Lecture 3 Ecosystem SUMMER 2023 GED 2283 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SECTION 1 Md. Emon Rahman RESEARCH ASSOCIATE CUM LECTURER, CENTER FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Email: emon.rahman@ulab.edu.bd ECOSYSTEM Structure and Function of Ecosystem How do organisms respond to environmental change? All living things must be able to respond to what's going on around them. Anything that causes an organism to react or respond is called a stimulus (plural: stimuli). Stimuli can be external (outside the organism) or internal (inside the organism). How do organisms respond to environmental change? Disperse, adjust through phenotypic plasticity, or adapt through genetic changes Phenotypic plasticity describes the tendency of a particular genotype to produce different phenotypes under altered environmental conditions As a reflection of their behavioral flexibility, urban species often exhibit innovative behaviors More innovative species are better at learning and solving problems, which are important traits for adjusting to city living Changes to the environment can sometimes cause a mismatch between the actual quality of a habitat and the cues used by individuals to assess that quality, resulting in an “ecological trap” Description: https://youtu.be/gAjF1mWdhKk Forest Ecosystem Forest Producers Forest Consumers Forest Decomposers Interdependence and Symbiosis: Foundations of Forest Ecology Components of a Forest Ecosystem 1. Productivity The basic requirement for any ecosystem to function and sustain is the constant input of solar energy. Plants are also the producers in a forest ecosystem. 2. Decomposition Decomposition is an extremely oxygen-requiring process. In the process of decomposition, decomposers convert the complex organic compounds of detritus into inorganic substances such as carbon dioxide, water and nutrients. 3. Energy flow Energy flows in a single direction. Firstly, plants capture solar energy and then, transfer the food to decomposers. Organisms of different trophic levels are connected to each other for food or energy relationship and thus form a food chain. 4. Nutrient Cycling Nutrient cycling refers to the storage and movement of nutrient elements through the various components of the ecosystem. There are two types of Nutrient cycling, gaseous and sedimentary. Please follow this link to gather more informationhttps://www.environmentbuddy.com/plants-and-trees/forest-ecosystem-components-types-examples/ Forest in Bangladesh Forest in Bangladesh Forest in Bangladesh Swamp Forests These are also called Wetland forests. The other name of these forests is Littoral forests. Tropical Thorn forests They are found in the area with very little rainfall (as little as 50cm). Arid regions of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh are example of tropical thorn forests. Montane Forest Montane Forest refer to any forest found in hilly/ mountain areas. Dense forests are common in areas of moderate elevations. The montane ecosystems are highly affected by the climate which gets colder as the elevation increases. Tropical Rain Forests These are also called equatorial rainforests. Rainforests are those forests which are characterized by heavy rainfall between 1750 mm and 2000 mm. These forests incur heavy showers of 100-600 cm a year, so they are named so. Coffee, bananas, and chocolates come from tropical rainforests. THANK YOU 13