Page 1 KARNATAKA UNIVERSITY DHARWAD CDC/AFFLN. SECTION (College List for the Year 2015-16) Name of the College Sl. with Full Adress and Pin No. code Name of the Principal with Qualification Name College Phone No. with STD Code College Principal Phone No. Mobile Qualifica Phone No. tion Nature of Details of Courses with subjects with subject and affiliation Staff E-mail Address Year (Periodical/Con Type intake strength of (Aide UGC NAAC tinuation) Establi d/ Un- Statu Accred College Principal Cours Subjects Intak Contin Teac Non shmen Aided s itation Mail Mail es e uation Periodi hing Teac t ) cal / hing Periodi Piriod cal DHARAWAD DISTRICT 1 CONSTITUENT COLLEGES Karnatak Arts and commerce College, Dharwad - 580001 Dr. S. S Kattimani MA/P.hd 08362215307, 2447518 9538521206 kacd1_colle ge m BA Basic subjects Kannada, Hindi, Urdu, Prakartha, Marathi, Persian, Sanskrit, French Addln, English. Journalism 1) Kannada, Urdu, Applied Stat, Logic, Marathi, Statics Folk Lit,. Elementary of Maths, Sociology, Geography, Hindi, Anthropology, Philosophy, 2) Pol-Science, Sanskrit, Psychology, Computer application French, German, Public Administration, Yoga Persian 3) Economics, Criminology, Music, English, Functional English, Functional Kannada, Functional, Hindi, Prakrat, Religion 4) History and Archeology, Epigraphy, Mass communication and Journalism 360 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 120 BSW 20 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 1917 Perman ent Constit 2(f) & 2.92 B uent 12(B) 51 21 Page 2 2 Karnatak Science College, Dharwad- 580001 Dr.C.F.Mulim MA/P.hd ani 3 University College of Education, Dharwad 580001 Dr.(smt)L.B Patted 4 Karnataka Univerisyt's Sir. Dr. K. R Siddappa Kambali Law Aithal college, Dharwad - 580001 5 University College of Music,Dharwad - 580001 08362215410 08362442378, LLM/P.hd 08362448177 Dr.M.S.Taral M.Music 0836agatti 2440341, 9845252705 principal.ks cd m 9900467617 kuceprincip al m B.Sc B.Sc 360 BCA BCA 60 Perman ent Constit 2(f) & 3.26 A uent 12(B) 46 30 B.Sc(C B.Sc (CS) S) 50 M.Sc M.Sc Maths Maths 30 M.Sc M.Sc Chemisty Chemi sty 25 M.Sc M.Sc Physics Physic s 40 B.Ed B.Ed Course 100 1962 Perman ent Constit 2(f) & uent 12(B) Three Years LLB and Five Years LLB 60 1962 Perman ent Constit 2(f) & B Grade 10 uent 12(B) 9 40 1975 Perman ent Constit 2(f) & uent 12(B) 4 9880845465 kussklawcol kraithal@r LLB lege ediffmail.c @rediffmail om .com 9448792317 principaluc m m 1917 mallikarju B.Mus Vocal-Khayal, Thumari, Sitar-Solo, ntaralagatt ic Sathsangath, Tabla-solo, Sathsangath i@gmail.c Violin om 8 3 3 Page 3 AFFILIATED COLLEGES 6 7 8 JSS Banashankari Dr.G.Krishna M.Sc/P.h Arts,Commerce and murthy d S.K.Gubbi Science College, Vidyagiri, Dharwad 580004 J.S.S Shri. Manjunatheshwar Institute of Under Graduate & Post Graduate Studies, Vidya giri, Dharwad . KLES’s J.G.Commerce College Vidyanagar, Hubli 580021 Dr. Ajit Prasad Dr. A.D Mulgund 08362468478 2462200, 08362460886, MA/P.hd 08362372014, 9739821197 drsnhegdejs kitty29196 BA B.A 1@gmail.c m om B.Com B.Com 9611687177 jsssmiugpg m 180 1944 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & A Grade 12(B) 72 35 180 B.Sc B.Sc 340 M.Co m M.Sc (Che) M.Sc (Phy) BBA/B CA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 2012 8 3 60 2014 6 3 60 2014 6 4 BCA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 120 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 45 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 40 M.Sc (Comp .Sc MA (Eng) PGDC A 9448941722 klesjgcchubl dranandm B.Com i ulgund@g M.Co m All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 120 Continu ation UnAided 25 7 14 4 2007 5 2 40 2008 7 2 400 1947 7 5 45 2007 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 3.19 A 12(B) Page 4 9 10 11 KLES’s Sri.Kaddasiddeshwar Arts and HSK Science Institute, Hubli - 580031 Sri. M.S. Sunagar BMHEC’s CSI College of Commerce, Dharwad580001 Dr.Kamala D. MA/M.Ph Dhawale il/ Ph.d KLES’s P.C.Jabin Science College, Hubli - 580021 (Autonomous) Dr.M.T,Hosa mani 08362377454, 08362747029, 08362372285, 2376943 9986902989 skhsk in BA Basic subjects: Kananda, Hindi, Sanskrit, Addln English, Marathi, Urdu, Persian Opt subjects English, Kannada, Hindi, Sanskrit, History, Economics, Sociology, Psychology, Geology, Maths , Stat, PolScience, Marathi, Urdu, Persian, Comp. Sc, Electronics, Journalism 360 B.Sc Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, 240 M.Sc All compulsory subjects as per KU (Math Syllabus s) 9481124077 principal@c kamaladha B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU wale@gm Syllabus BCA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Principaljabi B.Sc B.Sc ncollege PCM, PME, PMS, CMS, , CBZ, CBBT, CZBT, MSC, MCE, PMC, CBMic-Bio m CZMic BCA 30 260 1952 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 3.17 A 12(B) 23 7 1956 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & B Grade 12(B) 43 7 1957 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 3.37 A 12(B) 65 16 2009 50 480 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus M.Sc All compulsory subjects as per KU (Comp Syllabus .Sc M.Sc All compulsory subjects as per KU (Bio- Syllabus Tech) 100 16 2010 M.Sc (Che) M.Sc (Phy) 60 2010 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 30 20 Page 5 12 13 Anjuman-E-Islam’s Nehru Arts, Science, Commerce and BBA College,Ghantikeri, Hubli.20 BMHEC’s Kittel Science College, Dharwad - 580001 Dr. M.F Ansari Smt. Sudhanti prasannaku M.Sc/Ph. d M.Sc 08362263369, 08362441693, 9844402149 nehrucolleg dr_mfansa BA e ri@hotmai in Opt. Kan, Economics, Sociology Opt. Kan, Economics, History Opt. Kan, Economics, Pol-Science Opt. Kan, Pol-Science, Sociology Opt. Kan, , History, Sociology Opt. Kan, , History, Pol-Science Opt. Urdu Economics, Sociology Opt. Urdu, Economics, History Opt. Urdu, Economics, Pol-Science Opt. Urdu Pol-Science, Sociology Opt. Urdu, , History, Sociology Opt. Urdu , History, Pol-Science Opt. Eng Economics, Sociology Opt. Eng, Economics, History Opt. Eng Economics, Pol-Science Opt. Eng, Pol-Science, Sociology Opt. Eng, , History, Sociology Opt. Eng , History, Pol-Science Opt. Hindi, Economics, History Opt. Hindi Economics, Pol-Science Opt. Hindi , History, Pol-Science B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Opt. Kan/Hindi/Urdu, Eng Physics, Chemistry, Maths Botany, Chemistry zoology 240 BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BCA 43 18 120 9 3 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 75 7 3 MA All compulsory subjects as per KU (Eco) Syllabus 25 M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus 50 MA All compulsory subjects as per KU (Eng) Syllabus 9480414955 principalkitt principalki B.Sc tel.2008 ttel2014@ @rediffmail PCM, PME, PMCS, CBZ, CZBT, CBBT, ICB, ICZ 1965 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 3.12 A 12(B) 240 250 9 2 2011 9 2 30 2011 7 2 240 1968 28 11 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 2.78 B 12(B) Page 6 prasannaku mar 14 15 NTSS Shree Shankar Arts and Commerce College Hubli - sollapur Road, Navalgund.- 582208 Prof.S.B.Yall ur M.Com KLE’s Mrityunjaya Arts and Dr. K.C Pangi M.Com/P. Commerce College, Near hd Durgadeve Temple, Dharwad.- 580008 Shri. MG Timmapur 08380229258, 229825, 08362442447 16 MVAS Shree K.G.Nadgir College of Phy.Education Maratha Colony Road, Dharwad - 580008 BA/M.P.E 0836d 2790127, 17 KLE’s College of Education, Dr. Smt. S. S 0836Vidyanagar, Hubli – Desai M.Ed/P.h 2372901, 580031 d @rediffmail M.Sc .com (Comp .Sc 9448902879 shankarcoll sbyallur77 BA ege@gmail. com m All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 30 Kannada, Pol-Science, History Kannada, Sociology, Education Kannada, Pol-Science, Economics Kannada, Hindi, Education Pol-Science, Sociology, Economics Pol-Science, Sociology, English Hindi, Education , History Hindi, English, History Hindi, Economics, History ) Sociology, Economics, History Pol-Science, Economics, History English, Sociology, History Education, History, Pol-Science Education History, Sociology History, Pol-Science, Sociology 200 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9343102348 Smcolleged kishorapan BA Basic subjects harwad gi@yahoo. Kannada, English com Opt. subjects m History, Economics, Pol-Science History, Pol-Science, Sociology History, Kannada, Pol-Scinece, Economics, Sociology, Pol-Science 80 9480073334 mvas123 m, B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus shrikgnadg B.P.Ed B.P.Ed ircollege@ 9845820448 hubliklebed drdsusha B.Ed m m Kannada, English, Hindi, History, Geography, Physics, Maths 240 Continu ation Un.Aid ed 1970 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 3.14 A 12(B) 11 5 1973 Perman 2015-16 Aided 2(f) & 2.68 B ent to 201912(B) 20 9 5 120 40 1974 Perman ent UnAided 2(f) & 12(B) 4 4 100 1986 Perman 2015-16 Aided ent to 201920 2(f) & 12(B) 9 7 Page 7 18 19 20 GES’s G.S.Patil Arts and Commerce College, Kundagol - 58113 Dist Dharwad . Goodnews Welfare Society’s Arts, and Commerce College, Kalaghatagi. Anjuman Arts and Commerce College, Vijay Road, Dharwad- 580001 Shri. R. B Godi Dr. B. G Biradar M.Com/ M.Phil MA/P.hd Dr.M.N.Mee MA/M.Ed ranaik / Ph.D 08304290203, 08370284177, 08362448472, 9035942708 gspkundgol ravikumar BA godi@yah m 9449613989 goodnewsd egree@gma Basic subject Kananda, English Opt. Subject Economics, History, Sociology, Kannada, Pol-Science, Sociology Kannada, History, Sciology, Economics, Pol-Science, History Economics, Pol-science, Sociology Kannada, Pol-Science, History 110 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BA Basic subjects Kannada, English Opt. subjects History, Pol-Science, Economics History, Kannada, Sociology, Sociology, Pol-Science, Economics 50 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 8762233099 principaladc mnmeeran BA Basic subjects: d86@yahoo aik@gmail English, .com .com Kannada, Urdu, Hindi, Arabic, Persian or Addl. English Opt. Subjects: 1) Applied Statistics or Kannada or Urdu Persian or Pol-Science, 2) Geography or Hindi or sociology 3) Economics, or Education 4) History, or Journalism 5) English B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus MA All compulsory subjects as per KU (Eng) Syllabus 1986 Perman ent 1986 300 1986 50 2013 40 2015 140 Aided 2(f) & 12(B) 13 10 Perman 2015-16 Aided 2(f) & B Grade ent to 201912(B) 20 11 10 Perman ent 19 19 75 Aided 2(f) & B Grade 12(B) Page 8 21 22 23 24 25 KSS Vijayanagar College of Education, Hubli, Dr. (Smt.) N.D Shaik MA/M.Sc /M.Ed P.hd st Dr.N.B.Sanga M.Com/P. SJMV Mahant 1 Grade pur hd Arts and Commerce College, Rayapur, Dharwad . - 580009 Kittel Arts College, Dharwad - 58001 Govt., First Grade College, Vidyanagar Alnavar 581103 Tq:Dharwad Govt., First Grade College, Gudageri - 5831107, Dist:Dharwad Dr. H. B Neelgund Dr. M. D Okkund Shri. S. R. Subbaiah 0836 2374081, 2271986, 08362324590, 08362434076, MA/P.hd MA 08362385910, 08304262000, 9448821986 kssvceh@g noorjankh B.Ed adar@yah M.Ed Kannada, English, Hindi, History, Physical Science, Maths, Biology, Geography, Computer Education, Environmental All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9449456960 sjmvmahant nbsangapu BA History, Pol-Science, Economics ha@gmail.c r@gmail.c History, Sociology, Education, om om History, Sociology English, Kannada, Geography, Education, Kannada, Geography, Journalism Journalism, Pol-Science, Economics History, Hindi, Kannada History, Economics, Kannada B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9449800216 kittelartsoff hbneelgun BA Economics, Education, English ice@gmail.c d@gmail.c History, Sociology, Hindi, Geography Polom om Science, Psychology, Kannada EMS 100 1986 35 2007 240 1988 MA All compulsory subjects as per KU Kanna Syllabus da 9448556127 principalgfg okkundmd BA History, Economics, Pol-Science alnr@gmail. History, Economics, Hindi com m History, Pol-Science, Kannada History, Pol-Science, Udru History, Pol-Science, English 20 2008 9986118935 gudageric lg@gmail. com B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BA Basic Subjects: Kannada, English, Hindi, Sanskrit and Urdu Opt. Subject: Pol-Science, History, Sociology, Economics, Education, Geography, Kannada BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 360 1987 Perman ent Continu ation Aided Aided 2(f) & 12(B) 2(f) B Grade 12 22 15 13 100 100 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 12(B) 14 6 1992 Perman ent Govt. 2(f) & 2.62 B 12(B) 12 3 1992 Perman ent Govt. 6 3 50 120 40 Page 9 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 KSS Arts and Commerce Dr.Mallikarju College, Vidyanagar Hublina K. 58031 Srujanakala Fine Art Shri. MA College, DC Compound, Chikkamath Dharwad F.V ASS Amruteshwar Arts and Shri. PK Commerce College, Kokati Annigeri Tq: Dharwad Sharana Nooliya Chandayya Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Smaraka AKK. Edn. Society’s Arts and Commerce College, Gangadharnagar, Hubli. 580020 Shri. M. D MA/M.Ph Mattimani il 0836237731, 08380222837, 08362244566, KSS B.S.W. College Vidyanagar, Hubli. 580031 KLE’s B.B.A. College, Vidyanagar, Hubli.580031 Dr. S. S 0836Survarnakha 2377311 ndi Prof. Jyoti B 0836Maned 2371301, Anjuman BBA College, Dharwad - 580 001 Shri. BE/MBA/ 0836M.L.Killedar M.Phil 2442737, 9844852643 kssprincipal m 9448436711 skn9192 9448415820, m 9342228056 amruteshw arcollege m 9480606165 BA Basic Subjects Kannada, English, Hindi, and Add. English Opt. Subject: Kannada, English, Hindi Folklore Literacy, Criminology, Economics, Sociology, Social work, Pol-Scinece, AgriMarckiting, Mass communication and Journalism, Geography, Statistics , History, 360 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus BFA BFA 220 BA 150 B.Com 100 Manjudm8 ssncdrbra BA mbedkar@ m Basic Subjects Kannada, English, Hindi, Opt. Subject: Kannada, History, Geography, Economics, Sociology, Pol-Science, Journalism 60 25 200 1992 Continu ation UnAided 33 17 2011 1992 Continu ation UnAided 1993 Continu ation UnAided 1994 Continu ation Aided 6 2(f) 2 15 8 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BSW All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 120 40 1995 Continu ation UnAided 11 17 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 160 1995 Continu ation UnAided 7 7 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 100 Continu ation UnAided 6 5 9632715031 kssbswprinc ipal@gmail. com 9620135353 www.kle_b jyoti.mane BBA ba d@gmail.c om m 9980287658 Principalaii BBA sm1213@g Page 10 33 Indian Institute of Inspirational Leadership for Rural Development, surashettikoppa Tq:Kalaghatgi 34 SJMVS Arts and Commerce College, Murusavirmath Campus, Hubli.- 580028 35 36 37 38 39 Veman Vidyavardhak Sangh’s KH Patil College of Business Administration Unkal Cross, Hubli.580031 KLE's Institute of Management Studies and Research, Vidya nagar, Hubli Dr.K.S.Sharma College of Computer Applications, Basveshwarnagar, Hubli.580036 Shri. B. Tippareddy Smt. JS Angadi 08362351905, MA/ M.Phil 08364256815, Shri. H.S Choudapur MA 08362375187, Shri. P,G Rudagi BE/MA/ P.hd 08362377466 Dr. KS Sharma Government Fine Arts Shri. S. K College, D.I.E.T, Dharwad.- Pattar 580008 Anjuman Institute of Shri. M.L Information Science and Killedar Management,Vijay Road Dharwad.- 580001 08364265725, 08362741965, 08362442737 9481193082 Ilrd246@g BA 9845082493 sjmvsacchu angadisijay BA bli a@gmail.c om m IlRD 40 Basic subjects Kananda, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Addn. English Kannada, Folk.Lit, Stat, Sanskrit, PolScience Psychology, Hindi, Geography, English Economics, History, Philosophy, Sociology 150 1996 1997 Continu ation UnAided Perman 2013-14 Aided 2(f) & 3.13 A ent to 201712(B) 18 17 4 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9481010978 vvsbba1234 hschawda BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU pur@gmail Syllabus m .com 180 40 1998 Continu ation UnAided 11 4 9448150146 klesimsr prasadroo MBA dagi@gma m All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 90 1998 Continu ation UnAided 13 13 BCA;P All compulsory subjects as per KU GDCA Syllabus 50 1999 Continu ation UnAided PGDC All compulsory subjects as per KU A Syllabus 9341242401 gepfadwd skpattar68 BFA BFA m m 9980287658 Principalaii BCA All compulsory subjects as per KU sm1213@g Syllabus 30 1999 Continu ation Govt. 7 1 0 kssharmagi @rediffmail .com BBA 30 100 80 2000 Continu ation UnAided Page 11 40 SDM Institute of Information Science Heggeri, Hubli.- 580024 41 SANA College of Dr. Vijay R Information Science and Suryavanshi Management, Shantiniketan, Bairidevarkoppaa, Hubli. 580025 Govt. First Grade Arts, and Smt. M. S Commerce College, Pujar Rajanagar, Hubli.- 580032 42 43 44 R.S.Shetty College of Commerce (Corporate Secretary) Dharwad.580004 K.E.Board’s First Grade Arts and commerce College, Dharwad. Prof. S.D Aiholi Dr. DG Shetty Shri. M.A Siddanti MA 08362208758, 9448362357 sdmbcabba m BBA;B All compulsory subjects as per KU CA Syllabus 2000 Continu ation UnAided 08362223776, 9448965100 manager @sanatrust. com BBA;B All compulsory subjects as per KU CA Syllabus 2001 Continu ation UnAided Continu ation Govt. Continu ation UnAided 08362357830 08362465327, 2444475, 2462611 08362747813 9482659516 gfgch32 m shety_dg in, 9845073342 principalke bfgcdharwa d@rediffma BA Basic Subjects Kannada, English, Opt. Subject: Kannada, History, Sociology, History, Opt.English, Sociology History Economics, Pol-Science, History Economics, Sociology 500 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Add.English, Hindi, Urdu Opt. Subjects Physics, Maths, Comp.Science, Maths, Comp.Science, Statistics Physics, Maths, Chemistry Chemistry, Botany, Zoology 400 BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU CS Syllabus 60 BA 250 B.Com 100 2001 120 40 2003 2003 Continu ation UnAided 2(f) 23 9 Page 12 45 Anjuman Centary B.Ed Smt. K. A College, Ghantikeri, Hubli- Kanakgeri 580 020 46 Shri Siddarameshwar Education College,Kalyan Nagar, Dharwad.- 580007 47 SANA College of Education, Prof. S. Y Shantiniketan Chakravarti Bairidevarkoppa, P.B. Road, Hubli-580025. MA/M.Ed 08362223776, 48 Rural B.Ed College Plot No. Prof. 19 "C" Sattur, P.B.Road, Mahantesh Dharwad.= 580009 B Hiremath MA/M.Ed 0836/P.hd 2460929, 49 Sonia College of Education Prof. S.D ,Tejashwi Nagar, Dharwad.- Aiholi 580002 50 Al-Mizan B.Ed College, Anand Nagar Road, Old Hubli, Hubli.- 580024 51 Vishwashanti Foundation's Dr. Arifa S Oxford College of Business Makandar Administration Keshwapur Solapur Road, Hubli- 580021 MA/P.hd 08362280745, 52 Vishwashanti Foundation's Dr. Arifa S Oxford College of Makandar Computer Applications Keshwapur, Solapur Road,Hubli. – 580021 MA/P.hd 08362280745, Shri. K.R Hiremath 08362264606, MA/M.Ed 0836/ M.Phil/ 2442654, P.hd 9980600363 principal@a anjumancb B.Ed njumanedu ntenaryb.e dcollegehp @yahoo.c om B.Ed 100 2004 Continu ation UnAided 7 4 9880985348 principalsse tbed m 9900967272, sanabedcoll 8904882989 ege@gmail. com kumar.rh B.Ed @rediffma B.Ed 100 2005 Continu ation UnAided 9 5 sycsrisjto B.Ed m Kannada, Urdu English, Urdu, History, Geography, Physics, Biology, Maths, Hindi 100 2005 Continu ation UnAided 9 4 B.Ed 100 2005 Continu ation UnAided 8 6 8951333427 basavaeduc ation@yaho B.Ed 2(f) 08362460534, 9448224717 setbed hiremath7 B.Ed @rediffmail 9@gmail.c .com om Kannada, Hindi, English, History, Geography, Physics, Biology, Maths, Chemistry 100 2005 Continu ation UnAided 7 4 Dr. Smt. M.Sc/M.E 0836Sahan V d. P.hd 2203313, Suryavanshi 9739696742 almeezan_1 sahanasur B.Ed 252@rediff yavanshi5 m 8971181117 oxfordcolle imarifa_m BBA sultana@y B.Ed 100 2005 Continu ation UnAided 7 5 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 100 2006 Continu ation UnAided 13 6 8971181117 oxfordcolle imarifa_m BCA sultana@y All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 100 2006 Continu ation UnAided 10 6 2(f) Page 13 53 54 55 Govt., First Grade College, Shri. C.P Kumareshwar Nagar Near Bhamanapad New Busstand, Dharwad.580008 Adept Foundation Dr. Samsthe’s Adept College of Maheshwari Business Administration, PS Sahitya Bhavana Near R. N Shetty Stadium, Dharwad. - 580001 Govt. First Grade College, Lingaraj Nagar, Navalagund - 582208 Shri. D.M Nidvani 08362740886, MBA 08362441835 8762068765 gfgcdwd@r m BA Basic Subjects Kannada, English, Opt. Subject: History Economics, Pol-Science, History Economics, Sociology , Pol-Science, Opt. Kannada B.Com History All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects Physics, Maths, Comp.Science Physics, Maths Chemistry, Physics, Maths Electronics Physics, Maths Statistics Electronics, Computer Science, Statistics 720 BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 40 60 2006 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 120 2010 Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects History, Pol-Science, Economics/ History Economics, Sociology/ History, Opt.Kannada, Pol-Science/ History, Opt.Kannada, Sociology 200 9448366639 adeptbba@ mahips22 BBA m MBA MA/M.Ed /M.Phil 08380229451, 8453346922 gfgcn2007 dnidavani BA m m Continu ation Govt. Continu ation UnAided Continu ation Govt. 14 17 360 300 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects Physics, Comp.Science, Maths 80 BBA 40 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 2006 60 2007 9 2(f) 5 6 2 Page 14 56 Govt. First Grade College, Kalaghatagi. Shri. Gangadhar C Gummagolm ath 08370264060, 9448630702 gfgcklg@gm gcgumgol BA math@yah Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects History, Sociology, Pol-Science B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects Physics, Comp.Science, Maths 57 Shri. Sha. Bra Siddaling Mahaswamigalu Panchagraha Hiremath Govt. First Grade College, Near Shambulingeshwar Temple, Kalidas Nagar Kundagol.- 5810113 Prof. Mohammed Azaz Ahamed M.Sc 08304290001, 9880792414 gfgckundag ahamed41 BA ol@gmail.c 4@yahoo. om com Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects History, Pol-Science, Economics History, Economics, Kannada History, English, Sociology 120 BBA 60 Global Educare Foundation Dr. Mahesh M.Com/P. 0836Global College of Deshapande hd 2278222, Computer Application Akshya Colony Shirur Park Extension, Hubli – 580030 9448392119 mahe_1978 global.coll BCA ege@gmai m 59 Vidya Bharati Foundation Dr. L. N I.B.M.R B.C.A College Opp Desai of KIMS Main Gate Vidya Nagar, Hubli. – 580029 08362233355 9900223687 principalbb abca@ibmr BCA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 Rajeeva Gandhi Edn. Societies B.C.A College Mahendrakar Bldg, opp. Regal Talkies, Dharawad. 08362740443, 9886724197 BCA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Continu ation Govt. 2(f) 10 0 2007 Continu ation Govt. 2(f) 10 3 50 60 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 2007 50 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects Physics, Comp.Science, Maths 58 Dr. S. N Hanchinmani 100 60 120 2007 Continu ation UnAided 13 4 100 2007 Continu ation UnAided 12 7 2007 Continu ation UnAided Page 15 61 Global Educare Foundation Dr. Mahesh M.Com/P. 0836Global B.B.A College Deshapande hd 2278222, Akshya Colonym Shirur Park Extension, Hubli – 580030 62 Vidya Bharati Foundation I.B.M.R B.B.A College Vidya Nagar Hubli – 580029 63 Dr. D. G. Shetty Edn. Socities R.S Shetty B.B.A College Near K.M.F Dharawad.- 580004 Dr. DG Shetty 64 Rajeev Gandhi Edn. Societies B.B.A College Mahendrakar Bldg. opp. Regal Talkies, Dharwad. 65 Dr. D. G. Shetty Edn. Socities R.S Shetty B.C.A College Near K.M.F Dharawad. -580004 66 Fatima B.B.A College Fr. Luccas Keshwapur Hubli.- 580023 67 Shri. Mahadevappa Basalingappa Hilli Govt. I Grade College Annigeri – 582201, Tq- Navalagund Prof. Pramod G 08362233355 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 80 2007 Continu ation 100 2007 Continu ation UnAided 9900223687 principalbb abca@ibmr BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 08362462611, 2465327 9343400038, drdgshetty m BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 2007 Continu ation UnAided Dr. S. N Hanchinmani 08362740443, 9886724197 BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 2007 Continu ation UnAided Dr. DG Shetty 08362462611, 2465327 BCA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 2007 Continu ation UnAided 9448301788 fatimadegre frluka1@g BBA ecollege All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 2007 Continu ation UnAided Continu ation Govt. Prof. Nirmala N Kajjari MBA/ M.Com 9448392119 mahe_1978 global.coll BBA ege@gmai m MA/M.Ed 08362360208, M.Sc 08380222188, drdgshetty m 9480149101 gfgcang@g BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English, 120 Opt. Subjects History, Sociology, Kannada, History, PolScience Economics B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects Physics, Comp.Science, Maths 120 40 2007 UnAided 11 4 10 12 25 4 5 3 Page 16 68 Janata Shikshna Samiti’s J.S.S Shri. Manjunatheshwar B.Ed College, Vidyagiri Dharwad - 580004 Shri Channabasaveshwar Education Societies Shri. Sai B.Ed College, Navanagar Hubli. Dr.N.B.Kong MA. 0836awad M.Ed/Ph. 2466827, D/PGD/KS 2742375, A 9845564633 JSSbedcolle nbkongaw B.Ed ge@rediffm ad@gmail. com Kannada, Hindi, English, Sanskrit, History, Geography, Physics, Biology, Maths, 100 2007 Continu ation UnAided 9 5 Shri. P. S Kengar 8904493140 principalsai bed@gmaci B.Ed B.Ed 100 2007 Continu ation UnAided 8 6 70 Dakshin Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha B.C.A College, Dharwad Smt. Bhagyashri S Patil 9448231057 dbhpsabha m BCA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 2008 Continu ation UnAided 71 Diaosis Board of Education Fr. Luccas and Welfare Fathima College of B.C.A. Keshwapur, Hubli-580023 MA/M.Ed 08362360208, 9448301788 fatimadegr frluka1@g BCA eecollege@ All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 50 2008 Continu ation UnAided 10 5 72 Sidu Vidya Sansthe Nalanda B.C.A College Vidyaranya, Gadag Road, Bhandiwad , Hubli – 23 M.Sc/PGD 0836CA 2480933 9986378576 Nbca1274 m All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 50 2008 Continu ation UnAided 8 3 73 Vishwashanti Foundation Sansthe Oxford College of Commerce Kusugal Road, Keshwapur, Hubli. 8971181117 oxfordcolle imarifa_m B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU sultana@y Syllabus 225 2008 Continu ation UnAided M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 2013 2008 Continu ation UnAided 2008 Continu ation UnAided 69 Miss. M.S Rottimath Dr. Arifa S Makandar 74 Dakshin Bharat Hindi Smt. Prachar Sabha, B.B.A. Bhagyashri S College, U. B. Hill, Dharwad Patil 75 Vidhya Sarswati Foundation CIM Grad B.B.A College White House, Desai Building, Sarswatpur, Dharwad MA/M.Ed 08362223848, 08362743032, 2776582, MA/P.hd 0836, 2280745, 2222750 08362743032, 2776582, Shri. Vivek B BBA/PGD 0836Desai M 2430077, 9448231057 dbhpsabha m manjurotti BCA math@gm 7259191279 cimvivek@g vivekbdesa BBA i99@gmail .com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 2(f) 15 15 6 3 Page 17 76 77 78 Shree Basaweshwar Rural Education and Development Trust Shree Basaweshwar B.B.A College, Plot No. 19, Industrial Area, Sattur, Dharwad Priyadashrini Janaseva Sagar Sansthe Maharani B.B.A. College, Gurunath Nagar, Old Hubli-24 Shri. D.D Mechannava r KLES Society's Shree Prof. B. F Mrityunjaya Arts and Gamanagatti Commerce College, BBA College, Dharwad - 580 008 08362460929, 9480565163 basavaeduc ation@yaho BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 2008 Continu ation UnAided 08362205255, 9880360200 maharaniclg m BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 2008 Continu ation UnAided 9343103057 smcolleged harwad@g BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 50 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 08369900409419 directoriem kesiens@g M.B.A All compulsory subjects as per KU 23010491/9 s, Syllabus 2/93/94, m, 30 08362442447 BCA 79 Kizen Edplus society Dr. Shrinivas PH.D Yureka Centre Institute of R Patil exlence in Management Science (M.B.A) Tarihal Hubli.- 580026 80 Global Network Society Global Business School S. N. 326 B Opp: Mahima Hotel Hubli. 08362278330 81 JSS Dr. D Veerendra Heggade Institute of Management Studies and Research Vidyagiri, Dharwad - 580004 Dr. H. N BE. MBA. 0836Shivaprasad P.hd 2461010, 2461212 82 Shri. Bhagawan Mahaveer Prof. Maya Jain Education and Culturel Kulhalli Trust’s Jain B.C.A College, C.T.S No. 3872, Vidya Nagar, Hubli. M.Com/ MBA 08364251235 9449851152 udaylawa te@globa lbschool.i n 9845469729 jssdvhimsr m 9880946880 2008 Continu ation UnAided 120 2008 Continu ation UnAided 9 3 director MBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus @global bschool.i n 120 2008 Continu ation UnAided 11 8 M.B. All compulsory subjects as per KU A Syllabus 120 2008 Continu ation UnAided 80 2009 Continu ation UnAided 3 8 jaincollege mayakulha BCA hubli@gmai lli@gmail.c om All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Page 18 83 Siddartha Institute of Management Studies (B.B.A) Marata Colony Road, Dharawad Prof. K. G Adur 08362441166, 9986318388 sims2009@ BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 0 2009 Continu ation UnAided 84 Akkihal Foundation Dharawad College of Management (B.B.A) Opp. Michigan Coupound , Saptapur, Dharawad.580001 R.N. Shetty B.B.A (Hotel and Tourism) College, Kaviraj Road, Bailppanavar Nagar, Hubli. - 580029 Prof. M.L Hiregoudar 08362773314, 9945083831 dcmprincipa l m BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 2009 Continu ation UnAided Vijay BR Shetty 08362352144, 2350437, 9448267942 rnsprincipal BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU (Hotel Syllabus and Touris m) 2009 Continu ation UnAided 08364260370, 9880946880 mayakulhall mayakulha BBA i lli@gmail.c om m All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 80 2009 Continu ation 9448543899 sarojinibsw m BSW All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 40 2009 8904493140 principalsai bped@gmai B.P.Ed B.P.Ed 50 40 85 86 Shri. Bagawan Mahaveer Prof. Maya Jain Education and Culturel Kulhalli Trusts Jain B.B.A College, C.T.S No. 3872, Vidya Nagar, Hubli. M.Com/ MBA 87 Dr. Sarojini B.S.W College, Dr.Sarojini Adargunchi Tq- Hubli Chalwala Prin. (Temporary ) 88 Shri. Channabasaveshwar Shikshna Samste, Shri. Sai Phy. College, Navanagar Hubli. Shri. S. V Hiremath 89 Pragati Foundations Mahatma Gandhi B.S.W College, Tollanaka Vidyagiri, Dharawad Gayatri wali MSW M.P.Ed 0836and Yoga 2223848 08362440309 9620851535 pragatifoun bswkud@g BSW dation@red All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 0 1 UnAided 3 8 Continu ation UnAided 8 3 2009 Continu ation UnAided 6 4 2009 Continu ation UnAided 6 2 Page 19 90 Shri, Jagadguru Dr. V. R M.Sc/MA 0836Renekacharya group Syryavanshi /M.Ed/P. 3204671, Education Society, Shri hd Jagadguru Renukacharya Education College, Noolvi, Tq- Hubli 9448965100 sjrcollegen vrsuryavan B.Ed oolvi@gmai shi100@g 91 V.H Marad M.Ed College, Sattur, Dharwad Dr. S. B Yadawad 0836M.Ed/P.h 2460929, d 8951333427 basavaeduc ation@yaho 92 Deyosis Board of Education Fr. Luccas and Social Welfare Trust, Our Lady of Fatima College of Commerce, Keshawapur, Hubli – 580023, MA/M.Ed 08362360208, 93 Priyadashrini Janaseva Sagar Sansthe Maharani Arts and Commerce College, Gurunath Nagar, Old Hubli-24 MA/M.Ed 94 95 Channabasamma Eshwargouda Chikkanagouda (CIC) Grameen Shikshana Samste CIC Arts and Commerce College, Adaragunchi - 580028 Tq –Hubli, Shri. G. F Redder Dr. V. B Murgod VidyaBharati Foundations Dr. Rajendra IBMR College of C Malowade Commerce Akshaya Colony Vidya Nagar,Hubli 580029 M.Com/P. hd P.hd 08362205255, 08362317949 08362233355 10 2009 Continu ation UnAided 4 4 M.Ed All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 35 2009 Continu ation UnAided 5 6 9448301788 fatimadegre frluka1@g B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU ecollege Syllabus 80 2010 Continu ation UnAided 18 5 9880360200 maharanicl m 9448176714, ciceducatio 9986944706 n10@gmail. com BA B.Ed Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi Opt. Subjects History, Pol-Science, Sociology, Kannada, English , Economics, Education, Geography B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BA Basic Subjects: English, Kannada, Hindi Opt. Subject: History, Pol-science, Economics, Criminology, Opt. Kannada, Opt.English, Education 120 2010 Continu ation UnAided 18 4 2010 Continu ation UnAided 20 4 120 200 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus M,Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus 9900223687 admino.hub directorm B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU li@bmrbsch ba@ibmrb Syllabus 120 M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus 30 2015 150 2010 30 2015 Continu ation UnAided Page 20 96 JK College of Commerce, Santosha Nagar, Hubli 97 Basavareddy Education Dr. S. N Bhat M,Com/P. Society's Basavareddy Arts hd and Commerce College, Sampige Nagar, Kelageri Road, Dharwad 98 99 Smt. Snehal Bullannavar Dr. D. G. Shetty Edn. Dr. DG Socities R.S Shetty College Shetty of Commerce, jyan Degul, Near K.M.F Dharawad.580004 Suvrna Educational Trust, Shri. PH Suvarna Arts and Jogin Commerce Collge, Janemane Bldg. Elkki Shettar Colony Bus stap, PB Road, Dharwad 580004 100 SSK Shri. Tulajabhavani Education society's SSK Arts and Commerce College, MT Mill Road, chanukya puri, Hubli – 24 08362354902, 08362773738, M.Com/L 0836LB 2465327, 2444475, 2462611 MA /P.hd Smt. M. Com Pushapa A. D 08362465443 08362362493, 8884407364 jkcollegehu bli @rediffmail .com 9916755338, bescolleged 9449121391 wd@gmail.c om B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 80 BA 100 Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi Addln.English Opt. Subjects History, Pol-Science, Sociology, Kannada , English Indian Constitution, Geography, Economics Statics, Comp.Application B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9343400038 shety_dg drdgshetty B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU @yahoo.c Syllabus in, om 9886484402 principalsuv Prakashjog BA arnacollege in78@gma m 0 Sskcollege7 m Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi Opt. Subjects Comp.Application, Journalism and Mass Communication, Library and Information Science English, Journalism and Mass communication, Comp. Application History and Archeology Economics, PolScience B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi Opt. Subjects Sociology, Education, Kannada History, Economics, Kannada English, Pol-Science, History, Economics, Sociology B.Com Pol-Science, All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 2010 2011 Continu ation Continu ation UnAided UnAided 18 4 100 80 60 2011 Continu ation UnAided 2(f) 15 5 2011 Continu ation UnAided 18 5 2011 Continu ation UnAided 14 2 60 120 80 Page 21 101 Veman Vidyavardhak Shiri. H. S Sangh’s KH Patil Commerce Coudapur College, Vidya Nagar,Hubli 580031 08362375187, 2374563, 9481010978 vvsbba1234 hschawda B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU pur@gmail Syllabus m .com 100 2011 Continu ation UnAided 102 JSS Shri. Manjunatheshwar S.D.Aiholi Commerce College, Heggeri, Hubli 08362208758, 9448362357 smccbcom m B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 100 2011 Continu ation UnAided 103 Sana Educational and Charitable Trust Sana Commerce College, Shantiniketan, Bharidevarakoppa, Hubli – 580025 104 Shri. Bhavan Mahavir Jain Educational and Culture Trust Jain Commerce College, Chitaguppi Park Club Road Hubli, Shri. Fazalath Hussain . R 08362223776, 9663335808 manager@s m B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 100 2011 Continu ation UnAided 08364251235 9880946880 jaincollege mayakulha B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU hubli@gmai lli@gmail.c Syllabus om 80 2011 Continu ation 105 Chetana Business School Institute of Management Studies & Research, Shrinagar, Unkal, Hubli Dr. V.M Korvi 08362374121, 9448267973 dkseducatio ntrust@gm All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 120 2011 Continu ation Kannada, English, Pol-Science, Journalism, Sociology, History, Indian Constitution 60 106 Shri. Vidya Saraswati Foundations CIM Arts and Commerce College, Saraswatipur, Kalaghatagi Road, Dharwad - 580002 107 Akkihal Foundations Smt. Shri. G. S Akkihal Commerce College, Near Sharada High School, Saptapur, Dharwad 580001 Prof. Maya Kulhalli Prof. N. S Shirur Prof. V. I Akkihal M.Com/ MBA M.Com/ MBA 08362430077 08362773314 MBA 9611735224 cimvivek@g nsshirur@ BA commerece principal1 m B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 2012 Continu ation 15 5 UnAided 16 8 UnAided 8 12 UnAided 60 100 2012 Continu ation UnAided 15 3 Page 22 108 CBS Charitable Foundations CBS Arts, Commerce and Science College, Noolvi - 28 Tq Hubli Sri. S. S. Hullur MA/M.Ph il. P.hd 9448590890, cbscollegen 9880627617 oolvi@gmai BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi Opt. Subjects History, Economics, Pol-Science History, Sociology, Opt. Kannada History, Education, Sociology History, Geography, Pol-Science 100 2012 Continu ation UnAided 19 3 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus MBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 100 120 2012 Continu ation UnAided 110 KLE Commerce College Dr. S. B M.Com/P. 0836Vidya Nagar, Hubli -580031 Lakkanagoud hd 2377887 ar 9886395985 klescommer principalkl B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU cecollege ecc@gmail Syllabus .com m 100 2012 Continu ation UnAided 12 1 111 Deshapande Education Dr. Neelan P.hd Trust, Deshapande Centre Maheshwari for Social Enterpreniyarship (MSE) BVB Enggring College Campus, Vidya nagar Hubli 0836 2378500 9972515976 neelam@df mse@redif MSE All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 40 2012 Continu ation UnAided 10 6 M.Com/ 0836MBA.PGD 2436001 CA 9480372932 Sleeva234 m B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 75 2013 Continu ation UnAided 12 3 9611687177 jsssmiugpg m B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 300 2013 Continu ation UnAided 109 VidyaBharati Foundations Dr. Pinaki Institute of Business Bhattacharyy Management and a Research, (M.B,A) Akshya Colony, Vidya Nagar, Hubli 112 St.Joseph’s Commerce College, College Road, Dharwad.- 580008 Rev. Dr.Allam Sleeva Reddy 113 JSS Shri. Manjunatheshwar Dr. Ajit UG and PG Study Centre Prasad Commerce College, Vidyagiri, Dharwad 08362253355 08362460886 directormba @ibmrbsch Page 23 114 Maratha Vidya Prasarak Mandal Shri. Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Arts and Commerce College, Savadatti Road, Dharwad Shri M.S. Ganiger 115 Global Educare Foundation Dr.Mahesh Global Commerce College, G. Akshaya Colony, Vidya Deshpande nagar Hubli B.Ed/MA/ M.Phil 08362444266 M.Com/P. 0836hd 2278222, 116 Akshara Foundation Nidvani College, Jubilee Circle, Dharwad Smt. Anusha M.Com Kulkarni 117 Shri. Jagadguru Madivaleshwar Kalmath Trust, Shri. Channabasav Arts and Commerce College, Garag - 581 105 Raju Naregal MA/M.Ed /P.hd 08362444448, 08362787424 118 Nalanda Commerce College Plot No. 5 and 6 Akshaya Colony, Shirur park Hubli - 580030 Sri. Nagaraj MA/p.hd 0836Yamanur 3249666 119 Vijayee Karnataka Arts, Commerce and Science College Hoyasal Nagar, Dharwad Shri. Shnkar G Bhavi P.hd 08362776699 9920681922 shivajidegre msgniger8 B.A ecollegedw 2@gmail.c om m Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi Opt. Subjects Kannada, English, Journalism, Sociology, Economics, Pol-Science, History, Phylophy, Geography, Criminology, Music 125 2013 Continu ation UnAided 16 6 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9448392119 Mahe_1978 global.coll B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU ege@gmai Syllabus m 100 200 2013 Continu ation UnAided 18 4 8762929876 60 2013 Continu ation UnAided 9 4 nidavanicol lege@gmail .com B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9731082578 smnpchann raju.nareg BA abasava@g al186@gm Kannada, English, History, Pol-Science, Sociology, Economics, Indian Constitution B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9945713399 neihubli@n nagaraj_ya B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU manur@re Syllabus n m 9663734305 karnatakav m BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi Opt. Subjects History, Pol-Science, Economics Geography, 90 2013 Continu ation UnAided 13 3 60 60 60 2013 2014 Continu ation Continu ation UnAided UnAided 7 3 21 6 Page 24 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi Opt. Subjects Physics, Electronics, Maths, Botany, Zoology, Computer-Scinece 120 Samartha Degree College , Shri. Ravi Shirur Park, Hubli-21 Dist- Kabbinad Dharwad BBA/MBA 08362377444 70 9448316021 samarthdeg ravikumar. B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU ree1327@g kabbinad Syllabus m 80 2014 Continu ation UnAided 10 3 9343103057 ybannigeri m gamangatt B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU i@gmail.c Syllabus om 50 2015 Continu ation UnAided 8 2 121 Y. B Annigeri Commerce Degree College, Saptapur Dharwad Shri. B. F M.Com/ Gamanagatti M.Phil 122 Chetana Commerce College, Tajnagar, Hubli 580031 Dr. A. R M.Sc/P.h 0836Wadakannav d 2370781, ar 9480369254 chetancolle dr.shokren B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU geofcomme u@gmail.c Syllabus rce1@gmail om .com 80 2015 Continu ation UnAided 11 2 123 Parivartana Commerce College, Byahatti Bldg. Vidyanagar, Hubli Shri. Suresh MA/B.Ed/ 0836Kotagi PGDCA 4264455, 9482553549 sureshktagi m B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 80 2015 Continu ation UnAided 8 3 chinmayapu rajinikanth B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU bbl@gmail. ipg301@g Syllabus com 50 2015 Continu ation UnAided 11 2 124 Chinmaya Degree College, Prof. Rajani Mayuri Estate, Kanti PG Nagashettykoppa Hubli 125 KLE Arts and Commerce College, Sounshi TqKundagol Shri. A. B Shyadligeri M.Sc M.Sc 08362778600, 90 08362354374, 08304203387, 944872053 9448793065 kleprincipal abshydlige BA sounshi@g ri@gmail.c om Basic Subjects: Kannada, English, Hindi Opt. Subjects; kannada, English, History, Pol-Science, Sociology, Education, Economics B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 200 100 2015 Continu ation UnAided 8 3 Page 25 126 JSS Institute of Speech and Hearing , Kelageri Road, Near Tapovana Dharwad Mr. Wasim Ahemed MASLP/P. 0836hd 2770775 9535714042 jssishdwd@ wasim.9@ BASLP All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 25 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 80 127 Sukruti Education Society, Sukruti Commerce College, Shirur Park, Hubli 17 2015 Continu ation 7 UnAided GADAG DISTRICT 1 2 KLES’s of Arts, Science and Commerce, Hatalageri Naka, Gadag. 582101 AVVP Shree Annadaneshwar College, Naregal. Tq:Ron Shri. Lingareddy M.Sc Shri. S. G MA/M.Ph Keshannavar il 08372238315, 08381268222 9448564349 jtcollegegad lingareddy BA ag@yahoo.i 1960@gm n 9739504869 sacnaregal1 70@gmail.c om History, English, Sociology History, Economics,Pol-Science History, Kannada, Pol-Science History, English, Pol-Science 320 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Physics, Chemistry, Maths Physics, Maths Electronics Chemistry, botany, Zoology 120 BCA 60 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus M.Sc All compulsory subjects as per KU (Phy) Syllabus M.Sc All compulsory subjects as per KU (Math Syllabus s) M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus BA Basic subjects: Kannada, English, Hindi, Urdu Major subjects Kannada, English, Hindi, Economics Sociology, Pol-Science, Agri Marketing Minor subjects: Kannada, Hindi, Urdu, History, Economics, Sociology, Education Statistics, Pol-Science, Geography 1958 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 3.02 A 12(B) 52 20 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 2.34 B 12(B) 29 9 240 30 2010 20 2014 25 2014 300 1966 Page 26 3 Shree Siddeshwar Govt., I Grade College, Nargund.582207 Shri. V. V Ghorpade M.Com 08377244245, B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic subjects Kannada, English, Hindi, Urdu Major subjects Physics, Chemistry Minor subjects Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology Maths, Mathematical Statistics 9448862188 ssgfgcn@g ghorpadev BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi v@gmai.c Opt. Subjects om Kannada, History, Sociology, Economics, Pol-Science, Kannada, Education Hindi, English, Indian Constitution 120 90 390 1966 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Physics, Maths, Electronics Physics, Maths, Comp.Science, 250 M.Sc (Phy) M.Sc (Comp .Sc) M.Sc (Math s) M.Co m MA (Hist) All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 15 2011 15 2011 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 20 2011 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 25 2011 25 2011 100 Continu ation Govt. 2(f) & B Grade 12(B) 64 3 Page 27 4 TMC Muncipal Arts College Laxmeshwar.582116, Tq: Shirahatti 5 Adarsha Shikshana Samiti College of Commerce, and BBA, Near Subjail Gadag. 582102 Dr. B.J Lamani Prof. B. A Hiremath 08487272260, B.Sc/MBA 08372245871, 9448781548, principalma 8123807661 collegelxr m BA 9900798007 gadagassbb bassayahir B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU a emath@g Syllabus m BBA 6 K.R.Bellad Arts and Commerce College, Mundargi.- 582118 Dr V.K Kolur MA/P.hd 08371262531, Basic subjects: Kannada, English Opt. subjects Kannada, , Pol-Science, Sociology, Kannada, , Pol-Science Geography Kannada, , Pol-Science, Economics Kannada, , Pol-Science, Hindi Kannada Economics, Sociology Kannada Economics, Geography Kannada Sociology, English Kananda, Economics, Hindi English, Pol-Science, Sociology English, Pol-Science, Geography English, Pol-Science, Economics English, Economics, Sociology English Economics, Geography English, Pol-Science, Hindi Economics, Pol-Science, Sociology Economics, Pol-Science, Geography Economics, Pol-Science, Hindi 94080323863 krbcmdg@g vkkoluram BA ath@gmail .com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus English, Folk.Lit, Sociology English, Pol-Science, Sociology Economics, Sociology, History English, Geography, History Economics, Pol-Science, Geography Economics Hindi, History Kannada, Sociology, History B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus MA All compulsory subjects as per KU (Eco) Syllabus 180 1967 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 2.24 B 12(B) 270 1968 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 3.05 A 12(B) 60 300 1980 85 30 2010 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 2.38 B 12(B) 11 10 Page 28 7 KVVS J.P.College of Education, Gadag Sri. B.C. Uppin 8 KSS Arts,Science and Dr. T. N Godi M.Com/p Commerce College, h.D Vidyanagar Gadag- 582101 08372237144, 08372236290, 9449914896 principaljpc oegadag m 9448980995 ksscollegeg adag@gmai B.Ed Kannada, English, Hindi, Hisotry, Geography, Physics, biology, Maths 100 BA Eng/Kan/Hin, Hist, Pol-Sc Kan/Eng/F/L., Hist, Geog Hist, Eco, Pol-Sc Hist/AI Hist, Edn, Socio Hist, Econ/AM, Geog Hist/ AI Hist, Socio, Pol-Sc Pol-Sc, Socio, Econ Hist/AI Hist, Geog, Edn Hist, Socio, Eng Hist, Pol-Sc, Edn 360 1980 1984 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc B.Sc Physics, Chemistry, Maths Physics, Maths, Electronics Chemistry, Botany, Zoology Physics, Maths, Stat Chemistry, Botany, Bio-Techonology Physics Maths comp. Sc Maths, Electronics, Compt. Sc Maths, Stat, Comp.Sc 240 MA (Eng) MA (Kan) M.Co m M.Sc (Che) M.Sc (Phy) M.Sc (Math s) 50 2007 30 2010 50 2013 50 2013 50 2013 50 2013 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 120 Perman ent Perman ent Aided 20152019 Aided 2(f) & 3.34 A 12(B) 4 9 42 25 Page 29 9 10 11 12 Govt., I Frade College, Shri. SS MA/M.Ph Gagendragad 582 114 Tq: Kenchangou il Ron dar KLE Arts and Commerce College, Masari Gadag 582101 Dr. C. S Hasabi Vijaya College of Fine Arts, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar, Gadag- 582101 Shri. C.V Badiger KVP Arts,Science and Commerce College HoleAlur.- - 582203 Tq: Ron. S. V Andanashetr a MFA 08381290511, 282114, 9986753175 ppl.gjd m BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects History, Economics, Pol.Science, History, Pol-Science Sociology, History Kannada, Geology, 250 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects Physics, Chemistry, Maths Chemistry, Botany, Zoology 200 BBA 30 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 08372—235 9538275352 kleswcg@y klesaccolle BA Basic subjects: 915 ge@gmail. English, Kannada or Hindi, com Opt. Subjects: 1) Kananda, or Home Science, or English , History , Sociology 2) Kananda, or Home Science, or English , Pol-Science, Economics 3) History, Pol-Science, Sociology 4) History, Sociology, Economics B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 083729945969888 principalvcf BFA All compulsory subjects as per KU 233185, a Syllabus 234947, MFA All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus 0838819449610257 skvpcollege BA Basic Subjects: 266035, Kannada, English m Opt. Subjects Kannada, Sociology, History, Pol-Science, Economics, History B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic subjects: Kannada, English Opt. subjects Physics, Chemistry, Maths 1985 Continu ation Govt. 6 3 1985 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 2.51 B 12(B) 17 7 60 240 85 40 1985 Perman ent UnAided 2(f) & 12(B) 25 300 80 120 1986 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 12(B) 13 12 7 5 20 12 Page 30 13 14 Shree Prabhurajendra B. M College of Physical Avaraddi Education, Mundaragi Road Gadag.- 582101 Basanagouda Giraddi Prof. P. H Govt., I Grade College,Ron - Hosamani 582209 . M.P.Ed/ M.Phil M.Sc 08372237298, 08381292055 7829439856 spresgadag @rediffmail .com B.P.Ed B.P.Ed 9449211281 bggfcron@g prakash.ho BA smani@g History, Economics, Geography, History, Pol-Science, Sociology History, Economics, Pol-Science 180 B.Sc Physics, Maths, Comp.Science 30 BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Khayal, Thumari, Vilion, Tabala, Sitar 30 Sociology, Economics, Comp.Application Opt. Kannada, Hisotory, Pol-Science Opt. English, History, Comp.Application Economics, History, Pol-Science Economics, Sociology, Pol-Science Opt. Kannada, Sociology, Pol-Science Opt. Kannada, Sociology, Pol-Science, Opt. Kannada, Sociology, Education Opt. kannada History, Education Opt. English, Hisotory, Pol-Science Opt. Kannada, History, Pol-Science Sociology, Opt. English, Comp.Appilication 450 BCA 15 Dr.PGASS Music College, Gadag.- 582101 Dr. S. B Pathak 16 J.T.Vidya Peetha’s Shree Basaveshwar Arts and Commerce College, Shri Jagadguru Tomtdarya Math Campus, Gadag582101 Sri.B.B.Goud ar MA/P.hd 08372230019, Ma 08372274355, 40 9945204747 ppgmc_gdg shrikantp3 B. @rediffmail 262@gmai Music .com 9448821887 basaveshwa aug20thgo BA r.2209@gm udar@gma B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 1986 1991 Continu ation Perman ent UnAided 5 Govt. 2(f) & 12(B) 5 20 5 30 90 120 1991 1991 Perman 2013-14 Aided ent to 201718 Perman ent 2(f) & B Grade 24 12(B) Un- 2(f) & B Grade Aided 12(B) 18 13 10 Page 31 17 Dr. PPG Arts College, Shri. Sri. M.Sc/M.E 08372Veereshwar Punyashrama B.G.Hiremat d/ M.Phil 221122 Gadag.- 582101 h 18 GVVS’s S.M.Bhoomaraddi Arts and Commerce College, Gajendragad. 582112 Tq: Ron. 19 Sri.Jagadguru Fakkireshwar Govt., I Grade College, Shirahatti..- 582120 Shri U. S Shirol Anupama MA M.Com/ M.Phil 08381262654 08487242255 9945256003 ppgartsgada bassayahir BA g12@gmail. emath@g com Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, Sanskrit Opt. Subjects History, Economics, Sociology, History, Economics, Opt. Kannada History, , Sociology, Pol-Science Pol-Science, Opt. Kannada Mass communication and Journalism History, , Geography, Pol-Science History, Education , Opt. Kannada History, Education , Opt. Hindi Economics , Geography, Pol-Science History, Economics, Comp.Applicatin Economics , Opt. Hindi Pol-Science History, , Geography, Education History, Sociology, Hindustani Music Mass Comunication and Journalsim , Sociology, Hindustani Music 240 Basic subjects Kannada, English, Hindi Opt, subjects Kannada, English, Pol-Science, Geology Economics, History, Education, Sociology 350 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BA Basic: Kannada, English Opt Sub: History, Economics, Pol-Science History , Sociology, Opt. Kannada 60 9481125925 smbhoomar BA addi@gmail irom@gm .com 9916006582 sjfgfgcs@g 120 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Physics, Maths, Comp.Sc 30 BBA 60 BCA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 60 1991 Perman ent UnAided 2(f) & B Grade 11 12(B) 1991 Perman ent UnAided 2(f) 1992 Perman ent Govt. 2(f) & 12(B) 11 17 7 32 1 Page 32 20 21 HSSS’s Arts,Science and Commerce College,Gadag. KKS B.S.W.College, Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Gadag- 22 KSS Arts and Commerce College, Yalavatti Road, Mulgund.- 582117 23 Anglo-Urdu School Committe’s Taj Shameer Arts and Commerce College, Near Raillway station, Gadag - 582101 Shri. U.B.Barker M.Com/ M.Phil Prof. C. S. Bommanalli 08372237241, 08372232124, Dr.Gulagandi MA/ P.hd 08372YN 293054, Shri K.H.Belur MA 08372251459, 8747929584 hcesdegdg umeshbar BA aker@yah m 9900921452 Channubom manalli29@ 9901129219 principalkss collegemula gund@gmai 9448543714 tajshameer degree@gm History, Pol-Science, Kannada/English/Hindi History, Pol-Science, Sociology History, Pol-Science, Economics History, Geography, Kannada/English History, Economics, Sociology Economics, Sociology, Kannada/English History, Education, Kannada/English/Hindi History, Geography, Education/Economics 240 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus BSW; All compulsory subjects as per KU MSW Syllabus 360 MSW All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi Opt. Subjects Economics,/ Agri Marketing Pol-Science, History, English, Geography, Education, Hindi, Sociology, Kannada BA Basic Subjects: Kannada Urdu, Marathi, Addln. English Arabic Persian Opt. Subjects English, Urdu, Kannada, Hindi, Economics, Sociology, Pol-Scinece, History, Education Geology, Rural Development. B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 1992 30 2015 80 1993 50 2011 250 1993 120 120 1997 Perman ent Un- 2(f) & Aided 12(B) Continu ation UnAided Continu ation UnAided Continu ation UnAided 22 18 9 7 16 2 Page 33 24 25 Basav Yoga kendra, Siddalinga Nagar, Gadag Smt. B.Ed/M.S 08372Manjula c PGDYS 230504 Bulla shri. Jagadguru Shri. MA 08371Tomtadarya Govt., First Eshwarchan 262542, Grade College, Muncipaliti dra C Bldg, Mundargi.- 5822118 9945700514 kspyoga01 m 9900897836 sjtgfgcmund argi@gmail. com Yoga Foundation of Yoga, Yoga and Health, Practical Training in Yoga 30 BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects History, Economics, Pol.Science, Kannada, Pol-Science, Economics Pol-Sciene, English, Sociology Pol-Science, Economics, Sociology History, Kannada Geology, History, Sociology, Geology 390 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects Physics, Chemistry, Maths 50 BBA 60 26 Rajiv Gandhi Education Shri. Y. N M.Sc/M.E 08381B.Ed. College, Gadag Road, Papannavar d/ M.Phil 267373, Ron. - 582209 Tq:Gadag. 9739690944 rgesbedron ynp244@g B.Ed m 27 Smt.Manoramabai Bhimarao Huilgol College of Education Croni Road, Gadag.- 582101 Shri.T.V.Mag alad 08372278473, 8095291633 principalvds mbhbed m 28 PPG College of Education, Hatalageri Road, Gadag. 582101 D.C.Pavate Education College, Mundaragi Road, Gadag.- 282103 Priyadarashni College of Education KSRTC Depot Road, Mundargi - 582118 Shri. V. A M.Sc/M.E 08372Hittalamani d 238031 9886379194 ppgbedgada m 9880153452 pc@gmail.c om 9448718895 priyadarshi nibedcolleg emdg m 29 30 Dr. S. B Yadawad MA/M.Ed 08372. P.hd 232040, Sri. MA/M.ed 08371Siddalingasw 262155, , amy Chikkadi veeresh.ah B.Ed m yadawads B.Ed b@gmail.c om B.Ed All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Ed 2000 Continu ation UnAided Continu ation Govt. 2004 Continu ation UnAided 2004 Continu ation UnAided 2004 2 2(f) 2 7 4 90 100 16 8 B.Ed 100 2004 Continu ation UnAided 10 17 Kannada, Hindi, English, History, Geology, Physics, Biology, Maths, Sanskrit, Urdu Kannada, Hindi, English,Urdu Geography, Physical Science, Maths Biology. 100 2004 Continu ation UnAided 10 6 100 2005 Continu ation UnAided 9 5 2(f) Page 34 31 Jagadguru Annadaneshwar Shri. Vidya Samiti Education Jayaprakasha College Byadavadagi Road, Karishetty Mundargi-582118. 32 Govt., First Grade College,Pala Badami Road Near SBI Gadag - 582 101 0837262195, Dr. S.F M.Com/P. Sidnekopp hd 08372245144, 8147310042 jabedcolleg e2227@gm 2005 9448186221 gfgcgadag@ gfgcgadag BA m B.Com B.Sc BBA 33 Rajiv Gandhi Shikshana Samsthe’s College of Physical Education, Ron. 582209 34 Sakhaphiya millat Edn. Societies Abdul Kalam BCA College, Vivekanad Nagar Irani Colony, Gadag. Shri. S.Y Bantnur Prof. A. M Mulla M.P.Ed/M 08381.Phil 267373, MA 08372220500, Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects History, Economics, Sociology, History, Economics Pol-Sciece, History Pol-Sciece Kannada, History Pol-Sciece English All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects Physics, Maths , comp.Science All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus MA (Kan) MA (Eng) MA (Eco) MA (PolSc) M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus 9740525519 rgesbped@ shivajibant B.P.Ed B.P.Ed nur1975@ 200 2006 Continu ation UnAided Continu ation Govt. 13 4 100 75 40 15 2012 15 2012 15 2012 15 2012 15 2012 50 2006 Continu ation UnAided All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 2007 Continu ation UnAided M.Sc All compulsory subjects as per KU (Comp Syllabus .Sc) 40 2012 9448231821 kalam_smes am_mulla BCA @rediffmail @yahoo.c .com om 2(f) 2(f) 9 10 10 40 Page 35 35 K.L.E Societies J.T College Shri. C of B.B.A, Hatalageri Naka, Lingareddy Masari Gadag.- 582101 36 K. H Patil Govt I Grade College Hulakoti DistGadag 37 38 Jagadguru Tomtdaray Vidyapeeth of B.C.A College Mundaragi Road Gadag. - 582101 Shri. R. N Deshapande Govt I Grade College Mulgund- 582117,TqMundaragi Shri. B. T Lamani M.Sc M.Com Prof. R. B Tapashetti Dr. L. C Mulgund 08372238315 08372289350 08372234893 , M.Com/P. hd 08372280003 9448564349 bba.bcajtcol lingareddy BBA lege@gmail 1960@gm .com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 50 9844176014 gfgchulkoti btlamani@ BA @yahoo.cp m, Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Computer Opt. Subjects History, Geography, Opt.Kannada History, Economics, Pol.Science, History, Economics Sociology, 240 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects Physics, Chemistry, Maths Physics, Maths, Comp.Scinece 90 BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 90 Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit Opt. Subjects History, Economics, Pol.Science, History, Kannada, Sociology, History, , Sociology, English 200 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit Opt. Subjects Physics, Maths Comp.Science 60 BBA 40 9880737455 rajeshwari_ bt@yahoo.c om 9845854806 BCA rndgfgcm imulgund BA @gmail.c m om BCA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 2007 2007 Continu ation UnAided Continu ation Govt.. Continu ation UnAided Continu ation Govt. A Grade 4 2(f) 1 14 2 90 75 40 40 2007 2007 6 3 26 0 Page 36 39 Sri. Mariyappa Balappa Sri. S. H Kalakonnavar Govt. I Grade Yattinahalli College Naregal - 582119 Tq- Ron M.Com 08381266227, 9448867460 gfgcnaregal 10@gmail.c om BA Manorama Institute of Prof. B.S Computer Application Hiremath Behind Clock Tower, Near Jain Colony Hattikal Kot, Gadag – 582101 41 Shri. Yadiyur siddlingeshwar Trust Shri. Yadiyur Siddlingeshwar B.Ed College,Jadhav Bldg. Opp. MT Mill, Naragund582207 42 Hulkoti Sahakari Shishna Tausif.K. Kazi MCA Samste, H.S.S.S, College of Computer Application, Gadag 43 Manorama College of Business Administarion, Opp. Tower Clock, Jain Colony Hattikal Koot, Gadag. 200 2007 Continu ation Govt. 8 3 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, , Sanskrit Opt. Subjects Physics, Maths, Comp.Science 60 BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 40 60 2008 Continu ation UnAided 10 8 BCA 40 Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Sanskrit Opt. Subjects History, Economics, Pol.Science, Kannada, Sociology, 60 40 08372220265, 222265, 9008204745 manoramac Manorama BCA ollege@gm kud@gmai Shri. MA/M.Ed 08377Rajashekhar /M.Phil 264691, B Patil 9739242491 sysbedcolle parilrajash B.Ed genaragund ekhar82@ 08 m Kannada, English, Hindi, Physical Sci, History, Biology, Maths, Geography 100 2008 Continu ation UnAided 8 4 08372237241 9902368645 Hcesbca20 tousif60@ BCA 09@gmail.c om All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 50 2009 Continu ation UnAided 5 4 08372234641, 9900798007 manoramac Manorama BBA ollege@gm kud@gmai All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 2009 Continu ation UnAided 14 8 Prof. B. S Hitemath Page 37 44 Sakhafiya Millat Education Prof. A. M Society Abdul kalam Mulla College of Information Science and Management (B.B.A) Vivekanand Nagar, Gadag 08372220500 , 9448231821 kalam_smes am_mulla BBA @rediffmail @yahoo.c .com om All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 2009 Continu ation UnAided 11 4 45 Shri. Yadiyur Siddalingeshwar First Grade College, Jadhava Bldg. MT Mill Road, Naragund 582207 Shri. Mallikarjuna M 08377244691 08377244691 sysprince20 09@gmail.c om English, History, Sociology, Kannada, History, Pol-Science Education, History, Sociology, Hindi History, Education 120 2009 Continu ation UnAided 12 5 46 Rajeev Gandhi Yoga College, Ron Shri. S.Y Bantnur 9740525519 rgesyogaco shivajibant Yoga llege@yaho nur1975@ CYS 50 Continu ation UnAided 3 2 47 Jyan kala chetan vividhoddeshagala Society's Chetan BSW College, Old APMC yard, Naragund- 582207 Dr. MA/P.hd 08377Kirnkumar S 241043 Yayar All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 Continu ation UnAided 8 2 48 Kanakadas Shikshna Samiti Prof. KSS Arts College L.K.Hiremath Gajendragad B.A Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects Kannada, English, Hindi, History, PolScience, Economics, Sociology, Education Geology, Comp.Application 200 49 Mailarappa Menasanagi Memorial Trust Mailarapppa Arts and Commerce College, Gadag 582103 Prof. B.C Hombal M.P.Ed/M 08381.Phil 267373 08381 – 262507 MA 08372220327, BA 9844643074 gkcvsngo kiranrayar BSW m m 9686151618 principalkss artscollege m 9448390178 mmeducati ons@gmail. com BA B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, Urdu, Opt. Subjects Economics, Pol-Science, Hindi 60 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 40 40 2011 2012 Continu ation UnAided 2012 Continu ation UnAided 11 4 Page 38 50 KSS Arts and Commerce College, Ron - 582209 Shri. B.Ed/MA Maheshgoud a S Goudar 08381267891 9739309510 ksscron@g maheshgo BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, Opt. Subjects Opt, Kannada, Education Geograpy, Opt, Kannada, History, Sociology, Opt, Kannada, History, Education Opt. English, History, Sociology, Opt. English Pol-Science, Economics, Hindi, History, Education History, Pol-Science Comp.Application Hindi, History, Pol-Science Opt. English , Geography, Economics History, Economics, Sociology B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 51 Jeevan Shikshana Samiti Swami Vivekanand Arts College, Narasapur Road, Gadag Betageri 52 BCN Arts, Commerce and Science College, Savanur Road, Laxmeshwar Dist Gadag Manorama Commerce College, KC Rani Road, Vidya nagar, Gadag 2013 Sri. R. K. Kulkarni B.Sc/M.E d 08487273134 9945200214 principaldeg bcndegree BA 9448555879 reebcndegr principal@ eecollege@ Basic Subjects: Kannada, English, Hindi Opt. Subjects; History, Pol-Science, Sociology/ Opt. English Prof. B. S Hitemath 08372234641, 9900798007 manoramac Manorama B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU ollege@gm kud@gmai Syllabus Continu ation UnAided 20 4 20 7 100 2014 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada, English, Hindi Opt. Subjects; Physics, Chemistry, Maths 53 160 80 2014 Continu ation Continu ation UnAided UnAided 80 60 80 2009 Continu ation UnAided 13 8 Page 39 54 55 Vidya Arts and Science College, Gadag Sakhafiya Millat Education Society, AbdulKalam Arts, Science and Commerce College, Gadag Shri. Veeresh A. Hittalamani Dr. A. M Mulla 08372250110, MA 08372220500, 9886379194 vidya123@y BA Basic Subjects: Kannada, English, Hindi Opt. Subjects; Kannada, English, Hindi, History, Pol-Science, Sociology, Economics, Geology B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada, English, Hindi Opt. Subjects; Physics, Chemistry, Maths , Botany, Zoology 9448231821 kalam_smes am_mulla BA @rediffmail @yahoo.c .com om 100 2015 Continu ation UnAided Continu ation UnAided 60 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 25 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 25 B.Sc All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 25 2015 12 13 56 Sri. S. S Shri. Jagadguru Shivanand Hiremath Vidya Vardhak Samsthe Yoga College, Gadag 582 103 M.Sc 08372236032, 230450 9741651248, sjsvvvsyoga yogahirem Yoga 9483755540 college@g ath@gmail .com Certificate Course in Yoga 100 Continu ation UnAided 3 3 57 Sahsrarjun B.Ed College, Laxmeshwar - 582116 TqShirahatti, MA/M.Ed 08487/P.hd 215759 9880627617 shrisahasrar shantagou B.Ed junb.edcolle da01@gm ge@yahoo. com Kannada, English, Hindi, History, Geography, Physics, Maths Biology 100 Continu ation UnAided 12 8 Dr S. S. Hullur Page 40 HAVERI DISTRICT 1 2 KLE’s G.H. College, Haveri - Prof. S. B 581110 Nadagouda RTES Arts Science and Commerce College, P. B Road, Magod Cross, Ranebennur - 581115 Sri. S. R Pratap MA M.Sc 08375232475, 08373266461, 9739320034 principalghc nadagoud BA asb@gmail m .com 9449121300 principal_rt escollege m 1) History, Geography, English 2) Geography, Pol-Science, Economics 3) History, Kannda, Sociology 4) History, Economics, English 5) Kannada, Sociology, Pol-Science B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Physics, Chemistry, Maths Chemistry, Botany, Zoology 180 M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus BA BA Basic subjects English, kannada or Hindi Opt. Subjects History, Kannada, Geography Economics, Pol-Science, Sociology History, English, Pol-Scinence 40 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc B.Sc Basic subjects English, kannada or Hindi Opt. Subjects Physics, Chemistry, Maths Chemistry, Botany, Zoology Physics, Maths, Comp. Science 3 MVP’s Mahanta Swamy Arts,Science and Commerce College, Haunsabhavi Tq: Hiekerur Shri. C. S Yatnalli M.Com/ M.Phil 08376289022 240 9448961449 principalma dr.yatnalli BA sccollege@ m History, Economics, Pol-Science History, Kannada, Geology History, Kannada, agri Marketing History, Kannada, English History, Pol-Science, English B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Physics, Chemistry, Maths Chemistry, Zoology, Botany 1963 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 2.95 B 12(B) 42 4 1967 Perman 2015-16 Aided 2(f) & 2.66 B ent to 201912(B) 20 29 10 1967 Perman ent 16 3 160 360 2008 120 240 200 120 100 Aided 2(f) & 2.69 B 12(B) Page 41 4 J.E. Co-Op Society’s Sri Kumareshwar Arts and Commerce College, Hanagal - 581104 Prof. S.B.Somanat h M.Com 08379262384, 9535231438 prinskacchn somanaths BA v@gmail.c m om History, Pol-Science, Opt. Kannada Geography, Pol-Science, Opt.English History, Pol-Science, Opt. Hindi History, Geography, Economics Pol-Science, Opt. Kannada, Opt.Eglish History, Economics, Opt. Hindi B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 5 Govt., I Grade Arts and Commerce College Hirekerur 6 Govt., I Grade College, Savanaur - 581118 Tq: Shiggaon 7 8 BMA Arts and Commerce College, Byadagi - 581106 Sri. Rambapuri Jagadguru Veeragangadhar Arts and Commerce College, Shiggaon - 581205 Shri P.S.Mantare 08376258325, Dr Rathod M.Com/P. Motilal hd Dr.V.S.Bench alli Prof. CH Tavaragondi M.Com M.Com 08378241613 08375228401 08378255820, 94802986322 principalgfg chirekerur m 9743404064 principalgfg motilal.r@ BA csavanur@g rediffmail. com 9448729675 besmbydcol lege@rediff 9448961617 chtsrjv@gm 300 1980 Aided 2(f) & 12(B) 7 12 120 1982 History, Economics, Pol-Scinece History Kannada, Pol-Science History, English, Pol-Science History, Economics, Sociology History Kannada, Sociology History, English, Sociology Perman ent 200 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BA Basic subjects Kananda, English Opt subjects History, Economics, Pol-Science History, Kannada, Education English, Sociology, Folk. Lit B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus srjv_shigga BA English, Economics, Sociology on@rediff English, Pol-Science, Geology Hindi, Economics, Pol-Science Hindi Kannada History Geology, History, Economics Kannada, History, Sociology Kannada, Pol-Scinece, Geology Economics, Pol-Scinece, Sociology 100 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 100 240 Perman ent Govt. 2(f) & 12(B) 1984 Perman ent Govt. 2(f) & C ++ 12(B) Grade 5 2 1984 Perman 2015-16 Aided 2(f) & 2.56 B ent to 201912(B) 20 15 13 1985 Perman ent 15 0 125 200 Aided 2(f) & 12(B) Page 42 9 JES’s Sri. Kumareshwar Shri. M.Sc/M.E 08379Education College, Hangal- Sadashivapp d/ M.Phil 263388, 581104. aN 262442, 10 C. G Bellad Govt., I Grade College, Gururay Pattana Extension Area, Akki-Alur 581102, Tq: Hangal 11 Prof. D. B Mugali M.Com Shri. B.R. Tambakad First Shri S.B. MA/P.hd Grade Arts and Commerce Channagoud College, Hirekerur - 581111 ar 08379294464 08376283512, 9448930698 skcehanagal sadashivap B.Ed paskce@g m 9964469030 gfgcakr@g BA Physical Science, Biological Science, Kannada, History, English, History,Geography 100 HEP, HES, HKP, HKS, HCP, HCS, HSEng, 200 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9448789390 principallbr channagou BA History, English, Pol-Science etcollege dra@gmail History, English, Geology .com History, English Sociology m History, Kannada, Geology History, Kannada, Pol-Science History, Kannada, Sociology History, Economics, Pol-Science History, Economics, Geology History, Urdu, Pol-Scinece History, Urdu, Sociology History, Urdu, Geology History, Economics, Sociology Education, Kannada, Geology Education, Kannada Pol-Scinece, Education, Kannada Sociology Journalism, Economics, Geology Journalism Kannada Pol-Science Journalism, Economics, Sociology Journalism, hindi, Geology Journalism, F. Laterature Sociology Journalism, F. Laterature Geology 1986 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 12(B) 10 12 1991 Perman ent Govt. 2(f) & 12(B) 8 3 1992 Perman ent Un- 2(f) & 2.17 B Aided 12(B) 30 27 100 60 500 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Physics, Chemistry, Maths Physics, Maths, Comp.Sc Chemistry, Botany, Zoology 100 M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus 40 150 2014 Page 43 12 13 Govt., I Grade College, Bankapur – 581202, Tq:Shiggaon HTPS Priyadarshini Arts and Commerce College, Rattihalli, Tq: Hirekerur Prof. H. B MA/P.Phil Panchakshar aiah Dr. MR Anchi 14 Basaveshwar B.Ed. College, Shri SJM Vidyapeeth, Near M.V.Kulkarni Hosamath, Haveri - 581110 15 RTE Society’s College of Education PB Road, Ranebennur - 581115 16 Shri. Taralabalu Jagadguru Shri. BP College of Education Haller Vidyanagar, Hirekerur 581111 TMAE Society’s College of Shri. Education, Iagari Shidlingaswa Lakamapur, PB Road, my PM Haveri - 581110 17 18 Govt., First Grade College, Muncipal High Bldg. Haveri - 581110 B.Ed/ MA/ Ph.D 083782543256, 08376219341, 08375234113, Sri.B.Kotresh M.Sc/M.E 08373d/ M.Phil 261309, Shri. J.C Hadimani MA/M.Ed 08376/M.Phil 282574 MA/M.Ed /M.Phil 08375235908 08375236417, 9481093775 gfgcbkr3012 hbpprince BA 1959@gm m History, Economics, Pol-Science History, Kannada Pol-science History, English. Sociology 100 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Physics, Maths 100 BBA 40 9986095402, champfg6@ mantuanc BA 9481523327 hi@gmail. com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Pol-Scinece, History, Sociology, Economics, Geology, Mass Comunication and Journalsim, Kannada, English, Hindi, education B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9844317762 sjmbasaves mvkulkarni B.Ed Kannada, Hindi, English, History, hwarbedhvr 2@gmail.c Geology, Physics, Biology, Maths, om m 1993 Perman ent Govt. 2(f) & 12(B) 25 2 1994 Continu ation Aided 25 13 40 200 50 100 2004 Continu ation UnAided 8 5 9341375835 principalrte kotreshbas B.Ed sbed@redif apur@redi B.Ed 100 2004 Continu ation UnAided 8 4 9448867820, bphaller5@ principalstj B.Ed hkr@gmail .com B.Ed 100 2004 Continu ation UnAided 8 7J 9986811507 tmaesbedhv skpmath@ B.ed B.Ed r m M.Ed All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9916861871 gfgchaveri m, gtgc@haver m 100 2005 Continu ation UnAided 8 6 35 2009 Continu ation Govt.. MA All compulsory subjects as per KU (Eco) Syllabus 15 2006 2012 Page 44 19 TMAE Samsthe’s College of Shri. CG Physical Education, Haveri.- Pujar 581110 20 B.A.J.S.S Arts and Shri Prakash Commerce College Gayatri Basappanava Campus Halageri Road, r Ranebennur – 581115 21 22 Govt. I Grade College, Hunashikatti Road, Ranebennur - 581115 Govt. I Grade College, Byadagi, - 581106 Shri B.R.Patil Prof. C Krishnappa M.P.Ed/M 08375.Phil/PGD 234720, CM MA M.Com M.Sc 08373260250, 08373266141, 08375228281, 9980764822 tmaesbpedc pplpujar@ B.P,Ed B.P,Ed ollege@gm 9964446909 principalbaj prakashhb BA ssrnr2006@ 20@gmail. com 9986825396 principalrnr m Kannada, Geography, Sociology Folk-literature , Hindi, Economics English, Education, Journalism and Mass communication, History, Pol-Science 50 300 2006 Continu ation UnAided 2007 Continu ation Govt. Continu ation Govt. 100 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, Udru Opt. Subjects Physics, Maths, Comp.Science Physics, Chemistry, Maths 200 BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus M.Sc All compulsory subjects as per KU (Comp Syllabus .Sc) 40 25 2011 M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus 25 2011 MA All compulsory subjects as per KU (Eco) Syllabus 25 2011 150 2007 9448443466 principalbyd ckrishnapp BA a0112@g m Basic Subjects: Kannada English Opt. Subjects History Economics, , Sociology, History Economics, , Pol-Science UnAided 2006 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, Urdu Opt. Subjects History, Pol.Science Economics, , History, Economics, Sociology, History, Kannada Geology 200 Continu ation 5 6 24 5 2(f) 65 3 2(f) 7 3 100 Page 45 23 24 Smt. G. B Ankalkoti Govt. I Prof. B. G MA/M.Ph Grade College, Shiggaon, - Arishinagupp il 581205 i Govt. I Grade College, Hanagal - 580104 Prof. MA/M.Ph Mohammeds il harif Hanagal 25 K.L.E’s Societies G.H.B.C.A Smt. Shweta M.Tech College, Haveri. Marigoudar 26 Shri. Arali Siddalingappa Basappa Govt I Grade College, Sunakalbidari 581115 Tp- Ranebennur Dr. R. L Rathod M.Com/P. hd 08376217163, 08379263538, 08375232475, 236824 08373254476 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects Physics, Comp. Science, Maths 120 BBA 40 9449173939 gfgcsgn@g arishinagu BA ppi@gmail .com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Basic Subjects: Kannada English Opt. Subjects History, Pol.Science Economics, , History, Economics, Kannada History, Economics, Sociology, 60 200 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English Opt. Subjects Physics, Maths, Comp.Science 200 BBA 40 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus HEP, HES, HEK, HEE 9448765695 gfgchanagal mdsharif.h BA anagal@g m B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus MA All compulsory subjects as per KU (Kan) Syllabus M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus 9008710979 prinicpalghc principalbc BCA All compulsory subjects as per KU ahvr@gma Syllabus m 9964385804 gfgcsunakal drrameshrl BA HSK, HEP, HSE bidari@gma 09@gmail. com B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 2007 Continu ation Govt. 2007 Continu ation Govt. Continu ation UnAided Continu ation Govt. 2(f) 37 5 6 3 60 77 136 50 15 2013 15 2013 60 2007 200 50 2007 4 2 7 2 Page 46 B.Sc BBA 27 K.L.E Socities K.F. Patil Institute of Business Administration, PB Road, Ranebennur – 581115 Smt. Sujata M 28 Hanagal Taluk Shikshna Shri. R. F M.Com Sangha’s B.B.A College, Galeppanava Narasinga Nagar,Akki-Alur r – 581102, Tq – Hanagal 29 Govt. First Grade College, Chikkabasur,- 581120, Tq – Byadagi Madanaik H. MA/M.Ph il 30 Shri. Basava Chetan Vidya Shri. BU samste, Shri. Basava Malenahalli Chetan Education College, Puttaya Virktamath, Doddapete Ranebennuru 581115 31 Shri. Shakti Association Tapovan Institute of Management (B.B.A) Hiregoudra Complex, Ranebennur 08373260055, 266628 7795855292 principalkle bbarnr@gm 08379261400, 9481683318 htesacca20 ramfga@g BBA 15@gmail.c om 08375288300, 08373260672, BBA 9481092419 nomadhud BA gcckb@redi as@gmail. com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 50 60 2009 Continu ation UnAided 9 2 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 50 2009 Continu ation UnAided 1 2 Basic Subjects: Kannada English Opt. Subjects History, Pol.Science Economics, History, Economics Sociology, History, Pol.Science Kannada History, Sociology, English 200 Continu ation Govt.. 2009 Continu ation UnAided 2010 Continu ation UnAided 40 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English Opt. Subjects Physics, Maths, Comp.Science 100 9731075764 sbcbedrnr@ B.Ed 100 9731075764 BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 2009 100 19 3 Page 47 32 Ballari Rudrappa Education Dr. S. V MA/B.Ed/ 08375Society's BBA College Khanagoudr Ph.D 226400, Motebennur – 581198, Tq - a Bydagi 33 Sarvajyan Vidyapeetha's Smt. Siddamma Basanagoudra Patil Arts College Masur – 581210, Tq- Hirekerur 34 Shri. KR Konti MA BRE Trusts Arts, Commerce Dr. S. V MA/B.Ed/ and Science College, Khanagoudr Ph.D Motebennur - 581198 Tq a Bydagi 08376285063 08375226400, 7353208563 bresocietyc BBA ollege@gm @rediffma All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 40 2010 Continu ation Basic Subjects: Kannada English Urdu Opt. Subjects History, Geography, Kannada History, Economics, Pol-Science Hisotyr English, Pol-Science History, Udru, Pol-Science History, Kannada, Sociology History, Kannada, Pol-Science 200 2011 Continu ation UnAided 15 6 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 7353208563 bresocietyc BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English Urdu ollege@gm @rediffma Opt. Subjects History, Pol.Science Economics, , Sociology, Geology, Public Administration, Kannada, English, Education, Comp.Application , English Anthropology, Journalism and Mass communication, Hindi, AI History, Folklore Literacy, Physiology, Library Information Science, Criminology, Phylophy 50 Continu ation UnAided 21 11 9741260764 principalsbp maregoud BA fgcollegema ass@gmail sur .com m B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English Hindi Opt. Subjects Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Botany, Electronics, Comp.Science, Geology, Biotechnology, Genetics, Statics, Zoology, Micro Biology 120 80 75 UnAided 4 2 2014 2011 Page 48 35 Ballari Rudrappa Education Shri. RV Society's College of Channakothi Education, Motebennur - math 581106 Tq- Byadag 36 Anjuman -A-Islam's Gousiya Arts and Commerce College, Ranebennur - 581115 37 Govt. First Grade College, Tiluvalli - 581120 Tq Hanagal 38 Hanagal Taluka Education Society Arts and Commerce College, AkkiAlur Tq- Hanagal 08375226400, Shri. Imran B.Ed/M.C Contractor om Prof. M. Chandrappa MA Shri. R. F M.Com Galeppanava r 08373268753 08379264272 0879261400, 9886682521 bresocietyc ollege m B.Ed 9986471721 aigdc.2012 m B.A 100 Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, Urdu Opt. Subjects Kannada, English History, Pol.Science Economics, , Sociology, Geology, Urdu, Hindi 60 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9480648520 gfgctiluvalli chandrapp BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, amudki@g Opt. Subjects m Kannada, History, Pol.Science History, Pol.Science , English History, English Economics, , 60 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9481683318 htesacca20 ramfga@g BA Opt. Kannada, Economics, History and 15@gmail.c Arc. History and Arc, Economics, Polom Scinece History and Arc, Sociology, Opt English History and Arc,. Opt. Kannada, Pol-Science B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 350 2011 Continu ation UnAided 2012 Continu ation UnAided 24 5 2012 Continu ation Govt 35 5 2015 Continu ation UnAided 7 4 1961 Perman ent Govt. 2(f) & 2.67 B 12(B) 33 45 150 60 80 60 KARWAR DISTRICT 1 Govt., Arts and Science Smt. Dr. KK M.Sc/P.h College, Kajubhag, Karwar.- Kerwadikar d 581301 08382228362, 9449629566, gasckwr kalpana_k BA HEP, HEK, HSK, HSP, JPK, HPJ 9449629599 erwadikar B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU in @rediffma Syllabus B.Sc PCM, PMCs, CBZ, CBBt, CZBt, PME BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 210 240 240 40 Page 49 M.Sc (Ind.C he) MA (Kan) M.Sc (Zoo) M.Sc (Comp .Sc MTA 2 KCS Dr.A.V.Baliga Arts and Science College, Kumta. 581362(N.K.) Dr. G. T Kuchinad M.Sc / Ph.D 08386222067 9448526475 baliga_7217 drgrishkuc BA @rediffmail hinad@gm .com B.Sc 3 KCS Dr.A.V.Baliga Commerce . College, Kumta - 581362 . Dr. Vivek M. Pai M.Sc / Ph.D 08386222026, 9480474458 commercea vb@gmail.c om All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 20 2007 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 20 2011 15 2015 20 2015 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus English, Sanskrit, Sociology English, Psychology, , History English, Sociology, History English, Pol-Science , History English, Psychology, , Hindi English, Pol-Science , Sociology Kannada, Sanskrit, History Kannada, Economics, Psychology Kannada, history , Psychology Hindi, Pol-Science , History Economics, Pol-Science , History Economics, Pol-Science , Sociology Sociology , Pol-Science , History 20 2015 Physics, Chemistry, Maths Chemistry, Botany, zoology Chemistry, Botany, Bio-Technology Chemistry, Bio-Technology, zoology Physics, Maths, Comp.Science All compulsory subjects as per KU (Anly- Syllabus Che) B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus 400 1949 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 3.16 A 12(B) 33 24 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 2.89 B 12(B) 22 14 150 30 240 2009 1966 45 50 2010 Page 50 4 5 MES’s M.M.Arts and Science College, Vidya nagar, Sirsi.- 581402 MPES’s SDM Arts, Science, Commerce and B.B.A. College, Prabhat Nagar Honnavar.- 581334 (U.K.) Dr. A. K Kini Prof. V. S Bhat 08384236377, 223209, 237901, MA 08387220293, 223002, 9448965040 mmcsirsi m kinianan BA d62@g m B.Sc BA 300 B.Sc 200 M.Sc All compulsory subjects as per KU (Math Syllabus s) 7760397001 princesdmc vsb4287@ BA Basic subjects hnr@yahoo Kannada, English, Sanskrit, Addl.English .com Opt. Subjects Group 1 Economics, Music(Tabala), Music(Vocal) Group 2 Hindi, Geography, Group 3 Pol-Science, Kannada Group 4 History, English 30 300 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 400 B.Sc 160 BBA Basic subjects Kannada, English, Addl.English Opt. Subjects Group 1 Physics, Chemistry, Maths Group 2 Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Group 3 Physics, Maths, Comp.Science Group 4 Physics, Maths, Electronics Group 5 Chemistry, Indu Chemistry, Botany/ Zoology All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus M.Sc All compulsory subjects as per KU (Che) Syllabus 1962 Continu ation Aided 2(f) & 3.09 A 12(B) 78 27 2013 1964 40 30 2011 30 2011 Continu ation Aided 2(f) & 3.03 A 12(B) 63 31 Page 51 6 Gokhale Centenary College, Ankola. Sri. A.V.Shanbag 08387220293, 223002, 9448300686 princesdmc hnr@yahoo .com BA B.Com B.Sc 7 Anjuman Arts, Science and Commerce College, Bhatkal.- 581320 Dr. A. M Mulla M.Com/ M.Phil 08385226443, 9845578852 anjumancoll ammullabk BA egebkl@gm l@gmail.c om B.Com B.Sc MA (Kan) PGDC A M.Co m Eng(b)-Kan(b)-Kan-Hist-Pol-Sc-Ind.constH.Rights Eng(b)-Kan(b)-Logic-Hist-Pol-ScInd.const-H.Rights Eng(b)-Kan(b)-Hin-Hist-Eco-Sc-Ind.constH.Rights Eng(b)-Kan(b)-Eng-Hist-Logic-Ind.constH.Rights Eng(b)-Kan(b)-Kan-Hist-Hindi-Ind.constH.Rights Eng(b)-Kan(b)-Econ-Hist-Pol-ScInd.const-H.Rights Eng(b)-Kan(b)-Hin-Eng-Econ -Ind.constH.Rights Eng(b)-Kan(b)-Eng-Hist-Pol-Sc-Ind.constH.Rights All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Eng(b)-Kan(b)-Phy-Che-Maths-Ind.constH.Rights Eng(b)-san(b)-Phy-Che-Maths-Ind.constH.Rights Eng(b)-Kan(b)-Bot-Che-Zool-Ind.constH.Rights Eng(b)-Hin(b)-Bot-Che-Zool-Ind.constH.Rights Eng(b)-san(b)-Bot-Che-Zool-Ind.constH.Rights History, Economics, Pol-Science History, Economics, Kannada History, Economics, Urdu History, Economics, Hindi All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Physics, Chemistry Maths Physics, Chemistry, Comp.Sc Chemistry, Botany, Zoology All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 230 1966 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 2.82 B 12(B) 20 5 1968 Continu ation Aided 2(f) & B Grade 12(B) 28 15 120 100 120 240 120 30 2007 30 2007 60 2010 Page 52 8 MGC Arts, Commerce and GHD Science College, Siddapur.- 581355 (U.K) Sri. G. V Shetty M.Com 08389230217, 230173 9448965049 mgcsdp@g gngdhrshe BA tty@gmail. com History, Economics, Pol-Science History, Economics, Kannada History, Economics, Statistics History, English, Pol-Science History, Kannada, Hindi History, Economics, English History, Economics, Hindi History, Economics, Sociology Pol-Sc, Economics, English Pol-Sc, Sociology, Kannada Economics, Sociology, Sanskrit Pol-Sc, Sociology, English B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Chemistry, Botany, Zoology Physics, Chemistry, Maths 9 10 11 12 SES Shivaji Arts and Commerce College,Post Nanadanagadda, BaadKarwar. - 581304 Shri. A. G Kelekar Divekar College of Commerce, Kodibag, Karwar. Dr. M. H Naik MES’s College of Commerce, Vidyanagar, Sirsi.- 581402 Prof. R. N Nayak Kamala Baliga College of Education, Kanara College Raod, Kumta.- 581362 Dr. S.G Raikar MA MA/P.hd M.Sc 08382225241, 225564, 08382225221, 08384236298, 233098, 237462 08386222202, 9242939671 shivajikwr@ arunakerle BA Hindi, Kannada, History, Economics, Polrediffmail.c kar@rediff Science om B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus BCA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9448530686 kwtdcckarw mh.naik@r B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU ar@gmail.c ediffmail.c Syllabus M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU om om m Syllabus 9242116124 mesccsirsi@ nayakravi1 All compulsory subjects as per KU 511@gmai Syllabus 9480211733 kbcekumta @sancharn M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus B.Ed Kannada, English, Sanskrit, History, Geography, Physical Science, Biology, Maths M.Ed All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 150 1968 Continu ation Aided 2(f) & 2.46 B 12(B) 27 11 1970 Perman 2015-16 Aided 2(f) & 2.74 B ent to 201912(B) 20 11 3 Perman 2015-16 Aided 2(f) & 2.76 B ent to 201912(B) 20 9 7 150 60 120 100 80 240 1970 30 2014 1972 50 2013 100 1972 25 2009 Perman 2015-16 Aided ent to 201920 2(f) & 2.89 B 12(B) Perman ent 2(f) & 2.84 B 12(B) UnAided 26 18 13 11 Page 53 13 Bangurnagar Arts, Science and Commerce College, Barchi Road, Dandeli.581325 14 SES’s Shivaji Education College, Baad-Karwar. 581304 15 SES’s Mahasati Arts, Science and Commerce College, Ulga-Karwar.581328 16 Govt., First Grade College, Haliyal. Dr. Shobha M.Sc/M.P Sharma hil/PH.D 08284231269, 231714, 231185 Dr.S.V.Nayak MA/M.Ed 08382/P.hd 225690, Smt. M.S Gaonkar Prof. S. L Haliyal M.Com/P h.D/ M.phil M.Sc 08382257033, 08284220984, 2776067 9480561861 principalbn shobhassh BA dc@yahoo.c arma@gm om 180 Kannada, Economics, History / Hindi, Economics History/ Pol-Science, Economics, History/ English, PolScience, History B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc B.Sc Physics, Maths Chemistry/ Physics, Maths, Comp.Science/ Chemistry, Zoology, Botany B.A.Sc All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus M.Sc M.Sc (Che) (Che) M.Co M.Com m 944872298 shivajibedc dr.shivana B.Ed Kannada, English, Hindi, History, ollegekarwa ndanayak Geography, Phy.Science, Maths, r @yahoo.c Biological Science om m 9449955467 sesmahasat gaonkarm BA 1) History, Pol-Science, Kannada/Hindi eeuk@gmai aya@gmail 2) Pol-Science, Economics, Socilogy .com 3) Economics, Sociology, Kannada/ Hindi 4) Economics, Pol-Scinece Hindi 9481929690 Aided 2(f) & 12(B) 81 Nil 120 30 20 2014 30 2015 100 120 120 gfgchaliyal slhaliyal@ BA HEP, HKP, HKS, HES, HPH m B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Physics, Maths, Comp.Science 250 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Perman ent 180 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Chemistry, Botany, Zoology BBA 1974 1972 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 12(B) 6 13 1975 Perman ent Aided 2(f) & 12(B) 12 7 1983 Perman ent Govt. 2(f) & 2.31 B 12(B) 51 4 100 200 60 40 Page 54 17 18 Govt., First Grade College, J Hubli- sirsi Road, Purnachanda Mundagod - 581349 (U.K) Tejswi Govt., First Grade College, Kalamma Nagar, Yellapur.581359 Dr. J Reddy 08301222164, M.Com/ M.Phil/ P.hd 08419261280, 261018, 9449172798 gfgcmndpri ncipal@gm BA History, Economics, Pol-Scinece History, Economics, Sociology History, Pol-Scinece, Opt.Kannada History, Sociology, Opt.English 150 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Physics, Chemistry Maths Physics, Maths Comp.Sc 60 BCA 30 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus 9448551944 gfgcy2009 jayarama1 BA Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, 08reddy@ Urdu, Sanskrit m Opt. Subjects History, Pol-Science, Economics, History, Economics, Sociology, History, Kannada. Stat Perman ent Govt. 2(f) & 12(B) 7 3 Continu ation Govt. 37 37 60 30 200 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English Hindi Urdu, Sanskrit Opt. Subjects Physics, Maths, Comp.Science Chemistry, Maths, Botany, Zoology 150 BBA 80 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus 1984 2015 1985 80 15 2011 Page 55 19 BGVS Arts and Commerce College, Sadashivagad, Karwar.- 581352 Dr.M.G.Golik M.Com/P. atte hd 20 Mallikarjuna Arts and Sri. Mohan Commerce College, Siddar- P.Rane Karwar. 21 Anjuman-Hami-A.Muslimin Mr. Society’s Anjuman Institute Mohamed of Management, Bhatkal. - Molsin 581320 (U.k) 22 Bapuji Grameena Vikas Samiti’s Arts, Commerce College, Ramanagar, 581453 Tq: Joida. Sri. A. K Devarsi 08382265813, 2658137, 265626, 9448391535 bgvsacc drmggolik BA atte@gma m Economics, Pol-Science, English History, Economics, English History, Economics, Hindi History, Economics, Kannada History, Economics, Pol-science Pol-Science, Economics, Hindi History, Pol-Science, English History, Pol-Science, Hindi History, Pol-Scinece, Kannada Pol-Science, Economics, Kannada 120 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 90 08382289523 MBA M.Com 08385226283, 08383248520, 9916932224 principalaim md_mohsi BBA ca@yahoo.c n_k.@yah om 9900361237 bgvsramnag Devarsiak7 BA ar@gmail.c 1@gmail.c om om All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 80 Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, Marathi Opt. Subjects Kannada English, Hindi, Marathi , Sociology, Pol-Science, Economics, AI History, 60 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 1986 Continu ation Aided 2(f) & 2.65 B 12(B) 1992 Perman ent UnAided 1996 Continu ation UnAided 1996 Continu ation UnAided 11 12 12 10 6 3 Page 56 23 Bhatkal Education Trust’s Shri. Guru Sudhindra Arts and Commerce College, Bhatkal.- 581320 (U.K) Sri.Virendra Shanabhag M.Com/ M.Phil 24 Sri.Bhadrakali First Grade Arts College, Gokarna.581326, Tq - Kumata Sri. Ravi Upadya 25 KLE's Arts and Commerce College, Near Sundar Narayan Temple Road, Ankola – 581314 (UK) Dr. Meenal K M.Sc/P.h Narwekar d 08385227901, 08386256168, 256329, 08388231906, 26 Soukhya College of Education, Bhatkal, 581320 Smt. Saraswati MA/M/Ed 08385225395, 27 KLE’s Education College, Ankola, - 581314 Sri.V.G.Hegd M.Sc/M.e 08338e d/ Ph.D 231898, 9008353110 sgscollege1 shanbhag. BA 997@gmail. vrdmt@g com Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, Opt. Subjects AI History, History, Economics, PolScience, Sociology, Statics, Comp.Application, Mass Communication and Journalism, Music, Home Science, English 200 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 160 B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English Hindi Opt. Subjects Physics, Chemistry, Zoology Maths, Statics, Comp.Science 40 9036044198 bhadrakalig okarn@gma BA Basic Sub: Kannada, English, Hindi, Sanskrit Opt Sub: History, Economics, Pol-Scinece History, Economics, Sociology, Kannada, Sociology, Education 90 9448007801 klewacc_an kola@yaho B.A Basic Sub: Kannada, English, Hindi, Sanskrit Opt Sub: History, Economics, Pol-Scinece History, Pol-Scinece, Education History, Economics, Home-Science, History, Pol-Scinece, Kannada, History, Pol-Science, Sociology B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 9480485591 sowkhyacoll saraswathi B.Ed B.Ed egebkl@gm kotari2013 m 9480048963 klebedankol hegdevina B.Ed a@yahoo.c yak801@g B.Ed 120 1997 1999 Continu ation Continu ation 2000- Continu 01 ation UnAided 14 6 12 6 UnAided UnAided 90 100 2004 Continu ation UnAided 100 2004 Continu ation UnAided 2(f) 8 6 8 5 Page 57 28 29 30 31 Kanara Welfare Trust’s B.Ed College, Janata Vidyalaya Campus, Dandeli. Sri.Jnaneshwari College of Education, Sagar Road, Ayodhya Nagar, Bhatkal. Smt. Jayashree V.Korati Govt. I Grade College, Muroor Cross Diet Bldg. Kumta.- 581343 Prof. Gouda M.Com/ Rama M.Phil Mahadev Govt. I Grade College, Joida Tq – Haliyal Ma/M.Ed 08384/P.hd 233580, 9880836915 kwtcedande jayashreek B.Ed orti@gmac m B.Ed 100 2005 Continu ation UnAided 7 3 Dr. R. MA/M.ed 08285Narasimham /P.hd 228041, urthy 9448358177 jnaaneshwa rnm.narasi B.Ed ri_bkl@yah mhamurth y@yahoo. com B.Ed 100 2005 Continu ation UnAided 7 4 Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects History, Economics, Pol-Science, History, Economics , Sociology, History, Sociology, Opt. Kannada Opt. English, Psychology, Sociology 400 Continu ation Govt. 5 4 Continu ation Govt. 8 2 Dr. Ramesh MA/P.hd/ Karki M.phil 08386224649, 08383282755, 9448612331 gfgckumta prof.rmgo BA uda@gmai m 9481130129 pri.gfgcjoid a m B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English Opt. Subjects Physics, Chemistry, Maths, 300 BBA 60 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus MA All compulsory subjects as per KU (Socio Syllabus ) M.Co All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus BA History, English, Sociology History, English, Pol-Science B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Physics, Mahs, Comp.Science 2007 100 15 2012 15 2012 100 2007 50 50 Page 58 32 33 Govt I Grade College, Ankola Govt. I Grade College, Honnavar - 581334 Dr. S. v Nayak M.Sc/P.h d Smt. M.Com/P Sumangala h.D B.Naik 08383230354 08387220090, 9449055256 gfgcnakola svnayak12 BA 34@gmail. m com 9620427548 pringfgchon navar@gma Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, Sanskrit Opt. Subjects History, Economics, Pol-Scinece, History, Sociology, Opt. Kannada History, Economics Sociology, Physociology Sociology, Opt. English, Economics, Pol-Scinece, Sociology 250 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English Hindi , Sanskrit Opt. Subjects Physics, Maths, Comp.Science, Physics, Maths , Chemistry Physics, Maths Economics, Physics, Economics, Statics, BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus MA All compulsory subjects as per KU (Eco) Syllabus BA History, Economics, Pol-Sc History, Economics, Sociology History, Economics, Kannada History, English, Geology B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Physics, Maths, Comp.Science Chemistry, Economics, Comp.Science 100 BBA 60 BCA BSW All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus MA All compulsory subjects as per KU (Kan) M.Co Syllabus All compulsory subjects as per KU m Syllabus MA(P All compulsory subjects as per KU ol-Sc) Syllabus MA All compulsory subjects as per KU Sociol Syllabus 2007 Continu ation Govt. Continu ation Govt. 45 5 96 1 100 40 20 100 2015 2007 80 50 40 40 15 2011 15 2011 15 2012 15 2012 2(f) Page 59 34 Govt. I Grade College Ranginakatte Behind Court, Bhatkal - 581320 Dr. M.Ashfaq M.Com/P. Ahmed hd 08385223241, 9448701561 ashfaqindia gfgcbhatka BA n@yahoo.c l@yahoo.c om Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects History, Pol-science, Economics, Pol-science, Economics Sociology, History Kannada Kannada 300 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 300 BBA 40 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc 35 36 Govt. I Grade College, Five Road Circle, Sirasi - Govt. I Grade College, Siddapur - 581355 Shri. G. T Hegade Dr. A. D Revanakar MA M.Com/P h.D 08384227777, 08389230155, 9341591451 gfgcsirsi m BA Continu ation Govt. 10 4 2007 Continu ation Govt. 167 8 2007 Continu ation Govt. 30 6 120 History, Economics, Pol-Science Opt.Kannada, Psychology, Sociology 130 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Physics, Chemistry, Maths 100 BBA 60 9480280428 Principalgfg asholrevan BA csdpr@gma kar@rediff 2007 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects History, Sociology, Economics History, Pol-Science, Economics All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English Opt. Subjects Physics, Maths, Comp.Science BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 80 200 200 50 Page 60 37 38 Govt. I Grade College, Manki - 581348 Tq – Honnavar Dr. Ganesh V. G Govt. I Grade College, Baad Prof. Suresh Tq – Kumata C Karajgi MA/ M.Phil/ P.hd 08387257370, 08386261771, 9448530807 9449992223 gfgcmanki drgvitla@g BA m, Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Opt. Subjects History, Economics, Pol-Science, Kannada, Sociology 100 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 75 B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English Opt. Subjects Physics, Maths, Comp.Science 50 BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Sanskrit Opt. Subjects History, Economics, Pol-Science History, Kannada, Sociology 40 gfgcbaada sugrshkarj BA gi@gmail.c m om 200 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc Basic Subjects: Kannada English , Sanskrit Opt. Subjects Physics, Maths, Comp.Science 100 BBA 80 39 Anjuman Education Dr. Anjum College, Bhatakal - 581320 Koujalgi MA/M.Ed 08385/ M.Phil. 224970, P.hd 9448535339 anjumancoll koujalgianj B.Ed ege01@yah ym@yaho 40 Canara Welfare Trust, B.C.A. College, Karwar Dr. M. H Naik MA/Ph.D 08382225221, 9448530686 kwtbcackar mh.naik@r BCA war@gmail. ediffmail.c com om 41 Karnatak law Socity, B.C.A Dr. S. S College Udyaoga vidya Munnolli Nagar, Dandeli Road Haliyal - 581329 M.Sc/P.h 08384d 291373, 9449070813 rsmunnolli BCA m All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus Kannada, , English, Urdu, History, Geography, Physics, Biology, Maths 2007 Continu ation Govt. 2007 Continu ation Govt. 2(f) 20 1 2 3 100 2007 Continu ation UnAided s 2 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 40 2008 Continu ation UnAided 6 2 All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 2009 Continu ation UnAided 6 2 Page 61 42 43 44 J.M.J Education Society, J.M.J B.C.A College, Hubli Road. Chippagi, Sirsi 581402 Anjuman Institute of Management and Computer Application (B.C.A) Anjumanbad, Bhatakal Shri. Guru Sudhindra B.B.A College, Ayodya Nagar, Bhatakal - 581320 Sr. Santosh Mary MA/M.Ph 08384il/ P.hd 237435, All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 50 2009 Continu ation UnAided 9 3 Prof. MBA Mohammed Mohsin. K. 08385226283, 9916932224 principalai md_mohsi BCA mca@yaho n_k.@yah All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 2009 Continu ation UnAided 12 6 Mr. Nagesh M Bhatt 08385290381, 9972591077 sgsbkl_bba nageshbha BBA t77@gmail m .com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 60 2009 Continu ation UnAided 7 4 9972591077 sgsbkl_bca nageshbha BCA t77@gmail m .com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 75 2009 Continu ation UnAided 6 4 8762687913 jmjbcacolle santoshma B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU ge@gmail.c ry74@yah Syllabus om 60 2011 Continu ation UnAided 9 3 08387262108- 9880360200 siribswclg@ BSW All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 40 2011 Continu ation UnAided 7 3 08382221221, 225511, 9986697114 kamadhenu .academy m kamadhen BCA u.bca.colle ge@gmail. com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus 30 2012 Continu ation UnAided 8 3 Basic Subjects: Kannada English, Hindi, Opt. Subjects History, Economics, Pol-Science, Sociology 200 BE/MBA 45 Shri. Guru Sudhindra B.C.A Mr. Nagesh College Ayodya Nagar, M Bhatt Bhatakal - 581320 08385290381 46 JMJ Commerce College Sr. Santosh Hubli Road, Chippagi, Sirsi - Mary 0581402 (UK) MA/M.Ph 08384il/ P.hd 237435, 47 Priyadarshini Janasevasagara Siri BSW College, Aare Angadi, Tq Honnavar 48 Satyam Computer Satish Naik Education Kamadhenu BCA CollegeTrimurthi Building Main Road, Karwar 581301 49 Govt. 1 Grade College, Dandeli (UK) st 8762687913 jmjbcacolle santoshma BCA ge@gmail.c ry74@yah om Arun R. Naik MA/LLB Dr. N. M Jangubhai MA/M.Ed /M.Phil/P ,hd 08284233660, 9481109716 principalgfg nasirjanga BA cdandeli@g ubhai786 m 2013 Continu ation UnAided 18 2 Page 62 B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Sc B.Sc 200 BBA All compulsory subjects as per KU Syllabus B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU (CS) Syllabus 45 70 2014 Continu ation UnAided 5 3 80 2014 Continu ation UnAided 7 3 2015 Continu ation UnAided 50 Jagadeesh Master Commerce (CS) College, Near Venkataramana Temple, Ankola (UK) Shri. J. N Naik MA/M.Ed 08388230789 9902675008 jagadishnay akmaster@ 51 R. N Shetty Trust R. N Shetty Degree College, Murudeshwar – 581 350 Shri. Madhava P MA 08385260750 9481758637 rnsfirstgrad madhavsal B.Com All compulsory subjects as per KU ecollege@g ettur@gm Syllabus 52 Beena Vaidya Commerce and Science College, Murudeshwar Shri. Prasad Mahale 08385260800, 9538579585 prasadmaha le333@gma 70