Календарно-тематическое планирование к УМК “Семья и друзья 3” (“Family and Friends 3”) ( Julie Penn) УМК издательства РЕЛОД “Семья и друзья 3”(“ Family &Friends 3”) рассчитан на 94 урока и 5 уроков проверочных работ (Review). Общее количество учебных часов составляет 99 уроков в год или 3 урока в неделю. Каждый раздел состоит из 6 уроков: 1-4 уроки каждого раздела являются обязательными, 5-6 уроки даны на закрепление усвоенного материала. Календарно-тематическое планирование составлено из расчета 2-ух часов английского языка в неделю, куда в обязательном порядке войдут 1-4 уроки каждого раздела учебника, и 2 дополнительных часа, в которые можно включать материал из 5-6 уроков каждого раздела. Lesson Unit Starter My Lesson family. 1 (1) Lesson 2 (2) Lesson 3 (3) Key language Additional language Family , name, too. Sunny, children, girl, boy. Lesson Materials iTools objectives To learn the CD #01-02; Starter-Words names of the My family story flashcards 1characters; 10; pre-cut To remind shapes on card children of ( for name family words. labels) and sticky tack. To revise comparative adjectives; To revise the past simple of be. My family Starter/Grammar. flashcards 110; Level 1 flashcards 7, 26, 106-108 ( goat, zebra, elephant, giraffe, monkey) and Level 2 flashcards 129, 131, 136 ( horse, donkey, cow). The months of Months, To identify CD# 03; paper Starter/ Words the year. year, When’s the months of and coloured and Song. your the year. pencils. birthday? How old are Grammar Present simple with be and got. I’m seven. We’ve got two cousins. Past simple with be. It was sunny. The children were happy. Comparatives. The red car is bigger than the blue car. Phonics Skills Further practice WB p.4; Student Multi Reading: identifying people and Starter Unit, Words. objects from descriptionsListening: identifying numbers; Speaking: asking and answering about birthdays; Writing: writing the answers to sums. WB p.5; Student MultiROM/ St Unit, Grammar. WB p.6; Student MultiROM/ Starter Unit,Words 2. you? Lesson 4 (4) . Unit 1 They’re Egypt, the UK, Our, know, Lesson from Russia, Spain, photo, from, 1 (5) Australia! Thailand, Hi!, Really! Australia, the old. USA, Brazil. Lesson 2 (6) I’m from Friend. Egypt. Where are you from? He is from Brazil. Where is he from? They’re from Russia. Where To revise the CD #03-05; numbers 10100. To identify different countries; To understand a short story. Starter-Words. CD # 06-07; Unit 1My family Words/Story flashcards 110; Countries flashcards 1118; PMB p. 36 ( Cut and make 1) ; TB p.136. To revise and CD # 07; Unit 1use the short Countries Grammar. form of be in flashcards 11affirmative 18; flashcards sentences and 9-10. questions; To revise personal WB p.7; Student MultiROM/ St Unit,Words 3. My family test< Testin Evaluation Book, p.6; Student MultiROM/ St Unit/Words 3/Listen at Track 1(Words ) Track Song), Present Consonant Reading: reading and WB p.8; understanding a story, Cut and make 1, PMB simple. blends: cr: crayon reading for the main Student MultiROM/Un Where are you dr: draw, idea; understanding 1/Words. from? drink the sequence of events I’m from sp: spoon in a story; Listening: Egypt. Where sn: snake understanding specific is he from? pl: play information to identify He’s from the correct picture; Brazil. Speaking: asking and answering questions about age, country, and favourite season; Writing: capitalizing proper nouns and sentences beginnings; writing about myself. WB p.9; Grammar time, WB p.1 Student MultiROM/Unit1/Gram are they from? Lesson 3 (7) Lesson 4 (8) Lesson 5 (9) optional pronouns; To act out a story. It’s nice to To ask and CD # 08; Unit 1meet you, answer Grammar and How are simple Song. you?, today. questions with be; To write sentences with be; To use be and countries in the context of a song. Crayon, draw, Cut, eat. To revise CD # 08, 09- Unit 1- Phonics spoon, snake, pronunciation 11; Phonics drink, play. of the cards 1-3 ( consonant draw, spoon, blends cr, dr, snake); Level sp, sn, and 2 pl; To Phonics cards differentiate 11- 12 ( frog, between the drum), 14, 16, sounds; To and 18 ( use these crayon, plum, sounds in the cloud). context of a chant. Spring, Selfish, CD # 12-13; Unit 1- Skills summer, giant, lovely, Seasons/Home Time! autumn, want, but, flashcards 19winter, build, wall, 24. garden, around, bird, season. one day, find, hole, hear, go in, because, WB p.10. WB p.11 Student MultiROM/Unit 1/Pho WBp.12; Extra writing Reading: read and understand a worksheet, PMB p. 2; story; read for the Playscript 1: the Selfish main idea; understand Giant PMB pp.32-33; a sequence of events in Student a story. MultiROM/Unit 1/Wor again, now. Lesson 6 (10) optional Favourite. CD # 03, 14; Unit 1- Skills Season Time! flashcards 1922;. Read comics, Lots of, fish To identify Unit 2 My Lesson weekend skateboard, do (n), like (v), different 1 (11) gymnastics, you, can, hobbies; To play chess, Wow!, Help!, understand a fish, play great, for, short story. basketball, lunch, time, take photos, go home, play let’s…, stay. volleyball. CD # 08, 1516; Countries flashcards 1118; Hobbies flashcards 2532. Lesson 2 (12) CD # 16; Hobbies flashcards 2532. I like reading. I don’t like fishing. Do you like playing chess? To identify affirmative, negative, and question form of the WB p.13; Listening: understanding specific Unit 1 test, Testing and information to identify Evaluation Book p.7; the correct picture; Student MultiROM/ unit 1/List Speaking: ask and answer home/Track 3 ( Words questions about you phrases), 4(Song), 5 and your favourite (Phonics). season; Writing: identify and use capital letters in sentences; write about yourself. Unit 2Like + verb + Magic e: Reading: reading and WB p.14; Words/Story a_e: face, understanding a Student ing space webpage; reading for MultiROM/Unit 2/Wor I like reading. i_e: kite, specific details; I don’t like bike Listening: matching fishing. o_e: rope, people and their Does he like stone hobbies; playing chess? u_e: June, Speaking: Yes, he does./ cube asking and answering No, he doesn’t. questions about hobbies; Writing: Full forms and short forms of be and have; writing an email about my hobbies. Unit 2- Grammar WB p.15 Grammar Time, WB p. Student MultiROM/Unit2/Gram Yes, I do/ No, I don’t. He doesn’t like skateboarding. Does he like playing chess? Yes, he does/ No, he doesn’t. Lesson 3 (13) Lesson 4 (14) Face, space, kite, bike, rope, stone, June, cube. present simple: like + -ing; To identify the third person singular form of like + verb + -ing; To complete sentences with the third person singular and plural form of like; To act out a story. Happy, play To ask and CD # 17; Unit 2tennis, like + answer Hobbies Grammar and best, questions flashcards 25- Song. weekend, with does + 32. Hip, like +-ing; hooray!, To write picture, have sentences fun, all day, with likes/ lots of to do. doesn’t like+ -ing; To use like + -ing and hobbies words in context of a song. Together, To revise the CD # 10, 18- Unit 2- Phonics me, skipping long vowels 20; Phonics rope, doll. + consonant cards 4-7 +e and (space, kite, remind rope, cube). WB p.16. WB p.17 Student MultiROM/Unit 2/Phonics children of the magic e; To associate these sounds with the letters a_e, i_e, o_e, and u_e in words; To identify these words and sounds in a chant. Lesson 5 (15) optional Lesson 6 (16) optional |Play the Penfriend, guitar, shop, pet, hate, cook, paint, boring, what, play the piano, love (v), visit family. email (v), email (n),email address, write, Egyptian, play football, with, send an email. Website, number, Who…?, Good! CD # 21-22; Unit 2- Skills Hobbies Time! flashcards 2532; Hobbies flashcards 3338; paper and coloured pencils. Reading: read and understand a webpage about penfriends; read for specific details. WB p.18; Extra writing workshee PMB p. 3; Student MultiROM/Unit 2/Words 2 CD # 17, 23; Unit 2- Skills Hobbies Time! flashcards 2538. Listening: Understand specific information to match people and their hobbies; Speaking: ask and answer questions about things you like doing; suggest penfriends for a partner based on their preferences; Writing: use the apostrophe in WB p.19; Unit 2 test, Testing and Evaluation Book p.8; Student MultiROM Unit 2/Liste home/Track 6 .( Words phrases), 7 (Song), 8 (Phonics). Unit 3 My Lesson things. 1 (17) Computer, TV, Thing, To identify CD # 24-25; Unit 3DVD player, please, different My things Words/Story CD player, watch (v), possessions flashcards 39MP3 player, my, boring, and verbs to 44; Phrasal camera, turn use (v), do with using verbs on, turn off. school, them; flashcards 45project, To 46; an empty about, space, understand a box. think, short story. broken, Well… Lesson 2 (18) This is your Television, To CD # 25; My Unit 3CD. That’s dinner, listen understand things Grammar. our computer. to. and use the flashcards 39That’s their possessive 44; Values 1 CD player. adjectives poster and Can I use your your, our, PMB pp. 6-7 ( computer? and their; To Values 1 work Yes, you can./ understand sheets). No, you can’t. can for Can you turn permission in off the DVD sentences, player, and write please? short answers for questions contraction; write an email to a penfriend. Reading: reading and Your/ our/ Words their with ar: understanding school That’s their Car, park, projects about CD player. shark, star, collections; finding scarf. specific details about people in a text; Can for Listening: matching permission/ people and the things requests Can I use your they collect; computer? Speaking: Yes, you can./ asking and answering No, you can’t. questions based on Can you turn information in the off the DVD listening text; player, please? Writing: punctuation marks; question marks, commas and full stops; writing about a child’s collections. WB p.20; Student MultiROM Unit 3/Words. WB p.21 Grammar Time, WB p. Values 1 worksheets, P pp.6-7; Student MultiROM/Unit3/Gram Lesson 3 (19) Lesson 4 (20) Lesson 5 (21) optional Lesson 6 (22) optional with can; To understand can for requests; To act out a story. Open (v), To make CD # 26; My window, requests with things close, door, can; To use flashcards 39put on, can for 44; rainy, play a permission CD, new, and the My show (n), out things words in the sun, in the context run. of a song. Car, park, After, start, To CD # 27-28; shark, star, art, arm, pronounce Phonics cards scarf. farm. the sound; To 4-7 (space, associate the kite, rope, sound; To cube); identify the Phonics cards sound in a 8-9 (shark, chant; to scarf). match rhyming words. Stickers, Collections, CD # 26,29posters, collect, 30; comics, special, give, Collections postcards, some of, on, flashcards 47badges, shells. bedroom, 52. wear, jacket, bag, hat, cool, very, funny, buy. CD # 31; Collections flashcards 47- Unit 3Grammar and Song. WB p.22. Unit 3- Phonics WB p.23 Student MultiROM/Unit 3/Phonics Unit 3- Skills Time! Reading: read and understand school projects about collections; find specific details about people in a text. WB p.24; Extra writing workshee PMB p. 4; Student MultiROM/Unit 3/Words 2 Unit 3- Writing WB p.25; Listening: identify outdoor toys Writing skills workshee from their description; PMB p.5; 52. Review 1: CB pages 26-27; review answers key, TB page 121. Unit 4 We’re Lesson having 1 (23) fun at the beach! Swim, sail, dive, surf, kayak, windsurf, snorkel, waterski. Beach, sea, stand on your hands, fall. To identify different water sports; To understand a short story. CD # 32-33; Unit 4Water sports Words/Story flashcards 5360; a piece of A4 paper with 7 cm diameter hole cut in it; PMB p.37 ( Cut and make 2) TB p.136. Present continuous: affirmative and negative I’m swimming. We’re sailing. She isn’t snorkeling. They aren’t waterskiing. all endings: ball, mall, wall, tall, small. Writing: identify vowels at the start of words; write a or an before nouns and adjectives; write about what you can and can’t do. Speaking: ask and answer questions about things are. Values worksheet, PMB 7; Testing and Evaluat Book Unit 3 test,p.9 ; Summative test1,p.10;S test1,p.12; Student MultiROM unit 3/Liste home/Track 9 ( Words and phrases), Song),11(Phonics). Reading: reading about dolphin encounter holiday; understanding and using descriptive adjectives; Listening: listening and numbering pictures; Speaking: asking and answering questions; Writing: spelling rules the gerund form; WB p.28; Cut and make 2, PMB Student MultiROM/Unit 4/Words writing a postcard about my trip. Lesson 2 (24) Lesson 3 (25) I’m swimming. I’m not swimming. He’s surfing. He isn’t snorkeling. We’re sailing. They aren’t waterskiing. To identify CD # 33; the present Water sports continuous flashcards 53affirmative 60; pieces of and negative; paper with To letters m, n, e, understand I, n, and g how the written on spelling of them. some verbs changes in the –ing form; To complete present continuous sentences with the correct form of the verb be; To act out a story. Sunglasses, To use CD # 34; look at, sit, present Water sports sun, little, continuous flashcards 53boat. affirmative 60. and negative to describe and find actions in pictures; To write present continuous sentences Unit 4Grammar. WB p.29 Grammar Time, WB p. Student MultiROM/Unit4/Gram Unit 4 Grammar and Song. WB p.30. Lesson 4 (26) Lesson 5 (27) optional Lesson 6 (28) optional about a picture; To use present continuous and activities words in the context of a song. Ball, mall, People, I To CD # 28, 35wall, tall, don’t know, pronounce 36; Phonics small. which. the sound; To cards 10 -11 associate the (ball, wall). sound with the letters; To identify and repeat the ending in a chant Polluted, Dolphin, CD # 37-38; clean, dream, look Adjectives to dangerous, (for), perfect, describe safe, beautiful, holiday, places ugly. take, flashcards 61friendly, 66; Internet breathe, picture of under, water, dolphin and a minute(n), 3 metre piece live (v), of string. sound (n),call (v), make, place, book (v). CD # 34, 39; Adjectives to describe places flashcards 6166; paper and Unit 4- Phonics WB p.31 Student MultiROM/Unit 4/Pho Unit 4- Skills Time! Reading: read and understand a holiday brochure; understand and use descriptive adjectives. WB p.32; Extra writing workshee PMB p. 8; Student MultiROM/Unit 4/Words 2 Unit 4- Skills Time! WB p.33; Listening: Listen for information Unit 4 test, Testing and and put pictures in the Evaluation Book p.14 ; correct order; Student MultiROM unit 4/Liste Writing: Use the gerund (-ing); home/. coloured pencils. Unit 5 A naughty Penguin, Lesson monkey! zebra, 1 (29) monkey, kangaroo, camel, lizard, flamingo, crocodile. Lesson 2 (30) Are you reading/ Yes, I am./ No, I’m not. Is the monkey eating the sandwich? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. Are they eating? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. Naughty, zoo, wait, see, come (here). To identify different animals; To understand a short story. CD # 40-41; Unit 5Zoo animals Words/Story flashcards 6774, Level 1 flashcards 12, 105, 106, 112, 113 ( lion, elephant, giraffe, snake, parrot); A4 card or paper with 7 cm diameter circle cut in it; Values 2 poster and PMB pp.12-13 ( Values 2 worksheets). To identify CD # 41; Unit 5present Zoo animals Grammar. continuous flashcards 64questions and 74. short answers; To respond to present continuous questions by giving short answers; To act out a write about things you Track 12 ( Words and like doing; phrases), 13 (Song), Speaking: ask and 14(Phonics). answer questions about what you like doing at the beach. Present or and aw Reading: reading and WB p.34; continuous: spellings: understanding a story; Values 2 worksheets, P reading and matching pp. 12-13; questions and Student short answers or: fork, specific actions/ horse, corn descriptions with story MultiROM/Unit Is the crocodile aw: straw, characters; 5/Words eating the paw, yawn Listening: sandwich? understanding Yes, it is./ No, descriptions using the it isn’t. present continuous; Are they Speaking: asking and eating? answering questions; Yes, they Writing: using speech are./No, they marks; writing about aren’t. animals. WB p.35 Grammar Time, WB p. Student MultiROM/Unit5/Gram Lesson 3 (31) Notebook, lion, tiger, parrot, climb, talk. Lesson 4 (32) Fork, horse, corn, straw, paw, yawn. Lesson 5 (33) optional Angry, scared, Mouse, run free, sorry, (over), wake funny, kind. up, laugh, run away, later, jungle, net, over, mouth, roar (v), hear, move, chew. Water, teacher, sit down, desk. Lesson 6 (34) optional Hold, front, farmer, sport. story. To ask and CD # 42. answer present continuous questions: third person singular; To use present continuous questions ( third person plural) and short answers in the context of a song. To CD # 36, 43pronounce 44; Phonics the sound; To cards 12-13 associate the (fork, paw); sound with Phonics cards the letters; To 10-11 (ball, identify the wall); sound in a chant. CD #42, 4546; Adjectives to describe emotions and things flashcards 7580. Unit 5Grammar and Song. WB p.36 Unit 5- Phonics WB p.37 Student MultiROM/Unit 5/Pho Unit 5- Skills Time! CD # 47; Unit 5- Skills Adjectives to Time! describe emotions and WB p.38; Reading: read and understand a Extra writing workshee story; read and match PMB p. 9; specific actions/ Student descriptions with story MultiROM/Unit characters. 5/Words 2 Listening: understanding descriptions of things happening in pictures WB p.39; Unit 5 test, Testing and Evaluation Book p.15 ; Student things flashcards 7580. Jackaroo, To identify Unit 6 Jim’s day. Have a Lesson shower, brush work (v), different 1 (35) my teeth, get job, early, daily dressed, have morning, routines; breakfast, ride (v), look To brush my hair, after, sheep, understand a get up, catch lucky. short story. the bus, walk to school. CD # 48-49; Unit 6Daily routine Words/Story flashcards 8188; paper and coloured pencils. Lesson 2 (36) CD # 49; Unit 6Daily routine Grammar. flashcards 8188. I have Late, start, breakfast at work, at eight o’clock. night. I don’t have breakfast at seven o’clock. He gets up early. He doesn’t get up late. Does he live in a big house? Yes, he does./ No, he To identify present simple affirmative, negative, and questions forms, and short answers; To use third person singular present Present simple: affirmative, negative, and questions I have breakfast at eight o’clock. He doesn’t get up early. Do they live in a big house? Yes, they do./ No, they, don’t. What time does he start work? using the present continuous; Writing: Recognize and use marks;; write about animals; Speaking: ask and answer questions about pictures. oy and oi Reading: reading and spellings: understanding a webpage; oy: boy, reading for specific toy, oyster information; oi: coin, Listening: oil, soil listening and numbering pictures; Speaking: asking and answering questions; Writing: proper nouns; writing information about me. MultiROM/Listen at ho Track 15 ( Words and phrases), 16(Song), 17 (Phonics). WB p.40; Student MultiROM/Unit 6/Words. WB p.41 Grammar Time,WB p.1 Student MultiROM/Unit6/Gram doesn’t. What time does he start work? We catch the bus. They don’t catch the train. Do you walk to school? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. What time do you go to school? Lesson 3 (37) Lesson 4 (38) simple forms to complete sentences; To act out a story. Busy, all day, lesson, homework, outside. Boy, toy, oyster, coin, oil, soil. To ask and CD # 50; answer Daily routine questions flashcards 81about times 88; paper and and routines coloured in the present pencils. simple (third person singular); To use the present simple and daily routines in the context or a song. To CD # 44, 51pronounce 52; Phonics the dipthong; cards 14-17 To associate (boy, oyster, the sound coin, soil) . with the letters; To identify the sound in a chant. Unit 6Grammar and Song. WB p.42. Unit 6- Phonics WB p.43 Student MultiROM/Unit 6/Pho Lesson 5 (39) optional Lesson 6 (40) optional First, then, next, finally, every day, at the weekend. Cyber school, a long way from, city, at home, Internet, student, hour, kilometer, sports day, together, close to. Feed, chicken, start school, finish school, film (n). Review 2: CB pages 48-49; review answers key, TB page 121. Unit 7 Places to Café, library, Place, To identify CD #50, 53- Unit 6- Skills 54; Time! Daily routine flashcards 81, 83, 86 and 88 (get up, have a shower, get dressed, walk to school). WB p.44; Reading: read and understand a Extra writing workshee website about cyber PMB p. 10; schools; Student read for specific MultiROM/Unit information; 6/Words 2 CD # 55. Listening: understand WB p.45; a sequence of events in Writing skills workshee a person’s daily PMB p.11; Unit 6 test, routine; Writing: Testing and Evaluation understand the p.16 ; Summative difference between test2,p.17;Skills test2,p nouns and proper Skills test 2, p.19; nouns and recognize Values 2 worksheet, PM them in sentences; p.12-13; write information Student about yourself. MultiROM/Listen at home/Track 18 ( Word Speaking: ask and answer about phrases), 219(Song), 20 daily routines and (Phonics). times. Unit 6- Skills Time! CD # 50, 56- Unit 7- Present simple ow and ou Reading: reading and WB p.48; Lesson go! 1 (41) museum, always, playground, surprise, shopping mail, ticket, ( the) sports centre, same ( swimming thing). pool, cinema. places in a town;; To understand a short story. 57; Places in a Words/Story town flashcards 8996. and adverbs spelling: of frequency ow: cow, always, clown, sometimes, flower never, I ou: house, sometimes go trousers, to the library mouse . Prepositions of time: on, at, in My birthday is in May. Lesson 2 (42) Lesson 3 (43) Do you ever go to the library? We always go to the sports centre, I sometimes go to the library. She never goes to the shopping mail. My birthday is in Ma. He plays football on Friday. We get up at eight o’clock. Computer game, fly a kite, come, To CD # 57; understand Places in a questions town with Do you flashcards 89ever + 96. infinitive; To identify the adverbs of frequency always, sometimes, and never; To identify and use the preposition of time in, on, and at; To act out a story. To talk about CD # 58; activities Places in a using adverbs town understanding a film Student review; reading for MultiROM/Unit specific information; 7/Words. Listening: listening for specific words; Speaking: asking and answering about what activities you do, and how often you do them; Writing: verbs, adjectives and preposition; writing an email to invite a friend to the cinema. Unit 7Grammar. WB p.49 Grammar Time,WB p.1 Student MultiROM/Unit7/Gram Unit 7-Grammar and Song. WB p.50; surf the Internet. Lesson 4 (44) Cow, clown, flower, house, trousers, mouse.. Lesson 5 (45) optional Play, theatre, Wonderful, concert, actor, castle, go film, singer. into, room, princess, ago, try, hide, difficult, adventure, sing, story, exiting. Lesson 6 (46) optional Only, shoe, behind, out, down, shout, cloud. of frequency; flashcards 89To use 96. adverbs of frequency and activities in the context or a song. To CD # 52,59- Unit 7- Phonics. pronounce 60; Phonics the sound; To cards 14-17 associate the (boy, oyster, sound with coin, soil); the letters; To Phonics cards identify the 18-19 (cow, sound in a trousers); chant. paper and coloured pencils. CD # 58, 61- Unit 7- Skills 62; time! Performances flashcards 97102. CD # 63; Unit 7- Skills Places in a Time! town flashcards 90 and 93-94; Performances flashcards 99100; red, green, and blue coloured WB p.51 Student MultiROM/Unit 7/Pho Reading: read and understand a film review; read for specific information. WB p.52; Extra writing workshee PMB p. 14; Student MultiROM/Unit 7/Wor WB p.53; Listening: listen for specific Unit 7 test, Testing and words; Evaluation Book p.21 ; Student Writing: identify verbs, MultiROM/Listen at ho adjectives and Track 21( Words and preposition in phrases), 22 (Song), 23 sentences; write an (Phonics). email to invite a friend to the cinema. . pencils; verbs, adjectives, and prepositions on pieces of paper. Speaking: ask and answer about what activities you do, and how often you do them; Unit 8 I’d like a Pasta, bread, Supermarket, To identify CD # 64-65; Unit 8Lesson melon! cereal, meat, week, need, different food Food Words/Story. 1 (47) melon, sure, over items; flashcards cucumber, there, get, To 103-110; onion, lemon. the top. understand a Values 3 short story. poster and PMB pp.18-19 ( Values 3 worksheets). Lesson 2 (48) Lesson Some melons/ Apple, salad, To identify CD # 65; bread, I’d like biscuit, egg, countable Food a melon. We’d fries, and flashcards like some milkshake, uncountable 103-110. pasta. Would rice, pasties. nouns; To you like some understand cereal? Yes, would + like please./ No. in affirmative thanks. sentences and questions; To act out a story; To use a/an and some with countable and uncountable nouns. Fresh, sweet To describe CD # 66; Reading: reading and understanding a recipe; reading for ld: child, specific information; shield, Listening: listening field for specific words; a/ an/ some I’d like? Would lt: belt, Speaking: a role play: you like…? quiet, adult at the market; Writing: adjective order; writing a recipe. Countable and uncountable nouns ld and lt endings: WB p.54; Values 3 worksheets, P pp. 18-19; Student MultiROM/Unit 8/Words Unit 8Grammar. WB p.55; Grammar Time,WB p.1 Student MultiROM/Unit8/Gram Unit 8- WB p.56. 3 (49) (adj), healthy. Lesson 4 (50) Child, shied, Grey, sit field, quilt, down. adult, belt. Lesson 5 (51) optional Potato, butter, Dish cheese, salt, (crockery), pepper, peas. tell, a piece people’s shopping using would like and countable and uncountable nouns; To write sentences with would like and countable and uncountable nouns; To use would like and countable and uncountable nouns in the context or a song. To pronounce the ending; To identify the sound with the words; To differentiate between these sounds.. Food flashcards 103-110; pieces of paper. Grammar and Song. CD # 60, 67- Unit 8- Phonics 68; Phonics cards 20-21 (field, belt); paper and coloured pencils. CD # 69-70; Food flashcards Unit 8- Skills Time! WB p.57 Student MultiROM/Unit 8/Pho WB p.58; Reading: read and understand a Extra writing workshee recipe; read for PMB p. 15; of, milk, a lot of, mash (v), pot, hot, put, mix, mashed potatoes, on top, oven. 111-116; several plastic shopping bags with holes cut in them. Lesson 6 (52) optional CD # 71; Food flashcards 111-116; paper and coloured pencils. Unit 9 What’s Lesson the fastest 1 (53) animal in the world? Lake, mountain, waterfall, ocean, wide, big, deep, high. Lesson 2 (54) The Nile is Sandcastle, longer than grape, mice. the Volga. The Pacific Ocean is wider than the Atlantic Animal, quiz, To identify ( in the ) different world, places; That’s right!, To cheetah. understand a short story. To identify comparatives and superlatives forms of short specific information Student about ingredients and MultiROM/Unit 8/Wor instructions. . Unit 8- Skills Time! CD # 66,72- Unit 973; Describing Words/Story places flashcards 117- 124. CD # 73; Describing places flashcards 117-124. Unit 9Grammar. Listening: listen for and understand specific words; Writing: identify and order adjectives for size and colour; write instructions for making a sandwich. Speaking: perform a shopping dialogue. Comparatives nd, nt and Reading: reading and Russia is understanding a mp bigger than the endings: website about word UK. records; reading for nd: sand, specific information; Listening: listening Superlatives pond nt: plant, for specific words; The highest tent Speaking: mountain in mp: lamp, using information in a the world is camp table; Writing: Mount Everest. placement of adverbs of frequency; writing about things I do. WB p.59; Unit 8 test, Testing and Evaluation Book p.22 ; Student MultiROM unit 8/Liste home/ Track 24 ( Word phrases), 25 (Song), 26 (Phonics). . WB p.60; Student MultiROM/Unit 9/Wor WB p.61; Grammar Time,WB p.1 Student MultiROM/Unit9/Gram Ocean. Russia is bigger than the UK. What’s the fastest animal in the world? The fastest animal in the world is the cheetah. The Pacific Ocean is the widest ocean in the world. Russia is the biggest country in the world. Lesson 3 (55) Lesson 4 (56) Sand, pond, plant, tent, lamp, camp. adjectives; To notice changes to spelling in the information of comparative and superlative adjectives; To act out a story. Answer ( n). To ask and CD # 74; Unit 9-Grammar answer Describing and Song. questions places using short flashcards superlative 117-124. adjective; To write sentences with superlative adjectives; To use superlative adjectives and places in the context or a song. Put up, wind To CD # 68, 75- Unit 9- Phonics (n), light (v), pronounce 76; Phonics just. the sounds cards 20-21 ( and associate field, belt); WB p.62. WB p.63; Student MultiROM/Unit 9/Pho Lesson 5 (57) optional Lesson 6 (58) optional them with the Phonics cards letters in 22-24 ( pond, word tent, lamp). endings; To identify these consonant in a chant. Building, World CD # 74, 77- Unit 9- Skills country, record, 78; Time! bridge, river, interesting, Describing old, long. fact, temple, places nearly, mile, flashcards land, middle, 125-130; square pieces of kilometre, paper; PMB p. earth, 38 (Cut and surface, time make 3) and zone, materials TB Europe, p. 137. Asia, flow (through/ into), Africa, last (adj). CD # 79; Unit 9- Skills Describing Time! places flashcards 117-130. WB p.64; Reading: read and understand an Cut and make 3, PMB interview about Extra writing workshee someone’s job; read PMB p. 16; for specific details. Student MultiROM/Unit 9/Wor Listening: listen for specific words and match them to information in a table; Writing: understand where the adverbs of frequency always, sometimes, and never can go in sentences; write about things you do; Speaking: ask and answer question about places. WB p.65; Values 3 worksheet, PM pp.18-19 Unit 9 test, Te and Evaluation Book p Summative test3,p.24;S test3,p.26; Student MultiROM/Listen at ho Track 27 ( Words and phrases), 28 (Song), 29 (Phonics). . Review 3: CB pages 70-71; review answers key, TB page 121. Unit 10 In the Lesson park! 1 (59) Lesson 2 (60) Lesson 3 (61) Path, grass, flower, bin, trees, playground, fountain, litter. Pick, catch. To identify different things in a park; To understand a short story. CD # 80-81; Unit 10In the park Words/Story flashcards 131-138; paper and coloured pencils; Values 4 poster and PMB pp. 2425 ( Values 4 worksheets). We must do our homework. They mustn’t talk in class. You must turn off your mobile phone. You mustn’t on the grass. Mobile To phone, in understand front of, walk and use must ( a dog), be and mustn’t; quiet, wash To act out a your hands. story. CD # 81; In the park flashcards 131-138. Unit 10Grammar Keep clean, be good, hours and hours. CD # 82; In the park flashcards 131-138. Unit 10Grammar and Song. To say and write phrases with must and mustn’t; To use must Reading: reading and WB p.68; Values 4 must/ mustn’t Long understanding a classic worksheets, PMB pp. 2 for rules and vowel Student obligations sound /ei/: children’s story; reading and MultiROM/Unit 10/Wo You must turn rain, train, understanding key off your mobile Monday, information about the phone. tray, case, story; Listening: You mustn’t race numbering pictures in shout. order; Speaking: describing library rules; Writing: using and/ or in sentences; writing about school rules. WB p.69; Grammar Time,WB p.1 Student MultiROM/Unit10/Gra WB p.70. Lesson 4 (62) Lesson 5 (63) optional and mustn’t in the context or a song. Rain, train, To CD # 76, 83Monday, tray, pronounce 84; Phonics case, race. the long cards 22-24 vowel sound; (pond, tent, To associate lamp); sound with Phonics cards the letters in 25-26 (train, words; To race). practice the sound in the context of a chant. Shout, chase, Gingerbread CD # 82,85catch, meet, (man), 86; cross, laugh. ready, fox, Verb near, start flashcards to, head. 139-144. Lesson 6 (64) optional Ferry ,bus, Unit 11 In the Lesson museum. helicopter, 1 (65) motorbike, Shelf. Horse bus, hundred, skateboard CD # 87; Verb flashcards 139-144; PMB p.39 ( Cut and make 4), TB p.137. To identify different types of Unit 10Phonics. WB p.71; Student MultiROM/Unit10/Pho Unit 10- Skills Time! Reading: read and understand a classic children’s story; read and understand key information about the story; WB p.72; Extra writing workshee PMB p. 20; Playscript 2 Gingerbread Man, PMB 34-35; Student MultiROM/Unit10/Wo Unit 10- Skills Time! Listening: Listen to and understand descriptions of actions; Writing: use and and or; write a school rules poster; Speaking: talk about rules and identify pictures. WB p.73; Unit 10 test, Testing an Evaluation Book p.28 C and make 4, PMD p.39 Student MultiROM/Listen at ho Track 30 ( Words and phrases), 31 (Song), 32(Phonics). CD # 82, 88- Unit 1189; Transport Words/Story. flashcards Past simple with be: . Reading: reading and WB p.74; Long understanding a Student vowel sound / i:/ factual text about the MultiROM/Unit11/Wo plane, taxi, train, tram. Lesson 2 (66) Lesson 3 (67) (n), cool. There was/ Hotel, party. wasn’t a… in our town fifty years ago. There were/ weren’t any…two hundred years ago. Yesterday, last week/ year/ Monday, (fifty years) ago, then, there were + lots of/ some, there weren’t +any. History, shop, market. transport; To 145-152; a understand a piece of A4 short story. paper with a 7 cm hole cut in it. To ask an answer questions about what people are wearing; To act out a story. CD # 89; Transport flashcards 145-152. There was/ wasn’t/ were/ weren’t… lots of, some, any. Viking people; reading Ice cream, for specific dream, information; queen, Listening: green jelly, understanding a happy. conversation; Speaking: making Time phrases: yesterday, last statements about the week/ past with there/ was/ year/Monday, were; Writing: using (fifty years) paragraphs in writing; ago, then. writing about my town now/ in the past. Unit 11Grammar To describe CD # 90; an Unit 11pictures old photo of Grammar and using there your town Song. was and there from the wasn’t + lots Internet, of, some, and printed or any; To use photocopied there was/ for groups of WB p.75; Grammar Time, WB p. Student MultiROM/Unit11/Gra WB p.76; Lesson 4 (68) Lesson 5 (69) optional Lesson 6 (70) optional wasn’t and four; paper there were/ and coloured weren’t in the pencils. context of a song. Ice cream, Ear, lolly. To CD # 84, 91- Unit 11dream, queen, pronounce 92; Transport Phonics. green, jelly, the sound; To flashcards 149 happy. associate and 151 ( sound with train, plane); the letters in Phonics cards words; To 27-28 (ice identify and cream, jelly) repeat the sound in a chant. Along, Viking, CD #90, 93- Unit 11- Skills through, in the centre, came, 94; Time! middle of, at one Preposition the top of, thousand, flashcards between, room, fire, 153-158. inside. heating, smoke, full, north, England, learn, life, move (along), street. Food, CD # 95 Unit 11- Writing kitchen, Preposition most. flashcards 153-158. WB p.77 Student MultiROM/Unit11/Pho Reading: read and understand a factual text about the Viking people; read for specific information . WB p.78; Extra writing workshee PMB p. 21; Student MultiROM/Unit11/Wo Listening: understand a conversation about the Vikings; Speaking: make statements about the past with there were/was Writing: Understand how text are organized into WB p.79; Unit 11 test, Testing an Evaluation Book p.29; Student MultiROM/Listen at ho Track 33 ( Words and phrases), 34 (Song), 35 (Phonics). Unit 12 A clever Lesson baby! 1 (71) Lesson 2 (72) Lesson 3 (73) Old, young, handsome, pretty, short, tall, shy, friendly. Clever, still (adv),baby, different, (not) at all. To identify different adjectives to describe people; To understand a short story. CD # 90, 9697; Transport flashcards 145-152; Adjectives to describe people flashcards 159-166; photographs of you and several family members of the same sex as children. He was On holiday, To identify CD # 97; handsome pizza, picnic. affirmative Adjectives to then. I wasn’t and negative describe tall when I past simple people was five. We forms of be; flashcards were happy on To identify 159-166. holiday. You affirmative weren’t shy and negative when you past simple were six. He forms of had black hair have; To act when he was out a story. young. You didn’t have a book when you were a baby. Like (adj). To talk about CD # 98; game. a person in Adjectives to Unit 12Words/Story paragraphs; write a . description of your town now and in the past . Reading: reading and WB p.80; Past simple Long understanding a poem Student with be and vowel have: sound /ai/: about a member of the MultiROM/Unit12/Wo family; reading for affirmative specific information; and negative night, light, sky, Listening: listening I wasn’t tall dry, smile, for specific details; when I was shine. Speaking: making five. He had true/ false statements black hair about a when he was grandfather;Writing: young. using and and but in sentences; writing about my family. Unit 12Grammar. WB p.81; Grammar Time,WB p.1 Student MultiROM/Unit12/Gra Unit 12Grammar and WB p.82; the past using describe was and had; people To use was flashcards and had in 159-166; the context or paper and a song. coloured pencils. Lesson 4 (74) Night, light, sky, dry, smile, shine. Lesson 5 (75) optional Cheerful, miserable, relaxed, worried, mean, generous. Lesson 6 (76) optional To CD # 92, 99pronounce 100; Phonics the sound; To cards 29-30 associate (night, shine). sound with the letters in words; To identify and repeat the sound in a chant. Eyes, bright, CD #98, 101be like, be 102; like Adjectives to someone, describe wedding day. people flashcards 167-172. GoodCD # 103; looking, Adjectives to blond. describe people flashcards 167-172. Song. Unit 12Phonics. WB p.83; Student MultiROM/Unit12/Pho Unit 12- Skills Time! Reading: read and understand a poem about a member of the family; read for specific information; WB p.84; Extra writing workshee PMB p. 22; Student MultiROM/Unit11/Wo Unit 12- Writing Listening: identify WB p.85; people from their Writing skills descriptions worksheet,PMB p.23; Speaking: talk about Unit 12 test, Testing an what people are doing; Evaluation Book p.30 ; Writing: I identify Summative test4,p.31;S and write ing at the test4,p.31; end of present Values 4 worksheets, P continuous verbs; pp.24-25 write about a party. Student MultiROM/Listen at ho Track 36 ( Words and phrases), 37 (Song), 38(Phonics). . Review 4: CB pages 92-93; review answers key, TB page 121. Start, finish, Unit 13 The Lesson Ancient love, hate, 1 (77) Egyptians. want, use, laugh, live. Lesson 2 (78) They lived 5,000 years ago. They didn’t live in flats. Ancient Egyptian, look, writing (n), secret message, word, alphabet, bring, dish ( meal). To understand new and recycled verbs; To understand a short story. CD # 104Unit 13105; Words/Story Verbs flashcards 173-180; PMB p.40 ( Cut and make 5); TB p.137. Pie, cake, a long time ago, men (pl), women (pl). To understand the past simple of regular verbs ( affirmative and CD # 105; Verbs flashcards 173-180; Unit 13Grammar Reading: reading and WB p.88; understanding a Cut and make 5, PMB factual text about Student papyrus; reading and MultiROM/Unit12/Wo understanding They live 5,000 Snow, descriptions of things years ago. elbow in a text; They didn’t coat, soap Listening: cook pizza. nose, stone understanding a sequence of events; Speaking: asking and answering questions about events shown in pictures; Writing: Using topic headings in paragraphs; writing about Ancient Egypt. WB p.89; Grammar Time,WB p.1 Student MultiROM/Unit13/Gra Past simple Long regular verbs: vowel affirmative sound and negative /эu/: Lesson 3 (79) Lesson 4 (80) Lesson 5 (81) optional Lesson 6 (82) optional negative); To act out a story. ( Birthday) To use past CD # 106; card, come simple Verbs round, tea regular verbs flashcards ( meal), to talk and 173-180; Hooray! write about paper and Sang (sing), things you coloured dance. did and pencils. didn’t do; To use the past simple in the context or a song. Snow, elbow, Go out, To CD # 100, coat, soap, bone, those. pronounce 107-108; nose, stone. the sound; To Phonics cards associate 31-32 (soap, sound with nose); Level 2 the letters in Phonics cards words; To 35-38 (rope, identify and stone, bone, repeat the home). sound in a chant. Heavy, light, Papyrus, CD #106, hard, soft, thousand, 109-110; easy, difficult. paper, clay Adjectives to tablet, reed, describe wet, dry (v), things break, a kind flashcards of, 181-186. expensive, rich. Terrible, Oh CD # 111; dear, Adjectives to yesterday, describe Unit 13Grammar and Song. WB p.90. Unit 13- Phonics WB p.91 Student MultiROM/Unit 13/ Ph Unit 13- Skills Time! Reading: read and understand a factual text about papyrus; read and understand descriptions of things in a text; WB p.92; Extra worksheet,PMB p Student MultiROM/Unit13/Wo Unit 13- Skills Time! Listening: understanding a sequence of events; WB p.93; Unit 13 test, Testing an Evaluation Book p.35 ; math, question, poor, So…, artist, writer, living room, parent. things flashcards 181-186; paper and coloured pencils. Unit 14 Did you Lesson have a 1 (83) good day at school? Paint, Drop, went To identify CD # 106, Unit 14paintbrush, (go) onto, different 112-113; Words/Story calculator, clothes, things used at School things lunch box, believe, I school; To flashcards dictionary, PE don’t believe understand a 187-194; kit, backpack, it! short story. Values 5 apron. poster and PMB pp.3031. Lesson 2 (84) Did you have a good day? Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t. What did you watch last night? Where did you watch the film? When did the film finish? To CD # 113; Unit 14understand School things Grammar. past simple flashcards questions and 187-194. short answers; To revise the question words what, when, and where; To write short answers to Speaking: ask and Student MultiROM/Lis answer questions home/ Track 39( Word about the events in phrases), 40(Song), pictures; Writing: 41(Phonics). Match paragraphs with their topics; write about children in Ancient Egypt and today. Reading: reading and WB p.94; Past simple Long understanding a school Values 5 worksheets, P questions vowel sound /u:/ magazine article about pp.30-31; Did you have a camping trip;; reading Student good day? moon, for specific MultiROM/Unit14/Wo Yes, I did/ no, I boot, blue, information; didn’t. glue, tune, Listening: tube. understanding a sequence of events; Wh-questions: Speaking: asking and what/ answering questions when/where about past events: a What did you boy’s week. Writing: watch last writing about my night? A film. school day. ; WB p.95; Grammar Time,WB p.1 Student MultiROM/Unit14/Gra Lesson 3 (85) Lesson 4 (86) Lesson 5 (87) optional Lesson 6 (88) optional past simple Yes/No questions; To act out a story. To ask and CD # 114; answer past School things simple Wh flashcards questions; To 187-194; write and paper and answer past coloured simple Wh pencils. questions; To see past simple questions in the context or a song. Moon, boot, Flute. To CD # 108, blue, glue, pronounce 114-116; tune, tube. the sound; To Phonics cards associate 33-34 (moon sound with blue). the letters in words; To identify and repeat the sound in a chant. Tent, sleeping Year 8, CD #114, bag, frying camping, 117-118; pan, matches, trip, wood, Camping rope, torch. warm, dark, things noise, stick. flashcards 195-200. Campsite. CD #119; Camping things Unit 14Grammar and Song. WB p.96. Unit 14Phonics. WB p.97 Student MultiROM/Unit14/Pho Unit 14- Reading WB p.98; Reading: read and understand a Extra worksheet,PMB p school newspaper article; read for specific details . Unit 14- Skills Time! Listening: understand WB p.99; a sequence of events; Unit 14 test, Testing an Speaking: ask and Evaluation Book p.36 ; flashcards 195-200. Unit 15 Our Lesson holiday! 1 (89) Lesson 2 (90) Suitcase, sun I can’t wait! cream, towel, soap, shampoo, hair brush, toothbrush, toothpaste. To use singular and plural forms of man, woman, and child; To understand a short story. CD # 120Unit 15121; Words/Story. Holiday things flashcards 201-208. I’m going to skateboard every day. Are you going to swim in the sea? Yes, I am./ No, I ‘m To understand the form and use of be going to affirmative, questions, CD # 121; Unit 15Holiday things Grammar. flashcards 201-208. going to + verb Words with oo: He’s going to book, play basketball wool, tomorrow. wood, Are you going hood, to swim in the cook. see? answer questions Student about past events: a MultiROM/Listen at ho boy’s week. Writing: Track 42( Words and Understand time phrases), 43 (Song), 44 words and order (Phonics). sentences with time words in; write about . your school day; Reading: reading and WB p.100; understanding a Student holiday postcard; MultiROM/Unit15/Wo reading for information about a person’s plans; Listening: understanding a conversation about a boy’s holiday plans and listening for specific information;Speaking: asking and answering questions about plans for next week; Writing: opening and closing remarks in an email, postcard or letter; writing an email to a friend about what I’m going to do this week. WB p.101; Grammar Time,WB p.1 Student MultiROM/Unit15/Gra not. He’s going to play basketball tomorrow. Is she going to visit her cousins tomorrow? Yea, she is./No, she isn’t. We’re going to have a great holiday. Are they going to swim in the sea? Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. Lesson 3 (91) Lesson 4 (92) Book, wool, wood, hood, cook. Lesson Tomorrow, and short answers to talk about future plans and intentions; To act out a story. Pack (v), go To identify CD # 122; Unit 15away, have a ordinal Holiday things Grammar and great time, numbers; To flashcards Song. swimsuit. use ordinal 201-208; numbers in paper. the context or a song. Feel. To CD # 116, Unit 15pronounce 123-124; Phonics. the sound; To Phonics cards associate 35- 36 (book, sound with cook). the letters in words; To identify and repeat the sound in a chant. Weather, CD #122;, Unit 15- Skills WB p.102. WB p.103; Student MultiROM/Unit15/Pho Reading: read and WB p.104; 5 (93) optional Lesson 6 (94) optional later, tonight, water sports, this afternoon, seafood, soon, next restaurant, week. octopus, present. Dear…,Hi…, How are you? Thanks for…, Write soon. See you soon. Bye for now. Take care. Love… 126- 127; paper and coloured pencils. Time! understand a holiday Extra worksheet,PMB p postcard; Student read for information MultiROM/Unit15/Wo about a person’s plans. CD #128; paper and coloured pencils. Unit 15- Skills Time! Listening: understand WB p.105; a conversation about a Writing skills workshee boy’s holiday plans PMB p.29; Unit 15 test and listen for specific Testing and Evaluation information;Speaking: p.37 Summative test ask and answer 5,p.38;Skills test 5,p.40 questions about your Values 5 worksheets, P plans for next week; pp.30-31; Writing: recognize ; Student phrases to start and MultiROM/Listen at ho end emails or letters; Track 465( Words and write an email. phrases), 46(Song), 47(Phonics). . Review 5: CB pages 114115; review answers key, TB page 121.