ABB Industry Oy -------------------------P.O.ijox 186 Machines FIN-:-00381 HELSINKI Finland Tel. +~58 10 :2223653 Fax. +358 1•) 2222675 Telefax To: Mats Cede_rberg I Johnny Remsu Wartsila Diesel Oy +06 356 7188 From: Jouni Ahtiairien PTG Date: 23.12.1996 Pages: 1+2 Message: Your ref. Discoverer Enterprise Our re,( 41673HC401-403 Hello, Please find attached dimensional drawing differential protection current transformers. The type is KOFA 12B~!. Best Regards, ABB Industry Oy ( 10'-"'"~ Jouni Ahtiainen I I · ··· KOF;J\ ·1ndo~:.r Type Curr·,=!nit Transformers 12, i 7 .5 and 24 kV 9.JCLOS UR.E: 8 :2..c r) L~- ... ; ,,;:.; ( /~.?i \'.. s... ___ ____ _ ______ _ _ ... . . _ Medium Voltage j I ENCLOS. ufcE: 8 Dimensions 12 and 17.5 kV Overall dimensions 3( 7-) Connections for two primary currents Type KOFA 12 81, 01, 82, D2, F2, 83, 03, F3 Tonninal markings C:1 C2 PlL~~: J r7 n 1S1 Slot R 14.5 (or Pk 21} 1S2 2S1 2S2 E.g. 2 cores (13 KOFA 123 A) (?··.,,,a C ":-:..,. I -,, n 2 I x lpn current Connection to 1 x lpo current SeaIabi escrew A B C 295 185 132 ~ KOFA 12 B 2, C1 ~!, F 2 355 245 192 ~ 415 305 252 Type ~ -- KOFA 1281, D 1 Creepage distance 160mm 150 mm Arcing distance ~ " KOFA 12 B 3, Di ~I, F 3 Single .ratio Type KOFA 12 A3, C3, E3 13 Terminal markings P1 240 ~••----------<>t'2 1:::1 1:52 2S1 2S2 3S1 3S2 I L Sealable screw E.g. 3 cores (13 KOFA 124 A) Creepage distance Arcing distance 12 165mm 150 mm ABB STROMBERG DISTRIBUTION S I ABB Industry Oy Machines P.O.Box 186 FIN-00381 HELSINKI Finland Tel. +358 1(12223653 Fax. +358 10 2222675 jl 1111 ,.,1,1, [;JJCLOSU~£ ~ Telefax 8 ( 1-) To: Mats Cederberg Wartsil~ Diesel Oy +06 356 7188 From: Jouni Ahtiainen PTA Date: 10.03.1997 Pages: 1+1 Message: Your ref. Discoverer Enterprise Our ref. 4673HC401-403. Your telecom. with Mr. Muhojoki. Dear Mr. Cederberg, Please find attached main dimension drawing of the differential transformer KOFA 12B2. T~e other requested technical datas I will sent as soon as I get them. (tomorrow) Best Regards, ABB Industry Oy q~-~~ Jouni Ahtiainen - - - - - - - - - - - -,.<:-'•j?.\ - - - ------· -- .. - . J ·~~~} . 11~}' ....-. Dimer .ions 12 and 17.5 kV Overall dimensions Co nnections t o r two primary currents Type KOFA 12 81 ~ D1, 82, D2, F2, 83, 03, F3 Terminal markings C1 P1[ !l--_ . ----t-!f--oP2 42 Slot R 14.5 (or Pk 21) C2 nn 1S1 1S2 2S1 2S2 E.g. 2 cores (13 KOFA 123 A) Connect ion to 2 x lpn current .... 1 x lpn current S ea Ia bi e screw I A B C KOFA 12 8 1, D 1 295 185 132 KOFA1282,D2,F2 355 245 192 ~ KOFA1283,D3,F3 415 305 252 Type " : eepag e distance 160 mm rc Lng distance 150 mm -~ < .~ I ABB Industry Oy P.O.Box 186 Machines FIN-00381 HELSINKI Finla nd Tel. +358 10 2223653 Fax. +358 10 2222675 jl 1111 l''l.1911 l:=/JCLOS U£E 8 6(7) Telefax To: Mats Cederberg W~rtsila Diesel Oy +06 356 7188 ,-.: l From: Jouni Ahtiainen PTA Date: 11 .03.1997 Pages: 1+1 Message: Your ref. Discoverer Enterprise Our ref. 4673HC401-403. Your telecom . with Mr. Muhojoki. Dear Mr. Cederberg , Please find attached excitation curve of the differential transformer KOFA 12B2.- - ~ Best Regards, ( 9! _ rr(f"" ~·~ ABB lndust~ Jouni Ahtiainen J I SB Transmit Oy 1997-03-11 KHSIAG ENCLC>SU-€c 8 Excitation curve for core S 1- s;~ 1 o1 ---+---·- - - - - - - 18 1d 1d 1/AJ ,e: : KOFA 12 B 2 irner ratio: 250-500 /5 Working number: 0805RKl01 A S J - S2Burden: 20 VA Class : 5Pl0 Ith:27-54 kA f:60 Hz ! I £70CLOSU/cc ABB INDUSTRY OY/PTM RT: 9 96-11-20 LUBRICATION SYSTEM FOR BEARINGS OF THE DIESELGENERATOR TYPE:HSG900XU I0 PROJ.NR.4673HC401-403 ITT1 \f . FUNCTION : BOTH BEARlNGS HAVE THE OWN OIL CIRCU LATrON THROUGH HEAT EXCHANGER AND FILTER BY THE OIL PUMP. THE MOTOR OF PUMP GETS POWER FROM AC-NET OF THE SH1P (3-PH. 480 V, 60 HZ) . IF TIIB OIL FLOW BECOME TOO SMALL SO TIIE FLOW SWITCH RELEASES ALARM. CONTROL OF THE OIL TEMPERATURE BY THE PT-100-DETECTOR IN THE BEARING AND THE TEMPERATURE OF THE HEARING BY THE PT-100-DETECTOR IN TIIB BEARING SHELL. THE OIL RING IN TIIB BEARlNG MAKES RESERVE LUBRICATION. ONLY BY THE OIL.RING LUBRICATION CAN THE GENERATOR RUN ABOUT 10 ... 30 MINUTES DEPENDING ON THE ANGLE OF HEEL OF THE GENERATOR ON AXIAL DIRECTION. PARTS OF LUBRICATION UNIT: - GEARED PUMP WITH AC-MOTOR - OIL-WATER HEAT EXCHANGER -OIL FILTER WITH INDICATOR FOR DIRT CONTENT - OIL FLOW SWITCH - BACK·PRESSURE VALVE - CONNECTION HOSES TO ACCORDING DNV - BASE FOR PARTS (THAT IS MOUNTED ON THE END- SHIELD OF THE GENERATOR NEAR THE BEARING) I I ABB Industry Oy Machines P.O.Box 186 FIN-00381 HELSINKI Finland Tel. +358 10 222000 Fax. +358 10 2222675 £NCLOSUkt 10 Telefax ( To: Mats Cederberg Wartsila Diesel Oy +358-06-356 7188 From: Jouni Kukko PTA Date: 22.01.1997 Pages : 1 Message: Using of the oil pump system, Discoverer Enterprise tel. fax. mobile. +358 0 102223168 +358 0 102222675 +358 0 503323168 ~" (f~i Mats, Starting and running of the oil machine units: The oil pumps have to be started approximately 3-5 seconds before the diesel. When starting the oil pumps the temperature of the oil has to be at least +10 degrees celsius . When the system is running the temperature of-the oil has to be at least +25 degrees celsius. The bearings have been calculated so that the normal temperature of the cold oil going into the bearings is +60 degrees celsius, then the temperature of the bearing is approximately +70 degrees celsius . .. Stopping the oil machine units: The oil machine units can be stopped after the diesel has totally stopped, so after the diesel and the generator do not rotate any more. Best regards, ~<<~ Jouni Kukko j I ABB Industry Oy Machines P.O.Box 186 FIN-00381 HELSINKI Finland TeL +358 10 2223653 Fax. +358 10 2222675 Jl ltll ,.,,,1, Telefax To: Mats Cederberg WEirtsil~ Diesel Oy +06 356 7188 From: Jouni Ahtiainen PTG ( -~~ 'f Date: 17.01 .1997 Pages: 1+4 Message: Your ref. Discoverer Enterprise Our ref. 4673HC401-403. Your fax dated f 16.1.1996. Dear Mr. Cederberg, 1) and 2) Please find attached revised oli lubrication sys~em drawings: Hydr.Circuit Diagram Dimension Drawing Hydr.Circi.Jit Diagram Dimension Drawing 3-20690 3-20691 3-20686 3-20687 3) There are two different size of pumps because the D-end bearing can take also axial load and it needs more lubrication oil-than N--end bearing. But mechanically pumps and motors are interchangeable, so you need only one type of pump an·d motor as a spare part the bigge~ one (0,75 kW motor and puinp combination). So the bigger pump can be used also in the N- . end. Do you think that the client can accept this explanation, because there Is no difference In operation and after all the customer needs only one type of spare parts, which fits to·both ends. 4) I will inform soonest the mechanical power of the pumps. · Best Regards, ABB Industry Oy ~~ luni Ahliainen 1 2 k j _---:-:::.-. ,---------''---------:, --, __ , :"d _.._________-+-------- ;,;J ~~'W p $- p _, - -\.•1,,,i:i;;/ I ~ A 1n 1,-C-c.....;;;..c..........;O::..;I'N i::'633 B ... • ID .n I') ...... .. Cl _, OI NI') "N l"l C 270 ,no 12~ q pcs 500 268 O1 l 1n G3/4" 0 OSAU.EllfLO E ,,_ _,..,.,..., SI- AB8 lt.UUSTRY or l\tlrication lM'lH ~ ~ JIV-BTDIWJI.IIUA or f ···. · F ... ,_ Oo 1, --- ,-5rn.4 ,11,u110 Dimension drawlng ..~ o~~ .5 1/rnjn p-9 b~r S:C•J• 1: 1S _..,,, ou, .... ---· ---0-a.n ...., ,,.. ---·-·-Acppt 3-20687 ,... 1-.12-11 '1--ll - 2 1 A 5 4 7 water Jn ON 20 DIN 2633 015 B 0,.,. w, 0 ",.., C -4 pcs N M no D 0 l l OU t G3/4" View A Water out ON 20 DIN 2633 O:i 1 1n G3/4" S.A.LlJEH£tO E .. -,,,, ·, F --· ASIJ rroJSTRY OY ~------ l. 1 ,:1~1 2 ,,;i:, ·- ~·iW!J-- I -r:~~ .ltr~ - j:':1 ·.:· - , 5 /'1~~;, I .) ·~ J I A l'l r"1 () I N 8 C r1 t ~ - z ., 'Z ::>'-' C ,_. 00 ... a ., L 0 L O ... , .,c, N 11 N -... 'l"l µJO z I] ;r '.J: 0 0 0 z C ,____,__ I D I I I u N I r-~~-f !$if - i E ' l _ _.__ - _J 1\1 I I I )( l'J ~ • co "' ~ • t •60 ~ '-----,71", 1...--------~-~I~~ 1\1 1 21,13-12-JO/TC-J 2/2-05lf-l2-l2 Hol'\stlN'9 Al la-Lev, I 6 Pill L,_ _ _ _ _ _J J FLUYAllAl ~ 20 Hl &3/• -- - - - - , 1 I~2• tt______ . rtH.u 1leaent If: ~I> 1-vr AH filter rluent I F'C70M.f025 , BK Lo,e pr~sur, fHtt1' I FFtJ 4:; .fuc.,.BS35. G1!6 Pump IIOUn t !.!!!!_ 1 PT 200•,_•o«f.r I 00 Covo HFVJ - - - - - I FU 19-Z._>5--1-4- 225/19- - ·-· - - + - - -Pueo I ICF4 Rf 1-0:15 0-15 bar Eler::tr ic JIIOlo r I !MI 90.l 29-~. VI. o. 55 klC ®V 6 1. _ '4 3 2 Motor stM<I o.. j (JSO V6j50) l 2J51J-12-30JTC• l2/2051f-i2-l2 a floll SllitCt'I r-Oi I cooler 6 I I I ,o Ho,e II I I L - 12 i tSt.lUf o. .... t• • ~~~ - - - - -- · - - - - - - KTR +-,c- m=--- Kracht AB8 1lfOOSTRY OY -_•_•_•_•_'"-·_.,._r_,._--4~:._~, r_;:~~~;/ ,_1'""' __,_ ll_.,_,.,__ 1 ' ""· UHT ~~ F! Mfi Jte,FinnHllet' f .JI\V 0 . 55 ltlt 11./J f I - ~II L•OOO I n • 1680 r/11in i i I I I O• 5. 5 J/ri1 n p- 9 b&r P• 0 . 55 kW SA€ I 20591-12-j2/TC- ! 2/2~t - 12-J2 t•70 >< I I IJ I IO I I P-2, 5 kW C I 20591-08--00/TC-08/?0511-0B-OB 1-4 ·I C Hose I >< C ,. i I ~ f\l co' ,..., ' I ,__ ! Ala r ,.. ',_ 2 . 5 l/~in I E •• C1') a'-' ©_ ! f') ,q ·- - - < ) - - - - - - 7 r-<P- - - i C ::> O• Oi J lubrication syste• PROJEKTJ )-20687 @mn irv-JmJRAULilUA OT • EJ@ ,,,._ ...... 14,cu- 5wnn tl PJtrt • • tffl-1.2.., tt,&-U,...S ;; ,__ _ _ __ _..__ _s_r_D-A _ _ _ ,,_.... _~ _ _ _ ___._...,__-,-,--~--......_ Hy-,~ _ __,___._-.-----1 h 1-4., nu f ac tur e no. J HYOR .CIRCUIT DIAGRAM F j -- 0 =6, 5 l/min p - 9 bar i,,_,,.. ,,., ..,_ 3-20686 r... ~ I 1 I C: ~~~. "1,..,.~ • -- t::~ ,1.:l!;' • I . -· .q I I u I .. A 8 f'l ,,, l'l /Tl ~ ID N (\j .., z C z ,_. 00 ... a L O e, N c.. 0 ,0 z :;)H C r"' • .... , ... l"1 0 0 f '}- - 0 . .-,(") ::s a :X 0 - -<'I-- - - - - 7 I 5.5 · )/f!lln, . I I I J§) A Jorn I I .u ! C I C .... ,c r ·- ~ - $ if ."Ii i L__,_ - - i .J t•60 N >I (II (\J • I - I C I... lO I I n• Ii "-roll I 12 J 21513-12-.30/TC-12/205j l -J2- 12 Manvll I lJ kM t-70 C l-~ i 6 7 Flo,c Swltcll OU coeltt' 6 FUltr tl~nt 6 FUt'1" l!ll!l>Ctll Low i,n::s,ura tilt~ Hotar stencl ·I lf>aO r/,r,jn °'""' a,, SA£ <CO Y(i 1~1 - .__ _ _ ___. ... ...' ::, :n . 1 PIH l J<Y 0. 75 kif FiMFllter Fir,ofllttr -_t._._.,_,_,_1·_.._ 11_1_ -il'1"'"1...,•,. r.,,.1u,1w n>Aitr• - -~ BV-BmJWJLIIUA. or ~ I ,... ·' ---- ---------- - ------- - - -----------------~- lf1 'U• 11 Pi/IQ tq HYDR.CIACU[T DI AGRAM 0~1 0 1/~in peg bar ....... EJ(O) -~1-------~-~-~-•- __n_~_~_ _ _ _....i...;"'--- F ~ Allt-Uol >C";i9600 ·f\Jr ~ J FC7005.FO.ZS.13K J FF1145~F025, 9S35.Gl16 .U..n-d, - ABB lNO!/:iTRJ OY l H.anu lactur-e no. -.,1 Honsoer4 tAI 1 r ~ ,:PJt-"11'f' __ ·,/\M< _ _ .,_ _ 0 I., I I L.- - - - - - - - -·- · ---- - ~ . Il J FLV'tAMAl HR 20 Ml li~/ ,C , C826'."34H ,t l".1111n)t~o I AAJ9-Z~- -I-C-Z2'/J9 l<rR 1-::3: .__~Pvl!O.=z:._- -- - -- -~ - ·~ =KF6 : ..:.FF:....:.1-n...=..!t~5~0-::....:1~5~br=--- -- 1 - - - - --i-'l:.::.....: (r adl =.:.:. l _ -l2 El ectric 1110tor I ,u roe l!r-4, v,. o. 75 kM 1/13:JY A88 p .. 0. 7~ l<H (lSO J 2li!S13~1.2-30/TC-t2/Xl511-12- lc I a )/t'll1 p - 9 bl!r j - a- J 20591-12-12/ TC- 12/4'059\-/2-12 I C P•.4 , ' I I 13 ! 7' ...... I I I N N 0 i D - O l!l ·- - I ::> ,...,., ..,ll N .., '° 2 'II .., -.------ Sut.n1 PlJrt Hy~h.l """"""" ...,_ ~ "'5·u--.1 '* -l:2-tlS 3-20690 r........ .... ,., I J I ABB Industry Oy_ Machines P.O.Box 186 FIN-00381 HELSINKI Finland Tel. +358 10 2223653 Fax. +358 10 2222675 _J l 1111 ,.,.-1,11 ENc Los ue:..t:: Telefax // To: Mats Cederberg Wartsila Diesel Oy +06 356 7188 From: Jouni Ahtiainen Date: PTA -z.o. I. f 'l't ,-.. .lir.01.1-99-+-- Pages: 1 +4 Message: Your ref. Discoverer Enterprise Our ref. 4673HC401-403. Your fax dated 16.1.1996. Dear Mr. Cederberg, 4) The mechanical power for the pumps are expected to be same as for electric motor. And other performance datas are Power cosphii Voltage/frequency Nominal-current Starting current Best Regards, ABB Industry Oy 1~J0(t~ Jouni Ahtiainen 0-end 0,75 kW 0,73 480V/60Hz 1,9A 4x In N-end 0,55 kW 0,74 480V/60Hz 1.45 A 4,5 x In ..... ABB Industry Oy -- P.O.Box 186 FIN-00381 HELSINKI Finland Machines Tel. +358 10 2223653 Fax. +356 10 2222675 ·Jl 1111 ,.,,,1, Telefax To: John~u --,;, W~rtsil~ Diesel Oy +06 356 7188 ·From: Jouni Ahtialnen PTG . ( Date: 27.01.1997 Pages: 1 Message: Our ref. 4673hc401rDisc:>verer Enterprise· / f1c,.,-. Hello, _ / ~b(!_ ";/Sys~ The blockage Indicator in the oil filter is pressure based and in color changing knob. There Is no remote control contact. · Best Regards, ABB Industry Oy ~ 1 ~~ ounl Ahtiainen