1 AShotofAdrenaline.net BODYWEIGHT EXERCISE ALTERNATIVES FOR ALL OF YOUR FAVORITE GYM EXERCISES Why would you want to replace your current weight-based exercises with calisthenics? Simple. There are many benefits to calisthenics which I lay out here. But in short, when you know bodyweight exercise alternatives to common gym exercises, it gives you freedom. You can work out anywhere and know exactly how to target a certain muscle group. You can travel the world and not worry about if you’ll be able to find a gym. Simply put… Yes, bodyweight training truly does give you freedom. If you are making the transition from weight-based training (or you’d like to incorporate more bodyweight exercises into your current weight-routine) this article will help. Below, I’ve listed out 45 common weight-based exercises. There are exercises for every body part. Right next to it, I’ve listed the calisthenics alternative. The bodyweight variations target the same muscle groups. 2 AShotofAdrenaline.net Many of the exercises will be completely new to you. That’s why I’ve included links back to Youtube so you can learn the techniques. Now, Weight-based training and Bodyweight training are not COMPLETELY the same. Its not quite like comparing apples to apples. It takes a bit more creativity to target certain muscle groups when using bodyweight training. Sometimes, you have to invert yourself on a pull up bar, or stretch your arms out far while your laying on the ground, or use everyday household objects. Yes, it takes more creativity… but its so much more fun. Of course, I’ve laid it out for you so all you need to do is apply the bodyweight alternatives to your own routine. Before we get into the exercise variations, let’s cover some basics. WHEN SHOULD I APPLY THESE BODYWEIGHT ALTERNATIVES? I am a big believer in variation. The late, great Jack Lalanne once said that he completely changed up his routine every 30 days. 30 days is a bit much for most people but the point is that you need to switch up your routine in order to avoid plateau. If you’ve been using weights for awhile and aren’t seeing results, switch a few of your current exercises to these bodyweight alternatives. 3 AShotofAdrenaline.net They work the same muscle group but target them in a slightly different way. An additional benefit is that most of these exercises build whole body strength. The synergistic muscles will be targeted along with the major ones. If you are someone that loves both bodyweight training AND weights than I recommend incorporating both into your training. The heavy weight lifting will help increase growth hormone (if you are going very heavy), among other benefits, and the bodyweight training will help improve overall functional strength. WHEN NOT TO USE THESE ALTERNATIVES? If your only goal is to get as big as possible.. yeah, I mean SUPER big like Arnold then its best to stay with the weight-based exercises. The greatest benefit of weights as it relates to building mass is the increase in growth hormones and how simple it is to overload the muscle (add more weight). Bodyweight training CAN help build muscle and an incredible physique, however. If you are looking for that ox-like look of today’s top bodybuilders, stick to weights. If you are looking for a muscular, ripped, strong physique then bodyweight training is an effective alternative. 45 BODYWEIGHT ALTERNATIVES TO POPULAR GYM EXERCISES I’ve listed out calisthenics alternatives to 45 popular gym exercises below (Yeah, I know my last article was a list of 45 bodyweight arm exercises. This 4 AShotofAdrenaline.net was totally random that I ended up with the exact number. :)). You’ll find exercise alternatives for every body part. I’ve broken the sections down based on body part. Here they are… CHEST EXERCISE REPLACEMENTS Bench Press Traditional Push Up The traditional push up will target the exact same areas of the chest and shoulder muscles. The bench press is used to strengthen then middle portion of the chest muscle group. 5 AShotofAdrenaline.net Incline Bench Press Decline Push Up The Decline Push Up is the When you switch to an incline bodyweight alternative. It will bench press you target the upper strengthen your upper chest portion of your chest muscle group. muscle fibers. Decline Bench Press Incline Push Up The Incline Push Up can be When you lower the bench you done on any elevated surface. target the lower portion of your chest muscle fibers. The advantage The higher the surface the easier it will be to it. If you are of the Decline Bench Press variation is that you can continue to looking to strengthen the lower muscle fibers with a difficult add more weight as you get exercise, than try ring dips. stronger. 6 AShotofAdrenaline.net Dumbbell Flies Wide Push Up Dumbbell Flies target the Pec Wide Push Ups will target the Minor portion of your chest same area, however, not muscles. The wider you keep the necessarily in the same way. weights the harder the exercise will Another alternative is to grab a be. Just bring the weight close in to pair of circular weights and roll make it easier. them in while doing a push up. Weighted Dips Bodyweight Dips I’m a huge fan of dips. When I When you keep your elbows didn’t have rings I used chairs outward they target more of the chest. When you keep them in they like the guy above. This is a fantastic exercise. target more of the tricep. 7 AShotofAdrenaline.net Dumbbell Presses Deep Push Up on Chairs Deep push ups will help target Dumbell Presses strengthen the the same muscles as Dumbbell middle portion of your chest like the Presses. Make sure you have bench press. However, this your feet on a chair too so you exercise allows you to get more work the middle portion of your range of motion. chest. BACK EXERCISE REPLACEMENTS Lat Pull Down Traditional Pull Up The Lat Pull Down is a great exercise to target the lat muscle in the back. When doing it, lean back to target the lat. 8 The Pull Up is an equally effective exercise. Make sure to think about using your back muscles as you pull up. AShotofAdrenaline.net Bent Over Barbell Rows Front Lever Pull Up This exercise will target the middle portion of your traps and rhomboids in your back very effectively. Seated Cable Rows The Front Lever Pull Up is a very difficult exercise but targets the same muscles. In addition it also strengthens your core. Horizontal Bodyweight Rows The Horizontal Bodyweight Row When you are doing a seated cable row is a comparable exercise to the make sure you keep your back straight Seated Row. However, make and pull from the back muscles. Keep sure you have your elbows your biceps as loose as you can. tucked close to your sides. 9 AShotofAdrenaline.net Barbell/Dumbbell Shrugs Inverted Pull Ups The Inverted Pull Up aka Batman This exercise is great for strengthening Pull Up, will target the same the muscles in your upper traps. You muscle groups. The more can use a barbell, easy curl bar or elevated your feet are the more dumbbells for this exercise. emphasis on the upper traps. T Bar Rows Towel Pull Ups T Bar Rows are another fantastic exercise for strengthening the middle portion of the back muscles. 10 I just found this exercise. Kind of cool although its quite easy. You can drop your body lower to make it harder. AShotofAdrenaline.net SHOULDER EXERCISE REPLACEMENTS Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press Handstand Push Up This exercise will strengthen and The handstand push up is the build muscle on the front part of the equivalent exercise. You don’t need shoulder. These are seated overhead to do a freestanding handstand presses but you can also do these push up. You can place your feet on the wall to maintain balance. standing. Arnold Press Deep Handstand Push Up Yes, I realize that the video is in This is one of my favorite channels another language. Yet, it shows the on Youtube. The guy is sick. This form of the Arnold Press very well. will take some practice for sure. 11 AShotofAdrenaline.net “The Elevator” aka Reverse Barbell/Dumbbell Upright Rows Muscle Up The Upright Row is another exercise that will strengthen both your shoulders and upper traps very effectively. The Elevator is an advanced gymnastic exercise that will target the same muscle groups along with many, many more. Dumbbell/Cable Lateral Raises Modified or Full Iron Cross The bodyweight alternative is the The Lateral Raise targets the middle Iron Cross and is a much more portion of your shoulder muscle. challenging exercise. 12 AShotofAdrenaline.net Dumbbell/Cable Front Raises “Close to Impossible” Exercise The Cable Front Raise is a great exercise strengthen the front part of the deltoid. You can use a cable or dumbbells. This exercise will work for more muscles than the shoulders. Keep just one foot on the bar to make it harder. Dumbbell/Machine Rear Delt Rows One Arm Bodyweight Row The Rear Delt Row will strengthen The One Arm Bodyweight Row is a fantastic alternative to target the the back part of your shoulder back of the shoulder. muscle. 13 AShotofAdrenaline.net QUAD EXERCISE REPLACEMENTS Barbell/Dumbbell Squat Bodyweight Squat The Bodyweight Squat works the The Barbell Squat is a fantastic exercise to develop the quads and exact muscles however you won’t be the glutes. The benefit is that you get able to load the muscles like with weights. to add weight. Smith Machine Squat Wall Sits (1 or 2 legged) In the Smith Machine you sit further Wall Sits are great replacements. back targetting a different portion of You can even lift up one leg to make it harder. your quads. 14 AShotofAdrenaline.net Barbell/Dumbbell Split Squat The Split Squat will hit the quads and glutes. Stationary Lunge The Stationary Lunge is a nonweight replacement. Barbell/Dumbbell Lunges The advantage of walking lunges over stationary lunges is that it engages more of the glute. Walking Lunges The Bodyweight Walking Lunge is a fantastic alternative to using weights. 15 AShotofAdrenaline.net Barbell/Dumbbell Step Ups Bodyweight Step Ups Steps Ups will engage both the glute When doing this exercise make sure you don’t hop or bounce to perform and quad muscles of the working the movement. leg. Leg Press Bear Squat The Leg Press is target the quad as I made up this alternative a while well as the glute. ago and its killer. 16 AShotofAdrenaline.net Leg Extension Kneeling Back Bend This might be the most popular quad Here is an exercise that will target the quads as well. exercise. HAMSTRING EXERCISE REPLACEMENTS Barbell/Dumbbell Romanian Wall Walks Deadlifts When doing the Romanian Deadlift make sure to have your knees slightly bent. 17 Wall Walks is one of the best calisthenics for back and hamstring strength. AShotofAdrenaline.net Barbell/Dumbbell Straight Leg One Legged Deadlift Deadlifts This is just like the Romanian Deadlift yet you will be keeping your legs straight. I learned this exercise from Al Kavadlo. Lift up one leg and do the normal deadlift motion. Full Back Bridge with Wide Barbell/Dumbbell Sumo Deadlifts Feet When doing the Back Bridge for The Sumo Deadlift is where you have hamstring strength make sure your legs wider. Elliott does a great job you keep your feet out wider than of explaining the difference. shoulder width. 18 AShotofAdrenaline.net Glute-Ham Raises with Weight Bodyweight Gute-Ham Raises In this variation of the Glute-Ham Raise I just found this DIY variation of the Glute-Ham Raise. Definitely you add a weight. It’s definitely going to try this! challenging. Reverse Hyperextension Elbow Hyperextensions with Weight Lever When doing the Hyperextension with (or without) weight make sure to don’t lift up too far. 19 Here’s my boy Mike Fitch doing a wicked Elbow Lever variation that targets the same muscles. AShotofAdrenaline.net Double or Single Leg Bridge Cable Pull-Throughs Raise When I do Bridge Raises I When doing this exercise make sure to perform singles because they increase the difficulty of the thrust your hips forward to take full exercise like the above. advantage of the movement. Good-Mornings Bodyweight Good-Mornings Good mornings will strengthen the erector spinae muscle in the back as well as the hamstrings. 20 The Bodyweight Good-Mornings variation is just like the weighted variation and is still effective. AShotofAdrenaline.net Leg Curls Standing Hamstring Curl This Standing Hamstring Curl is The classic exercise: leg curls work effective even though there is no great for strengthening the hamstrings. weight. BICEP EXERCISE REPLACEMENTS Standing Barbell/Dumbbell Curls Chin Ups The classic “go-to” exercise for working The Chin Up is the best alternative for the biceps. your biceps. 21 AShotofAdrenaline.net Barbell/Dumbell Preacher Curls The Preacher Curl flexes the humerous which puts your bicep in a slightly different position then the traditional curl. Concentration Curls Upside Down Chin Up The Upside Down Chin Up exercise is a bodyweight alternative that targets the bicep in a similar way. Back Lever Pull Ups The Back Lever Pull Up, although Concentration curls are a great exercise difficult, can load the bicep in a to add extra load to the bicep. similar way. 22 AShotofAdrenaline.net Hammer Curls TRX Bicep Curls Hammer Curls are super effective for strengthening the biceps. You can use TRX bands or simple a bar to curl up instead. TRICEP EXERCISE REPLACEMENTS Dips with Weight Bodyweight Dips Dips target the triceps very effectively. 23 You can use weight or just bodyweight. AShotofAdrenaline.net Flat Close Grip Bench Press Close Grip Push Ups When you place your hands close to the body you’ll achieve the help load the triceps muscles very well. same effect. Here’s a weighted exercise that will Incline Close Grip Bench Press Decline Close Grip Push Ups In order to perform the By elevating your body you work the bodyweight alternative, place triceps muscles from a different angle. your feet on a bench. 24 AShotofAdrenaline.net Laying Barbell/Dumbbell Triceps Bodyweight Triceps Extensions Extensions Tricep Extensions will isolate the triceps You can do many variations using as you work them. just your own bodyweight. Skull Crushers Tigerbend Push Ups Skull Crushers help to pace the emphasis in a slightly different angle. 25 Tiger bend push ups are a great replacement. Place your elbows down to make it harder. AShotofAdrenaline.net Bench Dips with Weight Bodyweight Bench Dips A classic exercise to help strengthen the triceps. No need for weight, just stay in good form. CALF EXERCISE REPLACEMENTS Machine Calf Raise Calf Raise Without Weight Here is a great bodyweight replacement. Keep just toes on the platform to strengthen the calves. 26 AShotofAdrenaline.net One-Legged Dumbbell Calf Raise Switch up to just one leg and you’ll really be feeling the burn. One-Legged Calf Raise Of course, no need for weights with this great exercise. Seated Calf Raise Squatted Calf Raise When doing seated calf raises you’ll be Here’s a unique variation that will put your body in a similar position targetting the muscle from a slightly as the seated calf raise. different angle. The different variations of bodyweight exercises are endless. Our bodies truly are beautiful creations that can move in an endless variety of patterns. 27 AShotofAdrenaline.net The above list is just scratching the surface of ways our bodies can move. Hope you learned something from this list of bodyweight alternatives. Next time you are traveling and don’t have access to a gym, create abodyweight workout routine based off of these alternatives. You’ll find your functional strength go through the roof! To your bodyweight success! -Bodyweight Todd 28 AShotofAdrenaline.net