Dimensions of Organizational Task Environments Author(s): Gregory G. Dess and Donald W. Beard Source: Administrative Science Quarterly , Mar., 1984, Vol. 29, No. 1 (Mar., 1984), pp. 52-73 Published by: Sage Publications, Inc. on behalf of the Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2393080 JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at https://about.jstor.org/terms Sage Publications, Inc. and Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Administrative Science Quarterly This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Dimensions of Organizational Task Environments Gregory G. Dess and Donald W. Beard Industrial classifications were used as a basis for operational definitions of both industrial and organizational task environments. A codification of six environmental dimensions was reduced to three: munificence (capacity), complexity (homogeneity-heterogeneity, concentrationdispersion), and dynamism (stability-instability, turbulence). Interitem and factor analytic techniques were used to explore the viability of these environmental dimensions. Implications of the research for building both descriptive and normative theory about organization-environment relationships are advanced. INTRODUCTION This paper describes one approach to measuring the task environment of organizations, using the data and schema developed to record resource transactions in the national social accounts. The organizational task environment is operationalized in ways that are consistent with the population-ecology and resource-dependence conceptualization of the interaction of organization and environment. A central assumption of the present study, and one that is grounded in both the resource-dependence and population- ecology paradigms, is that the resources required for organizational survival are the most relevant focus in defining organizational environments. Aldrich (1979) clearly articulated this view when he stated that "environments affect organizations through the process of making available or withholding re- sources, and organizational forms can be ranked in terms of their efficacy in obtaining resources" (1979: 61). Population-ecology theory as developed by Campbell (1969) and others (Aldrich and Pfeffer, 1976; Hannan and Freeman, 1977; Aldrich, 1979; McKelvey and Aldrich, 1983) focuses primarily on the resources available to populations of organizations, the aggregate birth and death rates of these populations, and their spatial distribution. This view of organizations generally takes a relatively long-term perspective and favors longitudinal designs in empirical research. Aldrich and Reiss (1976) and Nielsen and Hannan (1977) showed that organizational populations change in number and characteristics as resources and other elements of their environment change. Pennings (1982) showed how variance in resources in metropolitan areas affected the birth frequencies of business organizations in three industries. ? 1984 by Cornell University. 0001 -8392/84/2901 -00 52/$1 .00 We would like to thank Howard Aldrich, Alan Bauerschmidt, Kirk Downey, Neil Snyder, Charles Summer, Henry Tosi, and the editors and anonymousASQ referees for their many helpful suggestions. We would also like to thank Jeannette Strauss for typing the manuscript. Resource dependence theory as developed by some investigators (Pfeffer, 1972a, 1972b; Jacobs, 1974; Mindlin and Aldrich, 1 975; Aldrich and Pfeffer, 1976; Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978) takes a finer grained view of organizations by looking at their dependence on other organizations for resources. Jacobs (1974) and Pfeffer and Salancik (1978) defined environmental dependence as the importance of a resource to the organization and the number of sources from which the resource is available, as well as the number, variety, and relative power of organizations competing for the resource. Pfeffer and others have shown that the various strategies organizations can use to reduce external resource dependence vary systematically with the kinds and degrees of dependence, e.g., the size and 52/Administrative Science Quarterly, 29 (1984): 52-73 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Task Environments composition of boards of directors (Pfeffer, 1 972a, 1973), merger and joint-venture activity (Pfeffer, 1 972b; Pfeffer and Nowak, 1974), and executive recruitment and succession (Pfeffer and Leblebici, 1973). The principal focus of the present study is the variation in resource transactions of organizations with their environments, in particular, the operational specification and empirical description of the task environments of organizations. This focus is obviously limited in excluding important environmental dimensions such as Thompson's (1967) domain consensus, legitimacy, and prestige. Only objective measures of organizational environments are treated here, that is, measures in which qualified observers can apply the same scientifically rigorous measurement procedures in research on similar samples of organizational environments. Thorough treatment of the topics of objectivity and associated measurement procedures is given in references such as Kerlinger (1973) and Nunnally (1978). The methodological guidelines that McKelvey (1975) recommended for objective measurement of organizational variables in developing taxonomies of organizations can also be applied to environmental units of analysis. ENVIRONMENTAL UNIT OF ANALYSIS The environmental unit of analysis for the present research was chosen in the context of Starbuck's (1976) two categories in his review of the literature on organization-environment relationships: (1) the directness of interaction between an organization and elements of its environment, and (2) whether or not the information describing the environment was derived objectively (from disinterested outside observers) or subjectively (from members of the organization). Starbuck (1976: 1082) divided the level of direct interaction into two parts: the first including those elements of the environment with which the organization is in direct exchange and the second including elements that compete with the organization for the resources being directly exchanged. The first set is clearly made up of organizations such as customers and suppliers (Dill, 1958: 424) that can gain by cooperating in an exchange of resources. The set can include organizations that are enough unlike the focal organization that rivalry is minimal and cooperation is increased (Yuchtman and Seashore, 1967: 889). The second set includes other organizations in the environment that most influence the organization's "goal attainment" as defined by Dill (1958: 410), that is, competitors for the resources supplied by customers and suppliers in the first set. Rivalry for such resources is believed to be influenced by the number and relative size of competitors (Shepherd, 1979; Scherer, 1980). Thus, the full range of competitive suppliers in resource markets, the full range of competitors producing close substitutes, and the full range of potential customers would be included in the group of environmental elements that influence the performance and social structure of an organization. Industrial classification systems have been developed to study competition and performance among the producing sectors of the economy, and the most recent system, the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC), accounts for all producing organizations within a nation or other geopolitical unit (U.S. Office of 53/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Management and the Budget, 1972). The appropriateness of the industry as a useful aggregation of organizations has been subjected to critical review (Nightingale, 1978; Scherer, 1980; Porter, 1980), and it has generally been supported as a suitable aggregate for studying competition among organizations. For the present study, the typical industry was quite homogeneous in product or resource output. The average specialization ratio for all four-digit SIC industries is approximately 90 percent; nevertheless, there was heterogeneity in employment size, technology, formal organization structure, and branded product differentiation. Furthermore, the organizational unit classified was the single-site establishment including central administrative offices. In addition, the number of firms operating establishments in each industry was also counted. The average ratio of establishments to firms was 115: 100 in the 1977 Census of Manufactures. Thus, from a population perspective, the total number of establishments is almost equal to the number of separate firms. Finally, resource transactions at an interindustry level seemed likely to be stable, whereas interorganizational transactions were likely to vary much more over time. However, this gain in stability may be offset in lost detail and dynamics among the population of organizations. Although the principal information used to measure the vari- ance in the environments of organizations was derived from the SIC, the organizations that made up a particular SIC grouping or industry were not the unit of analysis studied. The unit of analysis was the organizational task environment, which included those elements that actively and directly cooperated and competed with the focal organization, as discussed by Starbuck (1976). This task environment mig ht have differed from that specified by Dill (1958) in that it excluded regulatory groups of an organization's environment. The organizational task environment included the industrial task environment, that is, that set of all organizations with which members of a given industry (including the focal organization) had transactions in the input and output of resources, i.e., Ritz's (1979) producer-to-producer transactions in input-output analysis. It did not, however, include organizations outside the industry of the focal organization that might otherwise have competed with it for input resources. DIMENSIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL TASK ENVIRONMENTS The range of dimensions of organizational task environments, as documented by Starbuck's (1976) monumental review of the literature, is wide indeed. However, there is an emerging consensus among researchers on a few important dimensions. Aldrich (1979) discussed six dimensions (see below) derived from an extensive review of the literature on populationecology theory and resource-dependence theory that "refer to the nature and the distribution of resources in environments, with different values on each dimension implying differences in appropriate structures and activities" (1979: 63). The dimensions are clearly defined and can be readily applied to the task environment as here defined. However, one dimension, domain consensus-dissensus, is omitted from this study because of the difficulties in applying this dimension to profit-making organizations such as those included in the present research. 54/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Task Environments Aldrich's (1979) codification of environmental dimensions is represented in a more parsimonious set as follows: Munificence: capacity Dynamism: stability-instability, turbulence Complexity: homogeneity-heterogeneity, concentrationdispersion The three dimensions are conceptually similar to those pro- posed by others (Jurkovich, 1974; Pfeffer and Salancik, 1 978; Mintzberg, 1979; Scott, 1981), and they are almost identical to the important environmental conditions identified by Child (1 972: 3): illiberality, variability, and complexity. In the following discussion of the three dimensions, the place of each dimension in Aldrich's scheme and its applicability in further research will be considered, and operational definitions of the variables used to measure each of Aldrich's dimensions will be presented. Because of this early stage of theory building measures were selected to ensure a high level of reliability. Also, given the task-environment unit of analysis studied and the available data sources, the domain of measures was restricted. Environmental Munificence Starbuck's (1976) concept of environmental munificence as the extent to which the environment can support sustained growth is quite similar to Aldrich's concept of environmental capacity. Both state that organizations seek out environments that permit organizational growth and stability. Such growth and stability may, for example, allow the organization to generate slack resources (Cyert and March, 1963), which can in turn provide a buffer for the organization during periods of relative scarcity. Slack can also provide a means of maintaining organizational coalitions, provide resources for organizational innovation, and serve as a means of conflict resolution (Bourgeois, 1981; Chakravarthy, 1 982). Hirsch (1 975) found that organizations use complex, external social relationships to co-opt " in- stitutional gate keepers" (e.g., physicians, for the pharmaceutical industry) in orderto ensure a flow of resources and to obtain a more munificent environment. Staw and Szwajkowski (1975) found that organizations competing in less munificent environments were more likely to commit illegal acts. In the business-policy literature, Hofer (1975) stated that the industry or product-evolution cycle is the "most fundamental variable in determining an appropriate business strategy" (1975: 789). The primary variable in this cycle is the rate of sales growth, which is the primary factor determining an environment's munificence. Furthermore, several portfolio strategy models consider market growth to be an important contingency and a primary determinant in the long-term viability of a given business strategy, for example, General Electric's Business Screen and the Boston Consulting Group's Business Portfolio Matrix (Hoferand Schendel, 1978). Ansoff (1965) proposed that market growth permits member organizations to strengthen their competitive position in a given market or to expand their existing product-market scope. In several empirical studies, the level of profitability of the industry within which an organization competes has been found to be a significant predictor of organizational perform55/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms ance (Beard and Dess, 1979, 1981; Lieberson and O'Connor, 1972). For example, Beard and Dess (1981) found that industry return on equity (a measure of interindustry variation) often explained a greater percentage of variance in firm return on equity than relative firm size, firm capital intensiveness, or firm debt leverage (measures of intraindustry variation) combined. Environmental Dynamism Much of the literature in organization theory and businesspolicy theory has dealt with dynamism and suggests that turnover, absence of pattern, and unpredictability are the best measures of environmental stability-instability. Miles, Snow, and Pfeffer (1974) and Jurkovich (1974) have contended that it is important to distinguish between the rate of environmental change and the unpredictability of environmental change. Dynamism should be restricted to change that is hard to predict and that heightens uncertainty for key organizational members. Members of organizations competing in a dynamic industry will be more likely to segment homogeneous elements of their environments (March and Simon, 1958) to enable them to cope with uncertainty. Thompson, for example, considered dealing with uncertainty the "essence of the administrative process" (1967: 159). The literature from organization theory, business policy, and industrial organization has suggested organizational strategies and tactics such as buffering, collusion, long-term contracts, and vertical integration to create a more predictable environment. Uncertainty will also affect organization structure, because as task uncertainty increases, more information must be processed among decision makers to achieve a given level of performance (Galbraith, 1973: 4). Aldrich (1979) stated that environmental turbulence "leads to externally induced changes . .. that are obscure to administrators and difficult to plan for" (1979: 69). Aldrich's idea of turbulence emphasized the degree of interconnection among environmental elements, and it follows Emery and Trist's (1965) definition without significant modification. Pfeffer and Salancik contended that interconnectedness among organizations creates uncertain and unstable environments for organizations and that "changes can come from anywhere without notice and produce consequences unanticipated by those initiating the changes and those experiencing the consequences" (1978: 68). Terreberry (1968), building on Emery and Trist's (1965) work, was among the first to stress the difficulty of planning for changes in an organization's task environment when such changes originate in its residual environment. She suggested that the degree of interconnection in an organization's residual environment was increasing as industrial economies evolved. Environmental Complexity Child's (1972) conceptualization of environmental complexity as "the heterogeneity of and range of an organization's activities" (1 972: 3) is typical of other theorists' views (Thompson, 1967; Duncan, 1972). Duncan (1972), Pennings (1975), Tung (1979), and others have contended that managers facing a more complex (i.e., heterogeneous) environment will perceive greater uncertainty and have greater information-processing requirements than managers facing a simple environment. 56/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Task Environments From the resource-dependence perspective, organizations competing in industries that require many different inputs or that produce many different outputs should find resource acquisition or disposal of output more complex than organizations competing in industries with fewer different inputs and outputs. This is due to the large number and variety of organizations with which they must interact in their "organization set" (Evan, 1966) to deal with critical contingencies. Administratively, Chandler (1962) found that, in many industries, a diversification strategy that involved the organization in new product and market activity led to a change in the organization's internal organization structure, i.e., decentralization increased as the diversity of an organization's activities increased. His findings have been replicated for other organizations in the United States (Rumelt, 1974), the United Kingdom (Channon, 1973), Germany (Than heiser, 1972), and Italy (Pavan, 1972). Expansion also increases the complexity and diversity both in the operations of an organization and its requirements for administrative control. Galbraith (1973) suggested that as organizations expand their product or market scope, they use computers as a means of maintaining organizational control. Starbuck's (1 976) argument that organizational density induces organizational interdependence suggested that Aldrich's concentration-dispersion dimension also underlies the environmental complexity construct. Williamson (1965) and Phillips (1960) theorized that oligopolistic behavior is fostered by organizational density because interorganizational communication is facilitated. Organizations in a network probably deal with a greater number of suppliers, customers, and competitors in their task environments. On the other hand, if all organizations in a given industry are evenly distributed throughout the range of the environment, a given organization would have fewer organizations of a similar kind in its organization set (Evan, 1966). Duncan (1972) viewed environmental organizations as external factors that managers take into account in their decision making. Aldrich (1979: 72) contended that the increase in structural complexity of the environment would increase the need for strategic activities. RESEARCH HYPOTHESES AND METHODOLOGY Given the exploratory nature of this study, we have tried to achieve parsimony in the description of environmental dim sions. We do, however, recognize that there are trade-offs in this approach. Weick (1979) and Blalock (1982), for example, argued that generalizability, accuracy, and simplicity cannot be achieved simultaneously. We have tried to achieve generalizability and simplicity in our study with an unavoidable reduction in accuracy. It was hypothesized that environmental munificence, complexity, and dynamism could each be identified as a separate factor in a factor analysis of variables selected to measure these dimensions. The hypotheses were: Hypothesis 1: Organizational task environments will vary in terms of their munificence, and environmental capacity variables will load on one common factor. Hypothesis 2: Organizational task environments will vary in terms of their complexity, and homogeneity-heterogeneity and concentrationdispersion variables will load on one common factor. 57/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Hypothesis 3: Organizational task environments will vary in terms of dynamism, and stability-instability and turbulence variables will load on one common factor. To explore the three proposed environmental dimensions, a sample of 52 manufacturing industries (Table 3, below) identified by their SIC codes was randomly selected from a population of approximately 460 such industries classified by the U.S. Bureau of the Census (1 977).1 The use of four-digit SIC's as a building block for the task environment allows straig htforward generalization to the entire population of manufacturing organizations, presently numbering over 300,000, and operationalizing manufacturing task environments allows for unambiguous replications. The sample may not reflect a representative sample of establishments, since some SIC's may include many incumbents and others very few. Most of the data comes from large samples (annual surveys) but not complete censuses of establishments. Therefore, sampling variability associated with the measures of industrial characteristics may vary inversely with the number of establishments in an SIC industry. 1 The small ratio of subjects (N=52) to measures (N= 17) may result in instability in the factor loadings due to sampling error (Kim and Mueller, 1978; Nunnally, 1978). However, sampling error has been minimized through the relatively large sample of industries (N=52) drawn from a relatively small population (N=460) (Kerlinger, 1973), and the industry-level data in this research is much more reliable than data associated with individual differences. For example, most measures of the capacity and stability-instability dimensions consisted of a series of data points over time, rather than just a single data point. Aldrich's (1979) five dimensions were operationalized in the present research by constructing four or five continuous scale measures for each dimension, 23 in all. The data for these 23 variables were obtained from secondary sources, primarily the U.S. Bureau of the Census (1977) and the U.S. Office of Business Economics (1973), and covered some or all of the years from 1967 through 1977. The Appendix provides a complete listing of the variables, measurement scales, and data sou rces. Six variables (VI -V6) were used to operationalize capacity (environmental munificence). The first five variables were considered to be derivatives of overall market demand that measured the relative rate of industry growth. The first four, growth in sales (VI), growth in price-cost margin (V2), growth in total employment (V3), and growth in value added (V4), were specified as the rate of growth (regression coefficient) divided by the mean value of the dependent variable (to adjust for absolute industry size) over a ten-year period (1968-1977). 2 Growth in the number of establishments (V5) was measured as The extent of dispersion about a trend line the average annual percentage change over an eleven-year -controlled forabsolute industry size- is consistent with several researchers' conperiod (1967 to 1977) because annual data were not available for ceptualization and measurement of volatilthis measure. Industry sales concentration (V6) was ity, dynamism, instability, unpredictable operationalized as the proportion of the total value of shipments change, etc. We believe that our operational measures of the stability-instability accounted for by the eight largest companies, since sales dimension are superior to many other meaconcentration is the most validated correlate of industry profsures that have been proposed. For example, Snyderand Glueck (1982) used a volatil- itability, as Weiss (1974) found in his review of about eighty ity measure which incorporated the coeffi- cient of variation: T(y ...y)2/XI(Y) where X=number of years, Y=sales revenue. studies. Five variables (V 1I -VI 5) were used to operationalize Aldrich's Since this measure does not distinguish environmental stability-instability. Four of these variables (VI 1, between the ordering of the data points VI 2, VI 3, VI 5) used the same data sources as four (VI, V2, V3, and measures only their dispersion orvariation from the mean, it is unable to detect V4) of the six capacity (munificence) variables. Environmental variation from a trend line. To illustrate, stability-instability was measured by the dispersion about the assume two different industries with sales regression line obtained when each dependent variable was volumes for each of five consecutive years of 10, 20,30,40, 50 and 30, 50, 10, 20,40. regressed on time over the period 1968 to 1977.2 This form of These industries would have the same measurement is consistent with the approach of other revolatility index. However, the former industry would have a perfectly linear relation- searchers (Tosi, Aldag, and Storey, 1973; Child, 1974; ship between the dependent variable and Bourgeois, 1978; Snyder and Glueck, 1982), all of whom time; whereas, the latter industry's sales consider instability to be unsystematic, unpredictable change. pattern may be described as highly Technological instability (VI 4) was operationalized as the perstochastic. 581ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Task Environments centage of scientists and engineers in the total number of employees. Several researchers (Child, 1975; Bourgeois, 1978; Snyder and Glueck, 1982) have used this measure of relative expenditures on R&D to measure technological instability. Turbulence was conceived and measured in two ways based on data developed as part of the United States input-output research (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 1974a, 1974b, 1974c). This use of data from an input-output model to measure environmental turbulence is, we believe, original, although Evan (1966) suggested long ago that input-output data would be useful in operationalizing organizational environments.3 The first measure, the degree to which a unit change in the output of other industries affects an industry, was developed from standard input-output coefficients. Variable 20 was the sum of all requirements, both direct and indirect, placed on a given industry if every industry increased its output by one unit; variable 21 was the sum of indirect requirements. The second measure was the proportion of industry output sold to sectors in the input-output model for purposes other than consumption. Variable 22 was the proportion of an industry's output sold to other industries for further processing; variable 23 was the proportion sold for investment. Investment is the least stable, that is, the most radically cyclical, of all kinds of final demand. For three of the four variables (V7, V8, VI 0) used to operationalize the homogeneity-heterogeneity dimension, the 3 Several authors have used input-output data. These include Pfeffer's (1 972b) study of merger activity, Beard's (1979) study of task complexity, and Prescott's (1981) study of product differentiation. Burt has probably made the most extensive use of this data to examine such issues as industry profit levels (Burt, 1980) and the relationship between market constraints and the composition of boards of directors (Burt, Christman, and Kilburn, 1980). Gibbs-Martin Formula (Gibbs and Martin, 1962) was used. This has the advantage of incorporating both structural differentiation (the number of categories) and distributive differentiation (the dispersion among the categories). For example, concentration of inputs is an index that increases with the number of different industries as well as with the evenness of the distribution of inputs among these industries. Rumelt (1974), for example, addressed the limitations of restricting measures of diversification to product counts. Concentration of industry inputs (V7) and outputs (V1 0) reflected the extent to which a large portion of an industry's input was supplied by, or purchased by, relatively few industries. Diversity of industry products (V8) measures the degree to which the output of an industry was concentrated within a few, seven-digit SIC products or was evenly spread among many. The specialization ratio (V9) measured the proportion of the value of shipments by the manufacturing sites in an industry accounted for by the one primary product by which they were assigned to the classification (i.e., high specialization ratio indicating few products). All four operational measures of environmental concentrationdispersion used data about the same variables that were used for the measures of capacity and stability-instability. The Gibbs-Martin formula (Gibbs and Martin, 1962) was used to measure the geographical concentration of industry sales (V1 6), value added by manufacture (V1 7), employment (V1 8), and establishments (V19). It is important to note here that although the sampling unit was an industry, we were measuring variation in each industry's input and output environments as well as variation in the characteristics of member organizations, in keeping with our definition of an organizational task environment. It is true that our measures of both the input and the output subsets of the organizational task environment were somewhat indirect. They 59/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms were based on a given industry's transactions with other industries supplying inputs or buying outputs. Nevertheless, such measures say much about the input and output subsets of any given organization's task environment. For example, the measure, concentration of inputs (V7), was an index that increased with the number of different input industries and the evenness of the distribution of inputs among these industries. This item provided one measure of the heterogeneity of a given industry's input environment. Similarly, an index of output concentration, (V1 0) provided a measure of the heterogeneity of a given industry's output task environment. For practical purposes, the characteristics of all member organizations making up an industry were assumed to be a close enough approximation of all member organizations with any one subject organization excluded. Thus, an industry's aggregate characteristics were assumed to be the same for any one member organization. This component of any focal organization's task environment was measured in terms of characteristics internal to the organization's industry. For example, sales concentration (V6) measured the degree to which a given industry's output was concentrated in the hands of a relatively few, large competitors internal to the industry. Geographic concentration, e.g., number of establis hments (V1 9), measured the degree to which member organizations of a given industry were densely or widely distributed geographically. The data were analyzed in two major steps: first by interitem reliability analysis and, second, by factor analysis. The interitem analysis assessed the internal consistency among the multiple items used to measure each of the three dimensions of organizational task environments specified in the hypotheses. This "purification step" (Churchill, 1979: 69) made it possible to delete internally inconsistent variables and thereby to minimize the chance that theoretically meaningless factors would emerge in subsequent factor analysis. The factor analysis was done on the reduced data matrix remaining after the interitem analysis. Because of the exploratory nature of the research and the need for simplifying assumptions, the hypothesized factors were assumed to be orthogonal. Although the effects (e.g., uncertainty) of some of the environmental dimensions (e.g., complexity and dynamism) might have been similar, there was no a priori theoretical rationale for the assumption of independence of the three environmental factors; therefore, a principal components analysis followed by varimax rotation was used. These two techniques provided the principal test of the hypotheses. Our concern was to use the factor analysis to condense the data and 4 LISREL VI uses a maximum likelihood or a least squares estimation procedure to examine linearstructural equation systems. The structural equation part of the LISREL model specifies the number of factors and the intercorrelations among them; whereas, the measurement model hypothesizes the pattern of relationships (loadings) between the hypothesized factors and the environmental variables. The relatively small sample size prevented the application of the measurement model that Bearden, Sharma and Teel (1982) and Boosma (1984) suggested should be applied to samples greater than 200. to provide "statistical parsimony" (Nunnally, 1978: 348) rather than to determine the number of factors, the factor patterns, and the intercorrelations among factors as is normally done in confirmatory procedures for factor analysis such as LISREL VI (J6reskog and Sbrbom, 1983).4 Because the factor analysis performed using this limited sample size must be considered exploratory, heuristics or decision rules are used to permit the analysis to be conducted in a spirit of confirmation. The decision rules were used to examine a priori beliefs about the underlying dimensions of the variables. We argue that without such a priori beliefs, one must rely on 60/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Task Environments post-factum interpretations, which have the disadvantages of being excessively flexible, nonnullifiable, and dependent on external confirmation (Rosenberg, 1968: 232-239). The decision rules followed Kim and Mueller's (1978) suggestions. First, at least three variables were required to load at a level greater than or equal to .30 on each a priori factor, since loadings of smaller size represent less than 10 percent of the variance of the factor. The minimum of three variables was also recommended by Thurstone (1947). Second, the eigenvalue of any common factor was required to be greater than or equal to one. This criterion required that each significant factor had to explain a proportion of the total variance that was greater than or equal to the average percentage of the total variance of a single variable. Finally, the three factors were required to exhibit a simple structure; that is, each factor had to have relatively high loadings, i.e., close to 1.0 with an appropriate set of variables and fairly low loadings, i.e., close to 0.0 with the remaining variables. RESULTS The interitem analysis of the 23 variables selected to measure the three environmental dimensions specified in the hypotheses eliminated 6 variables, leaving 17 for further analysis. The standardized alphas (As) for the scales corresponding to the three hypothesized factors were munificence, .816; complexity, .657; and dynamism, .610. These alphas all equalled or exceeded the value, e =.6, which Nunnally (1978) suggested as appropriate for exploratory research. The principal-factor solution with varimax rotation for the 17 variables is shown in abbreviated form in Table 1. Although five significant factors (i.e., with eigenvalues greater than or equal to 1) emerged from the factor analysis, only the three factors explaining the greatest amount of total variance are included in Table 1. The fourth and fifth factors (with eigenvalues of 1.21 and 1.11, respectively) were dropped in the interest of parsimony and because, in combination, they explained less total variance than the third factor alone. Additionally, a scree test (Cattell, 1965) dictated that they be excluded. The factors in Table 1 are rank ordered from left to right according to the proportion of the variance they explained. The three factors are named in accordance with the hypotheses and on the basis of those variables that loaded heavily on each factor. When the decision rules presented above were applied to the factor-structure matrix in Table 1, all hypotheses received support. At least three a priori variables loaded hig hly (i.e., factor loadings > .30) on each factor; the eigenvalues for each of the three factors were greater than 1.0; and they exhibited a simple structure. However, since the principal components analysis with varimax rotation extracts factors that are by definition independent (orthogonal), the viability of such independence was investigated. A principal-factor solution with an oblique rotation was also developed. The variables that loaded on the three significant factors were strikingly similar, further supporting the orthogonality of the factors. (These results are available from the first author.) 61/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Table 1 Seventeen Environmental (Industry) Variables: Factor Structure and Communalities Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Munificence Complexity Dynamism Communalities Squared Squared Squared Factor factor Factor factor Factor factor loadings loadings loadings loadings loadings loadings Industry variable (aj1) (aj12) (a!2) (a122) (aj3) (aj32) (hj2) Growt h Sales (V1) .92095* .84815 -.07482 .00560 .04196 .00176 .85551 Price-cost margin (V2) .89898* .80817 -.10973 .01204 .06985 .00488 .82509 Total employment (V3) .89310* .79763 .09359 .00876 -.05010 .00251 .80890 Value added (V4) .96117* .92385 -.08532 .00728 .03215 .00675 .93788 No. of establishments (V5) .46774* .21878 .11835 .01401 -.00685 .00004 .23283 Concentration of inputs (V7) -.18339 .03363 -.15073 .02272 -.04804 .00231 .05866 Specialization ratio (V9) -.02895 .00084 -.30621* .09376 -.53626* .31726 .41186 Geographical concentration Sales (V16) -.04131 .00171 .97554* .95168 .06298 .00397 .95736 Value added (V17) -.01437 .00021 .96786* .93675 .07796 .00608 .94304 Total employment (V18) .00989 .00010 .96892* .93881 .08547 .00731 .94622 No. of establishments (V19) -.08689 .00755 .83587* .69868 -.06210 .00375 .70998 Instability Sales (V11) .08894 .00791 -.09246 .00855 .83417* .69583 .71229 Price-cost margin (V12) .19111 .03652 .07399 .00547 .65123* .42410 .46609 Employment (V13) -.19607 .03844 .04213 .00178 .64185* .41197 .45219 Value added (V15) .02228 .00050 -.02898 .00084 .92508* .85577 .85711 Indirect effect on industry output (V21) -.11866 .01408 -.10979 .01205 .00600 .00004 .02617 Intermediate market orientation(V22) -.15797 .02495 -.14126 .01995 .31519* .09934 .14424 Eigenvalue 3.92140 3.73708 2.83367 10.49215 Common variance (% 37.37 35.62 27.01 100.00 Total variance (%) 23.07 21.98 16.67 61.72 *Factor loadings> .30. Table 1 shows that five munificence variables that were postulated a priori (V1 -V5) loaded highly on the munificence factor. Four of the five factor loadings approached or exceeded .90, and the loading of the other variable exceeded .40. Thus, measures relating to the growth in the total value of industry shipments appeared to underlie a single construct. Five of the eight complexity variables (V9, 16-19) loaded hig hly on the complexity factor. Four of these factor loadings exceeded .80, and the other loading was slightly above the threshold level of .30. This factor was clearly dominated by measures of geographical concentration. Five of the nine dynamism variables loaded highly on the dynamism factor. Industry sales, price-cost margin, total employment, and value added each had a factor loading greaterthan .60. However, only one variable, intermediate market orientation (V22), used to operationalize and measure Aldrich's (1 979) turbulence dimension, loaded on this factor at a level slightly greater than the threshold level of .30. Thus, the dynamism factorappears to be largely a unidimensional construct like the complexity factor. In general, all three factors showed a simple structure. Each factor had relatively high loadings with an appropriate subset of variables and fairly low loadings with the remaining variables, except for the specialization ratio (V7), which loaded negatively and significantly on both the complexity and dynamism factors. Although the empirical results support each of the three hypotheses, each factor in Table 1 was dominated by a set of variables that uses common scaling procedures and similar components. For example, the variables that loaded highly on 62/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Task Environments the munificence factor were all derivatives of overall market demand, and all but one of these, growth-number of establishments (V5), were operationalized as the slope of a regression line fora ten-yeartime period divided bythe mean value of the relevant dependent variable. Thus, one must consider the possibility that important variables that may represent additional environmental dimensions may have been eliminated in the interitem analysis. Also, some of the proposed dimensions based on the theory construction and measurement may actually be multidimensional. Although the interitem analysis helped to provide a more parsimonious solution, an exploratory analysis of all twenty-three variables was conducted for added precision. The factor structure that emerged from an explanatory factor analysis (with varimax rotation) of all twenty-three variables is shown in Table 2. Eight significant factors (eigenvalues > 1) emerged from this analysis. Table 2 Factor Structure and Communalities: Twenty-Three Environment (Industry) Variables Industry variable Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor 6 Factor 7 Factor 8 Growth Sales (V1) -0.05602 0.93133* 0.01309 0.08788 0.04708 0.01732 0.03502 -0.05469 Price-cost margin (V2) -0.08586 0.91160* 0.04918 -0.03774 0.07203 -0.03884 -0.00427 0.13519 Employment (V3) 0.08724 0.85738* -0.05429 -0.01201 0.23946 -0.06375 -0.05532 -0.17837 Valueadded(V4) -0.07376 0.96535* 0.05812 0.04161 0.07471 -0.06433 0.00563 0.03927 No.ofestablishments(V5) 0.09117 0.30060* 0.02915 0.01358 0.83243* 0.00176 0.05067 -0.10751 Industry sales concentration (V6) 0.02251 -0.03859 -0.05913 -0.09593 0.13891 0.08562 0.92030* 0.10209 Concentration of inputs (V7) -0.06031 -0.11628 -0.03090 -0.08796 0.11321 0.82029* -0.03130 -0.07981 Diversity of industry products (V8) -0.10627 0.04625 -0.15494 0.14898 0.14403 0.19759 -0.08733 -0.77984 Specialization ratio (V9) -0.30268* -0.04296 -0.54533* -0.03784 0.10223 0.06180 -0.00525 0.49664 Concentrationofindustryoutputs(V10) -0.30171* 0.03450 0.07737 0.35291* -0.13861 0.64739* 0.23906 -0.09556 Instability Sales(V11) -0.03981 0.15786 0.82913* -0.07075 -0.09494 0.15550 -0.07510 0.15344 Price-costmargin(V12) 0.04014 0.17674 0.61132* 0.14485 -0.07708 -0.28742 0.41605* -0.20751 Employment (V13) 0.04781 -0.20887 0.66697* 0.12796 0.05093 -0.05931 -0.22041 0.05188 Technological (V14) 0.08967 -0.06110 -0.07475 0.17435 0.57396* 0.42947* 0.44070* -0.00711 Valueadded(V15) -0.00949 0.02721 0.92270* 0.13448 0.05673 0.01403 0.09954 0.06676 Geographical Concentration Sales(V16) 0.97868* -0.04093 0.03915 0.00672 -0.02138 -0.02012 0.02937 0.01312 Valueadded(V17) 0.97305* -0.01272 0.05306 0.01302 -0.01492 0.01346 0.04581 -0.04047 Employment (V18) 0.97321* 0.00594 0.05755 0.00829 -0.01053 -0.02193 0.12857 -0.00134 No. of establishments (V1 9) 0.81750* -0.10783 -0.06303 -0.01611 0.00619 -0.28639 -0.20260 0.06075 Impact of all other industries onoutputofgivenindustry(V20) -0.00535 0.15534 0.10776 0.70562* 0.01017 0.11257 -0.02479 0.44882* Indirect effects on industry output(V21) -0.10906 -0.08478 0.03492 -0.86859* 0.01904 0.11895 0.03139 0.19299 Intermediate market orientation (V22) -0.10295 -0.15536 0.30793* 0.68489* -0.07676 0.15098 -0.02295 -0.20523 Proportion of industry shipments sold for Investment (V23) -0.15389 0.12034 -0.04099 -0.14184 0.85288* -0.00467 0.02753 0.00261 Eigenvalue 4.14219 3.80917 3.80917 2.24203 1.79687 1.31498 1.14088 1.01051 Common of variance(%) 18.0 16.6 13.4 9.7 7.8 5.7 5.0 4.4 Total variance (%) 18.0 34.6 48.0 57.7 65.5 71.3 76.2 80.6 *Factor loadings > .30. The results of the two analyses were quite similar (compare Tables 1 and 2) for the first two factors, although the order of the percentage of variance explained was reversed. The complexity factor in both factor structures was dominated by measures of geographical concentration, and the munificence factor was dominated by measures of industry growth. Con- centration of industry outputs (V1 0), a variable dropped in the interitem analysis and which was used to operationalize Aldrich's "homogeneity-heterogeneity" dimension, loaded on the complexity dimension, but its factor loading was just above the threshold level (.30), and the sign was not in the expected direction. Clearly, the first two factors were largely unidimen63/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms sional in both factor structures. However, the factor structure results indicate that the dynamism construct is multidimensional. The third factorshowed four of the five variables used to operationalize the stability-instability dimension displaying high loadings. Since these variables are all derivatives of overall market demand, this factor may be labeled "market dynamism." Three of the variables used to operationalize environmental turbulence loaded on a fourth factor that may be labeled "turbulence." However, the sign for indirect effects of industry outputs (V21) was not in the expected direction. Three variables had high loadings on the fifth factor: growth in the number of establishments (V5), instability-technological (V14), and proportion of shipments sold for investment (V23). This factor documented a positive association among technological innovation, capital equipment manufacturing, and growth in the number of manufacturing establishments; therefore, the fifth factor may be labeled "technological dynamism." The sixth factor may be considered to be another dimension of the complexity construct because two variables used to operationalize homogeneity-heterogeneity -concentration of inputs (V7) and concentration of outputs (V1 0)- showed high loadings. The seventh and eighth factors had less interpretive appeal and explained less combined variance than any of the first four factors. DISCUSSION This research suggests that an industrial classification system provides useful building blocks to improve the conceptualization and measurement of organizational task environments. Interitem analysis and factor analysis provided tentative support for the operational viability of at least three environmental dimensions - munificence, dynamism, and complexity. This research used statistical procedures and tapped data sources that improve construct validity; whereas, previous research has often conceptualized and measured dimensions of the organizational environment with little confirmation beyond face validity. For example, Duncan (1972) and Thompson (1967) used two dimensions (simple vs. complex, and stable vs. shifting) to describe organizational environments. Similarly, Bourgeois (1978) and Tosi, Aldag, and Storey (1973) used measures of volatility to represent what they considered a priori to be the key dimenion of the external environment. Child (1975) viewed measures of technology and marketing as the more significant environmental variables in moderating the relationship between organization design and performance. Child attributed the higher significance of these variables to Duncan's (1972) findings and his ability to measure such variables more precisely with the information available (Child, 1975: 12). In many empirical efforts, measurement often precedes rather than follows the development of substantive theory. We agree with Blalock (1982) that the processes of theory construction and measurement should not be considered distinctly different. Otherwise, as Blalock contended, the substantive and auxiliary measurement theories will be confounded together in empirical tests of a theory. 'This means that if we obtain a poor fit, we will not know whether it is the substantive theory, the auxiliary measurement theory, or both, that is at fault" (Blalock, 1982: 25). 64/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Task Environments The present research methodology has emphasized internal consistency and reliability in measurement. The selection of operationally related measures in conceptually restricted categories has led to a relatively high degree of redundancy in our measurement results. The reliability of the factor analytic results obtained here could be assessed further by comparing them with the factor structure derived from a different random sample of task environments. An important transition in the process of developing objective environmental measures occurs when the assessment of construct validity begins to replace measurement with content or face validity only. As Nunnally (1978) noted, consistency is a necessary but not sufficient condition for construct validity. "To enhance construct validity, the analyst must determine (1) the extent to which the measure correlates with other measures designed to measure the same thing, and (2) whether the measure behaves as expected" (Churchill, 1979: 70). The convergent and discriminant validity of the measures developed here could be assessed more thoroughly with the multitrait, multimethod matrix (Campbell and Fiske, 1959) commonly used in psychology. For example, perceptions of executives and industry experts could be compared with the environmental measures developed with the present methodology.5 Also, the predictive validity of the present findings could be assessed by correlating the factor scores of selected industries on the munificence and dynamism dimensions with aggregate mea- sures of industry profitability and industry risk, respectively.6 Generalizability of Research Results 5 It would be most difficult to ensure that the perceptions of executives or outside experts about the domain of the industry would be congruent with the SIC classification. Also, in the present research context, the unit of analysis, operational measures, and available data sources would make further assessments of convergent and discriminant validity very difficult. 6 Studies that have used measures of industry profitability (Conrad and Plotkin, 1968; Bass, 1974) and industry risk (Bass, 1974), however, have generally derived their industry-level measures by aggregating secondary financial data about organizations that are typically unrepresentative of a given industry (i.e., large, publicly held firms). Substantial measurement error would be introduced if these two sets of data were compared, because (1) the units of analysis are different (i.e., establishment versus firm), (2) large organizations tend to be classified ata level of industrial aggregation (i.e., two-digit or three-digit SIC level) higher than that used in the present analysis, and (3) such organizations often are highly diversified, making assignment of their output to a four-digit SIC industry a source of significant measurement error. 7 A copy of the factor score coefficient matrix and descriptive statistics for the twenty-three variables is available from the first author. The present study is useful as an operational guide for classifying organizational task environments defined in terms of currently accepted industrial classification. Accordingly, the factor analytic results can be used to generate standardized factor scores forany four-digit SIC manufacturing industry on all three environmental dimensions. Since the original sample (N=52) was randomly selected from the total population (N=460), any industrial or organizational environment can be ordered along continua representing environmental dimensions through the conversion of a given industry's raw data values. Thus, any industry can be located precisely on each of the three factors according to the equation: f1=a1lzj + a2iZ2 + * * . +. a7iZ17. where a11 is the factor score coefficient for variablej on factori and zj is the industry's standardized value for variable].7 The factor scores for the sample of the 52 industries on each of the three environmental dimensions are shown in Table 3. An example will be used to provide support for the construct validity of the three factors developed here and to illustrate how these results can be used in further research on organizationenvironment relationships. The two industries, Paints and Allied Products (SIC 2851) and Sawmills and Planing Mills (SIC 2421), are quite similar in their munificence and complexity factor scores and quite different in their dynamism factor scores. It is reasonable to assume that only 5.4 percent of all manufacturing industries would be located between these two industries on the munificence factor (the percentage figure is calculated using areas under a normal curve), only 1 2 percent on the complexity factor, but 86.7 percent on the dynamism factor. 65/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Table 3 Factor Scores and Ranks on Munificence, Dynamism, and Complexity Factors for 52 Sample Industries SIC Munificence Dynamism Complexity code factor factor factor Sample Industries (1972) Score Rank Score Rank Score Rank Meat Packing Plants 2011 .4646 (16) -1.0811 (47) -.2930 (28) Canned Fruits and Vegetables 2033 .0392 (29) -1.0133 (45) .0195 (19) Cereal Breakfast Foods 2043 1.9365 ( 2) 1.5530 ( 5) .7206 ( 9) Cookies and Crackers 2052 .5272 (15) -.9198 (43) -.3166 (29) Bottled and Canned Soft Drinks 2086 .5763 (12) -.6198 (37) -1.1112 (52) Roasted Coffee 2095 -.4452 (41) .4481 (13) -.8307 (43) Chewing and Smoking Tobacco 2131 .4311 (17) .0322 (19) -.1924 (24) Knit Outerwear Mills 2253 .0556 (28) -.5859 (36) 1.4424 ( 6) Tufted Carpets and Rugs 2272 .8209 ( 8) -.2086 (23) 2.7951 ( 2) Padding and Upholstery Filling 2293 -1.7234 (49) 2.1977 ( 2) -.8292 (42) Mens/BoysShirtsand Nightwear 2321 .3772 (18) -1.0193 (46) .2857 (12) Women's and Misses' Suits/Coats 2363 -.1829 (37) -.1266 (22) -.1501 (23) Children's Coats and Suits 2363 -1.6409 (47) -.8554 (42) 1.7392 ( 5) Curtains and Draperies 2391 -.1075 (35) -.2096 (24) -.4641 (34) Sawmills and Planing Mills, Gen. 2421 .1142 (27) 1.8448 ( 3) -.2431 (26) Nailed Wooden Boxes and Shook 2441 2.3803 (52) 1.2862 ( 7) -1.0141 Mattresses and Bedsprings 2515 -.3959 (39) -1.1022 (48) -.9926 Paper Mills, exc. Building Paper 2621 .6435 (11) -.4645 (33) -.8433 Pressed and Molded Pulp Goods 2646 -.7317 (43) -1.1579 (50) -.3545 (49) (48) (44) (32) Building Paper and Building Board/Mills 2661 -1.7818 (50) -.2162 (26) -1.0368 (50) Manifold Business Forms 2761 1.0171 ( 6) -.2156 (25) -.9134 (47) Industrial Gasses 2813 -.4116 (40) -.4723 (34) -1.1024 (51) Organic Fibers, Noncellulosic 2824 .1453 (25) .0855 (18) 3.6362 ( 1) Paints and Allied Products 2851 .2524 (20) -1.2455 (52) -.5812 (38) Printing Ink 2893 .5412 (14) -.2915 (29) -.4015 (33) Rubber Footwear 3021 -1.1823 (44) .0151 (20) .1003 (16) House Slippers 3142 -1.4952 (46) -.9675 (44) .5634 (10) Products of Purchased Glass 3231 .2683 (19) -.8029 (41) .2899 (11) Fine Earthenware Food Utensils 3263 -.0720 (33) 1.0804 ( 9) -.5586 (37) Asbestos Products 3292 -.7160 (42) -.3066 (30) -.7837 (41) Steel Pipe and Tubes 3317 .9841 ( 7) 1.3425 ( 6) -.0377 (22) Primary Lead 3332 .5675 (13) 1.5802 ( 4) -.5179 (36) Nonferrous Wiredrawing and Insulating 3357 .0344 (30) .4127 (14) -.7088 (40) Cutlery 3421 .7661 ( 9) -1.1657 (51) 1.2103 ( 7) Metal Doors, Sash, and Trim 3442 -.0765 (34) -.3096 (31) -.8939 (45) Plating and Polishing 3471 -.0078 (31) -.7015 (40) -.2366 (25) Metal Foil and Leaf 3497 .7210 (10) 3.5268 ( 1) .0191 (20) Elevatorsand Moving Stairways 3534 -1.9415 (51) 1.0517 (10) .1832 (15) Machine Tool Accessories 3545 .1298 (26) .2657 (16) .8951 ( 8) Ball and Roller Bearings 3562 .2322 (22) -.6398 (38) .0835 (18) Electronic Computing Machinery 3573 2.4783 ( 1) .2495 (17) -.3383 (31) Transformers 3612 -.3306 (38) -.6983 (39) -.4766 (35) Household Cooking Equipment 3631 1.0202 ( 5) .3565 (15) .0166 (21) Electric Lamps 3641 .1880 (24) -1.1053 (49) -.2596 (27) Electron Tubes, All Types 3672 -1.6624 (48) -.2571 (28) .2674 (13) Storage Batteries 3691 1.4306 ( 4) -.3330 (32) -.9053 (46) Ship Building and Repair 3731 1.7358 ( 3) -.5727 (35) -.7034 (39) Guided Missile and Space Vehicles 3761 -1.4904 (45) -.0123 (21) 1.9338 ( 3) Automatic Temperature Controls 3822 .2441 (21) .5472 (12) .2342 (14) Watches, Clocks, Watchcases 3873 -.1293 (36) -.2261 (27) -.3166 (30) Dolls 3942 .2243 (23) 1.1383 ( 8) 1.9191 ( 4) Artificial Flowers 3962 -.0619 (32) .8893 (11) .0908 (17) These factor scores are consistent with anecdotal data collected from chief executive officers from approximately thirty firms during field research by the first author. The factor analytic results for these two industries suggest one way to advance understanding of the relationships between organiza66/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Task Environments tional task environments and internal administrative structure. Mintzberg (1979) contended that the dynamism and complexity dimensions have very different effects on organization structure and that researchers have tended to mix effects of these two dimensions together. Specifically, Mintzberg hypothesized that: (1) the more dynamic the environment, the more organic the structure, and (2) the more complex the environment, the more decentralized the structure. The orthogonality of the dynamism and complexity factors developed in this study would permit testing for the separate effects on structure of each environmental dimension. A research procedure to test Mintzberg's first hypothesis would entail studying a sample of organizations competing within each of the two industries discussed above, since their environmental munificence and their environmental dynamism on an organic structure dimension could be readily assessed. That is, the effects of munificence or complexity on the organic structure dimension would be adequately controlled if these two industries were compared on the dynamism and the organic structure dimensions. We believe that more sophisticated studies could extend the present research and methodologyto combine both perceptual and objective measures of the environment, technology, and internal administrative structure. Miles et al. (1 978), for example, clearly articulated how managers must make strategic choices that simultaneously involve technology, structure, and process variables that partially determine an organization's performance. 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Growth in total Total employment; same measure- Same as Vi. employment ment procedure as Vi. V4. Growth in value Value added by manufacture; same Same as Vi. added by manu- measurement procedure as Vi,. facture V5. Growth in the Number of manufacturing establish- Same as Vi. number of ments, average annual percentage manufacturing change, 1967-1977. establishments V6. Sales concen- Percentage of total value of U.S. Bureau of the tration shipments by the largest 8 Census, Census of companies, 1972. Manufactures, 1972, vol. 1, ch. 9. V7. Concentration n n U.S. Bureau of of inputs = i " j) Economic Analysis, Input-Output Structure of the U.S. Economy, 1967, vol. 1. C = concentration of inputs I = dollar volume of inputs i= 1,2,...,n j= 1,2_. .,m n = number of industries supplying inputs = 352 m = number of industries in sample = 52. V8. Diversity of m m Same as Vi. products Di = PF21Il( P11)2 D = product diversity index P = dollar volume of 7-digit SIC products i= 2,2,...,n j= 1,2,...,m m = number of 7-digit SIC product codes n = number of industries in sample = 52. V9. Specialization Ratio of primary product ship- Same as Vi. ratio ments to total (primary and secondary, excluding miscellaneous) product shipments for the establishments classified in the industry. V1O. Concentration Same as V7. of outputs Cj C = concentration of outputs index 0 = dollar value of outputs Same measurement procedure as V7. Vi1i. Instability in Value of shipments; standard Same as Vi. total sales error of the regression slope coeffkicent (Sb1) divided by mean value (Y); 1968-1977. V12. Instability in Value added by manufacture minus Same as Vi. price-cost total wages; same measurement margin procedure as V1 . Vi13. Instability in to- Total employment; same measure- Same as Vi. tal employment ment procedure as Vi1i. 71/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms V14. Technological Percentage of scientists and U.S. Bureau of the instability engineers in total number of Census, 1970 Census of employees, 1970. Population, Subject Reprints, Occupation Industry, PC(2)-7C. V15. Instability in Value added by manufacture; Same as V1. value added by same measurement procedure as manufacture V1 1. U.S. Bureau of the V16. Geographical m m Census, Census of concentration S 2 E S 2 Manufactures, 1972, of total sales "Table 2. General Statistics by Geographical Area; C = concentration of industry 1967 and 1972." sales index S = dollar volume of industry sales i= 1,2_. n j= 1,2,. .m m = no. of census divisions = 9 n = no. of industries in sample = 52. V17. Geographical Same concentration of value C, as V16. =VA2jI( E VA11 added by manufacture C = concentration of industry value added by manufacture index VA = dollar volume of industry value added by manufacture Same measurement procedure as V1 6. V18. Geographical m m Same as V16. concentration C = E TE,21( 2 of total employment C = concentration of industry total employment index TE = total industry employment Same measurement procedure as V1 6. V19. Geographical m m Same as V16. concentration C= IIEE2I( IEj)2 of industry establishments C= = concentration of industry establishments index IE = no. of industry establishments Same measurement procedure as V16. V20. Impact of all m U.S.. Bureau of Economic other industries T1= YTRj, where: Analysis, Input-Output on output of i Structure of the U.S. given industry T = total impact of other indus- Economy, 1967, Table 3. tries on industry output TRij = direct and indirect (intermediate transactions) (m TR-I:1 .00) (Table 3) i= 1,2,...,n = 1,2,..., m m = no. of industries directly or indirectly placing requirements on industryi = 352 n = no. of industries in the sample = 52. 72/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms Task Environments V21. Relative power U.S. Bureau of Economic of indirectly m q q Analysis, Input-Output linked factors Pi = E TR~j - _DRjj1 X on output Economy, 1967, Tables 2 and 3. P = power of indirectly linked factors on industry output TRBj = direct and indirect (intermediate) transactions m (I TRj1 .00) (Table 3) DRBj = direct requirements (intermediate) transactions matrix m (DRj =0) (Table 2) i= 1,2,. .n j= 1,2_. m k= 1,2_. q m = no. of industries directly or indirectly placing requirements on industryi = 352 n = no. of industries in the sample = 52. q = no. of industries directly placing requirements on industry/ = 352. V22. Proportion of U.S. Bureau of Economic industry ship- PlI = _A jj/ _Dkj + ments sold to i k i Structure of the U.S. intermediate Economy, 1967, Table 1. markets PI = industry intermediate market orientation A1j = dollar transactions of producing industries Dki = final demand dollar transactions of industry by final demand sector 1= 1,2,.. n = 1,2_.qm k= 1,2,..q n = no. of sample industries = 52 m no. of industries directly or indirectly placing require- ments on industryi = 352 q = no. of final demand sectors. V23. Proportion of Same industry _ Ad PDjk shipments sold PNDI for investment PN = Proportion of shipments sold to most indirectly linked markets Di2= Gross private fixed capital formation Dik = Final demand dollar transactions of industry by final demand sector Aj = dollar transactions of producing industries i= 1,2_. n j= 1,2,.. m k =1,2,.. q n = no. of sample industries = 52 m no. of industries directly or indirectly placing requirements on industryi = 352 q= no. of final demand sectors. 73/ASQ, March 1984 This content downloaded from on Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:14:38 +00:00 All use subject to https://about.jstor.org/terms as V22.