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Soil Horizons, Phases, and Texture Worksheet

Match the Soil layer to its correct description within the table. (See Slide 5 PowerPoint)
Soil Horizon
Description (match up)
O Horizon
Subsoil found beneath the E horizon and above the C horizon. It contains
clay and minerals deposits that it receives from layers above when
mineralised water drips from the soil above.
The unweathered rock (parent material) which is beneath all other layers.
A Horizon
E Horizon
B Horizon
C Horizon
R Horizon
The layer beneath B Horizon and above R horizon. It consists of slightly
broken up bedrock. Plant roots do not penetrate this layer and very little
organic material is found in this layer.
The top, organic layer of soil, made up of mostly leaf litter and humus
(decomposed organic matter).
Topsoil. Found beneath the O horizon and above the E horizon. Seeds
germinate and plant roots grow here. It is made up of humus
(decomposed organic matter) mixed with mineral particles.
Eluviation (leaching) layer is light in colour. It is made up of mostly sand
and silt, having lost most of its minerals and clay as water drips through
the soil.
Use the three-column graphic organiser to summarise each soil phase – use
dot points.
Soil Phases
Solid Phase
Liquid Phase
Gas Phase
Explain how each phase changes depending on water content (wet soil/dry
soil) using the diagram below.
a) Fill in the missing percentages (you are given two percentages and need
to calculate the missing percentage) hint: should add up to 100%
b) Use the soil texture triangle to identify the soil type.