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EGIT Overview: Governance, Stakeholders, Objectives

Benefits of EGIT
Internal Stakeholders
External Stakeholders
Exec Mgmt
Business Managers
IT Managers
Assurance Providers
Risk Mgmt.
Business Partners
IT Vendors
Benefits Realization
Risk optimization
Resource Optimization
Governance Objectives
(5) EDM – Evaluate (strategy), Direct (sr mgmt.), Monitor (achievements)
Management Objectives
(14) APO – Align, Plan, Organize: overall Org, Strategy, supporting activities
(11) BAI – Build, Acquire, Implement: definition, acquisition, implementation, integration of I&T
(6) DSS – Deliver, Service, Support: operational delivery, support I&T services and Security
(4) MEA – Monitor, Evaluate, Access: performance monitoring, conformance, targets, internal objectives, requirements
Principles for
Governance System
Satisfy Stakeholders Needs &
generate value;
Work in a holistic way;
Clear distinguish between
governance and management;
Tailored to enterprise needs;
Governance Framework
Based on Conceptual Model
maximizing consistency and
Open and flexible;
Align to major standards, frameworks
and regulations.
Components of a Governance System
Contribute to good operations of the I&T gov sys
Can be Generic or Variants tailored for specific purpose or context within a focus area
Interact with each other > holistic
Different types:
1. Processes > organized set of practices to achieve objectives, produce
outputs that support IT Goals;
2. Org Structures > key decision-making entities;
3. Principles, policies and frameworks > translates desired behavior into
practical guidance
4. Information > Is pervasive . Includes all info produced and used by the
5. Culture, ethics and behavior > Individuals/Enterprise. Often
underestimated for success;
6. People, skills and competencies > required for good decisions, corrective
actions and successful completion of activities
Focus Area – Certain governance topic, domain or issue that can be
addressed by a collection of GMO and their components
Ex: SME, cybersecurity, digital transformation, cloud, DevOps…
Unlimited Focus Areas
7. Services, infrastructure and apps > infra, tech and apps that provides the
company with the gov sys for I&T processing
Design Factors include any combination of the following:
Enterprise Strategy: Orgs have a primary strat and a secondary strat Threat Landscape: Normal or High
1. Growth/Acquisition 2. Innovation/Differentiation 3. Cost Leadership 4. Client Service/Stability
Compliance Requirements: Low, Normal, High
Enterprise Goals: supports strategy > realized by achievement of goals
structured along balanced scorecard dimensions
Role of IT: Support, Factory, Turnaround, Strategic
4 Financial BSC 3 Customer BSC 4 Internal BSC 2 Growth BSC
Sourcing Model: Outsourcing, Cloud, Insourced, Hybrid
Risk Profile: identifies I&T related risks the company is exposed and
indicates the areas exceeding the risk appetite
IT Implementation methods: Agile, DevOps, Traditional, Hybrid
19 I&T related risks
Tech adoption strategy: 1st Mover, Follower, Slow adopter
I&T-related issues: I&T related risks materialized
20 I&T related issues
Enterprise Size: Large (+250 FTEs), SME (50 to 250 FTEs)
COBIT Performance Management Principles (CPM):
Simple to understand and use
Consistent and support the conceptual model
Provide, reliable, repeatable and relevant results
Support different types of assessment, (self, formal or audits)
Rating Process Activities:
Formal: Yes/No
Informal: Fully (+85%), Largely (50%-85%), Partially (15%-50%), Not (-15%)
Capability Levels
Maturity Levels
(achieved if all required capability
levels are achieved)
Process activities
Focus Areas
Information Quality Criteria
Designing a Tailored Governance System
Design factors can influence GMOs equivalence and make some more important
than others, sometimes to the extent that some governance and management
objectives may become negligible.
Higher importance translates into setting higher target capability levels for
important GMOs.
Components variation—Components are required to achieve governance and
management objectives.
Some design factors can influence the importance of one or more components or
can require specific variations.
Need for specific focus areas—Some design factors, such as threat landscape,
specific risk, target development methods and infrastructure set-up, will drive the
need for variation of the core COBIT model content to a specific context.