentative schedule is forthcoming. Changes may
be necessary given the individual nature of learning. As an EOC course, the state defined standards must be taught. For some, the
topics may occasionally be uncomfortable. If this is a problem, please let the instructor know as soon as a concern arises. Ultimately
the purpose of the class is to help students develop academic and life skills. Thus, the class will focus on inquiry-based instruction,
allowing students to engage in problem solving, decision making, critical thinking, and applied learning. In other words, students will
spend more of their class time discussing the why and how of biology, rather than rote memorization.
Teaching Style & Protocol
The instructor plans activities which address the varied learning styles of the students in her classroom. With this in mind, a large
portion of the class will involve lecture, demonstrations, discussion, informal assessments, quizzes, and formal assessments (tests and
exams). Class notes will be monitored and are an integral part of the assessed interactive notebook. Class notes will NOT be posted in
their entirety on Google Classroom. In the event of an absence or circumstance where a student is unable to take class notes, students
may borrow and handwrite a copy of a classmate’s or the instructor’s notes. Typically, each class will begin with a warm-up or
refresher activity and end with a closure activity, like an exit ticket. These activities will be graded. In general, every assignment given
will be graded for accuracy and completion. The instructor will not assign activities as busy work. Due to the nature of the block
system and 90-minute classes, students will rarely have “homework” as they will have time in class to work independently and in
small groups on that work. However, if independent practice is not completed in class, then it must be completed as homework (unless
otherwise instructed). Students will be expected to review their notes and activities for a few minutes every evening. This will reduce
the stress of preparing for quizzes and tests when they arise.
Class Policy & Expectations
*Many rules are determined at the district and school level. These must be respected. In addition, there are expectations
specific for this class.
1. Students will come to class prepared with binder, writing supplies, paper, and Chromebook.
2. Students will enter the classroom and be seated quickly. They should immediately prepare for warm-up and other class
3. During lecture, students will refrain from talking and distracting their peers. (Quiet talking is permitted during
independent work at the instructor’s discretion.)
4. Student will treat each other with respect. Roasting, while humorous for some, is not permitted. Furthermore, students
will not talk across the classroom during discussions.
5. Students will treat school and instructor property in a respectful manner. They will not waste or destroy supplies. They
will not deliberately damage property.
6. Students, when absent, will collect their work from the instructor (worksheets, quizzes, tests, etc.) or Google Classroom
and submit this work in a timely manner. Most assignments will be posted in Google Classroom.
*Students must have these prior to Monday, August 7, 2023. If assistance is needed, this must be requested promptly.
2 – 2 ½ inch binder (for this class only)
Loose-leaf Paper & 1 pack of copy paper (if possible)
Plastic Sheet Covers (10+)
Pencil pouch for binder
Colored Pencils (12+)
2-3 Tennis Balls
Grading Parameters
Classwork/Homework & Participation
Quizzes & Labs
*Midterms and final exams will be assessed in
accordance with the standards established by
Chesterfield County School District.
Grades on assignments will be placed in Power
School as quickly as possible; however, patience
will be appreciated due to the number of
assignments and students.
Late Work: Late work will have a 20% deduction after it is turned in. Late
assignments should be turned in within a week. This is not the same as work that
is late due to student absences.
Retest: Students in grades 6-12 will have the opportunity to retest when a test
grade is below 75%. The student must make the request to the teacher within two
days of receiving the test grade. The student will complete a retest request form
indicating two activities that will be done to improve the score (tutoring,
completing missed work, etc.). The retest grade cannot exceed 75%. There are
only two opportunities to retest in each class per 9 weeks grading period. This
option is NOT available after the seventh week of the nine-week grading period.
Grading Scale
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
Chesterfield County School District Attendance Policy
Students are expected to attend school each day. The school year consists of 180 days for students. High school students must attend
85 days of each 90-day semester to receive one unit of credit for each class.
When a student is absent from school parents are expected to provide the school notification as to the reason the student was absent. In
high schools, credit will be denied in courses when a student accumulates an excess of ten (10) absences in a class. High school credit
for a course/class will be awarded or denied based on attendance in that class.
Students will receive ten (10) days after their return to school to make up missing work. Under extenuating circumstances students
may be granted additional days to make up work when approved by the teacher and principal. If work is not made up to the
satisfaction of school administration in the ten days after returning to school, students may receive a zero (0) for each assignment
South Carolina Science Standards
Standard H.B.1: The student will use the science and engineering practices, including the processes and skills of scientific inquiry, to
develop understandings of science content.
Standard H.B.2: The student will demonstrate the understanding that the essential functions of life take place within cells or systems of
Standard H.B.3: The student will demonstrate the understanding that all essential processes within organisms require energy which in most
ecosystems is ultimately derived from the Sun and transferred into chemical energy by the photosynthetic organisms of that ecosystem.
Standard H.B.4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the specific mechanisms by which characteristics or traits are transferred
from one generation to the next via genes.
Standard B-5: The student will demonstrate an understanding of biological evolution and the diversity of life.
Standard H.B.6: The student will demonstrate an understanding that ecosystems are complex, interactive systems that include both
biological communities and physical components of the environment.
Signature Sheet
Please read and discuss the material. Complete the sections below indicating completion.
I, ______________________________________, have read and discussed the syllabus with my student.
I, _______________________________________, have read and discussed the lab contract with my student.
I, ______________________________________, have read and discussed the syllabus with my parent/guardian.
I, _______________________________________, have read and discussed the lab contract with my
I have read and discussed the syllabus and lab contract with the students and provided them with a copy for their