Student-Centered Learning (Personalization) P. 2-3 Goal To determine if the learning is visible “Students have to know what they are learning, why they are learning it, what it means to be “good” at this learning, and what it means to have learned. P. 4 “Visible learning asks teacher to go even a step further. It asks us to create the conditions necessary for student to become their own teachers.” General Literacy Learning Practices p. 21-27 1. Challenge Identify where students are. 2. Self-efficacy Belief by student that he/she can make learning happen. 3. Clarity (.75) Goal Setting (.5) Belief that students should be able to answer 3 questions 1. What am I learning today? 2. Why am I learning this? 3. How will I now that I learned it? Feedback (.75) p. 33 Student current level of performance Student expected level of performance Actions they can take to close the gap Deep Learning p. 91 “As they (students) move into deep consolidation, they benefit from approaches that foster metacognition, self-talk, and the ability to examine texts outside the direct guidance of the teacher.” Class Discussion: .82 Effective questioning: .48 Metacognitive Strategies: .69 (p. 93) Knowledge about our learning selves An understanding of what the task demands and necessary strategies to complete them The means to monitor learning and self-regulate Self-Questioning: .64 (p. 93) Teach students to pause periodically throughout a text to generate their own questions. Transfer: (p. 110) Low Road Transfer Teacher/students are… High Road Transfer Students are… Organizing Conceptual Knowledge: .85 (p. 115) “They (students) can analyze their understanding and identify where they need to go next in their learning. Importantly, it is the student who is in the driver’s seat.” Transforming Conceptual Knowledge: .85 (p. 122) “Literacy learning opportunities listed in this section can furnish students with the forums they need as they become their own self-directed teachers.” Class discussion (Rules of Discussion) .82 Accountable talk Metacognitive thinking .69 Close reading Open-ended questioning focused on exploration over opposed to discovery. Extended writing Summarize .63 Concept Mapping .60 Feedback .75 Clarity .75 *Note: Concept Mapping: .6 (When used as a planning tool for something else. = showing your work in a multi-step math problem.