See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Subgrade reaction modulus of rock masses under the load of single and multiple footings Article in Geomechanics and Geoengineering · February 2021 DOI: 10.1080/17486025.2021.1889687 CITATION READS 1 5,033 2 authors: Saeed Shamloo Meysam Imani Amirkabir University of Technology Amirkabir University of Technology 9 PUBLICATIONS 29 CITATIONS 26 PUBLICATIONS 192 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Earth Pressure View project Upper bound stability analysis of crushed rock slopes considering the Hoek-Brown non linear failure criterion View project All content following this page was uploaded by Saeed Shamloo on 25 February 2021. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Geomechanics and Geoengineering An International Journal ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: Subgrade reaction modulus of rock masses under the load of single and multiple footings Saeed Shamloo & Meysam Imani To cite this article: Saeed Shamloo & Meysam Imani (2021): Subgrade reaction modulus of rock masses under the load of single and multiple footings, Geomechanics and Geoengineering, DOI: 10.1080/17486025.2021.1889687 To link to this article: Published online: 22 Feb 2021. Submit your article to this journal View related articles View Crossmark data Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at GEOMECHANICS AND GEOENGINEERING Subgrade reaction modulus of rock masses under the load of single and multiple footings Saeed Shamloo and Meysam Imani Geotechnical Engineering Group, Amirkabir University of Technology, Garmsar, Iran ABSTRACT ARTICLE HISTORY Subgrade reaction modulus is an essential parameter in the structural design of footings. Determination of this parameter is difficult, especially in rock masses containing an irregular dis­ tribution of discontinuities. In this paper, the subgrade reaction modulus of rock masses obeying Hoek-Brown failure criterion was investigated. It was assumed that the rock masses are under the pressure of a single isolated footing and also two adjacent strip footings. The subgrade reaction modulus was determined from the pressure-settlement curve of the rock masses. This study’s results were presented in two forms, which include the subgrade reduction factor and the interference coefficient. The obtained results show that the subgrade reaction modulus of rock masses may be smaller than 50% of intact rocks. Likewise, based on the distance between the multiple footings, the subgrade reaction modulus may be in the range of 0.7 to 1.3 times the subgrade reaction modulus in the case of a single isolated footing. Received 5 July 2020 Accepted 9 February 2021 1. Introduction The analysis of the interaction between footings and subsurface materials is a challenging problem in geo­ technical engineering. In some footing-bedding inter­ action analysis methods, the soil/rock bedding material is replaced by a simple system that contains a collection of springs. This approach has been used extensively in the design of foundations by structural engineers. The stiffness coefficient of these springs, which is named as the subgrade reaction modulus (SRM) in the current study, can be obtained using Equation (1): ks ¼ q=δ (1) In which q is the footing pressure and δ is the corre­ sponding settlement. After Biot (1937), many studies were performed on the SRM, i.e., ks, of soils. Among others, Terzaghi (1955) proposed ks value for sand and clay as Equations (2) and (3), respectively. � � B þ 0:3 2 ks ¼ k0:3 (2) 2B ks ¼ k0:3 � � 0:3 B (3) In which k0.3 (in the unit of force/volume, like MN/m3) is the value of ks from a plate load test, and B (m) is the CONTACT Meysam Imani © 2021 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group KEYWORDS Hoek-Brown; interference coefficient; multiple footing; rock foundation; subgrade reaction modulus footing width. This method was initially proposed for a 30 cm×30 cm concrete rigid slab rested on the soil bedding surface. The obtained results show that the ks value depends on the dimensions of the footing. Vesic (1961) showed that ks is related to both the soil and structural stiffness. He proposed a precise relation for ks, which is presented in Equation (4): �1= � � � 0:65 Es Es � B4 12 ks ¼ � � 1 ν2s EI B (4) In which, Es (in the unit of force/area, like MPa) and νs are the soil modulus of elasticity and the Poisson’s ratio, respectively, and EI (in the unit of force multiplied by area, like kN.m2) is the footing flexural stiffness. For practical applications, one can use Vesic’s simplified relation as follows: ks ¼ Es B 1 ν2s � (5) Vlassov and Leontiev (1966) also proposed the reaction coefficient for the beams and plates resting on an elastic semi-infinite medium as follows: ks ¼ Es ð1 νs Þ μ � ð1 þ νs Þð1 2νs Þ 2B (6) The determination of the dimensionless factor μ is ambig­ uous, which makes the use of this method very complicated 2 S. SHAMLOO AND M. IMANI (Sadrekarimi and Akbarzad 2009). Likewise, Imanzadeh et al. (2013) showed that soil stiffness has the most signifi­ cant effect on the uncertainty of the SRM, while other parameters like structural properties have little importance. As another research, by comparing the results of finite element models with those obtained from field plate load tests, Avci and Gurbuz (2018) showed that the modulus of subgrade reaction decreases with the increasing settlement of the soils. Many other kinds of research were performed to determine soil horizontal SRM in buried circular chan­ nels (Meyerhof and Baikie 1963, Klopple and Glock 1979, Selvadurai 1985, Ziaie Moayed and Naeini 2006). Because of the complexity of rock media, rock masses’ load-displacement behaviour has gained little attention in past research. Among others, Carter and Kullhawy (1988) presented the load-displacement response and the corresponding ultimate bearing capacity of rock masses subjected to loads of socketed shafts. Also, Kullhawy and Carter (1992) investigated different aspects of settlement and bear­ ing capacity analysis of foundations on rock masses. Using plasticity and finite element models, Alhossein et al. (1992) proposed solutions for strip footings on a regularly jointed rock mass with one and two joint sets. To the authors’ knowledge, the problem of determining the SRM for rock masses was not ade­ quately investigated by researchers. Very few pub­ lished papers can be found regarding this issue in the literature. The few available studies show that the SRM of the rock masses is smaller than that of intact rocks. Since the rock masses’ elastic modulus is smaller than that of intact rocks and the SRM has a positive correlation with the elastic modulus. The experimental research performed by Lee and Jeong (2016) can be considered as the most recent study regarding the SRM of jointed rocks. They constructed some artificial joints with different orien­ tations and spacings in jointed rock specimens and finally obtained the joint reduction factor (Jf) for each case. They suggested that the SRM of the jointed rocks (kj) can easily be obtained from Equation (7): kj ¼ Jf � ks ¼ Jf � Es B 1 ν2s � (7) In which ks is the SRM of the intact rock, which can be obtained using Vesic’s simplified formula, i.e., Equation (5). This equation is widely used in prac­ tical applications for soil beddings. Es and νs are the elastic modulus, and the Poisson’s ratio of the intact rock, respectively, and B is the footing width. The method presented by Lee and Jeong (2016) is applicable only for the jointed rocks containing specific joints and can not be used in general cases. However, in many practical projects, engineers are faced with rock masses that contain irregular fractures with no distinct joint sets. In such situations, the Hoek-Brown failure criterion (Hoek and Brown 1980) has widely been applied by the engineers. To the authors’ knowledge, no precise method is available for obtaining the SRM of the rock masses obeying the Hoek-Brown failure criter­ ion, and the present paper seems to be the pioneer in this field. This issue is of paramount importance since many massive structures, like a bridge, are usually con­ structed on crushed rock masses, and structural engi­ neers need the SRM of the underlying rock mass for designing the foundation of the structure. In this paper, by considering different properties for the rock masses, detailed sensitivity analyses were per­ formed to obtain the SRM of the rock masses. The results of this study were presented as a factor named ‘subgrade reduction factor’ that can be used for deter­ mining the SRM of the rock masses. Simple tables were presented for obtaining the subgrade reduction factor, which can easily be used in practical applications. Moreover, as a new subject in rock foundation pro­ blems, the effect of multiple footings on the SRM was also investigated. 2. Analysis method The SRM is a parameter that can be obtained by dividing the footing pressure (q) by the correspond­ ing settlement (δ). This parameter is not constant, and it depends on the width and depth of the foot­ ing. Two common methods are available for deter­ mining this parameter, which includes the loading experiment on the base material and the numerical analysis. The latter was used in the present study by applying the finite element software, Phase2. 2.1. Boundary conditions In the numerical models, the side boundaries were kept fixed in the horizontal direction, while the base of the models was kept fixed in both the vertical and the horizontal directions. Model meshing was performed by 6 nodded triangular elements. An important issue in numerical modelling is the distance between the footing edges to the sides and the bottom boundaries of the model. Fattah et al. (2014a, 2014b, 2014c) showed that these distances greatly influence the amount of footing settlement and the corresponding bearing capacity. Lee and Jeong (2016) considered these distances approxi­ mately equal to 3.5 times the footing width (i.e., 3.5B). Lees (2016) proposed a distance approximately equal to 3B is enough. In the present study, to minimise the boundary effects on the results, the distance between the footing edge to the side bound­ aries was considered equal to 5B, while a distance equal to 3.5B was considered from the footing base to the bottom boundary of the model. Figure 1 represents the general shape of the numerical models considered in the current research. In the numerical models, the footing pressure was applied incrementally to the top boundary of the model at a rate equal to 2*10−5m/s. Lee and Jeong (2016) were also considered the same loading rate in their experimental tests. Two sets of models were constructed in this research, including the verification models and the sensitivity analysis models. In the verification mod­ els, the width of the footing was considered to be equal to 8 cm, which is consistent with the models constructed by Lee and Jeong (2016). However, in the sensitivity analysis models, the footing width was set to one metre. 2.2. Determination of the SRM from the pressure-settlement curve The pressure-settlement curve of the rock masses can be drawn by applying an incremental footing pres­ sure and obtaining the corresponding settlements. This curve can be used to determine the bearing capacity and the SRM of the rock masses. Most previous numerically obtained pressure-settlement curves were used for determining the ultimate bear­ ing capacity of soil/rock masses [(Mabrouki et al. 2010, Javid et al. 2015, Sargazi and Hosseininia 2017, Mansouri et al. 2019). This issue is out of the scope of this paper, and only determining the SRM Figure 1. Boundary condition for numerical model. 3 pressure (q) GEOMECHANICS AND GEOENGINEERING SRM 1 settlement (δ) Figure 2. An example of a pressure-settlement curve and the corresponding SRM. was focused here. The pressure-settlement curve is generally nonlinear, but the curvature of its initial part, before the yield point, is much smaller than the curvature of its post-yield point. As shown in Figure 2, an approximate line can be fitted to the initial part of the pressure-settlement curve. The slope of this line was called the SRM. Lee and Jeong (2016) were used this approach for obtaining the SRM of their experimental models. In the present research, the same approach was used for obtaining the SRM of rock masses. 3. Verification of the numerical modelling The results of the present study were verified by the experimental tests performed by Lee and Jeong (2016). They constructed 21 jointed rock samples with dimen­ sions equal to 48 cm*48 cm*28 cm. Each sample was subjected to a distributed incremental load with a width equal to 8 cm, and the corresponding pressuresettlement curve was obtained. Then, they obtained the SRM as the slope of the nearly linear part of the curve occurred at the beginning of it. 4 S. SHAMLOO AND M. IMANI Table 1. The properties of the jointed rocks considered in the analyses. Parameter σci (MPa) Sd (cm) Id (degree) Es (MPa) Poisson’s ratio (ν) ϕj (degree) cj (MPa) Kn (GPa/m) Ks (GPa/m) γ (MN/m3) Magnitiude 15 4, 8 0, 30, 60, 90 860 0.3 35 0 100 10 0.027 3.1. The pressure-settlement curve and the corresponding SRM obtained For all the 21 samples, the numerical models were constructed in the current study, and the pressuresettlement curves were compared with those obtained by Lee and Jeong (2016). The properties considered for the jointed rock are presented in Table 1. As an example, for the eight models shown in Figure 3, the results of this comparison were shown in Figure 4. As shown in Figure 4, the overall trend of the curves obtained from the numer­ ical models is approximately similar to that obtained from the experimental tests. The most similarity of the curves obtained from these two methods was seen in the approximately linear part at the begin­ ning of the curves. It means that the slope of this part of the curves, which corresponds to the SRM, is very close to each other in numerical and experi­ mental models, which shows the applicability of the numerical models constructed in the current research. Table 2 presents a comparison between the SRM obtained from the present study and the Lee and Jeong (2016) experimental tests. Unfortunately, Lee and Jeong (2016) did not men­ tion five parameters of their samples, including the unit weight of the rock mass, the cohesion and the friction angle of these joints and also the normal and shear stiffness along the joints. In the current section, an approximate logical magnitude was assumed for these parameters, as presented in Table 1. However, the sensitivity of the results to these assumed values was investigated later in section 3.3. 3.2. The joint reduction factor Determination of the SRM by using the in situ tests is too difficult, especially in rock masses. So, by using Equation (7), one can easily obtain the SRM for the jointed rock masses (kj) by having the SRM of the intact rocks (ks) and the joint reduction factor, Jf. According to Lee and Jeong (2016), the SRM of the intact rock can be obtained using Vesic’s simplified relation (Equation (5)) that was initially proposed for soil beddings. The Jf can also be obtained from the simple chart provided in their study. As another ver­ ification of the present research, the joint reduction factor, Jf, was obtained using the numerical method and was compared with the experimental tests (Lee and Jeong 2016). According to Equation (7), the Jf is the ratio of SRM of jointed rocks to the intact rocks. All the 21 specimens constructed by Lee and Jeong (2016) were analysed numerically in the present paper, and the obtained Jf were presented in Table 3. This table shows that the difference between the numerical analyses and the experimental tests is 2 to 9%, which is usually appropriate in practical engineer­ ing applications. The experimental tests performed by Lee and Jeong (2016) show that SRM of the jointed rocks is about 43% to 91% of SRM of the intact rocks, while the numerical results reveal a magnitude of about 54% to 86%. 3.3. The effect of the joint parameters on the verification results As discussed previously, Lee and Jeong (2016) did not mention the unit weight of their samples and also the joints cohesion, friction of angle, and the normal and shear stiffness. The effect of these para­ meters on the numerical results was checked in this section for model 6 of Figure 3. Lee and Jeong (2016) ignored the filling material in the joints for their samples. Therefore, the cohe­ sion along the joints is low and can be considered equal to zero. On the other hand, different investiga­ tions show that the unit weight of the rock mass does not have a considerable effect on the strength of the rock mass (Yang and Yin 2005, Saada et al. 2008, AlKhafaji et al. 2020). As a result, only the effects of the joint friction angle and the normal and shear stiffness were investigated here. Table 4 presents the magnitudes considered for these para­ meters. In all cases, the joint shear stiffness was taken into account equal to 0.1 times the joint nor­ mal stiffness. Other required parameters were select from Table 1. Figures 5 and 6 show the effect of the joint fric­ tion angle and the normal and shear stiffnesses, respectively. These figures reveal that the mentioned joint parameters do not have a considerable effect on GEOMECHANICS AND GEOENGINEERING 5 Figure 3. Configuration of some of the samples tested by .Lee and Jeong (2016) the SRM and the bearing capacity of the jointed rocks. As an overall conclusion from the current section, the numerical results obtained in this paper are in reasonable conformity with the experimental results. 4. Effect of the rock mass properties on the SRM In many practical rock engineering projects, rock masses contain a considerable amount of randomly distributed discontinuities. The analysis of such rock S. SHAMLOO AND M. IMANI 30 30 25 25 20 20 Pressure (MPa) Pressure (MPa) 6 15 10 Present study 15 10 Present study 5 5 Lee & Jeong (2016) Lee & Jeong (2016) 0 0 0 2 4 Sattlement (mm) 6 0 8 2 25 30 20 25 15 10 Present study 5 8 20 15 10 Present study 5 Lee & Jeong (2016) Lee & Jeong (2016) 0 0 0 2 4 Settlement (mm) 6 0 8 2 30 25 25 Pressure (MPa) 30 20 15 10 Present study 5 4 Settlement (mm) 6 8 Model 4 Model 3 Pressure (MPa) 6 Model 2 Pressure (MPa) Pressure (MPa) Model 1 4 Sattlement (mm) 20 15 10 Present study 5 Lee & Jeong (2016) Lee & Jeong (2016) 0 0 0 2 4 Settlement (mm) 6 8 0 2 Model 5 4 6 Settlement (mm) 8 Model 6 30 35 25 30 Pressure (MPa) Pressure (MPa) 25 20 15 10 Present study 5 20 15 10 Present study 5 Lee & Jeong (2016) Lee & Jeong (2016) 0 0 0 2 4 Settlement (mm) Model 7 6 8 0 2 4 Settlement (mm) Model 8 Figure 4. Comparison between the results of the present study with .Lee and Jeong (2016) 6 8 GEOMECHANICS AND GEOENGINEERING 7 Table 2. Comparison between the SRM obtained from the pre­ sent study and the experimental tests performed by Lee and Jeong (2016). Model 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Present study (Values in MN/m3) 6137 6740 4740 5390 5894 6672 6980 7868 Lee and Jeong (2016) (Values in MN/m3) 7220 7798 4780 5480 6370 7020 8340 9160 Difference (%) 15 13 1 2 7 5 16 14 masses has usually been performed by considering a homogeneous isotropic rock mass with the HoekBrown failure criterion. Equation (8) defines the gen­ eral form of the Hoek-Brown failure criterion: (8) In which, σ1 and σ3 are the major and minor principal stresses, respectively, σci is the uniaxial compressive strength of the intact rock, and mb, s, and a are the Hoek-Brown parameters that can be obtained using Equations (9)–(11), respectively. � � GSI 100 mb ¼ mi exp (9) 28 14D � � GSI 100 s ¼ exp 9 3D 1 1� a¼ þ e 2 6 GSI 16 20 3 (10) Figure 5. Effect of joints friction angle on pressure-settlement curve. 35 30 25 P ressure (MP a) � �a σ3 σ 1 ¼ σ 3 þ σ ci mb þ s σ1 20 15 Kn=50GPa/m , Ks=5GPa/m Present study 10 Kn=150GPa/m , Ks=15GPa/m 30 � (11) 5 In which mi is an empirical constant for the intact rock, GSI is the geological strength index, and D is the dis­ turbance factor. In the following sections, the SRM of the rock masses obeying the Hoek-Brown failure criterion, i.e., ks(mass), 0 e Kn=100GPa/m , Ks=10GPa/m 25 Kn=200GPa/m , Ks=20GPa/m 40 Lee & Jeong (2016) Lee&Jeong[13] 0 2 4 Settlement (mm) 6 8 Figure 6. Effect of normal and shear stiffness of joints on pressure-settlement curve. Table 3. Comparison between the joint reduction factor (Jf) obtained from the present study with Lee and Jeong (2016). Id = 0° (Sd/B) 0.5 1 1.5 2 Lee & Jeong 0.63 0.73 0.83 0.85 Present study 0.68 0.75 0.79 0.80 Id = 30° Difference (%) 5 2 4 5 Lee & Jeong 0.43 0.58 0.63 0.67 Id = 60° 0.5 1 1.5 2 Present study 0.54 0.65 0.69 0.75 Difference (%) 9 7 6 4 Id = 90° Lee & Jeong Present study Difference (%) Lee & Jeong Present study Difference (%) 0.58 0.64 0.71 0.73 0.64 0.71 0.74 0.75 6 7 3 2 0.71 0.78 0.86 0.91 0.66 0.75 0.84 0.86 5 3 2 5 8 S. SHAMLOO AND M. IMANI Table 4. The properties considered for the rock joints. Parameter ϕj (degree) Kn (GPa/m) Ks (GPa/m) Magnitude 25, 30, 35, 40 50, 100, 150, 200 5, 10, 15, 20 Table 5. Rock mass properties considered for sensitivity analyses. Parameter σci (MPa) GSI mi D Magnitude 5, 25, 50, 75, 100 10, 30, 50, 70, 90 5, 10, 15 0, 0.5, 0.8 was investigated considering all combinations of the parameters presented in Table 5. The ks(mass) is the slope of the initial approximately linear part of the pressuresettlement curve obtained from numerical models. The rock mass was considered to be under the pressure of a strip footing with one-metre width. Due to a large number of the models, only the results of some of them were presented in the following sections. The elastic properties of the rock mass calculated using the following relations that were proposed by Hoek and Brown (1980) and Vásárhelyi (2009), respectively: � �rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi GSI 10 D σ ci � 10ð 40 Þ (12) Em ðGPaÞ ¼ 1 100 2 νm ¼ 0:002GSI 0:003mi þ 0:457 (13) In which Em and νm are the rock mass deformation modulus and the Poisson’s ratio, respectively, and the Hoek-Brown parameters, D, σci (MPa), GSI, and mi were selected from Table 5. 4.1. Effect of σci Figure 7 shows the effect of σci on the ks(mass), considering different Hoek-Brown parameters. It can be seen that increasing the σci results in increasing the ks(mass). The Figure 7. Effect of σci on ks,mass assuming: (a) D = 0 and mi = 10 (b) D = 0 and GSI = 30, and (c) mi = 10 and GSI = 30. GEOMECHANICS AND GEOENGINEERING 9 Figure 8. Effect of GSI on ks,mass assuming: (a) D = 0 and mi = 10, (b) D = 0 and σci = 25 MPa and (c) mi = 10 and σci = 25 MPa. Table 6. Comparison between the ks(mass) (MN/m3)obtained from the present study with Lee and Jeong (2016) for the case of D = 0 mi = 10 and GSI = 88. Present study Lee and Jeong (2016) Difference(%) σci = 24 MPa 21743 20880 4 σci = 15 MPa 12478 11814 5 ks(mass) value is less affected by mi, while D and GSI sig­ nificantly influence the ks(mass). 4.2. Effect of GSI Figure 8 shows the effect of GSI on the ks(mass), consider­ ing different Hoek-Brown parameters. It is clear that increasing the GSI results in increasing the ks(mass). The rate of this increment is not considerable for the case of GSI<60, while for GSI>60, ks(mass) increases by a high rate. This conclusion means that for the rock masses with GSI>60, the ks(mass) is considerably affected by GSI. Additionally, it can be seen that among the Hoek-Brown parameters, mi has the lowest effect on the ks(mass). It is interesting to note that Figure 8(a) shows Another verification of the current study. As can be seen, the ks obtained by Lee and Jeong (2016) for the rock masses with σci = 24MPa and 15 Mpa are equal to 20,880 MN/m3 and 11,814 MN/m3, respectively, which were shown in Figure 8(a) as two single points. These two points were obtained from the experimental tests performed by Lee and Jeong (2016) on the samples, not including the joints. Naturally, such samples behave as rock masses with large GSI values, i.e., approximately GSI = 90. The ks for the mentioned σci and GSI were also obtained from the cur­ rent study, and the results were presented in Table 6. This comparison shows a good agreement between the current study and the experimental tests. 10 S. SHAMLOO AND M. IMANI Figure 9. Effect of mi on ks,mass assuming: (a) D = 0 and GSI = 30 (b) D = 0 and σci = 25 MPa (c) σci = 25 MPa and GSI = 30. 4.3. Effect of mi Figure 9 presents the effect of mi on the ks(mass). As described in the previous subsection, mi has not a significant influence on the ks(mass); only a small increase in ks(mass) can be seen by increasing mi. 4.4. Effect of D Figure 10 shows the effect of D on the ks(mass). By increasing the disturbance of the rock mass, ks(mass) will decrease. The rate of reduction of ks(mass) is widely affected by σci. As shown in Figure 10(a), increasing D results in decreasing the ks; the larger the σci, the more reduction in the ks. 5. Effect of the footing width on the SRM In the sensitivity analyses performed in the previous sections, the width of the footing was taken into account equal to one metre. In order to check the effect of the footing width on the ks(mass) of the rock masses, several B magnitudes that are common in practice were con­ sidered, and the obtained ks(mass) was shown in Figure 11. The figure shows that the footing’s width has a considerable effect on the ks(mass) of the rock masses. By increasing B, the rock mass settlement beneath the footing will increase, which results in the reduction in the ks(mass) (see Equation (1)). This reduction rate is paramount in small magnitudes of B, especially in large values of σci. 6. Suggesting a new coefficient for computing the SRM of rock masses 6.1. Subgrade reduction factor, Jmass The Hoek-Brown failure criterion is widely used in practical rock engineering projects that can implicitly consider the discontinuities of rock masses. Reviewing the literature shows that no research has been per­ formed to obtain the SRM of the Hoek-Brown rock masses subjected to a load of strip footings. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to have a simple method GEOMECHANICS AND GEOENGINEERING 11 Figure 10. Effect of D on ks,mass assuming: (a) GSI = 30 and mi = 10, (b) mi = 10 and σci = 25 MPa and (c) GSI = 30 and σci = 25 MPa. to determine the SRM of rock masses in practical appli­ cations without performing time-consuming and com­ plicated numerical analyses. In this section, a new coefficient named subgrade reduction factor, Jmass, was proposed that can be used easily to determine the SRM of rock masses obeying the Hoek-Brown failure criter­ ion. The Jmass can be computed as follows: � q ksðmassÞ qB 1 ν2i δ Jmass ¼ ¼ Ei ¼ (14) δEi ks Bð1 ν2i Þ In which, ks(mass) is the SRM of rock masses obeying the Hoek-Brown failure criterion that was obtained using the numerical analyses performed in the present study. Also, ks is the SRM of the intact rock that can easily be computed using Vesic’s simplified formula for soils (Equation (5)). For using Equation (5) for intact rocks, one should have the modulus of elasticity and the Poisson’s ratio of the intact rock (Ei and νi, respectively) and the footing width, B. The corresponding modulus of deformation of the rock mass can be obtained by Equation (12), using the Hoek- Brown parameters of the rock mass. Then, using Equation (15) proposed by Hoek and Dierichs (2005), one can obtain the modulus of elasticity of the intact rock, Ei, that can be used in Vesic’s simplified formula. Ei ¼ Em D=2 0:02 þ 1þexp1 60þ15D ð 11 (15) GSI Þ Using Equation (14), the Jmass factor was obtained for various properties of the rock masses and were pre­ sented in Tables 7–9. As can be seen from these tables, by increasing σci, GSI, and mi, the Jmass increases, which means increasing the SRM of the rock mass. However, increasing D results in decreasing the Jmass. In practical engineering projects, having the SRM of intact rocks ks from Equation (5), one can easily obtain the SRM of the corresponding rock mass ks(mass) as follows: ksðmassÞ ¼ Jmass ks (16) 12 S. SHAMLOO AND M. IMANI Figure 11. Effect of B on ks,mass assuming: (a) D = 0, mi = 15 and GSI = 50 (b) σci = 25 MPa, D = 0 and mi = 15 (c) σci = 25 MPa, D = 0 and GSI = 50. Table 7. Values of Jmass for the case of mi = 5. Table 8. Values of Jmass for the case of mi = 10. σci(MPa) GSI 10 30 50 70 90 D 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.5 0.8 5 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.020 0.009 0.006 0.071 0.026 0.017 0.129 0.094 0.055 0.271 0.114 0.090 25 0.006 0.005 0.003 0.025 0.013 0.007 0.083 0.038 0.024 0.244 0.150 0.109 0.400 0.286 0.225 50 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.027 0.014 0.009 0.124 0.049 0.034 0.291 0.154 0.110 0.463 0.303 0.226 σci(MPa) 75 0.010 0.008 0.005 0.033 0.015 0.010 0.127 0.056 0.042 0.321 0.171 0.113 0.512 0.318 0.227 100 0.011 0.009 0.006 0.034 0.016 0.011 0.128 0.060 0.044 0.323 0.194 0.121 0.523 0.354 0.229 GSI 10 30 50 70 90 D 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.5 0.8 5 0.007 0.005 0.002 0.023 0.011 0.007 0.078 0.035 0.020 0.158 0.102 0.065 0.290 0.176 0.117 25 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.029 0.014 0.010 0.102 0.046 0.027 0.267 0.164 0.113 0.459 0.306 0.241 50 0.009 0.008 0.005 0.030 0.015 0.012 0.124 0.053 0.040 0.341 0.175 0.119 0.474 0.331 0.243 75 0.011 0.009 0.006 0.034 0.016 0.013 0.128 0.060 0.044 0.343 0.177 0.120 0.518 0.332 0.244 100 0.012 0.010 0.007 0.037 0.017 0.014 0.130 0.061 0.047 0.350 0.226 0.122 0.526 0.362 0.253 GEOMECHANICS AND GEOENGINEERING 13 Table 9. Values of Jmass for the case of mi = 15. σci(MPa) GSI 10 30 50 70 90 D 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.5 0.8 0 0.5 0.8 5 0.008 0.006 0.003 0.032 0.013 0.009 0.081 0.038 0.022 0.173 0.107 0.070 0.293 0.179 0.121 25 0.010 0.007 0.005 0.033 0.015 0.012 0.118 0.055 0.034 0.273 0.173 0.109 0.462 0.316 0.244 50 0.011 0.009 0.007 0.034 0.016 0.013 0.134 0.060 0.042 0.348 0.178 0.120 0.508 0.333 0.245 75 0.012 0.009 0.008 0.035 0.017 0.014 0.136 0.061 0.044 0.349 0.180 0.122 0.531 0.340 0.249 100 0.013 0.010 0.009 0.037 0.019 0.015 0.139 0.062 0.049 0.356 0.241 0.133 0.535 0.376 0.260 Figure 12. Comparison between the ks, mass obtained from the present study and the Wyllie (1999) method. 6.2. Verification of the proposed method In this section, some practical examples were solved to show the applicability of the presented method. Wyllie (1999) proposed that the settlement of rock masses can be calculated as follows: δv ¼ Cd qBð1 E ν2 Þ (17) In which Cd is the shape factor, q is the uniformly distributed bearing pressure, B is the footing width, and E and ν are the rock mass deformation modulus and Poisson’s ratio, respectively. Therefore, using Equation (1), which is the general form of the SRM, one can obtain the SRM of rock masses as follows: ks; Wyllie ð1999Þ ¼ q E ¼ δv Cd Bð1 ν2 Þ (18) In which, E and ν can be calculated using Equations 12 and 13, respectively, and the average value of Cd for a strip footing is equal to 2.25 (Wyllie 1999). Assuming B = 1 m, mi = 15 and D = 0, Figure 12 shows a comparison between the ks, mass obtained from the present study, i.e., Figure 13. Schematic of two adjacent footings. Equation (16), and that obtained from the Wyllie (1999) method, i.e., Equation (18). Good confor­ mity between the results of the two methods can be seen, which implies the applicability of the pre­ sented method. 7. The SRM of the rock masses in the case of two adjacent footings Some structures founded on the rock masses, like bridges, may have multiple footings that have been constructed close to each other. It is necessary to con­ sider the interactive effects of the two adjacent footings on the SRM of the underneath rock mass in such cases. In the scope of the authors’ knowledge, there is no research in this field. So this paper can be considered a pioneer. Figure 13 shows a schematic of two adjacent footings that were examined here by applying numerical analyses. The width of each footing (B) was considered equal to one metre, and S is the distance between them. It was assumed that the pressure of both footings was exerted on the rock mass simultaneously. Considering 14 S. SHAMLOO AND M. IMANI the problem’s symmetry, the pressure-settlement curve of one of the footings was used to determine the SRM. In order to consider the interference effect of the two adjacent footings, an interference coefficient, α, was defined as the ratio of the SRM of the rock mass sub­ jected to a load of a footing in the presence of the adjacent footing, ks(int), to the SRM of the rock mass subjected to a load of a single isolated footing, ks(iso): α¼ ks ðintÞ ks ðisoÞ (19) It should be noted that ks(iso) is equal to the ks(mass) that was obtained numerically in the past section. In order to investigate the effect of various rock mass properties on the α coefficient, several numerical models were carried out, and the results were presented in the following subsections. 7.1. Effect of σci Assuming mi = 10 and D = 0, Figures 14 and 15 show the variation of α versus S/B for different values of σci considering GSI = 10 and 50, respec­ tively. In S/B = 0, the two footings are in touch, and they behave as a single footing with a width equal to 2B. In this case, the size of the stress bulb beneath the multiple footings increases with respect to a single footing, which results in increasing the set­ tlement and decreasing the corresponding SRM. Thus, the α coefficient becomes smaller than one. By increasing the distance between the two footings, the confinement of the passive zones beneath the two footings increases, which results in increasing the α coefficient. This increment will continue until reach­ ing a maximum magnitude. The distance between Figure 14. Effect of σci on α assuming GSI = 10, mi = 10 and D = 0. the two footings that corresponds to the maximum value of α was introduced as the critical spacing, Scr. If the spacing of the two footings becomes larger than Scr, the α coefficient decreases until reaching its final magnitude which is equal to one. In such a case, the footings distance is large enough to be considered as a single isolated footing without any influence from each other. Therefore, as a general result, for S< Scr, the α coefficient increases by increasing S, while for S> Scr, a reduction in α occurs by increasing S. It is interesting to mention that the bearing capacity of multiple footings on rock masses also conforms such a trend (Javid et al. 2015, Shamloo and Imani 2021) since both the SRM and the bearing capacity have a direct positive correlation with each other and both of them have been obtained using the same tool, i.e., the pressuresettlement curve. Figures 14 and 15 show that increasing σci results in increasing α. Also, the Scr increases slightly by increasing the σci. As an exam­ ple, by increasing the σci from 5MPa to 100MPa, the Scr/B ratio changes from about 3 to 4. A maximum increase approximately equal to 60% can be seen in α when the spacing between the two footings increases from 0 to Scr. If the S magnitude exceeds the Scr and reaches about 8B~10B, the two footings’ interference effect will be disappeared and the α value becomes one. 7.2. Effect of GSI Figure 16 shows the variation of α versus S/B for differ­ ent values of GSI, considering σci = 25MPa, mi = 10, and D = 0. The overall trends of variation of the curves are similar to the previous subsection. As can be seen, GEOMECHANICS AND GEOENGINEERING 15 Figure 15. Effect of σci on α assuming GSI = 50, mi = 10 and D = 0. Figure 16. Effect of GSI on α assuming σci = 25 MPa, mi = 10 and D = 0. increasing the GSI results in decreasing α, but the cri­ tical spacing (Scr) is always approximately equal to 4B, which was not considerably affected by the GSI value. The effect of interference of the footings on the α is paramount for the rock masses with small values of GSI. The interference effect of the two footings will disappear at S/B > 8 for the rock masses with large values of GSI, while for low GSI magnitudes, this interference effect will be diminished at S/B > 10. 7.3. Effect of mi Assuming σci = 25 MPa, and D = 0, Figures 17–19 show the variation of α versus S/B for different values of mi considering GSI = 10, 50, and 90, respectively. It was found that for S> Scr, α will reduce; the higher the mi, the larger the rate of this reduction. Moreover, increasing the mi results in increasing α. For the rock masses with small values of mi, the interference of the two footings will be disappeared at S/B > 8, while for larger magni­ tudes of mi, this interference effect will be diminished at about S/B > 10. 7.4. Effect of D Figure 20 shows the variation of α versus S/B for different values of D, considering σci = 25 MPa, GSI = 50, and mi = 10. As can be seen, increasing the D results in decreasing α and Scr. For the rock masses with D = 0, the interference of the two footings will be disappeared at S/B > 9, while for D = 0.8, this interference effect will be diminished at about S/B > 6. This conclusion means that by increasing D, the two adjacent footings’ interference effect will be disap­ peared in a smaller spacing between them. 16 S. SHAMLOO AND M. IMANI Figure 17. Effect of mi on α assuming σci = 25 MPa, GSI = 10 and D = 0. Figure 18. Effect of mi on α assuming σci = 25 MPa, GSI = 50 and D = 0. Figure 19. Effect of mi on α assuming σci = 25 MPa, GSI = 90 and D = 0. GEOMECHANICS AND GEOENGINEERING 17 Figure 20. Effect of D on α assuming σci = 25 MPa, GSI = 50 and mi = 10. 8. Conclusion The following results were obtained from the numerical analyses performed in this research: The SRM values obtained from the numerical ana­ lyses performed in this research are in good accor­ dance with the laboratory tests performed by Lee and Jeong (2016), with a range of differences between 1% to 16%. ● Among the Hoek-Brown parameters, GSI has the highest, and mi has the lowest influence on the SRM of rock masses. The effects of the rock mass Hoek-Brown parameters on the SRM are more paramount in the case of significant Hoek-Brown parameters than in the case of low magnitudes. Moreover, increasing σci, GSI, and mi result in increasing the SRM, while increasing D results in decreasing the SRM. ● A new coefficient named the subgrade reduction factor, Jmass, was introduced in this research, which was defined as the ratio of the SRM of the Hoek-Brown rock mass to the SRM of the intact rock. Depending on the rock mass prop­ erties, this coefficient may vary from 0.2% to 54%. ● To take into account the effect of two adjacent foot­ ings on the SRM of rock masses, the interference coefficient, α, was introduced as the ratio of the SRM in the case of two nearby footings to that of one isolated footing. The magnitude of this coefficient depends on the rock mass properties and the dis­ tance between the two footings. By increasing σci and mi, the α coefficient will increase, while increas­ ing GSI results in decreasing α. Moreover, if the distance between the two footings becomes zero, ● this coefficient would be less than one. By increasing S from zero to Scr, the α coefficient increases. For S> Scr, the α coefficient decreases until reaching a constant magnitude equal to one. ● The presence of two adjacent footings plays an essential role in the amount of SRM. Depending on the distance between the two footings, the α coefficient is between 0.7 and 1.3. In multiple foot­ ings, the minimum value of the SRM occurs at S/ B = 0, while its maximum magnitude occurs at 2 ≤ S/B ≤ 4. Likewise, depending on the strength properties of the rock mass, if the distance between the two footings becomes larger than 8 to 10 times the footing width, the interference of the footings does not have any effect on the SRM of the rock mass, and the multiple footings behave as two isolated ones. ● The width of the footing has an adverse correlation with the SRM of rock masses. The obtained results show that by increasing footing width from 0.5 to 3 metres, the SRM of the rock mass decreases in the range of 13% to 67%, depending on the rock mass properties. Notations The following symbols were used in this paper. SRM: ks: kj: ks(mass): Jf: Jmass: Scr: S: Subgrade reaction modulus; SRM of the intact rock; SRM of the jointed rock; SRM of the rock mass obeying the HoekBrown failure criterion; Joint reduction factor; Subgrade reduction factor; Critical spacing; Distance between two footings; 18 S. SHAMLOO AND M. IMANI α: ks(int): ks(iso): S d: Id: ϕj: cj: K n: Ks: γ: Interference coefficient; SRM of the rock mass subjected to the load of a footing in the presence of the adjacent foot­ ing (obtained from the pressure-settlement curve); SRM of the rock mass subjected to the load of a single isolated footing (obtained from the pressure-settlement curve); Spacing of the joints; Inclination of the joints; Friction angle of the joints; Cohesion of the joints; Normal stiffness of the joints; Shear stiffness of the joints; Unit weight of the rock mass Disclosure statement No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s). References Alhossein, H., Carter, J.P., and Booker, J.R., 1992. 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