1|Page COLLEGE OF LAW AND MANAGEMENT STUDIES School of Management, I.T. and Governance Discipline of Marketing and Supply Chain Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305W2H2) Module Outline 2022 2|Page WELCOME TO SPECIAL TOPICS IN MARKETING (MARK305) Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305) is a 16cps module. OBJECTIVES OF SPECIAL TOPICS IN MARKETING (MARK305) To introduce students to the specialised areas of Services Marketing and Social Marketing. To facilitate students in developing an understanding of the nature of services and its distinguishing characteristics as well as the unique aspects of developing marketing strategies for services. To focus on the nature, structure and distinguishing characteristics of Social Marketing. PRE-REQUISITES FOR MARK305 Pre-requisite requirement for Marketing major: MARK2IM and MGNT2SM. Any student NOT meeting this prerequisite will not be permitted to continue the course even if his/her registration has inadvertently been accepted. MODULE SYLLABUS COMPONENTS Part A: Social Marketing PRESCRIBED TEXTBOOK Lee, NR & Kotler, P (2020). Social Marketing: Behavior Change for Social Good. Fifth or Sixth edition, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks California. Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305W2H2) Module Outline 2022 3|Page Part B: Services Marketing PRESCRIBED TEXTBOOK Wilson, A., Zeithaml, V., Bitner, M., and Gremler, D. (2016). Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus across the Firm. Third European Edition. McGraw Hill. Electronic copies from the prescribed textbooks with all the relevant chapters covered in this module for Social Marketing as well as Services Marketing are uploaded on Learn. SUPPLEMENTARY READING Lovelock, C.H. Services Marketing, 3rd ed. Prentice Hall Palmer, A. Principles of Services Marketing, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill N.B.: You are advised to read widely rather than just referring to the prescribed textbooks. Students are required to access relevant pieces of information applicable to this module, which can be obtained via: The Internet (e.g. e-journals and e-articles), Newspapers (e.g. Business Day, Financial Mail, Daily News…), Journals (e.g. Journal of Marketing), Magazines, Library/Textbooks. Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305W2H2) Module Outline 2022 4|Page SOCIAL MARKETING: PART [A] - SYLLABUS Chapter 1 Defining and Distinguishing Social Marketing Chapter 2 10 Steps in the Strategic Marketing Planning Process/ 10 Steps Strategic Planning Model Chapter 3 Analysing the Social Marketing Environment/ Research Options SERVICES MARKETING: PART [B] - SYLLABUS Chapter 1 Introduction to Services Chapter 2 Consumer Behaviour in Services Chapter 3 Customer Expectations of Service Chapter 4 Customer Perceptions of Service Chapter 5 The Gaps Model of Service Quality Chapter 7 Building Customer Relations Chapter 10 Physical Evidence and the Servicescape Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305W2H2) Module Outline 2022 5|Page HOMEWORK You will be required to study two chapters per week. Questions will be uploaded on Learn for each chapter; it is your responsibility to attempt answering these questions prior to the online lectures. Interaction or active participation is encouraged during online lectures. Please Note: Your lecturer will not be able to cover all the material in each chapter. Your lecturer has provided detailed PowerPoint slides for each chapter via Learn, along with examples and pictures or diagrams to assist you to better understand the relevant content. Also, videos and other support material has been uploaded onto Learn. Your lecturer will provide online lectures via Zoom which include content coverage, discussions and revision weekly. You must make sure that you have studied the relevant chapters scheduled for the week and it is important that you answer the questions prior to attending the online lectures, this way your lecturer will be able to assist you with any questions or queries pertaining to the chapters covered during the lectures. It is your responsibility to read through the material not covered during the online lectures. Your lecturer will also provide online lectures discussing and addressing any assignment queries. Your lecturer will also provide revision online lectures for Test One, Aegrotat Test One, Test Two and Aegrotat Test Two as this will be beneficial in assisting you with your test preparations. Any questions or queries relating to the tests will also be addressed during these lectures. Regular attendance of online lectures is essential and will ensure that you understand concepts and theory as well as reach a successful completion of this Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305W2H2) Module Outline 2022 6|Page module. It will also provide you with the opportunity to ask questions or discuss any queries. EMAIL ACCOUNTS Students are required to check their e-mail accounts regularly as this platform will also be used. Notices or announcements will be posted when necessary. LEARN (LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) Learn will be utilised for this module. Information will be put onto Learn on a regular basis. Check Learn on a regular basis for access to all the relevant material and important notices or announcements pertaining to the module https://learn2022.ukzn.ac.za/ All information covered in your online lectures will be uploaded on Learn. STUDENT CENTRAL You are advised to visit Student Central regularly. Marks for all assessments will be posted onto Student Central. Students who have any queries regarding their marks should approach the relevant module administrator. Marks will be released within two weeks but should there be any changes, your lecturer will inform you. NB: Your assessments will go through an internal moderation process and thereafter an external moderation process and this practice is taken very seriously. Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305W2H2) Module Outline 2022 7|Page MODULE ASSESSMENTS There will be Two Online Tests and One Group Assignment which are all COMPULSORY. Students will be evaluated based on their performance in ALL THREE ASSESSMENTS. CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT [CA] STRATEGY The Continuous Assessment (CA) strategy in tandem with the weightings, dates, format and chapter coverage for the online tests and information about the group assignment are outlined below. Assessment One: Online Test One (Services Marketing) Weighting = 30% Date: 16 September 2022 (Friday) This assessment will run on the same day across two campuses with a duration of 90 minutes. Time: 5pm - 6.30pm Chapter coverage: 1, 2, 3 & 4 Format: A combination of MCQs & True/False questions There will be 40 questions in total Aegrotat Test One Only those students who receive approval may take this test. Please make sure that you follow the correct process in a timely manner. Weighting = 30% Date: 23 September 2022 (Friday) This assessment will run on the same day across two campuses with a duration of 90 minutes. Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305W2H2) Module Outline 2022 8|Page Time: 5pm – 6.30pm More information regarding this test will be discussed with the selected students. Assessment Two: Group Assignment (Social Marketing) Weighting = 40% [Online Submission via Learn] Due date: 3 October 2022 (Monday) until 7 October 2022 (Friday) Assessment Three: Online Test Two (Services Marketing) Weighting = 30% Date: 28 October 2022 (Friday) This assessment will run on the same day across three campuses with a duration of 90 minutes. Time: 5pm – 6.30pm Chapter coverage: 2, 5, 7 & 10 Format: A combination of MCQs & True/False questions There will be 40 questions in total. Aegrotat Test Two Only those students who receive approval may take this test. Please make sure that you follow the correct process in a timely manner. Weighting = 30% Date: 4 November 2022 (Friday) This assessment will run on the same day across three campuses with a duration of 90 minutes. Time: 5pm – 6.30pm More information regarding this test will be discussed with the selected students. Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305W2H2) Module Outline 2022 9|Page AEGROTAT TEST INFORMATION An Aegrotat Test, [which is not the same as a Make-up test], will only be offered to those students who have a valid reason for missing the online test/s, and whose requests to write the test have been approved, i.e. permission to write this test is NOT automatically granted to every student who has missed the class test. Those students who missed the online test/s due to one of the following reasons will be eligible to apply for the Aegrotat Test: Connectivity or device issues: students should apply for the aegrotat test and add screenshots of connectivity issues experienced when attempting to take the test. Load-shedding issues: students should apply for the aegrotat test and must send their load-shedding schedule for the area of residence as proof. Test clashes: students who have a test for another module at the same time and date may apply for the aegrotat test; students must send their module outline or other relevant documentation from that module as proof. Late registration challenges: students who experienced late registration challenges may apply for the aegrotat and must send documents/e-mails or any other information as proof of such challenges. The relevant documentation must provide proof that the challenges are recent. If students were given access to Learn at the beginning of the semester despite their registration challenges, this would mean that they had sufficient time to study and merely using late registration as an excuse. Other: It is imperative to submit all documentation such as medical/death certificates, or any other legitimate documentation. Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305W2H2) Module Outline 2022 10 | P a g e Relevant documentation and a detailed explanation for missing the test must be emailed to your lecturer before, during or immediately after the date of the missed test/s. You will be given a few days to apply and more information will be communicated to you by your lecturer. It is your responsibility to make sure that all the necessary processes are followed before the aegrotat date in order to receive the status of your application as soon as possible. GROUP ASSIGNMENTS [ONLINE SUBMISSION VIA LEARN] Students will be required to submit their Group assignments online via Learn. Those students who do not submit an assignment will be given a zero. Your assignment document must be in a PDF Format and not Word Format. Each group may comprise of a minimum of FIVE and a maximum of EIGHT members. Your lecturer will not require group lists so please do not email your group list to your lecturer. However, groups must be formed by 29 August 2022. Individual assignments will not be accepted as this is a group assessment. A Declaration Page and the Turnitin Similarity/Originality Page must be attached to your assignment and only one document must be submitted. NB: Further detailed information pertaining to the Group Assignment can be found in the Group Assignment Outline. To be uploaded on Learn soon. Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305W2H2) Module Outline 2022 11 | P a g e MODULE MARK ALLOCATION Assessment One: Online Test One Weighting: 30% Assessment Two: Group Assignment Weighting: 40% Assessment Three: Online Test Two Weighting: 30% GRAND TOTAL = 100% GRADING OF MARKS First Class Upper Second Lower Second Ordinary Pass Fail 75% + 68% - 74% 60% - 67% 50 – 59% 50< TIMETABLE FOR ONLINE LECTURES WESTVILLE CAMPUS DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 14h10 – 15h05 15h05 – 16h00 MON TUES WED THUR FRI Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305W2H2) Module Outline 2022 10 11 12 | P a g e HOWARD COLLEGE DAY 1 2 3 8h40 9h35 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MON TUES WED THUR FRI ADMINISTRATOR DETAILS If you have any queries of an administrative nature regarding this module, kindly refer them to the following administrators listed below for Westville and Howard College campus sites. ADMINISTRATOR E-MAIL Ms. Delisile Precious Magudulela (Westville campus) Magudulelad@ukzn.ac.za Mrs. Volente-Rushin Govender (Howard College) Rushinv@ukzn.ac.za Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305W2H2) Module Outline 2022 11 13 | P a g e LECTURER DETAILS LECTURER E-MAIL Dr K. Perumal (Westville) (Module coordinator) perumalkr@ukzn.ac.za Mrs. J. Tooray (Howard College) pillayj@ukzn.ac.za WRITING PLACE (WP) DETAILS WESTVILLE CAMPUS AND HOWARD COLLEGE Writing Place (WP) Details: Miss Serrenta Naidoo (Westville Campus and Howard College) Writing Place Coordinator Email address: Naidoos2@ukzn.ac.za N.B: Additional detailed information relating to the Writing Place can be found in the Group Assignment Outline. N.B.: Any changes to this module outline will be communicated to students timeously. WISHING YOU ALL THE BEST! Special Topics in Marketing (MARK305W2H2) Module Outline 2022