German Industry 4.0 Index 2015 Industry 4.0 and Lean A study by Staufen AG your partner on the way to Top performance .2 EDITORIAL When Staufen AG checked the company for the "German Industry 4.0 Index" for the first time nine months ago, the investigation revealed a mixed picture. Because although the until then few flagship projects apparently made the heart of the entire industry beat faster, most companies were still in idle mode when it came to the topic of networked factories. There can be no more talk of this in mid-2015. As the second study impressively shows, the 4.0 engine has started. The proportion of companies that already network their value stream comprehensively or in individual projects has more than doubled compared to the previous year's survey, at 35 percent. However: Many employees and executives threaten to lose touch with this dynamic development after the intermediate spurt. So that it doesn't get that far, it's worth taking another look at the 4.0 pioneers. Is there something in common between the networked pioneers? Yes: lean management. According to the study, an above-average number of them have already set up their entire organization efficiently. In addition, they develop their processes and procedures at the point of value creation in such a way that technical progress and the further development of management culture are always in step. Andreas Romberg, Director Business Unit This shows that the tried and tested pacemaker lean management forms the ideal foundation for the intelligent factory - also for companies Staufen AG that have not yet or only partially dared to make the transition to the smart factory ABOUT THE SURVEY For the “German Industry 4.0 Index 2015”, the management consultancy Staufen asked a total of 179 industrial companies in Germany on the subject of “Industry 4.0 and Lean”. The survey took place from mid-April to early May 2015. Around 70 percent of the companies surveyed come from the mechanical and plant engineering, electrical and automotive industries. .3 BACKGROUND AND FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY The success of the German economy is based to a large extent on its ability to produce high-quality technical innovations and to manufacture these new products on competitive terms. The control of a complex, work-sharing and geographically branched production structure is a basic requirement for this. This networking is currently increasing rapidly and the Internet of Things is finding its way into factories. In ten years at the latest, there is hardly a manufacturing company that can do without The 2015 Hanover Fair already made the vision of a Smart Factory concrete. For the networked production. According to a survey by the Association of Electrical, Electronic first time, companies presented technologies that customers can buy and install directly and Information Technologies (VDE) presented on the occasion of this year's Hanover in their machines and systems. Trade fair boss Jochen Köckler: "Industry 4.0 is far more Fair, the “smart factory” will be a nationwide reality by 2025 at the latest, thereby greatly than a catchphrase, it is reality and has arrived in the present". 2 improving Germany's competitiveness. More than half of the respondents are also convinced that Industry 4.0 is an important path to the ongoing re-industrialization of Europe. 1 The study presented here emphatically confirms this assessment. A lot has happened since the first edition of the “German Industry 4.0 Index” in summer 2014. Most important finding: German industrial companies have taken a significant step towards the smart factory in less than a year. However, re-industrialization does not mean going back to analog times. Because in the factory of the future, machines and workpieces permanently exchange information and However, the study also shows the technical and organizational challenges that automatically and intelligently ensure optimal results and efficient processes. Germany as an industrial location still faces in times of digital transformation. 1 VDE trend report electrical information technology 2015: Innovation - Markets - Labor market 2 size = 20 & area = & sub area = . 4th THE SURVEY More and more companies are becoming "Smart Factory" After the already strong media presence of the term Industry 4.0 in recent years, the intelligent factory has finally arrived in business reality in 2015. 76 percent of all companies are now dealing with it - in 2014 it was significantly less at 60 percent. The first fully networked factories are already working and almost every third company has already started the path there with specific projects (previous year: 14 percent). This shows that the larger firms tend to be further ahead Industry 4.0, the internet-based networking of objects, machines and people in real time, is currently the hot than the smaller firms. This is particularly evident in the topic. How far is your company on the way to the “Smart Factory”? number of companies that continue to ignore the topic of Industry 4.0 completely. Because while across all company sizes only 19 percent (previous year: 34 percent) refuse the idea of a smart factory, this rate is Industry 4.0 is fully 40 percent for companies with fewer than 250 employees operational with us and less than 10 percent for companies with more than 5% No Answer 4% implemented 19% We haven't really looked at it yet 36% The topic is in the observation 1000 employees . We follow operational 31% Individual projects in terms of things Industry 4.0 and analysis phase The topic is in the planning and testing phase 5% 2015 2014 19% We haven't been specific yet busy with 34% The topic is in our 36% Observation and analysis phase 39% The topic is in our 5% Planning and testing phase 6% We pursue individual operational projects 31% Industry 4.0 14% Industry 4.0 is becoming comprehensive for us 4% implemented operationally 1% 5% No Answer n = 179 6% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% .5 Focus on production and warehousing The vast majority of companies that are already dealing In which areas of the company are you already relying on Industry 4.0 or are you planning to use it there with the Smart Factory focus on production (86 percent). soon? Multiple answers possible. Two thirds now also focus on logistics and warehousing. Respondents are already implementing Industry 4.0 comprehensively or operationally in individual projects, or are at Research and development has lost some of its least in the planning and test phase. importance, while service and sales have received a significant boost. After all, almost every fourth company 2015 (23 percent) would like to optimize its service according 100% to Industry 4.0 aspects, 16 percent now also have sales 90% in their sights. 2014 93% 86% 80% 70% 66% 60% 50% 40% 31% 30% 29% 34% 23% 16% 20% 7% 10% 13% 10% 7% 10% 3% 0% production Logistics / Warehousing research service administration Purchasing distribution and (Finance, Staff, development Etc.) n = 70 Germany stays ahead - China overtakes France As in the previous year, the vast majority of those In your opinion, which country has made the most progress today on the way to Industry 4.0? surveyed are convinced that Germany is the world's leading nation when it comes to industry 4.0 is possible. As in the previous year, Japan and the USA rank in second and third place. (Average rating, 8 = most advanced) 8th 2015 7.06% 7.11% 7th 6.35% 6.26% 2014 6.26% 6th Germany still has to be careful not to fall behind in the innovation race for Industry 4.0 dominance in view of the US dominance of technical software and internet platforms or their links to applications in trade and industry (big data). 3 5.24% 5 4.86% 4.31% 4.28% 3.75% 4th 4.14% 4.38% 3 2 In the USA, Cisco, General Electric and IBM have joined forces with other companies for the purpose of standardization to form the Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC). Bosch and Siemens from Germany are also there. 4th 1 0 Germany Japan USA UK China France So whether Germany will win the race for technology Especially since another big player is already positioning itself with China. While the Middle Kingdom had to lag behind leadership in the long term has not yet been determined. Great Britain and France in 2014, it could now break into the European phalanx. In view of the great Industry 4.0 euphoria in China, Beijing will hardly be satisfied with this position. 3 VDE trend report electrical information technology 2015: Innovation - Markets - Labor market 4th "Industry 4.0: Bosch wants to drive standards forward" on February 15, 2015: . 6th The importance of the topic has long been underestimated Despite its position at the top of the world, German How has German industry positioned itself on the subject of Industry 4.0 so far? industry is quite self-critical. The clear majority of true companies (61 percent) say that business is the importance of industry rather applies does not apply rather does not apply The importance of Industry 23% 4.0 has long been 4.0 I underestimated for a long time. Even three quarters underestimated of the companies admit that the industry was not very The pace of the industry sensitive to the assessment of the speed of change. 4.0 development was 38% 18% 34% 5% 56% 22% 4% initially underestimated The qualification of the 38% Employee limps Interesting: While the verdict on an industry or the economy in general is often much harder than looking at one's own house, this time the companies questioned also go harshly with their own forecasting skills. Perhaps also because the consequences cannot be denied. Three out of four companies admit that the qualifications 45% 1% 16% Development afterwards The qualification of the 40% Executives are limping 45% 1% 14% Development afterwards The urgency of the 25% Too little was addressed in 37% 33% 5% politics of both employees and managers are lagging behind their development. Incidentally, this also applies to n = 130 10% 0% 20% 30% 40% 60% 50% 100% 90% 80% 70% companies that already have operational experience as a smart factory. And how has your company positioned itself so far on the subject of Industry 4.0? true rather applies does not apply rather does not apply The importance of Industry 23% 4.0 has long been 32% 35% 10% underestimated The pace of the industry 20% 4.0 development was 42% 30% 8th% initially underestimated The qualification of the 38% Employee limps 34% 23% 5% Development afterwards The qualification of the 39% Executives are limping 38% 20% 3% Development afterwards The urgency of the 25% Too little was addressed in 32% 27% 16% politics n = 123 10% 0% 20% 30% 40% 60% 50% 100% 90% 80% 70% Industry 4.0 strengthens economic success Even if the companies themselves have not yet classified What will Industry 4.0 achieve in your company in the next five years? themselves as predictably reliable, Staufen AG wanted to know from them what Industry 4.0 will affect their companies over the next five years. 72 percent of all respondents are convinced that converting them to intelligent factories will make them more economically successful. Companies with operational Industry 4.0 experience are even more optimistic here. true rather applies does not apply rather does not apply Our business model 17% dell will change noticeably 40% Our product range te will change 37% 40% 8th% 6% 42% 10% noticeably Our R&D activities 24% become noticeable 48% 22% 6% change In addition, three out of four respondents expect a significant impact on their own research and development activities. In five years' time, the majority of companies will also no longer see their own business model and current product range as they do today. The composition 12% our workforce will 39% 41% 8th% change noticeably Our company 25% becomes economical 47% 22% 6% more successful n = 124 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% . 7th Lean processes form the foundation for Industry 4.0 The foundation for the smart factory and the economic How strongly have you already established the methods of lean management in your company? Please successes hoped for are efficient processes in select an answer that best fits your status. production, development and administration. The study therefore asked how far the companies are with regard to the introduction and implementation of lean step 1 - a continuous improvement process has been 18% established management. Level 2 - The added value is based on the most 41% important lean principles Almost every fifth company (18 percent) has so far only introduced a continuous improvement process, level 3 - even the indirect areas already follow the lean 15% principles In addition, 41 percent have already aligned their entire added value according to the lean principles and a further 15 percent have already extended this to the Level 4 - Strategy and organization comprehensively 17% implement the Lean philosophy indirect areas. No lean management introduced 9% The next step - the complete alignment of strategy and organization to the lean philosophy - has so far only 0% n = 123 10% 20% 30% 40% taken 17 percent of those surveyed. From the companies that have already gained experience with Industry 4.0 projects, however, 27 percent do this. This leads to the conclusion that advanced lean experiences clearly pave the way for Industry 4.0. Value stream orientation as the most important basis The value stream-oriented organization of production In your opinion, how important are the following lean management methods when implementing and development is the lean method that, from the point Industry 4.0? of view of companies, helps most in the implementation of Industry 4.0. 88 percent of all respondents consider not important less important neutral very important important value stream orientation to be very important or important. Variant and complexity management is also well ahead, Value stream oriented 1% 3% Organization of production 83 percent consider this to be very important or important when setting up and operating a smart factory. However, the use of standard procedures, the reduction of set-up and throughput times as well as consumption control Use of standard procedures 49% 3% 3% 18% and technologies in production 43% 33% and development based on the Kanban or supermarket principle are mostly classified as very important or important. 39% 8th% and development 1% 5% Reduction of throughput 21% and set-up times Consumption control (e.g. Kanban or supermarket 28% 45% 1% 9% 30% 33% 27% principle) 2% 2% Variants and complexity management n = 122 13% 33% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 50% 50% . 8th Lean methods are not yet implemented consistently enough When it comes to the implementation of the individual How is your company currently positioned with the following lean management methods? lean methods, however, the respondents see room for improvement. Only about four out of ten companies state that they are well or even very well positioned when it inadequate sufficient satisfying very good Good comes to lean management. It makes little difference whether it is about value stream-oriented organization, Value stream oriented the use of standard procedures or the reduction of Organization of production throughput times. One outlier upwards is consumption and development 7% 14% 36% 35% 8th% control, where 13 percent feel that they are already very well positioned. On the other hand, companies see the greatest need for action in complexity management, where only every fourth company issues a good report. Use of standard procedures and technologies in production 5% 13% 35% 41% 6% and development 4% Reduction of throughput 15% and set-up times Consumption control (e.g. Kanban or supermarket 41% 17% 8th% 34% 30% 6% 32% 13% principle) Variants and complexity management n = 120 12% 25% 37% 23% 3% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Lean and Industry 4.0 complement each other The Lean implementation, which may have stalled at one How will Industry 4.0 influence the use of lean management? or the other company, could now get going again. Because four out of five respondents (82 percent) true rather applies rather does not apply does not apply believe that Industry 4.0 is a renaissance for lean management prin- Lean management creates the prerequisite for the successful tipping means that procedural thinking is given more weight again. 33% introduction of 44% 4% 19% Industry 4.0 With Industry 4.0, lean And not only the companies that already have management experiences a 31% Renaissance, as thinking in terms experience in Industry 4.0 are absolutely certain that the of processes comes back into technology-oriented Industry 4.0 thinking focus 51% 14% 6% Lean Management (am fits perfectly with the Lean philosophy, which is oriented towards the value stream Value stream oriented) and Industry 37% 4.0 (technology oriented) 53% 9% 47% 13% complement each other perfectly and the approaches complement each other perfectly. Businesses can too without lean methods successful in the industry 10% 30% 4.0 Industry 4.0 will ultimately make lean management 1% 6% 30% become superfluous n = 118 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 63% 4% .9 Managers are challenged as communicators According to scientists, the role of managers will change What effects does Industry 4.0 have on leadership? in a smart factory. 5 However, not all those affected are convinced of this. More than half of the respondents (56 percent) see a future for their traditional leadership true rather applies does not apply rather does not apply behavior, only nine percent are certain that the management of employees will change fundamentally in The management of employees will the near future. not change fundamentally However, almost all (86 percent) assume that managers will have to be even better communicators in the future. Almost a third of the study participants (31 percent) believe that Industry 4.0 knowledge is becoming more important than management knowledge. 17% 39% 35% 9% Managers are in the future 38% demanded even more than good 48% 14% communicators Industry 4.0 know-how becomes more important for managers 10% 21% 52% 17% as management knowledge In the future, employees will act Almost two thirds (62 percent) of those surveyed also see it coming that employees will act more autonomously more autonomously and thus be less dependent on managers 54% 8th% 32% 6% in the future and will be less dependent on managers. Here, the respondents are now very close to the The number of managers per scientists who advocate moving away from central employee will tend to decrease 4% 38% 46% 12% management structures and turning to decentralized decision-making mechanisms for smart factories n = 117 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% deem necessary. 6th Shop floor management prevails The basis for this is provided by so-called shop floor How do your executives interpret their role today? management, which is beginning to establish itself in more and more companies. In every fifth company, the true rather applies does not apply rather does not apply managers are consistently working at the point of value creation. If you add in the number of companies that are at least rudimentary trying to do this, three out of four companies are already on the right track. In two out of Our managers act mostly targeted at the point of 20% 57% 23% value creation three companies, managers also see themselves as coaches and mentors for their employees. Fixed feedback routines and exemplifying the model of continuous improvement are already common practice in Our managers see themselves as coaches and 15% 48% 35% 2% mentors for their employees more than 70 percent of all companies surveyed. Our executives have 33% fixed feedback routines with 41% 20% 6% their employees Our managers live However: In more than half of the companies (53 percent) the managers still enjoy the role of the firefighter who prefers to solve all problems quickly instead of empowering his employees to solve problems. the concept of continuous 23% 48% 27% 2% improvement Our executives are of their self-image dear firefighter as fire protection officer 13% 40% - if in doubt, you can solve problems yourself quickly n = 115 5,2960778 6th -changed, 2960778 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 40% 7% . 10 Industry 4.0 changes corporate and leadership models In order to bring about this change in mentality, top What measures has your company already introduced in terms of leadership in the context of Industry management is required. However, more than two thirds 4.0? (71 percent) of all companies have not yet started to (1 = not yet started, 5 = advanced) adapt their corporate principles to future requirements. 1 2 3 5 4th Even at companies with Industry 4.0 experience Company mission statement on the 58% future requirements 54 percent still see an urgent need for action in-house. The 4.0 pioneers are a little further on in another point. More than half of them are already adapting their 13% 15% 11% 3% to adjust Leadership guidelines on the 54% future requirements 18% 21% 5% 2% to adjust selection of managers, at least in part, to the new requirements. For companies without Only 35 percent do this with 4.0 experiences. Also with Executive selection the future requirements 45% 20% 24% 9% 2% 45% 21% 22% 10% 2% adapt to regard to the development of managers and an adjustment of the target agreements, something happens Leadership development as soon as a company transforms into a smart factory. If adapt to future requirements a total of seven out of ten companies still have deficits in these areas, companies with initial operational 4.0 experience are clearly better positioned here. Target agreements of the management 44% Adapt the management forces to 26% 16% 12% 2% the future requirements 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% n = 117 A lack of norms and standards slows down Industry 4.0 In addition to the internal management issue, the lack of What are the possible obstacles on the way to Industry 4.0 in Germany? norms and standards is currently the biggest obstacle on Germany's path to becoming an Industry 4.0 nation. no barrier minor obstacle medium obstacle obstacle very big obstacle 41% 17% More than half of the respondents (51 percent) see this problem. As part of the digitization of industrial Insufficient broadband production, production parts are equipped with sensors conclusions and chips and can thus send or receive information to Missing norms and extent the language that chips and machines use to Standards incomplete. 27% 6% 4% machines or suppliers. The standards are to a certain communicate. 7th If it is missing, the smart factory remains 9% 17% Lack of capital for 28% 34% 20% Financing the investment 9% 17% 39% 23% 9% 4% 20% Missing employees Legal uncertainties with regard to patents and data protection were named as the second biggest obstacle Too little know-how in politics 10% 37% 23% 34% 32% 23% 5% 12% with 43 percent. A lack of employees (39 percent) and too little political know-how (35 percent) also hamper Too little willingness to implement development. in politics Legal uncertainties (e.g. regarding patent and data protection) n = 137 7th "Industry 4.0: Bosch wants to drive standards forward" on February 15, 2015: 13% 28% 26% 23% 10% 3% 17% 37% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 33% 10% . 11 Above all, politics should push broadband expansion The demands on politics arise directly from the major What do you expect from politics in terms of Industry 4.0? obstacles to the development of Industry 4.0. Four out of Please arrange the options in an order ( 1 = highest priority) ten respondents urge accelerated broadband expansion as the highest priority. This is followed by the creation of 1 2 3 5 4th legal certainty, closely followed by the creation of standards. While one in ten respondents warned against overregulation, German industry has apparently given up 41% Force broadband expansion 16% 13% 14% 16% hope that politics will really speak with one voice in the matter of Industry 4.0 in the future. Legal security 24% produce standardization 22% drive forward Overregulation avoid 29% 11% 27% 23% 22% 20% 20% 12% 20% 27% 8th% 15% 20% 2% Clear responsibilities produce n = 133 10% 20% 27% 41% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% CONCLUSION The results of this study show that a lot has changed in the past nine months since the first survey of the “German Industry 4.0 Index”. More and more German companies are leaving their observation posts and are making a very concrete move towards the intelligent factory. In doing so, they apply proven lean principles that create the basis for being able to follow this path successfully. At the same time, they create the right environment by readjusting the role of their managers. your partner on the way to Top performance. EDITOR CONTACT PERSON CONTACT PERSON FOR MEDIA: STAUFEN.AG Dr. Ulrich Frenzel Consulting, academy, participation Director Business Unit Stephanie Acker Marketing Manager Blumenstrasse 5 Tel: 07024 8056 0 Tel: 07024 8056 152 D-73257 Koengen + 49 7024 8056-0 + 49 7024 8056-111