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English-Survey remastered-2

Name: _____________________________________________
Date: ________________________
English Survey
I. Grammar Test: Choose the best answer
1. It was the first time he ________ anything
so spicy.
A. was eating
B. has eaten
C. had been eating
D. had eaten
2. I was _________ exhausted by the end of
the day.
A. incredibly
C. extremely
B. very
D. completely
3. I’d love to ________ in the 19th century.
A. live
C. lived
B. have been lived
D. have lived
4. If he ______ one minute later, he _______
the train.
A. would have arrived… would have
B. arrived… would have missed
C. would arrive… would miss
D. had arrived… would have missed
5. She’s wearing a ___________ dress.
A. black, long, beautiful
B. long, beautiful, black
C. beautiful, long, black
D. long, black, beautiful
II. Vocabulary Test. Choose the best synonyms
for the underlined words.
6. Ever since he got his breakthrough, he
started acting ostentatious to say the least.
A. Showing wealth C. Out of control
B. Unobtrusive
7. Have you ever read the Chronicles of
A. Qualification
C. Outline
B. Narrative
D. Entrance
8. Have you made a projected return of
investment for this product?
A. Complete
C. Estimate
B. Organized
D. Exact
9. They scrutinized everything about the
essay to find faults.
A. Change
C. Examine
B. Criticize
D. Hit hard
10. The main conception of the plan was made
by the General.
A. Progress
C. Demonstration
B. Result
D. Idea
III. Idiomatic Expressions: Choose the meaning
of the idiomatic expressions.
11. Silvio had egg on his face after saying he
was much better than all the other drivers,
and coming last place in the race.
A. Being embarrassed of something you
said and it doesn’t happen
B. Being angry that what you said or do
didn’t happen
C. Offered an egg as a sign of failure and
D. Being infatuated with eggs to drown
your embarrassment.
12. When people find something of great
value, they often kill the goose that laid
the golden egg because of their greed.
A. Destroying a reliable and valuable
source of income
B. Killing a tasty and magical goose for
C. Seizing an opportunity for oneself with
no regards to others
D. Accidentally giving away your source
of income
13. What? You mean that the convicts were
hiding right under my nose?
A. In a place they should have seen
B. In a place they cannot see
C. In a place they suspected
D. In a place they know
14. Have you talked to Kevin yet? I really
don't want to. Why? Because he always
beats around the bush
A. Freely divulge his conversation to others
B. Avoiding the topic by talking about other
C. Prone to ramblings and spewing nonsense
D. Kevin hates conversation of any kind
15. Did you know that the possibility of that
happening is once in a blue moon?
A. Happens every night
B. Happens every full moon
C. Very rarely happens
D. Doesn't happen at all
IV. Comprehension Test. Choose the letter of the
correct answer.
For number 16-18, please refer to the passage
"…This period of age is one of very rapid growth.
There is probably no other time in the life history
of the individual when the body and mind are so
responsive to environment and impressions, and
when so much can be done to build up good
16. Which of the following is the most
probable period of age that the passage
A. Adult years
B. Adolescent years
C. Childhood years
D. Preschool age and below
17. What would be the most appropriate action
in response to this excerpt?
A. Laws should be made to properly facilitate
the growth of individuals.
B. We should to go to environments that help
us in our personal growth during this
period of time.
C. We should strive to make good
environments for the development and
good health of children.
D. One should create an environment free of
stress for students, to allow proper growth.
18. What was most likely the author's
A. Teacher
B. Mother
C. Lawyer
D. Doctor
For number 19-20, please refer to the passage
(1) All her life Miss Elizabeth Dwarris had been a
sore trial to her relations. (2) A woman of means,
she ruled tyrannously over a large number of
impecunious cousins, using her bank-balance like
the scorpions of Rehoboam to chastise them, and,
like many another pious creature, for their soul’s
good making all and sundry excessively
miserable. (3) Nurtured in the evangelical ways
current in her youth, she insisted that her
connections should seek salvation according to her
own lights; and, with harsh tongue and with bitter
gibe, made it her constant business to persuade
them of their extreme unworthiness. (4) She
arranged lives as she thought fit, and ventured not
only to order the costume and habits, but even the
inner thought of those about her: the Last
Judgment could have no terrors for any that had
faced her searching examination. (5) She invited
to stay with her in succession various poor ladies
who presumed on a distant tie to call her Aunt
Eliza, and they accepted her summons, more
imperious than a royal command, with gratitude
by no means unmixed with fear, bearing the
servitude meekly as a cross which in the future
would meet due testamentary reward.
19. What is the role of Sentence 1 in relation
to the rest of the passage?
A. It presents a claim that the rest of the
passage support
B. It offers an example of a broader
C. It poses an implicit rhetorical question to
the reader
D. It provides an argument for the rest of the
passage to rebut
E. It addresses an error at the end of the
20. In Sentence 2, what is the meaning of “a
woman of means”?
A. Miss Dwarris is middle-aged
B. Miss Dwarris is petty
C. Miss Dwarris is rich
D. Miss Dwarris is of noble birth
E. Miss Dwarris is cruel