TheMightyHicks's Character CHARACTER NAME STRENGTH • +0 10 • +0 Strength -1 Dexterity +4 Constitution +3 Intelligence +1 Wisdom +4 Charisma Sorcerer 1 TheMightyHicks CLASS & LEVEL PLAYER NAME Rock Gnome Custom Background (Milestone) RACE BACKGROUND EXPERIENCE POINTS -1 ARMOR Max HP 12 9 HIT POINTS Total Saving Throw Modifiers DEXTERITY 8 +2 P 14 INTELLIGENCE +3 16 WISDOM +1 P -1 Acrobatics DEX +1 Animal Handling WIS +5 Arcana INT +0 Athletics STR +2 Deception CHA +3 History INT +1 Insight WIS +2 Intimidation CHA +3 Investigation INT +1 Medicine WIS +3 Nature INT +1 Perception WIS +2 Performance CHA +4 Persuasion CHA +3 Religion INT -1 Sleight of Hand DEX -1 Stealth DEX +1 Survival WIS 12 CHARISMA INSPIRATION +2 PROFICIENCY BONUS === TOOLS === Tinker's Tools === LANGUAGES === Common, Draconic, Gnomish ABILITY SAVE DC 25 ft. (Walking) SPEED PROFICIENCIES & LANGUAGES === ACTIONS === Standard Actions Attack, Cast a Spell, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Help, Hide, Ready, Search, Use an Object, Opportunity Attack, Grapple, Shove, Improvise, Two-Weapon Fighting, Interact with an Object 15 ACTIONS SKILLS NAME PASSIVE WISDOM (PERCEPTION) 11 PASSIVE WISDOM (INSIGHT) 13 PASSIVE INTELLIGENCE (INVESTIGATION) Unarmed Strike HIT +2 DAMAGE/TYPE NOTES 1 Bludgeoning Darkvision 60 ft. SENSES DEATH SAVES === WEAPONS === Crossbow, Light, Dagger, Dart, Quarterstaff, Sling +2 11 SUCCESSES HIT DICE DEFENSES SAVING THROWS CONSTITUTION 1d6 FAILURES Advantage on INT Against Magic Advantage on WIS Against Magic Advantage on CHA Against Magic -1 -- CLASS INITIATIVE Temp HP Current HP WEAPON ATTACKS & CANTRIPS TM & © 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2018 D&D Beyond | All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to photo copy this document for personal use. TheMightyHicks's Character CHARACTER NAME Sorcerer 1 TheMightyHicks CLASS & LEVEL PLAYER NAME Rock Gnome Custom Background (Milestone) RACE BACKGROUND EXPERIENCE POINTS === SORCERER FEATURES === * Tinker • BR 37 You are proficient with tinker's tools and can use them to construct tiny clockwork devices. * Hit Points • PHB 100 * Proficiencies • PHB 100 * Spellcasting • PHB 101 You can cast known sorcerer spells using CHA as your spellcasting modifier (Spell DC 12, Spell Attack +4). You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus. * Sorcerous Origin • PHB 101 | Draconic Bloodline * Dragon Ancestor • PHB 102 You have a specific dragon type as your ancestor. You can speak, read, and write Draconic and you double your proficiency bonus for CHA checks involving dragons. | Black Dragon • PHB * Draconic Resilience • PHB 102 Your max HP increases by 1. When you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals 12. === ROCK GNOME RACIAL TRAITS === * Darkvision • BR 37 You can see in darkness (shades of gray) up to 60 ft. * Gnome Cunning • BR 37 You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic. * Artificer’s Lore • BR 37 Add twice your proficiency bonus to History checks related to magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices. FEATURES & TRAITS NAME CP SP QTY WEIGHT Crossbow, light 1 5 lb. Crossbow Bolts 20 1.5 lb. Component Pouch 1 2 lb. Backpack 1 5 lb. Bedroll 1 7 lb. Mess Kit 1 1 lb. Tinderbox 1 1 lb. Torch 10 10 lb. Rations (1 day) 10 20 lb. Waterskin 1 5 lb. Rope, Hempen (50 feet) 1 10 lb. ENCUMBERED Dagger 1 1 lb. 150 lb. Dagger 1 1 lb. Acid (vial) 1 1 lb. Potion of Growth 3 -- 0 0 EP 0 GP 0 PP 0 WEIGHT CARRIED 70.5 lb. PUSH/DRAG/LIFT 300 lb. NAME QTY WEIGHT ATTUNED MAGIC ITEMS QTY WEIGHT EQUIPMENT TM & © 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2018 D&D Beyond | All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to photo copy this document for personal use. TheMightyHicks's Character CHARACTER NAME male 42 Small 4'1 GENDER AGE SIZE HEIGHT Chaotic Good The gnome cultists Pale and crusty no pupils ALIGNMENT FAITH === Allies === SKIN WEIGHT EYES medium length, Orange HAIR intelligent, brave other species of gnomes , other people in the cult PERSONALITY TRAITS i believe that gnomes should take over the orcs. IDEALS i like teethlings. BONDS clumsy, no family, poor hygiene, CHARACTER APPEARANCE FLAWS ALLIES & ORGANIZATIONS Orcs raided the northern gnome tribe. all of the tribe was wiped out apart from me. i search the world looking for other gnomes outcasted from the tribe to stop the species from dying out. CHARACTER BACKSTORY ADDITIONAL NOTES TM & © 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2018 D&D Beyond | All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to photo copy this document for personal use. CHA 12 +4 SPELLCASTING ABILITY SPELL SAVE DC SPELL ATTACK BONUS Sorcerer SPELLCASTING CLASS SAVE/ATK TIME RANGE COMP Sorcerer DEX 12 1A 60 ft. V,S Instantaneous PHB 211 V/S Sorcerer -- 1A 30 ft./5 ft. Cube S Instantaneous EE 164 5 ft. Cube, S Minor Illusion Sorcerer -- 1A 30 ft./5 ft. Cube S,M 1 minute PHB 260 D: 1m, 5 ft. Cube, S/M Control Flames Sorcerer -- 1A 60 ft./5 ft. Cube S Instantaneous EE 152 5 ft. Cube, S === 1st LEVEL === 2 Slots OO Charm Person Sorcerer WIS 12 1A 30 ft. V,S 1 hour PHB 221 D: 1h, V/S Absorb Elements Sorcerer -- 1R Self S 1 round EE 150 D: 1Rnd, S PREP SPELL NAME O O O O O O SOURCE === CANTRIPS === (At Will) Acid Splash Shape Water DURATION PAGE REF NOTES SPELLS TM & © 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC. ©2018 D&D Beyond | All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted to photo copy this document for personal use.