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23 Therapy Interventions & Examples

23 Therapy Interventions & Examples
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1. Assisted - Assisted client in creating a time management schedule.
2. Coached - Coached client in the practice of using “I” statements in an
3. Completed - Completed an art project to assist client with identifying feelings
of grief.
4. Created - Created treatment goals with client.
5. Discussed - Discussed concept of hypervigilance and how it presents in daily
6. Examined - Examined benefits and drawbacks of setting boundaries with
7. Gathered information - Gathered information regarding client’s history of
8. Guided - Guided client in a mindfulness exercise they can practice at home.
9. Introduced - Introduced the concept of attachment styles and how they
influence relationships.
10. Involved collaterals - Involved collaterals to help client create a list of calming
techniques to use at home.
11. Led - Led client in a new grounding exercise.
12. Modeled - Modeled for client how to create self-compassionate statements.
13. Practiced - Practiced with client how to use body attunement.
14. Prompted - Prompted client to ask their partner more about their feelings.
15. Provided psychoeducation - Provided psychoeducation on how ADHD
presents differently in adults and children.
16. Redirected - Redirected client when they raised their voice out of anger.
17. Referred - Referred client to a list of three psychiatrists who specialize in
women’s health.
18. Reframed - Reframed client’s negative self-statements as common reactions
to experiences.
19. Reviewed - Reviewed with client their progress to date and goals moving
20. Role played - Role played having an argument using listening statements.
21. Set boundaries - Set boundaries regarding the use of texting and email
outside of sessions.
22. Trained - Trained client in the use of assertive statements with family
23. Used - Used guided imagery to practice breathing exercises.
Copyright QA Prep 2023
Copyright QA Prep 2023