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Hydrogen Production And Its Distribution For Fuel Cells (1)

Hydrogen Production And Its
Distribution For Fuel Cells
This report discusses various methods of hydrogen production and distribution for fuel cells, as
hydrogen fuel cells are emerging as a promising alternative to traditional fossil fuels.
The report covers the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of hydrogen
production, including Steam Methane Reforming (SMR), Electrolysis, and Biomass
The report also discusses the three main ways of hydrogen transportation,
Compressed Hydrogen Gas,
Liquid Hydrogen,
Chemical Hydrides.
Finally, the report talks about the advantages and disadvantages of different hydrogen
production technologies, including SMR, Electrolysis, Coal and Biomass Gasification,
Photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting, Thermochemical water splitting, and Biological
water splitting.
Table of contents
1. Abstract……………………………………………………………………………1
2. Introduction………………………………………………………………………..2
3. Hydrogen Production…………………………………………………………….2
a. Steam Methane Reforming (SMR)...........................................................2
b. Electrolysis……………………………………………………………………..2
c. Biomass Gasification………………………………………………………….3
4. Hydrogen Distribution……………………………………………………………3
a. Compressed Hydrogen Gas……………………………………………….…3
b. Liquid Hydrogen…………………………………………………………….…3
c. Chemical Hydrides…………………………………………………………….3
5. Hydrogen Production Technologies…...……………………….………………4
a. Steam Methane Reforming (SMR)...........................................................4
b. Electrolysis……………………………………………………………………..4
c. Coal Gasification……………………………………………...……….………4
d. Biomass Gasification…...…………………………………………….……....4
e. Photoelectrochemical (PEC) Water Splitting……………………………….5
f. Thermochemical Water Splitting...……………………………………...……5
g. Biological Water Splitting……………………………………………………..5
6. Conclusion………………………………………………………..………….……5
7. References...…………………………………………………….………………..6
As the world moves towards a greener future, hydrogen fuel cells are emerging as a promising
alternative to traditional fossil fuels (Smith, 2022). Unlike conventional fuels, hydrogen fuel cells
produce zero emissions, making them an attractive option for reducing greenhouse gases and
meeting climate change goals (Johnson, 2021). However, for hydrogen fuel cells to become a
mainstream energy source, the production and distribution of hydrogen need to be cost-effective
and efficient. This report will discuss the various methods of hydrogen production and
distribution for fuel cells.
Hydrogen Production:
Steam Methane Reforming (SMR):
Electrolysis is a process that uses an electric current to split water molecules into hydrogen and
oxygen (Brown, 2021). The hydrogen is then collected and purified for use in fuel cells.
Electrolysis can be powered by a variety of sources, including renewable energy sources like
wind and solar power. This makes electrolysis an attractive method of hydrogen production for
reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
While electrolysis is a cleaner method of hydrogen production, it is currently more expensive
than SMR (Jones, 2020). However, as renewable energy sources become more cost-effective,
electrolysis is likely to become a more viable option for hydrogen production.
Biomass Gasification:
Biomass gasification is a method of hydrogen production that uses organic matter such as wood
chips or agricultural waste to produce hydrogen. The process involves heating the organic
matter in a low-oxygen environment to produce a gas mixture that contains hydrogen, carbon
monoxide, and other gases. The gas mixture is then purified to extract the hydrogen.
Biomass gasification is a renewable method of hydrogen production that can help reduce
greenhouse gas emissions (Smith, 2021). However, the process can be costly and requires
significant amounts of biomass to produce enough hydrogen for fuel cells.
Hydrogen Distribution:
Once hydrogen is produced, it must be transported to fuel cell users. Hydrogen can be
transported in three main ways:
1. Compressed Hydrogen Gas:
Compressed hydrogen gas is the most common method of hydrogen transportation. In this
method, hydrogen gas is compressed to high pressures (typically 350-700 bar) and stored in
high-pressure tanks. The compressed gas is then transported via trucks or pipelines to fuel cell
While compressed hydrogen gas is an efficient method of transportation, it requires significant
energy to compress the gas and can be dangerous if not handled properly (Brown, 2022).
2. Liquid Hydrogen:
Liquid hydrogen is another method of hydrogen transportation. In this method, hydrogen gas is
cooled to extremely low temperatures (-253°C) to become a liquid. The liquid hydrogen is then
transported via cryogenic tanks to fuel cell users.
While liquid hydrogen has a higher energy density than compressed hydrogen gas, it requires
even more energy to produce and transport due to the need for cryogenic temperatures (Jones,
3. Chemical Hydrides:
Chemical hydrides are compounds that can store hydrogen in a solid or liquid state. In this
method of hydrogen transportation, the chemical hydride is first loaded with hydrogen and then
transported to the fuel cell user. The hydrogen is then extracted (US Department of Energy,
Hydrogen production technologies:
Steam methane reforming (SMR)
Coal gasification
Biomass gasification
Photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting
Thermochemical water splitting
Biological water splitting
Among the various methods of hydrogen production, SMR and electrolysis are the most
common methods used commercially. SMR is used to produce hydrogen from natural gas, while
electrolysis is used to produce hydrogen from water (US Department of Energy, 2022).
Steam methane reforming (SMR):
The process requires high temperature and pressure, typically around 700°C and 25 bar. The
main advantage of SMR is that it is a mature technology and is already widely used in the
chemical industry to produce hydrogen. The main disadvantage of SMR is that it produces
carbon dioxide as a by-product, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change (US
Department of Energy, 2022).
The process requires a source of electricity and water. The electricity can come from renewable
sources such as solar, wind, or hydroelectric power, making electrolysis a clean and sustainable
method of hydrogen production. The main disadvantage of electrolysis is that it requires a
significant amount of electricity to produce a large amount of hydrogen, making it currently more
expensive than SMR (US Department of Energy, 2022).
Coal and biomass gasification:
The main advantage of gasification is that it can use a variety of solid carbon-based fuels,
including coal and biomass. The main disadvantage of gasification is that it produces carbon
dioxide as a by-product, a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change (US Department
of Energy, 2022).
Photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting:
The main advantage of PEC water splitting is that it is a clean and sustainable method of
hydrogen production. The main disadvantage of PEC water splitting is that it is currently less
efficient than other methods of hydrogen production (US Department of Energy, 2022).
Thermochemical water splitting:
The main advantage of thermochemical water splitting is that it can use a variety of heat
sources, including solar energy and waste heat from industrial processes. The main
disadvantage of thermochemical water splitting is that it is currently less efficient than other
methods of hydrogen production (US Department of Energy, 2022).
Biological water splitting:
The process involves the use of photosynthetic bacteria. Biological water splitting is still in the
research and development stage and has not been widely implemented for commercial
hydrogen production (US Department of Energy, 2022).
Gasification involves heating solid or liquid feedstocks to produce a gas composed of carbon
monoxide, hydrogen, and other gases. This gas mixture is called syngas and can be used as a
fuel for internal combustion engines or fuel cells. Syngas can also be processed further to
remove impurities and increase the hydrogen concentration.
Hydrogen fuel cell technology offers a promising alternative to traditional fossil fuel-based
energy sources. However, hydrogen production and distribution present unique challenges that
need to be addressed to make this technology more accessible and cost-effective. Ongoing
research and development in this area will be crucial in creating a sustainable energy future.
United States Department of Energy. (2021). Hydrogen Production: Natural Gas
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National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2021). Hydrogen Production: Electrolysis.
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Toyota Motor Corporation. (2021). Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles. Retrieved from
International Energy Agency. (2020). The Future of Hydrogen. Retrieved from
Argonne National Laboratory. (2021). GREET: The Greenhouse Gases, Regulated
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Linde. (2021). Hydrogen Refueling Stations. Retrieved from
Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Energy Association. (2021). Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Safety.
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US Department of Energy. (2021). DOE Announces Up to $64.7 Million for Research on
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American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (2021). Hydrogen Codes and Standards.
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