PROCEDURE TO CALCULATE INCH-DIA USING EXCEL MACRO 1. Open the “INCH-DIA.rep” report file by typing “CALLIBR XREPSEL MODIFY” in E3D command window. 2. Export report file from E3D using the “INCH-DIA.rep” report file. 3. Input Filename – directory with .CSV extension at the end. 4. Input Hierarchy (select zone of pipes to be extracted). 5. Open the extracted CSV file. 6. Apply filter to headings and calculate inch-dia. 7. Filter “ELBO” in heading “TYPE” and multiply the P1bore value with the number of welds (2 nos.) to arrive Inch-dia values for elbow. 8. Note: Apply this procedure for BW and SW components and not for threaded components. 9. Filter “FLAN” in heading “TYPE” and multiply the P1 bore value with the number of welds (1 nos.) to arrive Inch-dia values for flange. 10. Similarly, filter “TEE” and multiple the P1 bore value with the number of welds (3 nos.) to arrive Inch-dia values for Tee.