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Get Fit Like a Fighter: MMA Nutrition & Training Guide

Welcome to Get Fit Like a Fighter ©.
Mixed martial arts (MMA) requires strength, agility, flexibility, quick thinking and endurance. Elite MMA fighters
are some of the most fit people on Earth, but getting that way takes a combination of working out, eating right
and understanding when (and how) to use healthy supplements.
Throughout these pages you’ll find a mix of nutrition facts, tips for healthy eating, supplement secrets and
workout moves brought to you by the world’s top MMA training center – Jackson Wink MMA Academy – and
Barlean’s, a leader in functional nutrition.
What brought us together, you ask? For over 25 years, Barlean’s, a family-owned company from the Pacific
Northwest, has been powering people of all ages with some of the highest-quality foods and supplements on
the market. So when Jackson Wink’s nutrition and coaching staff were looking for supplements they could trust
to fuel the world’s top fighters, they called Barlean’s. Today, Barlean’s products are part of the official Jackson
Wink training protocol.
We hope this booklet inspires you to fuel your body with the nutrition it needs to achieve your goals, whether
that’s in the cage, on the field or on the trails. Jackson Wink fighters will be the first to tell you that training hard
and eating clean requires drive, dedication and patience.
Sure it’s hard work, but the payout is a stronger, healthier, happier you. We hope you agree that it’s worth it.
So, are you ready to Get Fit Like a Fighter ©?
Buckle up, kids. It’s gonna be a fun ride.
Best of health,
“When it comes to nutrition, I’ve discovered that once
people understand why a food or nutrient is beneficial
to them - specifically, what it does in the body - then
they are much more likely to make it a permanent part
of their everyday diet. The bottom line is that just like
strength, power, skill and agility, health doesn’t happen
overnight. You only get one body, so take care of it.
- Dr. Anita DelPrete, nutrition specialist for Jackson Wink MMA Academy
Dr. Anita DelPrete with a few Jackson Wink MMA Academy Fighters
It is essential that MMA fighters and athletes supply their bodies with high-quality
foods and supplements. An athlete’s diet should empower him or her to train harder,
improve strength, minimize injury, recover faster and perform at the top of his or
her game.
We’re going to dive deeper into the fundamentals of nutrition with Dr. Anita
DelPrete (Dr. Anita), nutrition specialist for Jackson Wink MMA Academy, to help
you understand not only what you should eat, but also why. All athletes strive for
maximum performance results. That begins with fueling your body with the right
food sources: protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, antioxidant-rich fruits and veggies,
supplements and plenty of water. Our end game is to help you thrive as an athlete.
A solid nutrition plan will help you get there.
You ready?
PROTEIN: The Power Behind the Punches
Why do athletes need to consume protein?
In a nutshell, it’s essential to our survival. Protein is made of small building blocks
called amino acids. Amino acids are organic compounds that play a crucial role in our
bodies. Not only does protein build and maintain muscle and connective tissue, but
it also creates antibodies that fight viruses and transport critical molecules such as
oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. Proteins also stay busy creating the makeup
of hormones, such as insulin, which helps regulate blood sugar. At the end of the day,
our bodies wouldn’t function properly without protein.
Athletes who train on a daily basis need to be particularly mindful of adequate protein
intake to ensure their bodies have the nutrients needed to repair and rebuild tissue
that is broken down and/or injured during exercise.*
*More info on protein: http://bit.ly/GetFitBCAA
PROTEIN: The Power Behind the Punches
It’s clear athletes need adequate amounts
of protein, but what kind is best?
Dr. Anita shares the top protein choices for Jackson
Wink Fighters.
1. Fish (wild, cold-water salmon is best), eggs, chicken, turkey
and lean red meat such as beef, venison or elk
2. For vegetarians or individuals minimizing animal protein:
tofu, soybeans, beans, almonds, peanuts, cottage cheese
and yogurt
CARBOHYDRATES: Your Main Source of Fuel
Gassing out is not an option for high-performance athletes.
Athletes need carbohydrates for energy. Carbohydrates (carbs) supply the raw materials
that our bodies break down into glucose and use as energy to fuel many key functions.
In the same way that a car cannot run without gasoline, our muscles cannot run efficiently
without glucose. In order for our bodies and brains to work properly, it is essential to eat
a sufficient amount of carbs. This is particularly important for MMA fighters who need to
be proactive about supporting brain health.
longer to digest then simple carbs and generate long-term fuel for
the body. Complex carbs ensure that the muscles and glycogen stores
are full of much needed glucose (the body’s “gasoline”). MMA fighters require this type of energy if they plan to outlast an opponent for
up to five rounds in the cage or complete a tough endurance workout. On top of providing fuel, complex carbs are also packed with
fiber and loaded with vitamins, minerals and nutrients. It’s easy to add
complex carbs to your diet. Some healthy options include: vegetables,
whole grains, beans, legumes, potatoes and some high-fiber fruits,
like berries or apples.
It’s critical for athletes to have a balanced diet that
includes both simple and complex carbs in order to
maximize performance.
Simple carbs are comprised of one or two sugar molecules like
glucose, fructose (fruit sugar) or sucrose (table sugar). They’re digested very quickly and can replenish blood glucose if there’s a sudden
drop due to an extensive training session. Simple carbs provide
immediate, short-term energy that’s great for athletes right before a
high-intensity workout or competition. Dr. Anita suggests sources like
raw sugar, coconut sugar, honey or fruit juice over refined products
like cookies or candy bars. It’s easy to sprinkle coconut sugar or drizzle
a little honey on top of oatmeal.
CARBOHYDRATES: Your Main Source of Fuel
Complex carbs are made of multiple sugar compounds that take
Now that we know the difference between simple and
complex carbs, how do we find a healthy balance?
On average, carbohydrates should make up 45-65% of your daily calories. The rule
of thumb is to get the majority of your carbohydrate intake from complex carbs and
to use simple carbs sparingly.* Dr. Anita supports Jackson Wink MMA fighters with
meal planning and explains how you can incorporate both carb sources into one
meal. Take breakfast for example. Enjoy oatmeal (a complex carb) with a little honey (a simple carb), walnuts, fresh berries (a complex carb) and a banana. For a little
extra flavor and texture, add Barlean’s Superfruit Seed Blend or Omega Swirl®. This
is a Jackson Wink fighter fave because it not only tastes great, but also supplies their
bodies with enough fuel to power through a morning workout.
*Inside Scoop on Carbs: http://bit.ly/GetFitCarbs
FATS: An Athlete Needs to Fuel for
the Long-Haul
Why do athletes need to consume fats?
Over the years fats have received a bad rap, but the benefits of healthy fats are critical to
our well-being. The science around fats is complex, but here’s a quick recap of how fats
support our bodies and brains. They’re essential for delivering long-term energy storage
and providing cellular structure. They also create hormones that regulate many bodily
processes and help the body absorb vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Ultimately, our
cellular integrity and overall health depends on fats. If you’re an athlete, fat is your
back-up reserve of energy for that long workout, run or fight.
It’s important to understand what types of fats you need to be
consuming. First, let’s look at unsaturated fats. These healthy fats
contribute to the functions listed on the previous page. You’ll
notice unsaturated fats stay liquid in room temperature, meaning
they won’t harden within the cell walls.
You’ll want to add essential fatty acids (EFAs) found in cold-water
fish oils or flaxseed oil into your diet. We’ll take a more in-depth
look at EFAs in the supplement section. Other healthy fat sources
include olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.
On the other hand, you’ll want to avoid saturated fats because in
large amounts, they can clog arteries and set the stage for degenerative diseases. Watch out for common sources like fast food,
prepared frozen meals and fried foods.
Before we move on, it’s important to note that not all saturated fats
are bad. For example, coconut oil is an energizing superfood that
provides numerous health benefits. It’s easy to use and works great
as a 1:1 substitute for butter or other cooking oils.
As with anything, athletes should use moderation with fat
consumption depending on their physical and athletic goals.
FATS: An Athlete Needs to Fuel for the Long-Haul
Not all fats are created equal.
Let’s get cooking. Before we get started, it’s important to review
when oils start to break down and lose their health benefits. Here is
a quick guide about the smoke points of several healthy oils.
COCONUT OIL: Best used for medium to high
heat cooking, baking or frying. The smoke
point of virgin coconut oil (unrefined) is 325˚F.
and 400˚F. for culinary coconut oil (refined).
AVOCADO OIL: Best used for medium to high
heat cooking, frying and baking up to 520˚F.
Virgin avocado oil has a lower smoke point of
375˚- 400˚F.
SEASAME OIL: Best used for medium to high
heat cooking up to 410˚F. To be safe, you
should only fry with light sesame oil.
FLAXSEED OIL: You can’t bake or cook with
flaxseed oil because heat destroys its many
benefits. Try using it in salad dressings,
smoothies or drizzled over roasted veggies.
OLIVE OIL: Can be used in low to high heat
cooking, slow cooking up to 410˚F.
It’s important to watch your intake of Omega-6 oils. For more
information: http://bit.ly/2qX046U
Barlean’s Lemon Tarragon
Flax Oil Dressing
1/3 c lemon juice
2 Tbsp water
1 tsp Dijon mustard
2 Tbsp Barlean’s Organic Fresh Flax Oil
1 tsp chopped fresh tarragon
Add cayenne pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients well and enjoy.
ANTIOXIDANTS: The Best Offense is a
Strong Defense
Antioxidants are the body’s defense mechanism against the
damage of free radicals.
Free radicals are electron-missing molecules that seek out other, healthy molecules
from which they steal electrons. The damage from free radicals can affect every part
of your body, potentially causing disease and degeneration.
We are exposed to free radicals every day from stress, pollution and toxic substances
like pesticides. Our bodies need protection and antioxidants are the key players in
the fight against free radicals. Nature has provided us with thousands of vitalizing antioxidants in plant-based foods like vegetables, fruits, grasses, sea vegetables, grains
and more.
For athletes, it is mission critical to nourish their bodies with antioxidants to promote
cellular health, encourage physical recovery and support a healthy immune system.
MMA fighters must make sure that their bodies and brains have sufficient protection
on the inside as well as on the outside due to their high level of intensive training.*
*For a more in-depth look at antioxidants, see: http://bit.ly/GetFitAntioxidants
ANTIOXIDANTS: The Best Offense is a Strong Defense
Barlean’s Açai Bowl
1/2 c unsweetened coconut milk
2 packs frozen açai berries
1/2 c mixed frozen berries
1 frozen banana
1 Tbsp Barlean’s Antioxidant
Seed Blend
1 Tbsp Total Omega® Vegan Omega
Swirl Pomegranate Blueberry
Mix together in a blender and pour
into a bowl. It should be a thick
consistency. Add more ice or fruit as
needed. Sprinkle with your favorite
toppings like fresh fruit, coconut
flakes or granola.
Jackson Wink fighters know when and
how to snack.
For a High Intensity Training (HIT) session, a pre-workout
snack should include a carb-based option to ensure
muscles have adequate fuel.
Try sweet potatoes, dates, bananas, a peanut butter and
honey sandwich, yogurt with granola and/or a high carb
food bar.
A hard strength and conditioning or weight lifting session
calls for a post-workout snack with a high protein content
to help with tissue repair.
A few options include a protein recovery shake, sports/
food bar, lean protein and/or vegetables.
JACKSON WINK PRO TIP: Choosing a bar can be
difficult with all the high sugar options. Find a food bar
that contains a combination of complex carbs and simple
sugars made from whole grains, nuts and seeds.
Dr. Anita’s Nutrition for the Fierce Athlete®
Peanut Butter-Brownie Shake:
2 scoops protein powder (preferably plant-based)
2 scoops Barlean’s Chocolate Silk Greens™
1 scoop peanut butter powder or 2 Tbsp peanut butter
2 c almond/coconut milk or 1 c almond/coconut milk
and 1 c water
2 Tbsp fiber blend (Try Barlean’s Flax-Chia-Coconut Seed Blend)
Add water and ice to taste and blend together. Be ready to satisfy
the brownie craving!
“Figure out what you fight for
and never let that go.”
- Michelle Waterson, Pro UFC Strawweight Fighter,
Blueberries - Ben Reiter, Bellator, Light Heavyweight
Celery - Kai Kaye, Amateur
Banana - Anthony Hamilton, Pro, UFC Heavyweight
Fruits, protein shakes, trail mix and Greek salad Smealinho Rama, Pro WSOF Heavyweight and
Light Heavyweight
Whole grain bread with honey - Tyler Milner,
Pro, Lightweight
Clementines or Aussie Bites™ - Michelle Waterson,
Pro UFC Strawweight
Meal prepping and choosing the right foods can make or
break an athlete’s nutritional plan. Discover what Jackson Wink
fighters are eating throughout the day. Check out the shopping
list on page 70.
1. Sweet potatoes are a favorite pre-workout snack for Jackson Wink MMA fighters
because of the high carb and sugar content. They come loaded with fiber,
beta-carotene and vitamin C. You can eat them baked, boiled or steamed (anything
but fried).
2. The most popular fruits are bananas, melons, dates and berries. For anyone worried
about missing out on dessert, fruit with a sliver of dark chocolate is a suitable option.
a. Bananas are great for a quick recovery boost; they are high in sugar and rich in
b. Melons (watermelon, cantaloupe or honeydew) are primarily water, making them
a great rehydration fruit; plus they have vitamin C and antioxidants.
c. Dates are 80% easily digested sugar, making them an ideal quick-energy snack.
d. Berries (blueberries, raspberries or strawberries) are low in sugar and loaded with
powerful antioxidants and vitamin C. The water in berries helps you stave off
3. Salmon and Veggies are high in protein, fiber and
Omega-3s, making them an ideal cutting snack for athletes
trying to lose weight for an upcoming fight (without
losing muscle). Many Jackson Wink MMA fighters enjoy grilled
salmon with vegetables like zucchini, yellow squash,
asparagus or broccoli.
4. Nuts and Seeds are a great on-the-go snack. They are
power-packed with polyunsaturated fats, protein,
B-complex vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids.
Nuts are calorie-dense, meaning you get plenty of energy and calories in a small amount. Eat nuts in moderation
and opt for the unsalted, dry roasted varieties.
5. A typical breakfast combines simple and complex carbs
to fuel the fighter’s body for a strenuous morning workout.
Popular breakfast options include: peanut butter and banana
sandwich, Greek yogurt and granola or eggs with veggies.
Eating healthy doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor.
Check out how these top fighters spice it up in
the kitchen.
1. Turmeric and Pepper - Ben Reiter, Bellator, Light Heavyweight
2. Buffalo Spice - Kai Kaye, Amateur
3. Cayenne Pepper - Anthony Hamilton, Pro, UFC Heavyweight
4. Garlic and Onion Seasoning - Smealinho Rama, Pro WSOF
Heavyweight and Light Heavyweight
5. Mesquite - Tyler Milner, Pro, Lightweight
Do you think you’ve got what it takes to clean up your diet? We think
so. It’s not always easy, so here are four healthy eating hacks to kickstart your plan.
1. Stay hydrated.
In the brain, the hunger and thirst centers are located next to each
other. Often, when we think we’re hungry, we’re actually thirsty. To avoid overeating at
meals, drink a glass of water 15-20 minutes before you eat. It will ensure that you’re
properly hydrated and will help to fill up your stomach.
2. Eat high fiber foods to knock out an aggressive appetite.
fiber foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, beans and whole grains bulk up in the
stomach and intestinal tract, helping you feel full more quickly.
3. Are you sure you’re hungry?
Many Jackson Wink MMA fighters experience
what Dr. Anita calls the “mouth munchies.” This is when you feel like eating, but you aren’t really hungry. If you can’t fight the urge to munch, grab some cut vegetables, popcorn or fruit instead of chips or sugary cereal.
4. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Lao Tzu
Start small and don’t get overwhelmed if you make mistakes. The most important thing is
that you keep trying to make healthier food choices.
Jackson Wink partners with Barlean’s because their
fighters need access to the highest-quality supplements
and functional foods. It’s important their athletes take
certain supplements to maximize their performance.
1. Omega-3s: Fish Oil, Flax Oil, and Omega Swirls®
2. Greens™: Chocolate Silk and Strawberry Kiwi
3. Coconut Oil and MCT Swirl
4. Super Seed Blends
5. Joint Relief with Omega-7
6. CoQ10 Swirl
The secret of top athletes and trainers
Omega-3s are essential fatty acids (EFAs) needed by every person, every day, for his or
her whole lifetime. Omega-3s aren’t something we can choose to ignore because they
provide powerful benefits to our bodies. Since our bodies can’t produce essential fatty
acids on their own, we must get them through food or supplements. Most of the
American population is estimated to be Omega-3 deficient, which can be a serious
cause for concern [1].*
Here are the numerous benefits to supplementing with
• Supports healthy brain function. Omega-3s protect brain cells from oxidative stress
and free radical damage* (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
• Increases wound healing* (2,3,8)
• Enhances immune system health* (2,3,5,7,8)
• Reduces inflammation and pain* (1,2,3,4,6,8)
• Improves neuromuscular function and performance in athletes* (5)
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
SUPPLEMENT Like a Fighter
What are the best sources of Omega-3s?
The main essential fatty acids within the Omega-3 family are ALA, EPA
and DHA, which have been well-studied to support human health in
amazing ways. Remember—you never have to choose just one Omega-3. In fact, the more sources from which you can gather Omega-3s,
the more likely you are to reap their many health benefits.
1. ALA is considered the “parent” Omega-3 since other Omega-3s
(EPA and DHA) are derived from ALA. ALA plays an important
role in regulating nerve transmission, helping kidneys function
well, assisting muscles in quicker recovery after strenuous
workouts, mediating our immune system and helping to prevent
plaque build-up in our arteries.* ALA is found in all plant life in
small amounts, but the richest sources are flax and chia seeds.
Flaxseeds, flax oil and chia seeds are perfect for vegetarians or
vegans and easy to use daily in smoothies or salad dressings.
2. EPA and DHA are found in fatty fish from cold waters—such as
salmon, mackerel and sardines. You can also get these important
Omega-3s from quality supplements made from wild-caught,
cold-water fish.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
What’s the difference between EPA and DHA?
Both EPA and DHA are essential, but they play different roles in the family of
Omega-3s. EPA provides mainly functional benefits, while DHA produces primarily
structural benefits.
EPA is connected to the function of specific body systems. It helps to maintain healthy
levels of blood triglycerides, protects heart function and assists in lowering inflammation at the cellular level* (9,10,11).
DHA is important to the structure of important tissues in our bodies, especially brain
and eye health. Not only is DHA needed when our brain and eye tissue is first forming,
but also throughout our lives in order to support healthy brain function, mood,
memory and visual acuity* (12,13,14,15).
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Jackson Wink trains a diverse group of athletes with varied
nutritional needs.
The Jackson Wink baseline amounts in the chart on the next page refer to the
minimal amount of supplementation that most fighters start with when they begin
to work directly with Dr. Anita. It is not uncommon for these amounts to shift based
on the weight of the fighter, intensity level of training program and fight schedule.
On average, Dr. Anita reports that most fighters begin to notice positive benefits
from this level of supplementation within a few weeks, if not sooner.
Jackson Wink’s Supplement Checklist
Low = Minimal benefit
Mid = Average benefit
Max = High benefit
Fish Oil and Flax Oil
Ultra High Potency Omega Swirl ™
Jackson Wink Baseline: 2 Tbsp
Average serving size (FDA): 1 Tbsp
Lignan Flax Oil
Jackson Wink Baseline: 1 Tbsp
Average serving size (FDA): 1 Tbsp
CoQ10 Swirl
Jackson Wink Baseline: 4 tsp
Average serving size (FDA): 2 tsp
MCT Swirl
Jackson Wink Baseline: 1 Tbsp
Average serving size (FDA): 1 Tbsp
Joint Relief
Jackson Wink Baseline: 2 softgels
Average serving size (FDA):
2 softgels
Greens™: Chocolate
Silk or Strawberry
Jackson Wink Baseline:
2 scoops/twice a day
Average serving size (FDA):
1 scoop
*Some recommendations may exceed FDA approved serving size. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product
is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
**Lignan Flax Oil Only
Greens™: Pure and Potent Natural Energy:
Everyone can benefit from the vitalizing nutrients in plants as they provide energy,
support detoxification and fight free-radical damage in the body.* Strawberry Kiwi
and Chocolate Silk Greens™ are powdered green formulas that combine the
antioxidant power of berries, fruits, veggies, and in Chocolate Silk Greens™, rich
cocoa powder, to provide a powerful dose of whole food nutrition. Once these
plant-based superfoods are juiced and dehydrated, you get a dense concentration
of free-radical fighters.* Dr. Anita has made Barlean’s powdered greens a critical
part of the Jackson Wink MMA Fighter’s diet. Mix them into smoothies, shakes,
juice or water.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Barlean’s Seed Blends: Power-packed Nutrition
for Every Body:
Seeds are nature’s perfect package of powerful nutrients: they
include plant-based protein, prebiotic fiber, cleansing fiber,
minerals and Omega-3s.
In addition to providing great nutrition, seed blends can help
you feel fuller longer. It’s easy to add Barlean’s Seed Blends to
smoothies, yogurt, cereal, salads or baked goods to power up
your foods with nutrient-dense superfoods.
Coconut Oil:
Coconut oil is one of nature’s most functional and easy-to-digest foods, containing many
health benefits. It has MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides), which are converted into
energy rather than stored as fat. MCTs have also been studied for their potential to support
heart and immune system health as well as ideal weight.* In addition, coconut oil contains
lauric acid which we convert into monolaurin, studied for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and
anti-viral properties.* Instead of being metabolized in the liver, MCTs are metabolized via the
membrane of the intestinal tract. This is a major plus for athletes because it means coconut oil
can provide a quick source of energy prior to strenuous exercise. All around, coconut oil is a
win-win for athletes and those looking to improve their nutrition.
MCT Swirl:
For anyone looking for a straight shot of MCTs, MCT Swirl is a great option. It has a delicious,
all-natural coconut smoothie flavor and texture with 5,400 mg of MCTs per serving.
What about the fat?
Coconut oil has a high MCT saturated fat content, but is free from trans fats, making this plantbased oil a healthy replacement for butter. As always, use it in moderation depending on your
fitness goals.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Raw Peanut Butter Chocolate Balls
1 c peanut butter or almond butter
1 c rolled oats
1 c brown rice crisps
1 c chocolate chips (stevia chocolate chips are a healthy choice)
1 Tbsp honey
1/3 c Barlean’s Superfruit Seed Blend
1 tsp almond extract
1 tsp vanilla
1 Tbsp Barlean’s Virgin Coconut Oil
Mix all ingredients together in a bowl. Let cool in refrigerator
for 2 hours and then roll mixture into balls. Keep refrigerated.
Makes about 10 medium-sized balls.
Joint Relief Softgels:
In just 2 mini-softgels per day, you get 880mg of
Concentrated Omega-7 Fish Oil and Hyaluronic Acid.
Research suggests that Omega-7 may reduce inflammation
and strengthen the nervous system and joints.* Hyaluronic
acid is widely used to support increased cushioning in the
joints and improve the quality of synovial fluid (the fluid that
protects joints and bones by acting as a lubricant and shock
absorber (16).*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
CoQ10 Swirl: This formula is a combination of Ubiquinone®
CoQ10 and fish oil aimed at supporting optimal heart muscle health.*
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a powerful antioxidant used by the body to
produce the energy needed for healthy cell growth and maintenance
(particularly in heart muscle cells), rejuvenate brain cells, protect against
UV radiation and protect the body from damage caused by harmful
free radicals.* Because the body’s natural production of CoQ10
decreases as we age, dietary supplementation is important. As we
talked about in the nutrition section, athletes with a rigorous training
schedule produce more free radicals that can slow recovery time
and hurt performance. To block the work of free radicals, athletes
should find antioxidant sources, like the CoQ10 Swirl, and consume
them regularly (17).*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or prevent any disease.
To perform at your peak, hydration is absolutely key.
Did you know that as little as a 1% water loss can affect electrolyte balance and a
3% water loss can result in fatigue and impaired exercise performance? That’s not
a lot of margin to mess around with, so hydration is clearly critical. The best way to
stay hydrated is to drink ½ your body weight in fluid ounces of water every day.
Coconut water is a tasty choice because it not only replenishes lost electrolytes
during long, intense workouts, but it is also packed full of nutrients and antioxidants. Many athletes choose sports drinks because they contain carbohydrate
sugars, vitamins and minerals. If you choose a sports drink, be sure you read the
label in order to avoid artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners. It’s on you to stay
hydrated, so make sure drinking water is a priority and find a tasty rehydration
JACKSON WINK PRO TIP: Recovery shakes help
replenish essential glucose and electrolytes that can be lost
in intense back-to-back workouts.
Rehydrate Like a Fighter Shake
1 scoop plant protein
2 scoops Barlean’s Chocolate Silk Greens™
2-3 cups water or coconut water
You’ll waste no time rehydrating with this quick and easy
shake. Mix together, shake and drink.
We get it. Life is busy and meal prep seems impossible.
Many fighters lead busy lives outside of the ring with jobs, children or school, so eating
clean requires planning. For peak performance, athletes have to anticipate when they
will need to eat and prepare ahead of time to have the right food ready. It’s best to
start somewhere and buildup over time. Start small and dedicate 1-2 hours to meal
prep on Sundays.
I forgot my healthy snacks at home. What to do?
• Pick up carrot sticks or fruit from the store. —Ben Reiter, Pro Bellator,
Light Heavyweight
• Don’t forget it! - Kai Kaye, Amateur
• Hit the juice bar. - Anthony Hamilton, Pro, UFC Heavyweight
• Grab a healthy bar or a Jugo JuiceTM. - Smealinho Rama, Pro WSOF Heavyweight and Lightweight
• Pick up fruit. - Tyler Milner, Pro, Lightweight
Here are some tips for meal prep:
1. Buy in bulk (saves times and money).
2. Cook meals in advance to last for several days. For example,
cook several chicken breasts to use for a salad, stir-fry, omelet
or sandwich.
3. Frozen vegetables are a great time saver.
4. Prepare snack bags ahead of time. Cut up veggies and fruits
and store in travel containers to ensure you’ve got snacks on
the fly.
5. If portion size is important, measure out the amount you need
and put in separate containers for easy use.
It’s about that time. Are you ready to Get Fit Like a Fighter?
The professional fighters training at Jackson Wink MMA Academy are some of the
fittest, most well-rounded athletes around. To be successful in the cage, fighters need a
combination of strength, agility, explosiveness and endurance. In a fight, athletes utilize
their strength to throw powerful punches and kicks, absorb impact and resist tough
opponents. Explosiveness is key as fighters need to hit their opponent first and fast. The
length of a fight is never certain, so it’s essential to have the endurance to last 3-5 rounds
in the cage.
To achieve this level of fitness, athletes must train long and hard with qualified coaches.
Jackson Wink MMA Academy Co-Owner and Coach, Mike Winkeljohn or “Coach Wink”,
created a one-week training plan to get you moving like a fighter. It requires minimal
equipment and has been tailored for people at a moderate fitness level. This plan will
help you build strength, improve endurance, increase explosiveness and enhance your
overall fitness.
If you’re unfamiliar with some of the movements, we’ve got you covered with
video demos.
Everything you need to be a successful fighter, like strike force
and power, stems from the core.
Lifting an opponent, defending a take-down, grappling, punching or throwing a
powerful kick requires a rock-solid core. A strong core helps support the back and
minimize injuries.
JACKSON WINK PRO TIP: If you want abs like an MMA fighter, you need to eat
like a fighter.
You don’t need any expensive workout equipment to complete these exercises. The
most versatile and explosive athletes in the world all have a strong core and killer abs.
Let’s get after it.
• Crunches (warm-up):
This is a good warm-up for other abdominal exercises. Lie flat on your back, knees
bent. Lift your chin to ceiling. Start with 3 sets of 10 in the beginning and work up to 3
sets of 25 reps.
• Bicycles:
Lie on your back and bring your elbows to opposite knees in a pedaling motion. Start
with 30 seconds and work up to 1 min.
• Side crunches:
Lie on right side with your hands behind head. Bring your left elbow out toward your
left knee and crunch (working oblique). Start with 3 set sets of 10 and work up to 3 sets
Coach Wink’s Top 5 Abdominal Exercises:
of 25 reps. Repeat on the opposite side.
• Full sit ups:
Using a combination of a straight sit up and rotating your right elbow to your left knee
and left elbow to right knee, do a full sit up. Start with 10 and work up to 30 reps.
• Planks:
In a prone position, hold your body up on your palms (or forearms for beginners).
Hold for 45 seconds to one minute. Repeat 4 times.
If you’re looking for a little extra help on the movements, the fighters created a how-to
video. Check it out here: http://bit.ly/GetAbsLikeaFighter
Fighters need strong arms for striking, grappling, tosses, holds,
submissions and throws.
1. Medicine ball slams:
From a standing position, start by extending your arms so that the medicine ball is
overhead. From a deep squat, extend your arms and legs, squeeze your abs hard
and throw the medicine ball toward the ground. Catch the ball and repeat. Start with
10 reps and work up to 25 reps. Change it up: Complete fewer reps with a heavier
This exercise works the core, legs, arms and back all at once with elements of cardio and
agility built in. Here are the steps:
1. Begin in a seated position on the ground.
2. Extend your right arm up and post your left palm on the ground behind you.
3. Cross your right leg over your left leg and quickly pull your left leg beneath you, so
that you are in a standing squatting position. Do this as quickly as possible with the
intent of keeping your opponent at bay with extended arm.
Build up: Begin with 10 reps on each side. Eventually add a kettlebell or weight as you
become more advanced.
2. Turkish Get Up:
3. Around the world kicks with squats:
Repeat 10 reps until you can do 3 minutes’ worth.
1. Kick from a standing position. Squat between each kick.
2. Squat with knees shoulder-width apart and your weight distributed in your heels.
3. Alternate squats with a right front kick then a left front kick.
4. Next add a sidekick to each side (squatting in between).
5. Lastly, add right and left rear kicks (squatting in between).
If you’re looking for a little extra help on these movements, the fighters created
how-to videos. Check them out here: http://bit.ly/GetFitTurkishGetups,
http://bit.ly/GetFitAroundtheworldkicks, http://bit.ly/GetFitMedBallSlams
The ability to outlast your opponent in the cage for up to 3-5
rounds requires top-notch aerobic fitness.
It’s a key component of the training that fighters endure at Jackson Wink MMA. It’s time to
go heavy on sweat with Coach Wink’s top conditioning movements and workouts to get
you started on building up that endurance.
Running doesn’t require any equipment, other than finding a space outdoors. Coach
Wink recommends repeating this workout 2-3 times per week for 20-30 minutes. For
maximum impact, mix up your running in the following ways:
a. Mix up the interval lengths/intensity time. Try 30 seconds of hard running, then 15
seconds of easy jogging.
b. Mix up the distance. Try 40, 100 and 200 yard distances.
c. Mix up the terrain. Include both hills and flat surfaces.
2. Burpees
A burpee is an explosive, full-body movement that will leave you breathless. Just
like running, it doesn’t require extra training equipment, so there’s no excuse to not
get started on these today. The best way to do a burpee is to start standing straight
up, drop down into a push-up position, jump back up again and clap your hands
above your head. Burpees are a perfect addition to any endurance workout.
Complete 3 sets of 10 and build up over time. A solid, quick and fast-paced workout
is completing 50 burpees as fast as you can. Keep track of how long it takes you and
see how you improve over time.
If you’re looking for a little extra help on these movements, the fighters created a
1. Hill and Interval Sprints
how-to video. Check it out here: http://bit.ly/GetFitBurpees
3. Not a fan of running?
That’s okay. There are plenty of ways to get your heart rate and breathing up. Coach
Wink suggests swimming, cycling or jumping rope. Complete these exercises 2-3
times per week for 20-30 minutes.
Fighting requires movements in all directional planes and a high
level of flexibility, making stretching extremely important.
Many of the Jackson Wink fighters practice yoga to stretch and maintain mobility of their
joints. The long-term benefits of stretching are incredible. Put simply, it will improve
your flexibility and decrease the risk of injury during a workout. It’s paramount to being a
well-rounded athlete.
1. Easy leg kicks in all directions to warm up: front, side, and back for 3 to 5
2. Inchworm crawls up and down the mat slowly to stretch and warm up the core, back,
arms and legs. Do five in each direction or do them in one place.
3. Position yourself into a deep squat, keeping hands on feet/toes and slowly straighten legs, hinging at the waist. Repeat 10-12 reps.
Jackson Wink MMA Academy Owners and Coaches
Make sure you build in time for stretching, pre- and post-workout. Coach Wink recommends the following stretches:
You can’t have a successful training plan without incorporating rest and recovery
because your body needs time to repair and strengthen itself back up. It’s important
to recognize the signs of overtraining so you can avoid injuries that will take you out of
the fight. The best fighters know when and how to rest. This keeps them performing
at their best.
How to take a rest day like a fighter:
1. Get some sleep—you earned it.
2. Incorporate the nutritional guidelines mentioned earlier; it will lead to
a quicker recovery.
3. Hydrate as if it’s a regular day at the gym.
4. Stretch and roll out on a foam roller.
5. Relax, it’s your day off!
6. Get a massage.
Stronger, healthier, happier you for 2018 training plan
Here’s what you’ve been waiting for: the one-week workout plan from Coach Wink. A typical athlete
training at Jackson Wink MMA Academy would have a customized workout plan that incorporates many
of the movements you’ll find in this plan, in conjunction with a jiu jitsu and grappling course. If you’re looking
for a similar experience to use in tandem with the plan below, then Coach Wink suggests taking a martial
arts class in your community. It’s perfect for strengthening your mind and body. This plan centers on
explosive movements Monday, Wednesday and Friday, endurance movements Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday and a recovery day on Sunday.
If you’re new to working out on a regular basis, we suggest taking it slow and watching how your body
feels. You should chat with your health care professional before starting a new workout plan if you have
any concerns.
Monday and Friday: Are you ready for some aMMAzing changes?
Now, get ready for some heavy
Part 2: It’s time to heat up this
breathing! It’s time to sprint. Part 1:
training session with a little
Warm-up with a light
burn in the abs.
Part 3: Whole-body Exercises
1. Medicine Ball Slams: 1 set of 10
jog for five minutes.
Find a surface and begin a series of
Take a few minutes
fast-paced running. Complete one
Coach Wink’s Core Workout
(Rotate arms every other time)
to stretch before and
round of steps 1-4.
1. Crunches: 1 set of 15
3. Around the World Kicks: 1 set
after the light jog.
1. Run: 3 sets of 30-second runs with a
2. Bicycles: Complete as many
of 3. Increase pace of movements
45 second rest between each run
as possible in 45 seconds
as you feel comfortable
2. Run: 3 sets of 15-second runs with a
3. Side Crunches: 1 set of 15
4. Push-Ups and Pull-Ups:
30 second rest between each run
4. Full Sit-ups: 1 set of 15
a. Complete as many push-ups as
3. Jog: 2 minutes
5. Planks: Hold for 45 seconds
possible in 1 minute with rest as
4. Rest: Walk for 2 minutes
2. Turkish Get-Ups: 2 sets of 3
b. Complete as many pull-ups as
possible in 1 minute with rest as
Wednesday: Boom. You made it this far. It’s time to dominate your next training session.
Part 1: It’s time for more sprinting. Find a
Part 2: We’ve got strength training in
Part 3: You know the drill; it’s time to
flat ground surface for interval runs.
the mix today.
get back on the ab workout.
1. 2 sets of 2-minute interval runs (run for 2
a. Complete as many push-ups as
1. Repeat Coach Wink’s Core Workout
minutes and walk for 2 minutes)
possible in 1 minute with rest
from Monday and Friday
2. 4 sets of 1-minute interval runs (run hard
as needed
for 1 minute and walk for 1 minute)
b. Complete as many pull-ups as
3. 3 sets of 30-second runs with 30 seconds
possible in 1 minute with rest
of rest
as needed
4. 3 sets of 15-second runs with 15 seconds
of rest
Tuesday and Thursday: It’s time to get after
it with this endurance workout. You ready
to sweat?
Improving cardiovascular endurance is a key part of any athlete’s
Saturday: You’re going to punish this
workout like an MMA fighter!
1. Run: 1-3 miles, plus complete a bicycle ride or a hike
workout plan. It helps you maintain energy while others gas out.
The athletes at Jackson Wink incorporate conditioning into their
workout plans to withstand fatigue in a tough fight. Coach Wink
recommends a variety of endurance-building movements like running, swimming, burpees, jumping rope or a combination of all.
Endurance Workout Options:
1. Swimming: Laps for 10 minutes with a combination of different
strokes at a moderate pace
2. Jump Rope: Jump or skip rope for 1-2 minute rounds, resting
for 1 minute between rounds
1. You earned it! Enjoy a rest day.
3. Running: Run for 10-15 (1-1.5 miles) minutes at a moderate
pace. Set a mile goal and work to hit it.
4. Burpees: Top off your endurance workout with 10 burpees
Now it’s up to YOU.
We hope this booklet has helped to inspire you to reach down deep
and find the fighter inside you – the person ready to work hard, eat well
and do what it takes to be the healthiest, happiest version of yourself,
whatever that may mean.
We’d love to hear about your journey, so drop us a line from time
to time.
From all of us at,
Barlean’s & Jackson Wink
“The secret isn’t in quitting or not-quitting —
The secret is in thriving where others suffer.”
- Greg Jackson, Coach and Co-Owner
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2. Gordon, Garry M.D., D.O. The Omega-3 Miracle. Topanga, CA:
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4. Innis, Shiela. “Dietary (n-3) Fatty Acids and Brain Development.”
The Journal of Nutrition 137(2007):855-859.
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6. Lukiw, W., Bazan, N.G. “Docosahexaenoic Acid and the Aging
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7. Pham-Huy, L.A., He, H., Pham-Huy,C. “Free Radicals, Antioxidants
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17. Smythies, J.R. Every Person’s Guide to Antioxidants. New Bruswick, NJ:
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8. Stoll, Andrew M.D. The Omega-3 Connection. New York, NY:
Simon and Schuster, 2001.
9. Rodriguez-Leyva D, The cardiovascular effects of flaxseed and its
omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linolenic acid. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, Volume 26, Issue 9, November 2010, pp. 489-496.
10. Barceló-Coblijn G and Murphy EJ, Alpha-linolenic acid and its
conversion to longer chain n−3 fatty acids: Benefits for human health
and a role in maintaining tissue n−3 fatty acid levels. Progress in Lipid
Research, Volume 48, Issue 6, November 2009, pp. 355-374.
11. Andridge R., Belury MA., Glaser R., Glaser-Keicolt JK1, Malarkey
WB. Omega-3 supplementation lowers inflammation and anxiety in
medical students: a randomized controlled trial. Brain Behav Immun-Epub November 28(8): 1725-34.
“A stronger team makes for stronger
individuals. Stronger individuals helping
each other make a great team.”
- Coach Mike Winkeljohn
“We make good stuff,
to do good stuff.”
- Bruce Barlean, owner of Barlean’s
The Barlean’s Team
Start shopping like a fighter with this helpful list. It will keep you accountable on your next trip to the grocery store.
m Chicken
m Baby Carrots
m Eggs (free range)
m Broccoli
m Fish m Cauliflower
m Grass-Fed Beef/Buffalo
m Green Beans
m Kale/Chard
m Yogurt
m Bell Peppers
m Cottage Cheese
m Spinach
m Sweet Potato
m Black Beans
m Squash
m Garbanzo Beans
m Apples
m Pasta
m Bananas
m Quinoa
m Oranges
m Rice
m Frozen Berries
m Rice Cakes
m Mixed Frozen Vegetables
m Barlean’s Coconut Oil
m Almonds
m Extra Virgin Olive Oil
m Peanuts
m Trail Mix
m Honey
m Raw Sugar
m Protein Powder
m Barlean’s Superfood Greens™
m Almond/Coconut Milk
Jackson Wink MMA Academy
Together, they are changing the face of nutrition and training
in the MMA community by keeping athletes healthy and strong
from the inside out!
Family-owned and operated for over 25 years, Barlean’s manufactures high-quality organic flax oils, fish oils, green superfoods,
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Barlean’s is known for unparalleled product quality and has been
named both the #1 Health Food Store Brand and Manufacturer of
the Year.
Jackson Wink Contributing Authors:
Anita DelPrete, PhD is an author, lecturer, co-owner of DelPrete
Chiropractic, Inc. and the nutrition specialist for Jackson-Wink
MMA Academy fighters. Her program, Nutrition for the Fierce
Athlete®, combines nutritional education with customized plans
focused on optimizing an athlete’s health as well as performance. For over 15 years she has been educating people on
the critical role of nutrition with respect to health and disease
prevention. Her book, A Wellness Revolution: It Starts with You!,
examines habits that have opened doors to sickness and disease resulting in a health crisis and obesity epidemic in the US.
Heather Winkeljohn FDN-P is co-owner of Wink’s Gym and
Jackson-Wink MMA Academy and owner of Chew the Fat, LLC.
She is certified in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition™ and holds
BA’s in Education and Psychology. She helps individuals detect
food sensitivities and other issues that can create imbalances
in the intestinal tract and gut microbiome. Her other passion
is her program, Smart Girl Self Defense, in which she and her
husband, Mike, teach young women self defense and strategies
for times of crisis.
Coach Mike Winkeljohn is a world-renowned striking and MMA
coach. He co-owns and operates the number one MMA gym
in the world, the Jackson Wink Academy, and his smaller family
gym, Wink’s Gym. Coach Wink, as he is known, is a former
world title champion in Muy Thai and Kickboxing. He has
coached and continues to coach, some of the biggest names
in Mixed Martial Arts.
Jackson Wink:
Website: https://www.jacksonwink.com
Instagram: @jacksonwink_mma
Twitter: @JacksonWinkMMA
Facebook: @jacksonwinkmma
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Twitter: @barleans