AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Simulados Completos Passe no Exame na Primeira Tentativa Por Rogério Guimarães Universidade Global Copyright © 2018 – Universidade Global Todos os Direitos Reservados. Nenhuma parte desse livro poderá ser reproduzida ou usada sem o expresso consentimento e permissão do proprietário. Para mais informações, contate-nos: Sumário Apresentação Sobre o Autor Computação em Nuvem Entrega sob demanda Plataforma via Internet Pagamento e Preço baseado em consumo Vantagens na utilização de Cloud Computing Mudança na Modalidade de Gastos Economia de Escala Capacidade Agilidade e Velocidade Economia Global em Poucos Minutos Tipos de Cloud Computing Infraestrutura como Serviço - IaaS Plataforma como Serviço - PaaS Software como Serviço - SaaS Tipos de Instalações de Cloud Computing Nuvem publica Nuvem Privada Nuvem Híbrida Conhecendo os Serviços da Amazon Web Services Comunicação frequente de atualizações Alcance Global da Amazon Web Services Regiões Zonas de Disponibilidade Edge Locations Resumo Segurança Compartilhada na Amazon Web Services Precificação na AWS Modelo Free Tier Pagamento sob Demanda Simplificando Simulados Simulado – #1 Respostas – Simulado #1 Simulado – #2 Respostas – Simulado #2 Simulado – #3 Respostas – Simulado #3 Apresentação Cada vez mais novas tecnologias aparecem nas nossas vidas e na vida das empresas. Algumas vem e vão e algumas ficam e acabam transformando a forma como vivemos ou fazemos negócios. Computação em Nuvem é uma dessas tecnologias que vieram para ficar e tem transformado cada vez mais a forma como as empresas criam e mantém ambientes tecnológicos de alta complexidade, garantem inovação e continuidade de negócios. O conceito de Computação em Nuvem virou realidade nas mãos de grandes fornecedores de tecnologia como Google, Microsoft e Amazon e dessa forma, atualmente temos diversas plataformas de Nuvem Pública que podemos usar para criar serviços e produtos inovadores, revolucionando a forma como nossa empresa cria tendências e aumenta o alcance a clientes globais. A Amazon Web Services, também conhecida pelo seu acrônimo AWS, a qual atualmente é a maior plataforma de Nuvem Pública do Mundo, com centenas de produtos, serviços e um volume de inovações apresentadas por ano em volumes surpreendentes. Sendo a Amazon Web Services a maior plataforma do mundo, é imprescindível não ficar de fora dessa revolução e alavancar a carreira com uma Certificação da Amazon Web Services. Este livro tem por objetivo oferecer um conjunto completo de 3 simulados, 100% aderente ao exame de certificação, para aqueles que querem realizar a Certificação AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner e tem por objetivo ser aprovado na primeira tentativa. Sobre o Autor Engenheiro de Software com mais de 25 anos de experiência no mercado corporativo de software e treinamento. Focado em Novas Tecnologias e Inovação, assim como metodologias que facilitam a vida pessoal e profissional. AWS Certified e Especialista em Cloud Computing, DevOps, IoT, Design Thinking e Transformação Digital. Rogério Guimarães Apaixonado por traduzir conteúdos complexos para pessoas leigas ou que tem apetite para aprender algo novo todo dia. Paixão por ensinar. License: K58FVMK1C2E110CN Somos um grupo de profissionais de mercado, com grande experiência e com a missão de ensinar a você diversos temas de tecnologia, saúde, artes, entre outros, de um jeito prático, fácil, divertido e profundo o suficiente para alavancar seus conhecimentos pessoais e profissionais. Computação em Nuvem A nossa jornada começa por relembrar e entender o conceito de Computação em Nuvem, ou como seu sinônimo em inglês, Cloud Computing. E para começar a relembrar os Conceitos de Cloud Computing, vamos a uma definição que nos ajuda a entender bem a tecnologia: "Cloud Computing é a entrega sob demanda de recursos de computação, banco de dados, armazenamento, aplicações ou qualquer outro recurso de tecnologia que é entregue através de uma plataforma via internet, onde o pagamento e preço é baseado em consumo (pay-as-you-go)" A definição acima nos apresenta alguns elementos importantes para definir uma Plataforma de Cloud Computing, os quais vamos discutir ao longo desse livro. Porém podemos já antemão categorizar três elementos que definem uma Plataforma de Cloud Computing, são eles: Entrega sob demanda Para ser caracterizada como uma Plataforma de Cloud Computing, a plataforma tem que ser capaz de prover e entregar recursos sob demanda, assim como decomissionar o recurso sob demanda quando o mesmo não é mais requisitado. Plataforma via Internet Outro elemento importante para a caracterização de uma Plataforma de Cloud Computing é a capacidade de oferecer seus serviços 100% pela internet, de forma que o cliente ou usuário possa acessar de qualquer lugar que tenha conexão com a Internet. Pagamento e Preço baseado em consumo Talvez um dos elementos mais populares de uma Plataforma de Cloud Computing é a capacidade do preço e pagamento ser baseado no consumo. Esse item em inglês é popularmente conhecido como "pay as you go", ou seja, pague apenas pelo o que consumir. Vantagens na utilização de Cloud Computing Muitas são as vantagens para empresas que querem partir para a utilização de Cloud Computing, forma a melhorar seus custos, processos ou utilizar e entregar inovações para seus clientes. Destacamos abaixo as principais vantagens na utilização de Cloud Computing: Mudança na Modalidade de Gastos Para empresas que hoje possuem Datacenters e fazem aquisições de equipamentos, a modalidade de gastos é a Modalidade de Despesas de Capital, ou Despesa de Aquisição de Bens. Esse tipo de despesas também é conhecido no mercado corporativo pela sua sigla em inglês: CAPEx. Quando utilizando e pagando recursos em Cloud Computing, a modalidade de gastos passa a ser a Modalidade de Despesas Variáveis ou Despesas Operacionais. Esse tipo de despesas também é conhecido no mercado corporativo pela sua sigla em inglês: OPEx. A grande vantagem então é a mudança da Modalidade de Aquisição para a Modalidade de Despesas Operacionais, o que torna possível pagar apenas pelo o que se consome, ao longo do tempo ou por capacidade e não fazer investimentos em Datacenters, que muitas vezes são caros e se tornam subutilizados ao longo do tempo. Economia de Escala As grandes empresas investem constantemente na aquisição e atualização de seu parque tecnológico. A Amazon Web Services, por exemplo, tem um volume de compras em uma escala que provavelmente muitas empresas nunca vão ter, ou seja, a capacidade de compra em grandes quantidades de geradores de energia, servidores, redes, armazenamento, segurança predial, segurança da informação, entre outros. Quanto mais esse volume cresce, mais sua empresa se beneficia, seja no preço, seja na disponibilidade de serviços. Capacidade Esse é um ponto importante porque quando as empresas tradicionalmente compram servidores ou datacenters é comum comprar demais ou comprar à menos. Ou seja, se sua empresa comprar demais é uma enorme perda de dinheiro, se comprar à menos sua empresa pode ter problemas para suportar seu negócio, seus clientes, etc. Em Cloud Computing, sua empresa não tem que se preocupar com isso. Você cresce à medida que precisa e diminui à medida que precisa, pagando apenas o que consumir. Agilidade e Velocidade Esse é outro grande benefício pois os serviços e recursos disponíveis hoje em Cloud Computing permitem criar aplicações em horas ou poucos dias e ter recursos disponíveis imediatamente, servindo ao negócio assim que necessário. Economia Com Cloud Computing sua empresa para de gastar dinheiro para comprar e manter datacenters e foca no que de fato é importante para o negócio. Global em Poucos Minutos Em Cloud Computing, em especial na Amazon Web Services é permitido que sua empresa tenha recursos disponíveis globalmente e que possa chegar a um número incrível de regiões em poucos minutos com baixíssima latência e baixo custo, melhorando a experiência do cliente. Tipos de Cloud Computing Como plataforma, Cloud Computing oferece diversos produtos e serviços, que agrupados atendem as mais diversas demandas as empresas e do mercado como um todo. Como as demandas nem sempre tem as mesmas necessidades técnicas, é possível que as empresas utilizem de forma única um dos diversos Tipos de Cloud Computing existentes, os quais explicamos abaixo. Infraestrutura como Serviço - IaaS Neste modelo de Cloud Computing, sua empresa gerencia os servidores que podem ser físicos ou virtuais e os respectivos sistemas operacionais. Nesse modelo normalmente o datacenter provê para sua empresa essa infraestrutura e não tem gerencia sobre o que sua empresa faz com ela. Aqui por exemplo, empresas compram serviços de hospedagem de servidores e são responsáveis por instalar e configurar os softwares e tudo aquilo que é necessário para funcionar. Plataforma como Serviço - PaaS Nesse modelo, uma empresa de datacenter, uma empresa de hosting, etc, gerencia todo o hardware físico ou virtual, o sistema operacional, softwares e alguns itens de segurança e sua empresa apenas é responsável pela própria aplicação. Aqui por exemplo, se sua empresa quiser colocar um website no ar, a empresa fornecedora provê todo o ambiente, bastando sua empresa fazer o upload da sua aplicação e configura-la. Software como Serviço - SaaS Nesse modelo sua empresa praticamente usa o serviço e não tem que se preocupar com nada. Um bom exemplo disso é serviço de email como Gmail, a plataforma Udemy, Upfy, Office 365,, entre outros. Tipos de Instalações de Cloud Computing Assim como descrito acima, temos diversos modelos de serviços para Cloud Computing, também existem diversos tipos de instalações para plataformas de Cloud Computing. Essas instalações podem ser utilizadas de forma individual ou combinadas para garantir e oferecer as empresas um maior potencial na adoção e utilização de Cloud Computing Nuvem publica A nuvem pública, ou Public Cloud, em inglês, são as plataformas oferecidas por diversas empresas no mercado, as quais possuem todas as características descritas acima sobre uma plataforma de Cloud Computing e que oferecem todos os tipos de Cloud Computing, bem como todas as vantagens descritas acima. Em uma Nuvem Publica, todos os recursos físicos e administração são gerenciados pelo fornecedor, de forma que o cliente muitas vezes não tem nem ideia de onde os equipamentos estão hospedados. Entre as principais plataformas de Nuvem Publica atualmente destacamos a Amazon Web Services, alvo deste livro, a Microsoft Azure e o Google Cloud Platform, assim como dezenas de outras. Nuvem Privada A nuvem privada, ou Private Cloud, em inglês, normalmente são instalações físicas em um Datacenter, onde o cliente ou a empresa faz toda a gestão dos recursos físicos e virtuais, segurança, controle predial, etc., fazendo todo o gerenciamento usando diversas tecnologias, entre elas Openstack e VMWare. Nuvem Híbrida A nuvem híbrida, ou Hybrid Cloud, em inglês, é a combinação entre nuvem pública e nuvem privada. Neste cenário é possível que empresas utilizem parte dos seus serviços em datacenters locais e parte dos serviços em nuvem pública, integrando assim as duas tecnologias de forma a atender melhor as demandas de negócio. Esse cenário também é comum quando empresas possuem aplicações rodando em hardwares específicos, que não existem em nuvem publica, como Mainframes, ou que tenha algum requisito jurídico para que as informações fiquem no datacenter local. Conhecendo os Serviços da Amazon Web Services A Amazon Web Services, popularmente conhecida como AWS atualmente é a maior plataforma de Cloud Computing, Nuvem Publica do mundo. A plataforma da AWS é muito grande e oferece diversos serviços e funcionalidades que atualmente nos permite trabalhar nas mais diversas disciplinas: Computação Armazenamento Banco de Dados Aplicações Machine Learning Desenvolvimento de Games Inteligência Artificial Sistemas de Mensagens Desenvolvimento de Aplicações Desktop na Nuvem Entrega de Conteúdo Internet das Coisas Serviços Mobile Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos Mobile Analytics Big Data Isso tudo suportado por um Contact Center em uma infraestrutura Global, que veremos em próximos capítulos. Para ter uma ideia do porque a plataforma da AWS é a maior do mundo e como ela tem evoluído ao longo do tempo, podemos observar o gráfico a seguir: Este gráfico representa o número de atualizações e inovações que a Amazon Web Services implementa em sua plataforma e disponibiliza aos clientes a cada ano. Podemos observar que no ano de 2017 foram mais de 1.500 atualizações e inovações que ajudam as empresas a criarem produtos e serviços de qualidade para os seus clientes. Comunicação frequente de atualizações Conforme descrito acima, muitas são as atualizações e inovações que a Amazon Web Services realiza por ano, e a cada nova atualização ou inovação os clientes são avisados por vários canais: Plataforma da Amazon Web Services Eventos e-Mails Newsletter Abaixo vamos um exemplo do conteúdo de um e-mail enviado pela Amazon Web Services aos clientes: Alcance Global da Amazon Web Services A Amazon Web Services possui uma abrangente infraestrutura global, disponível em quase todos os continentes do planeta. Esse alcance global permite que clientes da Amazon Web Services possam disponibilizar suas aplicações e serviços de forma simples e rápida. No entanto, essa infraestrutura global possui elementos importantes, que precisamos entender para que melhor possamos trabalhar com a plataforma da Amazon Web Services, elementos esse que detalhamos abaixo. Regiões Regiões são as localidades físicas onde a Amazon Web Services está disponível ao redor do mundo . Nos Estados Unidos, por exemplo, a Amazon Web Services possui 6 regiões. Zonas de Disponibilidade Zonas de Disponibilidade é a quantidade de datacenters que a Amazon Web Services possui em cada uma das Regiões, para prover serviços e produtos. Elas têm o objetivo de garantir alta disponibilidade, desempenho, tolerância a falhas e disaster recovery para os clientes da Amazon Web Services de uma determinada Região. Por premissa, atualmente, cada Região da Amazon Web Services possui no mínimo 2 duas Zonas de Disponibilidade por Região. Uma característica importante das Zonas de Disponibilidade é que os recursos podem ser replicados entre Zonas de Disponibilidade e podem estar disponíveis imediatamente em caso de falha de uma Zona de Disponibilidade. Zonas de Disponibilidade são importantes tanto no contexto tecnológico como no contexto jurídico legal. Alguns governos ao redor do mundo, não permitem que informações financeiras, de saúde ou governamentais sejam publicadas ou hospedadas em ambientes fora do país. Com uma região no país isso é resolvido, pois as Zonas de Disponibilidade que compõem aquela Região estão fisicamente colocadas naquela Região. Uma informação importante sobre as Zonas de Disponibilidade é o fato de que a Amazon Web Services nunca move ou cópia dados ou recursos entre Regiões sem que o dono do recurso solicite isso de forma explícita, ou seja, a Amazon Web Services não move dados do Brasil para os EUA, por exemplo, ou o inverso se o dono do recurso, ou seja, sua empresa, faça essa movimentação. Edge Locations Edge locations são pontos de entrega de conteúdo da Amazon Web Services. Podemos definir o Edge location como uma localidade, em várias partes do mundo onde são utilizados os serviços de Content Delivery Network-CDN da Amazon Web Services, chamado AWS Cloudfront, para a entrega de conteúdo. Serviços de Content Delivery Network-CDN são responsáveis por acelerar a entrega de conteúdo, principalmente estático, como por exemplo páginas HTMl, imagens, arquivos CSS, arquivos Javascript, Videos, etc. Veja na imagem abaixo como seria a entrega de um video da Netflix para um usuário no Brasil sem a utilização de um serviço de Content Delivery Network. Fazendo o acesso direto aos servidores da Netflix na Amazon Web Services nos Estados Unidos, o cliente pode ter um tempo de resposta muito alto. Adotando uma solução de Content Delivery Network como o AWS Cloudfront e configurando Edge Location locais, aceleram a entrega, reduzindo o tempo de carregamento para o cliente, conforme imagem abaixo: Resumo No momento em que estamos escrevendo esse livro, a Amazon Web Services possui a seguinte Infraestrutura Global: 18 Regiões 55 Zonas de Disponibilidade Dezenas de Edge Locations Esse número aumenta a cada ano. As informações completas e atualizadas podem ser acessadas no link: Segurança Compartilhada na Amazon Web Services Segurança é um dos itens mais importantes em uma plataforma de Cloud Computing e na Amazon Web Services isso não é diferente. No entanto, para garantir a segurança em todos os níveis e para todos os clientes da plataforma, a Amazon Web Services convencionou um modelo denominado Modelo de Segurança Compartilhada na Amazon Web Services. A Segurança Compartilhada na Amazon Web Services tem algumas particularidades, mas basicamente define dois itens principais e importantes: A Amazon Web Services é responsável pela segurança DA Cloud O Cliente é responsável pela segurança NA Cloud. Isso significa dizer que o cliente controla quais recursos de segurança quer implementar para proteger seu conteúdo, suas aplicações, rede, sistemas, da mesma forma que faria em um datacenter tradicional. A Amazon Web Services é responsável por todo o hardware da infraestrutura global e os softwares que os compõe. O Cliente é responsável por todos os sistemas operacionais, configurações de acesso, usuários, conteúdo e todos os dados que coloca na plataforma. O gráfico abaixo define, segundo regras da Amazon Web Services, as responsabilidades de cada um dos lados, AWS e Cliente. Como um resumo, podemos dizer que a AWS é responsável por: Equipamentos físicos Rede Hypervisors Enquanto o cliente é responsável por: Sistemas Operacionais Aplicação Seus Dados (Usuários, clientes e aplicações) Para obter mais detalhes sobre o modelo de Segurança Compartilhada da Amazon Web Services e ter acesso as últimas atualizações, visite o site: Precificação na AWS A precificação em Nuvem Publica é um dos itens que mais gera discussão entre empresas e profissionais do setor. Ao mesmo tempo em que o modelo de pay-as-you-go é uma grande vantagem para aqueles que já utilizam essa tecnologia é também um motivo de discórdia, pois segundo alguns profissionais é quase imprevisível saber quando vai se pagar ao fim do mês, devido a tantas variáveis a se considerar. De fato, existem muitos elementos a considerar quando falamos dos preços e na plataforma da Amazon Web Services não é diferente. A Amazon Web Services possui dezenas de serviços, com os mais variados propósitos e utilização e cada um com uma métrica de precificação diferente, inerente ao serviço em si, o que torna o entendimento da precificação uma tarefa muitas vezes árdua e complicada. Mas, vamos esclarecer alguns pontos que são importantes em relação a precificação na Amazon Web Services Modelo Free Tier Muitos serviços na Amazon Web Services possui um período de utilização grátis ou uma quantidade de utilização grátis. Esse modelo é chamado de Free Tier. Todo novo cliente que cria uma conta na Amazon Web Services recebe o direito de utilizar o modelo Free Tier para alguns serviços, o que torna a capacidade de testar o serviço mais fácil, simples e barata. No Serviço de Computação Elastic Compute Cloud-EC2, por exemplo, a AWS oferece a utilização de uma instância do tipo T2.Micro por 750 horas por mês durante 12 meses. Essa é uma excelente forma de testar os serviços da AWS. Para ver todos os serviços que oferecem um nível Free Tier, acesse: Pagamento sob Demanda Na Amazon Web Services, os preços e pagamento seguem o padrão de plataformas de Cloud Computing e são cobrados mediante a utilização. Alguns serviços, como recursos computacionais podem ter até 75% de descontos se reservados por períodos de 1 a 3 anos consecutivos. Observação: Apesar dos preços na Amazon Web Services serem cobrados em Dólares Americanos, os preços podem ser diferentes para o mesmo serviço em Regiões diferentes. Verifique os preços todas as vezes que precisar utilizar um serviço em uma determinada Região. Simplificando Para simplificar, podemos considerar que alguns elementos são a base da precificação na Amazon Web Services: Computação Armazenamento Transferência de Dados de Saída (Dados que saem da plataforma da AWS) A Amazon Web Services não cobra por: Transferência de Dados de Entrada (Dados que entram na plataforma da AWS) Transferência de Dados entre Zonas de Disponibilidade Qualquer outra métrica de cobrança tem que ser verificada para cada serviço em específico. Para visualizar os preços e políticas para cada serviço, acesse: Simulados Cada simulado abaixo é um conjunto completo de perguntas 100% aderentes ao exame de Certificação AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner. Obtenha acerto de 65% em cada simulado e estará preparado para fazer o exame e passar na primeira tentativa. Atualmente o exame é realizado em Inglês e por isso, todos os simulados abaixo estão em Inglês, sendo fieis a integralidade do exame. Simulado – #1 1. Which AWS services can be used to store files? Choose 2 options: a) b) c) d) e) Amazon CloudWatch Amazon Simple Storage Service - S3 Amazon Elastic Block Store – EBS AWS Config Amazon Athena 2. Which of the following services uses AWS Edge Locations? a) b) c) d) Amazon Virtual Private Cloud – VPC Amazon CloudFront Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud -EC2 AWS Storage Gateway 3. Which of the following is a benefit of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) over on-premise physical servers? a) b) c) d) Automated backup Paying only for what you use The ability to choose hardware vendors Root / Administrator Access 4. Which AWS service recommendation? a) b) c) d) provides infrastructure AWS Application Programming Interface Reserved Instances AWS Trusted Advisor Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - Spot Fleet security optimization 5. Which service allows for the collection and tracking of performance metrics for AWS services? a) b) c) d) Amazon CloudFront Amazon CloudSearch Amazon CloudWatch Amazon Machine Learning 6. A company needs to know which user was responsible for terminating several critical Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud EC2 Instances. Where can the customer find this information? a) b) c) d) AWS Trusted Advisor Amazon EC2 instance usage report Amazon CloudWatch AWS Cloud Trail logs 7. Which services should an administrator use to register a new domain name with AWS? a) b) c) d) Amazon Route 53 Amazon CloudFront Elastic Load Balancing Amazon Private Cloud – VPC 8. What is the value of having AWS Cloud services accessible through an API? a) b) c) d) It allows developers to work with AWS resources programmatically AWS resources will always be cost-optimized All application testing can be managed by AWS Customer-owned, on-premise infrastructure becomes programmable 9. Which of the following examples supports AWS Architecting for Cloud Best Practice Principle “Design for failure and nothing will fail”? a) Adding an elastic load balancer in front of a single Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud-EC2 instance b) Creating and deploying the most cost-effective solution c) Deploying an application in multiple Availability Zone d) Using Amazon CloudWatch alerts to monitor performance 10. Which service allows an administrator to create and modify AWS user permissions? a) AWS Config b) AWS Cloud Trail c) AWS Key Management Service d) AWS Identity and Access Management 11. Which AWS service automates infrastructure provisioning and administrative tasks for an analytical data warehouse? a) Amazon Redshift b) Amazon DynamoDB c) Amazon Elastic Cache d) Amazon Aurora 12. Which of the following is the responsibility of the AWS customer according to the Shared Security Model? a) Managing AWS Identity and Access Management IAM b) Securing Edge Locations c) Monitoring physical device security d) Implementing service organization control (SOC) standards 13. Where can a customer go to get more detail about Amazon EC2 billing activity that took place 3 months ago? a) Amazon EC2 Dashboard b) AWS Cost and Usage Reports c) AWS Trusted Advisor d) AWS Cloud Trail logs stored in Amazon S3 14. Who has control of the data security in an AWS account? a) AWS Support Team b) AWS Account Owner c) AWS Security Team d) AWS Technical Account Manager – TAM 15. The main benefit of decoupling an application is to a) Create a tightly integrated application b) Reduce inter-dependencies so failures do not impact other components c) Enable data synchronization across the web application layer d) Have the ability to execute automated bootstrapping actions 16. Which of the following is a benefit of running an application across two Availability Zones? a) Performance is improved over running in a single AZ b) It is more secure than running in a single AZ c) It significantly reduces total cost of ownership versus running in a single AZ d) It increases the availability of an application compared to running in a single AZ 17. Which of the following security requirements are managed by AWS customer? Select 2 a) Password policies b) User permissions c) Physical Security d) Disk disposal e) Hardware Patching 18. According the AWS the benefit of Elasticity is a) Minimize storage requirements by reducing logging and auditing activities b) Create system that scale to the required capacity based on changes in demand c) Enable AWS to automatically select the most cost-effective services d) Accelerate the design process because recovery from failure is automated, reducing the need for testing 19. Amazon EC2 Spot instances would be most appropriate for which of the following scenarios a) Workloads that are only run in the month b) Workloads where the availability of the Amazon EC2 instances can be flexible c) Workloads that need to run for long periods of time without interruption d) Workloads that are critical and need Amazon EC2 instances with termination protection 20. What AWS feature enables a user to manage services through a web-based user interface? a) AWS Management Console b) AWS Application Programming Interface (API) c) AWS Software Development Kit (SDK) d) Amazon CloudWatch 21. Which tool can you use to forecast your AWS spending? a) AWS Organizations b) Amazon Dev Pay c) AWS Trusted Advisor d) AWS Cost Explorer 22. How can you protect your AWS account against unauthorized access? a) Apply Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) b) Set up a secondary password c) Request root access privileges d) Disable AWS console access 23. Which AWS Cloud service is used to turn on Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)? a) AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) b) Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) c) AWS Config d) Amazon Inspector 24. A Disaster Recovery Strategy on AWS should be based on launching resources in a separate: a) Subnet b) AWS Region c) Security Group d) Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) 25. Which of the following is a factor when calculating Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for the AWS Cloud? a) The number of servers migrated to AWS b) The number of passwords migrated to AWS c) The number of keys migrated to AWS 26. Which AWS service is used to as a global content delivery network (CDN) service in AWS? a) Amazon SES b) Amazon CloudTrail c) Amazon CloudFront d) Amazon S3 27. Which of the following is a fully managed NoSQL database service available with AWS? a) AWS RDS b) AWS DynamoDB c) AWS Redshift d) AWS MongoDB 28. A company wants to store files that are not frequently accessed. What is the most cost-efficient solution that should be considered? a) Amazon Storage Gateway b) Amazon Glacier c) Amazon EBS d) Amazon S3 29. You are currently hosting an infrastructure and most of the EC2 instances are near 90 – 100% utilized and you expect this to continue for at least a year. What is the type of EC2 instances you would utilize to ensure costs are minimized? a) Reserved Instances b) On-Demand Instances c) Spot Instances d) Dedicated Host Instances 30. What is the AWS feature that enables fast, easy, and secure transfers of files over long distances between your client and your Amazon S3 bucket? a) File Transfer b) HTTP Transfer c) Transfer Acceleration d) S3 Acceleration 31. As per the AWS Acceptable Use Policy, penetration testing of EC2 instances: a) May be performed by AWS and will be performed by AWS upon customer request. b) May be performed by AWS, and is periodically performed by AWS c) Are expressly prohibited under all circumstances. d) May be performed by the customer on their own instances with prior authorization from AWS e) May be performed by the customer on their own instances, only if performed from EC2 instances 32. The Trusted Advisor service provides insight regarding which four categories of an AWS account? a) Security, fault tolerance, high availability, connectivity and Service Limits b) Security, access control, high availability, performance and Service Limits c) Performance, cost optimization, security, fault tolerance and Service Limits d) Performance, cost optimization, access control, connectivity and Service Limits 33. A company is deploying a three-tier, highly available web application to AWS. Which service provides durable storage for static content while utilizing lower Overall CPU resources for the Business layer? a) Amazon EBS volume b) Amazon S3 c) Amazon EC2 Instance Store d) Amazon RDS Instance 34. What best describes the "Principle of Least Privilege"? Choose the correct answer from the options given below: a) All users should have the same baseline permissions granted to them to use basic AWS services. b) Users should be granted permission to access only resources they need to do their assigned job. c) Users should submit all access requests in written form so that there is a paper trail of who needs access to different AWS resources. d) Users should submit all access requests in written form so that there is a paper trail of who needs access to different AWS resources. 35. Which of the below mentioned services can be used to host virtual servers on AWS? a) AWS IAM b) AWS Server c) AWS EC2 d) AWS Regions 36. Which of the following can be used to secure EC2 Instances hosted in AWS? Choose 2 answers from the options given below: a) Usage of Security Groups b) Usage of AMI’s c) Usage of Network Access Control Lists d) Usage of the Internet gateway 37. You work for a company that plans to use AWS EC2 service. Currently, the company creates golden images of their production Operating System. Which of the following corresponds to a golden image in AWS? a) EBS Volumes b) EBS Snapshots c) Amazon Machines Images d) EC2 Copies 38. You plant to deploy an application on the AWS. This application needs to be PCI Compliant. Which of the below steps are needed to ensure the compliance? Choose 2 answers from the below: a) Choose AWS services which are PCI Compliant b) Ensure the right steps are taken during application development for PCI Compliance c) Ensure the AWS Services are made PCI Compliant d) Do an audit after the deployment of the application for PCI Compliance 39. Which of the below can be used to import data into Amazon Glacier? Choose 3 answers from the options given below: a) AWS Glacier API b) AWS Console c) AWS Glacier SDK d) AWS S3 Lifecycle policies 40. Which of the following in the AWS Support plans gives access to a Support Concierge? a) Basic b) Developer c) Business d) Enterprise 41. A company is planning to use AWS to host critical applications. Most of their systems are business critical and need to have response times less than 15 minutes. Which of the following support plans should they consider? a) Basic b) Developer c) Business d) Enterprise 42. Which of the following is NOT a feature of an Edge Location? a) Distribute content to users b) Cache common responses c) Distribute load across multiple resources d) Used in conjunction with the CloudFront service 43. There is a requirement to store objects. The objects are downloaded via a URL. Which storage option would you choose? a) Amazon S3 b) Amazon Glacier c) Amazon Storage Gateway d) Amazon EBS 44. There is a requirement to host a database server for a minimum period of one year. Which of the following would result in the least cost? a) Spot Instances b) On-Demand c) No Upfront costs Reserved d) Partial Upfront costs Reserved 45. There is a requirement for a development and test environment for 3 months. Which would you use? a) Spot Instances b) On-Demand c) No Upfront costs Reserved d) Partial Upfront costs Reserved 46. When creating security groups, which of the following is a responsibility of the customer. Choose 2 answers from the options given below. a) Giving a name and description for the security group b) Defining the rules as per the customer requirements. c) Ensure the rules are applied immediately d) Ensure the security groups are linked to the Elastic Network interface 47. Which of the following are advantages of having infrastructure hosted on the AWS Cloud? Choose 2 answers from the options given below. a) Having complete control over the physical infrastructure b) Having the pay as you go model c) No Upfront costs d) Having no need to worry about security 48. There is an external audit being carried out on your company. The IT auditor needs to have a log of all access to the AWS resources in the company’s account. Which of the below services can assist in providing these details? a) AWS CloudWatch b) AWS CloudTrail c) AWS EC2 d) AWS SNS 49. Which of the following features of RDS allows for data redundancy across regions? a) Cross region replication b) Creating Read Replica’s c) Using snapshots d) Using Multi-AZ feature 50. Your company has a set of EC2 Instances hosted in AWS. There is a requirement to create snapshots from the EBS volumes attached to these EC2 Instances in another geographical location. As per this requirement, where would you create the snapshots? a) In another Availability Zone b) In another data center c) In another Region d) In another Edge location 51. A company wants to host a self-managed database in AWS. How would you ideally implement this solution? a) Using the AWS DynamoDB service b) Using the AWS RDS service c) Hosting a database on an EC2 Instance d) Using the Amazon Aurora service 52. Which of the following is a compatible MySQL database which also has the ability to grow in storage size on its own. a) Aurora b) DynamoDB c) RDS Microsoft SQL Server d) RDS MySQL 53. Which of the following statements are TRUE when it comes to elasticity. Choose 2 answers from the options given below a) Diverting traffic to instances based on the demand b) Diverting traffic to instances with the least load c) Diverting traffic across multiple regions d) Diverting traffic to instances with higher capacity 54. Which of the following is the concept of the Elastic load balancer? a) To distribute traffic to multiple EC2 Instances b) To scale up EC2 Instances c) To distribute traffic to AWS resources across multiple regions d) To increase the size of the EC2 Instance based on demand 55. Which of the following is the concept of Autoscaling? a) To scale up resources based on demand b) To distribute traffic to multiple EC2 Instances c) To distribute traffic to AWS resources across multiple regions d) To increase the size of the EC2 Instance based on demand 56. Which of the following is used to derive the costs for moving artifacts from on-premise to AWS? a) AWS TCO calculator b) AWS Config c) AWS Cost Explorer d) AWS Consolidating billing 57. Which of the following is the responsibility of the customer when ensuring that data on EBS volumes is left safe? a) Deleting the data when the device is destroyed b) Creating EBS snapshots c) Attaching volumes to EC2 Instances d) Creating copies of EBS Volumes 58. Which of the following can be used to call AWS services from programming languages? a) AWS SDK b) AWS Console c) AWS CLI d) AWS IAM 59. Which of the following is the secure way of using AWS API to call AWS services from EC2 Instances? a) IAM Users b) IAM Roles c) IAM Groups d) IAM policies 60. Which of the following are 2 ways that AWS allows to link accounts? a) Consolidating billing b) AWS Organizations c) Cost Explorer d) IAM 61. Which of the following helps in DDoS protection? Choose 2 answers from the options given below a) CloudFront b) AWS Shield c) AWS EC2 d) AWS Config 62. Which of the following services can be used as a web application firewall in AWS? a) AWS EC2 b) AWS WAF c) AWS Firewall d) AWS Protection 63. You want to add an extra layer of protection to the current authentication mechanism of user names and passwords for AWS. Which of the following can help in this regard? a) Using Password Policies b) Using a mix of user names c) Using AWS WAF d) Using MFA 64. Which of the following disaster recovery deployment mechanisms that has the lowest downtime? a) Pilot light b) Warm standby c) Backup Restore d) DevOps 65. Which of the following services allows for object level storage on AWS? a) Amazon EBS b) Amazon SES c) Amazon S3 d) Amazon SQS Respostas – Simulado #1 Questão Questão 1 Questão 2 Questão 3 Questão 4 Questão 5 Questão 6 Questão 7 Questão 8 Questão 9 Questão 10 Questão 11 Questão 12 Questão 13 Questão 14 Questão 15 Questão 16 Questão 17 Questão 18 Questão 19 Questão 20 Questão 21 Questão 22 Questão 23 Questão 24 Questão 25 Questão 26 Questão 27 Questão 28 Questão 29 Questão 30 Questão 31 Questão 32 Questão 33 Resposta B, C Categoria Technology B Technology Referencia B Technology C Technology C Technology D Technology A Technology A Technology C D Cloud Concepts Technology A Technology A Security B Billing and Pricing Security Cloud Concepts Technology Security Cloud Concepts Billing and Pricing Technology A Billing and Pricing Security A Security B C Cloud Concepts Billing and Pricing Technology B Technology B Technology A Technology C Technology D Security C Technology B Technology B B D A, B B B A D A Questão 34 Questão 35 Questão 36 Questão 37 Questão 38 Questão 39 Questão 40 Questão 41 Questão 42 Questão 43 Questão 44 Questão 45 Questão 46 Questão 47 Questão 48 Questão 49 Questão 50 Questão 51 Questão 52 Questão 53 Questão 54 Questão 55 Questão 56 Questão 57 Questão 58 Questão 59 Questão 60 Questão 61 Questão 62 Questão 63 Questão 64 Questão 65 B Cloud Concepts Technology Security Technology Security A, C, D Technology D C Billing and Pricing Billing and Pricing Technology A Technology D Billing and Pricing Billing and Pricing Security B Cloud Concepts Security B Technology C Technology C Technology A Technology A, B Cloud Concepts Technology B Cloud Concepts Billing and Pricing Technology A Technology B Security A, B Security A, B Security B Security D Security B Cloud Concepts Technology C A, C C A, B D B A, B B, C A A A C Simulado – #2 1. Which of the following can be attached to EC2 Instances to store data? a) Amazon Glacier b) Amazon EBS Volumes c) Amazon EBS Snapshots d) Amazon SQS 2. Which of the following networking component can be used to host EC2 resources in the AWS Cloud? a) AWS Trusted Advisor b) AWS VPC c) AWS Elastic Load Balancer d) AWS Autoscaling 3. Your company is planning to host resources in the AWS Cloud. They want to use services which can be used to decouple resources hosted on the cloud. Which of the following services can help fulfil this requirement? a) AWS EBS Volumes b) AWS EBS Snapshots c) AWS Glacier d) AWS SQS 4. Which of the following components of the CloudFront service can be used to distribute contents to users across the globe. a) Amazon VPC b) Amazon Regions c) Amazon Availability Zones d) Amazon Edge locations 5. Your company is planning to move to the AWS Cloud. You need to give a presentation on the cost perspective when moving existing resources to the AWS Cloud. When it comes to Amazon EC2 which of the following is an advantage when it comes to the cost perspective. a) Having the ability of automated backups of the EC2 instance so that you don’t need to worry about the maintenance costs. b) The ability to choose low cost AMI’s to prepare the EC2 Instances c) The ability to only pay for what you use d) Ability to tag instances to reduce the overall cost 6. Your company is planning on moving to the AWS Cloud. Once the movement to the Cloud is complete, they want to ensure that the right security settings are put in place. Which of the below tools can assist from a Security compliance. Choose 2 answers from the options given below. a) AWS Inspector b) AWS Trusted Advisor c) AWS Support d) AWS Kinesis 7. There is a requirement to collect important metrics from AWS RDS and EC2 Instances. Which of the following services can help fulfil this requirement? a) Amazon CloudFront b) Amazon CloudSearch c) Amazon Config 8. Which of the following services can provide a complete audit trail of all AWS services used within an account? a) AWS Trusted Advisor b) Amazon EC2 instance usage report c) Amazon CloudWatch d) AWS Cloud Trail logs 9. Which of the following service is most useful when a Disaster Recovery method is triggered in AWS? a) Amazon Route 53 b) Amazon SNS c) Amazon SQS d) Amazon Inspector 10. Which of the following cannot be used to work with AWS services in a programmatic manner? a) AWS PowerShell b) AWS Bash c) AWS CLI d) AWS Console 11. When designing a system, you use the principle of “design for failure and nothing will fail”. Which of the following services/features of AWS can assist in supporting this design principle. Choose 3 answers from the options given below a) Availability Zones b) Regions c) Elastic Load Balancer d) Pay as you go 12. Currently your organization has an operational team that takes care of ID management in their on-premise data center. They now also need to manage users and groups created in AWS. Which of the following AWS tools would they need to use for performing this management function? a) AWS Config b) AWS Cloud Trail c) AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) d) AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) 13. You have a DevOps team in your current organization structure. They are keen to know if there is any service available in AWS which can be used to manage infrastructure as code. Which of the following can be met with such a requirement? a) Using AWS CloudFormation b) Using AWS Config c) Using AWS Inspector d) Using AWS Trusted Advisor 14. Which of the following services is a fully managed petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the AWS cloud? a) Amazon Redshift b) Amazon DynamoDB c) Amazon Elastic Cache d) Amazon Aurora 15. Which of the following is the responsibility of AWS according to the Shared Security Model? Choose 3 answers from the options given below a) Managing AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) b) Securing edge locations c) Monitoring physical device security d) Implementing service organization Control (SOC) standards 16. Your company has just started using the resources on the AWS Cloud. They want to get an idea on the costs being incurred so far for the resources being used. How can this be achieved? a) By going to the Amazon EC2 dashboard. Here you can see the costs of the running EC2 resources. b) By using the AWS Cost and Usage reports Explorer. Here you can see the running and forecast costs. c) By using the AWS Trusted Advisor dashboard. This dashboard will give you all the costs. d) By seeing the AWS Cloud Trail logs. 17. By default, who from the below roles has complete administrative control over all resources in the respective AWS account? a) AWS Support Team b) AWS Account Owner c) AWS Security Team d) AWS Technical Account Manager (TAM) 18. Your design team is planning to design an application that will be hosted on the AWS Cloud. One of their main non-functional requirements is given below: * Reduce inter-dependencies so failures do not impact other components Which of the following concepts does this requirement relate to? a) b) c) d) Integration Decoupling Aggregation Segregation 19. Which of the following can be used to increase the fault tolerance of an application? a) Deploying resources across multiple edge locations b) Deploying resources across multiple VPC’s c) Deploying resources across multiple Availability Zones d) Deploying resources across multiple AWS Accounts 20. Which of the following security requirements are managed by AWS? Select 3 answers from the options given below a) Password Policies b) User permissions c) Physical security d) Disk disposal e) Hardware patching 21. Which of the following terms relate to “Creating systems that scale to the required capacity based on changes in demand”? a) Disaster Recovery b) Elasticity c) Decoupling d) Aggregation 22. Your company is planning to offload some of the batch processing workloads on to AWS. These jobs can be interrupted and resumed at any time. Which of the following instance types would be the most cost effective to use for this purpose? a) On-Demand b) Spot c) Full Upfront Reserved d) Partial Upfront Reserved 23. Which of the following needs a user name and password to access AWS resources? a) AWS Management Console b) AWS Application Programming Interface (API) c) AWS Software Development Kit (SDK) d) AWS CLI 24. Your company is planning to use the AWS Cloud. But there is a management decision that resources need to split department wise. And the decision is tending towards managing multiple AWS accounts. Which of the following would help in effective management and also provide an efficient costing model? a) AWS organizations b) Amazon Dev Pay c) AWS Trusted Advisor d) AWS Cost Explorer 25. Which of the following can be used as an additional layer of security to be using a user name and password when logging into the AWS Console? a) Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) b) Secondary password c) Root access privileges d) Secondary user name 26. Which AWS Cloud service helps in quick deployment of resources which can make use of different programming languages such as .Net and Java? a) AWS Elastic Beanstalk b) AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) c) AWS VPC d) AWS SQS 27. Your company handles a crucial ecommerce application. This application needs to have an uptime of at least 99.5%. There is a decision to move the application to the AWS Cloud. Which of the following deployment strategies can help build a robust architecture for such an application. a) Deploying the application across multiple VPC’s b) Deploying the application across multiple Regions c) Deploying the application across Edge locations d) Deploying the application across multiple subnets 28. Which of the following initiatives from AWS helps organizations reduce the overall expenditure for IT companies when they host resources on the AWS Cloud? a) They decommission older hardware b) They continually reduce the cost of cloud Computing c) They use better security mechanisms, so you don’t need to think about security at all d) They allow deployment of multiple resources 29. You are planning on deploying a video-based application onto the AWS Cloud. These videos will be accessed by users across the world. Which of the below services can help stream the content in an efficient manner to the users across the globe? a) Amazon SES b) Amazon CloudTrail c) Amazon CloudFront d) Amazon S3 30. Which of the following is a fully managed NoSQL database service available with AWS? a) AWS RDS b) AWS DynamoDB c) AWS Redshift d) AWS MongoDB 31. Which of the following storage options is best when you want to store archive data? a) Amazon Storage Gateway b) Amazon Glacier c) Amazon EBS d) Amazon S3 32. If there is a requirement to host EC2 Instances in the AWS Cloud wherein the utilization is guaranteed to be consistent for a long period of time. Which of the following would you utilize to ensure costs are minimized? a) Reserved instances b) On-demand instances c) Spot instances d) Regular instances 33. Which of the following services helps provide a dedicate connection from on-premise infrastructure to resources hosted in the AWS Cloud without using public internet? a) AWS VPC b) AWS VPN c) AWS Direct Connect d) AWS Subnets 34. Which of the following is not a category recommendation given by the AWS Trusted Advisor? a) Security b) High Availability c) Cost Optimization d) Performance e) Fault tolerance 35. A company is deploying a two-tier highly available web application to AWS. The application needs a storage layer to store artefacts such as photos and videos. Which of the following services can be used as the underlying storage mechanism. a) Amazon EBS volume b) Amazon S3 c) Amazon EC2 instance store d) Amazon RDS instance 36. When giving permission to users via the AWS Identity and Access Management tool, which of the following principles should be applied when granting permissions? a) Principle of least privilege b) Principle of greatest privilege c) Principle of most privilege d) Principle of lower privilege 37. Which of the below mentioned services is equivalent to hosting virtual servers on an on-premises location? a) AWS IAM b) AWS Server c) AWS EC2 d) AWS Regions 38. You have a set of EC2 Instances hosted on the AWS Cloud. The EC2 Instances are hosting a web application. If you get a DDoS attack from the internet which of the following can help in reducing the overall threat to your EC2 Instances. Choose 2 answers from the options given below a) Usage of Security Groups b) Usage of AWS Config c) Usage of Network Access Control Lists d) Usage of the Internet gateway 39. Your company currently uses VM Templates to spin up virtual machines on their on-premise infrastructure. Which of the following can be used in a similar way to spin up EC2 instances on the AWS Cloud? a) EBS Volumes b) EBS Snapshots c) Amazon Machines Images d) Amazon VMware 40. Which of the below cannot be used to get data onto Amazon Glacier. a) AWS Glacier API b) AWS Console c) AWS Glacier SDK d) AWS S3 Lifecycle policies 41. Your company is planning to pay for an AWS Support plan. They have the following requirements as far as the support plan goes 24x7 access to Cloud Support Engineers via email & chat & phone A response time of less than 1 hour for any critical faults Which of the following plans will suffice keeping in mind the cost factor? a) Basic b) Developer c) Business d) Enterprise 42. Which of the following are features of an edge location? Choose 3 answers from the options given below a) Distribute content to users b) Cache common responses c) Distribute load across multiple resources d) Used in conjunction with the CloudFront service 43. Which of the following storage options provides the option of Lifecycle policies that can be used to move objects to archive storage. a) Amazon S3 b) Amazon Glacier c) Amazon Storage Gateway d) Amazon EBS 44. Which of the following features of Amazon RDS allows for better availability of databases. Choose 2 answers from the options given below a) VPC Peering b) Multi-AZ c) Read Replica’s d) Multi-Region 45. There is a requirement hosting a set of servers in the Cloud for a short period of 3 months. Which of the following types of instances should be chosen to be cost effective? a) Spot Instances b) On-Demand c) No Upfront costs Reserved d) Partial Upfront costs Reserved 46. Which of the following from AWS can be used to transfer petabytes of data from on-premise locations to the AWS Cloud? a) AWS Import/Export b) AWS EC2 c) AWS Snowball d) AWS Transfer 47. When working with the AWS Cloud which of the following are headaches you don’t need to worry about. Choose 2 answers from the options given below. a) Having complete control over the physical infrastructure b) Having the pay as you go model c) Upfront costs d) Having no need to worry about security 48. Your company wants to move an existing Oracle database to the AWS Cloud. Which of the following services can help facilitate this move? a) AWS Database Migration Service b) AWS VM Migration Service c) AWS Inspector d) AWS Trusted Advisor 49. Which of the following features of AWS RDS allows for offloading reads of the database. a) Cross region replication b) Creating Read Replica’s c) Using snapshots d) Using Multi-AZ feature 50. Which of the following terms refers to another geographic location in AWS? a) Availability Zone b) Data center c) Region d) Edge location 51. A company wants to have a database hosted on AWS. As much as possible they want to have control over the database itself. Which of the following would be an ideal option for this? a) Using the AWS DynamoDB service b) Using the AWS RDS service c) Hosting on the database on an EC2 Instance d) Using the Amazon Aurora service 52. A company currently has an application which consist of a .Net layer which connects to a MySQL database. They now want to move this application onto AWS. They want to make use of all AWS features such as high availability and automated backups. Which of the following would be an ideal database in AWS to migrate to for this requirement? a) Aurora b) DynamoDB c) An EC2 instance with MySQL installed. d) An EC2 instance with Aurora installed. 53. Which of the following statements are FALSE when it comes to elasticity. Choose 2 answers from the options given below a) Diverting traffic to instances based on the demand b) Diverting traffic to instances with the least load c) Diverting traffic across multiple regions d) Diverting traffic to instances with higher capacity 54. Which of the following services relates the concept of “Distributing traffic to multiple EC2 Instances”? a) Autoscaling b) Elastic Load Balancer c) VPC d) Subnets 55. Which of the following services relates the concept of “Scaling up resources based on demand”? a) Autoscaling b) Elastic Load Balancer c) VPC d) Subnet 56. A company is planning to migrate their existing AWS Services to the Cloud. Which of the following would help them do a cost benefit analysis of moving to the AWS Cloud? a) AWS TCO calculator b) AWS Config c) AWS Cost Explorer d) AWS Consolidating billing 57. Which of the following does AWS perform on its behalf for EBS volumes to make it less prone to failure? a) Replication of the volume across Availability Zones b) Replication of the volume in the same Availability Zone c) Replication of the volume across Regions d) Replication of the volume across Edge locations 58. You have a set of developers that need to use .Net to call AWS Services. Which of the following tools can be used to achieve this purpose? a) AWS SDK b) AWS Console c) AWS CLI d) AWS IAM 59. You have an EC2 Instance in development that interacts with the Simple Storage Service. The EC2 Instance is going to be promoted to the production environment. Which of the following features should be used for secure communication between the EC2 Instance and the Simple Storage Service? a) IAM Users b) IAM Roles c) IAM Groups d) IAM policies 60. Which of the following can be used to view one bill when you have multiple AWS Accounts? a) Consolidating billing b) Combined Billing c) Cost Explorer d) IAM 61. Your company is planning to host a large ecommerce application on the AWS Cloud. One of their major concerns is Internet attacks such as DDoS attacks. Which of the following services can help mitigate this concern? Choose 2 answers from the options given below a) CloudFront b) AWS Shield c) AWS EC2 d) AWS Config 62. Which of the following services is a serverless compute service in AWS? a) AWS EC2 b) AWS Config c) AWS Lambda d) AWS Opswork 63. Which of the following are services where you don’t need to manage the underlying Infrastructure? Choose 2 answers from the options given below. a) DynamoDB b) EC2 c) Simple Storage Service d) AWS Autoscaling 64. Which of the following disaster recovery deployment mechanisms that has the highest downtime? a) Pilot light b) Warm standby c) Multi-Site d) Backup and Restore 65. Which of the following services allows you to analyze EC2 Instances against pre-defined security templates to check for vulnerabilities? a) AWS Trusted Advisor b) AWS Inspector c) AWS WAF d) AWS Shield Respostas – Simulado #2 Questão Questão 1 Questão 2 Questão 3 Questão 4 Questão 5 Questão 6 Questão 7 Questão 8 Questão 9 Questão 10 Resposta B Categoria Technology Referencia B Technology D Cloud Concepts Technology A, B Billing and Pricing Security C Technology D Security A Technology D Technology Questão 11 Questão 12 Questão 13 Questão 14 Questão 15 Questão 16 Questão 17 Questão 18 Questão 19 Questão 20 Questão 21 Questão 22 Questão 23 Questão 24 Questão 25 Questão 26 Questão 27 Questão 28 Questão 29 Questão 30 Questão 31 Questão 32 Questão 33 Questão 34 Questão A, B, C D C D Cloud Concepts Security A Technology A Technology Security Billing and Pricing Security Cloud Concepts Cloud Concepts Security Cloud Concepts Technology A Cloud Concepts Billing and Pricing Security A Technology B Technology B C Billing and Pricing Technology B Technology B Technology A Technology C Technology B Technology B Technology B, C, D B B B C C, D, E B B A A 35 Questão 36 Questão 37 Questão 38 Questão 39 Questão 40 Questão 41 Questão 42 Questão 43 Questão 44 Questão 45 Questão 46 Questão 47 Questão 48 Questão 49 Questão 50 Questão 51 Questão 52 Questão 53 Questão 54 Questão 55 Questão 56 Questão 57 Questão 58 Questão 59 Questão 60 Questão 61 Questão 62 Questão 63 Questão 64 Questão 65 A Security C Technology A, C Technology C Technology B Technology D A, B, D Billing and Pricing Technology A Technology B, C Technology B Technology C Technology A, C A Cloud Concepts Technology B Technology C Technology C Technology A Technology C, D B Cloud Concepts Cloud Concepts Cloud Concepts Cloud Concepts Technology A Technology B Technology A A, B Billing and Pricing Security C Technology A, C Technology D Technology B Security B A A Simulado – #3 1. Which of the following storage mechanisms can be used to store messages effectively which can be used across distributed systems? a) Amazon Glacier b) Amazon EBS Volumes c) Amazon EBS Snapshots d) Amazon SQS 2. You are exploring what services AWS has off-hand. You have a large number of data sets that need to be processed. Which of the following services can help fulfil this requirement? a) EMR b) S3 c) Glacier d) Storage gateway 3. Which one of the following features is normally present in all of AWS Support plans? a) 24*7 access to Customer Service b) Access to all features in the Trusted Advisor c) A technical Account Manager d) A dedicated support person 4. You are planning to serve a web application on the AWS Platform by using EC2 Instances. Which of the below principles would you adopt to ensure that even if some of the EC2 Instances crashes and you still have a working application? a) Using a scalable system b) Using an elastic system c) Using a regional system d) Using a fault tolerant system 5. Which of the following options would entice a company to use AWS over an on-premises data center? Choose 2 answers from the options given below a) Having access to Free and Unlimited Storage b) Having access to Unlimited Physical servers c) Having a highly available infrastructure d) Ability to use resources on demand 6. What AWS service has built-in DDoS mitigation? a) CloudTrail b) EC2 c) CloudFront d) CloudWatch 7. You have 2 accounts in your AWS account. One for the Dev and the other for QA. All are part of consolidated billing. The master account has purchase 3 reserved instances. The Dev department is currently using 2 reserved instances. The QA team is planning on using 3 instances which of the same instance type. What is the pricing tier of the instances that can be used by the QA Team? a) No Reserved and 3 on-demand b) One Reserved and 2 on-demand c) Two Reserved and 1 on-demand d) Three Reserved and no on-demand 8. Which of the following are right principles when designing cloud-based systems? Choose 2 answers from the options below a) Build Tightly-coupled components b) Build loosely-coupled components c) Assume everything will fail d) Use as many services as possible 9. Which of the following AWS services can assist you with cost optimization? a) AWS Shield b) AWS Inspector c) AWS WAF d) AWS Trusted Advisor 10. Which of the following is the amount of storage that can be stored in the Simple Storage service? a) 1 TB b) 5 TB c) 1 PB d) Virtually unlimited storage 11. Which services allow the customer to retain full administrative privileges of the underlying virtual infrastructure? a) Amazon EC2 b) Amazon S3 c) Amazon Lambda d) Amazon DynamoDB 12. Which of the following AWS services should you use to migrate an existing database to AWS? a) AWS Lambda b) AWS Storage gateway c) AWS DMS d) AWS Snowball 13. You have a mission-critical application which must be globally available at all times. If this is the case which of the below deployment mechanisms would you employ? a) Deployment to multiple edge locations b) Deployment to multiple Availability Zones c) Deployment to multiple Data Centers d) Deployment to multiple Regions 14. Which of the following can be used to protect against DDoS attacks? Choose 2 answers from the options given below a) AWS EC2 b) AWS ELB c) AWS Shield d) AWS Shield Advanced 15. Which of the following is a serverless compute offering from AWS? a) AWS EC2 b) AWS Lambda c) AWS SNS d) AWS SQS 16. Which of the following allows you to carve out a portion of the AWS Cloud? a) AWS Subnets b) AWS VPC c) AWS Regions d) AWS Availability Zones 17. In order to predict the cost of moving resources from on-premise to the cloud. Which of the following can be used? a) AWS Inspector b) AWS TCO c) AWS WAF d) AWS Trusted Advisor 18. What is the concept of an AWS region? a) It is a collection of Edge locations b) It is a collection of Compute capacity c) It is a geographical area divided into Availability Zones d) It is the same as an Availability zone 19. In AWS which security aspects are the customer’s responsibility? Choose 4 answers from the options given below a) Security Group and ACL (Access Control List) settings b) Decommissioning storage devices c) Patch management on the EC2 instance’s operating system d) Life-cycle management of IAM credentials e) Controlling physical access to compute resources f) Encryption of EBS (Elastic Block Storage) volumes 20. Which of the following can be used to manage identities in AWS? a) AWS Config b) AWS IAM c) AWS Trusted Advisor d) AWS 21. Which of the following is a best practice when working with permissions in AWS? a) Ensure the least privilege access is used b) Use the root account credentials c) Don’t use IAM users and groups d) Ensure the highest privilege access is used 22. What is the ability provided by AWS to enable fast and easy and secure transfers of files over long distances between your client and your Amazon S3 bucket? a) File Transfer b) HTTP Transfer c) S3 Transfer Acceleration d) S3 Acceleration 23. When working on the costing for on-demand EC2 instances. Which is the following attribute which determine the costing of the EC2 Instance? Choose 3 answers from the options given below a) Instance Type b) AMI Type c) Region d) Edge location 24. A company wants to utilize AWS storage. For them low storage cost is paramount, and the data is rarely retrieved and data retrieval times of several hours are acceptable for them. What is the best storage option to use? a) AWS Glacier b) AWS S3 Reduced Redundancy Storage c) EBS backed storage connected to EC2 d) AWS Cloud Front 25. What are characteristics of Amazon S3? Choose 2 answers from the options given below. a) S3 allows you to store objects of virtually unlimited size. b) S3 allows you to store unlimited amounts of data. c) S3 should be used to host a relational database. d) Objects are directly accessible via a URL. 26. What is the AWS service provided which provides a fully managed NoSQL database service that provides fast and predictable performance with seamless scalability? a) AWS RDS b) DynamoDB c) Oracle RDS d) Elastic Map Reduce 27. You want to monitor the CPU utilization of an EC2 resource in AWS. Which of the below services can help in this regard? a) AWS CloudTrail b) AWS Inspector c) AWS Trusted Advisor d) AWS CloudWatch 28. A company is deploying a two-tier and highly available web application to AWS. Which service provides durable storage for static content while utilizing lower Overall CPU resources for the web tier? a) Amazon EBS volume b) Amazon S3 c) Amazon EC2 instance store d) Amazon RDS instance 29. Which AWS service allows for distribution of incoming application traffic across multiple EC2 instances? a) AWS EC2 b) AWS Autoscaling c) AWS ELB d) AWS Inspector 30. Which of the below AWS services allows you to base the number of resources on the demand of the application or users? a) AWS EC2 b) AWS Autoscaling c) AWS ELB d) AWS Inspector 31. Which of the following is AWS managed database service provides processing power that is up to 5X faster than a traditional MySQL database? a) MariaDB b) Aurora c) PostgreSQL d) DynamoDB 32. Which of the following is AWS services allows you to build a data warehouse on the cloud? a) AWS Snowball b) AWS Storage Gateway c) AWS EMR d) AWS Redshift 33. Which of the following services helps in governance and compliance and risk auditing in AWS? a) AWS Config b) AWS CloudTrail c) AWS CloudWatch d) AWS SNS 34. When using On-Demand instances in AWS. Which of the following is a false statement when it comes to the costing for the Instance? a) You pay no upfront costs for the instance b) You are charged per second based on the hourly rate c) You have to pay the termination fees if you terminate the instance d) You pay for much you use 35. AWS provides a storage option known as Amazon Glacier. What is this AWS service designed for? Please specify 2 correct options. a) Cached session data b) Infrequently accessed data c) Data archives d) Active database storage 36. Which of the following is not a supported database in the AWS RDS service? a) Aurora b) MariaDB c) MySQL d) DB2 37. There is a requirement to move 10 TB data warehouse to the AWS cloud. Which of the following is an ideal service which can be used to move this amount of data to the AWS Cloud? a) Amazon Snowball b) Amazon Direct Connect c) Amazon S3 Multipart Upload d) Amazon S3 Connector 38. What is the key difference between an availability zone and an edge location? a) An availability zone is a grouping of AWS resources in a specific region; an edge location is a specific resource within the AWS region b) An availability zone is an isolated location within an AWS region whereas an edge location will deliver cached content to the closest location to reduce latency c) Edge locations are used as control stations for AWS resources d) None of the above 39. Which of the following security features is associated with a Subnet in a VPC to protect against Incoming traffic requests? a) AWS Inspector b) Subnet Groups c) Security Groups d) NACL 40. In AWS billing what option can be used to ensure costs can be reduced if you have multiple accounts? a) Combined billing b) Consolidated billing c) Costs are automatically reduced for multiple accounts by AWS. d) It is not possible to reduce costs with multiple accounts 41. You have a Web application hosted in an EC2 Instance that needs to send notifications based on events. Which of the below services can assist in sending notifications? a) AWS SES b) AWS SNS c) AWS SQS d) AWS EC2 42. What is a document that provides a formal statement of one or more permissions? a) Policy b) Permission c) Role d) Resource 43. What acts as a firewall that controls the traffic allowed to reach one or more instances? a) Security group b) ACL c) IAM d) EC2 44. Which of the following are benefits of the AWS's Relational Database Service (RDS)? Choose the 2 correct answers from the options below a) Automated patches and backups b) You can resize the capacity accordingly c) It allows you to store unstructured data d) It allows you to store NoSQL data 45. Which AWS service uses Edge Locations for content caching? a) AWS SNS b) AWS SQS c) AWS CloudFront d) AWS Inspector 46. A company wants to create standard templates for deployment of their Infrastructure. Which AWS service can be used in this regard? Please choose one option. a) Amazon Simple Workflow Service b) AWS Elastic Beanstalk c) AWS CloudFormation d) AWS OpsWorks 47. You have a distributed application that periodically processes large volumes of data across multiple Amazon EC2 Instances. The application is designed to recover gracefully from Amazon EC2 instance failures. You are required to accomplish this task in the most cost-effective way. Which of the following will meet your requirements? a) b) c) d) Spot Instances Reserved instances Dedicated instances On-Demand instances 48. What is the service provided by AWS that lets you host Domain Name systems? Please choose on answer from the options below a) Route 53 b) VPC c) Direct Connect d) VPN 49. What is the service provided by AWS that allows developers to easily deploy and manage applications on the cloud? Please choose on answer from the options below. a) CloudFormation b) Elastic Beanstalk c) Opswork d) Container service 50. A company is deploying a new two-tier web application in AWS. The company wants to store their most frequently used data so that the response time for the application is improved. Which AWS service provides the solution for the company’s requirements? a) MySQL Installed on two Amazon EC2 Instances in a single Availability Zone b) Amazon RDS for MySQL with Multi-AZ c) Amazon Elastic Cache d) Amazon DynamoDB 51. If you wanted to take a backup of an EBS Volume - what would you do? a) Store the EBS volume in S3 b) Store the EBS volume in an RDS database c) Create an EBS snapshot d) Store the EBS volume in DynamoDB 52. What does Amazon EC2 provide? a) Virtual servers in the Cloud. b) A platform to run code (Java / PHP / Python) paying on an hourly basis. c) Computer Clusters in the Cloud. d) Physical servers - remotely managed by the customer. 53. Which of the following options of AWS RDS allows for AWS to failover to a secondary database in case the primary one fails? a) AWS Multi-AZ b) AWS Failover c) AWS Secondary d) AWS Standby 54. What service from AWS can help manage the costs for all resources in AWS? a) Cost Explorer b) Cost Allocation Tags c) AWS Consolidated billing d) Payment History 55. What service helps you to aggregate logs from your EC2 instance? Choose one answer from the options below a) SQS b) S3 c) CloudTrail d) CloudWatch Logs 56. Which of the following items allow an application deployed on an EC2 instance to write data to S3 in a secure manner? a) AWS IAM Users b) AWS IAM Roles c) AWS IAM Groups d) AWS IAM Permissions 57. What are the four levels of AWS Premium Support? a) Basic / Developer / Business / Enterprise b) Basic / Startup / Business / Enterprise c) Free / Bronze / Silver / Gold d) All support is free 58. A company does not want to manage their database. Which of the following services is a fully managed NoSQL database provided by AWS? a) AWS RDS b) DynamoDB c) Oracle RDS d) Elastic Map Reduce 59. Which of the following are attributes to the costing for using the Simple Storage Service? Choose 2 answers from the options given below a) The storage class used for the objects stored. b) Number of S3 buckets c) The total size in gigabytes of all objects stored. d) Using encryption in S3 60. If you want to develop an application in Java - Which of the following tools would you use? a) AWS PowerShell b) AWS SDK c) AWS CLI d) AWS Console 61. Which of the following services helps provide a connection from onpremises infrastructure to resources hosted in the AWS Cloud. Choose 2 answers from the options given below a) AWS VPC b) AWS VPN c) AWS Direct Connect d) AWS Subnets 62. You want to take a snapshot of an EC2 Instance and create a new instance out of it. In AWS what is this snapshot equivalent to? a) EBS Volumes b) AMI c) EC2 Snapshot d) EBS Snapshot 63. There is a requirement hosting a set of servers in the Cloud for a short period of 3 months. Which of the following types of instances should be chosen to be cost effective. a) Spot Instances b) On-Demand c) No Upfront costs Reserved d) Partial Upfront costs Reserved 64. Which of the following concepts is used when you want to manage the bills for multiple accounts under one master account? a) Consolidating billing b) Combined Billing c) Cost Explorer d) IAM 65. Which of the following is not a disaster recovery deployment technique? a) Pilot light b) Warm standby c) Single Site d) Multi-Site Respostas – Simulado #3 Questão Questão 1 Questão 2 Questão 3 Questão 4 Questão 5 Questão 6 Questão 7 Questão 8 Questão 9 Questão 10 Questão 11 Questão 12 Questão 13 Questão 14 Questão 15 Questão 16 Questão 17 Questão 18 Questão 19 Questão 20 Questão 21 Questão 22 Questão 23 Questão 24 Questão 25 Questão 26 Questão 27 Questão 28 Questão 29 Questão 30 Questão 31 Questão 32 Questão 33 Questão 34 Questão 35 Resposta D Categoria Technology Referência A Technology A D Billing and Pricing Technology C, D Technology C Security B Security D Cloud Concepts Billing and Pricing Technology A Security C Technology D Billing and Pricing Security Billing and Pricing Technology Billing and Pricing Technology A, C, D, F Security B Security A Billing and Pricing Technology B, D Billing and Pricing Billing and Pricing Technology B Technology D Technology B Technology C Technology B Technology B Technology D Technology B Security C Billing and Pricing Technology B, C D C, D B B B C C A, B, C A B, C Questão 36 Questão 37 Questão 38 Questão 39 Questão 40 Questão 41 Questão 42 Questão 43 Questão 44 Questão 45 Questão 46 Questão 47 Questão 48 Questão 49 Questão 50 Questão 51 Questão 52 Questão 53 Questão 54 Questão 55 Questão 56 Questão 57 Questão 58 Questão 59 Questão 60 Questão 61 Questão 62 Questão 63 Questão 64 Questão 65 D Technology A Technology B Technology D Technology B B Billing and Pricing Technology A Security A Security A, B Technology C Technology C Technology A Technology A Technology B Technology C Technology C Technology A Technology A Technology A Technology D Technology B Technology A B Billing and Pricing Technology A, C Technology B Technology B, C B Billing and Pricing Technology B Technology A Billing and Pricing Technology C