KABARAK UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS MAIN CAMPUS FIRST SEMESTER 2020/2021 ACADEMIC YEAR EXAMINATION FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION ARTS/SCIENCE EDUC 313: PRINCIPLES OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING STREAM: Y3S1 TIME: EXAMINATION SESSION: DATE: INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Answer Question 1 and any other two questions in the answer booklet provided. Do not write on your question papers. All rough work should be done in your answer booklet. Clearly indicate which question you are answering. Write neatly and legibly. Edit your work for language and grammar errors. Follow all the instructions in the answer booklet SECTION A: (Compulsory) TOTAL MARKS FOR THIS SECTION IS 30 MARKS QUESTION ONE a) Define the following terms: i. Guidance (2 marks) ii. Counselling (2 marks) b) Identify any two qualities of an effective counsellor (4 marks) c) Explain any two techniques used in guidance and counselling (4 marks) d) Vignette Nekesa’s parents separated after a protracted marital conflict that lasted two years. She was 8 years old when this happened. Discuss two scenario this might have on Nekesa in a school environment (6 marks). e) Discuss any two types of services offered by a guidance and counselling teacher at a school environment (6 marks) f) Describe two challenges encountered by personal assigned to provide guidance and counselling services in Kenyan schools (6 marks) 1 SECTION B. TOTAL MARKS FOR THIS SECTION IS 40 MARKS ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS FROM THIS SECTION. EACH QUESTION IN THIS SECTION CARRIES 20 MARKS QUESTION TWO a) Distinguish between individual and group counselling (4 marks) b) Explain any two basic principles of guidance (4 marks) c) Illustrate two ways religious belief can stand in the way of counseling in matters abortion and drugs (6 marks) d) Describe two physiological factors likely to be precipitate by depression (6 marks) QUESTION THREE a) Outline two advantages of guidance and counselling teacher NOT being assigned other regular teaching load (4 marks) b) Analyze the view that building a relationship and getting a correct assessment is fundamental to effective counselling (4 marks) c) Discuss two Eating Disorders common among 12 to 25 year population (6 marks) d) Describe three critical materials/resources necessary for establishing an effective guidance and counselling program at a school (6 marks) QUESTION FOUR a) Explain two ways the depletion of emotional affection and attention in a home affects a school going child (4 marks) b) Discuss any two basic principles of counselling (4 marks) c) Vignette A parent of a child you are seeing for guidance and counselling has demanded that you furnish him with details of what you have discussed with the child. In view of ethics on confidentiality, illustrate how you will navigate this (6 marks) d) Describe the roles of a class teacher and parents in supporting a child undergoing guidance and counselling (6 marks). QUESTION FIVE a) Distinguish between psychosocial and psychological problems (4 marks) b) Explain any two goals of guidance and counselling (4 marks) c) Discuss three psychological problems common among student populations (6 marks) d) Describe three characteristics of aa student that is abusing drugs (6 marks) 2