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Zoom In 4 Teacher's Book

teacher's book
S y lla b u s
2 -3
T e s ts
In tro d u c tio n
4 -7
• Test 1-3
• Test 4-6
• Test 7-9
Le sso n n o te s
T e a c h e r ’s R e s o u rc e P a c k
• Gam es
K e y to Q u izze s
• Vocabulary game
K e y to T e s ts
Q u izze s 1 -9
Z o o m In o n C e le b ra tio n s
T e a c h e rs
Lesson a
Lesson b
1a Look at them!
object pronouns
1b Don't cross the street!
D o n 't ...
Lesson a
2a You must listen to us
must - mustn't
Lesson b
2b W e're clever mice
irregular plurals
Lesson a
Lesson b
3a W hose clothes are
3b I collect hats!
Whose ... ?
How m any?
Zoom M agazine
Story Tim e
Revision 1 -3
1-3 Can you remember?
C onsolidation 1 -3
1-3 Zoom in on English
Project W o rk 1 -3
1-3 Zoom in on the world
Lesson a
4a Great shops!
Lesson b
4b W e're buying fruit
Lesson a
Lesson b
5a W h y is there a traffic
5b A quiz!
W h y ... ?
W h - questions
Present Continuous
Present Simple
Lesson a
6a They're taller!
Lesson b
6b W h at’s the highest
Zoom M agazine
Story Tim e
Revision 4 -6
4-6 Can you remember?
C onsolidation 4 -6
4-6 Zoom in on English
P roject W o rk 4 -6
4-6 Zoom in on the world
Lesson a
7a I w as in London
w as - were (affirmative)
Lesson b
7b Were you in the forest?
w as - were (interrogative - negative)
Lesson a
8a W e visited Zutopia
Past Simple -ed (affirmative)
Lesson b
8b Did you dance at the
Past Simple -ed (negative-interrogative)
Lesson a
9a Lucy bought this
Past Simple (irregular verbs)
Lesson b
9b The country mouse
and the city mouse
Past Simple (irregular verbs)
Teacher’s Book
turn into
opposite, between
Present Continuous
Zoom M agazine
Story Tim e
Project W o rk 7 -9
7-9 Zoom in on the world
Teacher’s Book
Welcome to Zoom!
Zoom in 4 is an innovative primary English course especially
designed for children aged 9 to 11 years old. It aims to guide
children through their first steps in English in a delightfully
imaginative learning environment. The particular needs and
interests of early learners are w ell catered for, while tried and
tested methods in EFL teaching are the foundation of this course.
A building block strategy has been employed, through which every
lexical and gram m atical item is carefully presented and
systematically revised in the course of the year.
Zoom in 4 has been designed to be completed in one school year.
It is based on a well-organised, multidimensional syllabus which
focuses equally on grammar, vocabulary, language functions,
lively topics and communication skills. The language is introduced
in an attractive w ay using illustrations and picture strips suited to
the students' age, cognitive development and experience. It is then
system atically practised throughout the unit, while speaking,
listening, reading and writing skills are developed in an integrated
w ay through a variety of communicative activities.
In Zoom in 4, it is intended that Ss' confidence should steadily be
built up in all language skills, by developing the abilities which
will eventually lead them to secondary level. In Zoom in 4, Ss are
encouraged to produce a wealth of simple written projects as their
bank of know ledge expands, giving them the opportunity to
creatively personalise the language through the m any projects
and writing activities described in the lesson notes.
Lesson a provides continuity through a story tine involving the
escapades of five basic characters that the Ss can identify with. It
features Zoom and Zem friendly creatures that emerge from the
computer to befriend the children: Lucy, Matt, Tina and Harry.
Lucy and M att are sister and brother w ho own a lovable pet dog
called Sparky. Tina is Lucy's friend w ho lives next door, and Harry
is M att's friend. In Zoom in 4, the story-line continues from Zoom
in 3.
Lesson b provides variety, reinforcing and expanding on material
from Lesson a. The presentation here may be either through factual
texts, stories, songs, poems or even games.
Children of the 9-11 age group are at a stage in their cognitive
development requiring special teaching methods which take their
specific needs into account.
• Children learn by experiencing the world through all five
senses. They have not yet developed the ability to
understand abstract ideas about gramm ar rules and usage.
Providing Ss with pieces of language like a dialogue or song
that will stick in their memory, will mean more to them than
teaching complicated rules.
• Children learn by saying and doing, that is w hy this course is
activity based. The course incorporates a wide variety of
activities like colouring, drawing, playing games, singing,
using stickers, making cards, dramatisation, etc.
• Speaking practice starts with choral repetition in the guided
reading practice section, then continues with fairly
controlled driLLing in the practice section, and then on to freer
personaLised language production as the course
progresses. Memorisation is the initial process.
Teacher’s Book
• Due to the short attention span of children of this age, the
lessons are deliberately designed so that no more than 5-10
minutes will be spent on each activity to ensure that learning
is not tedious but fun.
• Teach children good writing habits and organisational habits
from the start, and give advice on study techniques. Ss
should also know exactly what homework to do for the next
lesson. Have a special homework section in a notebook for a
clear record of homework set, beneficial for both the
students and their parents.
• Organise your lessons in a particular routine. This gives
students a sense of security and helps them recognise the
various stages of the lesson easily.
• Give every student a chance to shine - when you discover
each student's individual talents, make sure you give them a
chance to display them.
• Be a child yourself: sing, dance, act, draw! Be enthusiastic it’s contagious!
• Last but not least, remember that a creative and enjoyable
learning environment is created first and foremost by the
teacher with patience, humour, understanding and a spirit of
acceptance. Lavish praise and encouragement on the
students, however sm all their achievements. Sticker awards
for good spellers or good reader stars are a secondary
incentive for children, compared to a sincere smile of
approval and "W e ll done!" from a teacher they trust.
Teacher's Book
This contains:
• an introduction with a clear course outline and explanation
of objectives
• step-by-step lesson plans aimed to maximise the effective use
of the coursebook material
a a dear Layout which includes reduced student's book
pages for easy use
a helpful tips and extra activities suitable for early learners
a listening tapescripts / key for Student's book and workbook
• a resource pack with games
• optional unit mini-tests and major tests for use at the end of
every three units (all photocopiable)
Student's Book
This contains:
• nine four-page units divided into two lessons
a active vocabulary explained through illustrations
a listening activities
a communication activities for oral practice
□ songs, poems and games
□ pronunciation practice
• three two-page Can You Remember revision units, which help
the teacher to plan remedial work or consolidation
• a gramm ar and pronunciation review after the revision units
with useful gram m ar tables for a clear record of the
students' target material
• three special sections with cross-cultural information leading
to optional projects
• two traditional songs at the end of the book which are
culture specific and can be used anytime throughout the
• a free student's audio C D / C D RO M containing the dialogues
and stories as well as all songs and active vocabulary
presentation for home reference
This contains:
• nine four-page units divided into two Lessons
• three Can You Remember revision units, which supplement
the work in the Student's Book
• a self-evaluation section aiming to give students a real sense
of achievement by getting them to realise w hat they are able
to do with the language at this point. Self-assessment also
serves to indicate to Ss where their individual strengths and
weaknesses lie
The W orkbook material, which is carefully graded, carries the bulk
of the writing practice in the course. It is m ainly meant to be
assigned for homework, but som e of the w ork m ay be done in
class. W hereas m any of the activities in the coursebook are
designed for pair or group work, the writing in the W orkbook is
intended to be for individual work.
Class cassettes or CDs
These contain recordings of:
• all the dialogues and stories used for presentation
• a presentation of all the active vocabulary
• the listening activities
• the pronunciation activities
• the two traditional songs at the back of the book
A ll recorded items are indicated by a cassette sym bol in both the
Student's and the Teacher's books.
The Teacher's Book provides you with a step-by-step guide to
teaching each lesson. There are no hard and fast rules and teachers
display their own individual creative style in teaching. However,
when pressed for time as most teachers are, it m ay be reassuring
to have a Lesson outline with extra ideas handy for easy reference.
(Suggested procedure)
You m ay wish to give your class a short dictation at the beginning
of the lesson. Be very flexible at the beginning of the year and only
gradually should you insist on greater accuracy.
Read the dictation phrase by phrase very slow ly at first, making
sure the phrases have some semantic unity. Then read it again at
normal speed so that students can check for mistakes.
Alternative w ays of working with dictation include occasionally
allow ing Ss to check each other's w ork before you do the final
correcting (let the Ss give a mark) or getting a student to give you
a dictation on the board, where you make deliberate " m istakes".
Get the class to correct this and give you a mark. Letting the Ss see
that you are willing to exchange roles and be "caught out" will
create a more relaxed and less critical atmosphere in class.
• To raise Ss' expectations, ask them to make predictions about
the content of the picture strip. The Teacher's book provides
pre-listening focus questions intended to focus Ss' attention
on what they are going to hear. M ake sure you don't give
aw ay the answers at this stage. In this w ay the Ss alw ays
have an aim for listening, since listening and speaking are the
initial stages in language learning.
• Now and then it is suggested in the Lesson notes that a
certain language point m ay be presented before the
presentation text / dialogue, so that Ss can focus on the
situation more readily and perhaps be prepared to focus
more on other considerations such as the vocabulary or
answering comprehension questions. On other occasions, the
aim is to help Ss absorb the new points by showing how they
lead on from previously taught items.
Begins with a picture strip that features the main characters of the
book and presents the main structures and vocabulary of the lesson
in a pleasant situation that is appropriate to the cognitive and
em otional development of children of this age. Ss listen to the
dialogue at least twice.
Look and listen
This is the first time that Ss listen to the dialogue of the comic strip.
Ss are generally intended to focus on the pictures only. After
they've listened to the dialogue, compare their predictions and ask
them to answer the pre-listening focus question. You m ay even
ask them some general comprehension questions to check what
they have understood from the dialogue.
Listen, point and repeat
This is guided reading practice. During this listening, Ss listen to
each phrase in isolation, point to the correct speech bubble and
repeat the sentence they have just heard.The cassette allows them
enough time to repeat the sentence during the pause. The emphasis
is on recognition of the written word. Some teachers m ay feel that
their Ss have mastered reading at this level. In this case you may
omit phrase by phrase repetition in certain lessons- the course
allows this flexibility. The lesson must be tailored to suit the needs
of each particular class.
Get the Ss to practise the dialogues in smalL groups before you ask
individuals to read so as to give self-conscious Ss a chance to
practise without being singled out. M onitor them for correct
pronunciation and intonation. Finally, you may ask volunteers to
role-play the dialogue in front of the class if the situation being
presented is suitable for this.
It is suggested in the Teacher's Book that a few minutes are devoted
to some revision at the beginning of each lesson. This may take the
form of a brief gam e or role-play, brainstorming on word fields,
revision of a song or poem.
• In this section the lesson topic is introduced. It is suggested
that the teacher should ask questions relevant to the topic in
the Ss' native language (L1). A s the course progresses, more
of this is done in English to recycle language as it is taught.
Teacher’s Book
Reading Comprehension activity
There is a simple reading comprehension activity on the dialogue
that the students are asked to complete after they have done their
reading practice. M ake sure that the students have understood
exactly w hat they have to do before you ask them to do the
exercise and check the answers in class. The exercise may take the
form of Circling the correct answer, Matching, True/False, Multiple
choice, Tick the correct picture. Answering questions and putting
pictures in the correct order.
Vocabulary presentation activity
(Listen, point and repeat)
• During this activity, the Ss listen to the new lexical items of
the lesson twice.
• During the first listening, they listen to the words and repeat
them after the cassette. There is a pause so that the Ss have
enough time to repeat the lexical item.
• If you wish, you m ay then repeat the words in random order
and ask the Ss to point and repeat the words after you for
further reinforcement of the new vocabulary.
In lesson b of each unit the structures presented in lesson a are
recycled and consolidated.
Occasionally, there m ay also be another secondary point being
presented in the lesson. The text types are deliberately varied: from
factual to stories and myths, from song to game. The practice
section follows the same format as in the a lessons.
In m any b lessons the presentation of the new elements is
performed through a story in dialogue form. The procedure that
should be followed in this case is similar to that suggested for the
picture strip presentations in the a Lessons.
Factual texts
Besides stories, there are also some lessons that contain factual
information from the everyday world. These are meant to
introduce the Ss to some longer texts of varied content and
purpose. In this type of text, a slightly modified procedure should
be followed. The focus is on silent reading. It is advisable that some
work on the photos is done before Ss read: for instance, the Ss could
be asked to make predictions about the texts that will follow by
looking at the photos.
Some scanning of the texts m ay be required and the Ss are
encouraged to understand the general m eaning of the text,
without worrying about the unknown words at first. They are given
practice guessing at the unknown words and given guidance on
using contextual clues to guess.
When they have understood the text, they listen to the texts on the
cassette and follow w hat they hear in their books. The next step
is reading practice. In the end, ask them simple reading
comprehension questions on the texts (suggestions are provided in
each lesson plan).
Songs and poems
M usic and song play an important role in learning for this age
group. Therefore, the new material in the b lessons is often
presented through songs and poems. These have the advantage
of providing very good pronunciation, stress and intonation
practice, as well as variety in lessons. Since the relatively short
concentration span of the children makes it necessary to constantly
vary the classroom activities, diversity is the key, and music as well
as gam es provide this.
• Before you play the cassette, draw Ss' attention to the
illustrations surrounding the lyrics of the song.
Teacher’s Book
• If the songs are accompanied by actions, demonstrate these in
front of the whole class as you play the cassette the first time.
Ss learn in a variety of ways, but for this age group TPR (Total
Physical Response) is best achieved in the context of action
songs and games. Allow ing Ss to stand up and dance or
perform the motions of a song during class will also reduce
the feeling of restriction which comes from being seated
during the whole lesson.
• Ss can listen to the song / poem at least twice. The first time,
ask them to follow the lyrics in their books. The second time
encourage them to sing / read along with the cassette.
• Finally, read the lesson-by-lesson notes for additional
activities on specific songs.
• Go back to favourite songs in previous units now and again
to let the Ss absorb and expand on what they have already
• Turn down the sound as the Ss are singing a song they know
well - this will be an amusing test of their singing abilities.
In one b lesson, the presentation is done through a quiz. This can
be organised as a team game.
(This is common for both lessons a and b)
Listening activity
The listening activity focuses on the main language points of the
lesson. These are varied in form and carefully graded from easy
to difficult as the course progresses.
Communicative activity
After all the input in the presentation stage comes the next stage:
controlled practice in oral language production, which often takes
the form of a pairwork activity or game. The situations most often aim
at personalising the language point presented initially, using themes
that are easily set up in the classroom environment and familiar to the
children. Make sure that Ss swap roles and interact equally.
Writing activity
After speaking, there is usually a writing activity that aims to
consolidate in writing w hat the students have already listened to
or spoken about. These writing activities are short enough for the
students to have enough time to do them during class. Remember
that the bulk of the students' writing is to be done in the Workbook.
Check the writing activities before Ss leave the class so that you
are sure they have grasped the basic language point of the lesson.
This is a sm all highlighted box that focuses Ss’ attention on certain
grammatical points.
• Read through each example in class and make sure all Ss
understand exactly w hat is explained in the box.
• If possible, give further examples of the same language point.
• Remember that chiLdren do not absorb abstract grammatical
rules easily, so correct usage is presented through examples
and practised by imitation, rather than being taught through
the memorising of complex rules.
In two b Lessons the practice is done through a game. The listening,
communication and writing activities are skipped. A strong sense
of competition m ay give some Ss a feeling of inadequacy, so tone
down the competitiveness by getting Ss to change partners now
and then. Also, encourage Ss to collaborate in sm all groups to
encourage a team spirit.
There is a two-page magazine before every Story time unit that
aims to consolidate and review the material in the previous units of
the book through the use of interesting texts and fun activities.
The m agazines contain various reading texts, quizzes, tongue
twisters, games and puzzles.
Cross-cultural and cross-curricular information is aLso included in
the texts and activities. The information is intented to motivate
students to learn more about the world around them.
relevant units. These questions can be answered either orally
or in written form. You could even have Ss ask each other in
• The pronunciation features the main sounds in funny
sentences that the students are asked to reproduce orally.
The sounds being practised are all highlighted. W hen they
are required to contrast simiLar sounds, these sounds are
highlighted in two different colours so that Ss can spot the
difference in pronunciation and pay particular attention
when they reproduce the sounds.
Following every Zoom Magazine there is a story consisting of three
episodes. Through these episodes, students can practise reading
in a contextualized form and have the chance to experience the
language used in different situations. Additionally, the story line
in each story has been designed in such a w a y as to promote
reading for entertainment purposes, and maintains an element of
suspense in each episode to motivate students to read on.
These three units follow the Zoom in on English units and give
cross-cultural factual information on one of the topics that w as
taught during the previous units. The information comes from
various countries and provides the m odel for a project that the
students can prepare about themselves and/or their own country.
The three revision units of Zoom in 4 aim to consolidate and review
the material taught in the previous units of the book. They consist
of five exercises that aim to cover all the grammar and vocabulary
taught in these units.
1. In the first exercise is a vocabulary exercise focusing on lexis
recognition. This exercise is used as a technique for
consolidating new vocabulary through categorising.
2. The second exercise Ss have to choose the correct answer
between tw o alternatives. This exercise aims to recycle a key
structure and/or some key vocabulary taught in the relevant units.
3. The third exercise is a comprehension-based activity where Ss
are required to read three sm all texts and match them with the
correct pictures. The students are required to look for specific
information in the texts and match them with visual stimuli.
4. The fourth exercise is a short picture strip which involves new
characters but recycles familiar vocabulary and structures. The Ss
are asked to complete the gaps in the dialogue with words from
the box.
5. The fifth exercise is a personalisation exercise that requires Ss
to use the language being revised and apply it to their personal
experience in writing.
In the workbook there are also Can you remember units
corresponding to the units of the coursebook. It is advisable to do
the coursebook units in class and assign the workbook units as
These three units appear after every Can you remember unit in the
book and aim to consolidate all language learnt in the units listed.
Each unit is divided into three distinct sections: a gramm ar review,
a personalisation activity and pronunciation.
• The gram m ar review consists of tables highlighting the
grammatical structures introduced (and modelled) in the
previous units. To teach this, first read the tables making sure
all Ss follow in their books. Stop after an important point
and give Ss an extra example. Then ask them to give their
own example to ensure that they understand.
• In the personalisation activity Ss have to read and answer
some personal questions involving grammatical structures
and vocabulary items that they have been taught in the
Teacher’s Book
Look at them!
Language focus
object pronouns
sit down, stand up, touch, open, close
I'm sorry.
Look at them!
a Look at them!
• Books open. Ask Ss if they can
remember the new Zutopian's name,
• Pre-teach washing machine. Then,
point to picture 2 and ask Ss where Zem
is, (in the washing machine).
• For pre-listening focus, draw Ss'
attention to picture 4 and ask them in
L1 what they think Zem is doing, (Zem
is touching the fish and they are
becoming purple).
2. Listen, point and
repeat, *jj
3 . W h at are they talking about? Match.
picture 2 —
“Guys, look at him."
picture 2 —j- "Open it now please, Matt."
picture 3 ■■■}■ "... listen to me."
picture 4 -j>
"Look at them."
Look and listen.
A presentation of the language points
through a realistic situation
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• Ask Ss to answer the pre-listening
focus question.
Listen, point and repeat. ’lS
Guided reading practice
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• After Ss have had sufficient reading
practice, assign roles so that they can
act this scene out in front of the class.
Teacher’s Book
3 What are they talking about? Match.
A reading comprehension activity
• Draw Ss' attention to the object
pronouns in italics.
• Ss match the sentences with the
pictures on the right.
• Check the answers in class.
4 Listen, point and repeat. TEj
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
• Play "Simon S a ys" (Game No 3) to
practise imperatives.
Remember to include stand up, sit down,
open, close, touch and any others Ss
have learnt.
Lesson A
5. Listen and number (1-5).
A listening activity practising imperatives
• Tell Ss that they will hear five children
giving orders.
• Ss listen to the cassette and number
the pictures in the order they are
• Allow at least two hearings.
• Check the answers in class.
sit down
stand up
Girl: Open the door, please!
Boy: Touch my cuddly toy. It's soft.
Girl: Stand up, Rex ... Good dog.
Boy: W e're playing a game. Let's
play together. Sit down!
5. Girl: It's cold today. Close the door,
3 1
4 2 5
6 Sing. TL
6 . Sing.
An activity practising and reinforcing the
language points through rhythm
‘- I s
Look a t us
• Ss listen to the song at least twice.
• The first time ask them to follow the
lyrics in their books.
• The second time encourage them to
sing along with the cassette.
Look at us.
We're purple.
Look at them! They're green.
Zem is playing tricks again.
He's in the washing machine!
7. Choose and complete.
1. The fish are purple. Look at
7 Choose and complete.
A simple writing activity practising object
• Ss choose from the pronouns in the
box to do this gap filling exercise.
• Check the answers in class.
2. Zem's in the washing machine. Look at
3. Tina's playing the guitar. Listen to _
3. her
4. us
• For next time, ask Ss to bring dice for
the gam e in 1b.
4. We're going to Zutopia. Come with .
End of Lesson
• Focus Ss' attention on the pronouns in
the Look! section. Demonstrate how the
accusative case pronouns come after
the verb (object position), by writing a
few examples on the board:
I like her, She likes him, He likes her.
We Like them, They Like us
Translate the pronouns into L1 if you
The nominative case pronouns
(l/you/he /she/ it) can be written in
blue and the accusative (me/you/him/
her) in red to make their position clear.
• PLay "Find your Partner" (Game No 8).
Ask Ss to sit or stand in a circle. Pland out
cards on which you have written all the
pronouns in the Look! section (both
nominative and accusative forms) on
separate cards. Then call out the
nominative case pronouns, eg: // she / he
and ask the student holding this card to
swap places with the student holding the
accusative form, eg: me/her/him.
• Ss can point to a student they like and
say: / like him / her (as appropriate)
before they leave.
Workbook key
1. 2. Sit down 3. Close the door
4. Open the w indow 5. Touch them
2. M ake sure Ss have matched the
sentenses correctly.
3. 2. it 3. him 4. them 5. her 5. me
4. M ake sure Ss have written the correct
instruction and coloured the picture.
Teacher’s Book
Language focus
D o n 't ...
hide, give, turn right, turn Left, cross the
Come here.
Be careful.
b Don't cross the street!
1. Look and listen.
W h a t can it do?
Look at my new robot.
Where is it?
It’s hiding under the table.
C om e here, Buzz.
W e ll done Buzz! Give me the
game. Oh no, Buzz! D o n 't g o out!
• C all out a student to the front of the
class and give him / her an order. If
possible use an imperative with an
object pronoun,
eg: Close the door. Close it.
• W hen Ss feet confident enough, get
them to work in pairs and give orders to
each other.
It can p lay board '
games. W atch. Buzz,
bring me the "Lost in
the jungle" game.
D o n ’t cross the street!
Be careful, Buzz!
Am azing! But
where is it
go in g now ?
2. Listen, point and repeat. "Jj
• Books open. Focus Ss' attention on
their books. Point to the pictures and
Are they in the bathroom/kitchen?
Where are they? (In the living room.)
Are there any oranges on the table?
(No, there are some flowers.)
What can yo u see under the table?
(A robot.)
• Then discuss what is happening in L1.
Establish that this toy robot does not
follow his owner's orders.
• For pre-listening focus, ask Ss what
they think happened to the robot in the
last picture, (he crossed the road and
got hit by a car).
3. True or False?
picture 1 ■■■* Buzz is in the kitchen.
picture 2 •••* Buzz can't play board games.
picture 3 ••••> Buzz is holding the game.
picture 4 •••;<• Buzz is crossing the street.
1. Look and listen.
A presentation of the language points
through a realistic situation
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• Ss answer the pre-listening focus
• Ask: Is Buzz a clever robot? (No, he
3, True or False?
A simple reading comprehension activity
• Ss read the statements and tick the
correct answer. True or False.
• Check the answers in class.
Picture 2: False
Picture 3: True
Picture 4: True
4, Listen, point and repeat.
2, Listen, point and repeat.
Guided reading practice
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• W hen everyone has had sufficient
practice reading, you can assign roles and
act this situation out in front of the cLass.
Teacher’s Book
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
4 . Listen, point and repeat.
cross the street
don't turn right
turn left
5. Play the game.
G o to 25.
Hide in the
tree house. Go
to 21.
Give them some
bananas. G o to
the snake. G o
to 23.
• Take this opportunity to talk about
Road Safety.
You can bring in pictures or draw
pictures of simple traffic signs to
discuss. Try to get Ss to interpret the
sym bols in English. Try the basic ones,
like: Turn right / left. D o n 't turn right/
left, first and continue with other rules
like when to cross at traffic lights: W alk
- green m an / D o n't walk - red man.
• Discuss the importance of crossing at
the zebra crossing. Say Stop, look and
listen. Then cross the road. Walk. D o n't
End of Lesson
• Give students an order which they
must follow before they leave.
Go to 29.
Jump on the
Ipn’t walk,
lim b the tree.
Sàjo 2 8 .
You're next to
a snake. G o to
It's cold.
W ear a coat.
G o to 2.
Don't walk.
There’s a tiger.
G o to 1.
G o to 3.
Read the book.
• Play "R o bo ts" (Game No 7).
Each student has a turn being the
Robot as they follow your directions.
(Don't forget to include some negative
imperatives as well). Say: Turn right/
left. D on't turn right/left. In this w ay
you can direct a student to another
student. Then ask: W ho is there? This
student can then have the next turn.
5, Play the game.
An activity designed to reinforce and
expand on the given language points
• Encourage Ss to use English as much
as they can throughout the game, eg:
in counting, and teach them useful
phrases for playing eg: M y / g o u r turn.
• The gam e is played in pairs.
• Ss need dice and pawns, (they can
use their rubbers as pawns).
• Ss take turns to throw the dice and
the one with the lowest number starts.
• Ss move to the square indicated by
the dice and follow the directions on
the square if there are any, otherwise
they stay put.
• To finish, Ss must throw the exact
number and the first to reach “finish"
Workbook key
1. 2. Don't cross the street.
3. Stand up.
4. Don't ride your bike in the house.
2. Picture 2: Give me
Picture 3: Turn left
Picture 4: D on't turn right!
3. 2. b
3. a
4. h
5. d
6. c
7. i
8. f
9. e
Teacher’s Book
You must listen to us
__ :
Language focus
must - mustn't
throw Litter in the bin, write on the w all
and desk, chew gum, be quiet, stay
here, sad, happy, rules
Have a nice day!
Come back!
I'm bored.
This is exciting.
a You m ust listen to us
• Draw pictures of traffic signs and
revise imperatives.
• Books open. Pre-teach the word rules.
Ask Ss w hat they think is happening
now. (Matt is giving Zem a set of rules
to follow so that he w o n't create any
more mischief.)
• Then, ask Ss to look at pictures 4 and
5 and describe Zem 's feelings. (In
picture 4 he looks sad and in picture 5
he looks happy.)
• For pre-listening focus ask Ss to
predict where Zem is going and what
he m ay get up to. (He's going to the
city and he's ready to create more
2. Listen, point and repeat.
3. Read and circle.
picture 2 •••$• Zem must/mustn't stay in the bedroom,
picture 4 •••>• The children/Zem and Sparky are at home,
picture 4
Zem is sad/happy at home.
1. Look and listen.
A presentation of the language points
through a realistic situation
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• Ask Ss to answer the pre-listening
focus question.
2. Listen, point and repeat. 'A j
Guided reading practice
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• After everyone has had sufficient
reading practice, assign roles and get
the Ss to act out the dialogue in class.
3 Read and circle.
A reading comprehension activity
• Ss read the statements and circle the
correct option.
• Check the answers in class.
2. must
4. Zem and Sparky
4. sad
4 Listen, point and repeat. 'aj
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
• Draw Ss' attention to the Look! section
and present the affirmative and
negative forms of must. Also point out
Teacher’s Book
1. Karen must go to the supermarket.
2. Sam mustn't watch TV.
3. Sue mustn't touch the computer.
f ~~
4» Listen, point and repeat. J j
6 Ask and answer.
A communicative speaking activity
practising the new structure
litter in
the bin
write on
the wall
and desk
be quiet
mustn't touch the computer.
• Ss work in pairs. TeLl Ss that they will
discuss rules at home; what they must
or mustn't do.
• Demonstrate this by acting out the
example with a student.
• W alk round the class offering
encouragement and praise, and making
sure Ss are interacting equaLly.
I must stay here.
Ask the class if they can add any other
ideas to the topic of Rules at Home
using must - mustn't, eg:
I mustn't watch TV all night.
I must help m g mother.
I must drink m y milk.
I mustn't stay here.
must go to the supermarket.
mustn't watch TV.
7. Choose and complete.
6 . A sk and answer.
A simple writing activity
• Ss complete the sentences using must
or mustn't.
• Check the answers in class.
1. mustn't
3. must
2. mustn't
ride my bike in the house
dean my bedroom
write on the walls
do my homework
throw litter in the bin
7. Choose and complete.
1 .1
write on desks at school.
2. I
play footbalL in the house.
3. I
be quiet in the classroom.
that must is alw ays followed by the
bare infinitive Say: the plain form of the
verb, to avoid grammatical
terminology and demonstrate this by
writing a few model sentences on the
eg.: You must d e an pour bedroom.
She must listen to the teacher.
5. Listen and match. ^
A listening activity focusing on must mustn't
• Tell Ss that they will hear a father
telling his children what they must or
mustn't do at home.
• Ss listen carefully and match the
beginning and ending of the sentences.
• A llo w at Least two hearings and
check their answers in class.
Dad: Listen kids. M um is not here,
so these are the rules for today.
Karen, what are you doing?
Karen: I'm playing computer games.
Dad: Well, you must go to the
supermarket, today.
Karen: Oh no, Dad.
Dad: Oh yes, Karen.
Sam, you've got a test tomorrow.
You mustn't watch TV tonight.
Sam: But Dad I like TV.
Dad: No, Sam. Go to your room. You
must do your work. You can use
the computer.
Sue: Dad, I want to play computer
gam es ...
Dad: No, Sue. You mustn't touch the
com puter...
You must clean your bedroom.
Sue: Oh Dad!
• Ss can make a list of school rules to
display in the class. Each student should
write a school rule on a piece of paper.
The teacher collects all the rules and
sticks them on a cardboard and displays
it on the wall.
eg.: You mustn't chew gum in class.
You mustn't be late.
You mustn't write on the desks.
You must listen to the teacher.
You must throw litter in the bin.
End of Lesson
• Ss can say any sentence containing
must or mustn't before they leave.
Workbook key
1. 2. stay 3. throw 4. be 5. chew
2. M ake sure Ss have read the
sentences and numbered the pictures
3. 2. must 3. must 4. mustn't
4. M UST
2. You must listen to the teacher.
3. You must throw litter in the bin.
4. You must clean your desk.
2. You mustn't chew gum.
3. You mustn't eat in the library.
4. You mustn't write on the walls.
Teacher’s Book
Language focus
We're clever mice
irregular plurals
good, bad, young, old, lazy, clever,
thin, people, men, women, children,
W hat about you?
W hat do you do?
• Books closed. Tell Ss that you are
Zem and they must tell you your rules see how m any they can remember
from the previous lesson. If they can't
remember them, help them by
reminding them of the verbs.
2 . Match.
• Books open. In L1 ask Ss if they have
ever been involved in a school play and
what they did in their role (wear a
costume / dance / sing / recite a
poem?). Draw Ss' attention to the
Student's Book and say that they are
going to hear a song that is part of a
play. Ask: When is the p la y ?
(On Saturday at 6 o'clock.)
The boy is
lazy and quiet.
The mice are
good and happy
The frogs are
quiet and nice.
1. Sing,
'- t i
A presentation of the new language
points through a song
• Ss listen to the song once or twice as
they follow in their books.
• After that, invite the class to join in
• Get some Ss to come to the front of
the class and play the role of the boy,
mice and frogs as the class sings. You
can make some "costumes": cardboard
ears and tails for the mice and flippers
for the frogs. Encourage Ss to act out
their part: the boy plays, the mice sleep
and the frogs swim.
T e a c h e r's Book
2 Match.
A reading comprehension activity
• Ss read and match the beginning and
ending of the sentences.
• Check the answers in class.
1. The boy is good and happy.
2. The mice are quite and nice.
3. The frogs are lazy and quiet.
3, Listen, point and repeat. TU
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
• First remind Ss of the regular
plural form of nouns (-s and -es forms).
Write up some singular nouns on the
board and invite individual Ss to write
5 Play the game and draw your silly
An activity practising sentence structure
through a game
• Write the following lists of words on
pieces of paper:
elephant dog cat parrot mouse frog
monkey tiger crocodile flam ingo
good bad
ugly short
4 . Listen and tick ( ■ / ) .
1. The parrot is
• Place them on your desk in two piles.
• Ss choose an animal from the first pile
and two adjectives from the second
pile. Instruct Ss to remember their
words and write a silly sentence.
• Tell Ss to draw their silLy sentence.
• Get Ss to come to the front of the
class and show their picture. The rest of
the class try and guess the sentence,
with the correct adjectives. The student
to guess correctly, continues the game.
• M ake sure the sentences are like the
given example before Ss begin to play
the game.
"J j
2. The boy is ,
3. The dog is ,
3 bad.
w om an
a lon g snake
long snakes
an old man
old men
6 Look and complete.
5 . Play the gam e and draw your silly sentence.
A simple writing activity
• Ss use the words in the box to
complete the gaps.
• Check the answers in class.
This elephant is thin
and quiet!
2. clever
3. young
4. birds
6 . Look and
• Ss choose the funniest sentences from
exercise 5 above and mount them on a
cardboard to be displayed in class.
Aw ard a prize to the best presentation.
3. A
End of Lesson
4. The _
their plural form, eg: orange - oranges,
tog - togs, babg - babies, box - boxes,
girl - girls etc.
• Then, focus Ss' attention on the Look!
section and the irregular plural form of the
following nouns: m an/ w om an/child/
mouse. Tell Ss that there is no standard rule
for these and that the plural form must be
learnt by heart. Get Ss to repeat them after
you and stress the correct pronunciation.
• Finally, draw attention to the use of
adjectives before plural nouns. Emphasise
that adjectives do not take a plural form
in English!
4. Listen and tick ( V ) . '!K
A listening activity focusing on the
• Tell students that they will hear some
children talking about family and pets.
• Allo w at least tw o hearings.
• Check the answers in class.
Girl: This is my parrot, John.
Boy: He's beautiful. How old is he?
Girl: He's one year old!
Girl: That's my brother, Carl.
Boy: W hat is he doing?
Girl: He's sleeping. He alw ays sleeps
and eats. He never helps around
the house.
Girl: Is that your dog?
Boy: Yes, it is. Come here Rex ... Rex!
Oh he never listens to me!
1. young
2. lazy
• Ss must spell the plural form of any
noun learnt (regular or irregular) before
they leave.
• Alternatively, play "H a n g m a n "
(Game No 1) with all the adjectives
they have learnt so far.
Workbook key
1. 2. ugly 3. thin 4. quiet 5. hot
6. short 7. fast 8. happy 9. bad
10. old
2. 2. Little mice 3. A clever boy 4. A
good dog 5. Lazy cats 6. Old people
3. 2. They are good children
3. They are young wom en
4. They are little mice
4. M ake sure Ss have matched the
sentences correctly.
3. bad
Teacher’s Book
Language focus
W hose ...?
Possessive Case
jacket, jumper, T-shirt, swimsuit, skirt,
jeans, shoes, trainers, boots
W hat a mess!
W hose clothes are these?
1. Look and listen.
There's something behind the
door. I can't open it.
W h a t a mess!
W hose clothes are
these? Are they
your clothes Lucy?
No, they aren't.
They're mum's.
• Sing the song from Unit 2b.
[W h e re 's Zem? He's in trouble.)
Is he in the bedroom?
No, it isn't. It's Sparky's ..
and this T-shirt is Matt's.
! Guys, Zem isn't in the house
No, he isn't. Is this
your toy, M att?
I Pt'c nn \A/p miict finrl him
• Books open. In L1 ask Ss if theg
remember what happened in the
previous episode of our story,
(Matt gave Zem some rules - told him
to stay in the room and behave
himself). Ask if Zem w as still in the
house, (No, he had left).
• Tell Ss to look at the pictures in their
book and discuss what is happening,
(the kids return home only to find
everything in a mess and Zem gone).
Draw Ss' attention to the first two
pictures and ask:
Where are the children?
(Outside their house.)
Can the children open the door?
(No, they can't.)
H ow do they get in the house? (They
climb in through the window.)
• For pre-listening focus, ask Ss to guess
whose clothes those are, (they're
m um ’s) and where Zem is, (We don't
know. He isn't in the house).
2 . Listen, point and repeat.
3 . Circle.
p ic t u r e 1
p ic t u r e 2
- :> Whose clothes are they?
Can Matt open the door?
Zem. / Zoom.
p ic t u r e 4
Yes, he is. / No, he isn't.
j- Is Zem in the house?
1. Look and listen.
A presentation of the language points
through a realistic situation
2. Listen , point and repeat. LZj
Guided reading practice
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
Teacher’s Book
They're Lucy's. / They're mum's.
p ic t u r e 3 - :> W h o's in trouble?
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• Ask Ss to answer the pre-listening
focus questions.
• After Ss have listened to the dialogue
once, ask them where they think the
children are going (they are going to
find Zem).
Yes, he can. /(Fto, he carYt)
A reading comprehension activity
• Ss read the questions and circle the
correct option.
• Check the answers in class.
Picture 2: They're mum's.
Picture 3: Zem.
Picture 4: No, he isn't.
Listen, point and repeat.
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
• Draw Ss' attention to the Look! section
and explain the meaning of Whose and
the use of the Possessive Case.
Lesson A
6. Look, ask and answer.
A communicative speaking activity
focusing on the new structure
• Ss work in pairs.
• Ss must look at the picture prompts
and identify the owners of the items of
• M ake sure you read the example
given first.
• W alk round the class monitoring Ss'
4 . Listen, point and repeat. 'Jj
7. Look and answer.
A simple writing activity focusing on the
Possessive Case
5 . Listen and match.
Whose clothes are these?
1. Carl's
• Ss identify the items of clothing and
complete the sentences.
• Check the answers in class and
remember to explain the correct use of
the 's in the Possessive Case.
W hose jacket is this?
It's Tina's.
2. Charlie's
1. M att's
2. Lucy's
3. Tina's
W hose shoes are these?
They're John's.
3. Colin's
• Play "Find the Owner".
Ask Ss to bring any items they wish to
your desk. Then ask questions to get the
class to identify w ho they belong to.
M ake sure some Ss bring more than
one of a certain kind of object, such as
books or pencils, to practise the plural
question as well. Ask: Whose b a g is
this? Elicit the correct answer: It's
Whose pencils are these? They're
7. Look and answer.
1. Whose jacket is this?
It 's _______________
End of Lesson
3. Whose shoes are these?
2. Whose skirt is this?
• Ss must tell you what they're wearing
before they leave.
• Point out that jeans, shoes, trainers,
and boots are in the plural form.
5, Listen and match. TL
A listening activity focusing on the new
• Tell Ss that they wilt hear a man
talking about boys' clothes.
• Ss listen to the cassette and match the
names with the correct set of clothes.
• A llo w at least two hearings and
check the answers in class.
It is a good idea to read out the names
in this activity (Carl / Charlie/ Colin)
before Ss listen, as they may be
unfamiliar with their pronunciation.
Workbook key
W hose clothes are these?
Man: Carl has got new shoes. They're
white trainers. His T-shirt is blue
and white and his jeans are blue.
Man: Charlie's shoes are blue and his
T-shirt is white. He's got jeans,
too. They're black.
Man: Colin has got a blue T-shirt and
red jeans. His shoes are white.
They're not trainers.
1. skirt, shoes, jeans, jumper, swimsuit
2. 2.F
3. 2. It's John's 3. They're John's
4. They're M a ry 's 5. They’re M a ry 's
4. M ake sure Ss have coloured the
picture correctly.
1. C arl's - second set
2. Charlie's - first set
3. Colin's - third set
Teacher’s Book 1 7
I collect hats!
Language focus
How m any?
Numbers 51-100
hats, dresses, pens, stamps, coins,
cards, collect
0 b I collect Hats!
1. Listen and read.
What do you
I collect old hats and dresses. I've only got
four old dresses but I've got fifty-one hats.
M y grandmother gives me her old hats.
They're beautiful!
• Play a miming game. A student
comes to the front of the class and
pretends to put on any item of
clothing. The class must guess which
item it is. The student w ho
guesses correctly has the next turn.
• Ask Ss to look at exercise 6 from the
previous lesson and ask:
Whose shoes are these? (They're
Whose jacket is this? (It's Matt's) etc.
Christy Smith, Chicago
Here are my pens and pencils!
M y family and friends give
me pens and pencils from all
over the world. I've got pens
from China, Australia and
Norway! I've got ninety-eight
pens and sixty-one pencils.
Darren Cassidy, G lasgow
• ft
i- t l
u jÄ
• Books open. Ask Ss to look at the title
and the pictures and guess the meaning
of the word collect.
• Ask Ss what they can see in the
pictures and initiate a discussion in L1
on collections. Ask Ss if they collect
anything and discuss unusual
collections, (paper napkins / phone
cards etc).
• Then, write up the question: What do
they collect? on the board and get Ss
to read the text silently so as to find the
answers.(A: hats and dresses / B: pens /
C: fridge magnets.)
• After reading ask Ss w hat they think
a fridge magnet is.
r -ä m
| M
» » If 3
Ruth Grigg, London
2 . Answer.
2. How many pens has Darren got?
3. How many fridge magnets has Ruth got?
1. Listen and read,
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
2. Answer.
A reading comprehension activity
• Ask Ss to read the questions and write
the answers. Go through the example
with them first.
• Check the answers in class.
2. ninety-eight
3. seventy-three
Teacher’s Book
1. How many hats has Christy got?
A presentation of the language points
through a factual text
I collect frogs! I've got seventy-three frogs.
They're fridge magnets. They are different
colours and sizes. M y favourite frog is big
and green.
3 Listen, point and repeat.
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
• Call out a series of numbers from
1-100 and get Ss to record these
numbers in numerical form in their
notebooks. There m ay be some
confusion between numbers with
similar pronunciation, eg: 18 - 80,
13 -30, 15 - 50, so include pairs of
such numbers to help Ss learn to
differentiate between them. Finally, get
one student to write out his / her
version of the numerical series on the
board for the class to compare with
their ow n answers.
Lesson B
5. Ask and answer.
A communicative speaking activity
practising How many and numbers
• Ss work in pairs.
• One student asks a question with H ow
many, as in the example. Their partner
matches the item with the
number and answers.
• Demonstrate this by acting out the
example with a student.
• Ask Ss to bring in their own
collections to present to the class. They
must say a few sentences about them
in English,
eg: /collect stamps. I've got 52 stamps.
This stamp is m g favourite. It's very old!
End of Lesson
• Write a number from 1-100 on the
• Ss must say which number it is before
they leave.
4. Listen and match, '_ li
A listening activity practising the new
• Tell Ss that they will hear children
talking about what they collect.
• Ss have to match each person with
w hat they colLect and the number of
the items they have.
• A llo w at Least two hearings.
• Check the answers in class.
W orkbook key
Girl: I collect stamps from all over the
world. They've got pictures of
people, toys, buildings and other
things. I've got sixty-one stamps.
Girl: I collect coins. I've got old coins
and new coins. Some coins are
very small. M y favourite is from
Brazil. I've got eighty-nine coins.
Boy: I don't like stamps or coins. I like
cards! All my friends collect
cards. I've got seventy-three
1. stamps - 61
2. coins - 8 9
3. cards - 73
1. 1 .fifty-nine, fast
2. coins, ninety-three
3. dolls, fifty-six, fifteen, dresses,
thirty-three, hats
2. 2. (85), (20), (4), sixty-one
3. (12), (21), (52), eighty-five
4. (70), (5), (25), a hundred
5. (99), (29), (3), seventy-three
3. 2. hats, Eighty-nine
3. skirts. Thirteen
4. jumpers, Fifty-six
4. 2. How m any pens has she got
3. How m any coins have they got
4. How m any cards has he got
5. How m any stamps have you got
Teacher’s Book
Eddie's note
JdAlo, Z.O0IM. I
fans! A r
A short reading text in the form of an
editor's note.
tKcittu g
• Read the note yourself or get Ss to
read it.
• Ask Ss if they remember w ho Eddie is
and what he does. Elicit Ss' answers.
• Ask Ss w hy Eddie says "A n exciting
new year is here" (because it's the
beginning of the new school year).
Can you name all the clothes?
H ere are the school rules for the new year. But... H E Y ! W h a t a mess!
C a n you put the rules in the correct colum n?
run in
Listen to the teacher.
the classroom.
throw titter in the bin *
1. Can you name all
the clothes?
An activity focusing on vocabulary
revision through visual prompts.
he quiet.
• Draw Ss' attention to the picture and
ask them to name the clothes they see.
hat, T-shirt, boots, swimsuit, jeans,
trainers, jumper, skirt, scarf
2. Can you put the
rules in the
correct column?
A cross-curricular activity revising
structures and vocabulary taught in
previous units and reviewing school
• Explain to Ss that they should read
the rules and put them in the correct
• Discuss their answers.
listen to the teacher,
be quiet.
do your homework,
throw litter in the bin.
run in the classroom,
write on the walls,
chew gum in the classroom,
eat in the classroom.
Teacher’s Book
chew gum in the classroom.
Rem em ber!
Don't run in the
street. Always
look at the traffic
lights. Look! It's
red! You must
A short reading text giving advice.
• Choose a S to read the text.
• Ask Ss, Where is Z o o m ? (In the street,
outside a school.) W hat is he doing
there? (He is helping Ss to cross the
• Discuss Zoom 's advice.
* do your homework.
Look at this picture.
W hat do you see?
Turn the picture
upside down.
W h a t do you see now ?
4. What do you see
A fun activity practising Ss' cognitive
• Instruct Ss to look at the picture and
ask them what they see (a young man).
• Tell Ss to turn the picture upside
down and ask them again what they
see (an old man).
Reader’s corner
A text for further reading familiarising
Ss with various types of writing (Here:
an informal letter).
• Get Ss to read the Letter.
• Ask Ss questions to check their grasp
of Language, eg. W h o 's the writer?
Where is he from ? How m any phone
cards has he got? Where is his favourite
phone card from ? etc.
• If there is enough time, use the picture
as a visuaL prompt and discuss.
5. Whose clothes are
An activity recycling vocabulary and
structures taught in previous units.
• ExpLain to Ss that they should follow
the Lines and find w ho each item of
clothing belongs to.
• W hen Ss have finished the activity,
tell them to make sentences using the
possessive case, eg. (name)’s (cloth
6. How many coins
are there?
An activity revising vocabulary.
• Tell Ss to count the coins. Ask them.
How m any coins are there?
fifty-nine coins
John’s hats. M a ry 's dress. M ike's
trainers. Christina's jeans. Jane's skirt.
Teacher’s Book 2 1
Story time
To consolidate structures and
vocabulary of units 1-3.
Curtis the Gorilla 1
f; j L o o k a n d listen. fï j J
There are many funny hats in
Mrs Donald's shop!
It's Saturday afternoon. Susan, Curtis and
Marvin are looking for clothes for a party.
Look at my hat,
I'm a farmer!
I'm a police
The children are playing with the hats
Mrs Donald isn't happy...
PLease, be careful!
The children are wearing their costumes
Susan is a farmer, Martin is a pilot and
Curtis is a big gorilla! Curtis is talking
but Marvin and Susan can't hear him!
Now, that's a gorilla!
Are you hot in there?
Yes, I o m P
^Phew! -J
Sorry, Mrs
Hey, guys,
look at this!
0 A c t o u t th e sto ry.
• Draw Ss' attention to the title of the
story and ask them to guess what it is
going to be about. (Curtis the Gorilla.)
Do not give aw ay the answer.
• Tell Ss to look at the frames and ask
them where the episode is taking place.
(In a shop.)
• Focus on each frame separately and
ask Ss in L1 what they think is happening
in each frame.
• Play the tape and ask Ss to follow in
their books.
• Ask Ss for the names of the children.
Stop the tape once the names have
been heard. (Susan, Curtis and Marvin.)
Teacher’s Book
• Play the rest of the tape and ask Ss
w ho dresses up as a gorilla. (Curtis.)
• Tell Ss to look at the first frame and
ask, What d a y is it? (It's Saturday
afternoon.) W hat are the children
doing? (They're looking for clothes for
a party.)
• A sk Ss what kind of hat Martin is
wearing. (A police officer's hat.)
• Tell Ss to look at the second frame
and ask, Whose shop is it? (Mrs
Donald's.) W hat's in the sh o p ? (M a n y
funny hats.)
• Ask Ss what hats Susan and Marvin
are trying on. (Susan is trying on a
farmer's hat and Marvin a pilot's hat.)
• Tell Ss to look at the third frame and
ask. What are the children doing?
(They're playing with the hats.)
Is M rs Donald h a p p y ? (No, she isn't.)
• Tell Ss to look at the last frame and
ask, W hat are the children wearing?
(Their costumes.)
W hat costumes are the children
w earing? (Susan is wearing a farm er's
costume, Marvin a pilot's costume and
Curtis a big gorilla's costume.)
Is Curtis hot in his costum e? (Yes, he is.)
• Ss listen to the tape again and repeat
each phrase.
• Explain to Ss that they are going to
act out the story.
• Ss work in groups.
• Assign roles to Ss and monitor the
groups while they are doing this.
Choose a S to read the narration.
• Choose a group to act out the story
to the class.
0 W h o s e h a t is it? W rite
fa rm e r’s
police officer’s
p ilo t’s
W h o s a y s w h a t? M atch .
tr Z-
j l u
I’m a police officer.
This is a lovely hat!
'r *
Hey, guys, look at this!
X )
Please, be careful!
Activities based
on the story
• Explain to Ss that they should look at
the pictures and complete the gaps
with the words in the box.
• M ake sure Ss have completed the
gaps correctly.
1. pilot's
2. farmer's
3. police officer's
• Explain to Ss that they should match
the speech bubbles with the pictures.
Point out that they m ay have to re-read
the story to find out w ho said what.
• M ake sure Ss have matched them
Susan: This is a lovely hat.
Curtis: Hey, guys, look at this!
M rs Donald: Please, be careful!
Marvin: I'm a police officer.
Teacher’s Book 2 3
you re
Language focus
1 -.' Can you remember?
Consolidation and review of language
and structures learned in Units 1-3.
Read and circle the odd word.
Review of Vocabulary learned in
Units 1-3.
C lo th e s
•••5* jeans
N u m b e rs
•••'«• fifty-one
a hundred
C olle ction s
••••:• street
P e op le
••••:• men
2 . Look and circle.
1. A This is a young woman.
A You must write on the wall.
© T h i s is an old woman.
B You mustn't write on the wall.
Begin by selecting a song from previous
units and asking Ss to sing it.
2. A Open the window.
Whose boots are these?
B Close the window.
A They're Lucy's.
B Lucy.
3 . Read and match.
I collect coins and stamps.
I've got sixty-seven
stamps from all over the
world and eighteen coins
from England and Italy.
They're great.
M y sister collects coins
and I collect hats. I've got
twenty-seven hats. Some
of them are very old.
I collect coins. I've got
ninety-seven coins from
all over the world but I
haven't got any coins
from Australia or China
1. Read and circle the odd word.
An activity focusing on lexis recognition
• Review and explain the terms:
Clothes, Numbers, Collections, People.
• Ask Ss to circle the odd one out.
Clothes - vegetable
Numbers - frog
Collections - street
People - mice
• You can ask Ss to add more words to
each category. Set it up as a team race
- the first student to find 5 more words
for each category wins!
Teacher’s Book
Look and circle.
An activity recycling structures and
vocabulary taught
• Ss read the statements and circle the
correct alternative each time.
• Ss should pay special attention to the
picture prompts.
• Demonstrate what Ss have to do by
reading the example first.
2. A
3. B
4. A
revision 1-3
answers orally first, perhaps asking one
or two Ss to answer the questions.
• Then, allow each student to work
individually and write their own
• Follow the procedure as set out on
page 5 in the introduction.
• Ss answer questions 1-4.
Workbook key
1. clothes / shoes: swimsuit, T-shirt,
trainers, jacket, boots
numbers: seventy-four, fifty-eight,
seventy-six, sixty-seven, eighty-nine
adjectives: thin, young, sad, lazy,
imperative: sit down, stand up, turn
left, open
2. Picture 2: Be quiet!
Picture 3: Do your homework.
Picture 4: D on't cross the street.
3. 2. it
3. them
4. it
5. him
4. 2. Lazy
3. old
4. good
5. M ake sure Ss have matched the
sentences correctly.
3. Are the children happy?
W hat colour is the old cat?
3 Read and match.
A comprehension based activity reading for specific information
dialogue to themselves before deciding
which phrases to use from the box to
fill in the gaps.
• Ask Ss to read the texts and match
them with the corresponding picture.
Text A - Picture 3
Text B - Picture 2
Text C - Picture 1
Picture 2: Look at it!
Picture 3: Don't touch the robot
Picture 4 : 1 must throw the litter in
the bin
4 Choose and complete.
A short dialogue involving familiar
vocabulary and structures
W hen Ss have finished, ask them to act
out the scene.
• Draw Ss' attention to the pictures and
discuss the situation in L1 .Discuss where
the characters are and what is
• Then, ask Ss to read the whole
5 Write.
A personalised activity in which Ss write
about themselves
• Read the questions and discuss the
Teacher’s Book
-3 Zoom in on English
Language focus
Review of all key structures and
vocabulary learned in Units 1-3.
on English
Warm up
• Play "Find your partner" (Game No 8)
with opposites from Units 1-3.
•••;<• us
•••>• you
•••:> them
Listen to Andrew.
Listen to
Look at the stamps. •••* Look at
Close the window.
Open the door.
Turn right.
Don't cross the street.
D o n 't touch the computer.
I must throw litter in the bin.
They mustn
write on the walls.
W hose swimsuit is this? .■•>• It's Brenda 5.
W hose boots are these?
They're V e ra ’s.
Zoom in on English
Tables highlighting grammatical
• Conduct this exercise as an oral
revision activity.
• Read and discuss the structures.
• A sk Ss to give you their own examples
of the structures. You could
demonstrate by saying:
Is there any meat in the fridge?
There aren't an y vegetables on the
Open the door. Open it.
You mustn't write on the walls.
3 o
CD t
CD S i
man • men
w om an
• Are you h appy?
• How m any children are there in your classroom ?
• Do you collect stam ps?
N ow say. • C a n y o u se e th e b ig g r e e n t r ee in Lee S t r e e t ?
• A g o r i l l a in a g r e y j a c k e t a n d j e a n s .
A personalised activity
• Ask Ss to read and answer the
questions in their notebooks.
• Ask Ss to read their examples out
Loud. Then correct their work.
Teacher’s Book
N ow answer.
Now answer
w om en
A pronunciation activity focusing on
/1:/ g / and /d g / sounds
• M od el the examples and ask Ss to
• Focus on the target sounds before Ss
practise the sentences.
• Ask Ss to give you other examples of
words featuring these sounds. You
could make a list and ask Ss to write
the List in their notebooks.
• Check for individual pronunciation
and intonation.
Zoom in on the world
Now do your project
Zoom in
on the world
• Tell Ss that they can do their own
project about their school.
• Tell Ss that they can either draw a
picture of their school or stick a
photograph on a cardboard.
• Ss have to write something similar to
the text provided in their coursebooks.
A ll efforts should be praised and
• Encourage Ss to draw a border or to
decorate their project in any other way.
Instruct them to write their names at
the bottom of the project.
• You should display examples of their
projects once they have been corrected.
I'm Kevin and I go to St. Martin's Primary
School. I'm in year 4 and my favourite
subject is History. School starts at 8:15 am
and finishes at 4:30 pm. We have lunch at
12:30 pm. M y classroom is very big and
beautiful. There are nice drawings in it.
There is a big library in my school, too. Mrs
Grand is my teacher. She's the best teacher
in my school. These are my school's rules.
• Explain to Ss that they are going to
play a game.
• Ss play in pairs.
• Draw Ss1 attention to the example at
the bottom of the page.
• S A chooses one picture and SB has to
describe what he sees according to the
example, eg. They're girls. Two sad
• Then it's SB 's turn to choose a picture
and S A has to describe it in the same
• If a S makes a mistake he misses his
• The gam e ends when Ss have
described all the pictures.
• W hile Ss are doing this, go round the
class and monitor the pairs by helping
them where necessary.
• Students must be quiet in the
• They must throw litter in the
• They mustn't chew gum in
the classroom.
• They mustn't write on the
do y o u r
Zoom in on the world
A factual text on schools around the world
• Ask Ss to look at page 21 in their
Student's Book and discuss the pictures
in L1.
• For pre-reading focus, ask Ss to
predict where the children in the picture
are (at school).
• Ask Ss to read the text silently.
• Ask Ss to answer the pre-reading
focus question.
• Then, Ss listen to the cassette as they
follow in their books.
• For reading comprehension, point to
the boy, and ask: W hat's his nam e?
• Then ask the following questions:
What school does Kevin g o to?
( St. M artin's Primary School.)
What gear is he in ? (Year 4.)
W hat's his favourite subject? (History.)
What time does school start?
(At 8.15 am)
What time does school finish?
(At 4.30 pm)
W hat's his teacher's nam e? (Mrs Grand)
What must students do in the
classroom ? (They must be quiet and
throw litter in the bin.)
What mustn't students do in the
classroom ? (They mustn't chew gum
and write on the walls.)
• Tell Ss that they are going to play a
• Ss play in pairs.
• S A asks SB questions about the things
the children in the pictures have, using
“W h o se ?" eg, W hose balloon is red?
Then SB answers, eg. Lisa's.
• Ss swap roles.
• While Ss are doing this, go round the
class and monitor the pairs by helping
them where necessary.
Teacher’s Book
Great shops!
Language focus
turn into, opposite, between
traffic Lights, shoe shop, bookshop,
market, turn left into,
between, opposite
Q a
Great shops!
1. Look and listen.
• Play "B in g o " (Game No 2) with
numbers 1-100.
• Books open. In L1 discuss w hat has
happened in the story so far with the
class, (Matt and the others return home
to find Zem missing and so they go out
to look for him).
• Draw Ss' attention to the pictures in
the Students' Book and ask Ss to tell
you where Zem is, (in the city).
• Point to picture 5 and ask: What
colour are the b an an a s? (Y ello w ) and
then to picture 6 and ask: What colour
are the bananas n o w ? (Purple!).
• For pre-listening focus ask Ss to listen
to the tape and find out w hy the
bananas are purple, (because Zem likes
purple bananas).
2. Listen, point and repeat.
3. True or False?
picture 1
Zem doesn't like the city.
picture 2
Zem wants some presents for the chiLdren.
picture 4
The bookshop is opposite the toy shop.
picture 5
Zem likes purple bananas.
1. Look and listen. 'tU
A presentation of the language points
through a realistic situation
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• Ask Ss to answer the pre-listening
focus question.
• After Ss have listened to the dialogue
once, ask them what they think is going
to happen next.
2. Listen, point and repeat, 'a j
Guided reading practice
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
True or False?
A simple reading comprehension activity
• Ss read the statements and tick the
correct answer, True or False.
• Check the answers in class.
Picture 2 - True
Picture 4 - False
Picture 5 - True
Listen, point and repeat. A
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
• Draw Ss‘ attention to the Look!
section. M ake sure they know the
difference between left and right. You
Teacher’s Book
Lesson A
lights. It’s next to the
turn into
1. first picture
2. first picture
3. first picture
6. Complete. Ask and answer.
The cinema is between the
supermarket and the restaurant.
Turn left into
Brown Street.
The toy shop is
opposite the hotel.
On the left.
On the right.
A communicative speaking activity
practising prepositions and vocabulary
• Ss work in pairs. Ss label the shops in
the picture using the words in the box.
They can put the labels anywhere they
like, (in the white boxes) concealing
their picture from their partner. One of
the students must ask questions to find
out where the shop labels have been
placed by their partner, as in the
• W alk around the class, monitoring Ss1
• Play “Thief!" (Game No 6). Write out
the words for shops learnt in this lesson
on cards and then set them out on your
desk in the manner of a road map.
Include: tog shop, hotel, market,
bookshop, shoe shop, cinema, and add
school, park, swimming pool etc.
• Allow Ss to have a good look at their
positions and perhaps ask a few
questions to reinforce this, e.g.: Where
is the hotel? It's next to the cinema.
• Then when Ss’ eyes are closed,
rearrange one of the cards and see if Ss
can now detect which one has been
changed, e.g.: N o w the hotel is
opposite the park.
End of Lesson
• Ss have to mention something on their
left or on their right before they leave.
can turn your back to the class and
hold up your hands as you say the
words in English to make this clear.
Then explain that when discussing the
position of a building, we use the
preposition on the Left/ on the right,
whereas when talking about
movement in a certain direction, no
preposition is used in the phrases: Turn
Left/ Turn right. However, when
changing direction we say: Turn left
into Brown Street.
5. Listen and tick ( V ) . Where are they
going? 'tU
A listening activity focusing on the new
• Tell Ss that they will hear a man and
a w om an giving directions.
• Ss look at the pictures and tick the
correct picture for each dialogue.
• A llo w at least two hearings and
check the answers in class.
W om an: Excuse me, sir. W here’s
the market?
Man: Oh, cross this street and
turn left.
Man: Excuse me, madam. I
w ant some books. Where
is the bookshop, please?
W om an: Oh, the bookshop is
opposite the shoe shop
over there.
3. W om an: Excuse me. Where is the
supermarket, please?
M an: Turn into this street and
turn right at the traffic
Workbook key
1. M ake sure Ss have matched the
pictures with the words correctly.
2. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. T
3. 2. between 3. opposite 4. opposite
4. picture 2: It's opposite the library,
picture 3: Turn into this street
picture 4: It's the second shop on the
5. 2. on the Left 3. on the right
4. on the right 5. on the left
6. on the right
Teacher’s Book
We're buying fruit
Language focus
Present Continuous
buy, drink, chocolate, crisps, ice-cream,
coffee, tea, orange juice
W e're buying fruit
1. Sing.
0 ®
re buying fru it and vegetables
We're going to the market,
The market, the market.
We're going to the market,
The market today.
We're buying fruit and vegetables.
Bananas and apples, too.
We're buying tomatoes and carrots.
We hope you like them, too!
We're going to the super-supermarket.
We're going to the supermarket today.
• Play "H a n g m a n " (Game No 1) with
the vocabulary from the previous
We're buying chocolate,
Crisps and tea.
We're buying lots of pizzas
For you and me.
We're going to the market,
The market, the market.
We're going to the market,
The market today.
2 . True or False?
1. They're buying peaches.
• Books open. Discuss the topic of
shopping in L1 and ask Ss if they ever
help their parents with the shopping.
• Tell Ss they are going to hear a song
about shopping. Before they hear this
song, ask them to listen for the two
places mentioned in the song where
they go shopping, (the market/the
2. They're buying chocolate.
3. They're not buying crisps.
3. Listen, point and repeat.
1. Sing,
A presentation of the new language
points through a song
• Ss listen to the song once or twice as
they follow in their books.
• After that, invite the class to join in
2, True or False?
A simple reading comprehension activity
• Ss read the statements and tick the
correct answer, True or False.
• Check the answers in class.
Teacher’s Book
2. True
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
3. False
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
• Play "B o d y Tracing". Tell Ss to
practise spelling the new words by
writing on each others' backs. Two
students come to the front of the class.
The first student traces a word on the
second student's back. The second
student then guesses what the word is
and says: Are yo u writing (banana)?
Lesson B
5 Game. Look and remember.
A communicative speaking activity
practising the Present Continuous
3 . Listen, point and repeat,
• Ss look at the picture in this activity
for two minutes and try to memorise
w hat the people are doing.
• Ss work in pairs. They close their
• One student asks the question while
their partner tries to remember as many
actions as they can.
• Demonstrate this by acting out an
example with a student.
• The student w ho remembers the most
actions is the winner.
• Alternatively, you can play this as a
team game.
6. Look at the picture in exercise 5 and
A simple writing activity
5 . Game. Look and remember.
• Ss look at the picture in the previous
activity and complete the sentences.
• Check the answers in class.
are drinking coffee
is eating pop corn
is drinking orange juice
is looking at the cLothes
is reading a book
End of Lesson
• Mime an action and Ss must tell you
w hat you're doing in English, before
they leave.
Look at the picture in exercise 5 and complete.
1. A airl is buying crisps._______
4. A b o y ___
2. A boy and a girl_____________________ . 5. A woman
3. A m a n _______________________.
6. A m a n __
Listen and number (1-5). rjjjj
A listening activity focusing on the
Present Continuous
• Tell Ss that they will hear people
talking about what they are doing.
• Ss listen to the cassette and number
the pictures in the order they hear them
• A llo w at least two hearings and
check the answers in class.
W om an: W hat are you doing?
Man: I'm having lunch. I'm eating
fish. (1)
Man: W hat are you doing?
Girl: I'm buying a new skirt. I'm
W om an:
W om an:
in a clothes shop. I want the
skirt for the school dance. (2)
W hat are you doing?
I'm with my brother in a cafe.
W e're listening to music and
w e’re eating a sandwich. (3)
W hat are you doing?
I'm in a record shop and I'm
listening to music. It's great! (4)
Where are yo u ? W hat are
you doing?
I'm at a supermarket. I'm
buying some vegetables. (5)
Workbook key
1. M ake sure Ss have matched the
words with the pictures correctly.
2 . 2. are buying computer games
3. aren't looking at shoes
4. is drinking orange juice
5. is having lunch
3. Picture 2: Are we going to the
Picture 3: W hat do you w ant?
Picture 4: It's between the cinema
and the bookshop.
4, 5, 3, 2
Teacher’s Book 3 1
Why is there a traffic jam?
Language focus
W h y ...?
Because ...
train station, bus stop, w alk along,
thirsty, hungry, tired
There's something wrong.
Quick! Let's go!
W hy is there a traffic jam ?
1. Look and listen.
Let's w a lk along
this street.
Because the traffic lights are purple.
I'm tired. W here's Zem?
W h a t? Purple traffic lights!
Look at the traffic jam!
There's something w rong
But w hy is there
a traffic jam ?
• Sing the song from lesson 4b.
And look at the bananas
No, look! The
b ananas are
purple, too!
W here?
Ban an as? W here? |
I'm hungry.
• Books closed. Ask Ss w hat they can
remember about Zem, (he's Zoom 's
cousin, he's from Zutopia, he can make
things purple).
• Books open. Ask Ss to look at the
pictures carefully and find Zem, (he's at
the bus stop, picture 4).
• For pre-listening focus, ask Ss to look
at the pictures and focus on the traffic
jam. Ask Ss to speculate as to the
cause, (because the traffic lights are
Listen, point and repeat.
1. Where are the children?-
Because the traffic lights are purple.
2. W hy is there a traffic jam?
In the city.
3. W hy does Zoom want a banana?
At the bus stop.
4. Where is Zem?
Because he is hungry.
1. Look and listen.
A presentation of the language points
through a realistic situation
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• A sk Ss to answer the pre-listening
focus question.
• After they have heard this once, ask
them to predict what is going to
happen with the purple bananas and
purple traffic lights. Try not to give
anything away, so as to keep Ss in
2 Listen, point and repeat.
Guided reading practice
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
Teacher’s Book
A reading comprehension activity
• Ss match the questions with the
• Check the answers in class.
Try to avoid translating Because at the
moment and see if Ss can deduce its
2. Because the traffic lights
are purple.
3. Because he is hungry.
4. At the bus stop.
Lesson A
6. Look and say.
A communicative speaking activity
practising Why and Because
W h y ... ?
Because ...
• Ask Ss to tell you the meaning of
W hy and Because before you start the
next activity. Use the extract from the
dialogue, as an example: W hy is there
a traffic ja m ? Because the traffic tights
are purpte! and elicit the
meaning of the two words.
• Ss work in pairs.
• One student asks a question with
W hy and their partner answers with
Because. They must use the ideas in the
boxes to help them. Demonstrate this
by acting out the example with a
• W alk around the class monitoring Ss'
performance offering plenty of
encouragement and praise.
H . Listen, point and repeat. ‘_U
6. Look and
W hy
making a sandwich?
wearing a coat?
holding umbrellas?
eating a hot-dog?
drinking water?
• Instruct half the class to write a
question with W hy on a piece of paper,
(about any topic).
• Tell the other half to write an answer
with Because on a piece of paper,
(about any topic).
• Collect the pieces of paper and put
them in two separate piles on your
• Invite Ss to come to your desk and
instruct them to take a piece of paper
from each pile. Ss read the question
and answer to the class. (The sentences
should be funny.)
4, Listen, point and repeat.
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
5, Listen and number (1-3). ^
A listening activity focusing on the new
• Tell Ss that they will hear three short
• Ss Listen to the cassette and number
the pictures in the order they are
• A llo w at least two hearings and
check the answers in class.
Workbook key
Boy 1: Where are you Helga?
Girl 1: I'm at the bus stop. I'm waiting
for my bus.
Boy 2: W here's your school?
Girl 2: M y school is in Green St. I
w alk along Green St every
Boy 3: Where are yo u?
Girl 3: I'm at the train station. I'm
waiting for my train.
1. M ake sure Ss have found the train
2. 2. Because it's hot
3. Because it's sunny
4. Because I'm thirsty
5. Because I'm happy
3. right, along, turn, right, next to
A 1
C 2
Teacher’s Book
Language focus
W h- questions
Present Continuous
Present Simple
rubber, ruler, pencil case, desk, board,
0 b
A quiz!
W hat's your name?
How old are you?
Do you live in a flat?
What s the time?
) •
How many pets have you got?
W hat's in your bag?
Where's your rubber?
w h y are you happy?
Where are your clothes?
W h o's wearing a T-shirt?
• Books open. Tell Ss to look at lesson
5a, activity 5. Ask questions with Why,
at random. Ss must answer with
Because. Then get Ss to both, make the
questions and answer them.
Whose jeans are these?
When do you play with snow?
f f il W hat is a carrot?
W hat must you do at home?
W hy are you wearing a coat?
W hat's the date today?
w hat are you doing? j {
When is your birthday?
• Books closed. Revise the question
words again, this time including: H ow
m a n y ? and H ow old?
Go round the class asking questions
such as:
W hat's your nam e?
H ow old are y o u ?
H ow m any rulers have yo u go t?
Where is your pencil case?
When is Christmas?
When do flowers bloom ?
W hat's your favourite food? etc. to
refresh their memories of known
structures. However, do avoid the exact
same questions to be found in the quiz.
Teacher’s Book
1 Match.
Revision of Wh- questions through
a game
• Before you begin the quiz, it w ould be
a good idea to revise the words in the
Remember Box. You could do this by
pointing to the objects in class and
asking W hat's this? or by playing
"I Spy."
• Tell Ss they are going to do a quiz.
• Divide the class into tw o teams.
Explain that they must match the
question with the correct answer.
• One team can answer the
odd-numbered questions and the other
the even-numbered ones (if you feel
that there is a time restriction.)
The team to match a question and
pencil case
■ EMM?
answer correctly scores a point. The
team with the most points, wins.
• Alternatively, you could play this in
1. W h at's your nam e?
John Brown.
2. How old are you?
I’m twelve years old.
3. Do you live in a flat?
Yes, I do.
4. W h at's the time?
A quarter to six.
5. How many pets have you got?
6. W h a t's in your bag?
Three books, a pencil case and a
Lesson B
W h - questions
Present Continuous
Present Simple
Three books, a pencil case
and a ruler.
• Ask Ss to prepare their own sm all quiz
using the following question words, as
some others m ay be difficult for Ss to
use actively:
What, Who, Where, H o w many, Why,
W hen?
M y friend, Karen.
They're John's.
It's a quarter to six.
End of Lesson
Yes, 1do.
• Point to any classroom object and
ask: W hat's this? Ss must answer a
question each before they leave.
It's the twenty-first of January.
a x
I'm writing on the board.
I'm twelve years old.
In the winter.
I must clean my bedroom.
In the wardrobe.
John Brown.
On my desk.
It's on the fourteenth of July.
Because we're playing a
A vegetable.
Because it's cold.
7. W here's your rubber?
On my desk.
8. W h y are you happy?
Because we're playing a game.
9. Where are your clothes?
In the wardrobe.
10. W h o 's wearing a T-shirt?
M y friend, Karen.
11. W hose jeans are these?
They're John's.
12. W hen do you play with snow ?
In the winter.
13. W hat is a carrot?
A vegetable.
14. W hat must you do at hom e?
I must clean my bedroom.
15. W h y are you wearing a coat?
Because it's cold.
16. W h a t's the date today?
It's the twenty-first of January.
17. W hat are you doing?
I'm writing on the board.
18. When is your birthday?
It's on the fourteenth of July.
• Books closed. Ask questions from the
quiz, but Ss can give their own answers
or those in the book if they remember
Workbook key
1. 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F
2. 2. is writing 3. aren't doing
4. brushes 5. plays
3. 2 ,d 3. f 4. a 5. b 6. e
4. 2. Where 3. W hat 4. W h y 5. W h o
6.W hy
5. 2. He lives in a flat
3. His brother is six years old
4. His favourite sport is voLleyball
5. He plays volleyball
6. His favourite subject is Geography
Teacher’s Book
They're taller!
Language focus
tall-taller, short-shorter, fat-fatter,
thin-thinner, old-older,
Q a They're taller!
1. Look and
Look at the purple tights.
3 They're taller than those
• Write up W h- questions on the board
omitting the question word and ask Ss
if they can find the missing word, eg:
... is this ruler? It's M ary's. (Whose)
... is sitting in front of John? George. (Whoj
...do yo u have an EngLish Lesson? Every
M onday. (When)
... are you doing? I'm swimming. (What)
2. Listen,
3. Write
• Books closed. Ask questions about the
characters to generate a discussion.
eg: D o yo u like Zem ?
Is he a g o o d Zutopian?
Does he like yellow ban anas?
What is his favourite colour?
• Books open. For pre-listening focus,
ask Ss to look at picture 1 and see if
they can find anything strange apart
from the purple colour, (the traffic
fights are taller and the bananas are
• Ask Ss what they think will happen
with the colour and the size of the
traffic lights and the bananas.
eg: Can Zem change the colour and the
size a gain? (No, he can't).
point and repeat. >r2 _
Yes or No.
picture 1
Are the bananas taller?
______ No
picture 2
Can Zem change everything?
Is the rain washing away the purple colour? _________
picture 3
picture 4
Are the children going to Zutopia?
1. Look and listen. '-P
A presentation of the language points
through a realistic situation
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• Ask Ss to answer the pre-listening
focus questions.
• After Ss have heard the dialogue
once, establish that the rain washed
aw ay the purple colour.
Ask: W hy are the bananas yellow
a ga in? (Because the rain washed the
purple colour away.)
Where is Zem g o in g ? (He's going back
to Zutopia).
Is Zoom going, too? (No, he isn't).
2. Listen, point and repeat.
Guided reading practice
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
3 Write Yes or No.
A simple reading comprehension activity
• Ss read the questions carefully and
write the correct answer, Yes or No.
• Check the answers in class.
Picture 2: No
Picture 3: Yes
Picture 4: No
4. Listen, point and repeat, 'u l
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
Teacher’s Book
7. Sing.
• Ss listen to the song at least twice.
• The first time ask Ss to follow the
lyrics in their books.
• The second time encourage them to
sing along with the cassette.
4 . Listen, point and repeat.
An activity practising and reinforcing the
language points through rhythm
S . N am e someone, in your class, who is:
fat - fatter
thin - thinner
End of Lesson
big - bigger
• Ss must answer a question about their
cLassmates before they Leave,
eg: W ho is toiler - M ary or Tom ? (Tom)
Who is thinner-John or Michael? (Michael)
M y brother is taller
than m y sister.
6 . Choose and complete.
1. Zem is
.than Zoom.
2. Zoom is .
_ than Zem.
3. Zem is _
.than Zoom,
4. Zoom is .
than Zem.
There is a young girl
There is a you n g girl, she lives next door.
She's taller than m y friend, Ben.
She's fatter than my cousin, Mary.
Oh yes! She's my best friend.
There is an old man,
He's older than my dad.
He's thinner than my uncle, Peter
And shorter than grandad!
• Draw Ss' attention to the Look!
section and discuss the Comparative
Form of the adjectives containing a short
vowel sound followed by a consonant.
Point out that the consonant is doubled
before the -er ending.
• Also, point out that the Comparative
Form is used to compare two persons or
things and that it is followed by than.
5. Name someone in your class who is:
A communicative speaking activity
practising comparatives
• Ss use the adjectives in the box to
compare themselves with another
student in the class.
• Demonstrate this by reading the
• Ask each student to say a sentence,
making sure that they use a different
adjective each time.
6 Choose and complete.
A simple writing activity
• Ss look at the picture and read the
sentences. They complete the gaps
using the Comparative Form of the
adjectives given.
• Check the answers in class.
Workbook key
2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F
thinner, older, taller
bigger, canary, than, noisy
2. A rabbit is faster than a tortoise
3. An elephant is fatter than a frog
4. A duck is sLower than a flam ingo
5. A cat is smaller than a tiger
2. older /thinner
3. thinner
4. older /thinner
Teacher’s Book
What's the highest mountain?
Language focus
river, mountain, castle, building,
a country
Good idea!
I don't know
That’s right!
1. Look
What's the highest mountain?
and listen.
• Play the "True or False Line" Game.
Draw a line or stick a row of thin strips
of paper across the floor and instruct Ss
to stand on the line.
Write up sentences on the board using
the Comparative Form of adjectives,
and ask Ss to read them. If they are
True they must jump forward and if
False, backwards. You m ay need to
demonstrate this a few times for Ss to
understand. Some sample sentences
A bin is bigger than a rubber.
A bag is smaller than a pencil case.
Your dad is older than your grandad.
A n ant is fatter than an elephant.
a country
• Books open. Focus Ss' attention on
the pictures in their book and ask
questions about the situation, so that Ss
can speculate as to what is happening.
Point to the boy and ask:
What is the girl holding? (A board
What are they doing in picture 2 ?
Are they m aking a jigsaw puzzle? (No,
they aren't. They are playing a board
• For pre-listening focus ask. H o w m any
questions does the girl answer
correctly? (Two) Say: Listen and find
1. Look and listen. 'Aj
A presentation of the language points
through a realistic situation
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• Ask Ss to answer the pre-listening
focus question.
• After the first hearing, ask Ss how
they knew which answers were correct.
(The boy says: That's right!)
2. Listen point and repeat. ^
Guided reading practice
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
Teacher’s Book
3 Listen, point and repeat. Tju
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
• Draw Ss' attention to the Look!
section and discuss the Superlative Form
of adjectives. Write up other known
adjectives and ask Ss to give the
Superlative Form.
• Remind Ss that the adjectives in
which the consonant is doubled in the
comparative undergo the same change
in the Superlative Form as well,
eg: big - bigger - biggest
tall - taller - tallest
short - shorter -shortest
• Explain the difference in usage
Lesson B
Q b
4 . Play the game.
What's the fastest
animal in the
What's the longest
river in the world?
What's the
mountain in
the world?
What's the
tallest building
in the world?
What's the
smallest animal
in the world?
What's the
oldest castle
in the world?
What's the
smallest car in
the world?
What's the
in the world?
What's the
slowest animal in
the world?
between the two forms, ie: the
Superlative is used to compare three or
more persons or things, whereas the
Comparative is used to compare only
• Write up sentences on the board and
get Ss to complete them either with the
Comparative or the Superlative form of
adjectives given, eg:
M a ry is ... than John, (tall)
(Answer: taller)
Salty is th e ... girl in the class, (tall)
(Answer: tallest)
M y father is th e ... in the family, (fat)
(Answer: fattest)
M y father i s ... than m y mother, (fat)
(Answer: fatter)
Who is the
youngest NBA
basketball pLayer?
fastest animal - The cheetah
longest river - The NiLe
highest mountain - M ount Everest
tallest building - Petronas Towers
smallest anim al - The hummingbird
biggest country - Russia
tallest animaL - The giraffe
youngest player - Jermaine O'Neil
slowest animal - The tortoise
smallest car - The Smart car
oldest castle - W indsor Castle
tallest people - People from Sudan
• Ask Ss to do a project on any of the
items in the game they found
particularly interesting, eg: they can
find more information about the
smallest anim al in the world / the
Longest river/the youngest NBA player
and present it to the class.
End of Lesson
• Ss say any sentence from the game
using the Superlative Form of adjectives
before they leave.
What's the
tallest animaL
in the world?
4, Play the game.
A communicative activity focusing on
• Before starting, pre-teach in the
world. This gam e can be played in
pairs. Ss can use their rubbers as pawns
and place them on Start. Using one dice
they w ork their w a y around the board,
answering the questions in the box they
land on. The answers can be found in
the middle of the board. If the student
answers incorrectly, he/she moves back
to their previous position.(You will need
to be the judge of this, so circulate
round the class to help). The first to
reach Finish, wins.
Workbook key
1. M ake sure Ss have completed the
crossword correctly.
2. 2. higher
3. shorter
4. longer
5. bigger
6. younger youngest
3. 2. shorter than, the shortest
3. longer than, the longest
4. younger than, the youngest
5. hotter than, the hottest
6. bigger than, the biggest
Teacher’s Book
Zoom magazine
Julie's note
A short reading text in the form of an
editor's note.
I r ? t h i s
• Read the note yourself or get Ss to
read it.
• Ask Ss w hy the editor has changed in
this issue (because Eddie is ill).
ib u t U , herefo
H a v e , f -uzi!
W h e re can you buy these things?
1. Where can you
buy these things?
1 How tall is the tallest tree in the world?
a 100 metres
b 84 metres
2 The longest car in the world has got a swimming pool! How long is it?
a 31 metres
b 28 metres
c 40 metres
An activity focusing on vocabulary
revision through visual prompts.
3 The fastest snake in the world is the Black Mamba. You can find it in...
a Africa.
b Asia.
c Europe.
• Draw Ss' attention to the pictures and
ask them to name the items they see
(fruit, shoes, books, toys, crisps, a cold
• Ask Ss where they can buy these
4 Which is the biggest planet in the Solar System?
a Uranus
b Mars
DS ‘Dp 'D £ 'DZ ' q i :SJ3 M S U V
market, shoe shop, bookshop, toy shop,
W rite the names.
John is taller than
Jim but he is
shorter than Tom.
Jim is fatter than
Tom but he is
thinner than John.
Tom is older than
John but he is
younger than Jim.
2. Can you guess
A cross-curricular activity reviewing
structures and vocabulary taught in the
previous units and giving world facts.
3. Who is who?
An activity focusing on vocabulary and
structure revision.
• Draw Ss' attention to the pictures and
ask them to describe each person.
• Read the short text yourself or get Ss
to read it.
• Explain to Ss that they should write
the correct names in the boxes given,
according to the text.
Tom, John, Jim
Teacher’s Book
c Jupiter
5 The smallest planet is the coldest too. Which one is it?
a Pluto
b Venus
c Nepture
• Ss work in pairs.
• Tell Ss that they should read the
questions and the options given and
their partner should guess which of the
three options is the correct answer to
the question.
• Ss take turns.
• Explain to Ss any unknown words in
• Point out that the answers to the quiz
are given upside down at the end of the
c 62 metres
Reader’s corner
( [ ) FIN D T H E TR EA SU R E!
A text for further reading familiarising
Ss with various types of writing (Here:
an informal letter).
• Get Ss to read the letter.
• Ask Ss questions to check their grasp
of the language, eg. W h o is the writer?
W hat has the bookshop got? W hat can
you do downstairs/upstairs? etc.
• If there is time, use the picture as a
visual prompt and discuss.
Get off the ship and turn right. Find two small trees. Can you see a castle?
Walk and go behind the castLe. Walk along the bridge over the river. Do you
see three mountains? Turn left and go to the highest mountain. There is a
tree there. The treasure is under that tree. Congratulations!
There is a scary m on ster film on a t the cinema.
The children are g o in g there. H e lp them!
C o p , A ftß . -
R E A D E R 'S
G d Ra I E R -
t e a r Fddle,
H i! I'm M a rtin .. T h is Is m y favourite
bookshop. It Is the b ig g e st In. гн у city. It h a s
go t computers, a to y shop an,d a restaurant,
too. F ir s t I go d o w n sta irs to b u y books a n d
t o y s or p la y g a m e s o n the computers. T h e n I
go u p sta irs to the re sta u ra n t a n d I have a b ig
g la s s o f ora n ge ju lce or a n Ice-cream. I read
m y favourite books, too!
S e n d us a letter, too!
4. Find the treasure!
A cross-curricular activity reviewing
structures and vocabulary taught in
previous units as well as practising
reading a map.
• Draw Ss' attention to the picture and
get Ss to read the text.
• Explain to Ss that they should follow
the directions given in the text and find
the treasure on the map.
• Instruct Ss to draw a line indicating
the route.
• Tell Ss to mark the place that the
treasure is with an X.
5. Help them!
An activity reviewing vocabulary
through visual prompts.
• Explain to Ss that they should find the
w ay the children should follow to go to
the cinema (Crazy Monster).
The first line
Teacher’s Book
Story Time
Story time
To consolidate structures and
vocabulary of units 4-6.
The Larry and Lindy Show 2
ok and listen.
This project is
I boring! And I don't
J| like your tie. It's silly!
talking to
Kerry. She
Kerry, what
do you do
every day?
Well, I like this project,
my tie is fine. Now,
let's go to the gym.
Well, I always brush my
teeth in the morning, then I
have breakfast, then I go to
school, then I... Whoa...!
A nid
Oh no, Lindy. It's 6
o'clock and we haven't got
a story. Now what?
Don't worry, Larry.
Maybe we... Hey! What's
happening over there?
0 A c t out the story.
• Ask Ss to look at the frames and
identify the characters. (Susan, Marvin
and Curtis.)
• Ask Ss to tell you what has happened
so far in the story. (The children went
into a shop to buy costumes for a
party. Susan dressed up as a farmer,
Marvin as a pilot and Curtis as a big
• Tell Ss to took at the frames and say
where the episode is taking place. (In a
• Ask Ss where they think the two men
work (at the zoo) and w hy they put
Curtis in the van. (Because they thought
he w as a real gorilla that had escaped
Teacher’s Book
from the zoo.) Do not give aw ay the
• Focus on each frame separately and
ask Ss in L1 what they think is happening
in each frame.
• Play the tape and ask Ss to follow in
their books.
• Tell Ss to look at the first frame and
ask, Is Curtis faster than Susan and
M arvin? (No, he isn't.) What are the
children do ing? (They're crossing the
street.) Is Curtis hun gry? (No, he isn't.
He's thirsty.)
• Tell Ss to look at the second frame
and ask, Where do Walter and Sam
w ork? (At the zoo.) W ho do they think
Curtis is? (Twinkie the gorilla.) Is Twinkie
shorter than Curtis?(No, he isn't.)
• Tell Ss to look at the third frame and
ask, Where are they taking Curtis? (To
the zoo.)
• Tell Ss to look at the last frame and
say w hat is happening. (Susan and
Marvin are wondering where Curtis is
until Marvin sees Curtis in the van.)
• Ss listen to the tape again and repeat
each phrase.
• Explain to Ss that they are going to
act out the story.
• Ss work in groups.
• Assign roles to Ss and monitor the
groups while they are doing this.
Choose a S to read the narration.
• Choose a group to act out the story
to the class.
Put the pictures in the correct o rd e r (1-4).
Look and circle.
It's five /six o'clock.
Larry and Lindy are at the gym / swimming pool.
Larry is happy / sad.
Lindy likes / doesn't like Larry's tie.
Activities based
on the story
• Explain to Ss that they should look at
the pictures and tick the correct ones,
according to the story.
• M ake sure Ss have ticked the correct
Pictures 2, 3
• Explain to Ss that they should read
the sentences and tick the appropriate
boxes. Point out that they m ay have to
re-read the story in order to do the
2. F
3 .T
4. T
5. F
• Tell Ss to correct the false sentences.
2. Sam and Walter work at the zoo.
5. Sam and Walter are taking Curtis to
the zoo.
Teacher’s Book
Language focus
Consolidation and review of language
and structures learned in Units 4-6.
Review of Vocabularg learned in
Units 4-6.
1. Read
and circle the odd word.
•* shoe shop
■j> milk
orange juice
y beach
■* train station
bus stop
traffic lights
•j> pencil case
2. Look and
1. © T h e bookshop is next to
A The Grey River is longer than
the Pink River.
the shoe shop.
Begin by asking Ss to select a song from
Units 4-6 and asking them to sing it.
toy shop
B The bookshop is opposite
B The Pink River is longer than
the Grey River.
the shoe shop.
2. A The elephant is smaller
4. A She's walking along the street.
than the canary.
B She's crossing the street.
B The canary is smaller
than the elephant.
Read and match.
A: I'm hungry. I want some
crisps and a sandwich.
Where's the supermarket?
B: It's next to the shoe
1. Read and circle the odd word.
An activity focusing on lexis recognition
• Review and explain the terms: Shops,
Drink, B uildings, City , Classroom
• Ask Ss to circle the odd one out.
Drink - crisps
Buildings - beach
City - mountain
Classroom objects - river
A: It's my sister's birthday.
She loves history. I want a
history book for her.
Where's the bookshop?
B: It's opposite the shoe
A: I want new boots. Is
there a shoe shop in Green
B: Yes, there is. It's
between the bookshop and
the cinema.
• You can ask Ss to add more words to
each category. Set it up as a team race
- the first student to find 5 more words
for each category wins!
2. Look and circle.
An activity recycling structures and
vocabulary taught
• Ss read the statements and circle the
correct alternative each time.
• Ss should pay special attention to the
picture prompts.
2. В
3. A
4. A
Teacher’s Book
• Then, allow each student to work
individually and write their own
revision 4-6
• Follow the procedure as set out on
page 5 in the introduction.
• Ss answer questions 5-8.
Workbook key
1. classroom objects: board, pen, book,
drink: tea, coffee, orange juice,
water, lemonade
shops: bookshop, toy shop, shoe
shop, supermarket
city: bus stop, street, traffic lights,
train station
2. 3. the biggest
4. the smallest
5. slower than
3. 2. between the pool and the cinema.
3. It's opposite the library.
4. It's next to the toy shop. / It’s
opposite the cinema.
5. It's opposite the bookshop.
4. M ake sure Ss have matched the
questions and answers correctly.
5 . Write.
1. W hat's the date today?
2. W hat must you do at home?
3. W hat's the biggest city in your country?
4. How many pencils have you got?
5. W h o's the tallest in your famiLy?
6. W hat are you wearing now?
3 Read and match.
A comprehension based activity reading for specific information
dialogue to themselves before deciding
which words to use from the box above
to fill in the gaps.
• Ask Ss to read the texts and match
them with the corresponding picture.
Text A - Picture 3
Text B - Picture 1
Text C - Picture 2
4 Choose and complete.
A short dialogue involving familiar
vocabulary and structures
• Draw Ss' attention to the pictures and
discuss the situation in L1 .Ask where
the characters are and what is
• Then, ask Ss to read the whole
1 : Because
2: w hy
3: younger
4: bigger
• W hen Ss have finished, ask them to
act out the scene.
5. Write.
A personalised activity in which Ss write
about themselves
• Read the questions and discuss the
answers orally first, perhaps asking one
or two Ss to answer the questions.
Teacher’s Book
Zoom in on English
Language focus
Review of all key structures and
vocabulary learned in Units 4-6.
on English
Warm up
• Play a round of "B in go " (Game No
2) to prepare Ss to focus on the lesson.
Select a suitable sentence.
M y sister is
John is
M t Everest is
the tallest
the shortest
the oldest
the thinnest
the fattest
the biggest
m y brother.
mountain in the world.
W h a t's the longest river in the w orld?
-is The Nile.
W h a t's the smallest anim al in the w orld? ■■■;• The hummingbird.
^ jg
are you wearing a coat?
is he eating a hot-dog?
> a>
it's cold,
he's hungry.
Zoom in on English
,o u
fx -3
O Q.
a .^
W here's the train station? J
Turn right
• W h a t's the tallest building in the
w orld?
Green Street.
• W h a t are you doing now ?
• W h a t's your favourite sport?
• W h a t's the biggest city in your
• W h y are you w earing a coat?
N ow say. •
r a b b it h o ld s an u m b r e lla in D e c e m b e r.
• T h e y a re l o o k i n g at so m e b o o k s .
A personalised activity
• Ask Ss to read and answer the
questions in their notebooks.
• Ask Ss to read their examples out
loud. Then correct their work.
Teacher’s Book
the airport.
N ow answer.
Now answer
the hotel and the
Tables highlighting grammatical
• Conduct this exercise as an oral
revision activity.
• Read and discuss the structures.
• Ask Ss to give you their own examples
of the structures. You could
demonstrate by saying:
M y father is taller than m y mother.
W hat's the highest mountain in the
w orld?
W hy are you wearing boots?
A pronunciation activity focusing on /b/
/m b/ and/u/ sounds
• M odel the examples and ask Ss to
• Focus on the target sounds before Ss
practise the sentences.
• Ask Ss to give you other examples of
words featuring these sounds. You
could make a list and ask Ss to write
the list in their notebooks.
• Check for individual pronunciation
and intonation.
Now do your project
Zoom in
on the world
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 27 in the Teacher's Book.
p .34
This is Belltown Shopping Centre.
It's the biggest shopping centre in
my city. There are lots of shops
here. There are clothes shops, shoe
shops and fast food restaurants.
There is a cinema in the shopping
centre, too. I visit Belltown at the
weekend. I sometimes watch a film
This is a grocery shop in my
neighbourhood. There are lots of
things in this shop. There are some
fruit and vegetables, biscuits and
ice-cream, too! I sometimes buy
food here because my house is
near this shop. The grocery shop
isn't very big. There are bigger
shops in the city.
Zoom in on the world
A factual text on shops around the world
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 27 in the Teacher's Book.
• For pre-reading focus, ask Ss to tell
you w hat the children do in these
shops, (eat, go to the cinema, shop).
• For reading comprehension, ask Ss the
following questions:
Is the shopping centre b ig? (Yes, it is.)
What shops are there in the shopping
centre? (Clothes, shoe shops and fast
food restaurants.)
When does the boy visit Belltown? (At
the weekend.)
Where's the grocery sh o p ? (In the
bo y's neighbourhood.)
What can yo u buy at the grocery sh o p ?
(Fruit, vegetables, biscuits and
Is the grocery shop b ig? (No, it isn't.)
• Explain to Ss that they are going to
play a game.
• Tell Ss that they will need a rubber
and scrunched up pieces of paper as
• Ss write 1 and 2 on each side of a
rubber. They throw the rubber to find
out w ho is going to play first.
• Ss play in pairs.
• SA throws the rubber again and
moves his piece of paper as m any
squares as the number on the rubber
indicates. Fie has to answer the
question of the square he has landed
on. If he answers correctly then he
throws his rubber again and moves as
m any squares as the number on the
rubber indicates. Then it's SB 's turn to
• If a S gives a w rong answer he misses
his turn.
• The first S to reach the end wins.
p.3 5
• Tell Ss that they are going to play a
• Tell Ss to look at the two pictures
carefully and try to spot as many
differences as they can.
• Then, Ss play in pairs.
• SA starts by describing one difference,
eg. The boy in picture A is shorter than
the boy in picture B.
• Then it's SB 's turn to describe a
• While Ss are doing this, go round the
class and monitor the pairs by helping
them where necessary.
Teacher’s Book
Language focus
w as - were (affirmative)
exciting, brilliant, scary, at the fair,
at the gym, at the circus, at home
frJ 9
I w a s in London yesterday
1. Look and listen.
I— —
• C all out any adjective Ss know and
get them to call out their Comparative
and Superlative Forms.
I w a s at the Tower o f London
yesterday afternoon. It w a s scary!
I w a s at the fair tast night
and it w a s very exciting!
• Books closed. Write up two words on
the board: T O D A Y / YESTERDAY.
Say: Today yo u are at English school
and write the sentence under the word
TODAY. Then say: Yesterday yo u were
at home and write the sentence under
the word YESTERDAY.
• Continue writing similar statements
on the board.
• Point out the difference between
Today and Yesterday and then tell Ss
that they are going to learn to talk
about the past.
• Books open. Draw Ss' attention to the
pictures and tell them that Zoom went
on a day-trip to London yesterday. Ask
what they think he did there.
• For pre-listening focus, ask Ss to guess
where Tina, M at and Lucy were
yesterday. (They were in London
2 . Listen, point and repeat. ■jj
3 . Match.
1. Zoom was at the wax muséum
yesterday afternoon,
2. Zoom was at the Tower of London
yesterday morning,
3. Zoom was at the fair
last night.
1. Look and listen. ^
A presentation of the language points
through a realistic situation
Ss may not know about some of the
famous sights of London like Madame
Tussaud’s Wax Museum and the Tower
of London, but this might be an
opportunity to discuss them a little. If
any visual material like brochures or
posters of London and its sights are
available, bring them to class.
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• Ask Ss to answer the pre-listening
focus question.
• Tell Ss to look closely at the four
pictures and see if they can find Matt,
Lucy and Tina in each picture.
3. Match.
A reading comprehension activity
• Ss match the beginning and ending of
the sentences according to the
information in the dialogue.
• Check the answers in class.
1. Zoom w as at the w ax museum yesterday morning.
2. Zoom w as at the Tower of London yesterday afternoon.
3. Zoom w as at the fair - last night.
2, Listen, point and repeat, t L
Guided reading practice
4. Listen, point and repeat. Clj
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
Teacher’s Book
Lesson A
• W alk round the class to monitor Ss'
performance offering encouragement
and praise.
4. Listen, point and
• After Ss have done the previous
activity orally , you can ask them to
write their ideas out in their notebooks.
• Check their answers in class.
repeat. 'Jj
at the fair
at the gym at the circus
at home
End of Lesson
5. Look at
the pictures and guess.
Where were the children yesteday?
• Ss must answer the question: Where
were yo u yesterday? before they m ay
She was at the fair last night.
They were at schoa yesterday.
( morning
... last night
last Monday ... Sunday
toy shop
• Draw Ss' attention to the LookI
section and discuss the two forms of the
Past Tense of the verb to be.
• Tell Ss that the first and third
persons singular (I / he / she / it) take
the was form and the rest take the
were form. It might be a good idea for
Ss to copy this rule out in their
notebooks. Get Ss to recite the Past
Tense in all persons a few times to help
them memorise the two forms.
• Then, focus on the time expressions
that signal the use of the Past Tense
and get Ss to repeat them after you.
• Direct Ss1 attention to the time
expressions that can be used in the Past
Simple. Point out that we can say
yesterday morning / afternoon but last
night or /ast + day.
• Ask Ss to come up with some
sentences using the following structure:
Subject + was/were + place + time
eg: / w as at school yesterday morning.
5. Look at the pictures and guess.
Where were the children yesterday?
A communicative speaking activity
practising the new structure and
• This activity can be done either in
pairs or as a class activity. Read out the
example and explain that Ss are to
guess where our characters are in each
case, choosing from the place words
from the box.
Workbook key
1. M ake sure Ss have ticked the correct
2. 2 .F 3 .T 4. T 5. F
3. 2. were
3. was
4. were
5. were
4. 2. at the, at the gym
3. w as at home. She's at the cinema
4. Lucy w as at the beach yesterday,
She's at school today
5. morning, scary, circus, clowns, last,
Teacher’s Book
Were you in the forest?
Language focus
w as - were (interrogative - negative)
in the forest, at the shops, in bed, ill
W ere you in the forest?
1. Listen and read the poem.
Where were you on Monday?
Boy: Where were you on Monday?
You weren't here at school.
Were you in the forest?
Or were you at the pool?
Girl: I wasn't in the forest.
I wasn't at the pool.
I was ill on Monday.
And I wasn't here at school.
• Write up sentences in all persons
using the Past Tense of the verb to be
and ask Ss to complete the missing
verb: was -were,
eg: We ... in London yesterday, (were)
I ... at school yesterday morning, (was)
She ...at home yesterday afternoon.
You ...at the cinema Last night, (were)
Boy: Where were you on Tuesday?
You weren't at the fair.
Were you at the shops?
Or were you ill, in bed?
Girt: I wasn't at the shops.
I wasn't ill in bed.
I was fine on Tuesday.
And I was here with Ted.
2 . Tick ( ■ / ) the correct picture.
On Monday ...
On Tuesday ...
• Books closed. Ask Ss to tell you the
various kinds of written text they have
encountered so far and write them on
the board. Suggest a few examples,
such as a letter, e-mail, postcard, story,
poem, diary, schedule, explaining them
in L1 if necessary.
• Books open. Ask Ss to look at the text
presented in this lesson and ask w ho
might be able to tell you what kind of
written text this is, (a poem).
1. Listen and read the poem. '-L i
A presentation of the new language
points through a poem
• Ss Listen to the poem once or twice as
they follow in their books. Encourage
Ss to read the poem as they listen to it.
• After that, invite the class to read the
poem together.
• If Ss enjoy this poem, you can ask
them to learn it by heart and recite it in
pairs in front of the class.
Tick (>/) the correct picture.
A reading comprehension activity
• Ss read the poem again and tick the
correct pictures.
• Check the answers in class.
On M o n d a y - She w as ill
On Tuesday - She w as
with Ted.
Listen, point and repeat. — i1
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
• Draw Ss' attention to the Look!
section and discuss the negative and
interrogative forms of the verb to be in
Teacher’s Book
Lesson B
3 . Listen, point and repeat.
I wasn't at the shops yesterday.
We weren't at school last Sunday.
Were you in the forest yesterday?
in the
at the
in bed
Yes, we were.
No, we weren't.
4 . W h ere w as yo u r partner yesterday? A s k and find out.
• Play "W hispers". Divide the class into
two teams and get each team to stand
on opposite sides of the classroom. You
will need to make space by moving the
desks aside or you can play outside.
• Then, a member of each team will be
given a sentence
eg: I was in the forest yesterday
afternoon and he / she must run across
the classroom to a student of his / her
team and whisper the sentence. This
continues until all team members have
whispered the sentence and the last
student must write what he / she heard
on the board. If the sentence produced
is correct they win.
• You will need to referee this whisper
race strictly to make sure Ss are
whispering and not shouting.
End of Lesson
• Ss must make questions with the verb
to be in the Past Simple before they
leave. M ake sure they use the
appropriate time expressions,
eg: Were yo u at the shops yesterday
m orning?
5 . Look at exercise 4 and write.
1. M y friend w asn't at th e _______
2. He / She w a sn 't______________
3. He / She w a s _________________
the Past Simple, plus the short answers.
Read out the examples and get Ss to
repeat them after you.
• Point out that Were yo u ...?can either
be singular or plural in meaning, so the
answer can be, Yes, we were. /No, we
weren't, or Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't;
depending on the context.
• For further practice write affirmative
sentences on the board with w as - were
and ask Ss to come up with the
negative and interrogative form.
4. Where was your partner yesterday?
Ask and find out.
A communicative speaking activity
practising the new structure and
• Ss tick any three boxes - this will
indicate where they were yesterday.
• Then Ss ask and answer in pairs.
• Demonstrate this by acting out the
example, with a student.
• W a lk round the class monitoring Ss'
5. Look at exercise 4 and write.
Workbook key
1. M ake sure Ss have ticked the correct
2. 2. No, they weren't
3. Yes, he w as
4. No, she w asn't
5. Yes, they were
3. 2. W as he at the cinema yesterday?
3. He w asn't happy last night.
4. Where were your friends
yesterday morning?
4. fair, wasn't, ill, were
5. M ake sure Ss have joined the dots
and completed the sentence,
A simple writing activity
• Ss look at exercise 4 and complete the
sentences according to the information
they collected in the previous activity.
• Check the answers in class.
Teacher’s Book
We visited Zutopia
Language focus
Past Simple -ed (affirmative)
talk, laugh, walk
1. Look and listen.
Dear diary,
• Write up the following words on the
board and ask Ss to write them in their
notebooks: forest, shops, school, park,
cinema, museum, fair, gym, home,
market, street, supermarket.
• Then, ask Ss to circle six of them.
• Invite a student to come to the front
of the class. The rest of the class try to
find the six places he / she has circled
by asking questions, eg: Were yo u at
the gym yesterday? (Yes, I was. / No, I
• The student w ho has also circled the
same six places is the winner.
• If nobody has circled the six places,
the procedure can be repeated by
inviting another student to the front of
the class.
Last month, Tina, Lucy and I visited
Zutopia. I t was great. W e stayed at Zoom's house
and we liked it there. We travelled to other
planets, too.
Now were home again and Zoom is with
us. Last Tuesday, Sparky touched my computer and
Zem was here ... in my bedroom! Zem lives in
Zutopia, too. He's a nice Zutopian but he was very
naughty here!
The next day, Zem walked to the city.
He changed the tra ffic lights and the bananas.
They were funny. They were purple! Luckily it
rained and everything was O K again. Zem is in
Zutopia now and we miss him a lot.
2 Listen, point and repeat.
• Books open. Ask Ss to look at the
presentation and try to identify the
text, (a diary).
• Ask Ss if they own a diary and if yes
what they usually write in it and how
• For pre-listening focus ask them to
Look at the diary and guess whose it is,
Matt's, Lucy's or Tina's, (It's Matt's).
a We visited Zutopia
3 . Put the pictures in order.
1. Look and listen.
A presentation of the new language
points through a diary
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• Ask Ss to answer the pre-listening
focus question.
• After they have heard this once, ask
Ss to guess w hat we miss him a lot
means in the last sentence.
2. Listen, point and repeat. Th
Guided reading practice
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
3 Put the pictures in order.
A reading comprehension activity
• Ss number the pictures in the order in
which they occurred in the story.
• Ss might need to read the diary page
once more.
• Check the answers in class.
3, 2, 5, 4
4 Listen, point and repeat. ' t H
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
• Draw Ss' attention to the Look!
section and explain the -ed ending
Teacher’s Book
Lesson A
Past Simple -ed (affirmative)
4 . Listen, point and repeat.
6. Look at exercise 5 and complete.
A simple writing activity
• Ss look at the pictures from the
previous activity and complete the
missing verb in the Past Simple.
• Check the answers in class.
The Zutopians
talked a lot.
Zanet laughed a lot
5. W h at did the children do yesterday afternoon?
Look and guess.
They climbed a tree
yesterday afternoon.■J
and Zoom walked
• Copy the text from 8a on the board
leaving out some regular verbs in the
Past Simple (ending in -ed). Write each
missing verb on a piece of cardboard
and place them on your desk. Ss come
to your desk and pick a card with a
verb. They have to write the verb in the
appropriate gap on the board.
• Alternatively, the teacher can write
the following text on the board and
follow the procedure above.
Dear diary.
Last month, I (travelled) to
London. I (visited) my grandparents and
it w as great! I (watched) my favourite
films, I (played) basketball and I
(climbed) the trees in my grandm a's
garden. M y cousin Paul w as there, too!
He is very funny and we (Laughed) a
lot. W e (walked) in the city and we
(played) computer games. Now I'm
home and I miss my grandparents.
talk •••)•talked
travel ■■■;■ travelled
6. Look at exercise 5 and complete.
1 . T h e y.
__a tree yesterday afternoon.
2. She
_ the door yesterday afternoon.
3. T h e y.
__TV yesterday afternoon.
4. H e __
.the guitar yesterday afternoon.
5. He
. the car yesterday afternoon.
6. T h e y.
__basketball yesterday afternoon.
added to regular verbs when talking
about actions which happened in the
• Then ask Ss to go back to the diary
and circle all the verbs in the text which
are in the Past Simple Form which they
can find. (Don't forget was - were1
• Point out that the verbs in which the
final consonant is doubled in the
Present Continuous Tense undergo the
same change in the Past Simple,
e g : travel-travelling-travelled.
• Write up additional examples on the
board and get Ss to repeat each one
correctly after you, pointing out that
the ending m ay be pronounced either
/d/, /t/ or/id/, eg:
/d/ played, cleaned, climbed, liked,
rained, lived
/t/watched, walked, laughed, talked,
End of Lesson
washed, touched,
/id/ painted, visited, wanted
• Finally, don't forget to explain that
the Past Simple Tense is the same in all
persons, both singular and plural. It
might be a good idea to decline one of
the verbs on the board to make this
absolutely clear.
5. What did the children do yesterday
afternoon? Look and guess.
A communicative speaking activity
practising the Past Simple
• Ss work in pairs.
• Ask them to look at the picture
prompts and decide what they think
the children did yesterday afternoon.
Parts of the pictures are missing.
• Demonstrate this by acting out the
example, with a student.
• Say a sentence with a verb in the
Present Simple for each student and ask
them to change it into the Past Simple
before they leave, eg: /play football
every day, (I played football
He paints a picture every day, (He
painted a picture yesterday). They walk
to school every day, (They walked to
school yesterday). It rains in the
autumn, (It rained yesterday). We climb
trees every day, (They climbed trees
Workbook key
1. 2. travelled 3. played 4. cleaned
5. laughed 6. acted
2. M ake sure Ss have matched the
pictures with the sentences correctly.
3. walked, visited, watched, was,
laughed, liked
4. 2. walked
3. painted
4. brushed
5. talked
Teacher’s Book
Did you dance at the party?
Language focus
0 b
Past Simple -ed (negative - interrogative)
stay, phone, work, cook
Did you (lance at the party?
1. Sing. Til
The party was great!
Did you laugh at the party?
Did you stay till the end?
Did you dance and p lay?
Did you talk to your friend?
Yes, we laughed at the party
And we danced and played
But w e didn't clean up in the end ...
Did you lau gh at the party?
• Ask Ss to tell you in two or three
sentences what they did the previous
day, eg: / was at home yesterday, t
watched TV and I ptayed board gam es
with m y sister.
Did you stay until late?
Did you dance and p lay?
Did your friends like the cake?
Yes, w e laughed at the party
And w e danced and played
But w e didn't clean up in the end .
U J V qm •
• Books open. Tell Ss that they wiLl
hear a song by monsters.
• Ask them what they think the topic is,
(a party).
• Initiate a discussion about parties. Ask
Ss what they usually do at parties.
2 Circle.
A reading comprehension activity
• Ss read the questions and circle the
correct option.
• Check the answers in class.
Teacher’s Book
2. Did they laugh?
Yes, they did. / No, they didn't.
3. Did they clean up?
Yes, they did. / No, they didn't.
1. Yes, they did.
2. Yes, they did.
3. No, they didn't.
X. Sing. 'H I
• Ss listen to the song once or twice as
they folLow in their books.
• After that, invite the class to join in
• After Ss have sung it a couple of times
you m ay get half the class to sing the
questions and the other half to sing the
Yes, they did. / No, they didn't.
A presentation of the new language
points through a song
1. Did they dance and play?
Read and match.
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Ask Ss to match the pictures of the
children with the correct picture below.
• Check the answers in class.
• For further practice you m ay then
repeat the sentences.
• Ask Ss to point to the correct picture
and repeat after you.
• Remind Ss of the Past Tense Form of
regular verbs learnt in the previous
lesson and then draw Ss' attention to
the Look! section. Demonstrate the use
of the auxifliary verb did in the
interrogative and negative form,
emphasising that the main verb remains
in its original form (bare infinitive).
• Go back to the sentences presented in
activity 3 above and ask Ss to convert
them into the interrogative and
negative form, orally. Then, ask Ss to
write these sentences out in their
notebooks and check that they have
been done correctly.
Lesson B
5. Look at exercise 4 and complete.
Use the Past Simple.
Past Simple -ed
A simple writing activity
(negative - interrogative)
• Ss choose from the verbs in the box
to complete the sentences.
• Point out that the verbs must be
written in the Past Simple.
• Check the answers in class.
3 . Read and match.
1. didn't visit
2. didn't watch, cooked
End of Lesson
• Ss have to say what they did or didn't
do at a party. Each student must say a
sentence in the Past Simple before they
4 . W h at did the girl do yesterday? Listen
and tick ( / ) the correct pictures.
5. Look at exercise 4 and complete.
Use the Past Simple.
1. The girL
Qt home. She
not watch
not visit
her cousins.
2. The girl_____________ TV. S h e ______________ spaghetti.
4 What did the girl do yesterday? 'tU
Listen and tick (i/) the correct pictures.
A listening activity practising verbs in
the Past Simple Tense
• Tell Ss that they wiLl hear a boy and
a girl talking about what the girl did
the previous day.
• Ss listen to the cassette and tick the
correct box according to what the girl
• A llow at least two hearings and check
the answers in class.
Workbook key
Boy: W hat did you do yesterday? Did
you see a film at the cinema?
Girl: No. W e d id n 't ... we stayed at
Boy: W hat did you do at hom e? Did
you watch TV?
Girl: No, we didn't. W e cooked! Marie
and Tony were at my house.
Boy: Really? W hat did you cook?
Girl: Spaghetti. It w as delicious.
1. 2. didn't phone 3. didn't cook
4. danced, 5. stayed
2. 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T
3. M ake sure Ss have matched the
questions and answers correctly.
4. 2. phone 3. stay 4. played
1. She stayed at home.
2. They cooked spaghetti.
Teacher’s Book
Lucy bought this postcard
Language focus
Past Simple (irregular verbs)
go, swim, sleep, make, eat, drink, buy
Lucy bought this postcard
1. Look and
Dear Zem,
Hi! How are you? Tina, Lucy and I are on holiday
and we're having a great time. Zoom is here, too!
Yesterday morning we went to the beach. We swam and
sunbathed. Zoom slept under the sun and he's red now! We
made sandcastles, too! We were very hungry and thirsty at lunch
time. We all ate and drank a lot.
Sing the song from lesson 8b again.
In the afternoon we went to the shops but I didn't buy
anything. Lucy bought this postcard.
Did you get our letter and pictures?
See you in Zutopia!
2. Listen, point and repeat,
• Books closed. Tell Ss this is the last
episode of the Zoom story for this year.
Discuss the characters and the plot.
Ask: Did you like Z o o m ? Zem ? M att?
Lucy? Tina? Sparky? etc. What w as the
funniest / silliest / scariest part of the
story? Extend the discussion in L1 if
• Books open. Focus Ss' attention on
the postcard and tell them that our
three friends are on holiday. Ask if they
have ever sent or received postcards
(you m ay even ask them to bring some
in for the next lesson).
• Then ask Ss to look at the signature
and tell you w ho the postcard w as
written by, (Matt).
3. True or False?
Zoom is on holiday.
3. The children made sandcastles.
4. Matt bought a postcard.
5. Zem is with the children.
Look and listen. I Z i
A presentation of the new language
points through a realistic text
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• After Ss have listened to the text
once, you can ask: W hy is Zoom red
n o w ? (Because he slept under the sun!)
2 Listen, point and repeat. TL
Guided reading practice
• FolLow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
True or False?
A reading comprehension activity
• Ss read the statements and tick the
correct answer. True or False.
Teacher’s Book
2. Tina slept under the sun.
• Check the answers in class.
• You m ay also ask Ss to correct the
statements which are False and write
the correct statement in their notebooks.
False (Zoom slept under the sun.)
False (Lucy bought a postcard.)
False (Zem is in Zutopia.)
4. Match. Then listen , point and
repeat. ’LL
A matching activity to present the Past
Tense of irregular verbs
• A sk Ss to match the verbs in the first
column with their Past Form in the
• Explain that these verbs are irregular
(like the verb to be) and their Past Form
must be learned by heart.
to help them.
Ask questions, eg: Did Harry buy a fish?
(Yes, he did.)
Did Zem drink m ilk?
(No, he didn't. He drank orange juice.)
• Then you can choose a student to ask
questions and see if the class remembers.
• Alternatively, Ss can w ork in pairs
and quiz each other.
4 . Match. Then listen, point and repeat.
6 Sing. t U
An activity practising and reinforcing the
language points through rhythm
They went to the beach.
Did they
go to the
They didn't g o to the beach
• Ss listen to the song at least twice.
• The first time ask them to follow the
lyrics in their books.
• The second time encourage them to
sing along with the cassette.
5 W h at did Zem and H arry do yesterday?
Ask Ss how many different verbs they
can find in the Past Tense in this song.
(Answer: 8)
6 . Sing.
b u y / a fish
You m ay ask Ss to go back over the
Zoom story from the beginning and
write statements that m ay be either
True or False as a quiz for their partner.
Write 2-3 examples on the board to
start them off,
eg: Zem is Z oom 's brother, (False. He is
his cousin)
Zem touched the bananas and they
were purple. (True) W hen they have
written ten statements, they should
exchange notebooks and try to
complete their partner's quiz.
sleep / in bed
Goodbye to everyone
W e drank some orange juice.
And sw am in the pool.
W e ate a go o d breakfast.
And went to the zoo.
W e had fun in the sun.
So have a go o d holiday everyone.
W e had fun in the sun,
So good b ye to everyone.
W e slept and sunbathed,
And played on the beach.
W e m ade sandcastles.
A n d ate a big peach.
End of Lesson
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
swim - swam, sleep - slept, make made, eat - ate, drink - drank,
buy - bought
• Focus Ss' attention on the Look!
section and demonstrate the formation
of the interrogative and negative form.
Remind Ss that the main verb remains
in the infinitive form in the interrogative
and negative form, as is the case with
regular verbs in the Past Simple (see
• You m ay then ask Ss to go back to
the text on the previous page and circle
all the irregular verbs they can find.
5 What did Zem and Harry do
A communicative speaking activity
focusing on the Past Simple
• Get Ss to work in pairs and discuss
what Zem and Harry did yesterday.
Remind them that they must remember
to use the correct form of the verbs given.
• Demonstrate this by acting out the
example with a student.
• W a lk around the class monitoring Ss'
performance offering encouragement
and advice where necessary.
• The teacher calls out any of the verbs
taught in the Infinitive Form and each
student has to say the Past Form of it
before they leave.
Workbook key
1. 2. sunbathed 3. slept 4. ate
5. bought 6. went 7. made 8. drank
2. 1. went
2. didn't swim, swam
3. didn't sleep, slept
4. didn't make, made
5. didn't buy, bought
3. text A - picture 3
text B - picture 1
text C - picture 2
4. 2. No, they didn't
3. Yes, they did
4. Yes, they did
5. No, they didn't
• Books closed. Ask Ss if they remember
what Zem and Harry did in activity 5.
Write the irregular verbs on the board
Teacher’s Book
The country mouse and the city mouse
Language focus
Past Simple (irregular verbs)
have, come, see, the country, nuts,
The country mouse and the city mouse
1. Look and listen.
Once upon a time there were two cousins.
• Play a game. Divide the class into two
teams. Write the Infinitive Form and the
Past Form of several verbs (regular and
irregular) on the board. A member of
each team comes to the board and
matches the Infinitive Form with the
correct Past Form of the verb.
• After the student has matched the
two forms of the verb he / she has to
make a sentence. For every correct
sentence the team gets a point. The
team that gets the most points wins.
Months later, Squeak visited his cousin in
the city. Creak lived in a beautiful house.
One day Creak visited his cousin. The
Squeak family worked all day and
they collected fruit and nuts. Creak
didn't like country life.
It was lunch time and the cousins
were very hungry. There was lots of
food in the dining room.
• Books open. Ask Ss in L1 if they enjoy
reading stories / fairy tales / fables and
what their favourite ones are. Then
focus on the pictures in their books and
ask them if they happen to know this
particular story. Focus on the title and
see if Ss can deduce its meaning. Then,
before listening, point out that all
fairy tales in English begin with the
phrase: Once upon a time... This can
certainly be translated into L1 by Ss
• For pre-listening focus, ask:
What are the names of the mice?
(Squeak and Creak.)
But the man of the house came home
and saw the two mice. He was very
Squeak didn't like the city. He went
home to his small house and had dinner
with his family. He was very happy.
1 . Look and listen. 'TL
A presentation of the new language
points through a story
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 5 in the introduction.
• Ask Ss to answer the pre-listening
focus question.
• Ask: D o y o u like the city or the
country? Discuss their opinions in L1
and if there is a moral to this story.
• A llow Ss some individual reading
practice. To get into the storytime
mood, get Ss to sit in a circle on the
floor around the "reader". The next
"reader" moves into the centre of the
circle when it is their turn to read.
2. Circle.
A reading comprehension activity
• Ss read the statements and circle the
correct option.
• Check the answers in class.
2. worked
3. didn't like
4. small
5. didn’t like
6. happy
3 Listen, point and repeat. 'tS
A presentation of the active vocabulary
with visual prompts
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 6 in the introduction.
• Focus Ss' attention on the Look!
section and the three new irregular
verbs in the Past Simple.
Teacher’s Book
• Get Ss to make sentences with these
new irreguLar verbs.
4, Listen and tick (✓ ) or cross (x).
A listening activity practising the Past
Simple Tense
• Tell Ss they will hear a story about a
• Ss listen to this story and tick the
pictures which are relevant to it.
• A llo w at least two hearings and
check the answers in class.
Lesson B
• Finally, unfold the story and read it
out to the class.(You might need to
correct any mistakes first.) Their silly
story is complete!
2 . Circle.
1 . Creak lived in the country /(pity)
4. Squeak lived in a sm all/big house.
2. The Squeak family worked/didn't
work all day.
5. The man of the house liked/ didn't
like the mice.
3. Creak liked/ didn't tike country life.
6 . Squeak was happy / sa d with his
End of Lesson
3 . Listen, point and repeat,
Remind Ss at the start to use verbs in
the Past Simple.
• Sing the song "G oodbye to
everyone!” from lesson 9a.
- t
sa w
come •••>• came
the country
Once upon a time there w as a man.
He lived in the country. He ate nuts
and drank water from the river. He
liked music and he played the flute.
He didn't have a family but the
anim als in the forest were his family
He w as happy.
Pictures 1, 3 and 4 are reLevant.
5. Make a silly story.
A collective writing activity
• Ss will collaborate on a story which
they will all write together. Take a page
and write the first sentence of the story
at the top: Once upon o time there was
a Little boy and let the whole class see it.
Then fold the top of the page in such a
w ay that the first sentence is hidden.
• Pass the piece of paper along to the first
student, who writes the next sentence,
folds the piece of paper and passes it on
to the next student. Continue until all Ss
have contributed a sentence to the story.
There is no need for there to be any
logical cohesion to the story, only a
common theme: the boy. You might help
giving it a more satisfying end if you tell
the last three Ss to imagine a suitable
"happy ending" to the story.
Workbook key
1. 2. stayed 3. played 4. didn't watch
5. ate
2. 2. Yes, he did 3. Yes, he did
4. No, he didn't 5. Yes, he did
3. had, drank, ate, brushed, went,
played, swam, was
4. slept, worked, saw
Teacher’s Book
Eddie's note
A short reading text in the form of an
editor's note.
• Read the note yourself or get Ss to
read it.
• Ask Ss w hy Eddie says "I'm back
again. I'm fine now " (because he w as
ill last week).
• Ask Ss w ho Julie is (the girl w ho
replaced Eddie last week).
1. What's in a
( LM.
№ ,7 7 777 - "Thanks
| > W vvett, ^
J ready? U e s g e P
You can find libraries in many places. In small towns, big cities, in
schools... in hospitals, too! There are lots of books in a library but there
are other things, too! The British Library in London is very big. It has
books, newspapers, maps, CDs, tapes and stamps! The largest library in
the world is the United States Library of Congress, in Washington D.C.
A factual reading text giving
information about libraries.
• Draw Ss' attention to the photos and
ask them what you can find in a library
(books and desks for people to read)
and what people can do there (study
and read books or borrow books to
read at home).
• Read the text or get Ss to read it.
• Ask Ss, Where can yo u find Libraries?
What other things are there in a
library? Which is the Largest Library in
the world?
• Elicit Ss' answers.
2. Can you find
An activity reviewing vocabulary and
structures taught in previous units
through visual prompts.
• Draw Ss' attention to the picture and
explain that they should find the
hidden bananas.
• Ss work in pairs and take turns to say
the sentences.
There is a banana on the car.
There is a banana under the car.
There is a banana under the tree.
There is a banana on the tent.
There is a banana in the tent.
There is a banana on the tree.
There is a banana in the tree.
There is a banana in the fLowers.
Teacher’s Book
0T h e m o n k e y s hid e igh t b a n a n a s in th e forest. C a n y o u find th e m ?
Find the w o rd s a n d sa y. W h a t did A n g ie d o on S a t u r d a y ?
W h a t did she see? Circle.
5. Colour the dots
and find out.
A fun activity revising vocabulary.
• Explain to Ss that they should colour
the parts with the dots so that the
hidden picture appears. Then, they
should answer the question given.
%. r
c l
They slept in the fireplace.
Reader’s corner
A text for further reading familiarising
Ss with various types of writing
(Here: a postcard).
K Z A P t Z 'S
- R E A D E R 'S
D e a r h ld it ,
H i! I ’m
w e n t io
I here in
I p la y e
a n d
w e
C c R A j E R - R E A D E R 'S
C O ^ E R
o p l y e s te r d a y ,
m y f a v o u r it e b e a c h
e x ic o ! S u n b a t h e d ,
d ga m e 1
with m
y f r ie n d s
S w a m .ln je h a d a c jr e a t
1 time!
P / e H ,S u m m e r
• Get Ss to read the postcard.
• Ask Ss questions to check their grasp
of Language, eg. W h o 's the writer?
Where did she go yesterday? W hat did
she do there? etc.
• If there is enough time, use the picture
as a visual prompt and discuss.
h e re ,S o h a v e
i hunl
P e n e k ftw
S e n d us a p ostcard, too!
3. Circle.
An activity focusing on lexis recognition
and reading comprehension.
• Tell Ss that they are going to read a
text which has no spaces between the
• Explain to Ss that they should restore
the text.
• Choose Ss to read the sentences.
• Ask Ss comprehension questions, eg.
W hen did Angie go to the fair? etc.
• Explain to Ss that they should say
w hat Angie did on Sunday. Then, they
should circle the pictures of the things
she saw at the fair.
4. How many places
can you find?
A simple vocabulary activity focusing
on places.
• Tell Ss that they have to unscramble
the letters and form words that indicate
• After Ss have completed the activity,
ask them what words they have found.
home, school, gym, library, circus, fair
Angie went to the fair on Saturday,
pop corn / cold drinks / big, fat, ugly
monsters with big teeth
Teacher’s Book 6 1
Story Time
Story time
To consolidate structures and
vocabulary of units 7-9.
rtis the Gorilla 3
Look and listen
Susan and Marvin are talking
to Sam and Walter.
Poor Curtis, he's in a cage!
We're going to a party
This isn't a real gorilla.
kHe's our friend, Curtis!
Arghhh! I can't
open this. Where
are Marvin and
He's wearing a
aorilla costume!
The kids leave the zoo.
Curtis isfreeaqain!
Sam is opening the cage
Sorry, Curtis!
Are you OK?
Please help m e P
Get me out of this
costume! ,— j
Thanks for your
help, guys!
■ You're welcome,
w m
Hey, Curtis! Do
you want a
K J A c t out the story.
• Ask Ss to tell you in L1 what has
happened so far in the story. (The
children went into a shop and bought
costumes for a party. A s they were
crossing the street, two men w ho
worked at the zoo, saw Curtis and
thought he w as a real gorilla. The two
men put Curtis in a van to take him to
the zoo. Marvin and Susan saw Curtis
in the van.)
• Tell Ss to look at the frames and say
where the episode is taking place. (At
the zoo.)
• Ask Ss in L1 what they think is
happening in each frame.
Teacher’s Book
• Play the tape and ask Ss to follow in
their books.
• Ask Ss, Where's Curtis in the first
frame? (In a cage.)
• Tell Ss to look at the second frame
and ask. What are Marvin and Susan
do ing? (They're talking to Sam and
• Ask Ss w hat the children told Sam
and Walter. (That Curtis isn't a real
gorilla and he's wearing a gorilla
costume because they are going to a
• Ask Ss to look at the third and fourth
frame and say w hat is happening. (Sam
is opening the cage and Curtis is free.
The children are Leaving the zoo.)
• Ask Ss w hy Marvin asks Curtis if he
wants a banana. (Because gorillas like
bananas.) Ask Ss if they find it funny.
• Ss listen to the tape again and repeat
each phrase.
• Explain to Ss that they are going to
act out the story.
• Ss work in groups.
• Assign roles to Ss and monitor the
groups while they are doing this.
Choose a S to read the narration.
• Choose a group to act out the story
to the class.
M atch.
1. The children are going
his costume.
2. Sam, Walter and the children are
3. Curtis can't open
in the zoo.
4. Susan and Marvin help
to a party.
Cfcl C h oo se and com plete.
That was scary!
Are you OK?
Activities based
on the story
• M ake sure Ss have matched the two
halves of the sentences correctly.
• M ake sure Ss have completed the
speech bubbles correctly.
1. Are you O K ?
2. That w as scary!
1. The children are going to a party.
2. Sam, Walter and the children are in
the zoo.
3. Curtis can't open his costume.
4. Susan and Marvin help Curtis.
Teacher’s Book
n you rem
Language focus
Consolidation and review of language
and structures Learned in Units 7-9.
7-9 Can you remember?
Read and circle the odd w o rd .
Review of Vocabulary Learned in Units
last night last Sunday
last Thursday
P la c e s
••••> fair
A c t io n s
••••:• country
Look and circle.
;1. (A) The children were at the
Begin by selecting a song from previous
Units and asking Ss to sing it.
She went to the country last
fair yesterday.
B The children weren't at
She didn't go to the country
the fair yesterday.
2. A He slept yesterday
last Sunday.
4. A They swam in the swimming
pool yesterday.
B He didn't sleep yesterday
They didn't swim in the
swimming pool yesterday.
3. Read and match.
We went to the beach
yesterday. We
sunbathed, made
sandcastles and laughed.
It was brilliant.
I was at the beach last
Sunday. I slept for two
hours under the sun and I
was red. M y friends
laughed a lot.
M y mother made
sandwiches and biscuits
and we ate them at the
beach. We pLayed and
later we swam.
2. Look and circle.
1. Read and circle the odd word.
An activity focusing on lexis recognition
• Review and explain the terms: Time,
Food .Places, Actions
• Ask Ss to circle the odd one out.
Food - shop
Places - fireplace
Actions - country
You can ask Ss to add more words to
each category. Set it up as a team race
- the first student to find 5 more words
for each category wins!
Teacher’s Book
An activity recycling structures and
vocabulary taught
• Ss read the statement and circle the
correct alternative each time.
• Ss should pay special attention to the
picture prompts.
• Demonstrate what Ss have to do by
reading the example first.
2. B
3. B
4. A
A personalised activity in which Ss write
about themselves
revision 7-9
4. Choose and complete.
The clowns were very funny. I stayed at home last
I phoned you but you weren't at home.
Did you buy any balloons?
• Read the questions and discuss the
answers orally first, perhaps asking one
or two Ss to answer the questions.
• Then, allow each student to work
individually to write their ow n answers.
• Follow the procedure as set out on
page 5 in the introduction.
• Ss answer questions 9-12.
Workbook key
1. time: yesterday, last Tuesday, last
places: gym, museum, fair, circus
food: spaghetti, fish, cake, fruit
actions: swim, eat, drink, cook
2 . 2 . were
3. were
4. w asn't
5. was
3 . 1. visited
2 . make, make, made
4. 2. He worked at a supermarket
3. She bought a postcard
4. They had breakfast at 8:15
5. She ate spaghetti last night
5. M ake sure Ss have matched the
questions with the answers correctly.
5. Write. W h at did you do yesterday?
1. Did you go to school?
2. Did you drink orange juice?
3. Did you talk to your friends?
4. Did you play basketball?
5. Did you brush your teeth?
3. Read and match.
A comprehension based activity reading for specific information
• Ask Ss to read the texts and match
them with the corresponding picture.
Text A - Picture 3
Text B - Picture 1
Text C - Picture 2
no! Poor Tim!- in picture 4 ? (Because he
w as ill last Sunday).
• Then, ask the Ss to read the whole
dialogue to themselves before deciding
which phrases to use from the box to
fill the gaps.
Picture 2: The clowns were very funny
Picture 3: Did you buy any balloons?
Picture 4 : 1stayed home last Sunday.
4. Choose and complete.
A short dialogue involving familiar
vocabulary and structures
• Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures and
discuss the situation in L1. Discuss
where the characters are and what is
• Then, ask: W hy does the boy sa y - Oh
• W hen Ss have finished, ask them to
act out the scene.
Teacher’s Book
Language focus
9 Zoom in
Review of all key structures and
vocabulary learned in Units 7-9.
on English
Warm up
• Play "H a n g m a n ” (Game No 1) with
words from Units 7-9.
TYes I was.
Were you at school yesterday?-^ N '
I wasn't.
I w a s at the fair yesterday.
I w a sn 't in the forest yesterday.
W a s she at the park last Friday?
She w a s at the museum yesterday morning
She w asn't at the shops yesterday afternoon. Y es, she was.
W e were at the cinema last night.
W ere they at home last night?
W e w eren't at the library last night.
rJ “l
Yes, they were.
No, they weren't.
I /Y o u
H e / S h e / It
W e / You / They
No, she w asn't
the museum yesterday morning.
I cooked spaghetti yesterday.
Did you work yesterday?
I didn't watch TV yesterday.
Yes, I did.
No, I didn't.
He walked to school yesterday morning.
He didn't clean the car yesterday afternoon.
Yes, he did.
They played volleyb all last Tuesday.
Did they p lay board gam es yesterday ?
Did he listen to music last night?
No, he didn't.
They didn't paint a picture last Tuesday.
Zoom in on English
Tables highlighting grammatical
• Conduct this exercise as an oral
revision activity.
• Read and discuss the structures.
• Ask Ss to give you their ow n examples
of the structures. You could
demonstrate by saying:
I w as at home Last night. Were yo u at
the gym yesterday m orning?
I visited m y cousin Last Tuesday.
Did yo u dance Last night?
I ate spaghetti yesterday.
Did yo u sleep at 10 o'cLock Last night?
t-s 8
.£ Z3 -Q
to O) ÎT,
-M QJ >
a —
sw am
I bought a T-shirt yesterday morning.
She didn't sleep at 10 o'clock last night.
Did they make biscuits yesterday?
No, they didn't.
N ow answer.
• Where were you tast night?
• Did you go to the gym last Tuesday?
• Did you phone your friend yesterday?
• Did you buy a postcard yesterday
N ow say. • T h i r t y t h i r s t y b i r d s are s u n b a t h i n g .
• Th e f u n n y d u c k is e a t i n g nuts .
A personalised activity
• Ask Ss to read and answer the
questions in their notebooks.
• Ask Ss to read their examples out
loud. Then correct their work.
Teacher’s Book
No, they didn't.
Yes, they did.
Now answer
Yes, they did.
A pronunciation activity focusing on / 0 /,
/ 5 / a n d / a / sounds
• M odel the examples and ask Ss to
• Focus on the target sounds before Ss
practise the sentences.
• A sk Ss to give you other examples of
w ords featuring these sounds. You
could make a list and ask Ss to write
the list in their notebooks.
• Check for individual pronunciation
and intonation.
Zoom in on the world
Now do your project
Zoom in
on the world
My holidays!
Last year, my family and I went to Camp Travis. M y cousins were there,
too. All the children slept in the caravan and our parents slept in the tents.
Our parents cooked in the caravan but we ate outside. They sometimes
made hamburgers, hot-dogs and chips. Yummy!
We didn't swim because there wasn't a beach or a river near the camp. We
played lots of games and sports. One day we saw two squirrels in the
forest. They were brown and grey. We saw lots of birds, too. Our parents
told us scary stories at night. It was fun!
N o w do y o u r p r o j e c t .
Zoom in on the world
A factual text on holidays around the
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 27 in the Teacher's Book.
• For pre-reading focus ask Ss where
they went on holiday, (Camp Travis).
• For reading comprehension ask Ss the
following questions:
Where did the children sleep? (In tents.)
W hat did they eat? (Flamburgers,
hot-dogs, chips.)
Did they sw im ? (No, they didn't.)
• Follow the procedure as described on
page 27 in the Teacher's Book.
• Tell Ss that they are going to play a
• Ss have to read the text and solve the
• Tell Ss to read each sentence
carefully and then try to identify each
person in the picture.
• Then Ss have to speculate and decide
w ho ate John's chocolate. (His dog,
• Tell Ss that they are going to play a
gam e and that they will need a pencil,
for the game.
• Ss work in pairs.
• S A must place his pencil in an upright
position in the direct centre of the circle
(on the page of his book) and let his
pencil fall.
• Then, he should make a sentence
using the verb in the past tense, eg.
watch -> I watched TV yesterday.
• Ss swap roles.
• Tell Ss how m any turns they have.
• WhiLe Ss are doing this, go round the
class and monitor the pairs by helping
them where necessary.
Extra Activities
pp. 52-53
1. 2c, 3e, 4a, 5b
2. 1. Where
3. How many
5. W ho
3. 2b, 3b, 4b, 5a
4. 2c, 3d, 4b
2. W hat
4. W hy
6 . W hen
What did they see in the forest?
(Squirrels and birds.)
What did their parents tell them at
nights? (Scary stories.)
Teacher’s Book
7. R obots
Either you or one of the students is the "R o b o t" and the
rest of the class gives the robot orders. "Stand u p !", "Sit
d o w n !", "Write your nam e!" etc.
1. H angm an
a. A student thinks of a word and writes the same number of
dashes as the letters of the word, on the board.
b. The rest of the Ss take turns to guess the letters. If a Letter
is correct the student at the board writes it on the correct
dash or dashes. If a letter is not correct the student draws
part of the person hanging from the gallow s and writes
the letter on the board so that Ss don't repeat the same
c. The class wins if they find the word before the picture is
2. Bingo
This gam e can be played with any word group, e.g.
Numbers, animals, days of the week, classroom objects
etc. Ask Ss to draw a 2x3 grid in their notebooks and write
six different numbers from 1 to 20. You call out numbers
at random and the first student to get all his/her numbers
called out wins.
3. Sim on S ays
Play this game when you have taught enough commands.
Tell the Ss that they must do only what "Sim on s a y s " .
They must not perform the action if it isn't preceded by
"Sim on says". W hen a student does so he/she is out of the
game. The last student to be caught out wins. Revise the
parts of the body using commands Like: "Touch your n o se ".
4. M em ory Chain
This gam e can be used to practise or revise a wide range
of word groups and grammatical structures. You say a
sentence like: / have got a ball and the Ss take turns
around the class saying this and adding one more item as
they go along, e.g.: I've got a ball and a bike. An y student
w ho forgets part of the chain is out.
5. Hot Potato
Another version of pass the ball. The Ss sit at their desks
and pass the paper ball, "the hot potato", as fast as they
can. W hen you shout, "S to p !" the student stuck with the
hot potato must spell a word correctly or he / she is out.
6. Thief!
Put a number of objects or flashcards on your desk and
get the Ss to look at them carefuLLy. W hen the class is not
Looking, hide one of the objects / flashcards and see w ho
can remember what the missing item is.
8. Find your Partner
M ake cards with opposites eg: hot / cold and distribute
them to the class. Then let the Ss w alk around and find
their partner, asking: "Are you h o t?" You can also do this
with numbers in their numerical and lexical form.
Photocopy pictures A and B.
Cut out the small window above
the bridge in picture A. Cut out
the circle from picture B. Place
picture B behind picture A and put
a drawing pin through both
centres, (marked with an X).
*Y o u can draw your own circle
with items you want to revise.
Quiz 1
1. Match.
5 points
eg. Turn Left.1. Don't hide under the tabLe
2. Give me the teddy bear.
3. Close the door.
4. Do your homework.
5. Don't touch my sandwich.
2 *
Choose and write.
3 « Circle.
Close the door.
Turn right.
Don't cross the street!
Sit down.
Don't ride your bike!
Open the window.
5 points
eg. Ben is singing. Listen to her/tfrim)
1. Don't close the door. Don't close it / her.
2. The fish are purple! Look at them / it.
3. Open the window, please. Open it/him .
4. Give Suzy the board game. Give him / her the game.
5. We are hiding under the table. Look at u s/ them.
5 points
Quiz 2
1. Choose and complete.
eg. You
touch the dog.
1. You
do your homework.
2. You
throw litter in the bin.
3. You
be quiet in the Library
4. You
write on the wall.
5. You
chew gum in class.
6. You
listen to the teacher.
2» Choose and complete.
eg. The boy is_____ clever.
1. The cat is
2. The girl is _
3. The dog is
4. The elephant is
3 . W rite.
5 points
He is an old man.
It is a lazy cat.
She is a happy woman.
He is a sad child.
It is a quiet mouse.
It is a noisy bird.
They are old men.
4 points
Quiz 3
1. Look and write.
9 points
js this?
It's Keily's.
trainers_____ are these? They
are these?
t\% ikwhose
T ,;
are these?
is this?
is this?
2» Look and write.
6 points
eg. How many
are there in the wardrobe?
1. How many__
2. How many
3. How many
are there in the wardrobe?
are there?
are there?
Quiz 4
1. Find and match.
1. s i r c s p
5 points
2. a t e
3. l e c o h t c a o
4. f o f e c e
5. k r a e m t
2 . Look and answer.
eg. Where's the toy shop?
next to
5 points
3. Where's the Library?
______ Opposite______ the cinema.
_________ the shoe shop and the cinema.
1. Where's the supermarket?
4. Where's the restaurant?
________________________ the Library.
___________________the supermarket.
2. Where's the airport?
5. Where's the shoe shop?
the shoe shop.
3 . Look and complete.
on the Left
the restaurant.
on the right
eg. The peaches are on the left.
1. The cherries are ____________
2. The carrots are_____________
3. The tomatoes are___________
4. The potatoes are___________
5. The bananas are___________
5 points
Quiz 5
5 points
eg. Why are you wearing a swimsuit?N
Because I'm thirsty.
1. Why are you making a sandwich?
Because I'm happy.
2. Why are you drinking water?
Because it's sunny.
3. Why are you sleeping?
Because I'm hungry.
4. Why are you wearing a hat?
Because I'm tired.
5. Why are you dancing?
Because it's hot.
2» Choose
and complete. Who How Where Whose Where What When
is the train station? Next to the supermarket.
is on your desk? My pencil case.
is that? My brother.
old are you? Eighteen.
book is this? It's Craig's.
is your birthday? It's on the 21st of July.
is your ruler? In my pencil case.
3» Circle.
4 points
eg. They(go)/are g o in g to the beach every Sunday.
1 .1w a l k / a m w a lk in g along Brown Street every day.
2. She d o e sn 't r e a d / isn 't read ing a book now.
3. D o they w atch / A r e they w a tch in g TV now?
4. D o y o u p la y / A r e y o u p la y in g the guitar every day?
6 points
Quiz 6
4 points
eg. a country
1. building
2 . Look and complete.
2. castle
5 points
eg. Tom is
shorter than
1. An elephant is__________
2. Suzie is________________
Mary, (short)
a frog, (fat)
Ben. (thin)
3. A rabbit is______________
____a tortoise, (fast)
4. Joe is__________________
Jane, (young)
5. A tiger is
3 . Com plete.
6 points
eg. The giraffe is_____ the tallest
___ animal in the world, (tall)
1. The Nile is__________________
_ river in the world, (long)
2. Russia is____________________
country in the world, (big)
3. The hummingbird is__________
_________ bird in the world, (small)
4. The tortoise is_______________
____ animal in the world, (slow)
5. Mount Everest is_____________
______ mountain in the world, (high)
6. Windsor Castle is____________
_______ castle in the world, (old)
Quiz 7
1. Choose
and complete.
eg. Brenda's aunt
5 points
was were
_ at home yesterday afternoon,
1. My friends__
at the fair Last Sunday.
2. Jane
3. Tom and Alex
at the shops yesterday morning.
________ at the cinema last night.
at the beach yesterday.
4. The children _
5. I __________
2» Look and w rite.
ill in bed Last Wednesday.
in the forest at the pool at the fair
at the circus at school at the gym
5 points
eg. She wasn't at school yesterday.
3 . W rite.
5 points
eg. Were they at the zoo last Thursday?
1. Were you at home last night?
2. Was she at the fair yesterday?
3. Were they at the shops yesterday afternoon?
4. Was he at the Library last Friday?
5. Were you in the forest yesterday morning?
Yes, they were.
Quiz 8
Look and w rite. Use the Past Simple.
W hat did these people do yesterday?
play visit w atch
brush listen
Sally and Joe
to music.
his grandparents.
2 , Circle.
her teeth.
5 points
eg. We d e a n /(^Leaned) the house yesterday.
1. Did you p a in t/ p a in te d this picture?
2. I didn't p h o n e / p h o n e d you yesterday.
3. They Laugh / to u g h e d a lot yesterday.
4. He didn't w o r k / w ork e d last Saturday.
5. Did they d a n ce / d a n ce d at the party?
3» W rite about you. W hat did you do last week?
1. Did you cook?
2. Did you climb a tree?
3. Did you phone a friend?
4. Did you watch TV?
5. Did you play a board game? ______________
6. Did you clean your room?
6 points
4 points
Quiz 9
_________________________ à
1. Look
and w rite. Use the Past Simple.
8 points
didn't drink
(not drink) coffee.
(drink) orange juice.
(not buy) a TV.
(buy) a radio.
(not eat) fish and chips.
Sue and John
(eat) sandwiches.
_ (not go) to the supermarket,
(go) to the market.
___ (not make) a cake.
(make) biscuits.
Yes, she did.
eg. Did you make sandcastles yesterday morning?.
No, I didn't.
1. Did he drink milk last night?
2. Did you buy a postcard yesterday?
3. Did they go to the country last Sunday?
4. Did she have dinner with her family?
3 * W rite
No, they didn't.
'Yes, we did.
No, he didn't.
3 points
3 things you did yesterday. Choose and write.
1 . 1 ___________________________________________________________________.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .
Test 1-3
1. Match.
__________________ à
5 points
eg. Fiona is rollerblading.,
Look at me.
1. The children are playing.'
Look at us.
2. The cat is climbing a tree.
Look at him.
3. I am cleaning.
Look at it.
4. John is sleeping.
Look at her.
5. We are doing a jigsaw puzzle.
Look at them.
2 . Choose and complete. Stand up!
Don't turn right. Give me the toy.
Touch the fish. Open the door.
4 points
6ive me the toy. )
7 points
eg. I m u st/(^ustiYt) write on desks at school.
1. I m u st/m u stn 't play football in the house. 4.1 m u s t / m u stn 't write on walls.
2. I m u s t / m u s t n 't be quiet. The baby is
5.1 m u st/ m u stn 't clean my room,
6.1 m u s t / m u stn 't throw litter in the bin.
3. I m u s t / m u stn 't listen to the teacher.
4„ Look and write.
eg. The Zutopian
7.1 m u st/ m u stn't ride my bike in the house.
2. The tortoise
4 points
4. The boy
is young.
3. The woman
T est 1-3
S . W rite the plural.
eg. man
3 points
3. mouse
1. woman
6 . Look and write.
2. child
3 points
eg. Whose shoes are these?
They're Tina's.______
1. Whose boots are these?
2. Whose skirt is this?
3. Whose jacket is this?
T. Look and write.
4 points
How many coins are there?
How many pens are there? _
How many stamps are there?
How many hats are there? _
How many cards are there?
Test 4-6
1. W rite
and m atch.
5 points
1 . 1 ________________________
2. b _______ s ______
3. t
4. i _______ - c.
5. b
2 , Tom
is a t the cinem a. He w ants to go to the toy shop. Com plete and give him
along into left next to opposite right turn right
6 points
.. L ....
Walk along King Street and turn
into Brown Street. W alk________________(1)
Brown Street and turn left________________(2)
Market Street. Walk along Market Street and
________________(3) into Hill Street. The toy shop
is on your ________________(4). It's
________________(5) the bookshop
________________(6) the hotel.
3 « Choose
and complete.
Where - Why
How many
8 points
is the market?
Opposite the toy shop.
is your birthday?
It's on the twenty-fourth of January
is the time?
It's a quarter past six.
stamps have you got?
are you wearing boots?
Because it's raining.
is the date today?
It's the twentieth of December.
is hungry?
is your rubber?
In my pencil case.
car is that?
T e st 4-6
Read and m atch.
4 points
This is John. John gets up at eight o'clock. He brushes his teeth
and has sausages and eggs for breakfast. He doesn't eat fruit
because he doesn't Like it. He goes to school at nine o'clock.
John isn't at home now. He's at the supermarket. He's buying
ice-cream and chocolate.
eg. Does John get up at eight o'clock?^^
Yes, he is.
1. Does John have fruit for breakfast?
No, he doesn't
2. Does John go to school at nine o'clock?
^^Yes, he does.
3. Is John at home now?
No, he isn't.
4. Is John buying ice-cream and chocolate?
Yes, he does.
5» Circle.
eg. The snake is the j o n g e s p fastest
1. The rabbit is slo w e r/ faster than
the tortoise.
2. The elephant is the bigger/biggest animal.
3. The frog is the sm aller/ sm allest
4. The snake is slo w e r/ faster than
the frog.
6 * Answer.
1. What are you doing now?
2. Are you taller than your best friend?
3. What's the highest mountain in your country?
Test 7-9
1. Look and write.
6 points
Mary was at the
1. Tom was at
Last night.
Last night.
Susan and Tom were at the
3. Steven was at the
MichaeL was in
5. Peter was at the
yesterday morning.
Lisa was in the
6. S
Choose and complete.
Last Monday.
weren't was were was wasn't was were
eg. My sister and I ____ were
1. Sue____________
6 points
at the zoo yesterday afternoon.
at the cinema Last night. The film
2. My parents went to a restaurant Last night. They_________
at home.
3. My friend_______________at school yesterday because he
4. My friends
3 « W rite.
at the shops yesterday. They bought clothes.
Use the Past Simple.
eg. They
p laye d
4 points
(play) board games Last night.
1. My mother______________ (cook) spaghetti yesterday.
2. My brother_______________ (clean) his room Last Saturday.
3. W e _______________(watch) a film Last night. It was scary.
4. My sister
(stay) at her friend's house yesterday.
T e st 7-9
Look and w rite. Use the Past Simple.
The boys
d id n 't s le e p
My sister
The children
My father
5» Match.
cook eat play
swim sleep
4 points
1. Did you watch TV last night?
2. Were you ill yesterday?
3. Were you at school yesterday morning?
4. Did you go to a party last Saturday?
5 points
at nine o'clock last night.
volleyball yesterday.
pizza Last night.
a skirt last Tuesday.
in the river yesterday.
dinner Last night.
5 points
e.g. Did you see your friends yesterday?^.
1. Were the boys at school last Monday?
2. Was your friend ill Last night?
3. Did Mary phone you yesterday?
4. Did they live in the country?
5. Were you hungry last night?
6 . Answ er.
Yes, he was.
No, we weren't.
Yes, we did.
No, they didn't.
No, they weren't.
Yes, she did.
Key to Quizzes
Q u izl
Quiz 6
Matching activity
1.Turn right. 2.Open the window. 3.Sit down.
4.Don't cross the street! 5.D on't ride your bike!
1. it 2. them 3. it 4. her 5. us
Quiz 2
1. must 2. must 3. must 4. mustn't 5. m ustn't 6 . must
l. la z y 2. thin 3. good 4. fat
1. They are Lazy cats
2. They are happy women
3. They are sad children 4. They are quiet mice
5. They are noisy birds
Quiz 3
1. They're M a ry 's 2. jeans, They're Craig's
3. jumper, It's John's 4. boots, They're Sue's
5. T-shirt, It's Fred's
1 . hats, seventy-two 2 . stamps, ninety-nine
3. coins, sixty-four
crisps 2. tea 3. chocolate 4. coffee 5. market
Opposite 2. Next to 3. Between
Next to
5. Opposite
on the left 2. on the right 3. on the right
on the left 5. on the right
Matching activity
D on't turn right.
Stand up!
Touch the fish.
Open the door.
1. mustn't
3. is old
4. is clever
1. women
2 . children
6 . next to
1. When
2. W hat
3. How m any
4. W hy
5. W hat
6 . W ho
7. Where
8 . W hose
Matching activity
1. faster
A hundred
Test 4-6
1 . traffic lights
2 . bus stop
3. train station
4. ice-cream
5. bookshop
1. is bad
2 . is ugly
Key to Tests
2. It's Lucy's
3. It's M att's
2 . biggest
1 . along
2 . into
3. turn right
4. left
5. opposite
1 . didn't buy, bought 2 . didn't eat, ate
3. didn't go, went
4. didn't make, made
Matching activity
6 . Where
6 1. They're Lucy's
2 . must
3. must
4. mustn't
5. must
6 . must
7. mustn't
3. mice
Test 1-3
5. dance
Quiz 9
Matching activity
I. W h a t 2. W h o 3. How 4. W hose 5. W hen
1. w alk 2. isn't reading 3. Are they watching
4. Do you play
l.w e re 2. w as 3. were 4. were 5. w as
1. They were at the gym yesterday.
2. He w as at the fair yesterday.
3. He w asn't in the forest yesterday.
4. He w as at the circus yesterday.
5. They weren't at the pool yesterday.
1. No, I w asn't / we weren't
2. No, she w asn't
3. Yes, they were
4. Yes, he was
5. No, I w a sn 't/ w e weren't
1 1. played 2. listened 3. visited 4. brushed
2 1. paint
2. phone
3. laughed
4. work
Quiz 5
Quiz 7
Quiz 8
Quiz 4
Matching activity
1. fatter than 2. thinner than 3. faster than
4. younger than 5. bigger than
1. the longest 2. the biggest 3. the smallest
4. the slowest 5. the highest 6 . the oldest
3. smallest
4. slower
Test 7-9
1 . home
2 . fair
3. gym
4. bed
5. shops
6 . forest
1 . was, w as
2 . weren't
3. wasn't, w as
4. were
1 . cooked
2 . cleaned
3. watched
4. stayed
4 1. played
2 . didn't eat
3. bought
4. didn't swim
5. cooked
Matching activity
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
1. Read. Then, colour.
Carnivals take place in different parts of the world. People dress up in costumes
and are part of a parade. Hundreds of people stand in the street and watch the
parade. There's music and dancing and everybody has lots of fun!
2. Make a mask of an animal, a witch, a monster etc. and colour it.
You can use the ideas below or your own ideas. Then, guess what
your partner is. Ask, A r e y o u a / a n . . . ? Y e s / N o . . .
April Fool's Day!!!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • •
• • • • •
• • •
• • • • • •
1. Read.
Do you enjoy jokes? Do you Like playing tricks on peopLe?
Well, April Fool's Day is the day of jokes and tricks!
It's on the 1st of ApriL. So, WATCH OUT because somebody
can play a trick on you, too!
2. Read
and say the poem.
s time for a joke,
Ifs time for a game,
Ifs time to play a trick
Ifs time to laugh,
Ifs time to say...
Ha, ha! April Fool’s
3« Read.The first three pictures are in order. N um ber the rest of the
pictures 4-6. Then, colour.
I'm so happylToday, I'm
having a party! M y friends
are coming over and my
mum's making biscuits!
Mum, are
the biscuits
I'm sorry dear! I
have a Lot of work
and I can't make
Sorry, Paul but
we can't come to
your party.
Z o o ^ fn 4
Teacher’s B o o k
H.Q. MitcheLL - S. Parker
Published by: M M P u b lication s
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ISBN: 978-960-379-290-1
C 1 606001009-11679
is an innovative primary English course for children, it aims
to guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative
Learning environment.
The Teacher’s book contains:
• Nine four-page units divided into two lessons corresponding
to the Student's Book
• Further practice on grammar and vocabulary through
reading and writing tasks, as well as communication and
personalised activities
• Fun activities (games, crosswords, grids and magazine pages)
• Three revision units
• A self-evaluation section
• Zoom in on Celebrations
Course Components:
• Student's Book
• Full-colour Workbook with Student’s
audio C D and C D -R O M
• Teacher's Resource Book
• Tests
• Class C D s
• Flashcards
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