Microeconomics 214 / Mikro ekonomie 214 Tutorial 2 / Tutoriaal 2 Tutorial periods / Tutoriaalperiodes Afrikaans: Dinsdag 13:00 CGW Schumanngebou 104 English: Thursday 13:00 CGW Schumann Building 104 English: Friday 14:00 CGW Schumann Building 104 The questions will be discussed in the tutorial periods. Answers/memos will NOT be available on Sunlearn. / Die vrae sal in die tutoriaalperiodes bespreek word. Antwoorde/memo’s sal NIE op Sunlearn beskikbaar wees NIE. 1. Short run costs – revision will be done. Section 13.6 on work programme. Perfect competition – revision will be done. Section 13.7 on work programme. / Korttermyn koste – hersiening sal gedoen word. Afdeling 13.6 op werkprogram. Volmaakte mededinging – hersiening sal gedoen word. Afdeling 13.7 op werkprogram. 2. Use indifference curve analysis and distinguish clearly between the substitution and income effects of a decrease in the price of an inferior good. / Gebruik indifferensiekurwe analise en onderskei tussen die substitusie en ikome efffekte van ‘n prysverlaging van ‘n minderwaardige produk. 3. Serena earns R110 000 in the current period and will earn R120 000 in the next period. / Serena verdien R110 000 in die huidige periode en sal R120 000 in die volgende periode verdien. What is the interest rate that will allow her to spend exactly R210 000 in the current period? / Wat is die rentekoers wat haar sal toelaat op presies R210 000 in die huidige periode te spandeer? What is the interest rate that would allow her to spend exactly R241 000 in the future period? / Wat is die rentekoers wat haar sal toelaat op presies R241 000 in die toekomstige periode te spandeer? 3.1 3.2 4. Theresa spend all of her income R3 000 on goods X and Y. Her utility function is given by 𝑈(𝑋, 𝑌) =𝑋 0.5 𝑌 0.5 . The price of good X is R40, and the price of good Y is R100. How much of each good should Theresa buy to maximise her utility? / Theresa spandeer haar hele maandelikse inkome van R3 000 op produkte X en Y. Haar nutsfunksie word gegee deur U(X,Y) = 𝑋 0.5 𝑌 0.5 . Die prys van produk X is R40, en die prys van produk Y is R100. Hoeveel van elke produk moet Theresa koop om haar nut te maksimeer? 5. Would the cross-price elasticity of demand be positive or negative for the following pairs of goods: / Sal die kruispryselastisiteit van vraag negatief of positief wees vir die volgende pare goedere: Apples and oranges / Appels en lemoene Airline tickets and the price of petrol / Vliegkaartjies en die prys van petrol Computer hardware and software / Rekenaar hardeware en sagteware Pens and paper / Penne en papier 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6. Given the following demand curve: / Gegewe die volgende vraagkurwe: Q = 200 – 100P Draw the demand curve, and indicate which portion of the curve is elastic, which portion is inelastic, and where on the curve unit elasticity is. / Teken die vraagkurwe en toon aan watter segment is elasties, watter segment is onelasties en waar op die kurwe is eenheidselastisiteit.