Question 1 2 / 2 pts Which of the following best describes the etiology of hyperabduction syndrome of the retropectoralis minor space? - An elongated transverse process from the 7th cervical vertebrae narrows the interval between the middle and anterior scalene muscles - Compression of the subclavian artery & brachial plexus in the interscalene angle due to hypertrophy, tightness, or abnormal insertion of the middle & anterior scalene muscles and/or elevation of the 1st rib - Narrowed space between the clavicle & first rib, potentially due to clavicular abnormalities or elevated first rib - Compression of neurovascular structures as they pass under the coracoid process and pectoralis minor muscles with the arm in hyperabduction - None of the above describe hyperabduction syndrome of the retropectoralis minor space Question 2 2 / 2 pts Which of the following best describes the sensory distribution of cervical nerve root 7 / C7 dermatome? Upper trapezius / clavicular area Lateral upper arm Ulnar side of hand Middle finger None of the above represent the C7 dermatome Question 3 2 / 2 pts Which of the following muscles is most likely to be involved in a lateral epicondylalgia diagnosis? Brachioradialis Extensor carpi radialis longus Extensor carpi radialis brevis Flexor carpi radialis None of the above muscles are likely to be involved in a lateral epicondylalgia diagnosis Question 4 2 / 2 pts Which of the following best describes the L5 dermatome? Lateral lower leg Medial lower leg Lateral border of foot Medial leg around the knee None of the above describe the L5 dermatome Question 5 2 / 2 pts Which of the following is most likely to be seen if your patient has limited superior translation/glide of the patella? Reduced knee extension range of motion Improved knee flexion range of motion Reduced knee flexion strength Improved knee flexion strength None of the above are associated iwth a hypomobile superior glide of the patella Question 6 2 / 2 pts A PTA is treating a patient who demonstrates diminished sensation in the medial forearm, diminished strength in the interossei muscles, but no diminished reflexes. Which of the following nerve roots do you suspect is impaired? C4 C5 C6 C7 Given the list of symptoms, you would not suspect any of the above nerve roots to be compromised ** i think it is T1 Question 7 2 / 2 pts Which of the following best describes spinal stenosis? Anterior slippage of one vertebral body on an adjacent body Protrusion beyond the annulus fibrosis beyond its normal perimeter Narrowing of the lumbar spinal canal, nerve root canals, and/or intervertebral foramina that may encroach on the nerve roots of the lumbar spine Loss of function of the lumbar plexus due to posterior disc herniation, associated with sudden loss of bowel & bladder control and saddle anesthesia None of the above accurately describe spinal stenosis Question 8 2 / 2 pts Which of the following best describes the knee’s arthrokinematics during the descent of a squat? The tibia translates / slides anteriorly relative to the femur The tibia translates / slides posteriorly relative to the femur The femur translates / slides anteriorly relative to the tibia The femur translates / slides posteriorly relative to the tibia None of the above describe the knee’s arthrokinematics motion during the descent of a squat Question 9 2 / 2 pts Which myotome is most likely affected by an L2-L3 disc herniation? Hip flexion Knee extension Ankle dorsiflexion Big toe extension None of the above myotomes are likely to be affected Question 10 2 / 2 pts How are scoliosis curves named? Using the patient’s dominant hand as a reference point Using the patient’s non-dominant hand as a reference point By the direction of the concavity By the direction of the convexity None of the above describe how scoliotic curves are named Question 11 2 / 2 pts Which of the following is true of a flat low-back posture? It is the best posture for a healthy spine. It is typically associated with tight hip flexor muscles. It should be the goal of all back rehabilitation programs. It reduces the shock-absorbing function of the spinal curves. Question 12 2 / 2 pts Following recovery of a posterolateral disc protrusion, your patient will be returning to a job that requires prolonged forward bending and stooping. Your instructions to the patient must include: Interruption of the flexed postures at frequent intervals by standing upright and bending backward. Advice to quit that job and find one that is sedentary. No advice—forward bending helps maintain mobility in the spine. Preparing for the forward bending by posterior tilting of the pelvis before bending and stooping. Question 13 2 / 2 pts Of the following, which is the MOST effective way to improve muscle endurance? Have a patient train on an isokinetic dynamometer at fast speeds only Have the patient train using dynamic exercise against submaximal loads over progressively longer time periods Have the patient exercise against maximal resistance for a limited number of repetitions Have the patient train by using isometric exercises against maximal resistance Incorrect Question 14 0 / 2 pts Your patient injured her ulnar nerve falling up some steps and catching herself on the medial side of her hand 2 days ago. She currently has constant tingling and decreased sensation to pressure and touch in the little finger and ulnar half of the ring finger. Your intervention during the first week of treatment will be all of the following except: Protect the nerve by immobilizing the wrist in a splint. Teach active ROM to wrist and fingers. Emphasize the importance of resistive exercises to prevent muscle atrophy. Inform the patient about ways to protect the hand from further injury. Question 15 2 / 2 pts If a patient, who is in a prone position with a cuff weight around his ankle, flexes his knee from a full extended (0 degrees) position to a fully flexed (150 degrees) position, what type(s) of contraction will occur in which muscle group(s)? The knee flexors contract concentrically through the full ROM. The knee flexors contract eccentrically from 0 degrees to 90 degrees, and the knee extensors contract concentrically from 90 degrees to 150 degrees of flexion. The knee flexors contract eccentrically throughout the full ROM. The knee flexors contract concentrically from 0 degrees to 90 degrees, and the knee extensors contract eccentrically from 90 degrees to 150 degrees of flexion. Incorrect Question 16 0 / 2 pts Your patient experiences a tingling sensation in the upper extremity while in the following position: shoulder girdle depression; slight abduction of the shoulder; elbow extension; medial rotation of the arm; pronation of the forearm, wrist, and finger; thumb flexion; and ulnar deviation of the wrist. Which peripheral nerve is being placed on a stretch? Median Radial Ulnar Musculocutaneous Question 17 2 / 2 pts Disc lesions are more common in the 30 year to 45 year age span because: The annulus begins degenerating, loses tensile strength, and begins to tear with excessive forces. The nucleus pulposus changes in chemical composition during this time and is capable of imbibing greater than normal amounts of water, causing greater than normal pressure against pain-sensitive structures. The facets are wearing out and the entire joint complex is placed under greater stress. This is not the most common age span for disk lesions Incorrect Question 18 0 / 2 pts Individuals with symptoms from an intervertebral disk lesion and individuals with osteoporosis should not do: The drawing-in maneuver. Anterior and posterior pelvic tilt motions. Dynamic trunk flexion exercises. Stabilization exercises in the supine position. Incorrect Question 19 0 / 2 pts A patient had surgery and 8 weeks of rehabilitation for carpal tunnel syndrome. You notice that the patient’s thenar eminence is almost the same size as that of the uninvolved hand. This change is due to which of the following adaptive changes? Increased recruitment of motor units Hyperplasia of muscle fibers (Total amount of muscle fiber) Hypertrophy of muscle fibers (Increase of one muscle fiber) Fiber-type transformation Incorrect Question 20 0 / 2 pts Following transverse carpal ligament surgery to release impingement of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel, your patient has increased sensation of tingling when the wrist is extended. The impairment and its intervention should be: Joint adhesions: use joint-mobilization techniques. Median nerve adhesions: use nerve-mobilization techniques. Ligamentous stress from the surgery: use cross-friction massage. Scar adhesions: mobilize the skin around the surgical site followed by range of motion (ROM) exercises. Question 21 2 / 2 pts On examination, your patient reports that he is an avid cyclist and over the past 2 months has been experiencing numbness of the little finger and the ulnar side of his ring finger that has become painful over the past week with an inability to effectively grasp the handlebars. One area of possible nerve compression producing these signs and symptoms is: Carpal tunnel Tunnel of Guyon ( Ulnar tunnel) Thoracic outlet Tarsal tunnel Question 22 2 / 2 pts One day following onset of pain and muscle guarding in the low back region, your patient stands with lumbar flexion. Repeated flexion tests increase pain into the buttock. Repeated extension increases the pain in the midback and decreases the pain in the buttock. You begin treatment by: Positioning the patient supine and having him bring both knees to his chest. Placing the patient in intermittent traction at less than half his body weight for 20 minutes. Having the patient lie prone and attempting passive extension with press-ups or prone propping maneuvers after side gliding the thorax. Placing the patient on complete bed rest for at least 4 days, applying modalities and massage during that time. Question 23 2 / 2 pts Your patient describes posterior cervical pain and headaches that get progressively worse throughout each workday. She is a computer programmer, plays tennis on the weekends, and is an aerobic walker in the evenings. Your evaluation reveals a person who is physically fit with well-balanced flexibility and strength. Your treatment emphasis will be: Teaching tension-reducing postures and modification of chair, desk, and computer heights. Stretching the short suboccipital, levator, and scalene muscles. Teaching proper warm-up exercises and progressing her aerobic program to running. Changing her sleeping posture and pillow height. Incorrect Question 24 0 / 2 pts Scheuermann’s disease: Is a rheumatic disorder. Results from weakened vertebral end-plates. Begins with radicular signs that diminish over time. Requires functionally increasing the lumbar lordosis to prevent development of kyphosis. Incorrect Question 25 0 / 2 pts Your patient is an 87-year old resident of a skilled nursing facility. She sustained a compression fracture of the T12 vertebrae several weeks ago when she inadvertently sat down too forcefully on a hard chair. Incorporating resistance training that focuses on eccentric exercises of her quadriceps & gluteal muscles in weight-bearing positions represents what principle of therapeutic exercise? Specificity of training Reversibility of training Overflow principle Overload principle Incorrect Question 26 0 / 2 pts While reviewing your patient's chart, you note that a recent pulmonary function test revealed a decreased residual volume (RV) and decreased total lung capacity (TLC). Which condition is more likely? obstructive disorders (Accessory breathers) restrictive disorders cardiac disorder renal disorder Incorrect Question 27 0 / 2 pts Your patient has a recent history of orthostatic hypotension. You educate her to perform ankle pumps and heel slides prior to sitting up from bed each morning. She asks you how movement in the legs can possibly help keep her from feeling lightheaded when she gets up. Which of the following is an accurate explanation? ankle pumps maximize afterload therefore increasing cardiac index arteries have no muscular layer and therefore require skeletal muscle movement in order to bring blood flow to the cells of the body ankle pumps maximize afterload therefore increasing stroke volume muscle contractions help increase the pressure on the veins of the legs which helps return blood to the heart to circulate again Question 28 2 / 2 pts During exercise, the heart must increase cardiac output to beyond resting average of 5 liters per minute. How is this accomplished? decreased local blood flow due to vasoconstriction of working muscles decreased heart rate and contractility due to vagus nerve response decreased peripheral vascular resistance due to endocrine system response increased heart rate and contractility due to sympathetic nervous system response Incorrect Question 29 0 / 2 pts A recent echocardiogram report shows aortic valve stenosis. How might this affect your patient's ability to tolerate exercise? decreased afterload can decrease cardiac output therefore decreasing activity tolerance increased afterload can decrease cardiac output therefore decreasing activity tolerance the narrowed aortic valve will decrease the oxygen demand for the left ventricle structure of valves in the heart and great vessels do not have an effect on exercise tolerance Question 30 2 / 2 pts Patients experiencing ARDS due to COVID 19 infection may benefit from being placed in the prone position for the following reason: improved ventilation to the anterior lung segments and Left middle lobe decreased cardiac preload in prone position improved ventilation to dorsum of lungs, improved secretion drainage, improve ventilation/perfusion matching improved perfusion to the posterior lung segments, improved ventilation to anterior lung segments Question 31 2 / 2 pts A patient presents with a grade II lateral ankle sprain incurred during a volleyball game the previous night. Today, the patient ambulates into the clinic non-weightbearing using bilateral axillary crutches and has a compression wrap on the involved ankle. During early maximum-protection phase of rehabilitation, an appropriate treatment intervention would be to: Encourage full range of motion exercises Perform isotonic exercise at 60% maximum strength Incorporate muscle setting exercises (acute) Use plyometric activities Question 32 2 / 2 pts What are the therapeutic guidelines for using intermittent traction to alleviate symptoms of a lumbar herniated disc protrusion? Utilize 75% of the patient's actual body weight Utilize the lowest force possible to alleviate symptoms Utilize the highest force tolerable by the patient to alleviate the symptoms Utilize a fixed force, between 80 and 180 pounds Question 33 2 / 2 pts A physical therapist assistant is working with an office worker who is a long-term smoker who now has emphysema. The physical therapist diagnosis and treatment plan includes intervention and patient education for thoracic outlet syndrome. The patient reports increased pain and tingling in bilateral hands after sitting at a desk for longer than 1 hour. The assistant should focus treatment on: Stretching the pectoralis major and rhomboid muscles Stretching of the scalenes and pectoralis minor muscles ● (Thoracic outlet syndrome is brachial plexus nerve entrapment between anterior/middle scalenes and retropectoralis) Stretching the wrist and finger flexors Stretching of the biceps brachii and brachialis Question 34 2 / 2 pts A patient presents with limited shoulder abduction secondary to adhesive capsulitis. The supervising physical therapist determines that grade II & III joint mobilization techniques will assist in promoting the return of normal joint accessory motion and shoulder abduction. Taking into consideration the articular surfaces of the glenohumeral joint, the direction that would be MOST appropriate for mobilization would be: Superior glide of the humerus on the scapula Inferior glide of the humerus on the scapula (improves abduction) Anterior glide of the humerus on the scapula Posterior glide of the humerus on the scapula Incorrect Question 35 0 / 2 pts A physical therapist assistant prepares to assess a patient's triceps using a reflex hammer. The MOST appropriate positioning of the patient's arm during the testing procedure is: Shoulder extension & elbow flexion Shouler flexion & elbow extension Shoulder extension & elbow extension Shoulder flexion & elbow flexion Question 36 2 / 2 pts A patient presents for outpatient physical therapy services with the diagnosis of hypermobility of the shoulder. The physical therapist directs the physical therapist assistant to provide therapeutic exercise to address the hypermobility. What is the MOST appropriate therapeutic exercise? Grade II & III manual peripheral joint mobilization Stabilization exercises Rotator cuff stretching exercises Overhead strengthening exercises Question 37 2 / 2 pts A physical therapist assistant working with a patient who had an injury to the median nerve following a Colle's fracture should expect to see a strength deficit of which muscle? Pronator teres Extensor indicis Flexor digiti minimi Flexor digitorum superficialis Question 38 2 / 2 pts A patient is referred to physical therapy with a C6 nerve root injury. Which of the following clinical findings would NOT be expected with this type of injury? Diminished sensation on the anterior arm and the index finger Weakness in the biceps and supinator Paresthesias of the long and ring fingers Diminished brachioradialis reflex Question 39 2 / 2 pts A patient with a 10-year history of diabetes reports cramping, pain and fatigue of the right buttock after walking 400 feet or climbing stairs. When the patient stops exercising, the pain goes away immediately. The skin of the involved lower extremity is cool and pale. The assistant checks the record and finds no mention of this problem. What are these observations an indication of? Radiating pain Muscle cramps Intermittent claudication (muscle pain that happens when you are active and stops at rest.) Delayed onset muscle soreness Incorrect Question 40 0 / 2 pts A patient has been admitted to a skilled nursing facility following an open reduction internal fixation to the right hip for a femoral neck fracture. The physical therapy plan of care includes strengthening the lower extremities, gait training, transfer training, and patient education. Which of the following complications is LEAST likely to be an issue with this patient? Avascular necrosis Deep vein thrombosis Dislocation of the hip joint (Hip dislocation is more often associated with a total hip arthroplasty than with an open reduction internal fixation.) Respiratory compromise Question 41 2 / 2 pts The physical therapist's plan of care for a patient with acute low back pain identifies the use of interferential current. Where should the physical therapist assistant place the electrodes? Immediately adjacent and parallel to the spinal column with one channel on each side Perpendicular to the spinal column, one channel over the upper lumbar area, and the other channel over the lower lumbar area Diagonally so the channels cross near the area of most pain Parallel to the spinal column, one channel from the mid-thoracic spine paravertebrals to the lower lumbar area on the right side, the other mirroring it on the left side Question 42 2 / 2 pts A patient who has just undergone surgical repair for a chronic anterior shoulder dislocation is participating in an exercise program. Early rehabilitation should avoid which glenohumeral motion? Lateral (external) rotation Abduction Medial (internal) rotation Flexion Question 43 2 / 2 pts A computer specialist is unable to work because of weakness and altered sensation in the dominant right hand. The patient complains of pain and tingling of the thumb, index finger, long finger, and radial half of the ring finger. The therapist observes thenar weakness and atrophy. Strength, reflexes, and sensation are within normal limits throughout the remainder of the right upper extremity. The signs and symptoms are characteristic of: Carpal tunnel syndrome Pronator teres syndrome Cervical root compression Ulnar nerve compression Incorrect Question 44 0 / 2 pts A newborn has a brachial plexus injury that is a result of a breech birth presentation. Nerve roots C8 and T1 have been affected. The infant will MOST likely present with which of the following? Paralysis of the intrinsic muscles and wrist flexors A shoulder that is adducted and medially rotated A waiter's tip deformity Winging of the scapula Question 45 2 / 2 pts A physical therapist assistant is treating an adolescent female who complains of anterior knee pain. The PTA observes that the lower extremity shows medial femoral torsion and a toeing-in position of the feet. The lower extremity position may be indicative of excessive hip: Anteversion (medial rotation of knee equates wider angle of hip) Medial/internal rotation Retroversion Lateral/external rotation Incorrect Question 46 0 / 2 pts A patient is receiving physical therapy because of lower back pain. The supervising physical therapist is concerned that the patient may have a pars interarticularis defect (spondylolisthesis) that is responsible for the symptoms. Until the patient's condition can be verified through radiographic imaging, what exercises should be avoided? Isometric strengthening of the abdominals Stretching of the hamstrings Isometric strengthening of the back extensors Isotonic strengthening of the back extensors (involves torsion, extension, and flexion) Question 47 2 / 2 pts A patient who is substituting with the sartorius muscle during testing of the iliopsoas muscle for a grade 3/5 (fair) muscle test would demonstrate: Flexion of the hip and extension of the knee (thomas test) Extension of the hip and knee Internal rotation and abduction of the hip External rotation and abduction of the hip Question 48 2 / 2 pts A physical therapist assistant observes a patient attempt to walk on their heels as part of a lower quarter screening. This activity would BEST assess the: L3 myotome L4 myotome L5 myotome S1 myotome Incorrect Question 49 0 / 2 pts An infant was referred to physical therapy for right torticollis. The MOST effective method to stretch the muscle is by positioning the head and neck into: Flexion, left side-bending, and left rotation (to stretch do the opposite of injury) Extension, right side-bending, and left rotation Flexion, right side-bending, and left rotation Extension, left side-bending, and right rotation Question 50 2 / 2 pts A patient with chronic cervical pain is referred to an outpatient physical therapy clinic. Past medical history reveals: appendectomy, 12 years ago; chronic heart disease; demand-type pacemaker, 8 years ago; whiplash injury, 2 years ago. Presently the patient complains of pain and muscle spasm in the cervical region. The modality that should NOT be considered in the case is: Mechanical traction Ultrasound Hot pack Transcutaneous electrical stimulation (contraindicated for pacemaker)