The Design, Development, and Evaluation of an Immersive Collaborative Learning Platform Incorporating Extended Reality (XR) Technology to Improve EFL Interlanguage Pragmatics (ILP) Competence for Vocational College Students 以延展實境(XR)跨越真實與虛擬的互動科技探討科大生英文語用學發展 1. Project’s Background and its Significance (計畫的背景及重要性) Introduction Within EFL studies, pragmatics involves the organization and management of communication, embracing appropriate speech acts, conversational structure, conversational implicature, discourse organization, and sociolinguistic aspects of languag use, such as choice of address forms (Bardovi-Harlig, 2001; Kasper & Schmidt, 1996; and Kasper & Rose, 2001). Bardovi-Harlig and Mahan-Taylor (2003) summoned pragmatics as the rule of English, that language users are required to match utterances with contexts and rules to use language appropriately. Stalnaker (1972) conied pragmatics as “the study of languistic acts and the contexts in whcih they are performed” (p. 383). Traditionally, curriculums and instructional materials in language learning have seldom been pragmatics-focused, instead centering on language skills (reading, writing, speaking and listening), resulting in gaps in practical communication (Huang, Grant & Pasfield-Neofitou, 2013). Words do not only have meaning by themselves, but also produce a speech act which is a way of performing an action through words. Pragmatic development reflects how form, function and context are related to one another, which is the ability to communicate effectively and involves knowledge beyond the level of grammar (Austin, 1962; Searle, 1969; Yule, 1996; Leech & Thomas, 1983). CelceMurcia, Dörnyei, & Thurrell (1995) explained that effective oral communication requires maintaining a balance in linguistic accuracy and social function. Kasper and Dahl (1991) stated that pragmatics results in a fuller, deeper, and generally more reasonable account of human language behaviour, comprising of three components: pragmalinguistics (form), sociopragmatics (function) and psycholinguistics (context) (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 Characteristics of Pragmatics Competence Inter-language pragmatics (ILP) as identified by Kasper and Dahl (1991), involves how L2 learners acquire the ability to understand and produce speech acts in the second language. ILP concerns the dynamic and complex processes involved in L2 acquisition and interaction, and the effects their use of language has on other participants in the act of communication socially (Bachman & Palmer, 2010; Kasper & Rose, 2002). ILP competence is vital for L2 learners to become successful communicators in a second language, which involves pragmatic transfers in pragmalinguistic, sociopragmatics and psycholingustics. L2 learners needs to perform strategies for pragmatic transfers, since their L1 in linguistic function is often significantly different in the L2. This study is focus on examining the development of ILP competence, how higher education students feel secure in every situation “how-to-say1 what-to-whom-when” (Bardovi-Harlig, 2013, p.68) they may face when communicating in the target language with the aid of the latest technology. Background of Study The Taiwanese government acknowledged that English proficiency is a vital skill in promoting Taiwan’s internationalization and to become more competitive in today’s global economy. However, English education across all levels of formal schooling in Taiwan has failed to develop students’ functional abilities in English communication (Chou, Woodbine & Su, 2006; Horner, Lu, Royster & Trimbur, 2011; Hsieh, 2011). Despite efforts made at the ministerial level to change how students’ English proficiency is measured, the traditional school-based English exam continues to be used, applying a scored item format (i.e. multiplechoice questions) to answer grammar questions and fill in vocabularies, rather than testing for practical usage in writing and oral communication. While many students are able to score highly on traditional exams, they are often incapable of having an actual authentic English conversation (Lin, 2018). An overemphasis on learning grammar in the classroom, and the lack of opportunity for students to practice communication effectively, finds students often misusing vocabulary and neglecting content causes. Moreover, Chen (2013) pointed out there is a shortage of qualified local English teachers available to conduct effective English instruction. In fact, many teachers themselves often lack training in their own communicative language ability. Therefore, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has introduced a scheme aimed at hiring qualified English teachers from native English-speaking countries to serve as seed teachers at elementary, junior and high school levels under the Cabinet’s vision of turning Taiwan into a Mandarin-English bilingual country by 2030 (Nguyen, 2018). However, the ratio of native speaking teachers to students is far too low in order to perform effective teaching. Research Gap in Pragmatics Development with Latest Technologies Children learning English as a first language (L1), obtain pragmatic skills through engagement in daily communicative activities with adults. However, opportunities for EFL learners to communicate in English outside the classroom are limited, and instructional activities that constitute their classroom experiences are also regulated by the EFL teachers’ own pragmatic knowledge and skills (Crystal, 1997; Taguchi & Roever, 2017). Thus, the lack of any systematic appearance of pragmatic features and practices in fully English-speaking environments, lead to EFL learners’ lack of opportunities to fully develop their pragmatic competence (Bardovi-Harling, 2001). Since it is difficult for traditional EFL classrooms to afford resources in providing authentic input and varied social contexts for developing ILP competence, technology offers great potential for pragmatics learning (Sykes, 2017; Taguchi, 2015; Taguchi & Roever, 2017; Taguchi & Sykes, 2013). Integrating digital resources and maximizing the benefits of online learning environments to improve EFL learners’ communication skills is a main aim in the Taiwan MOE’s 2030 bilingual policy. Digital technology has become a part of our daily lives, and so too is having an impact on the world of education. Education is undergoing a massive transformation as a result of the digital revolution that new technologies are creating, and is challenging the traditional modes of learning in schools and in colleges (Collins & Halverson, 2018). According to the Ambient Report (2016), a flood of new highly-advanced and lowcost technologies are becoming available, offering adaptive and individualized education programs to suit the changing learning habits of the next generation (Fig. 2). These new learning technology innovations are heavily concentrated in four learning product types: Simulation-based learning, game-based learning, cognitive learning, and mobile learning. They involve the latest technologies that are the major market trends for new education learning, in particular the products that integrate with virtual, augmented and mixed realities (VR, AR and MR), and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. 2 Fig. 2 2016-2021 Global Five-year Growth Rates for Learning Technology Product Types More recently, some research studies have suggested that extended reality (XR) will be the next step in reality-environment technologies including real-time augmented reality decision support (Jowallah, Bauer, Futch & Gunter, 2019; Leal, Chapman & Westerlund, 2019; Joibi, Yong, Gee, Lee & Myung, 2019; Sheshagiri, Baheti, Gute & Lakshmikantha, 2019). Since XR is receiving more recognition across a variety of industries, its growth is expected to grow eightfold, reaching an estimated market size of more than US$209 billion by 2022 and to US$900 billion by 2025 (Marr, 2019; Scribani, 2019), which will become the mainstream in the next five years (Fig. 3). These new learning niches are increasingly focussing on the subjects of adaptive and individualized education which enable people of all ages to pursue learning on their own, where they want to learn, what they want to learn, and how they want to learn, in an entirely new digital world. Fig. 3 The Trends of Extended Reality (XR) Source: The Transformation of Educational Technologies Technology continues transform peoples’ interests, habits, and how time is spent. It also applies to education, becoming central to the way people read, write, think, and learn. For example, Technavio Report (2018) indicates that the global K-12 online tutoring market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of almost 12% from 2018 to 2023, with incremental growth to US$60.03 billion by 2023 (Fig. 4). The report has also identified the top three emerging marketing trends expected to impact the future K-12 education beyond 2018: 1. Student support beyond the classroom To provide customized intelligent tutoring systems using AI tools beyond the classroom hours of instruction. 3 2. Automation of admin tasks with AI To provide automated education solutions including administration and admission processes, also able to provide in-depth reports on errors made by students, leaving more time for teachers to plan lessons and conduct one-to-one interactions with students. 3. Bringing immersive technology to the classroom AI in education, facilitates a more practical learning experience for students through immersive technology. Fig. 4 Global K-12 Online Tutoring Market 2019-2023 by Technavio Source: Within the rapidly expanding digital education industry, many various new AI-based education products are now hitting the market. Fastest growth is coming from intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) which are the advanced version of online tutoring services. ITS provides one-on-one teaching and training by AI technologies and cognitive psychology models, providing experienced instructors, automatically and cost-effectively, while offering adaptive teaching for L2 learners. Statistics have shown that learning retention rates of faceto-face training is only 8% to 10%, but e-learning is between 25% to 60% (Gutierrez, 2016) as students have more control over the learning process and they can revisit the materials whenever they need to and provide adaptive learning. For example, in China, the online education market has taken off rapidly with an estimated revenue of US$44 billion in 2019, up 24.5% from the previous year and projected to reach US$77 billion in 2022 (iResearch, 2019) (Fig. 5). Higher education and vocational training make up about 80% of the online education market in China (Fig. 6). Students and parents have expressed that online education provides the flexibility in scheduling when lessons are conducted, as well as the ability to customize the content of the lessons, leveraging various technologies, to suit the learning pace and prior knowledge of learners. Fig. 5 Revenue of Online Education in China Fig. 6 Shares of China’s Online Education 2012-2022 by iResearch Market Segmentations in H1 2019 4 Since education trends are on the precipice of major change, integrating technology and transforming students’ motivations, numerous companies such as Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Sony and others, have been researching and investing in new forms of humancomputer interaction (HCI). Many institutions of higher education are adapting and adopting their products to deliver new learning experiences. New forms of HCI such as AR, VR, MR and XR, although varying in their technology and performance, all involve some similar technology, such as 3D objects combining with cognitive computing and AI. Computers now can create virtual learning environments and customize education to the particular needs and abilities of individual learners, while educators are attracted by the potential of using 3D virtual environments for language teaching and learning (Zheng, Newgarden, & Young, 2012). Today, foreign language learners are faced with a pragmatic revolution in digital technology the way in which they can feel immersed in the authentic nature of a virtual world. These forms of HCI have led to an increase, not only in the use of two-dimensional virtual environments, but also three-dimensional multi-user virtual environments (3D MUVEs) which are increasingly being seen as the future trend in creating authentic learning environments (Doğan, Çınar, & Tüzün, 2018). In 3D virtual learning environments (VLE) where students learn in situated contexts, it allows them to experience realities unavailable within the classroom. These strategic planning VLEs are effective educational methodologies and offer the potential to enhance students’ motivation to learn through their simulated gamelike experience. It also supports the students in developing a sense of empowerment, as well as, provides collaborative and interactive opportunities with their peers and other users (Nonis, 2005). For instance, virtual communities provide great opportunities for L2 learners to easily use language in real contexts during work or leisure related settings, and remotely communicate with other English users enhancing pragmatics skills. The Horizon Report 2019, states that MR is expected be a commonly adopted technology in education in the next two to three years, with its interactivity will confer significantly adding the potential for learning and assessment. MR covers the continuum from AR to AV and aims at blending the real and virtual environments in different ways (Fig. 7). According to Microsoft (2019), MR is a spectrum, the result of blending the physical world with the digital world. Nevertheless, reality technologies have gone further in transforming our environments introducing a relatively new development in most circles – called the extended reality (XR). XR covers the full spectrum of all real-and-virtual combined environments and humanmachine interactions generated by computer technology and wearables, merging the physical and virtual, bringing all realities (AR, VR and MR) together under one term. In this study, we will develop an immersive 3D MUVE platform adopting the XR technology to nurture the cognitive learning of interlanguage pragmatics (ILP) development. 5 Fig. 7 The XR portrayal and all reality technologies between the real and virtual environments XR generation and presentation tools define an extended reality environment based on certain elements of digital content, such as captured digital video, digital images, digital audio content, or synthetic audio-visual content (i.e. computer-generated images and animated content). The tools can deploy the elements of digital content on a mobile device for presentation to a user through a display, such as a head-mountable display (HMD), incorporated within an extended, virtual, or augmented reality headset. The user of the mobile device may also explore and interact with the extended reality environment (i.e. as presented by the HMD) via gestural or spoken input to the mobile device. For example, the mobile device can apply gesture-recognition tools to the gestural input to determine a context of that gestural input and perform additional operations corresponding to the determined context. The extended reality computing system or the mobile device can also determine a position and orientation of the mobile device (i.e. a position and orientation of the HMD or the augmented reality eyewear) within the extended reality environment, and can further obtain data indicating a position and orientation of one or more other users within the extended reality environment. MUVE platform’s incorporation with the XR technology is a meta-cognition technology that enable users to modify cognitive behaviour (learn) by understanding and manipulating the learning process itself (Poppe, Brown, Recker, Johnson, & Vandeerfeesten, 2017; Ibáñez, Rudea, Maroto, & Kloos, 2013). MUVE activities provide different features for people to interact by presenting as avatars and enable distance members of a group to collaborate in project studies. According to Salmon (2004), collaboration is only possible when users feel at ease and are provided with the opportunity for online socialization. The virtual platform generates a feeling of presence and provides social interaction which can affect group performance positively (Bosch-Sijtsema & Haapamaki, 2014). Social interaction provides communication and collaboration within a group which is a crucial process for pragmatics development. The reality conforms to the lack of an English environment, and integration with native speakers. L2 learners feel anxious and less willing to communicate in English, and so usually switch back to their native language after leaving the English classroom (Jauregi, 2016; Lan, Fang, Legault & Li, 2014). Learning in virtual environments represented by avatars, can provide safer settings to practice the target language. 3D VLEs and XR technology are frontier educational methodologies, so there is still limited research on EFL education purposes. 6 At the present time, the Government of Taiwan is promoting the Digital Nation and Innovative Economic Development Program (DIGI+) and by 2025, Taiwan’s digital economy is expected to expand to US$213.73 billion. In addition, the government has allocated an annual budget of NT$10 billion, to be carried out over four years, to transform Taiwan into the best possible environment for AI innovation and applications, in their Taiwan AI Action Plan (2018). One of the five key initiatives is the AI Talent program, which promotes innovative clusters of AI talents and provides a convenient living and educational environment in Taiwan. This can encourage researchers to conduct studies on frontier educational technologies to enhance new teaching methods. This research study aims to examine interlanguage pragmatics (ILP) development by activating metacognitive skills with the efficacy of a new immersive 3D MUVEs learning platform, integrating a consortium of XR technologies. 2. Relevant Research, Literature Review and Educational Theory (相關研究、參考文獻 及教育與心理的理論基礎) L2 Inter-Language Pragmatics Competence Pragmatics was originally developed as a subfield of linguistics, coined by Morris (1938), that deals with the origins, uses, and effects of movements, gestures, tone of voice, and signs, within the total behaviour of interpreters, and often accompanies speech. Pragmatics research is widely studied in the fields of philosophy, sociology, linguistics, and anthropology. It is concerned with the way people produce and comprehend meaning through language, and how others interpret their utterances in social contexts (Nordquist, 2019). Fig. 8 indicates the development process of pragmatic competence for L2 learners, and comprises not only linguistic and grammatical usage, but also considers the appropriateness of language, embracing the language producing process and its producers, with a focus on more authentic language use. Fig. 8 Pragmatic Competence Development Process for L2 Learners Source: Cork English College, 2015 Kasper and Dahl (1991) revealed that ILP involves comprehension and production of speech acts including pragmalinguistic, sociopragmatics and psycholinguistic aspects of language use. This pragmatic development is the reflection of the relationship between form and function associated with context. In other words, the performance of communicative acts by L2 learners has to assess linguistics choices (pragmalinguistics) and aspects for social support (sociopragmatics). The importance of the association between form and functions of language has been revealed in many studies. Learners do not only need exposure to linguistic choices, but also to mastering a balance between linguistically accurate and socially functional utterances (Celce-Murcia et al., 1995). Thus, the systematic, formulaic, and interactional 7 aspects of language, must all be addressed in effective language instruction for L2 learners to understand that they can be significantly different to their L1 pragmatics, and required to perform a linguistic function to transfer (Barron 2006; DuFon & Churchill, 2006). Pragmalinguistics (Form) Pramalinguistics is the integration of grammar with pragmatics to find the most appropriate and practical structures for utterances in a language. Sociopragmatics (Function) Sociopragmatics is defined as the sociological interface of pragmatics as the social perceptions that underlie participants’ interpretation and performance of communicative action. The appropriateness of the social behaviour of the language culture is corelated with the outcome of making pragmatic choices by the language learner. Once the development and achievement of pragmatic competence is linked to both linguistic and non-linguistic signals, in relation to social organized activities, it is believed that learners would develop their sociopragmatics sensitivity and knowledge once they experienced diverse patters of communication in the target culture (Shimizu 2009; Taguchi 2008). Psycholinguistics (Context) Pragmatics takes context into account to complement the contributions that semantics and grammar make to meaning. The context, concerns the social signs, gestures, and tone of voice, and what makes utterances clear or unclear to the speaker or listener. (Brisard, Ostman, & Verschueren, 2009). It follows that psycholinguistics deals with the linguistic environment of thought influencing thought, the mental use of language (Takahashi, 2001; Kasper & Rose, 2002). All L2 learners, at the beginner level, possess basic communicative competence, which may be exhibited by communicating without a grammatical structure, i.e. ‘Pen!’ for asking for someone’s pen. Once some grammatical knowledge begins to be developed and some more vocabulary is acquired, then the utterance may be able to be established, i.e. “Give me your pen, please!”. However, while this sentence is grammatically correct, the imperative statement may be generated as being impolite, even though the L2 speaker is not being rude, but rather she/he is merely pragmatically incompetent. Unsworth (2004) studied the development of the pragmatics-syntax interface in L2 acquisition and deduced that mapping between pragmatics and syntax is problematic for both L1 and L2 learners. Bos, Baars, & Raaij (2004) argued that L2 learners’ knowledge of pragmatics is largely a function of their L1 pragmatics, or semantics that could transfer to their L2 syntax. Furthermore, Jernigan (2007) displayed an integrative model for the acquisition of pragmatics competence (Fig. 9). Fig. 9 Theoretical Model of Pragmatic Competence Acquisition 8 In the model, the coherence in placement and co-ordination is important between each step of the pragmatic acquisition. From pragmalinguistic input to output, linguistic data interacts with sociopragmatic signals, and learners become socioculturally and pragmatically conditioned, before entering the interlanguage system. Upon entering the dynamic field of interlanguage, the data passes through a pragmatic filter that modifies pragmalinguistic input to account for the sociocultural context in which the input was produced before converting to intake. The next stage for the linguistic input is to get into the “Halo”, in which the grammar component first runs its normal grammatical analysis and then selects a set of utterances for the final pragmalinguistic form. As the pragmatic acquisition system is an intellectually iterative process, the grammar component is involved in processing both the input and the output. The pattern of the grammar and pragmatic is mutually complementary in that the grammar module can alert the pragmatic component regarding the need for intra-sentential anaphora, and the pragmatic component can update the grammar component on the items in the linguistic data. With the pragmatic component at the core of the model, the task is to receive the processed linguistic data that is needed to refer to outside concepts. Prior to the output, the explicit knowledge and metapragmatic awareness are in contact with final pragmalinguistic forms, which might be considered a natural outgrowth of the learners’ use of language to articulate the intended speech acts. The output helps the learner use interlanguage to test his or her hypotheses about pragmalinguistic production possibilities and determine whether they are accepTable Theoretically, the output can be compared with authentic pragmalinguistic forms in the input for L2 development. Some significant research studies have been conducted to adopt the integrative model on output and developing L2 pragmatics (Eslami & Liu, 2013; Martinez-Flor & Fukuya, 2005; Jernigan, 2007, 2012; Piri, Pishghadam, & Dixon, & Rasekh, 2018). Furthermore, there are studies attempting to investigate the effective combination of technology and pragmatics. For example, the University of Maryland Centre of Advanced Study of Language (CASL) undertook a research project in 2008, examining an online group that completed a yearlong task-based Chinese course, and a control group, who only completed the pre/post course proficiency test. The online course that students completed was based on audio-visual input from real people performing transactions, where role-plays were performed by using computer-mediated communication and online conversations with feedback in real time. The results concluded that the online students were outperformed due to the fact that they spent so much time studying materials that were individualized for each of them by the computer, meeting the needs of different types of learners. In the same vein, Takamiya (2008) examined the promotion of pragmatic awareness regarding culture through blogging. Intermediate and advanced US learners of Japanese, conducted individual research through interviews and online readings regarding topics from the course. Students were asked to post their findings on their blogs, from which they should receive feedback from partners and Japanese speakers in the university. By being engaged in an online virtual platform, learners experienced enhanced pragmatic awareness in their understanding of given issues, such as humility in gift giving customs in the target culture. The researchers supported that blog-based interaction as a potential tool in promoting L2 pragmatic development. Adaptive Educational Criteria for Cognitive Learning Much research has reported the combination of pragmatics and technology enhanced pragmatics awareness (Barak & Levenber, 2016; Lewin & Lundie, 2016; Sykes, 2017; Taguchi & Roever, 2017). Adaptive learning environments can be developed to be cognitively flexible according to users’ specific criteria, to infer users’ preferences, and consequentially to facilitate learning. Technology affordance encourages adaptive learning by social interaction, communication, and collaboration. Adaptive education interfaces, such as intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) and adaptive educational hypermedia, can be modified to to 9 accommodate individual differences for different educational contexts and student needs. In order to facilitate learning for students of various cognitive cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds, Table 1 presents some adaptive ideas for creating an adaptive learning environment for pragmatics development (Wang & Tsao, 2015): Table 1 Adaptive ideas for an adaptive learning environment for pragmatics development There are more and more advanced technologies innovated to help students develop their metacognitive skills by modelling their thinking (Normann & Morina, 2018). The metacognition technologies available enable students to modify their learning behaviour by understanding and manipulating the learning process itself. There are three primary types of cognitive learning products on the market (Ambient Report, 2018): Cognitive assessments: evaluate and measure the spatial perceptions, verbal abilities, memory, problem-solving skills, temperament, and ways of thinking of users; Cognitive and intelligent tutors: is a metacognition technology that acts like a human mentor and provides personalized responses, remediation, and intervention, in real time, for a particular user. Brain training and brain fitness products: these include new suppliers bringing innovative products to market, such as various reality products, game-based simulation and neurotechnology, that assess and train the cognitive states of users. MUVEs have been characterized by a situated, socio-constructivist (Duffy & Kirkley, 2004) and adaptive (Wang, 1984; Santoianni, 2010a) approach to learning, enhancing motivation to learn through the a simulated game-like experience. Moreover, in 3D VLEs, students learn in situated contexts, which allow them to have experiences unavailable within the classroom, through simulated what-if scenarios. XR technologies apply to the 3D VLEs, and constitute a metacognition process that draws on the ability to reflect on the knowledge and process, which can be evaluated for further learning. The metacognitive technologies help students to exert their knowledge and strategies to solve problems more efficiently. When students need to learn new concepts, solve problems, make connections or create relationships between ideas and concepts, they require self-control and self-regulation to perform these tasks by reusing and adjusting their learning strategies consciously. For conducive L2 pragmatics awareness, it is important for learners to be exposed to authentic and rich language input of the target culture. Nevertheless, the reality is that L2 learners are not always able to travel and experience the target culture in real life. A lack of 10 regular interaction with native speakers, lead most of the EFL students to develop learning anxiety in communication and makes them more reluctant to communicate in English (Reinders & Wattana, 2014). For example, Martinez (2018) conducted a study and highlighted a teaching proposal for 10 and 11-year-old English language learners to achieve pragmatic fluency in apologizing by a great variety of computer-assisted activities and tools that teachers can use to teach pragmatics. Results in the implementation of this teaching intervention have shown that the use of tasks and technology in order to teach the speech act of apologies, is really positive for the primary learners. The participants improved their pragmatic competence and they enjoyed the learning activities as they demonstrated their newly-acquired skills. In view of these, Second Life (SL) offers features such as task simulation, real-time collaboration, identity exploration, and flexible multimodality, which simulate as real-world tasks to make English learning more experiential, and reinforce engagement for L2 learners (Chun, Smith, & Kern, 2016; Gonzalez-Lloret & Ortega, 2014). SL is an immersive learning environment that has also drawn attention to many SLA researchers and has revealed positive findings in L2 acquisitions. Jauregi and Canto (2012) examined Spanish learners' interaction patterns in intercultural communication tasks with native speakers or peers in three settings: Adobe Connect, SL, and a traditional class. The research results indicate that SL stimulates more negotiation patterns than the other two settings, and allows learners to produce more communication acts. It also suggests that SL provides a greater platform for interaction with native speakers, and learners report having benefitted from interacting through avatar forms to perform tasks. In a similar vein, Lan (2014) found that SL provides an immersive environment which enables Chinese language learners to perform tasks in the virtual world, and resulted in oral communication skills more significantly than those in a traditional class. Students participating through the avatar forms enabled them to become more proactive and able to keep the conversation flowing. Hence, SL is perceived as a unique learning environment that allows for simulation of real-world scenarios for foreign language acquisition and collaboration. Extended Reality (XR) Collaboration with MUVE Online Learning Platform MUVEs provide an extremely natural medium for three-dimensional computer supported collaborative work (CSCW). This setting provides the same type of collaborative information that people have in face-to-face interactions, including object manipulation (O’Malley, Langton, Anderson, Sneddon & Bruce, 1996). Gesture, voice, and graphical information can all be communicated seamlessly between participants, and all of these are important in providing information for pragmatics awareness. Functional and cognitive seams in collaborative interfaces (such as video-mediated conversation) do not produce the same conversation style as face-to-face interaction. This occurs because video cannot adequately convey the nonverbal signals so vital in face-to-face communication, introducing a functional seam between the participants. Thus, participants sharing the same physical space positively affects conversation in ways to convey the nonverbal signals for a functional seam between communications. XR interfaces are ideal for CSCW because they meet the needs of collaboration and face-toface communication, as it can overlay the virtual and real world in the MUVE platform in real time. This allows for the creation of XR interfaces that combine the advantages of both virtual environments and seamless collaboration. XR technologies enable information overlay, where the virtual and real-world may be used by remote collaborators to annotate the user's view, or may enhance face-to-face conversation by producing shared interactive virtual models. In this way, XR techniques can be used to enhance communication, regardless of proximity, and supports seamless collaboration with the real world, reducing the functional and cognitive seams between participants. These attributes imply that XR approaches would be ideal for many CSCW applications. 11 Being a fairly new term, XR, not yet prevalent in the literature, conveys the idea of extending human experiences and the breadth of technologies necessary for implementing such experiences (Johnson, 2019; Smith & Cousins, 2019). At a minimum, developing XR experiences requires a display device, an input device, and a virtual environment (VE). Each of these components utilizes a range of technologies covering the entire real and virtual environment. Prior to the development of XR, VR and AR, were two common categories of hardware technologies that enabled the 3D graphics, spatialized sound, and motion tracking necessary for simulated and augmented user experiences. The main difference between these technologies is the level in which the XR user is immersed into a simulated environment. As far as XR development goes, XR devices create the illusion to make people feel as if they are in an entirely new digital world. Such technologies have been praised for their ability to create virtual tours in stores and destinations, rehabilitate brain injuries, and virtually inspect the interior and exterior design of a car which no existing technology could do. Given its enormous potential, XR technology has been increasingly applied and studied in a plethora of fields, ranging from tourism, education, retailing, gaming and healthcare, to manufacturing (Fig. 10) (Mordor Intelligence, 2018). Fig. 10 Industry Application Consumer XR, in %, 2018 Currently, in the academic area, there are only a few studies related to the use of XR for training in various fields, however, there are no studies on its effectiveness for language learning yet. Through virtual simulation or augmentation, XR has the capability to enhance existing training techniques or to provide new ones in areas where traditional methods are expensive, impractical, or are otherwise infeasible. Various fields have utilized these capabilities to improve training processes. Research has shown the potential for effective XR training environments in surgery and medicine (John, Phillips, Cenydd, Coope, Souza, and Watt, 2016), production assembly and maintenance (MurciaLopez & Steed, 2018; Werrlich, Nguyen & Notni, 2018), spatial navigation (Sharma, Mehra, Kaulgud & Podder, 2019), neurorehabilitation (John, Pop, Ritsos, & Headleand, 2018), and sports (Miles, Pop, Lawrence, & John, 2012). Recently, there have been numerous studies that have shown positive results in XR training. Gonzalez-Franco, Pizarro, Cermeron, Thorn, Hutabarat, Tiwari, and Germell-Garcia (2017) performed a study evaluating the learning transfer of complex manufacturing training in XR compared to traditional face-to-face training. In their work, the trainer and the trainee wore XR HMDs to perform collaborative training and interacted with a virtual model of the manufacturing elements; whereas, face-to-face training employed a scaled physical model during the training session. Their results supported the use of collaborative XR training was more effective. While these results are positive for observation-based training, the benefits of XR lie with its potential for experiential training. Borsci, Lawson, Jha, Burges, and Salanitri (2016) compare two XR based experiential training environments with video based observational training. One XR environment employed a CAVE for immersive training and the other used a holographic 3D Table All groups received similar instructions about how to complete the maintenance process, but the XR groups had additional training through performing trial procedures in the XR learning environments. Post tests revealed that both 12 XR trained groups outperformed the video trained groups and there was no significant difference between the two XR groups. More recently, Thomsen, Bach-Holm, Subhi, Saleh, Park, and Cour (2017) investigated learning transfer with a stereoscopic training simulator for cataract surgery in the operating room. In this work, the authors concluded that surgical skills learned in the XR simulator were more effective. This positive result provides evidence that XR training has the ability to improve learning in complicated surgical operations. Kunnen (2015) reports on several advanced virtual assistance technologies that allow realtime collaboration in virtual reality: Oculus Rift, wearable computing with Google Glass; a telepresence-based robot from Double Robotics; gesture computing with Leap Motion; mobile devices such as the Swivel personal video “capture” solution. Leap Motions creates simulations where users interact with virtual objects in a game environment. Swivel collects and delivers content, such as turning a mobile device into a presentation delivery tool. The XR market is moderately competitive and consists of a few players. In terms of market share, some of the players are currently expanding their services across the emerging market. However, with the advancement in the immersive technology trend across the virtual platform, new players are increasing their market presence, thereby enhancing their services as well as expanding their business footprint across the emerging economies, such as Softserve, Qualcomm Technologies, Accenture and Northern Digital. Microsoft has invented the application of holograms to business and education in the MR experience, offering an immersive mixed reality experience. Its HoloLens headset enables high-definition holograms to come to life in the real world, seamlessly integrating with physical places, spaces, and things (Microsoft, 2015). HoloLens 2 (Fig. 11) is the new version MR headset by Microsoft, which will enter the market by end of 2019. The new version of the headset will be enhanced by the reliability, security, and scalability of cloud and AI services from Microsoft (Microsoft, 2019). HoloLens 2 allows users instinctually to interact, touch, grasp, move, read text and see intricate details on 3D images, overlapping the virtual and real environments. Users can build holograms, which are objects made of light and sound that appear in the world around us, just as if they were real objects (Fig. 12 & 13). Holograms can also respond to users’ gaze, gestures and voice commands, and can interact with real-world surfaces in surroundings. These developments have the potential to revolutionize the education field. In this educational study, HoloLens 2 is proposed as the MR headset incorporating with the new XR system for the research. Fig. 11 The new HoloLens 2 by Microsoft – a mixed reality headset 13 Fig. 12 Example of reading text and details on 3D image with HoloLens Fig. 13 Example of interaction with hologram instinctually Pedagogy and Strategy for Pragmatics Teaching The main concern of language educators is how to develop an accurate pragmatic behaviour in instructional settings. However, there is an additional difficulty in the teaching of pragmatics in foreign languages: there is limited exposure and interaction with speakers of the target language in order to experience these societal conventions in L2 teaching. Therefore, there are different ways in which pragmatic transfer can have a profound impact on students’ experiences within English speaking environments and on their interlanguage progress. Fig.14 shows the devastating process that pragmatic failure can trigger for a L2 learner and teachers needs to intervene in the breakdown. Fig. 14 The devastating process that pragmatic failure can trigger for a L2 learner Creating a classroom atmosphere where students can have opportunities to make the most of the instruction available is a demanding process. Trying to make students communicate via the World Wide Web is not enough to promote their receptivity and reduce the anxiety that learning L2 entails. As an example, students are often fearful of speaking or expressing their doubts in front of their classmates, because they do not know if the question is appropriate or not. However, it is necessary for students to be comfortable while working with the language in order to promote their understanding as well as to promote self-confidence. In this regard, implementing individualization should be enhanced for teachers to be aware of the differences in their students' learning needs. Since public schools are overcrowded with students, students are often squeezed in one single classroom. It is thus important for teachers to understand that each learner has their own needs and learning requirements, that can be different from their peers. For this reason, this pedagogical proposal was designed where individualized instruction allows teachers to understand and be aware of the wants and needs of each student. This affirms the usefulness of autonomous learning for pragmatics, and prompts us to consider strategy instruction as an alternative approach to pragmatics teaching. Therefore, technologies play an important role allowing learners to have out-of-class learning 14 independently. Strategy instruction could offer solutions to two existing problems in pragmatics instruction. One problem is that classroom learning is poor in opportunities for pragmatics learning due to the paucity of pragmatics-focused input and opportunities for pragmatic practice in a classroom (Bardovi-Harlig, 2001; Diepenbroek & Derwing, 2014). In recent years, researchers have understood the positive effects it may have on the teachability of pragmatics and a great deal of investigation has been carried out. Individuals make choices and build strategies based on some of the unique properties of pragmatic competence, such as the following (Balconi & Amenta, 2010): variability: the range of communicative possibilities to formulating communicative choices; negotiability: the possibility of making choices based on flexible strategies; adaptability: the ability to modulate and regulate communicative choices in relation to the communicative context; salience: the degree of awareness reached by communicative choices; indeterminacy: the rearrangement of pragmatic choices during interactions in order to fulfill communicative intentions; dynamicity: development of the communicative interaction in time. Theoretical Framework: Strategic Self-Regulation Model (S2R) The underpinning of this research project is to sustain users’ self-efficacy through a discovery learning process regulated by users’ personal experiences by participating in different scenes and doing different activities combining the virtual and real world. Students who participate and use the new XR system should develop their metacognitive skills in order to become autonomous and effective, and reach their full potential. Since the system provides automatic feedback on the work accomplished, students are able to foster their metacognition skills and also become more active learners when using the assistive technology. The learning environment of the new system is designed to be modified and customized by users through the chance of moving 3D objects to modify the learning environment in a structural coupling way. In language learning, a learner manages strategies by selecting the tactics most suitable to the situation and makes it effectively communicated across the target audience. In this sense, learning is conceived during performing the task and overseeing the learning process. Therefore, learners can manage their own learning process by selfregulation strategies (Oxford, 2011, 2016). The strategic self-regulation model (S2R), is a model in which learners can actively and constructively use strategies to manage their own learning process by self-regulation. Self-regulated learning strategies involve conscious, deliberate, and goal-oriented attempts to manage and control efforts to learn the target language (Afflerbach, Pearson & Paris, 2008). The S2R model presents strategies in three dimensions: cognitive, affective, and sociocultural-interactive strategies. The cognitive dimension deals with the form of pragmalinguistics which involves the process of constructing, transforming, and applying L2 knowledge. The other dimension is affective dimension which deals with the content of psycholinguistics, in relation to the mental aspect of learning, such as creating positive emotions, attitudes, and motivation. The last form is sociopragmatics, which can be analysed by the sociocultural-interactive dimension, which is dedicated to the areas of communication and sociocultural contexts, and facilitate learners’ interaction with people and communities that are in target cultures. Each of these dimensions comprises a set of meta-strategies and specific strategies. Meta-strategies help manage and control L2 learning in the executivecontrol functions, such as planning, obtaining resources, implementing plans, monitoring, and evaluating. The structure of the S2R model with example tactics is displayed in Fig. 15 (adapted from Oxford, 2011, p. 24). 15 Fig. 15 Structure of meta-strategies and strategies in the S2R model 3. Research Objective and Framework of the Three Year Project Corresponding to 405.3 (新興技術與人機互動科技) and 409.4 (電腦輔助外語教學), this three-year project aims to explore and examine the interlanguage pragmatics (ILP) competence development by activating students' metacognitive skills, with the efficacy of a new immersive 3D MUVEs learning platform integrating the consortium of XR technologies with the aid of Microsoft HoloLens 2 device. This research will engage vocational college students in accomplishing various projects to implement the XR system through synchronous multimodality. With all these aspects combined, we propose the focus of this 3-year project as shown in Fig.16. Fig. 16 Focus of the three-year project The study will span the course of three years, where each year represents a significant stage of development that ultimately leads to vocational college students’ communicative skills and interlanguage pragmatic competencies. In the first-year, the project aims to develop vocational college students’ pragmalinguistics skills with cognitive strategies through adaptive 3D VLE one-to-one tutoring and conversational coaching and examine its effectiveness. In the second year, the project will then investigate vocational college students’ perceived benefits and motivation cooperating with peers in an XR learning platform to develop psycholinguistics competence. In the third-year project, Taiwanese students will collaborate with native English-speaker students through the XR system with Microsoft HoloLens. The goal is to examine how vocational college students overcome knowledge gaps 16 in communication and deal with sociocultural contexts with international students for interlanguage sociopragmatics competence development. The aims of this 3-year project are detailed in Table 2. Table 2. The Aims of Three-Year Project Year Participants First year (20192020): First-year students from a two-credit required course “Aural and Speaking” Second year (20202021): Second-year students from a two-credit required course “Multimedia English” Third year (20212022): Third-year students from a three-credit required course “Intercultural Communication” Research Focus Cognitive strategies of pragmalinguistics (form) development In-class individual project Adaptive 3D VLE one-to-one intelligent tutoring and conversational coaching Implement with Cognii and ELSA Speak applications in the XR learning platform Explore the variance between intelligent tutoring on XR platform and ordinary classroom tutoring; evaluations on practicing oral English and development of pragmatic competence by using XR Affective strategies of psycholinguistics competence (context) development Between peers in the same class and form groups cross-over, peers’ collaboration Second live software integrates with the new XR system Investigate vocational college students’ psycholinguistics competence and the effectiveness of collaboration activities, also review the perceived benefits and motivation of the XR platform Sociocultural-interactive strategies of ILP competence (Sociopragmatics – Function) Interact with English native speaker college students Examine how the authentic virtual environment on the XR platform facilitate students’ interaction with foreigners and intercultural exchange Investigate how to overcome knowledge gaps in communication and deal with sociocultural contexts for interlanguage sociopragmatics competence development System Development Build-in essential aspects of augmented, virtual-, and mixedreality application including: Overlapping real and virtual world Tracking and registration Virtual environment modelling Computers, display, and devices for input and tracking Interaction interfaces Adaptive 3D VLE one-to-one tutoring and conversational coaching Immersive real-time collaboration MUVE platform 17 Design and Development of the Immersive XR Learning Platform (XR 系統設計及開發) The new XR system can be deployed by computer or mobile device, incorporative with the mixed reality headset – HoloLens 2 for displaying 3D elements of the digital content. The headset can display the graphical elements as augmented reality layers superimposed over real-world objects. Users can access or establish the deployed portions of the digital content using their respective mobile devices to explore the augmented or other extended reality environment, and also can be deployed to other mobile devices. In face-to-face conversation, speech, gesture, body language and other non-verbal cues are all combined to show attention and interest and convey meanings. However, the absence of spatial cues in most video conferencing systems means that users often find it difficult to know when people are paying attention to them, to hold side conversations, and to establish eye contact (Sellen, 1992 & 1995). Although the online tutoring industries have been well-received in the past few years, the teaching mechanism can be improved by the XR technology providing immersive experience overlapping the virtual and real-world as same as face-to-face teaching communication to match individual needs. In the XR environments, spatial, visual and audio cues can combine in natural ways to aid communication. Users can freely move through the space setting their own viewpoints and spatial relationships; enabling people in different locations remotely to inhabit the same environment and interact. The well-known "cocktail-party" effect shows that people can easily monitor several spatialized audio streams at once, selectively focusing on those of interest (Schmalsteig, Fugrmann, Szalavári, & Gervautz, 1996). Therefore, users are able to distinguish between multiple speakers even in the virtual avatar representation. These results suggest that an ideal XR interface for remote collaboration should have high quality audio communication, visual representations of the collaborators and an underlying spatial metaphor, which can be afforded by HoloLens 2 (Microsoft, 2019). User’s cognitive state in HoloLens 2 may be achievable through head and hand tracking, eye tracking instantly with Windows Hello, and voice commands through smart microphones and natural language speech processing (Fig. 17). HoloLens 2 is built with four visible light cameras for head tracking and two infra-red cameras for eye tracking, also with five channels of microphone array. It is important to build a consistent and accurate model of a user’s current understanding of a language by detecting his/her body and eyes movements. For the environmental tracking, it provides 6DoF tracking for world-scale positional tracking and spatial mapping for real-time environment mesh. With such a model, the goal is to implement a practical system that can be used for language learning applications, and in particular the development of pragmatics competence. Fig. 17 Input Paradigm of HoloLens Elliott, Peiris & Parnin (2015) explore the affordances of VR specific to software engineering research and introduce three general categories of affordances: spatial cognition, manipulation and motion, and feedback. Johnson (2019) then suggests the following affordances of XR: a digital 3D visual layer generated by a display device allowing for the simulation of virtual worlds or augmentation of the real world; spatial representation of virtual objects allowing users to perceive objects similar to how 18 they would in the real world; registration and localization of real-world objects to add new interactions to existing physical objects through visual overlays; reality based interactions provided by natural input devices and realistic physics engines, allowing users to interact with objects using real world like interactions; non-reality based interactions, using simulation, computer generated graphics, and the ability to defy the laws of physics, allowing users to interact in ways not possible in the real world, and enhanced modes of collaboration allowing users in distributed locations to more easily work together. The new XR learning system for this research, is motivated by the affordances as mentionedabove, will create a multi-purpose experience that adapts to changes in the user’s context. We think this can be interesting for language learning, as it provides opportunities for group collaboration, language immersion by sensing and translating the user’s environment. It shifts the method of classroom instruction to a self-learning model by participating in activities in the digital world individually or with other learners. The developed XR system can design different 3DVLEs space which are internet-hosted environments; they can be a sense of realtime presence or immersion, or graphically replicate real-world places or scenarios. Users can manipulate an 3D avatar, which can be a replication of the user or completely a new creation, to interact and communicate with other user avatars in different environments by using the HoloLens. Interactions in the virtual world play an important role in user engagement and desire learning outcomes. The types of interactions are classified into four categories (Christopoulos, Conrad & Shukla, 2018): Content exploration: User can explore the virtual world which may be overlapping with the real-world, and perform assignments or activities, interact and play as student-toworld or between student-to-student, in different scenarios. Use of scripting tools and 3D object creation: The 3D design and scripting of object creation will turn coding into a stimulating activity. Students are able to design and create 3D objects performing actions, which can be visualized in 3D representations. Participants can interact with the content of the world with these 3D objects; hence, students are motivated and resulted in higher levels of engagement. Avatar appearance modification: Students can create and edit their avatars’ appearance, such as they can replicate their real identity, as considering the virtual world to be an extension of the physical classroom. Students can modify the body shape, skin/hair color and clothing, etc. to resemble the avatar’s appearance for different roleplay activities. Communication with others: Students can share with each other their knowledge and thoughts (peer-tutoring) when requests for feedback and suggestions are made (peerlearning). They can use the chat tool (verbal or writing), or face-to-face conversation, or use the social media platforms to interact with others in English privately or open to public. Working with groups or individually affects students’ engagement and emotion. Work in groups with peers encourage students helping and influencing each other positively. Fig. 18 illustrates the interconnecting and synchronisation between physical objects and virtual objects, which are transformed and exist in both real and virtual worlds simultaneously. Furthermore, multiple distant learning environments between different users can be interconnected, allowing bidirectional communication and interactions between different environments. HoloLens is the inter-reality portal, which receives and process the physical world, and also can be transformed to virtual counterpart. It can detect changes in one environment and translate them into appropriate actions within the other environment. 19 Fig. 18 Distributed XR environment interactions (Pena-Rios, 2016) The user may also explore and interact with the extended reality environment via gestural or spoken input by the recognition sensors of the HoloLens to determine a context of that gestural input and perform additional operations corresponding to the determined context. HoloLens can also apply speech recognition tools and natural language processing algorithms to the captured utterance to determine a context of the spoken utterance and perform additional operations corresponding to the determined context. The XR system can apply various image processing tools to generate data that establishes and applies various semantic scene analysis processes to the visible portions of the extended reality environment and the scene depth map to identify and characterize objects disposed within the extended reality environment and to map the identified objects to positions within the extended reality environment and the scene depth map. The XR system can also define a position and orientation of a user within the extended reality environment, and can further obtain data indicating a position and orientation of one or more other users within the extended reality environment, by the HoloLens worn by the user and determined by the user’s eyes. Furthermore, the XR system can dispose to other users within the extended reality environment, a determined visibility of a face of each of the other users, their positions, and interactions between all or some of the users. In addition, the XR system can generate the item of virtual content through animation and speech by synthesis tools. The system can generate instructions that cause the HoloLens to present the item of virtual content at the corresponding position within the augmented reality environment. It can modify one or more visual characteristics of the item of virtual content in response to additional gestural or spoken input, such as that representing user interaction with the virtual assistant. The new immersive XR learning platform integrates various education applications as partners such as Cognii, ELSA Speak and Second Life (SL). Each application has its exclusive features and useful for the implementation in the new XR learning platform. In the new XR learning platform, students can learn, explore, search, and manipulate knowledge in a 3D virtual space and learn a wide variety of knowledge through AR recognition and AI response. It supports touch interaction augmented virtual reality technology with HoloLens headsets, providing students with a dynamic and immersive learning model that increases student motivation and effectiveness. Table 3 indicates the targeted partnering applications and their implementation to the new XR learning platform system. 20 Table 3 Targeted Partnering Applications and Implementations (夥伴軟體融入系統平台) Instructor-student interactions Cognii assessment platform Fig. 19 Examples of Cognii features 21 Fig. 20 Screen Capture of ELSA Speak for Conversational Coaching Fig. 21 Screen captures of Avatars Collaboration in Second Life The features and implementations of the new XR learning platform are highlighted in Fig. 22 and Table 4. With the use of Microsoft HoloLens 2 device, the platform provides a dynamic real-virtual environment for interaction of digital and real objects, where users feel immersed and their perception of the real world is enhanced. Fig. 22 Features and implementations of the new XR Learning Platform (系統特色及架構) 22 Table 4 Characteristics of the new XR Learning Platform For creating the prototype of the MR environments and holograms models in various scenarios, we will use Unity, Ray Casting, Python and C++ in our programming team. By adopting the HoloLens 2, this XR learning platform will detect users’ interactions environment sensing (through object detection and environmental tracking), and attentionbased interaction (through eye tracking). Attention-based interaction is expected to be implemented as a personalized learning model that tracks the user’s current understanding of a language by their body language and eye-contact. Fig. 23 shows an architecture diagram of 23 the new XR learning platform indicating the processing between computing device and HoloLens. Fig. 24 indicates some prototypes of the new system. Fig. 23 The architecture diagram of the new XR learning platform (algorithms and system in blue; data flow in green) (a) User can experience different virtual scenes (b) Menu of the log records for evaluation (c) Users are able to search multi-layers of information on internet in the real-world situation (d) Interactions with other avatars and 3D objects in the real-world (e) Users can replicate their real identity represent as (f) Collaboration with multi-users their avatar Fig. 24 The prototypes of the new XR system with the aid of HoloLens (系統示意圖) 24 The design development of the XR learning platform will span over three years in parallel with the investigation of ILP skills development (Fig. 25). In the first-year, Cognii and ELSA Speak will be incorporated into the XR platform. Their AI intelligent tutoring system and conversational coaching system aim to promote student-teacher interactions through the adaptive 3D VLE one-to-one learning environment. In the second year, the XR platform will be improved for multi-players. Student-student, group collaboration task-based activities are conducted in the same real and virtual environments to investigate students’ perceived benefits and motivation cooperating with peers in the XR learning platform. In the third-year stage, the XR platform will be developed for remote collaboration in different locations. Taiwanese non-native English-speaker students (NNS) will collaborate with native Englishspeaker students (NS) through the XR system with Microsoft HoloLens, to overcome knowledge gaps in communication and deal with sociocultural contexts. Fig. 25 Three-year system development of XR Learning Platform The First Year Project – Development of Pramalinguistics Competence (the Form) by Cognitive Strategies The aim of first-year project is to implement the 3D VLE intelligent tutoring and conversational coaching system on the new XR platform, and investigate the effectiveness on communication and pragmalinguistics competence development. The guiding RQs are: RQ1: Do the adaptive 3D VLE intelligent tutoring on the XR learning platform and ordinary face-to-face instructions result in varied pragmalinguistics knowledge gain? RQ2: What are L2 learners' development of English oral communication and pragmatic competence by the XR tutoring and conversation coaching system? The participants will be first-year students from a two-credit required course “Aural and Speaking” in a Taiwan university, approximately 50 students in this course for 12 weeks. These students are EFL learners at intermediate levels. The students will be divided into two groups: 25 students will have one-to-one intelligent tutoring course by the XR learning system (Group 1) and the other 25 students will have ordinary face-to-face teaching (Group 2). At first, all students will conduct a pre-test on the pragmatics discourse in relation to apology acts. Then students to receive metapragmatic instruction, Group 1 will attend the computer centre equipped with individual access to PCs. The explicit instruction in the second week will centre on introduction of the XR platform and HoloLens, based on the cognitive strategies for pragmalinguistics development. Following the metapragmatic instruction, eight 25 video clips are uploaded which are all in different scenarios about reasoning and making apologies, and to be played to the students consecutively for eight weeks. A flow chat demonstrates the data collection process of year one (Fig. 26). Fig. 26 A flow chat of data collection process for year one The video clips for this exercise depict the reasoning and apology acts performed by native English tutors in authentic situations, representing by avatars and showing with subtitles of the dialogues in the videos to make sure students can all understand. Subtitles could help learners extract language and other non-verbal cues (e.g. facial expressions, gaze, gestures) used to convey intentions. The video clips are based on different avatar creations appear on the screen explaining a situation they regret or look for a reason for explanation (Table 5). The videos will be shown in the XR learning platform for group 1 and on the classroom projector's screen for group 2. The students can replay each video as many times as they wished. Having watched a video clip each week, students will conduct role-plays and answering some prescribed questions about the weekly topic as same as the video clips. Each student will take turn using the HoloLens. The role-plays are in hypothetical situations for which the students are required to create their own dialogue. Students will be asked during the role-plays for advice in order to apologize and give reasons, so they have to record themselves saying the best apology they can think of. The reason for one-to-one tutoring rather than saying the solutions aloud is that some students do not want to talk in front of the class because they feel anxious or they get frustrated and embarrassed. Group 1 students will conduct the role-plays on the XR platform by 3D VLE one-to-one with the intelligent tutoring and conversational coaching system. Group 2 will perform the roleplays individually with the class tutor and worksheets will be distributed for answering questions. Dialogue construction tasks in role-plays engage learners a deeper level of processing in pragmatics, grammatic, and lexicosyntactic features. Oxford (2011) distinguishes two types of reasoning, deductive and inductive. When explicit information about pragmatics are provided to learners and then they can apply the knowledge to analyse information, deductive reasoning occurs. Learners can apply learned pragmatics in real-life communication or collecting samples of the same expressions through observation. 26 On the other hand, inductive reasoning occurs when learners discover rules and norms of pragmatic behavior on their own by analyzing communicative acts. Learners are able to identify the contextual factors and to convey the speaker’s intentions and why by analyzing the pragmatics rules. Table 5 Examples of role play conversation to deal with reasoning and apologies Automatic feedback and adaptive assessment will be provided by the XR system for group 1, while teacher will comment and provide feedback for group 2. For RQ1, a pragmatic discourse test is given before and after the course, relates to implicatures and speech acts on reasoning and making apologies, separately to the two groups (Appendix A&B). Thus, learners’ outcomes are analysed by comparing the pre- and post-tests results on pairedsamples t-test to investigate the effectiveness on pragmalinguistics knowledge gain between the two groups, and examine if there is a significant gain by the XR learning platform. For RQ2, a reflective questionnaire will be given to students to evaluate the XR intelligent tutoring and conversation coaching system for practicing oral English communication and pragmatic competence development. This refers to the last group of metacognitive strategies 27 on monitoring and evaluating performance. The students are required to answer the items using a 5-point Likert scale and Table 6 shows a sample of the questionnaire. These questions can help learners stay focused on the key concepts of pragmatics (form, function, context) and reflect on their own communicative acts from the point of appropriateness and acceptability. Finally, the reliability of the questionnaire is evaluated by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and the descriptive statistics are input and calculated using SPSS. Other process data recorded in the system will also serve as supplementary data to help answer both research questions. Table 6 Sample of some questions of questionnaire The Second Year Project – Development of Psycholinguistics Competence (the Context) by Affective Strategies The aim of the study for year two is to investigate psycholinguistics competence development with affective strategies, and the effectiveness on collaboration activities by the XR system, hence, to review the benefits and motivation of the system. The guiding RQs are: RQ1: (a) How do students develop their psycholinguistics competence by affective strategies on the XR platform? (b) What is the relative effectiveness on collaboration activities by the XR learning system? RQ2: What are the perceived benefits and motivation in the task-based learning collaborative activities on the XR platform? The participants will be second-year students from a two-credit required course “Multimedia English” in the same university as year 1, approximately 70 EFL students in this course for 12 weeks. Creating positive emotion is one of the affective strategies and politeness theory is included in the instructional design which involves a number of social and situational factors, including the relative power relationship between the interlocutors, the social distance, and the degree of request’s imposition affect the realization of requests (Brown, Penelope, Levinson, & Stephen, 1987). Table 7 indicates some examples of request strategies which will be delivered to students as teaching materials to increase their pragmatics awareness. Table 7 Example of request strategies (adapted from Blum-Kulka, Shoshana, House, & Kasper., 1989) 28 At the beginning of the course, students are introduced to the XR system and HoloLens. Then they are asked to build their own avatar (they can replicate their existing appearance or completely imaginary) in the system. The affordance of the rich fidelity of space on XR platform gives users a sense of real-time presence and immersion. Students are able to personalize their own avatar appearance, perform gestures, and even make facial expressions. Presenting as avatars likely to increase students’ self-efficacy and willingness to communicate, increase motivation, and increase risk-taking (Peterson, 2010, 2012). Fig. 27 indicates a flow chat of the data collection process of year-2. Fig. 27 Flow chat of data collection process for year two Students are divided into ten groups, seven people each and to participate group learning activities in four different scenes presenting as 3D VLEs on the XR platform overlapping with the real-world by the HoloLens. Students can mediate not just by the space, but through virtually rendered 3D objects and non-player avatars which are purposefully designed for each activity. The immersion of real and virtual spaces provides synchronous interactions which are significant catalysts for learning and leads to a true perception of immersion and belongings (Dalgarno & Lee, 2010). Each scene will conduct two real-life situations for students to practice English communication, in particular making requests by role-plays (Table 8). The role-play activities will be carried out total for eight consecutive weeks. For each situation, students are required to role-play particular roles in their group and with a native English-speaking instructor. All situations in the four scenes require students to produce requests speech acts by performing prescribed tasks to access the psycholinguistics accuracy between peers and between instructor. Table 8 The proposed design of role-play scenes and situations Scene / Task Scene 1 – A downtown with shops, a café, a library, a sports centre and a high school Task: To request and collect Situation 1 Student 1 – Student Student 2 – Teacher Student 3&4 – Café operator Student 5&6 – Shop operator Situation 2 Student 1 – Café operator Student 2&3 – Shop operator Student 4 – Teacher Student 5 – Sports centre 29 three items from each character. Scene 2 – Career Island Task: Students to explore various professional roles and earn 1000 points. Scene 3 – Sustainable Village and Market Task: Students work in groups, to resolve the environmental issues in the village and teach the people there a healthy diet. Scene 4 – An Eco-MUVE Forest Task: Students work in groups, to take role of a scientist each and investigate the reasons of the destroyed eco-system, and how can help to resume a healthy eco life. Student 7 – Sports centre operator Instructor – Principle of high school Student 1&2 – a patient in a clinic Student 3 – a student in a classroom Student 4 – a vet in a pet clinic Student 5 – a policeman Student 6&7 – a customer in a supermarket Instructor – Career advisor All students act as a visitor to the village. operator Student 6&7 – Student Instructor – Librarian Student 1 – Water chemist Student 2 – Microscopic specialist Student 3&4 – Naturalist Student 5 – Private investigator Student 6&7 – Bird watcher Instructor – Public health worker Student 1 – Private investigator Student 2&3 – Water chemist Student 4 – Bird watcher Student 5&6 – Naturalist Student 7 – Microscopic specialist Instructor – Public health worker Student 1 – a policeman Student 2 – a patient in a clinic Student 3&4 – a customer in a supermarket Student 5 – a vet in a pet clinic Student 6&7 – a student in a classroom Instructor – Career advisor All students act as a citizen living in the village. Prior to each situation, students will be given role cards describing the situations and their roles respectively, and are required to complete prescribed tasks. Role-play activities will be conducted on the XR platform and each student is equipped a computer at the computer centre. Students are required to start the role-play in the form of avatar, rotating with the use of HoloLens, by asking for something from their interlocutors and they will have 15 mins preparing for each role-play before participate in the situation. The objective of the learning activities is to illustrate concepts of psycholinguistics competence using a co-creative approach to encourage students to create as many behavioural rules as possible based on the hypothetical situations using the XR platform. Students will participate in each situation and perform tasks individually or in groups, depends on the tasks’ requirements. The task scenario matches the environment and students are instructed to explore the scenes in their given character. They are required to ask questions, make requests for information and search for clues about the prescribed tasks. Some tasks involve students working in groups for collaboration. All the tasks are designed to allow students to interact with each other to encourage pragmatics behaviours, which consists of five stages: 1. Brainstorming with others what resources are needed to perform in the scene; 2. Work together with peers to familiarize with the environment and to locate key landmarks; 3. Exploring the environment in each scene to search for information and clues; 4. Putting together a plan for how to complete the prescribed tasks; 5. Sharing the plan to the team members. The exercise of the role-plays is recorded by the XR system and student’s individual performance is rated for appropriateness of request forms on a five-point Likert scale score by two native English-speaking teachers. The score sheet contains 20 items with a maximum 30 score being 100. The rating scale employed is to assess the psycholinguistics accuracy based on the rubrics of affective strategies (Appendix C). Linguistic accuracy is assessed by allocating five points if the response to a speech act is lexically and grammatically accurate, one to four points if it is partially correct, and no point if it is grammatically or lexically inaccurate. The scores are qualitatively analysed using multivariate variate of analysis (MANOVA) between situations and start-to-finish respectively, to examine for RQ1: (a) students’ performance on psycholinguistics competence between different situations; and (b) the effectiveness on collaboration activities in the XR system. At the end of the course, a survey in multiple-choice questions are completed by the students to evaluate their own performance, perceived benefits and motivation after the role-play activities (Appendix D). Specifically, questions regarding perceived learning effectiveness are adapted from the corresponding questions in the Computer Attitude Scale (Selwyn, 1997) measuring perceived usefulness on the XR platform. In addition, the Intrinsic Motivation Inventor is used which is a multidimensional measurement for assessing participants’ subjective experience of enjoyment and motivation when using the XR system (Tamborini, Bowman, Eden Grizzard, & Organ, 2010). At the end, the surveys are analysed by factorial analysis and compare the reliability scores using Cronbach’s alpha, also to perform Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The factorial analysis will have seven factors, named as follows: enjoyment, perceived ease of use, perceived learning effectiveness, presence, realism, motivation, and collaboration. Finally, the CFA scores will be analysed to investigate the perceived benefits and motivation in the task-based learning collaborative activities on the XR platform (RQ2). The Third Year Project – Development of Sociopragmatics (the Function) by Sociocultural-interactive Strategies The third-year project aims to enhance vocational college students’ sociopragmatics competence through intercultural exchanges with native Australia students. RQ1: What are the effects of sociopragmatics competence upon students’ interaction with English native speakers on XR learning platform? RQ2: How do students use the XR system to interact and communicate the cultural information with foreigners on the XR platform? This project will engage 48 Taiwanese EFL students (non-native speakers (NNS)) studying in a Taiwan university of Science and Technology and 48 native-speaking (NS) students who learns Chinese from a university in Australia. The research study is conducted online with students from two different countries to participate activities for cultural exchange for 16weeks. The project involves the depiction of student as an avatar through which he or she is able to develop and project an online identity. The avatar can replicate their real identities or as a new creation on the XR platform. The avatar helps to create a sense of individuality that aides in co-presence with the other geographically dispersed user in the remote environment, and enriches the social interactions occurring (Schroeder, 2002). Students perceive or feel that other users are also present in the virtual environments as well as themselves, co-presence occurs as a social, task-related, or physiological response to embodied agents (Bailenson & Yee, 2005). Users interacting as avatars can socially and psychologically feel connected to others, resulting socio-emotional processes which are crucial for building effective structures and communities, In the beginning, all students are briefed on the XR system. During the first three weeks, each student is requested to compose a video of at least three tourist sites introducing the cultural significance of their own country and present on the XR platform to their assigned partner 31 later. The video can consist of web information, you-tube videos, or student can film by themselves. Then the intercultural communication will take place through the XR system presenting Taiwan and Australia tourist places and sharing activities that will run for ten weeks. The outline of data collection process is shown in Fig. 28. Fig. 28 Outline of data collection process for Year Three During the ten-weeks interactions and activities, one Taiwanese student will be paired up with one Australian student and they will interact with each other for the first five weeks. Then students will swap partners and interact for another five weeks. Each session of the activity allows six paired of students to conduct activities on the XR platform for 20-minutes respectively, total spent time for each pair is 100-minutes. The combinations of the participants are shown in Table 9 below. Table9 Combinations of the participants Students NS Pair 1-6 Pair 25-30 NS Pair 7-12 Pair 31-36 NS Pair 13-18 Pair 37-42 NS Pair 19-24 Pair 43-48 NNS Pair 1-6 Pair 25-30 Week 5-9 5 sessions (20-mins each) NNS Pair 7-12 Pair 31-36 NNS Pair 13-18 Pair 37-42 Week 10-14 5 sessions (20-mins each) Week 5-9 5 sessions (20-mins each) Week 10-14 5 sessions (20-mins each) NNS Pair 19-24 Pair 43-48 Week 10-14 5 sessions (20-mins each) Week 5-9 5 sessions (20-mins each) Week 10-14 5 sessions (20-mins each) Week 5-9 5 sessions (20-mins each) During the five-week sessions period, the paired NNS and NS participants log in to the XR platform at the same time. Australia is only three hours faster than Taiwan, therefore students are able to participate during class time. Within the XR environment, students can enter into various virtual scenarios or overlap with the real-life environment, or explore any places on Google Maps. The pair meets up face-to-face in their avatar forms at the assigned meeting place, they first introduce themselves and exchange basic information. The interactions include basic in-world operations, such as walking, sitting on a chair, teleporting, and talking. In the XR platform setting, the participates are free to do anything and present their prepared cultural videos to each other. 32 Fig. 29 Instruments employed in Year Three The pair is required to exchange their interpersonal and intercultural information, and participate activities together during their session on the XR platform. Some prescribed tasks using authentic materials and contexts are designed for students to explore and execute, in order to teach language skills, encourage communication, and motivate students to interact. Table 10 indicates two goal-based scenarios using the Google Maps street view panoramas, students can freely explore, discuss, role-play, navigate, and interact through their avatars on the XR platform. The contextualized curriculum design process is driven by Schank’s goalbased scenarios (1996) and Shih’s research study (2018). Table 10 Detailed information about two goal-based scenarios All interactions are recorded by the system (process data) and students are required to complete a questionnaire after each session to ask their impressions on the sessions for 33 analysis. During the last two weeks of this project, the participants are asked to review their peers’ works and complete the final reflective essays. The data for this study will include scores of Taiwanese and Australian students on the Intercultural Sensitivity Scale, scores on questionnaires for each session, and students’ final reflective essays and interviews on the process of using the XR platform, and their discussions on respective county and their cultural differences. The rating scale employed is to assess the sociopragmatics accuracy based on the rubrics of sociocultural-interactive strategies on the questionnaires (Appendix E). Finally, the researcher and her team will analyze the reflective essays and interviews through content analysis (Patton, 2002) and the guiding questions in reflective essays are included in Appendix F. Content analysis will include four stages: coding, categorization, description and interpretation, which will be adopted to identify codes and categorize the patterns or themes that emerge from the data and use it to search for the relationships between those categories (Weber, 1990; Patton, 2002). Anticipated Accomplishments and Potential Contributions The project will exemplify the importance of interlanguage pragmatics competence for EFL learners and the research gaps are addressed in the existing literature, including the design and development of a XR learning platform. This research project aims to demonstrate that 3D VLE in the latest XR technology is an optimal platform for online interaction, communication, and collaboration beyond classroom instruction teaching. It holds great potential for language learners by engaging them in the overlapping virtual and real-life environments with authentic contexts and materials for social interaction and group collaborations. This project also examines how the XR platform affects students’ perceptions of interpersonal and emotional connections with peers in the learning environment. Moreover, this project strives to equip EFL learners with necessary skill sets and practical training that connects classrooms to the real world, thereby raising EFL students to a level to contribute to Taiwan and the global community through communication and pragmatics competence. About 8-12 SSCI papers will be published and our team will apply for four patents for the XR system which will be implemented in different settings and classes. Approximately, 1200 students will benefit from using this system. In addition, this study will provide a coherent line of research from educational practice, through integration of different modalities, such as Cognii, ELSA Speaking, and Second Life, to educational evaluation that is missing in a lot of research and development papers. Both educational problems and its practices will be well defined and the use of XR technology can be seen as a viable solution that allows particular problems to be addressed, resolved and discussed. Yearly Plan Year One: This year project will complete the design and development of first stage of the XR learning platform incorporation of Cognii and ELSA Speak applications to provide an immersive one-to-one tutoring and conversational coaching. (a) Requirement gathering of what is needed and what can be done Our team will work closely together to understand what is required for the design of the learning activities and gather relative information for the video clips into numbers of scenarios, for providing one-to-one learning experience to the students. Eight different content creation videos on pragmatics to be produced, including the after role-plays and questions for teacher-student interaction. This will involve researching, many meetings, interviewing between different parties (i.e. teachers) so that everyone shares the comparable understanding of what is required for developing the video and the scripts. (b) Design and plan the learning activities for each theme 34 The videos are related to pragmatics skills on apologize and reasoning, then the role-plays are in hypothetical situations for which the students are able to create their own dialogue. The team will plan and create the relevant learning activities for each of the eight themes. The learning activities planned should not be overlapped but complimentary in nature so that teams can cover as much of situations for apologize and reasoning as possible. (c) Design and development of XR system for intelligent tutoring and conversational coaching The team will concurrently work on the design and development of the XR system. In the first year, Cognii and ELSA Speak applications will be incorporated into the XR system for the benefits of the AI intelligent tutoring system and conversational coaching. C++ and Unity will be used to facilitate the creation the XR system. (d) Video making During this stage, the production team will prepare the videos based on the relevant media contents. Teacher and student will be in avatar forms which will also be designed and created by the team. Testing of the XR system together with the video scripts will be done in this stage, and rehearsals will also be done to make sure its deployment will be smooth. (e) Deployment of after roleplays and answer questions The after roleplays scenarios and the relative questions will input to the XR system. Automate feedback, clues and analysis will be generated instantly with the students. (f) Data collection and analysis Students from both experimental and control groups are required to complete a pre-test on the pragmatic discourse before the experimentation and a post-test after the treatments to compare the effectiveness on pragmalinguistics knowledge gain between the XR system and conventional teaching. At the end of the experimentation, the experimental group is required to complete a questionnaire to examine the perceived values on the use of the XR system. During the learning activities with the XR system in the classrooms, video recording will be made and also all the logs will be recorded by the XR system. Statistical analysis will be done on the data collected. (g) Construct design principles and development guidelines Based on the experiences of both the content creation and system production, and the feedback gathered from the users (teacher and student), an initial set of design principles and development guidelines is set. This design principles and development guidelines will be the basis for improving the XR system in Year Two. Year Two (a) Improvement of XR system Using design principles and development guidelines produced in Year One, the team will improve the system for multi-players collaboration, and for better learning activity design and learning results. (b) Requirement gathering for customization According to the feedback from teacher and students, also from the observations by the team, we will have experience to know how well these activities fit the needs of their students. A list of requirements and comments will be compiled for the later customization. (c) Design and plan the learning activities for each scenario 35 The team will gather information to design and plan for four different scenes in virtual environments. Each scene will conduct two real-life situations for students to practice English communication, in relation to making requests speech acts by performing prescribed tasks between peers and between instructor. (d) Design and development of XR system for multi-players collaboration In parallel with the design of the learning activities, the team will concurrently work on the design and development of the XR system for multi-players collaboration. In the second year, Second Life application will be incorporated into the XR system for the benefits of the multiplayers collaboration in virtual avatars form. However, the new XR system will be developed not only allowing users to participate in the virtual environment, but immersive with the realworld. Unity will be programmed to facilitate the creation the XR system through object detection, and attention-based interaction (through eye tracking) by HoloLens. (e) Creation of 3D objects and avatars Programs need to be created by Unity to allow students to create their own 3D objects and avatars. Students can mediate not just by the space, but through virtually rendered 3D objects and non-player avatars which are purposefully designed by the team for each activity. They can replicate their existing appearance or completely new imaginary for their avatar representation in the system, such as personalize their own avatar appearance, perform gestures, and even make facial expressions. (f) Data collection and analysis The exercise of the role-plays is recorded by the XR system and student’s individual performance on psycholinguistics accuracy is rated for appropriateness of request forms on a five-point Likert scale score sheet assessed by two native English-speaking teachers. At the end of the semester, students are required to fill up questionnaires to gather data about the students’ perceived benefits and motivation on the task-based learning collaborative activities by the XR platform. Statistical analysis will be done on the data collected. Log files of the XR system will be analysed too. This information will be useful in Year 3 to aid in creating adaptive learning activities. (g) Refine design principles and development guidelines Based on the experiences of both the content creation and content production teams, and the feedback gathered from the users, design principles and development guidelines will be further revised and refined for Year Three. Year Three (a) Improvement of XR system Using design principles and development guidelines produced in Year Two, the team will improve the system for multi-players collaboration in remote distance, and for better learning activity design and learning results. (b) Requirement gathering for customization According to the feedback from teacher and students, also from the observations by the team, we will have experience to know how well these activities fit the needs of their students. A list of requirements and comments resulted from Year Two will be compiled for the later customization. (c) Design and plan the learning activities in the immersive virtual and real worlds The team will gather information to design and plan for various virtual scenarios for different learning activities. These virtual scenes may also overlap with the real-life environment in 36 different remote locations. Prescribed tasks are designed in goal-based scenarios using the Google Maps street view panoramas, students can freely explore, discuss, role-play, navigate, and interact through their avatars on the XR platform. Testing of the XR system together with the activities will be done at this stage, and rehearsals will also be done to make sure its deployment will be smooth. (d) Design and development of XR system for multi-players collaboration in remote distances In parallel with the design of the learning activities, the team will concurrently work on the design and development of the XR system for multi-players collaboration in remote distances. Users interactions include basic in-world operations, such as walking, sitting on a chair, teleporting, and talking. In the XR platform setting, the users are free to do anything and students can present their prepared cultural videos. The system can detect users’ interactions environment sensing (through object detection and environmental tracking), and attentionbased interaction (through eye tracking). Attention-based interaction is expected to be implemented as a personalized learning model that tracks the user’s current understanding of a language by their body language and eye-contact. (e) Data collection and analysis The collaboration activities are recorded by the XR system and students are required to complete a questionnaire after each session to ask their impressions on the sessions for analysis which will be rated to assess the sociopragmatics accuracy. At the end of the semester, the participants are asked to review their peers’ works and complete the final reflective essays. Statistical analysis will be done on the data collected. Log files of the XR system will be analysed too. 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What is an apology? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––. 2. Put the correct words in the correct order to build up utterances. A. accept apologies sincerest our ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 40 B. sorry I very am ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– C. fault it my was ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– D. me excuse ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– E. wait I really am for sorry you having ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– F. your I sorry loss am hear so to about ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3. There are three different situations where we can apologize. Choose the most appropriate apology for each context. A. You just bump into an old lady on the street. What would you say? 1. Sorry. 2. It was my fault. 3. I am very sorry. I didn’t mean it. Are you okay? B. You forgot to do your homework and your teacher is asking you why. What would you say in order for her not to be mad at you? 1. I am sorry but they were very difficult. 2. It was my fault. 3. I am very sorry. They were a little bit demanding and I couldn’t figure them out. C. You were supposed to pick your best friend at the airport, but it completely slipped your mind. How would you apologize to her or him? 1. Ever sorry. I was so excited for this day to come, but it completely slipped my mind. 2. Can you wait a little bit? I will be there in a while. 3. I am sorry. Do you mind to take the bus? Talk to you later. Appendix B: Year One – Example of Post-test on Pragmatic Discourse Test conducted by participants after the activities were performed. 1. What is an apology? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––. 2. Put the correct words in the correct order to build up utterances. A. sorry I I did mean not am very it ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– B. was it who broke me I did see them not glasses I the sorry totally ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 41 C. care I I wish know had just the words right ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– D. for mistake we our apologize E. cannot imagine you how am I sorry ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– F. me pardon ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 3. There are three different situations where we can apologize. Choose the most appropriate apology for each context. A. Your dog peed on someone’s foot, and you did not realize. What would you say to that person? 1. It is not my fault. I did not see it. 2. I am very embarrassed. I am sorry. I was not paying attention. 3. I didn’t mean it. Are you okay? B. You sent a text message to the wrong friend, and he replied that you woke him/her up in a bad mood. How can you fix the situation? 1. Excuse me. 2. Sorry. I made a mistake when sending the message. Sorry again. 3. Sorry but it is time to get up! C. You were invited to your boyfriend’s / girlfriend’s birthday party, but you fell asleep while watching your favorite movie and you were late. 1. Sorry. I fell asleep and I just got up! 2. I am very sorry. I fell asleep while watching a movie. Every sorry. 3. You know how I am. Sorry but I was really tired honey! 42 Appendix C: Year Two - The Rubric for Assessing Students’ Psycholinguistics Accuracy Adapted from Alcaya, Lybeck, & Mougel (1994) 43 Appendix D: Year Two – Questionnaire on perceived benefits and motivation Factor Description Scores (10=highest; 1=lowest) 1. Perceived learning effectiveness a. I feel that XR platform can ease the way I learn. b. XR platform is a much easier way to learn compared to the usual teaching. c. Why use XR platform? There are easier ways to learn what I want to learn.* d. XR platform can make learning more interesting. 2. Perceived ease of use a. Learning to use the XR platform was easy for me. b. I found the XR platform easy to use. c. Whenever I used the XR platform I needed help because it was not easy for me to use.* d. It was easy for me to become skilful at using the XR platform. 3. Presence a. I forgot about my immediate surroundings when I used the XR platform. b. When I used the XR platform I often forgot where I am. c. When I used the XR platform, the virtual world was more real than the real world. d. When I used the XR platform, I felt that my body was in the room, but my mind was inside the world created by the system. 4. Enjoyment a. My experience in the XR platform was quite enjoyable. b. I would describe my experience in the XR platform as very interesting. c. The experience in the XR platform was fun. d. I enjoyed experiencing the immersive virtual and real worlds in the XR platform very much. 5. Motivation a. When using the XR platform, I had the impulse to learn more about space exploration. b. I tried to explore all the XR platform because everything was so interesting. c. I wasn’t interested in learning using this type of computer program.* d. This type of computer program did not hold my attention.* 6. Collaboration a. I enjoyed to collaborate with others in the XR platform. b. It was interesting that in the XR platform I was doing things together with my peers. c. With my fellow students, we were able to jointly decide where to go and what to do in the XR platform. 7. Realism a. The visual display quality of the XR platform distracted me from doing other things. b. When interacting with the virtual 3D objects, these interactions seemed like real. c. There were times when the virtual 3D objects became more real and present for me compared to the real ones. d. The virtual 3D objects seemed like the real objects to me. Note. * = Item for which scoring is reversed. 44 Appendix E: Year Three - Questionnaire Examples of questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Teaching and learning activities a. Did the XR platform teaching methods give you the same amount of information, as you would get in classical lectures? b. Describe the activities that are most beneficial to your learning? What were the effective skills that were demonstrated in your group? c. Were there other skills that would have also been more appropriate to use? (If so, what were they?) d. Would you like to use XR platform for learning activities in the future? e. Did you find it was easier to communicate with Native speaker through the XR platform? XR Platform environment a. How long did it take you to feel comfortable with the environment? b. Have you experienced any technical difficulties with the system? c. According to you, what are the main differences between learning in XR platform vs. learning in real life? d. Describe the activities that differ the most and the least between XR platform and real-life learning. Social interaction and communication a. Which methods did you use to communicate with other users? b. Did you think XR platform makes social interaction easy or difficult? c. Did you find any difficulties to interact and socialize within the group? d. Which differences can you identify between communication in XR platform and in real-world? Collaborative activities a. How was your collaborative activity organized? b. Do you feel that you learned more working with peers than you would have working alone? c. Compared to the real-world, in which ways did XR platform support your collaborative activities? d. Do you think it was interested and motivated to learn through the collaborative activities in the XR platform? 3D Artifacts creation a. What artifacts were involved in collaborative activities? b. Are the virtual buildings similar to the real ones? c. What artifacts allowed you to practice the skills needed for the activities? d. How were your 3D objects created? (individually or collaboratively) e. How did these artifacts facilitate the roleplay activities and collaboration among the groups? Appendix F: Year Three - Reflective Essay Each reflection entry is designed to help you reflect what you have learned from multimodal blogging project on Taiwan Culture this semester. Please compose a 500 – 750 word reflective essay upon each presentation, and thoroughly explains each of the questions in your essay. Please post your reflection entry one week after your presentation entry. - What is unique about your topic that made you choose it over other topics? How can your project help to preserve Taiwan’s culture, heritage or traditions? How do you see your project influencing the current and future generations in a beneficial way? (i.e. helping future young adults appreciate cultural traditions) Why do you think it is important for people to know the “authentic” Taiwan versus the “Tourist” version of Taiwan? What are the most valuable values or cultural traditions of Taiwan you want to present to the world? Why? How can your project be different from others? How can you not repeat the same information or presentation of Taiwan that exists? 45